
     1  ---
     2  title: "Docker commands"
     3  description: "Docker's CLI command description and usage"
     4  keywords: "Docker, Docker documentation, CLI, command line"
     5  identifier: "smn_cli_guide"
     6  ---
     8  # The Docker commands
    10  This section contains reference information on using Docker's command line
    11  client. Each command has a reference page along with samples. If you are
    12  unfamiliar with the command line, you should start by reading about how to [Use
    13  the Docker command line](
    15  You start the Docker daemon with the command line. How you start the daemon
    16  affects your Docker containers. For that reason you should also make sure to
    17  read the [`dockerd`]( reference page.
    19  ## Commands by object
    21  ### Docker management commands
    23  | Command                           | Description                                          |
    24  | :-------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------- |
    25  | [dockerd](../          | Launch the Docker daemon                             |
    26  | [inspect](             | Return low-level information on a container or image |
    27  | [system events]( | Get real-time events from the server                 |
    28  | [system info](     | Display system-wide information                      |
    29  | [version](             | Show the Docker version information                  |
    31  ### Image commands
    33  | Command                           | Description                                                     |
    34  | :-------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------- |
    35  | [image build](     | Build an image from a Dockerfile                                |
    36  | [image commit](   | Create a new image from a container's changes                   |
    37  | [image history]( | Show the history of an image                                    |
    38  | [image import](   | Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image |
    39  | [image load](       | Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN                       |
    40  | [image ls](           | List images                                                     |
    41  | [image prune](     | Remove unused images                                            |
    42  | [image rm](           | Remove one or more images                                       |
    43  | [image save](       | Save images to a tar archive                                    |
    44  | [image tag](         | Tag an image into a repository                                  |
    46  ### Container commands
    48  | Command                                   | Description                                                     |
    49  | :---------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------- |
    50  | [container attach](   | Attach to a running container                                   |
    51  | [container cp](           | Copy files/folders from a container to a HOSTDIR or to STDOUT   |
    52  | [container create](   | Create a new container                                          |
    53  | [container diff](       | Inspect changes on a container's filesystem                     |
    54  | [container exec](       | Execute a command in a running container                        |
    55  | [container export](   | Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive                |
    56  | [container kill](       | Kill a running container                                        |
    57  | [container logs](       | Fetch the logs of a container                                   |
    58  | [container ls](           | List containers                                                 |
    59  | [container pause](     | Pause all processes within a container                          |
    60  | [container port](       | List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container      |
    61  | [container prune](     | Remove all stopped containers                                   |
    62  | [container rename](   | Rename a container                                              |
    63  | [container restart]( | Restart a running container                                     |
    64  | [container rm](           | Remove one or more containers                                   |
    65  | [container run](         | Create and run a new container from an image                    |
    66  | [container start](     | Start one or more stopped containers                            |
    67  | [container stats](     | Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics |
    68  | [container stop](       | Stop a running container                                        |
    69  | [container top](         | Display the running processes of a container                    |
    70  | [container unpause]( | Unpause all processes within a container                        |
    71  | [container update](   | Update configuration of one or more containers                  |
    72  | [container wait](       | Block until a container stops, then print its exit code         |
    74  ### Hub and registry commands
    76  | Command             | Description                       |
    77  | :------------------ | :-------------------------------- |
    78  | [login](   | Log in to a registry              |
    79  | [logout]( | Log out from a registry           |
    80  | [pull](     | Download an image from a registry |
    81  | [push](     | Upload an image to a registry     |
    82  | [search]( | Search Docker Hub for images      |
    84  ### Network and connectivity commands
    86  | Command                                     | Description                                            |
    87  | :------------------------------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------- |
    88  | [network connect](       | Connect a container to a network                       |
    89  | [network create](         | Create a new network                                   |
    90  | [network disconnect]( | Disconnect a container from a network                  |
    91  | [network inspect](       | Display information about a network                    |
    92  | [network ls](                 | Lists all the networks the Engine `daemon` knows about |
    93  | [network prune](           | Remove all unused networks                             |
    94  | [network rm](                 | Removes one or more networks                           |
    96  ### Shared data volume commands
    98  | Command                             | Description                                                      |
    99  | :---------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------- |
   100  | [volume create](   | Creates a new volume where containers can consume and store data |
   101  | [volume inspect]( | Display information about a volume                               |
   102  | [volume ls](           | Lists all the volumes Docker knows about                         |
   103  | [volume prune](     | Remove unused local volumes                                      |
   104  | [volume rm](           | Remove one or more volumes                                       |
   106  ### Swarm node commands
   108  | Command                         | Description                                                   |
   109  | :------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------ |
   110  | [node demote](   | Demotes an existing manager so that it is no longer a manager |
   111  | [node inspect]( | Inspect a node in the swarm                                   |
   112  | [node ls](           | List nodes in the swarm                                       |
   113  | [node promote]( | Promote a node that is pending a promotion to manager         |
   114  | [node ps](           | List tasks running on one or more nodes                       |
   115  | [node rm](           | Remove one or more nodes from the swarm                       |
   116  | [node update](   | Update attributes for a node                                  |
   118  ### Swarm management commands
   120  | Command                                 | Description                                   |
   121  | :-------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------- |
   122  | [swarm init](             | Initialize a swarm                            |
   123  | [swarm join-token]( | Display or rotate join tokens                 |
   124  | [swarm join](             | Join a swarm as a manager node or worker node |
   125  | [swarm leave](           | Remove the current node from the swarm        |
   126  | [swarm unlock-key]( | Manage the unlock key                         |
   127  | [swarm unlock](         | Unlock swarm                                  |
   128  | [swarm update](         | Update attributes of a swarm                  |
   130  ### Swarm service commands
   132  | Command                               | Description                                                     |
   133  | :------------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------- |
   134  | [service create](   | Create a new service                                            |
   135  | [service inspect]( | Inspect a service                                               |
   136  | [service logs](       | Fetch the logs of a service or task                             |
   137  | [service ls](           | List services in the swarm                                      |
   138  | [service ps](           | List the tasks of a service                                     |
   139  | [service rm](           | Remove a service from the swarm                                 |
   140  | [service scale](     | Set the number of replicas for the desired state of the service |
   141  | [service update](   | Update the attributes of a service                              |
   143  ### Swarm secret commands
   145  | Command                              | Description                                     |
   146  | :----------------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------- |
   147  | [secret create](    | Create a secret from a file or STDIN as content |
   148  | [secret inspect]( | Inspect the specified secret                    |
   149  | [secret ls](            | List secrets in the swarm                       |
   150  | [secret rm](            | Remove the specified secrets from the swarm     |
   152  ### Swarm stack commands
   154  | Command                             | Description                                             |
   155  | :---------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------ |
   156  | [stack config](     | Output the Compose file after merges and interpolations |
   157  | [stack deploy](     | Deploy a new stack or update an existing stack          |
   158  | [stack ls](             | List stacks in the swarm                                |
   159  | [stack ps](             | List the tasks in the stack                             |
   160  | [stack rm](             | Remove the stack from the swarm                         |
   161  | [stack services]( | List the services in the stack                          |
   163  ### Plugin commands
   165  | Command                             | Description                                     |
   166  | :---------------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------- |
   167  | [plugin create](   | Create a plugin from a rootfs and configuration |
   168  | [plugin disable]( | Disable a plugin                                |
   169  | [plugin enable](   | Enable a plugin                                 |
   170  | [plugin inspect]( | Display detailed information on a plugin        |
   171  | [plugin install]( | Install a plugin                                |
   172  | [plugin ls](           | List plugins                                    |
   173  | [plugin push](       | Push a plugin to a registry                     |
   174  | [plugin rm](           | Remove a plugin                                 |
   175  | [plugin set](         | Change settings for a plugin                    |
   177  ### Context commands
   179  | Command                               | Description                    |
   180  | :------------------------------------ | :----------------------------- |
   181  | [context create](   | Create a context               |
   182  | [context export](   | Export a context               |
   183  | [context import](   | Import a context               |
   184  | [context inspect]( | Inspect one or more contexts   |
   185  | [context ls](           | List contexts                  |
   186  | [context rm](           | Remove one or more contexts    |
   187  | [context update](   | Update a context               |
   188  | [context use](         | Set the current docker context |