
     1  package votecollector
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"math/rand"
     6  	"sync"
     7  	"testing"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    16  	bootstrapDKG ""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	mockhotstuff ""
    20  	""
    21  	hsig ""
    22  	hotstuffvalidator ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	modulemock ""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	storagemock ""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  )
    35  func TestCombinedVoteProcessorV3(t *testing.T) {
    36  	suite.Run(t, new(CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite))
    37  }
    39  // CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite is a test suite that holds mocked state for isolated testing of CombinedVoteProcessorV3.
    40  type CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite struct {
    41  	VoteProcessorTestSuiteBase
    43  	thresholdTotalWeight atomic.Uint64
    44  	rbSharesTotal        atomic.Uint64
    46  	packer *mockhotstuff.Packer
    48  	rbSigAggregator *mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator
    49  	reconstructor   *mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor
    51  	minRequiredShares uint64
    52  	processor         *CombinedVoteProcessorV3
    53  }
    55  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) SetupTest() {
    56  	s.VoteProcessorTestSuiteBase.SetupTest()
    58  	s.rbSigAggregator = &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
    59  	s.reconstructor = &mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor{}
    60  	s.packer = &mockhotstuff.Packer{}
    61  	s.proposal = helper.MakeProposal()
    63  	s.minRequiredShares = 9 // we require 9 RB shares to reconstruct signature
    64  	s.thresholdTotalWeight, s.rbSharesTotal = atomic.Uint64{}, atomic.Uint64{}
    66  	// setup threshold signature aggregator
    67  	s.rbSigAggregator.On("TrustedAdd", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
    68  		s.thresholdTotalWeight.Add(s.sigWeight)
    69  	}).Return(func(signerID flow.Identifier, sig crypto.Signature) uint64 {
    70  		return s.thresholdTotalWeight.Load()
    71  	}, func(signerID flow.Identifier, sig crypto.Signature) error {
    72  		return nil
    73  	}).Maybe()
    74  	s.rbSigAggregator.On("TotalWeight").Return(func() uint64 {
    75  		return s.thresholdTotalWeight.Load()
    76  	}).Maybe()
    78  	// setup rb reconstructor
    79  	s.reconstructor.On("TrustedAdd", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
    80  		s.rbSharesTotal.Inc()
    81  	}).Return(func(signerID flow.Identifier, sig crypto.Signature) bool {
    82  		return s.rbSharesTotal.Load() >= s.minRequiredShares
    83  	}, func(signerID flow.Identifier, sig crypto.Signature) error {
    84  		return nil
    85  	}).Maybe()
    86  	s.reconstructor.On("EnoughShares").Return(func() bool {
    87  		return s.rbSharesTotal.Load() >= s.minRequiredShares
    88  	}).Maybe()
    90  	s.processor = &CombinedVoteProcessorV3{
    91  		log:               unittest.Logger(),
    92  		block:             s.proposal.Block,
    93  		stakingSigAggtor:  s.stakingAggregator,
    94  		rbSigAggtor:       s.rbSigAggregator,
    95  		rbRector:          s.reconstructor,
    96  		onQCCreated:       s.onQCCreated,
    97  		packer:            s.packer,
    98  		minRequiredWeight: s.minRequiredWeight,
    99  		done:              *atomic.NewBool(false),
   100  	}
   101  }
   103  // TestInitialState tests that Block() and Status() return correct values after calling constructor
   104  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestInitialState() {
   105  	require.Equal(s.T(), s.proposal.Block, s.processor.Block())
   106  	require.Equal(s.T(), hotstuff.VoteCollectorStatusVerifying, s.processor.Status())
   107  }
   109  // TestProcess_VoteNotForProposal tests that CombinedVoteProcessorV3 accepts only votes for the block it was initialized with
   110  // according to interface specification of `VoteProcessor`, we expect dedicated sentinel errors for votes
   111  // for different views (`VoteForIncompatibleViewError`) _or_ block (`VoteForIncompatibleBlockError`).
   112  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestProcess_VoteNotForProposal() {
   113  	err := s.processor.Process(unittest.VoteFixture(unittest.WithVoteView(s.proposal.Block.View)))
   114  	require.ErrorAs(s.T(), err, &VoteForIncompatibleBlockError)
   115  	require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   117  	err = s.processor.Process(unittest.VoteFixture(unittest.WithVoteBlockID(s.proposal.Block.BlockID)))
   118  	require.ErrorAs(s.T(), err, &VoteForIncompatibleViewError)
   119  	require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   121  	s.stakingAggregator.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "Verify")
   122  	s.rbSigAggregator.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "Verify")
   123  }
   125  // TestProcess_InvalidSignatureFormat ensures that we process signatures only with valid format.
   126  // If we have received vote with signature in invalid format we should return with sentinel error
   127  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestProcess_InvalidSignatureFormat() {
   128  	// signature is random in this case
   129  	vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, func(vote *model.Vote) {
   130  		vote.SigData[0] = byte(42)
   131  	})
   132  	err := s.processor.Process(vote)
   133  	require.Error(s.T(), err)
   134  	require.True(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   135  	require.True(s.T(), errors.Is(err, signature.ErrInvalidSignatureFormat), err)
   136  }
   138  // TestProcess_InvalidSignature tests that CombinedVoteProcessorV2 rejects invalid votes for the following scenarios:
   139  //  1. vote containing staking sig
   140  //  2. vote containing random beacon sig
   141  //
   142  // For each scenario, we test two sub-cases:
   143  //   - `SignerID` is not a valid consensus participant;
   144  //   - `SignerID` is valid consensus participant but the signature is cryptographically invalid
   145  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestProcess_InvalidSignature() {
   146  	s.Run("vote with staking-sig", func() {
   147  		// sentinel error from `InvalidSignerError` should be wrapped as `InvalidVoteError`
   148  		voteA := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithStakingSig())
   149  		s.stakingAggregator.On("Verify", voteA.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(model.NewInvalidSignerErrorf("")).Once()
   150  		err := s.processor.Process(voteA)
   151  		require.Error(s.T(), err)
   152  		require.True(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   153  		require.True(s.T(), model.IsInvalidSignerError(err))
   155  		// sentinel error from `ErrInvalidSignature` should be wrapped as `InvalidVoteError`
   156  		voteB := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithStakingSig())
   157  		s.stakingAggregator.On("Verify", voteB.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(model.ErrInvalidSignature).Once()
   158  		err = s.processor.Process(voteB)
   159  		require.Error(s.T(), err)
   160  		require.True(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   161  		require.ErrorAs(s.T(), err, &model.ErrInvalidSignature)
   163  		s.stakingAggregator.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "TrustedAdd")
   164  	})
   166  	s.Run("vote with beacon-sig", func() {
   167  		// sentinel error from `InvalidSignerError` should be wrapped as `InvalidVoteError`
   168  		voteA := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithBeaconSig())
   169  		s.rbSigAggregator.On("Verify", voteA.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(model.NewInvalidSignerErrorf("")).Once()
   170  		err := s.processor.Process(voteA)
   171  		require.Error(s.T(), err)
   172  		require.True(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   173  		require.True(s.T(), model.IsInvalidSignerError(err))
   175  		// sentinel error from `ErrInvalidSignature` should be wrapped as `InvalidVoteError`
   176  		voteB := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithBeaconSig())
   177  		s.rbSigAggregator.On("Verify", voteB.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(model.ErrInvalidSignature).Once()
   178  		err = s.processor.Process(voteB)
   179  		require.Error(s.T(), err)
   180  		require.True(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   181  		require.ErrorAs(s.T(), err, &model.ErrInvalidSignature)
   183  		s.rbSigAggregator.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "TrustedAdd")
   184  		s.reconstructor.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "TrustedAdd")
   185  	})
   187  }
   189  // TestProcess_TrustedAdd_Exception tests that unexpected exceptions returned by
   190  // WeightedSignatureAggregator.Verify(..) are propagated, but _not_ interpreted as invalid votes
   191  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestProcess_Verify_Exception() {
   192  	exception := errors.New("unexpected-exception")
   194  	s.Run("vote with staking-sig", func() {
   195  		stakingVote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithStakingSig())
   196  		s.stakingAggregator.On("Verify", stakingVote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(exception)
   198  		err := s.processor.Process(stakingVote)
   199  		require.ErrorIs(s.T(), err, exception)              // unexpected errors from verifying the vote signature should be propagated
   200  		require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err)) // but not interpreted as an invalid vote
   201  		s.stakingAggregator.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "TrustedAdd")
   202  	})
   204  	s.Run("vote with beacon-sig", func() {
   205  		beaconVote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithBeaconSig())
   206  		s.rbSigAggregator.On("Verify", beaconVote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(exception)
   208  		err := s.processor.Process(beaconVote)
   209  		require.ErrorIs(s.T(), err, exception)              // unexpected errors from verifying the vote signature should be propagated
   210  		require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err)) // but not interpreted as an invalid vote
   211  		s.rbSigAggregator.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "TrustedAdd")
   212  		s.reconstructor.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "TrustedAdd")
   213  	})
   214  }
   216  // TestProcess_TrustedAdd_Exception tests that unexpected exceptions returned by
   217  // WeightedSignatureAggregator.TrustedAdd(..) are _not_ interpreted as invalid votes
   218  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestProcess_TrustedAdd_Exception() {
   219  	exception := errors.New("unexpected-exception")
   220  	s.Run("staking-sig", func() {
   221  		stakingVote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithStakingSig())
   222  		*s.stakingAggregator = mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   223  		s.stakingAggregator.On("Verify", stakingVote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
   224  		s.stakingAggregator.On("TrustedAdd", stakingVote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(uint64(0), exception).Once()
   225  		err := s.processor.Process(stakingVote)
   226  		require.ErrorIs(s.T(), err, exception)
   227  		require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   228  	})
   229  	s.Run("threshold-sig", func() {
   230  		thresholdVote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithBeaconSig())
   231  		*s.rbSigAggregator = mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   232  		*s.reconstructor = mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor{}
   233  		s.rbSigAggregator.On("Verify", thresholdVote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
   234  		s.rbSigAggregator.On("TrustedAdd", thresholdVote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(uint64(0), exception).Once()
   235  		err := s.processor.Process(thresholdVote)
   236  		require.ErrorIs(s.T(), err, exception)
   237  		require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   238  		// test also if reconstructor failed to add it
   239  		s.rbSigAggregator.On("TrustedAdd", thresholdVote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(s.sigWeight, nil).Once()
   240  		s.reconstructor.On("TrustedAdd", thresholdVote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(false, exception).Once()
   241  		err = s.processor.Process(thresholdVote)
   242  		require.ErrorIs(s.T(), err, exception)
   243  		require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   244  	})
   245  }
   247  // TestProcess_BuildQCError tests all error paths during process of building QC.
   248  // Building QC is a one time operation, we need to make sure that failing in one of the steps leads to exception.
   249  // Since it's a one time operation we need a complicated test to test all conditions.
   250  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestProcess_BuildQCError() {
   251  	mockAggregator := func(aggregator *mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator) {
   252  		aggregator.On("Verify", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
   253  		aggregator.On("TrustedAdd", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(s.minRequiredWeight, nil)
   254  		aggregator.On("TotalWeight").Return(s.minRequiredWeight)
   255  	}
   257  	stakingSigAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   258  	thresholdSigAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   259  	reconstructor := &mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor{}
   260  	packer := &mockhotstuff.Packer{}
   262  	identities := unittest.IdentifierListFixture(5)
   264  	// In this test we will mock all dependencies for happy path, and replace some branches with unhappy path
   265  	// to simulate errors along the branches.
   267  	mockAggregator(stakingSigAggregator)
   268  	stakingSigAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(identities, unittest.RandomBytes(128), nil)
   270  	mockAggregator(thresholdSigAggregator)
   271  	thresholdSigAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(identities, unittest.RandomBytes(128), nil)
   273  	reconstructor.On("EnoughShares").Return(true)
   274  	reconstructor.On("Reconstruct").Return(unittest.SignatureFixture(), nil)
   276  	packer.On("Pack", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(identities, unittest.RandomBytes(128), nil)
   278  	// Helper factory function to create processors. We need new processor for every test case
   279  	// because QC creation is one time operation and is triggered as soon as we have collected enough weight and shares.
   280  	createProcessor := func(stakingAggregator *mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator,
   281  		rbSigAggregator *mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator,
   282  		rbReconstructor *mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor,
   283  		packer *mockhotstuff.Packer) *CombinedVoteProcessorV3 {
   284  		return &CombinedVoteProcessorV3{
   285  			log:               unittest.Logger(),
   286  			block:             s.proposal.Block,
   287  			stakingSigAggtor:  stakingAggregator,
   288  			rbSigAggtor:       rbSigAggregator,
   289  			rbRector:          rbReconstructor,
   290  			onQCCreated:       s.onQCCreated,
   291  			packer:            packer,
   292  			minRequiredWeight: s.minRequiredWeight,
   293  			done:              *atomic.NewBool(false),
   294  		}
   295  	}
   297  	vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithStakingSig())
   299  	// in this test case we aren't able to aggregate staking signature
   300  	s.Run("staking-sig-aggregate", func() {
   301  		exception := errors.New("staking-aggregate-exception")
   302  		stakingSigAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   303  		mockAggregator(stakingSigAggregator)
   304  		stakingSigAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(nil, nil, exception)
   305  		processor := createProcessor(stakingSigAggregator, thresholdSigAggregator, reconstructor, packer)
   306  		err := processor.Process(vote)
   307  		require.ErrorIs(s.T(), err, exception)
   308  		require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   309  	})
   310  	// in this test case we aren't able to aggregate threshold signature
   311  	s.Run("threshold-sig-aggregate", func() {
   312  		exception := errors.New("threshold-aggregate-exception")
   313  		thresholdSigAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   314  		mockAggregator(thresholdSigAggregator)
   315  		thresholdSigAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(nil, nil, exception)
   316  		processor := createProcessor(stakingSigAggregator, thresholdSigAggregator, reconstructor, packer)
   317  		err := processor.Process(vote)
   318  		require.ErrorIs(s.T(), err, exception)
   319  		require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   320  	})
   321  	// in this test case we aren't able to reconstruct signature
   322  	s.Run("reconstruct", func() {
   323  		exception := errors.New("reconstruct-exception")
   324  		reconstructor := &mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor{}
   325  		reconstructor.On("EnoughShares").Return(true)
   326  		reconstructor.On("Reconstruct").Return(nil, exception)
   327  		processor := createProcessor(stakingSigAggregator, thresholdSigAggregator, reconstructor, packer)
   328  		err := processor.Process(vote)
   329  		require.ErrorIs(s.T(), err, exception)
   330  		require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   331  	})
   332  	// in this test case we aren't able to pack signatures
   333  	s.Run("pack", func() {
   334  		exception := errors.New("pack-qc-exception")
   335  		packer := &mockhotstuff.Packer{}
   336  		packer.On("Pack", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, nil, exception)
   337  		processor := createProcessor(stakingSigAggregator, thresholdSigAggregator, reconstructor, packer)
   338  		err := processor.Process(vote)
   339  		require.ErrorIs(s.T(), err, exception)
   340  		require.False(s.T(), model.IsInvalidVoteError(err))
   341  	})
   342  }
   344  // TestProcess_EnoughWeightNotEnoughShares tests a scenario where we first don't have enough weight,
   345  // then we iteratively increase it to the point where we have enough staking weight. No QC should be created
   346  // in this scenario since there is not enough random beacon shares.
   347  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestProcess_EnoughWeightNotEnoughShares() {
   348  	for i := uint64(0); i < s.minRequiredWeight; i += s.sigWeight {
   349  		vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithStakingSig())
   350  		s.stakingAggregator.On("Verify", vote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
   351  		err := s.processor.Process(vote)
   352  		require.NoError(s.T(), err)
   353  	}
   355  	require.False(s.T(), s.processor.done.Load())
   356  	s.reconstructor.AssertCalled(s.T(), "EnoughShares")
   357  	s.onQCCreatedState.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "onQCCreated")
   358  }
   360  // TestProcess_EnoughSharesNotEnoughWeight tests a scenario where we are collecting only threshold signatures
   361  // to the point where we have enough shares to reconstruct RB signature. No QC should be created
   362  // in this scenario since there is not enough staking weight.
   363  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestProcess_EnoughSharesNotEnoughWeight() {
   364  	// change sig weight to be really low, so we don't reach min staking weight while collecting
   365  	// threshold signatures
   366  	s.sigWeight = 10
   367  	for i := uint64(0); i < s.minRequiredShares; i++ {
   368  		vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithBeaconSig())
   369  		s.rbSigAggregator.On("Verify", vote.SignerID, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
   370  		err := s.processor.Process(vote)
   371  		require.NoError(s.T(), err)
   372  	}
   374  	require.False(s.T(), s.processor.done.Load())
   375  	s.reconstructor.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "EnoughShares")
   376  	s.onQCCreatedState.AssertNotCalled(s.T(), "onQCCreated")
   377  	// verify if we indeed have enough shares
   378  	require.True(s.T(), s.reconstructor.EnoughShares())
   379  }
   381  // TestProcess_ConcurrentCreatingQC tests a scenario where multiple goroutines process vote at same time,
   382  // we expect only one QC created in this scenario.
   383  func (s *CombinedVoteProcessorV3TestSuite) TestProcess_ConcurrentCreatingQC() {
   384  	stakingSigners := unittest.IdentifierListFixture(10)
   385  	mockAggregator := func(aggregator *mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator) {
   386  		aggregator.On("Verify", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
   387  		aggregator.On("TrustedAdd", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(s.minRequiredWeight, nil)
   388  		aggregator.On("TotalWeight").Return(s.minRequiredWeight)
   389  		aggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(stakingSigners, unittest.RandomBytes(128), nil)
   390  	}
   392  	// mock aggregators, so we have enough weight and shares for creating QC
   393  	*s.stakingAggregator = mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   394  	mockAggregator(s.stakingAggregator)
   395  	*s.rbSigAggregator = mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   396  	mockAggregator(s.rbSigAggregator)
   397  	*s.reconstructor = mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor{}
   398  	s.reconstructor.On("Reconstruct").Return(unittest.SignatureFixture(), nil)
   399  	s.reconstructor.On("EnoughShares").Return(true)
   401  	// at this point sending any vote should result in creating QC.
   402  	s.packer.On("Pack", s.proposal.Block.BlockID, mock.Anything).Return(unittest.RandomBytes(100), unittest.RandomBytes(128), nil)
   403  	s.onQCCreatedState.On("onQCCreated", mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
   405  	var startupWg, shutdownWg sync.WaitGroup
   407  	vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(s.proposal.Block, unittest.VoteWithStakingSig())
   408  	startupWg.Add(1)
   409  	// prepare goroutines, so they are ready to submit a vote at roughly same time
   410  	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
   411  		shutdownWg.Add(1)
   412  		go func() {
   413  			defer shutdownWg.Done()
   414  			startupWg.Wait()
   415  			err := s.processor.Process(vote)
   416  			require.NoError(s.T(), err)
   417  		}()
   418  	}
   420  	startupWg.Done()
   422  	// wait for all routines to finish
   423  	shutdownWg.Wait()
   425  	s.onQCCreatedState.AssertNumberOfCalls(s.T(), "onQCCreated", 1)
   426  }
   428  // TestCombinedVoteProcessorV3_PropertyCreatingQCCorrectness uses property testing to test correctness of concurrent votes processing.
   429  // We randomly draw a committee with some number of staking, random beacon and byzantine nodes.
   430  // Values are drawn in a way that 1 <= honestParticipants <= participants <= maxParticipants
   431  // In each test iteration we expect to create a valid QC with all provided data as part of constructed QC.
   432  func TestCombinedVoteProcessorV3_PropertyCreatingQCCorrectness(testifyT *testing.T) {
   433  	maxParticipants := uint64(53)
   435  	rapid.Check(testifyT, func(t *rapid.T) {
   436  		// draw participants in range 1 <= participants <= maxParticipants
   437  		participants := rapid.Uint64Range(1, maxParticipants).Draw(t, "participants").(uint64)
   438  		beaconSignersCount := rapid.Uint64Range(participants/2+1, participants).Draw(t, "beaconSigners").(uint64)
   439  		stakingSignersCount := participants - beaconSignersCount
   440  		require.Equal(t, participants, stakingSignersCount+beaconSignersCount)
   442  		// setup how many votes we need to create a QC
   443  		// 1 <= honestParticipants <= participants <= maxParticipants
   444  		honestParticipants := participants*2/3 + 1
   445  		sigWeight := uint64(100)
   446  		minRequiredWeight := honestParticipants * sigWeight
   448  		// proposing block
   449  		block := helper.MakeBlock()
   451  		t.Logf("running conf\n\t"+
   452  			"staking signers: %v, beacon signers: %v\n\t"+
   453  			"required weight: %v", stakingSignersCount, beaconSignersCount, minRequiredWeight)
   455  		stakingTotalWeight, thresholdTotalWeight, collectedShares := uint64(0), uint64(0), uint64(0)
   457  		// setup aggregators and reconstructor
   458  		stakingAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   459  		rbSigAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   460  		reconstructor := &mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor{}
   462  		stakingSigners := unittest.IdentifierListFixture(int(stakingSignersCount))
   463  		beaconSigners := unittest.IdentifierListFixture(int(beaconSignersCount))
   465  		// lists to track signers that actually contributed their signatures
   466  		var (
   467  			aggregatedStakingSigners flow.IdentifierList
   468  			aggregatedBeaconSigners  flow.IdentifierList
   469  		)
   471  		// need separate locks to safely update vectors of voted signers
   472  		stakingAggregatorLock := &sync.Mutex{}
   473  		beaconAggregatorLock := &sync.Mutex{}
   474  		beaconReconstructorLock := &sync.Mutex{}
   476  		stakingAggregator.On("TotalWeight").Return(func() uint64 {
   477  			stakingAggregatorLock.Lock()
   478  			defer stakingAggregatorLock.Unlock()
   479  			return stakingTotalWeight
   480  		})
   481  		rbSigAggregator.On("TotalWeight").Return(func() uint64 {
   482  			beaconAggregatorLock.Lock()
   483  			defer beaconAggregatorLock.Unlock()
   484  			return thresholdTotalWeight
   485  		})
   486  		reconstructor.On("EnoughShares").Return(func() bool {
   487  			beaconReconstructorLock.Lock()
   488  			defer beaconReconstructorLock.Unlock()
   489  			return collectedShares >= beaconSignersCount
   490  		})
   492  		// mock expected calls to aggregators and reconstructor
   493  		combinedSigs := unittest.SignaturesFixture(3)
   494  		stakingAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(
   495  			func() flow.IdentifierList {
   496  				stakingAggregatorLock.Lock()
   497  				defer stakingAggregatorLock.Unlock()
   498  				return aggregatedStakingSigners
   499  			},
   500  			func() []byte { return combinedSigs[0] },
   501  			func() error { return nil }).Maybe() // Aggregate is only called, if some staking sigs were collected
   503  		rbSigAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(
   504  			func() flow.IdentifierList {
   505  				beaconAggregatorLock.Lock()
   506  				defer beaconAggregatorLock.Unlock()
   507  				return aggregatedBeaconSigners
   508  			},
   509  			func() []byte { return combinedSigs[1] },
   510  			func() error { return nil }).Once()
   511  		reconstructor.On("Reconstruct").Return(combinedSigs[2], nil).Once()
   513  		// mock expected call to Packer
   514  		mergedSignerIDs := (flow.IdentifierList)(nil)
   515  		packedSigData := unittest.RandomBytes(128)
   516  		pcker := &mockhotstuff.Packer{}
   517  		pcker.On("Pack", block.BlockID, mock.Anything).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   518  			blockSigData := args.Get(1).(*hotstuff.BlockSignatureData)
   519  			// in the following, we check validity for each field of `blockSigData` individually
   521  			// 1. CHECK: `StakingSigners` and `RandomBeaconSigners`
   522  			// Verify that input `hotstuff.BlockSignatureData` has the expected structure.
   523  			//  * When the Vote Processor notices that constructing a valid QC is possible, it does
   524  			//    so with the signatures collected at this time.
   525  			//  * However, due to concurrency, additional votes might have been added to the aggregators
   526  			//    by tailing threads, _before_ we reach this validation logic. Therefore, the set of
   527  			//    signers in the aggregators might now be _larger_ than what is reported in the QC.
   528  			// Therefore, we test that the signers reported in the QC are a _subset_ of the signatures
   529  			// that are now in the aggregators.
   530  			// check that aggregated signers are part of all votes signers
   531  			// due to concurrent processing it is possible that Aggregate will return less that we have actually aggregated
   532  			// but still enough to construct the QC
   533  			stakingAggregatorLock.Lock()
   534  			require.Subset(t, aggregatedStakingSigners, blockSigData.StakingSigners)
   535  			stakingAggregatorLock.Unlock()
   537  			beaconAggregatorLock.Lock()
   538  			require.Subset(t, aggregatedBeaconSigners, blockSigData.RandomBeaconSigners)
   539  			beaconAggregatorLock.Unlock()
   541  			// 2. CHECK: supermajority
   542  			// All participants have equal weights in this test. Per configuration, collecting `honestParticipants`
   543  			// number of votes is the minimally required supermajority.
   544  			require.GreaterOrEqual(t, uint64(len(blockSigData.StakingSigners)+len(blockSigData.RandomBeaconSigners)), honestParticipants)
   546  			// 3. CHECK: `AggregatedStakingSig`
   547  			// Here, we have to pay attention to the edge case where all replicas voted with their random beacon sig.
   548  			// Per protocol convention, the `AggregatedStakingSig` should be empty, for an empty set of StakingSigners.
   549  			if len(blockSigData.StakingSigners) == 0 {
   550  				require.Empty(t, blockSigData.AggregatedStakingSig)
   551  			} else {
   552  				// otherwise, we expect `AggregatedStakingSig` to be the return value of
   553  				// `stakingAggregator.Aggregate()`, which we mocked as `combinedSigs[0]`
   554  				require.Equal(t, []byte(combinedSigs[0]), blockSigData.AggregatedStakingSig)
   555  			}
   557  			// 4. CHECK: `AggregatedRandomBeaconSig` and `ReconstructedRandomBeaconSig`
   558  			// We require that each QC contains valid random beacon value, i.e. we must collect some votes with
   559  			// random beacon signatures to construct a valid QC. Hence, `AggregatedRandomBeaconSig` should be the
   560  			// output of `rbSigAggregator.Aggregate()`, which we mocked as `combinedSigs[1]`.
   561  			require.Equal(t, []byte(combinedSigs[1]), blockSigData.AggregatedRandomBeaconSig)
   562  			// Furthermore, `ReconstructedRandomBeaconSig` should be the output of `reconstructor.Reconstruct()`,
   563  			// which we mocked as `combinedSigs[2]`
   564  			require.Equal(t, combinedSigs[2], blockSigData.ReconstructedRandomBeaconSig)
   566  			// fill merged signers with collected signers
   567  			mergedSignerIDs = append(blockSigData.StakingSigners, blockSigData.RandomBeaconSigners...)
   568  		}).Return(
   569  			func(flow.Identifier, *hotstuff.BlockSignatureData) []byte {
   570  				signerIndices, _ := signature.EncodeSignersToIndices(mergedSignerIDs, mergedSignerIDs)
   571  				return signerIndices
   572  			},
   573  			func(flow.Identifier, *hotstuff.BlockSignatureData) []byte { return packedSigData },
   574  			func(flow.Identifier, *hotstuff.BlockSignatureData) error { return nil }).Once()
   576  		// track if QC was created
   577  		qcCreated := atomic.NewBool(false)
   579  		// expected QC
   580  		onQCCreated := func(qc *flow.QuorumCertificate) {
   581  			// QC should be created only once
   582  			if !qcCreated.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
   583  				t.Fatalf("QC created more than once")
   584  			}
   586  			signerIndices, err := signature.EncodeSignersToIndices(mergedSignerIDs, mergedSignerIDs)
   587  			require.NoError(t, err)
   589  			// ensure that QC contains correct field
   590  			expectedQC := &flow.QuorumCertificate{
   591  				View:          block.View,
   592  				BlockID:       block.BlockID,
   593  				SignerIndices: signerIndices,
   594  				SigData:       packedSigData,
   595  			}
   596  			require.Equalf(t, expectedQC, qc, "QC should be equal to what we expect")
   597  		}
   599  		processor := &CombinedVoteProcessorV3{
   600  			log:               unittest.Logger(),
   601  			block:             block,
   602  			stakingSigAggtor:  stakingAggregator,
   603  			rbSigAggtor:       rbSigAggregator,
   604  			rbRector:          reconstructor,
   605  			onQCCreated:       onQCCreated,
   606  			packer:            pcker,
   607  			minRequiredWeight: minRequiredWeight,
   608  			done:              *atomic.NewBool(false),
   609  		}
   611  		votes := make([]*model.Vote, 0, stakingSignersCount+beaconSignersCount)
   613  		// prepare votes
   614  		for _, signer := range stakingSigners {
   615  			vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(processor.Block(), unittest.VoteWithStakingSig())
   616  			vote.SignerID = signer
   617  			expectedSig := crypto.Signature(vote.SigData[1:])
   618  			stakingAggregator.On("Verify", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Return(nil).Maybe()
   619  			stakingAggregator.On("TrustedAdd", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   620  				signerID := args.Get(0).(flow.Identifier)
   621  				stakingAggregatorLock.Lock()
   622  				defer stakingAggregatorLock.Unlock()
   623  				stakingTotalWeight += sigWeight
   624  				aggregatedStakingSigners = append(aggregatedStakingSigners, signerID)
   625  			}).Return(uint64(0), nil).Maybe()
   626  			votes = append(votes, vote)
   627  		}
   628  		for _, signer := range beaconSigners {
   629  			vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(processor.Block(), unittest.VoteWithBeaconSig())
   630  			vote.SignerID = signer
   631  			expectedSig := crypto.Signature(vote.SigData[1:])
   632  			rbSigAggregator.On("Verify", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Return(nil).Maybe()
   633  			rbSigAggregator.On("TrustedAdd", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   634  				signerID := args.Get(0).(flow.Identifier)
   635  				beaconAggregatorLock.Lock()
   636  				defer beaconAggregatorLock.Unlock()
   637  				thresholdTotalWeight += sigWeight
   638  				aggregatedBeaconSigners = append(aggregatedBeaconSigners, signerID)
   639  			}).Return(uint64(0), nil).Maybe()
   640  			reconstructor.On("TrustedAdd", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   641  				beaconReconstructorLock.Lock()
   642  				defer beaconReconstructorLock.Unlock()
   643  				collectedShares++
   644  			}).Return(true, nil).Maybe()
   645  			votes = append(votes, vote)
   646  		}
   648  		// shuffle votes in random order
   649  		rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
   650  		rand.Shuffle(len(votes), func(i, j int) {
   651  			votes[i], votes[j] = votes[j], votes[i]
   652  		})
   654  		var startProcessing, finishProcessing sync.WaitGroup
   655  		startProcessing.Add(1)
   656  		// process votes concurrently by multiple workers
   657  		for _, vote := range votes {
   658  			finishProcessing.Add(1)
   659  			go func(vote *model.Vote) {
   660  				defer finishProcessing.Done()
   661  				startProcessing.Wait()
   662  				err := processor.Process(vote)
   663  				require.NoError(t, err)
   664  			}(vote)
   665  		}
   667  		// start all goroutines at the same time
   668  		startProcessing.Done()
   669  		finishProcessing.Wait()
   671  		passed := processor.done.Load()
   672  		passed = passed && qcCreated.Load()
   673  		passed = passed && rbSigAggregator.AssertExpectations(t)
   674  		passed = passed && stakingAggregator.AssertExpectations(t)
   675  		passed = passed && reconstructor.AssertExpectations(t)
   677  		if !passed {
   678  			t.Fatalf("Assertions weren't met, staking weight: %v, threshold weight: %v", stakingTotalWeight, thresholdTotalWeight)
   679  		}
   681  		//processing extra votes shouldn't result in creating new QCs
   682  		vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(block, unittest.VoteWithBeaconSig())
   683  		err := processor.Process(vote)
   684  		require.NoError(t, err)
   685  	})
   686  }
   688  // TestCombinedVoteProcessorV3_OnlyRandomBeaconSigners tests the most optimal happy path,
   689  // where all consensus replicas vote using their random beacon keys. In this case,
   690  // no staking signatures were collected and the CombinedVoteProcessor should be setting
   691  // `BlockSignatureData.StakingSigners` and `BlockSignatureData.AggregatedStakingSig` to nil or empty slices.
   692  func TestCombinedVoteProcessorV3_OnlyRandomBeaconSigners(testifyT *testing.T) {
   693  	// setup CombinedVoteProcessorV3
   694  	block := helper.MakeBlock()
   695  	stakingAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   696  	rbSigAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   697  	reconstructor := &mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor{}
   698  	packer := &mockhotstuff.Packer{}
   700  	processor := &CombinedVoteProcessorV3{
   701  		log:               unittest.Logger(),
   702  		block:             block,
   703  		stakingSigAggtor:  stakingAggregator,
   704  		rbSigAggtor:       rbSigAggregator,
   705  		rbRector:          reconstructor,
   706  		onQCCreated:       func(qc *flow.QuorumCertificate) { /* no op */ },
   707  		packer:            packer,
   708  		minRequiredWeight: 70,
   709  		done:              *atomic.NewBool(false),
   710  	}
   712  	// The `stakingAggregator` is empty, i.e. it returns ans InsufficientSignaturesError when we call `Aggregate()` on it.
   713  	stakingAggregator.On("TotalWeight").Return(uint64(0), nil).Twice() // called a second time to determine whether there are any staking sigs to aggregate
   714  	stakingAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(nil, nil, model.NewInsufficientSignaturesErrorf("")).Maybe()
   716  	// Create another vote with a random beacon signature. With its addition, the `rbSigAggregator`
   717  	// by itself has collected enough votes to exceed the minimally required weight (70).
   718  	vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(block, unittest.VoteWithBeaconSig())
   719  	rawSig := (crypto.Signature)(vote.SigData[1:])
   720  	rbSigAggregator.On("Verify", vote.SignerID, rawSig).Return(nil).Once()
   721  	rbSigAggregator.On("TrustedAdd", vote.SignerID, rawSig).Return(uint64(80), nil).Once()
   722  	rbSigAggregator.On("TotalWeight").Return(uint64(80), nil).Once()
   723  	rbSigAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(unittest.IdentifierListFixture(11), unittest.RandomBytes(48), nil).Once()
   724  	reconstructor.On("TrustedAdd", vote.SignerID, rawSig).Return(true, nil).Once()
   725  	reconstructor.On("EnoughShares").Return(true).Once()
   726  	reconstructor.On("Reconstruct").Return(unittest.SignatureFixture(), nil).Once()
   728  	// Adding the vote should trigger QC generation. We expect `BlockSignatureData.StakingSigners`
   729  	// and `BlockSignatureData.AggregatedStakingSig` to be both empty, as there are no staking signatures.
   730  	packer.On("Pack", block.BlockID, mock.Anything).
   731  		Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   732  			blockSigData := args.Get(1).(*hotstuff.BlockSignatureData)
   733  			require.Empty(testifyT, blockSigData.StakingSigners)
   734  			require.Empty(testifyT, blockSigData.AggregatedStakingSig)
   735  		}).
   736  		Return(unittest.RandomBytes(100), unittest.RandomBytes(1017), nil).Once()
   738  	err := processor.Process(vote)
   739  	require.NoError(testifyT, err)
   741  	stakingAggregator.AssertExpectations(testifyT)
   742  	rbSigAggregator.AssertExpectations(testifyT)
   743  	reconstructor.AssertExpectations(testifyT)
   744  	packer.AssertExpectations(testifyT)
   745  }
   747  // TestCombinedVoteProcessorV3_PropertyCreatingQCLiveness uses property testing to test liveness of concurrent votes processing.
   748  // We randomly draw a committee and check if we are able to create a QC with minimal number of nodes.
   749  // In each test iteration we expect to create a QC, we don't check correctness of data since it's checked by another test.
   750  func TestCombinedVoteProcessorV3_PropertyCreatingQCLiveness(testifyT *testing.T) {
   751  	rapid.Check(testifyT, func(t *rapid.T) {
   752  		// draw beacon signers in range 1 <= beaconSignersCount <= 53
   753  		beaconSignersCount := rapid.Uint64Range(1, 53).Draw(t, "beaconSigners").(uint64)
   754  		// draw staking signers in range 0 <= stakingSignersCount <= 10
   755  		stakingSignersCount := rapid.Uint64Range(0, 10).Draw(t, "stakingSigners").(uint64)
   757  		stakingWeightRange, beaconWeightRange := rapid.Uint64Range(1, 10), rapid.Uint64Range(1, 10)
   759  		minRequiredWeight := uint64(0)
   760  		// draw weight for each signer randomly
   761  		stakingSigners := unittest.IdentityListFixture(int(stakingSignersCount), func(identity *flow.Identity) {
   762  			identity.Weight = stakingWeightRange.Draw(t, identity.String()).(uint64)
   763  			minRequiredWeight += identity.Weight
   764  		})
   765  		beaconSigners := unittest.IdentityListFixture(int(beaconSignersCount), func(identity *flow.Identity) {
   766  			identity.Weight = beaconWeightRange.Draw(t, identity.String()).(uint64)
   767  			minRequiredWeight += identity.Weight
   768  		})
   770  		// proposing block
   771  		block := helper.MakeBlock()
   773  		t.Logf("running conf\n\t"+
   774  			"staking signers: %v, beacon signers: %v\n\t"+
   775  			"required weight: %v", stakingSignersCount, beaconSignersCount, minRequiredWeight)
   777  		stakingTotalWeight, thresholdTotalWeight, collectedShares := atomic.NewUint64(0), atomic.NewUint64(0), atomic.NewUint64(0)
   779  		// setup aggregators and reconstructor
   780  		stakingAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   781  		rbSigAggregator := &mockhotstuff.WeightedSignatureAggregator{}
   782  		reconstructor := &mockhotstuff.RandomBeaconReconstructor{}
   784  		stakingAggregator.On("TotalWeight").Return(func() uint64 {
   785  			return stakingTotalWeight.Load()
   786  		})
   787  		rbSigAggregator.On("TotalWeight").Return(func() uint64 {
   788  			return thresholdTotalWeight.Load()
   789  		})
   790  		// don't require shares
   791  		reconstructor.On("EnoughShares").Return(func() bool {
   792  			return collectedShares.Load() >= beaconSignersCount
   793  		})
   795  		// mock expected calls to aggregators and reconstructor
   796  		combinedSigs := unittest.SignaturesFixture(3)
   797  		stakingAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(
   798  			// per API convention, model.InsufficientSignaturesError is returns when no signatures were collected
   799  			func() flow.IdentifierList {
   800  				if len(stakingSigners) == 0 {
   801  					return nil
   802  				}
   803  				return stakingSigners.NodeIDs()
   804  			},
   805  			func() []byte {
   806  				if len(stakingSigners) == 0 {
   807  					return nil
   808  				}
   809  				return combinedSigs[0]
   810  			},
   811  			func() error {
   812  				if len(stakingSigners) == 0 {
   813  					return model.NewInsufficientSignaturesErrorf("")
   814  				}
   815  				return nil
   816  			}).Maybe()
   817  		rbSigAggregator.On("Aggregate").Return(beaconSigners.NodeIDs(), []byte(combinedSigs[1]), nil).Once()
   818  		reconstructor.On("Reconstruct").Return(combinedSigs[2], nil).Once()
   820  		// mock expected call to Packer
   821  		mergedSignerIDs := append(stakingSigners.NodeIDs(), beaconSigners.NodeIDs()...)
   822  		packedSigData := unittest.RandomBytes(128)
   823  		pcker := &mockhotstuff.Packer{}
   825  		signerIndices, err := signature.EncodeSignersToIndices(mergedSignerIDs, mergedSignerIDs)
   826  		require.NoError(t, err)
   827  		pcker.On("Pack", block.BlockID, mock.Anything).Return(signerIndices, packedSigData, nil)
   829  		// track if QC was created
   830  		qcCreated := atomic.NewBool(false)
   832  		// expected QC
   833  		onQCCreated := func(qc *flow.QuorumCertificate) {
   834  			// QC should be created only once
   835  			if !qcCreated.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
   836  				t.Fatalf("QC created more than once")
   837  			}
   838  		}
   840  		processor := &CombinedVoteProcessorV3{
   841  			log:               unittest.Logger(),
   842  			block:             block,
   843  			stakingSigAggtor:  stakingAggregator,
   844  			rbSigAggtor:       rbSigAggregator,
   845  			rbRector:          reconstructor,
   846  			onQCCreated:       onQCCreated,
   847  			packer:            pcker,
   848  			minRequiredWeight: minRequiredWeight,
   849  			done:              *atomic.NewBool(false),
   850  		}
   852  		votes := make([]*model.Vote, 0, stakingSignersCount+beaconSignersCount)
   854  		// prepare votes
   855  		for _, signer := range stakingSigners {
   856  			vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(processor.Block(), unittest.VoteWithStakingSig())
   857  			vote.SignerID = signer.ID()
   858  			weight := signer.Weight
   859  			expectedSig := crypto.Signature(vote.SigData[1:])
   860  			stakingAggregator.On("Verify", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Return(nil).Maybe()
   861  			stakingAggregator.On("TrustedAdd", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   862  				stakingTotalWeight.Add(weight)
   863  			}).Return(uint64(0), nil).Maybe()
   864  			votes = append(votes, vote)
   865  		}
   866  		for _, signer := range beaconSigners {
   867  			vote := unittest.VoteForBlockFixture(processor.Block(), unittest.VoteWithBeaconSig())
   868  			vote.SignerID = signer.ID()
   869  			weight := signer.Weight
   870  			expectedSig := crypto.Signature(vote.SigData[1:])
   871  			rbSigAggregator.On("Verify", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Return(nil).Maybe()
   872  			rbSigAggregator.On("TrustedAdd", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   873  				thresholdTotalWeight.Add(weight)
   874  			}).Return(uint64(0), nil).Maybe()
   875  			reconstructor.On("TrustedAdd", vote.SignerID, expectedSig).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   876  				collectedShares.Inc()
   877  			}).Return(true, nil).Maybe()
   878  			votes = append(votes, vote)
   879  		}
   881  		// shuffle votes in random order
   882  		rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
   883  		rand.Shuffle(len(votes), func(i, j int) {
   884  			votes[i], votes[j] = votes[j], votes[i]
   885  		})
   887  		var startProcessing, finishProcessing sync.WaitGroup
   888  		startProcessing.Add(1)
   889  		// process votes concurrently by multiple workers
   890  		for _, vote := range votes {
   891  			finishProcessing.Add(1)
   892  			go func(vote *model.Vote) {
   893  				defer finishProcessing.Done()
   894  				startProcessing.Wait()
   895  				err := processor.Process(vote)
   896  				require.NoError(t, err)
   897  			}(vote)
   898  		}
   900  		// start all goroutines at the same time
   901  		startProcessing.Done()
   902  		finishProcessing.Wait()
   904  		passed := processor.done.Load()
   905  		passed = passed && qcCreated.Load()
   906  		passed = passed && rbSigAggregator.AssertExpectations(t)
   907  		passed = passed && stakingAggregator.AssertExpectations(t)
   908  		passed = passed && reconstructor.AssertExpectations(t)
   910  		if !passed {
   911  			t.Fatalf("Assertions weren't met, staking weight: %v, threshold weight: %v", stakingTotalWeight, thresholdTotalWeight)
   912  		}
   913  	})
   914  }
   916  // TestCombinedVoteProcessorV3_BuildVerifyQC tests a complete path from creating votes to collecting votes and then
   917  // building & verifying QC.
   918  // We start with leader proposing a block, then new leader collects votes and builds a QC.
   919  // Need to verify that QC that was produced is valid and can be embedded in new proposal.
   920  func TestCombinedVoteProcessorV3_BuildVerifyQC(t *testing.T) {
   921  	epochCounter := uint64(3)
   922  	epochLookup := &modulemock.EpochLookup{}
   923  	view := uint64(20)
   924  	epochLookup.On("EpochForViewWithFallback", view).Return(epochCounter, nil)
   926  	dkgData, err := bootstrapDKG.RunFastKG(11, unittest.RandomBytes(32))
   927  	require.NoError(t, err)
   929  	// signers hold objects that are created with private key and can sign votes and proposals
   930  	signers := make(map[flow.Identifier]*verification.CombinedSignerV3)
   932  	// prepare staking signers, each signer has it's own private/public key pair
   933  	// stakingSigners sign only with staking key, meaning they have failed DKG
   934  	stakingSigners := unittest.IdentityListFixture(3)
   935  	beaconSigners := unittest.IdentityListFixture(8)
   936  	allIdentities := append(stakingSigners, beaconSigners...)
   937  	require.Equal(t, len(dkgData.PubKeyShares), len(allIdentities))
   938  	dkgParticipants := make(map[flow.Identifier]flow.DKGParticipant)
   939  	// fill dkg participants data
   940  	for index, identity := range allIdentities {
   941  		dkgParticipants[identity.NodeID] = flow.DKGParticipant{
   942  			Index:    uint(index),
   943  			KeyShare: dkgData.PubKeyShares[index],
   944  		}
   945  	}
   947  	for _, identity := range stakingSigners {
   948  		stakingPriv := unittest.StakingPrivKeyFixture()
   949  		identity.StakingPubKey = stakingPriv.PublicKey()
   951  		keys := &storagemock.SafeBeaconKeys{}
   952  		// there is no DKG key for this epoch
   953  		keys.On("RetrieveMyBeaconPrivateKey", epochCounter).Return(nil, false, nil)
   955  		beaconSignerStore := hsig.NewEpochAwareRandomBeaconKeyStore(epochLookup, keys)
   957  		me, err := local.New(identity, stakingPriv)
   958  		require.NoError(t, err)
   960  		signers[identity.NodeID] = verification.NewCombinedSignerV3(me, beaconSignerStore)
   961  	}
   963  	for _, identity := range beaconSigners {
   964  		stakingPriv := unittest.StakingPrivKeyFixture()
   965  		identity.StakingPubKey = stakingPriv.PublicKey()
   967  		participantData := dkgParticipants[identity.NodeID]
   969  		dkgKey := encodable.RandomBeaconPrivKey{
   970  			PrivateKey: dkgData.PrivKeyShares[participantData.Index],
   971  		}
   973  		keys := &storagemock.SafeBeaconKeys{}
   974  		// there is DKG key for this epoch
   975  		keys.On("RetrieveMyBeaconPrivateKey", epochCounter).Return(dkgKey, true, nil)
   977  		beaconSignerStore := hsig.NewEpochAwareRandomBeaconKeyStore(epochLookup, keys)
   979  		me, err := local.New(identity, stakingPriv)
   980  		require.NoError(t, err)
   982  		signers[identity.NodeID] = verification.NewCombinedSignerV3(me, beaconSignerStore)
   983  	}
   985  	leader := stakingSigners[0]
   987  	block := helper.MakeBlock(helper.WithBlockView(view),
   988  		helper.WithBlockProposer(leader.NodeID))
   990  	inmemDKG, err := inmem.DKGFromEncodable(inmem.EncodableDKG{
   991  		GroupKey: encodable.RandomBeaconPubKey{
   992  			PublicKey: dkgData.PubGroupKey,
   993  		},
   994  		Participants: dkgParticipants,
   995  	})
   996  	require.NoError(t, err)
   998  	committee := &mockhotstuff.Committee{}
   999  	committee.On("Identities", block.BlockID, mock.Anything).Return(allIdentities, nil)
  1000  	committee.On("DKG", block.BlockID).Return(inmemDKG, nil)
  1002  	votes := make([]*model.Vote, 0, len(allIdentities))
  1004  	// first staking signer will be leader collecting votes for proposal
  1005  	// prepare votes for every member of committee except leader
  1006  	for _, signer := range allIdentities[1:] {
  1007  		vote, err := signers[signer.NodeID].CreateVote(block)
  1008  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1009  		votes = append(votes, vote)
  1010  	}
  1012  	// create and sign proposal
  1013  	proposal, err := signers[leader.NodeID].CreateProposal(block)
  1014  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1016  	qcCreated := false
  1017  	onQCCreated := func(qc *flow.QuorumCertificate) {
  1018  		packer := hsig.NewConsensusSigDataPacker(committee)
  1020  		// create verifier that will do crypto checks of created QC
  1021  		verifier := verification.NewCombinedVerifierV3(committee, packer)
  1022  		forks := &mockhotstuff.Forks{}
  1023  		// create validator which will do compliance and crypto checked of created QC
  1024  		validator := hotstuffvalidator.New(committee, forks, verifier)
  1025  		// check if QC is valid against parent
  1026  		err := validator.ValidateQC(qc, block)
  1027  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1029  		qcCreated = true
  1030  	}
  1032  	baseFactory := &combinedVoteProcessorFactoryBaseV3{
  1033  		committee:   committee,
  1034  		onQCCreated: onQCCreated,
  1035  		packer:      hsig.NewConsensusSigDataPacker(committee),
  1036  	}
  1037  	voteProcessorFactory := &VoteProcessorFactory{
  1038  		baseFactory: baseFactory.Create,
  1039  	}
  1040  	voteProcessor, err := voteProcessorFactory.Create(unittest.Logger(), proposal)
  1041  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1043  	// process votes by new leader, this will result in producing new QC
  1044  	for _, vote := range votes {
  1045  		err := voteProcessor.Process(vote)
  1046  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1047  	}
  1049  	require.True(t, qcCreated)
  1050  }