
     1  // Modifications Copyright 2019 The klaytn Authors
     2  // Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
     3  // This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
     4  //
     5  // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     6  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     7  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     8  // (at your option) any later version.
     9  //
    10  // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    11  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    13  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    14  //
    15  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    16  // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
    17  //
    18  // This file is derived from quorum/consensus/istanbul/validator/default.go (2018/06/04).
    19  // Modified and improved for the klaytn development.
    21  package validator
    23  import (
    24  	"errors"
    25  	"fmt"
    26  	"math"
    27  	"math/big"
    28  	"math/rand"
    29  	"reflect"
    30  	"sort"
    31  	"strconv"
    32  	"strings"
    33  	"sync"
    34  	"sync/atomic"
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  )
    44  type weightedValidator struct {
    45  	address common.Address
    47  	rewardAddress atomic.Value
    48  	votingPower   uint64 // TODO-Klaytn-Issue1336 This should be updated for governance implementation
    49  	weight        uint64
    50  }
    52  func (val *weightedValidator) Address() common.Address {
    53  	return val.address
    54  }
    56  func (val *weightedValidator) String() string {
    57  	return val.Address().String()
    58  }
    60  func (val *weightedValidator) Equal(val2 *weightedValidator) bool {
    61  	return val.address == val2.address
    62  }
    64  func (val *weightedValidator) Hash() int64 {
    65  	return val.address.Hash().Big().Int64()
    66  }
    68  func (val *weightedValidator) RewardAddress() common.Address {
    69  	rewardAddress := val.rewardAddress.Load()
    70  	if rewardAddress == nil {
    71  		return common.Address{}
    72  	}
    73  	return rewardAddress.(common.Address)
    74  }
    76  func (val *weightedValidator) SetRewardAddress(rewardAddress common.Address) {
    77  	val.rewardAddress.Store(rewardAddress)
    78  }
    80  func (val *weightedValidator) VotingPower() uint64 {
    81  	return val.votingPower
    82  }
    84  func (val *weightedValidator) Weight() uint64 {
    85  	return atomic.LoadUint64(&val.weight)
    86  }
    88  func newWeightedValidator(addr common.Address, reward common.Address, votingpower uint64, weight uint64) istanbul.Validator {
    89  	weightedValidator := &weightedValidator{
    90  		address:     addr,
    91  		votingPower: votingpower,
    92  		weight:      weight,
    93  	}
    94  	weightedValidator.SetRewardAddress(reward)
    95  	return weightedValidator
    96  }
    98  type weightedCouncil struct {
    99  	subSize           uint64
   100  	demotedValidators istanbul.Validators // validators staking KLAYs less than minimum, and not in committee/proposers
   101  	validators        istanbul.Validators // validators staking KLAYs more than and equals to minimum, and in committee/proposers
   102  	policy            istanbul.ProposerPolicy
   104  	proposer    atomic.Value // istanbul.Validator
   105  	validatorMu sync.RWMutex // this validator mutex protects concurrent usage of validators and demotedValidators
   106  	selector    istanbul.ProposalSelector
   108  	// TODO-Klaytn-Governance proposers means that the proposers for next block, so refactor it.
   109  	// proposers are determined on a specific block, but it can be removed after votes.
   110  	proposers         []istanbul.Validator
   111  	proposersBlockNum uint64 // block number when proposers is determined
   113  	stakingInfo *reward.StakingInfo
   115  	blockNum uint64 // block number when council is determined
   116  	mixHash  []byte // mixHash at blockNum
   117  }
   119  func RecoverWeightedCouncilProposer(valSet istanbul.ValidatorSet, proposerAddrs []common.Address) {
   120  	weightedCouncil, ok := valSet.(*weightedCouncil)
   121  	if !ok {
   122  		logger.Error("Not weightedCouncil type. Return without recovering.")
   123  		return
   124  	}
   126  	proposers := []istanbul.Validator{}
   128  	for i, proposerAddr := range proposerAddrs {
   129  		_, val := weightedCouncil.GetByAddress(proposerAddr)
   130  		if val == nil {
   131  			logger.Error("Proposer is not available now.", "proposer address", proposerAddr)
   132  		}
   133  		proposers = append(proposers, val)
   135  		// TODO-Klaytn-Issue1166 Disable Trace log later
   136  		logger.Trace("RecoverWeightedCouncilProposer() proposers", "i", i, "address", val.Address().String())
   137  	}
   138  	weightedCouncil.proposers = proposers
   139  }
   141  func NewWeightedCouncil(addrs []common.Address, demotedAddrs []common.Address, rewards []common.Address, votingPowers []uint64, weights []uint64, policy istanbul.ProposerPolicy, committeeSize uint64, blockNum uint64, proposersBlockNum uint64, chain consensus.ChainReader) *weightedCouncil {
   142  	if policy != istanbul.WeightedRandom {
   143  		logger.Error("unsupported proposer policy for weighted council", "policy", policy)
   144  		return nil
   145  	}
   147  	valSet := &weightedCouncil{}
   148  	valSet.policy = policy
   150  	// prepare rewards if necessary
   151  	if rewards == nil {
   152  		rewards = make([]common.Address, len(addrs))
   153  		for i := range addrs {
   154  			rewards[i] = common.Address{}
   155  		}
   156  	}
   158  	// prepare weights if necessary
   159  	if weights == nil {
   160  		// initialize with 0 weight.
   161  		weights = make([]uint64, len(addrs))
   162  	}
   164  	// prepare votingPowers if necessary
   165  	if votingPowers == nil {
   166  		votingPowers = make([]uint64, len(addrs))
   167  		if chain == nil {
   168  			logger.Crit("Requires chain to initialize voting powers.")
   169  		}
   171  		//stateDB, err := chain.State()
   172  		//if err != nil {
   173  		//	logger.Crit("Failed to get statedb from chain.")
   174  		//}
   176  		for i := range addrs {
   177  			// TODO-Klaytn-TokenEconomy: Use default value until the formula to calculate votingpower released
   178  			votingPowers[i] = 1000
   179  			//staking := stateDB.GetBalance(addr)
   180  			//if staking.Cmp(common.Big0) == 0 {
   181  			//	votingPowers[i] = 1
   182  			//} else {
   183  			//	votingPowers[i] = 2
   184  			//}
   185  		}
   186  	}
   188  	if len(addrs) != len(rewards) ||
   189  		len(addrs) != len(votingPowers) ||
   190  		len(addrs) != len(weights) {
   191  		logger.Error("incomplete information for weighted council", "num addrs", len(addrs), "num rewards", len(rewards), "num votingPowers", len(votingPowers), "num weights", len(weights))
   192  		return nil
   193  	}
   195  	// init validators
   196  	valSet.validators = make([]istanbul.Validator, len(addrs))
   197  	for i, addr := range addrs {
   198  		valSet.validators[i] = newWeightedValidator(addr, rewards[i], votingPowers[i], weights[i])
   199  	}
   201  	// sort validators
   202  	sort.Sort(valSet.validators)
   204  	// init demoted validators
   205  	valSet.demotedValidators = make([]istanbul.Validator, len(demotedAddrs))
   206  	for i, addr := range demotedAddrs {
   207  		valSet.demotedValidators[i] = newWeightedValidator(addr, common.Address{}, 1000, 0)
   208  	}
   210  	// sort demoted validators
   211  	sort.Sort(valSet.demotedValidators)
   213  	// init proposer
   214  	if valSet.Size() > 0 {
   215  		valSet.proposer.Store(valSet.GetByIndex(0))
   216  	}
   217  	valSet.SetSubGroupSize(committeeSize)
   218  	valSet.selector = weightedRandomProposer
   220  	valSet.blockNum = blockNum
   221  	valSet.proposers = make([]istanbul.Validator, len(addrs))
   222  	copy(valSet.proposers, valSet.validators)
   223  	valSet.proposersBlockNum = proposersBlockNum
   225  	logger.Trace("Allocate new weightedCouncil", "weightedCouncil", valSet)
   227  	return valSet
   228  }
   230  func GetWeightedCouncilData(valSet istanbul.ValidatorSet) (validators []common.Address, demotedValidators []common.Address, rewardAddrs []common.Address, votingPowers []uint64, weights []uint64, proposers []common.Address, proposersBlockNum uint64, mixHash []byte) {
   231  	weightedCouncil, ok := valSet.(*weightedCouncil)
   232  	if !ok {
   233  		logger.Error("not weightedCouncil type.")
   234  		return
   235  	}
   237  	if weightedCouncil.Policy() == istanbul.WeightedRandom {
   238  		numVals := len(weightedCouncil.validators)
   239  		validators = make([]common.Address, numVals)
   240  		rewardAddrs = make([]common.Address, numVals)
   241  		votingPowers = make([]uint64, numVals)
   242  		weights = make([]uint64, numVals)
   243  		for i, val := range weightedCouncil.List() {
   244  			weightedVal := val.(*weightedValidator)
   245  			validators[i] = weightedVal.address
   246  			rewardAddrs[i] = weightedVal.RewardAddress()
   247  			votingPowers[i] = weightedVal.votingPower
   248  			weights[i] = atomic.LoadUint64(&weightedVal.weight)
   249  		}
   251  		numDemoted := len(weightedCouncil.demotedValidators)
   252  		demotedValidators = make([]common.Address, numDemoted)
   253  		for i, val := range weightedCouncil.demotedValidators {
   254  			demotedValidators[i] = val.Address()
   255  		}
   257  		proposers = make([]common.Address, len(weightedCouncil.proposers))
   258  		for i, proposer := range weightedCouncil.proposers {
   259  			proposers[i] = proposer.Address()
   260  		}
   261  		proposersBlockNum = weightedCouncil.proposersBlockNum
   262  		mixHash = weightedCouncil.mixHash
   263  	} else {
   264  		logger.Error("invalid proposer policy for weightedCouncil")
   265  	}
   266  	return
   267  }
   269  func weightedRandomProposer(valSet istanbul.ValidatorSet, lastProposer common.Address, round uint64) istanbul.Validator {
   270  	weightedCouncil, ok := valSet.(*weightedCouncil)
   271  	if !ok {
   272  		logger.Error("weightedRandomProposer() Not weightedCouncil type.")
   273  		return nil
   274  	}
   276  	rules := fork.Rules(new(big.Int).SetUint64(weightedCouncil.blockNum + 1))
   277  	// After Randao: Select one from ValidatorSet using MixHash as a seed.
   278  	if rules.IsRandao {
   279  		if weightedCouncil.mixHash == nil {
   280  			logger.Error("no mixHash", "number", weightedCouncil.blockNum)
   281  			return nil
   282  		}
   283  		// def proposer_selector(validators, committee_size, round, seed):
   284  		// select_committee_KIP146(validators, committee_size, seed)[round % len(validators)]
   285  		committee := SelectRandaoCommittee(weightedCouncil.List(), weightedCouncil.subSize, weightedCouncil.mixHash)
   286  		return committee[round%uint64(len(committee))]
   287  	}
   289  	// Before Randao: Select one from the pre-shuffled `proposers[]` with a round-robin algorithm.
   290  	numProposers := len(weightedCouncil.proposers)
   291  	if numProposers == 0 {
   292  		logger.Error("weightedRandomProposer() No available proposers.")
   293  		return nil
   294  	}
   296  	// At Refresh(), proposers is already randomly shuffled considering weights.
   297  	// So let's just round robin this array
   298  	blockNum := weightedCouncil.blockNum
   299  	picker := (blockNum + round - params.CalcProposerBlockNumber(blockNum+1)) % uint64(numProposers)
   300  	proposer := weightedCouncil.proposers[picker]
   302  	// Enable below more detailed log when debugging
   303  	// logger.Trace("Select a proposer using weighted random", "proposer", proposer.String(), "picker", picker, "blockNum of council", blockNum, "round", round, "blockNum of proposers updated", weightedCouncil.proposersBlockNum, "number of proposers", numProposers, "all proposers", weightedCouncil.proposers)
   305  	return proposer
   306  }
   308  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) Size() uint64 {
   309  	valSet.validatorMu.RLock()
   310  	defer valSet.validatorMu.RUnlock()
   311  	return uint64(len(valSet.validators))
   312  }
   314  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) SubGroupSize() uint64 {
   315  	return valSet.subSize
   316  }
   318  // SetSubGroupSize sets committee size of the valSet.
   319  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) SetSubGroupSize(size uint64) {
   320  	if size == 0 {
   321  		logger.Error("cannot assign committee size to 0")
   322  		return
   323  	}
   324  	valSet.subSize = size
   325  }
   327  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) List() []istanbul.Validator {
   328  	valSet.validatorMu.RLock()
   329  	defer valSet.validatorMu.RUnlock()
   330  	return valSet.validators
   331  }
   333  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) DemotedList() []istanbul.Validator {
   334  	valSet.validatorMu.RLock()
   335  	defer valSet.validatorMu.RUnlock()
   336  	return valSet.demotedValidators
   337  }
   339  // SubList composes a committee after setting a proposer with a default value.
   340  // This functions returns whole validators if it failed to compose a committee.
   341  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) SubList(prevHash common.Hash, view *istanbul.View) []istanbul.Validator {
   342  	// TODO-Klaytn-Istanbul: investigate whether `valSet.GetProposer().Address()` is a proper value
   343  	// TODO-Klaytn-Istanbul: or the proposer should be calculated based on `view`
   344  	return valSet.SubListWithProposer(prevHash, valSet.GetProposer().Address(), view)
   345  }
   347  // SubListWithProposer composes a committee with given parameters.
   348  // The first member of the committee is set to the given proposer without calculating proposer with the given `view`.
   349  // The second member of the committee is calculated with a round number of the given view and `valSet.blockNum`.
   350  // The reset of the committee is selected with a random seed derived from `prevHash`.
   351  // This functions returns whole validators if it failed to compose a committee.
   352  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) SubListWithProposer(prevHash common.Hash, proposerAddr common.Address, view *istanbul.View) []istanbul.Validator {
   353  	valSet.validatorMu.RLock()
   354  	defer valSet.validatorMu.RUnlock()
   356  	validators := valSet.validators
   357  	validatorSize := uint64(len(validators))
   358  	committeeSize := valSet.subSize
   360  	// return early if the committee size is equal or larger than the validator size
   361  	if committeeSize >= validatorSize {
   362  		return validators
   363  	}
   365  	// find the proposer
   366  	proposerIdx, proposer := valSet.getByAddress(proposerAddr)
   367  	if proposerIdx < 0 {
   368  		logger.Error("invalid index of the proposer",
   369  			"addr", proposerAddr.String(), "index", proposerIdx)
   370  		return validators
   371  	}
   373  	// return early if the committee size is 1
   374  	if committeeSize == 1 {
   375  		return []istanbul.Validator{proposer}
   376  	}
   378  	// After Randao: SelectRandaoCommittee
   379  	if fork.Rules(view.Sequence).IsRandao {
   380  		// This committee must include proposers for all rounds because
   381  		// the proposer is picked from the this committee. See weightedRandomProposer().
   382  		if valSet.mixHash == nil {
   383  			logger.Error("no mixHash", "number", valSet.blockNum)
   384  			return nil
   385  		}
   386  		// def select_committee_KIP146(validators, committee_size, seed):
   387  		// shuffled = shuffle_validators_KIP146(validators, seed)
   388  		// return shuffled[:min(committee_size, len(validators))]
   389  		return SelectRandaoCommittee(validators, committeeSize, valSet.mixHash)
   390  	}
   392  	// Before Randao: SelectRandomCommittee, but the first two members are proposer and next proposer
   393  	// find the next proposer
   394  	var nextProposer istanbul.Validator
   395  	idx := uint64(1)
   396  	for {
   397  		// ensure finishing this loop
   398  		if idx > params.ProposerUpdateInterval() {
   399  			logger.Error("failed to find the next proposer", "validatorSize", validatorSize,
   400  				"proposer", proposer.Address().String(), "validatorAddrs", validators.AddressStringList())
   401  			return validators
   402  		}
   403  		nextProposer = valSet.selector(valSet, proposerAddr, view.Round.Uint64()+idx)
   404  		if proposer.Address() != nextProposer.Address() {
   405  			break
   406  		}
   407  		idx++
   408  	}
   409  	nextProposerIdx, _ := valSet.getByAddress(nextProposer.Address())
   410  	if nextProposerIdx < 0 {
   411  		logger.Error("invalid index of the next proposer",
   412  			"addr", nextProposer.Address().String(), "index", nextProposerIdx)
   413  		return validators
   414  	}
   416  	// seed will be used to select a random committee
   417  	seed, err := ConvertHashToSeed(prevHash)
   418  	if fork.Rules(view.Sequence).IsIstanbul {
   419  		seed += view.Round.Int64()
   420  	}
   421  	if err != nil {
   422  		logger.Error("failed to convert hash to seed", "prevHash", prevHash, "err", err)
   423  		return validators
   424  	}
   426  	// select a random committee
   427  	committee := SelectRandomCommittee(validators, committeeSize, seed, proposerIdx, nextProposerIdx)
   428  	if committee == nil {
   429  		committee = validators
   430  	}
   432  	logger.Trace("composed committee", "valSet.Number", valSet.blockNum, "prevHash", prevHash.Hex(),
   433  		"proposerAddr", proposerAddr, "committee", committee, "committee size", len(committee), "valSet.subSize", committeeSize)
   435  	return committee
   436  }
   438  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) CheckInSubList(prevHash common.Hash, view *istanbul.View, addr common.Address) bool {
   439  	for _, val := range valSet.SubList(prevHash, view) {
   440  		if val.Address() == addr {
   441  			return true
   442  		}
   443  	}
   444  	return false
   445  }
   447  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) IsSubSet() bool {
   448  	// TODO-Klaytn-RemoveLater We don't use this interface anymore. Eventually let's remove this function from ValidatorSet interface.
   449  	return valSet.Size() > valSet.subSize
   450  }
   452  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) GetByIndex(i uint64) istanbul.Validator {
   453  	valSet.validatorMu.RLock()
   454  	defer valSet.validatorMu.RUnlock()
   455  	if i < uint64(len(valSet.validators)) {
   456  		return valSet.validators[i]
   457  	}
   458  	return nil
   459  }
   461  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) getByAddress(addr common.Address) (int, istanbul.Validator) {
   462  	for i, val := range valSet.validators {
   463  		if addr == val.Address() {
   464  			return i, val
   465  		}
   466  	}
   467  	// TODO-Klaytn-Istanbul: Enable this log when non-committee nodes don't call `core.startNewRound()`
   468  	/*logger.Warn("failed to find an address in the validator list",
   469  	"address", addr, "validatorAddrs", valSet.validators.AddressStringList())*/
   470  	return -1, nil
   471  }
   473  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) getDemotedByAddress(addr common.Address) (int, istanbul.Validator) {
   474  	for i, val := range valSet.demotedValidators {
   475  		if addr == val.Address() {
   476  			return i, val
   477  		}
   478  	}
   479  	return -1, nil
   480  }
   482  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) GetByAddress(addr common.Address) (int, istanbul.Validator) {
   483  	valSet.validatorMu.RLock()
   484  	defer valSet.validatorMu.RUnlock()
   485  	return valSet.getByAddress(addr)
   486  }
   488  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) GetDemotedByAddress(addr common.Address) (int, istanbul.Validator) {
   489  	valSet.validatorMu.RLock()
   490  	defer valSet.validatorMu.RUnlock()
   491  	return valSet.getDemotedByAddress(addr)
   492  }
   494  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) GetProposer() istanbul.Validator {
   495  	// TODO-Klaytn-Istanbul: nil check for valSet.proposer is needed
   496  	// logger.Trace("GetProposer()", "proposer", valSet.proposer)
   497  	return valSet.proposer.Load().(istanbul.Validator)
   498  }
   500  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) IsProposer(address common.Address) bool {
   501  	_, val := valSet.GetByAddress(address)
   502  	return reflect.DeepEqual(valSet.GetProposer(), val)
   503  }
   505  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) chooseProposerByRoundRobin(lastProposer common.Address, round uint64) istanbul.Validator {
   506  	seed := uint64(0)
   507  	if emptyAddress(lastProposer) {
   508  		seed = round
   509  	} else {
   510  		offset := 0
   511  		if idx, val := valSet.getByAddress(lastProposer); val != nil {
   512  			offset = idx
   513  		}
   514  		seed = uint64(offset) + round
   515  	}
   516  	pick := seed % uint64(len(valSet.validators))
   517  	return valSet.validators[pick]
   518  }
   520  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) CalcProposer(lastProposer common.Address, round uint64) {
   521  	valSet.validatorMu.RLock()
   522  	defer valSet.validatorMu.RUnlock()
   524  	newProposer := valSet.selector(valSet, lastProposer, round)
   525  	if newProposer == nil {
   526  		if len(valSet.validators) == 0 {
   527  			// TODO-Klaytn We must make a policy about the mininum number of validators, which can prevent this case.
   528  			logger.Error("NO VALIDATOR! Use lastProposer as a workaround")
   529  			newProposer = newWeightedValidator(lastProposer, common.Address{}, 0, 0)
   530  		} else {
   531  			logger.Warn("Failed to select a new proposer, thus fall back to roundRobinProposer")
   532  			newProposer = valSet.chooseProposerByRoundRobin(lastProposer, round)
   533  		}
   534  	}
   536  	logger.Debug("Update a proposer", "old", valSet.proposer, "new", newProposer, "last proposer", lastProposer.String(), "round", round, "blockNum of council", valSet.blockNum, "blockNum of proposers", valSet.proposersBlockNum)
   537  	valSet.proposer.Store(newProposer)
   538  }
   540  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) AddValidator(address common.Address) bool {
   541  	valSet.validatorMu.Lock()
   542  	defer valSet.validatorMu.Unlock()
   543  	for _, v := range valSet.validators {
   544  		if v.Address() == address {
   545  			return false
   546  		}
   547  	}
   548  	for _, v := range valSet.demotedValidators {
   549  		if v.Address() == address {
   550  			return false
   551  		}
   552  	}
   554  	// TODO-Klaytn-Governance the new validator is added on validators only and demoted after `Refresh` method. It is better to update here if it is demoted ones.
   555  	// TODO-Klaytn-Issue1336 Update for governance implementation. How to determine initial value for rewardAddress and votingPower ?
   556  	valSet.validators = append(valSet.validators, newWeightedValidator(address, common.Address{}, 1000, 0))
   558  	// sort validator
   559  	sort.Sort(valSet.validators)
   560  	return true
   561  }
   563  // removeValidatorFromProposers makes new candidate proposers by removing a validator with given address from existing proposers.
   564  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) removeValidatorFromProposers(address common.Address) {
   565  	newProposers := make([]istanbul.Validator, 0, len(valSet.proposers))
   567  	for _, v := range valSet.proposers {
   568  		if v.Address() != address {
   569  			newProposers = append(newProposers, v)
   570  		}
   571  	}
   573  	valSet.proposers = newProposers
   574  }
   576  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) RemoveValidator(address common.Address) bool {
   577  	valSet.validatorMu.Lock()
   578  	defer valSet.validatorMu.Unlock()
   580  	for i, v := range valSet.validators {
   581  		if v.Address() == address {
   582  			valSet.validators = append(valSet.validators[:i], valSet.validators[i+1:]...)
   583  			valSet.removeValidatorFromProposers(address)
   584  			return true
   585  		}
   586  	}
   587  	for i, v := range valSet.demotedValidators {
   588  		if v.Address() == address {
   589  			valSet.demotedValidators = append(valSet.demotedValidators[:i], valSet.demotedValidators[i+1:]...)
   590  			return true
   591  		}
   592  	}
   593  	return false
   594  }
   596  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) ReplaceValidators(vals []istanbul.Validator) bool {
   597  	valSet.validatorMu.Lock()
   598  	defer valSet.validatorMu.Unlock()
   600  	valSet.validators = istanbul.Validators(make([]istanbul.Validator, len(vals)))
   601  	copy(valSet.validators, istanbul.Validators(vals))
   602  	return true
   603  }
   605  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) GetValidators() []istanbul.Validator {
   606  	return valSet.validators
   607  }
   609  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) Copy() istanbul.ValidatorSet {
   610  	valSet.validatorMu.RLock()
   611  	defer valSet.validatorMu.RUnlock()
   613  	newWeightedCouncil := weightedCouncil{
   614  		subSize:           valSet.subSize,
   615  		policy:            valSet.policy,
   616  		proposer:          valSet.proposer,
   617  		selector:          valSet.selector,
   618  		stakingInfo:       valSet.stakingInfo,
   619  		proposersBlockNum: valSet.proposersBlockNum,
   620  		blockNum:          valSet.blockNum,
   621  	}
   622  	newWeightedCouncil.validators = make([]istanbul.Validator, len(valSet.validators))
   623  	copy(newWeightedCouncil.validators, valSet.validators)
   625  	newWeightedCouncil.demotedValidators = make([]istanbul.Validator, len(valSet.demotedValidators))
   626  	copy(newWeightedCouncil.demotedValidators, valSet.demotedValidators)
   628  	newWeightedCouncil.proposers = make([]istanbul.Validator, len(valSet.proposers))
   629  	copy(newWeightedCouncil.proposers, valSet.proposers)
   631  	newWeightedCouncil.mixHash = make([]byte, len(valSet.mixHash))
   632  	copy(newWeightedCouncil.mixHash, valSet.mixHash)
   634  	return &newWeightedCouncil
   635  }
   637  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) F() int {
   638  	if valSet.Size() > valSet.subSize {
   639  		return int(math.Ceil(float64(valSet.subSize)/3)) - 1
   640  	} else {
   641  		return int(math.Ceil(float64(valSet.Size())/3)) - 1
   642  	}
   643  }
   645  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) Policy() istanbul.ProposerPolicy { return valSet.policy }
   647  // Refresh recalculates up-to-date proposers only when blockNum is the proposer update interval.
   648  // It returns an error if it can't make up-to-date proposers
   649  // - due to wrong parameters
   650  // - due to lack of staking information
   651  // It returns no error when weightedCouncil:
   652  // - already has up-do-date proposers
   653  // - successfully calculated up-do-date proposers
   654  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) Refresh(hash common.Hash, blockNum uint64, config *params.ChainConfig, isSingle bool, governingNode common.Address, minStaking uint64) error {
   655  	// TODO-Klaytn-Governance divide the following logic into two parts: proposers update / validators update
   656  	valSet.validatorMu.Lock()
   657  	defer valSet.validatorMu.Unlock()
   659  	// Check errors
   660  	numValidators := len(valSet.validators)
   661  	if numValidators == 0 {
   662  		return errors.New("No validator")
   663  	}
   665  	hashString := strings.TrimPrefix(hash.Hex(), "0x")
   666  	if len(hashString) > 15 {
   667  		hashString = hashString[:15]
   668  	}
   669  	seed, err := strconv.ParseInt(hashString, 16, 64)
   670  	if err != nil {
   671  		return err
   672  	}
   674  	newStakingInfo := reward.GetStakingInfo(blockNum + 1)
   675  	if newStakingInfo == nil {
   676  		// Just return without updating proposer
   677  		return errors.New("skip refreshing proposers due to no staking info")
   678  	}
   679  	valSet.stakingInfo = newStakingInfo
   681  	blockNumBig := new(big.Int).SetUint64(blockNum)
   682  	chainRules := config.Rules(blockNumBig)
   684  	candidates := append(valSet.validators, valSet.demotedValidators...)
   685  	weightedValidators, stakingAmounts, err := getStakingAmountsOfValidators(candidates, newStakingInfo)
   686  	if err != nil {
   687  		return err
   688  	}
   690  	if chainRules.IsIstanbul {
   691  		var demotedValidators []*weightedValidator
   693  		weightedValidators, stakingAmounts, demotedValidators, _ = filterValidators(isSingle, governingNode, weightedValidators, stakingAmounts, minStaking)
   694  		valSet.setValidators(weightedValidators, demotedValidators)
   695  	}
   697  	if valSet.proposersBlockNum == blockNum {
   698  		// proposers are already refreshed
   699  		return nil
   700  	}
   702  	// weight and gini were neutralized after Kore hard fork
   703  	if chainRules.IsKore {
   704  		setZeroWeight(weightedValidators)
   705  	} else {
   706  		totalStaking, _ := calcTotalAmount(weightedValidators, newStakingInfo, stakingAmounts)
   707  		calcWeight(weightedValidators, stakingAmounts, totalStaking)
   708  	}
   710  	valSet.refreshProposers(seed, blockNum)
   712  	logger.Debug("Refresh done.", "blockNum", blockNum, "hash", hash, "valSet.blockNum", valSet.blockNum, "stakingInfo.BlockNum", valSet.stakingInfo.BlockNum)
   713  	logger.Debug("New proposers calculated", "new proposers", valSet.proposers)
   715  	return nil
   716  }
   718  // setValidators converts weighted validator slice to istanbul.Validators and sets them to the council.
   719  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) setValidators(validators []*weightedValidator, demoted []*weightedValidator) {
   720  	var (
   721  		newValidators istanbul.Validators
   722  		newDemoted    istanbul.Validators
   723  	)
   725  	for _, val := range validators {
   726  		newValidators = append(newValidators, val)
   727  	}
   729  	for _, val := range demoted {
   730  		newDemoted = append(newDemoted, val)
   731  	}
   733  	sort.Sort(newValidators)
   734  	sort.Sort(newDemoted)
   736  	valSet.validators = newValidators
   737  	valSet.demotedValidators = newDemoted
   738  }
   740  // filterValidators divided the given weightedValidators into two group filtered by the minimum amount of staking.
   741  // If governance mode is single, the governing node will always be a validator.
   742  // If no validator has enough KLAYs, all become validators.
   743  func filterValidators(isSingleMode bool, govNodeAddr common.Address, weightedValidators []*weightedValidator, stakingAmounts []float64, minStaking uint64) ([]*weightedValidator, []float64, []*weightedValidator, []float64) {
   744  	var (
   745  		newWeightedValidators []*weightedValidator
   746  		newWeightedDemoted    []*weightedValidator
   747  		govNode               *weightedValidator
   748  		newValidatorsStaking  []float64
   749  		newDemotedStaking     []float64
   750  		govNodeStaking        float64
   751  	)
   752  	for idx, val := range stakingAmounts {
   753  		if isSingleMode && govNodeAddr == weightedValidators[idx].Address() {
   754  			govNode = weightedValidators[idx]
   755  			govNodeStaking = val
   756  		} else if uint64(val) >= minStaking {
   757  			newWeightedValidators = append(newWeightedValidators, weightedValidators[idx])
   758  			newValidatorsStaking = append(newValidatorsStaking, val)
   759  		} else {
   760  			newWeightedDemoted = append(newWeightedDemoted, weightedValidators[idx])
   761  			newDemotedStaking = append(newDemotedStaking, val)
   762  		}
   763  	}
   765  	// when no validator has more than minimum staking amount of KLAYs, all members are in validators
   766  	if len(newWeightedValidators) <= 0 {
   767  		// 1. if governance mode is not single,
   768  		// 2. if governance mode is single and governing node does not have minimum staking amount of KLAYs as well
   769  		if !isSingleMode || uint64(govNodeStaking) < minStaking {
   770  			newWeightedValidators, newValidatorsStaking = newWeightedDemoted, newDemotedStaking
   771  			newWeightedDemoted, newDemotedStaking = []*weightedValidator{}, []float64{}
   772  			logger.Debug("there is no council member staking more than the minimum, so all become validators", "numValidators", len(newWeightedValidators), "isSingleMode", isSingleMode, "govNodeAddr", govNodeAddr, "govNodeStaking", govNodeStaking, "minStaking", minStaking)
   773  		}
   774  	}
   776  	// if the governance mode is single, governing node is added to validators all the time.
   777  	if isSingleMode {
   778  		newWeightedValidators = append(newWeightedValidators, govNode)
   779  		newValidatorsStaking = append(newValidatorsStaking, govNodeStaking)
   780  	}
   781  	return newWeightedValidators, newValidatorsStaking, newWeightedDemoted, newDemotedStaking
   782  }
   784  // getStakingAmountsOfValidators calculates stakingAmounts of validators.
   785  // If validators have multiple staking contracts, stakingAmounts will be a sum of stakingAmounts with the same rewardAddress.
   786  //  - []*weightedValidator : a list of validators which type is converted to weightedValidator
   787  //  - []float64 : a list of stakingAmounts.
   788  func getStakingAmountsOfValidators(validators istanbul.Validators, stakingInfo *reward.StakingInfo) ([]*weightedValidator, []float64, error) {
   789  	nVals := len(validators)
   790  	weightedVals := make([]*weightedValidator, nVals)
   791  	stakingAmounts := make([]float64, nVals)
   793  	for vIdx, val := range validators {
   794  		weightedVal, ok := val.(*weightedValidator)
   795  		if !ok {
   796  			return nil, nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("not weightedValidator. val=%s", val.Address().String()))
   797  		}
   798  		weightedVals[vIdx] = weightedVal
   800  		if cIdx, err := stakingInfo.GetIndexByNodeAddress(weightedVal.address); err == nil {
   801  			valRewardAddr := stakingInfo.CouncilRewardAddrs[cIdx]
   802  			weightedVal.SetRewardAddress(valRewardAddr)
   803  			for rIdx, rewardAddr := range stakingInfo.CouncilRewardAddrs {
   804  				if rewardAddr == valRewardAddr {
   805  					stakingAmounts[vIdx] += float64(stakingInfo.CouncilStakingAmounts[rIdx])
   806  				}
   807  			}
   808  		}
   809  	}
   811  	logger.Debug("stakingAmounts of validators", "validators", weightedVals, "stakingAmounts", stakingAmounts)
   812  	return weightedVals, stakingAmounts, nil
   813  }
   815  // calcTotalAmount calculates totalAmount of stakingAmounts.
   816  // If UseGini is true, gini is reflected to stakingAmounts.
   817  func calcTotalAmount(weightedValidators []*weightedValidator, stakingInfo *reward.StakingInfo, stakingAmounts []float64) (float64, float64) {
   818  	totalStaking := float64(0)
   819  	// stakingInfo.Gini is calculated among all CNs (i.e. AddressBook.cnStakingContracts)
   820  	// But we want the gini calculated among the subset of CNs (i.e. validators)
   821  	gini := reward.DefaultGiniCoefficient
   823  	if len(stakingInfo.CouncilNodeAddrs) == 0 {
   824  		return totalStaking, gini
   825  	}
   827  	if stakingInfo.UseGini {
   828  		var tempStakingAmounts []float64
   829  		for vIdx, val := range weightedValidators {
   830  			_, err := stakingInfo.GetIndexByNodeAddress(val.address)
   831  			if err == nil {
   832  				tempStakingAmounts = append(tempStakingAmounts, stakingAmounts[vIdx])
   833  			}
   834  		}
   835  		gini = reward.CalcGiniCoefficient(tempStakingAmounts)
   837  		for i := range stakingAmounts {
   838  			stakingAmounts[i] = math.Round(math.Pow(stakingAmounts[i], 1.0/(1+gini)))
   839  			totalStaking += stakingAmounts[i]
   840  		}
   841  	} else {
   842  		for _, stakingAmount := range stakingAmounts {
   843  			totalStaking += stakingAmount
   844  		}
   845  	}
   847  	logger.Debug("calculate totalStaking", "UseGini", stakingInfo.UseGini, "Gini", gini, "totalStaking", totalStaking, "stakingAmounts", stakingAmounts)
   848  	return totalStaking, gini
   849  }
   851  // setZeroWeight makes each validator's weight to zero
   852  func setZeroWeight(weightedValidators []*weightedValidator) {
   853  	for _, weightedVal := range weightedValidators {
   854  		atomic.StoreUint64(&weightedVal.weight, 0)
   855  	}
   856  }
   858  // calcWeight updates each validator's weight based on the ratio of its staking amount vs. the total staking amount.
   859  func calcWeight(weightedValidators []*weightedValidator, stakingAmounts []float64, totalStaking float64) {
   860  	localLogger := logger.NewWith()
   861  	if totalStaking > 0 {
   862  		for i, weightedVal := range weightedValidators {
   863  			weight := uint64(math.Round(stakingAmounts[i] * 100 / totalStaking))
   864  			if weight <= 0 {
   865  				// A validator, who holds zero or small stake, has minimum weight, 1.
   866  				weight = 1
   867  			}
   868  			atomic.StoreUint64(&weightedVal.weight, weight)
   869  			localLogger = localLogger.NewWith(weightedVal.String(), weight)
   870  		}
   871  	} else {
   872  		for _, weightedVal := range weightedValidators {
   873  			atomic.StoreUint64(&weightedVal.weight, 0)
   874  			localLogger = localLogger.NewWith(weightedVal.String(), 0)
   875  		}
   876  	}
   877  	localLogger.Debug("calculation weight finished")
   878  }
   880  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) refreshProposers(seed int64, blockNum uint64) {
   881  	var candidateValsIdx []int // This is a slice which stores index of validator. it is used for shuffling
   883  	for index, val := range valSet.validators {
   884  		weight := val.Weight()
   885  		for i := uint64(0); i < weight; i++ {
   886  			candidateValsIdx = append(candidateValsIdx, index)
   887  		}
   888  	}
   890  	if len(candidateValsIdx) == 0 {
   891  		// All validators has zero weight. Let's use all validators as candidate proposers.
   892  		for index := 0; index < len(valSet.validators); index++ {
   893  			candidateValsIdx = append(candidateValsIdx, index)
   894  		}
   895  		logger.Trace("Refresh uses all validators as candidate proposers, because all weight is zero.", "candidateValsIdx", candidateValsIdx)
   896  	}
   898  	proposers := make([]istanbul.Validator, len(candidateValsIdx))
   900  	limit := len(candidateValsIdx)
   901  	picker := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
   903  	// shuffle
   904  	for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
   905  		randIndex := picker.Intn(limit)
   906  		candidateValsIdx[i], candidateValsIdx[randIndex] = candidateValsIdx[randIndex], candidateValsIdx[i]
   907  	}
   909  	for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
   910  		proposers[i] = valSet.validators[candidateValsIdx[i]]
   911  		// Below log is too verbose. Use is only when debugging.
   912  		// logger.Trace("Refresh calculates new proposers", "i", i, "proposers[i]", proposers[i].String())
   913  	}
   915  	valSet.proposers = proposers
   916  	valSet.proposersBlockNum = blockNum
   917  }
   919  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) SetBlockNum(blockNum uint64) {
   920  	valSet.blockNum = blockNum
   921  }
   923  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) SetMixHash(mixHash []byte) {
   924  	valSet.mixHash = mixHash
   925  }
   927  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) Proposers() []istanbul.Validator {
   928  	return valSet.proposers
   929  }
   931  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) TotalVotingPower() uint64 {
   932  	sum := uint64(0)
   933  	for _, v := range valSet.List() {
   934  		sum += v.VotingPower()
   935  	}
   936  	return sum
   937  }
   939  func (valSet *weightedCouncil) Selector(valS istanbul.ValidatorSet, lastProposer common.Address, round uint64) istanbul.Validator {
   940  	return valSet.selector(valS, lastProposer, round)
   941  }