
     1  package ssh
     3  import (
     4  	"bufio"
     5  	"bytes"
     6  	"errors"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"io"
     9  	"io/ioutil"
    10  	"log"
    11  	"math/rand"
    12  	"net"
    13  	"os"
    14  	"path/filepath"
    15  	"strconv"
    16  	"strings"
    17  	"sync"
    18  	"time"
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  const (
    27  	// DefaultShebang is added at the top of a SSH script file
    28  	DefaultShebang = "#!/bin/sh\n"
    29  )
    31  // randShared is a global random generator object that is shared.
    32  // This must be shared since it is seeded by the current time and
    33  // creating multiple can result in the same values. By using a shared
    34  // RNG we assure different numbers per call.
    35  var randLock sync.Mutex
    36  var randShared *rand.Rand
    38  // Communicator represents the SSH communicator
    39  type Communicator struct {
    40  	connInfo *connectionInfo
    41  	client   *ssh.Client
    42  	config   *sshConfig
    43  	conn     net.Conn
    44  	address  string
    46  	lock sync.Mutex
    47  }
    49  type sshConfig struct {
    50  	// The configuration of the Go SSH connection
    51  	config *ssh.ClientConfig
    53  	// connection returns a new connection. The current connection
    54  	// in use will be closed as part of the Close method, or in the
    55  	// case an error occurs.
    56  	connection func() (net.Conn, error)
    58  	// noPty, if true, will not request a pty from the remote end.
    59  	noPty bool
    61  	// sshAgent is a struct surrounding the agent.Agent client and the net.Conn
    62  	// to the SSH Agent. It is nil if no SSH agent is configured
    63  	sshAgent *sshAgent
    64  }
    66  type fatalError struct {
    67  	error
    68  }
    70  func (e fatalError) FatalError() error {
    71  	return e.error
    72  }
    74  // New creates a new communicator implementation over SSH.
    75  func New(s *terraform.InstanceState) (*Communicator, error) {
    76  	connInfo, err := parseConnectionInfo(s)
    77  	if err != nil {
    78  		return nil, err
    79  	}
    81  	config, err := prepareSSHConfig(connInfo)
    82  	if err != nil {
    83  		return nil, err
    84  	}
    86  	// Setup the random number generator once. The seed value is the
    87  	// time multiplied by the PID. This can overflow the int64 but that
    88  	// is okay. We multiply by the PID in case we have multiple processes
    89  	// grabbing this at the same time. This is possible with Terraform and
    90  	// if we communicate to the same host at the same instance, we could
    91  	// overwrite the same files. Multiplying by the PID prevents this.
    92  	randLock.Lock()
    93  	defer randLock.Unlock()
    94  	if randShared == nil {
    95  		randShared = rand.New(rand.NewSource(
    96  			time.Now().UnixNano() * int64(os.Getpid())))
    97  	}
    99  	comm := &Communicator{
   100  		connInfo: connInfo,
   101  		config:   config,
   102  	}
   104  	return comm, nil
   105  }
   107  // Connect implementation of communicator.Communicator interface
   108  func (c *Communicator) Connect(o terraform.UIOutput) (err error) {
   109  	// Grab a lock so we can modify our internal attributes
   110  	c.lock.Lock()
   111  	defer c.lock.Unlock()
   113  	if c.conn != nil {
   114  		c.conn.Close()
   115  	}
   117  	// Set the conn and client to nil since we'll recreate it
   118  	c.conn = nil
   119  	c.client = nil
   121  	if o != nil {
   122  		o.Output(fmt.Sprintf(
   123  			"Connecting to remote host via SSH...\n"+
   124  				"  Host: %s\n"+
   125  				"  User: %s\n"+
   126  				"  Password: %t\n"+
   127  				"  Private key: %t\n"+
   128  				"  SSH Agent: %t\n"+
   129  				"  Checking Host Key: %t",
   130  			c.connInfo.Host, c.connInfo.User,
   131  			c.connInfo.Password != "",
   132  			c.connInfo.PrivateKey != "",
   133  			c.connInfo.Agent,
   134  			c.connInfo.HostKey != "",
   135  		))
   137  		if c.connInfo.BastionHost != "" {
   138  			o.Output(fmt.Sprintf(
   139  				"Using configured bastion host...\n"+
   140  					"  Host: %s\n"+
   141  					"  User: %s\n"+
   142  					"  Password: %t\n"+
   143  					"  Private key: %t\n"+
   144  					"  SSH Agent: %t\n"+
   145  					"  Checking Host Key: %t",
   146  				c.connInfo.BastionHost, c.connInfo.BastionUser,
   147  				c.connInfo.BastionPassword != "",
   148  				c.connInfo.BastionPrivateKey != "",
   149  				c.connInfo.Agent,
   150  				c.connInfo.BastionHostKey != "",
   151  			))
   152  		}
   153  	}
   155  	log.Printf("connecting to TCP connection for SSH")
   156  	c.conn, err = c.config.connection()
   157  	if err != nil {
   158  		// Explicitly set this to the REAL nil. Connection() can return
   159  		// a nil implementation of net.Conn which will make the
   160  		// "if c.conn == nil" check fail above. Read here for more information
   161  		// on this psychotic language feature:
   162  		//
   163  		//
   164  		c.conn = nil
   166  		log.Printf("connection error: %s", err)
   167  		return err
   168  	}
   170  	log.Printf("handshaking with SSH")
   171  	host := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.connInfo.Host, c.connInfo.Port)
   172  	sshConn, sshChan, req, err := ssh.NewClientConn(c.conn, host, c.config.config)
   173  	if err != nil {
   174  		log.Printf("fatal handshake error: %s", err)
   175  		return fatalError{err}
   176  	}
   178  	c.client = ssh.NewClient(sshConn, sshChan, req)
   180  	if c.config.sshAgent != nil {
   181  		log.Printf("[DEBUG] Telling SSH config to forward to agent")
   182  		if err := c.config.sshAgent.ForwardToAgent(c.client); err != nil {
   183  			return fatalError{err}
   184  		}
   186  		log.Printf("[DEBUG] Setting up a session to request agent forwarding")
   187  		session, err := c.newSession()
   188  		if err != nil {
   189  			return err
   190  		}
   191  		defer session.Close()
   193  		err = agent.RequestAgentForwarding(session)
   195  		if err == nil {
   196  			log.Printf("[INFO] agent forwarding enabled")
   197  		} else {
   198  			log.Printf("[WARN] error forwarding agent: %s", err)
   199  		}
   200  	}
   202  	if o != nil {
   203  		o.Output("Connected!")
   204  	}
   206  	return err
   207  }
   209  // Disconnect implementation of communicator.Communicator interface
   210  func (c *Communicator) Disconnect() error {
   211  	c.lock.Lock()
   212  	defer c.lock.Unlock()
   214  	if c.config.sshAgent != nil {
   215  		if err := c.config.sshAgent.Close(); err != nil {
   216  			return err
   217  		}
   218  	}
   220  	if c.conn != nil {
   221  		conn := c.conn
   222  		c.conn = nil
   223  		return conn.Close()
   224  	}
   226  	return nil
   227  }
   229  // Timeout implementation of communicator.Communicator interface
   230  func (c *Communicator) Timeout() time.Duration {
   231  	return c.connInfo.TimeoutVal
   232  }
   234  // ScriptPath implementation of communicator.Communicator interface
   235  func (c *Communicator) ScriptPath() string {
   236  	randLock.Lock()
   237  	defer randLock.Unlock()
   239  	return strings.Replace(
   240  		c.connInfo.ScriptPath, "%RAND%",
   241  		strconv.FormatInt(int64(randShared.Int31()), 10), -1)
   242  }
   244  // Start implementation of communicator.Communicator interface
   245  func (c *Communicator) Start(cmd *remote.Cmd) error {
   246  	session, err := c.newSession()
   247  	if err != nil {
   248  		return err
   249  	}
   251  	// Setup our session
   252  	session.Stdin = cmd.Stdin
   253  	session.Stdout = cmd.Stdout
   254  	session.Stderr = cmd.Stderr
   256  	if !c.config.noPty {
   257  		// Request a PTY
   258  		termModes := ssh.TerminalModes{
   259  			ssh.ECHO:          0,     // do not echo
   260  			ssh.TTY_OP_ISPEED: 14400, // input speed = 14.4kbaud
   261  			ssh.TTY_OP_OSPEED: 14400, // output speed = 14.4kbaud
   262  		}
   264  		if err := session.RequestPty("xterm", 80, 40, termModes); err != nil {
   265  			return err
   266  		}
   267  	}
   269  	log.Printf("starting remote command: %s", cmd.Command)
   270  	err = session.Start(cmd.Command + "\n")
   271  	if err != nil {
   272  		return err
   273  	}
   275  	// Start a goroutine to wait for the session to end and set the
   276  	// exit boolean and status.
   277  	go func() {
   278  		defer session.Close()
   280  		err := session.Wait()
   281  		exitStatus := 0
   282  		if err != nil {
   283  			exitErr, ok := err.(*ssh.ExitError)
   284  			if ok {
   285  				exitStatus = exitErr.ExitStatus()
   286  			}
   287  		}
   289  		log.Printf("remote command exited with '%d': %s", exitStatus, cmd.Command)
   290  		cmd.SetExited(exitStatus)
   291  	}()
   293  	return nil
   294  }
   296  // Upload implementation of communicator.Communicator interface
   297  func (c *Communicator) Upload(path string, input io.Reader) error {
   298  	// The target directory and file for talking the SCP protocol
   299  	targetDir := filepath.Dir(path)
   300  	targetFile := filepath.Base(path)
   302  	// On windows, filepath.Dir uses backslash separators (ie. "\tmp").
   303  	// This does not work when the target host is unix.  Switch to forward slash
   304  	// which works for unix and windows
   305  	targetDir = filepath.ToSlash(targetDir)
   307  	// Skip copying if we can get the file size directly from common io.Readers
   308  	size := int64(0)
   310  	switch src := input.(type) {
   311  	case *os.File:
   312  		fi, err := src.Stat()
   313  		if err != nil {
   314  			size = fi.Size()
   315  		}
   316  	case *bytes.Buffer:
   317  		size = int64(src.Len())
   318  	case *bytes.Reader:
   319  		size = int64(src.Len())
   320  	case *strings.Reader:
   321  		size = int64(src.Len())
   322  	}
   324  	scpFunc := func(w io.Writer, stdoutR *bufio.Reader) error {
   325  		return scpUploadFile(targetFile, input, w, stdoutR, size)
   326  	}
   328  	return c.scpSession("scp -vt "+targetDir, scpFunc)
   329  }
   331  // UploadScript implementation of communicator.Communicator interface
   332  func (c *Communicator) UploadScript(path string, input io.Reader) error {
   333  	reader := bufio.NewReader(input)
   334  	prefix, err := reader.Peek(2)
   335  	if err != nil {
   336  		return fmt.Errorf("Error reading script: %s", err)
   337  	}
   339  	var script bytes.Buffer
   340  	if string(prefix) != "#!" {
   341  		script.WriteString(DefaultShebang)
   342  	}
   344  	script.ReadFrom(reader)
   345  	if err := c.Upload(path, &script); err != nil {
   346  		return err
   347  	}
   349  	var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
   350  	cmd := &remote.Cmd{
   351  		Command: fmt.Sprintf("chmod 0777 %s", path),
   352  		Stdout:  &stdout,
   353  		Stderr:  &stderr,
   354  	}
   355  	if err := c.Start(cmd); err != nil {
   356  		return fmt.Errorf(
   357  			"Error chmodding script file to 0777 in remote "+
   358  				"machine: %s", err)
   359  	}
   360  	cmd.Wait()
   361  	if cmd.ExitStatus != 0 {
   362  		return fmt.Errorf(
   363  			"Error chmodding script file to 0777 in remote "+
   364  				"machine %d: %s %s", cmd.ExitStatus, stdout.String(), stderr.String())
   365  	}
   367  	return nil
   368  }
   370  // UploadDir implementation of communicator.Communicator interface
   371  func (c *Communicator) UploadDir(dst string, src string) error {
   372  	log.Printf("Uploading dir '%s' to '%s'", src, dst)
   373  	scpFunc := func(w io.Writer, r *bufio.Reader) error {
   374  		uploadEntries := func() error {
   375  			f, err := os.Open(src)
   376  			if err != nil {
   377  				return err
   378  			}
   379  			defer f.Close()
   381  			entries, err := f.Readdir(-1)
   382  			if err != nil {
   383  				return err
   384  			}
   386  			return scpUploadDir(src, entries, w, r)
   387  		}
   389  		if src[len(src)-1] != '/' {
   390  			log.Printf("No trailing slash, creating the source directory name")
   391  			return scpUploadDirProtocol(filepath.Base(src), w, r, uploadEntries)
   392  		}
   393  		// Trailing slash, so only upload the contents
   394  		return uploadEntries()
   395  	}
   397  	return c.scpSession("scp -rvt "+dst, scpFunc)
   398  }
   400  func (c *Communicator) newSession() (session *ssh.Session, err error) {
   401  	log.Println("opening new ssh session")
   402  	if c.client == nil {
   403  		err = errors.New("client not available")
   404  	} else {
   405  		session, err = c.client.NewSession()
   406  	}
   408  	if err != nil {
   409  		log.Printf("ssh session open error: '%s', attempting reconnect", err)
   410  		if err := c.Connect(nil); err != nil {
   411  			return nil, err
   412  		}
   414  		return c.client.NewSession()
   415  	}
   417  	return session, nil
   418  }
   420  func (c *Communicator) scpSession(scpCommand string, f func(io.Writer, *bufio.Reader) error) error {
   421  	session, err := c.newSession()
   422  	if err != nil {
   423  		return err
   424  	}
   425  	defer session.Close()
   427  	// Get a pipe to stdin so that we can send data down
   428  	stdinW, err := session.StdinPipe()
   429  	if err != nil {
   430  		return err
   431  	}
   433  	// We only want to close once, so we nil w after we close it,
   434  	// and only close in the defer if it hasn't been closed already.
   435  	defer func() {
   436  		if stdinW != nil {
   437  			stdinW.Close()
   438  		}
   439  	}()
   441  	// Get a pipe to stdout so that we can get responses back
   442  	stdoutPipe, err := session.StdoutPipe()
   443  	if err != nil {
   444  		return err
   445  	}
   446  	stdoutR := bufio.NewReader(stdoutPipe)
   448  	// Set stderr to a bytes buffer
   449  	stderr := new(bytes.Buffer)
   450  	session.Stderr = stderr
   452  	// Start the sink mode on the other side
   453  	// TODO(mitchellh): There are probably issues with shell escaping the path
   454  	log.Println("Starting remote scp process: ", scpCommand)
   455  	if err := session.Start(scpCommand); err != nil {
   456  		return err
   457  	}
   459  	// Call our callback that executes in the context of SCP. We ignore
   460  	// EOF errors if they occur because it usually means that SCP prematurely
   461  	// ended on the other side.
   462  	log.Println("Started SCP session, beginning transfers...")
   463  	if err := f(stdinW, stdoutR); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
   464  		return err
   465  	}
   467  	// Close the stdin, which sends an EOF, and then set w to nil so that
   468  	// our defer func doesn't close it again since that is unsafe with
   469  	// the Go SSH package.
   470  	log.Println("SCP session complete, closing stdin pipe.")
   471  	stdinW.Close()
   472  	stdinW = nil
   474  	// Wait for the SCP connection to close, meaning it has consumed all
   475  	// our data and has completed. Or has errored.
   476  	log.Println("Waiting for SSH session to complete.")
   477  	err = session.Wait()
   478  	if err != nil {
   479  		if exitErr, ok := err.(*ssh.ExitError); ok {
   480  			// Otherwise, we have an ExitErorr, meaning we can just read
   481  			// the exit status
   482  			log.Printf(exitErr.String())
   484  			// If we exited with status 127, it means SCP isn't available.
   485  			// Return a more descriptive error for that.
   486  			if exitErr.ExitStatus() == 127 {
   487  				return errors.New(
   488  					"SCP failed to start. This usually means that SCP is not\n" +
   489  						"properly installed on the remote system.")
   490  			}
   491  		}
   493  		return err
   494  	}
   496  	log.Printf("scp stderr (length %d): %s", stderr.Len(), stderr.String())
   497  	return nil
   498  }
   500  // checkSCPStatus checks that a prior command sent to SCP completed
   501  // successfully. If it did not complete successfully, an error will
   502  // be returned.
   503  func checkSCPStatus(r *bufio.Reader) error {
   504  	code, err := r.ReadByte()
   505  	if err != nil {
   506  		return err
   507  	}
   509  	if code != 0 {
   510  		// Treat any non-zero (really 1 and 2) as fatal errors
   511  		message, _, err := r.ReadLine()
   512  		if err != nil {
   513  			return fmt.Errorf("Error reading error message: %s", err)
   514  		}
   516  		return errors.New(string(message))
   517  	}
   519  	return nil
   520  }
   522  func scpUploadFile(dst string, src io.Reader, w io.Writer, r *bufio.Reader, size int64) error {
   523  	if size == 0 {
   524  		// Create a temporary file where we can copy the contents of the src
   525  		// so that we can determine the length, since SCP is length-prefixed.
   526  		tf, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "terraform-upload")
   527  		if err != nil {
   528  			return fmt.Errorf("Error creating temporary file for upload: %s", err)
   529  		}
   530  		defer os.Remove(tf.Name())
   531  		defer tf.Close()
   533  		log.Println("Copying input data into temporary file so we can read the length")
   534  		if _, err := io.Copy(tf, src); err != nil {
   535  			return err
   536  		}
   538  		// Sync the file so that the contents are definitely on disk, then
   539  		// read the length of it.
   540  		if err := tf.Sync(); err != nil {
   541  			return fmt.Errorf("Error creating temporary file for upload: %s", err)
   542  		}
   544  		// Seek the file to the beginning so we can re-read all of it
   545  		if _, err := tf.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
   546  			return fmt.Errorf("Error creating temporary file for upload: %s", err)
   547  		}
   549  		fi, err := tf.Stat()
   550  		if err != nil {
   551  			return fmt.Errorf("Error creating temporary file for upload: %s", err)
   552  		}
   554  		src = tf
   555  		size = fi.Size()
   556  	}
   558  	// Start the protocol
   559  	log.Println("Beginning file upload...")
   560  	fmt.Fprintln(w, "C0644", size, dst)
   561  	if err := checkSCPStatus(r); err != nil {
   562  		return err
   563  	}
   565  	if _, err := io.Copy(w, src); err != nil {
   566  		return err
   567  	}
   569  	fmt.Fprint(w, "\x00")
   570  	if err := checkSCPStatus(r); err != nil {
   571  		return err
   572  	}
   574  	return nil
   575  }
   577  func scpUploadDirProtocol(name string, w io.Writer, r *bufio.Reader, f func() error) error {
   578  	log.Printf("SCP: starting directory upload: %s", name)
   579  	fmt.Fprintln(w, "D0755 0", name)
   580  	err := checkSCPStatus(r)
   581  	if err != nil {
   582  		return err
   583  	}
   585  	if err := f(); err != nil {
   586  		return err
   587  	}
   589  	fmt.Fprintln(w, "E")
   590  	if err != nil {
   591  		return err
   592  	}
   594  	return nil
   595  }
   597  func scpUploadDir(root string, fs []os.FileInfo, w io.Writer, r *bufio.Reader) error {
   598  	for _, fi := range fs {
   599  		realPath := filepath.Join(root, fi.Name())
   601  		// Track if this is actually a symlink to a directory. If it is
   602  		// a symlink to a file we don't do any special behavior because uploading
   603  		// a file just works. If it is a directory, we need to know so we
   604  		// treat it as such.
   605  		isSymlinkToDir := false
   606  		if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
   607  			symPath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(realPath)
   608  			if err != nil {
   609  				return err
   610  			}
   612  			symFi, err := os.Lstat(symPath)
   613  			if err != nil {
   614  				return err
   615  			}
   617  			isSymlinkToDir = symFi.IsDir()
   618  		}
   620  		if !fi.IsDir() && !isSymlinkToDir {
   621  			// It is a regular file (or symlink to a file), just upload it
   622  			f, err := os.Open(realPath)
   623  			if err != nil {
   624  				return err
   625  			}
   627  			err = func() error {
   628  				defer f.Close()
   629  				return scpUploadFile(fi.Name(), f, w, r, fi.Size())
   630  			}()
   632  			if err != nil {
   633  				return err
   634  			}
   636  			continue
   637  		}
   639  		// It is a directory, recursively upload
   640  		err := scpUploadDirProtocol(fi.Name(), w, r, func() error {
   641  			f, err := os.Open(realPath)
   642  			if err != nil {
   643  				return err
   644  			}
   645  			defer f.Close()
   647  			entries, err := f.Readdir(-1)
   648  			if err != nil {
   649  				return err
   650  			}
   652  			return scpUploadDir(realPath, entries, w, r)
   653  		})
   654  		if err != nil {
   655  			return err
   656  		}
   657  	}
   659  	return nil
   660  }
   662  // ConnectFunc is a convenience method for returning a function
   663  // that just uses net.Dial to communicate with the remote end that
   664  // is suitable for use with the SSH communicator configuration.
   665  func ConnectFunc(network, addr string) func() (net.Conn, error) {
   666  	return func() (net.Conn, error) {
   667  		c, err := net.DialTimeout(network, addr, 15*time.Second)
   668  		if err != nil {
   669  			return nil, err
   670  		}
   672  		if tcpConn, ok := c.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
   673  			tcpConn.SetKeepAlive(true)
   674  		}
   676  		return c, nil
   677  	}
   678  }
   680  // BastionConnectFunc is a convenience method for returning a function
   681  // that connects to a host over a bastion connection.
   682  func BastionConnectFunc(
   683  	bProto string,
   684  	bAddr string,
   685  	bConf *ssh.ClientConfig,
   686  	proto string,
   687  	addr string) func() (net.Conn, error) {
   688  	return func() (net.Conn, error) {
   689  		log.Printf("[DEBUG] Connecting to bastion: %s", bAddr)
   690  		bastion, err := ssh.Dial(bProto, bAddr, bConf)
   691  		if err != nil {
   692  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error connecting to bastion: %s", err)
   693  		}
   695  		log.Printf("[DEBUG] Connecting via bastion (%s) to host: %s", bAddr, addr)
   696  		conn, err := bastion.Dial(proto, addr)
   697  		if err != nil {
   698  			bastion.Close()
   699  			return nil, err
   700  		}
   702  		// Wrap it up so we close both things properly
   703  		return &bastionConn{
   704  			Conn:    conn,
   705  			Bastion: bastion,
   706  		}, nil
   707  	}
   708  }
   710  type bastionConn struct {
   711  	net.Conn
   712  	Bastion *ssh.Client
   713  }
   715  func (c *bastionConn) Close() error {
   716  	c.Conn.Close()
   717  	return c.Bastion.Close()
   718  }