
     1  pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
     3  import "./PermissionsUpgradable.sol";
     5  /** @title Account manager contract
     6    * @notice This contract holds implementation logic for all account management
     7      functionality. This can be called only by the implementation contract only.
     8      there are few view functions exposed as public and can be called directly.
     9      these are invoked by quorum for populating permissions data in cache
    10    * @dev account status is denoted by a fixed integer value. The values are
    11      as below:
    12          0 - Not in list
    13          1 - Account pending approval
    14          2 - Active
    15          3 - Inactive
    16          4 - Suspended
    17          5 - Blacklisted
    18          6 - Revoked
    19          7 - Recovery Initiated for blacklisted accounts and pending approval
    20              from network admins
    21       Once the account is blacklisted no further activity on the account is
    22       possible.
    23       When adding a new org admin account to an existing org, the existing org
    24       admin account will be in revoked status and can be assigned a new role
    25       later
    26    */
    27  contract AccountManager {
    28      PermissionsUpgradable private permUpgradable;
    29      struct AccountAccessDetails {
    30          address account;
    31          string orgId;
    32          string role;
    33          uint status;
    34          bool orgAdmin;
    35      }
    37      AccountAccessDetails[] private accountAccessList;
    38      mapping(address => uint) private accountIndex;
    39      uint private numAccounts;
    41      string private adminRole;
    42      string private orgAdminRole;
    44      mapping(bytes32 => address) private orgAdminIndex;
    46      // account permission events
    47      event AccountAccessModified(address _account, string _orgId, string _roleId, bool _orgAdmin, uint _status);
    48      event AccountAccessRevoked(address _account, string _orgId, string _roleId, bool _orgAdmin);
    49      event AccountStatusChanged(address _account, string _orgId, uint _status);
    51      /** @notice confirms that the caller is the address of implementation
    52          contract
    53        */
    54      modifier onlyImplementation {
    55          require(msg.sender == permUpgradable.getPermImpl(), "invalid caller");
    56          _;
    57      }
    59      /** @notice checks if the account is exists and belongs to the org id passed
    60        * @param _orgId - org id
    61        * @param _account - account id
    62        */
    63      modifier accountExists(string memory _orgId, address _account) {
    64          require((accountIndex[_account]) != 0, "account does not exists");
    65          require(keccak256(abi.encode(accountAccessList[_getAccountIndex(_account)].orgId)) == keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId)), "account in different org");
    66          _;
    67      }
    69      /// @notice constructor. sets the permissions upgradable address
    70      constructor (address _permUpgradable) public {
    71          permUpgradable = PermissionsUpgradable(_permUpgradable);
    72      }
    75      /** @notice returns the account details for a given account
    76        * @param _account account id
    77        * @return account id
    78        * @return org id of the account
    79        * @return role linked to the account
    80        * @return status of the account
    81        * @return bool indicating if the account is an org admin
    82        */
    83      function getAccountDetails(address _account) external view returns (address,
    84          string memory, string memory, uint, bool){
    85          if (accountIndex[_account] == 0) {
    86              return (_account, "NONE", "", 0, false);
    87          }
    88          uint aIndex = _getAccountIndex(_account);
    89          return (accountAccessList[aIndex].account, accountAccessList[aIndex].orgId,
    90          accountAccessList[aIndex].role, accountAccessList[aIndex].status,
    91          accountAccessList[aIndex].orgAdmin);
    92      }
    94      /** @notice returns the account details a given account index
    95        * @param  _aIndex account index
    96        * @return account id
    97        * @return org id of the account
    98        * @return role linked to the account
    99        * @return status of the account
   100        * @return bool indicating if the account is an org admin
   101        */
   102      function getAccountDetailsFromIndex(uint _aIndex) external view returns
   103      (address, string memory, string memory, uint, bool) {
   104          return (accountAccessList[_aIndex].account,
   105          accountAccessList[_aIndex].orgId, accountAccessList[_aIndex].role,
   106          accountAccessList[_aIndex].status, accountAccessList[_aIndex].orgAdmin);
   107      }
   109      /** @notice returns the total number of accounts
   110        * @return total number accounts
   111        */
   112      function getNumberOfAccounts() external view returns (uint) {
   113          return accountAccessList.length;
   114      }
   116      /** @notice this is called at the time of network initialization to set
   117          the default values of network admin and org admin roles
   118        */
   119      function setDefaults(string calldata _nwAdminRole, string calldata _oAdminRole)
   120      external onlyImplementation {
   121          adminRole = _nwAdminRole;
   122          orgAdminRole = _oAdminRole;
   123      }
   125      /** @notice this function is called to assign the org admin or network
   126          admin roles only to the passed account
   127        * @param _account - account id
   128        * @param _orgId - org to which it belongs
   129        * @param _roleId - role id to be assigned
   130        * @param _status - account status to be assigned
   131        */
   132      function assignAdminRole(address _account, string calldata _orgId,
   133          string calldata _roleId, uint _status) external onlyImplementation {
   134          require(((keccak256(abi.encode(_roleId)) == keccak256(abi.encode(orgAdminRole))) ||
   135          (keccak256(abi.encode(_roleId)) == keccak256(abi.encode(adminRole)))),
   136              "can be called to assign admin roles only");
   138          _setAccountRole(_account, _orgId, _roleId, _status, true);
   140      }
   142      /** @notice this function is called to assign the any role to the passed
   143          account.
   144        * @param _account - account id
   145        * @param _orgId - org to which it belongs
   146        * @param _roleId - role id to be assigned
   147        * @param _adminRole - indicates of the role is an admin role
   148        */
   149      function assignAccountRole(address _account, string calldata _orgId,
   150          string calldata _roleId, bool _adminRole) external onlyImplementation {
   151          require(((keccak256(abi.encode(_roleId)) != keccak256(abi.encode(adminRole)))
   152          && (keccak256(abi.encode(abi.encode(_roleId))) != keccak256(abi.encode(orgAdminRole)))),
   153              "cannot be called fro assigning org admin and network admin roles");
   154          _setAccountRole(_account, _orgId, _roleId, 2, _adminRole);
   155      }
   157      /** @notice this function removes existing admin account. will be called at
   158          the time of adding a new account as org admin account. at org
   159          level there can be one org admin account only
   160        * @param _orgId - org id
   161        * @return bool to indicate if voter update is required or not
   162        * @return _adminRole - indicates of the role is an admin role
   163        */
   164      function removeExistingAdmin(string calldata _orgId) external
   165      onlyImplementation
   166      returns (bool voterUpdate, address account) {
   167          // change the status of existing org admin to revoked
   168          if (orgAdminExists(_orgId)) {
   169              uint id = _getAccountIndex(orgAdminIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId))]);
   170              accountAccessList[id].status = 6;
   171              accountAccessList[id].orgAdmin = false;
   172              emit AccountAccessModified(accountAccessList[id].account,
   173                  accountAccessList[id].orgId, accountAccessList[id].role,
   174                  accountAccessList[id].orgAdmin, accountAccessList[id].status);
   175              return ((keccak256(abi.encode(accountAccessList[id].role)) == keccak256(abi.encode(adminRole))),
   176              accountAccessList[id].account);
   177          }
   178          return (false, address(0));
   179      }
   181      /** @notice function to add an account as network admin or org admin.
   182        * @param _orgId - org id
   183        * @param _account - account id
   184        * @return bool to indicate if voter update is required or not
   185        */
   186      function addNewAdmin(string calldata _orgId, address _account) external
   187      onlyImplementation
   188      returns (bool voterUpdate) {
   189          // check of the account role is org admin role and status is pending
   190          // approval. if yes update the status to approved
   191          string memory role = getAccountRole(_account);
   192          uint status = _getAccountStatus(_account);
   193          uint id = _getAccountIndex(_account);
   194          if ((keccak256(abi.encode(role)) == keccak256(abi.encode(orgAdminRole))) &&
   195              (status == 1)) {
   196              orgAdminIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId))] = _account;
   197          }
   198          accountAccessList[id].status = 2;
   199          accountAccessList[id].orgAdmin = true;
   200          emit AccountAccessModified(_account, accountAccessList[id].orgId, accountAccessList[id].role,
   201              accountAccessList[id].orgAdmin, accountAccessList[id].status);
   202          return (keccak256(abi.encode(accountAccessList[id].role)) == keccak256(abi.encode(adminRole)));
   203      }
   205      /** @notice updates the account status to the passed status value
   206        * @param _orgId - org id
   207        * @param _account - account id
   208        * @param _action - new status of the account
   209        * @dev the following actions are allowed
   210              1 - Suspend the account
   211              2 - Reactivate a suspended account
   212              3 - Blacklist an account
   213              4 - Initiate recovery for black listed account
   214              5 - Complete recovery of black listed account and update status to active
   215        */
   216      function updateAccountStatus(string calldata _orgId, address _account, uint _action) external
   217      onlyImplementation
   218      accountExists(_orgId, _account) {
   219          require((_action > 0 && _action < 6), "invalid status change request");
   221          // check if the account is org admin. if yes then do not allow any status change
   222          require(checkOrgAdmin(_account, _orgId, "") != true, "status change not possible for org admin accounts");
   223          uint newStatus;
   224          if (_action == 1) {
   225              // for suspending an account current status should be active
   226              require(accountAccessList[_getAccountIndex(_account)].status == 2,
   227                  "account is not in active status. operation cannot be done");
   228              newStatus = 4;
   229          }
   230          else if (_action == 2) {
   231              // for reactivating a suspended account, current status should be suspended
   232              require(accountAccessList[_getAccountIndex(_account)].status == 4,
   233                  "account is not in suspended status. operation cannot be done");
   234              newStatus = 2;
   235          }
   236          else if (_action == 3) {
   237              require(accountAccessList[_getAccountIndex(_account)].status != 5,
   238                  "account is already blacklisted. operation cannot be done");
   239              newStatus = 5;
   240          }
   241          else if (_action == 4) {
   242              require(accountAccessList[_getAccountIndex(_account)].status == 5,
   243                  "account is not blacklisted. operation cannot be done");
   244              newStatus = 7;
   245          }
   246          else if (_action == 5) {
   247              require(accountAccessList[_getAccountIndex(_account)].status == 7, "account recovery not initiated. operation cannot be done");
   248              newStatus = 2;
   249          }
   251          accountAccessList[_getAccountIndex(_account)].status = newStatus;
   252          emit AccountStatusChanged(_account, _orgId, newStatus);
   253      }
   255      /** @notice checks if the passed account exists and if exists does it
   256          belong to the passed organization.
   257        * @param _account - account id
   258        * @param _orgId - org id
   259        * @return bool true if the account does not exists or exists and belongs
   260        * @return passed org
   261        */
   262      function validateAccount(address _account, string calldata _orgId) external
   263      view returns (bool){
   264          if (accountIndex[_account] == 0) {
   265              return true;
   266          }
   267          uint256 id = _getAccountIndex(_account);
   268          return (keccak256(abi.encode(accountAccessList[id].orgId)) == keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId)));
   269      }
   271      /** @notice checks if org admin account exists for the passed org id
   272        * @param _orgId - org id
   273        * @return true if the org admin account exists and is approved
   274        */
   275      function orgAdminExists(string memory _orgId) public view returns (bool) {
   276          if (orgAdminIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId))] != address(0)) {
   277              address adminAcct = orgAdminIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId))];
   278              return _getAccountStatus(adminAcct) == 2;
   279          }
   280          return false;
   282      }
   284      /** @notice returns the role id linked to the passed account
   285        * @param _account account id
   286        * @return role id
   287        */
   288      function getAccountRole(address _account) public view returns (string memory) {
   289          if (accountIndex[_account] == 0) {
   290              return "NONE";
   291          }
   292          uint256 acctIndex = _getAccountIndex(_account);
   293          if (accountAccessList[acctIndex].status != 0) {
   294              return accountAccessList[acctIndex].role;
   295          }
   296          else {
   297              return "NONE";
   298          }
   299      }
   301      /** @notice checks if the account is a org admin for the passed org or
   302          for the ultimate parent organization
   303        * @param _account account id
   304        * @param _orgId org id
   305        * @param _ultParent master org id or
   306        */
   307      function checkOrgAdmin(address _account, string memory _orgId,
   308          string memory _ultParent) public view returns (bool) {
   309          // check if the account role is network admin. If yes return success
   310          if (keccak256(abi.encode(getAccountRole(_account))) == keccak256(abi.encode(adminRole))) {
   311              // check of the orgid is network admin org. then return true
   312              uint256 id = _getAccountIndex(_account);
   313              return ((keccak256(abi.encode(accountAccessList[id].orgId)) == keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId)))
   314              || (keccak256(abi.encode(accountAccessList[id].orgId)) == keccak256(abi.encode(_ultParent))));
   315          }
   316          return ((orgAdminIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_orgId))] == _account) || (orgAdminIndex[keccak256(abi.encode(_ultParent))] == _account));
   317      }
   319      /** @notice returns the index for a given account id
   320        * @param _account account id
   321        * @return account index
   322        */
   323      function _getAccountIndex(address _account) internal view returns (uint256) {
   324          return accountIndex[_account] - 1;
   325      }
   327      /** @notice returns the account status for a given account
   328        * @param _account account id
   329        * @return account status
   330        */
   331      function _getAccountStatus(address _account) internal view returns (uint256) {
   332          if (accountIndex[_account] == 0) {
   333              return 0;
   334          }
   335          uint256 aIndex = _getAccountIndex(_account);
   336          return (accountAccessList[aIndex].status);
   337      }
   339      /** @notice sets the account role to the passed role id and sets the status
   340        * @param _account account id
   341        * @param _orgId org id
   342        * @param _status status to be set
   343        * @param _oAdmin bool to indicate if account is org admin
   344        */
   345      function _setAccountRole(address _account, string memory _orgId,
   346          string memory _roleId, uint256 _status, bool _oAdmin) internal onlyImplementation {
   347          // Check if account already exists
   348          uint256 aIndex = _getAccountIndex(_account);
   349          if (accountIndex[_account] != 0) {
   350              accountAccessList[aIndex].role = _roleId;
   351              accountAccessList[aIndex].status = _status;
   352              accountAccessList[aIndex].orgAdmin = _oAdmin;
   353          }
   354          else {
   355              numAccounts ++;
   356              accountIndex[_account] = numAccounts;
   357              accountAccessList.push(AccountAccessDetails(_account, _orgId,
   358                  _roleId, _status, _oAdmin));
   359          }
   360          emit AccountAccessModified(_account, _orgId, _roleId, _oAdmin, _status);
   361      }
   362  }