
     1  package uploader
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"sync"
     7  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  // RetryableUploaderWrapper defines the interface for uploader that is retryable
    20  type RetryableUploaderWrapper interface {
    21  	Uploader
    22  	RetryUpload() error
    23  }
    25  // BadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper is the BadgerDB based implementation to RetryableUploaderWrapper
    26  type BadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper struct {
    27  	uploader           *AsyncUploader
    28  	execDataDownloader execution_data.Downloader
    29  	unit               *engine.Unit
    30  	metrics            module.ExecutionMetrics
    31  	blocks             storage.Blocks
    32  	commits            storage.Commits
    33  	collections        storage.Collections
    34  	events             storage.Events
    35  	results            storage.ExecutionResults
    36  	transactionResults storage.TransactionResults
    37  	uploadStatusStore  storage.ComputationResultUploadStatus
    38  }
    40  func NewBadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper(
    41  	uploader *AsyncUploader,
    42  	blocks storage.Blocks,
    43  	commits storage.Commits,
    44  	collections storage.Collections,
    45  	events storage.Events,
    46  	results storage.ExecutionResults,
    47  	transactionResults storage.TransactionResults,
    48  	uploadStatusStore storage.ComputationResultUploadStatus,
    49  	execDataDownloader execution_data.Downloader,
    50  	metrics module.ExecutionMetrics) *BadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper {
    52  	// check params
    53  	if uploader == nil {
    54  		log.Error().Msg("nil uploader passed in")
    55  		return nil
    56  	}
    57  	if blocks == nil || commits == nil || collections == nil ||
    58  		events == nil || results == nil || transactionResults == nil ||
    59  		uploadStatusStore == nil || execDataDownloader == nil {
    60  		log.Error().Msg("not all storage parameters are valid")
    61  		return nil
    62  	}
    64  	// When Upload() is successful, the ComputationResult upload status in BadgerDB will be updated to true
    65  	onCompleteCB := func(computationResult *execution.ComputationResult, err error) {
    66  		if computationResult == nil || computationResult.ExecutableBlock == nil ||
    67  			computationResult.ExecutableBlock.Block == nil {
    68  			log.Warn().Msg("nil ComputationResult or nil ComputationResult.ExecutableBlock or " +
    69  				"computationResult.ExecutableBlock.Block")
    70  			return
    71  		}
    73  		blockID := computationResult.ExecutableBlock.Block.ID()
    74  		if err != nil {
    75  			log.Warn().Msgf("ComputationResults upload failed with BlockID %s", blockID.String())
    76  			return
    77  		}
    79  		// Update upload status as Done(true)
    80  		if err := uploadStatusStore.Upsert(blockID, true /*upload complete*/); err != nil {
    81  			log.Warn().Msgf(
    82  				"ComputationResults with BlockID %s failed to be updated on local disk. ERR: %s ",
    83  				blockID.String(), err.Error())
    84  		}
    86  		metrics.ExecutionComputationResultUploaded()
    87  	}
    89  	uploader.SetOnCompleteCallback(onCompleteCB)
    91  	return &BadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper{
    92  		uploader:           uploader,
    93  		execDataDownloader: execDataDownloader,
    94  		unit:               engine.NewUnit(),
    95  		metrics:            metrics,
    96  		blocks:             blocks,
    97  		commits:            commits,
    98  		collections:        collections,
    99  		events:             events,
   100  		results:            results,
   101  		transactionResults: transactionResults,
   102  		uploadStatusStore:  uploadStatusStore,
   103  	}
   104  }
   106  func (b *BadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper) Ready() <-chan struct{} {
   107  	return b.uploader.Ready()
   108  }
   110  func (b *BadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper) Done() <-chan struct{} {
   111  	return b.uploader.Done()
   112  }
   114  func (b *BadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper) Upload(computationResult *execution.ComputationResult) error {
   115  	if computationResult == nil || computationResult.ExecutableBlock == nil ||
   116  		computationResult.ExecutableBlock.Block == nil {
   117  		return errors.New("ComputationResult or its ExecutableBlock(or its Block) is nil when Upload() is called")
   118  	}
   120  	// Before upload we store ComputationResult upload status to BadgerDB as false before upload is done.
   121  	// It will be marked as true when upload completes.
   122  	blockID := computationResult.ExecutableBlock.Block.ID()
   123  	if err := b.uploadStatusStore.Upsert(blockID, false /*not completed*/); err != nil {
   124  		log.Warn().Msgf("failed to store ComputationResult into local DB with BlockID %s", blockID)
   125  	}
   127  	return b.uploader.Upload(computationResult)
   128  }
   130  func (b *BadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper) RetryUpload() error {
   131  	blockIDs, retErr := b.uploadStatusStore.GetIDsByUploadStatus(false /* not uploaded */)
   132  	if retErr != nil {
   133  		log.Error().Err(retErr).Msg("Failed to load the BlockID list of un-uploaded ComputationResult from local DB")
   134  		return retErr
   135  	}
   137  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   138  	for _, blockID := range blockIDs {
   139  		wg.Add(1)
   140  		go func(blockID flow.Identifier) {
   141  			defer wg.Done()
   143  			log.Debug().Msgf("retrying upload for computation result of block %s", blockID.String())
   145  			var cr_err error
   146  			retComputationResult, err := b.reconstructComputationResult(blockID)
   147  			if err != nil {
   148  				err = cr_err
   149  				log.Error().Err(err).Msgf(
   150  					"failed to reconstruct ComputationResult with BlockID %s", blockID)
   151  				return
   152  			}
   154  			// Do Upload
   155  			if cr_err = b.uploader.Upload(retComputationResult); cr_err != nil {
   156  				log.Error().Err(cr_err).Msgf(
   157  					"Failed to re-upload ComputationResult with BlockID %s", blockID)
   158  				retErr = cr_err
   159  			} else {
   160  				log.Debug().Msgf("computation result of block %s was successfully re-uploaded", blockID.String())
   161  			}
   163  			b.metrics.ExecutionComputationResultUploadRetried()
   164  		}(blockID)
   165  	}
   166  	wg.Wait()
   168  	// return latest occurred error
   169  	return retErr
   170  }
   172  func (b *BadgerRetryableUploaderWrapper) reconstructComputationResult(
   173  	blockID flow.Identifier) (*execution.ComputationResult, error) {
   175  	// Get EDID from ExecutionResult in BadgerDB
   176  	executionResult, err := b.results.ByBlockID(blockID)
   177  	if err != nil {
   178  		log.Error().Err(err).Msgf(
   179  			"failed to retrieve ExecutionResult from Badger with BlockID %s", blockID.String())
   180  		return nil, err
   181  	}
   182  	executionDataID := executionResult.ExecutionDataID
   184  	// retrieving BlockExecutionData from EDS
   185  	executionData, err := b.execDataDownloader.Download(b.unit.Ctx(), executionDataID)
   186  	if executionData == nil || err != nil {
   187  		log.Error().Err(err).Msgf(
   188  			"failed to retrieve BlockExecutionData from EDS with ID %s", executionDataID.String())
   189  		return nil, err
   190  	}
   192  	// grabbing TrieUpdates from BlockExecutionData
   193  	var trieUpdates []*ledger.TrieUpdate
   194  	for _, chunkExecutionData := range executionData.ChunkExecutionDatas {
   195  		if chunkExecutionData.TrieUpdate != nil {
   196  			trieUpdates = append(trieUpdates, chunkExecutionData.TrieUpdate)
   197  		}
   198  	}
   200  	// retrieving events from local BadgerDB
   201  	events, err :=
   202  	if err != nil {
   203  		log.Warn().Msgf(
   204  			"failed to retrieve events for BlockID %s. Error: %s", blockID.String(), err.Error())
   205  	}
   207  	// retrieving Block from local BadgerDB
   208  	block, err := b.blocks.ByID(blockID)
   209  	if err != nil {
   210  		log.Warn().Msgf(
   211  			"failed to retrieve Block with BlockID %s. Error: %s", blockID.String(), err.Error())
   212  	}
   214  	// grabbing collections and guarantees from BadgerDB
   215  	guarantees := make([]*flow.CollectionGuarantee, 0)
   216  	if block != nil && block.Payload != nil {
   217  		guarantees = block.Payload.Guarantees
   218  	}
   220  	completeCollections := make(map[flow.Identifier]*entity.CompleteCollection)
   221  	for inx, guarantee := range guarantees {
   222  		collectionID := guarantee.CollectionID
   223  		collection, err := b.collections.ByID(collectionID)
   224  		if err != nil {
   225  			log.Warn().Msgf(
   226  				"failed to retrieve collections with CollectionID %s. Error: %s", collectionID, err.Error())
   227  			continue
   228  		}
   230  		completeCollections[collectionID] = &entity.CompleteCollection{
   231  			Guarantee:    guarantees[inx],
   232  			Transactions: collection.Transactions,
   233  		}
   234  	}
   236  	// retrieving TransactionResults from BadgerDB
   237  	transactionResults, err := b.transactionResults.ByBlockID(blockID)
   238  	if err != nil {
   239  		log.Warn().Msgf(
   240  			"failed to retrieve TransactionResults with BlockID %s. Error: %s", blockID.String(), err.Error())
   241  	}
   243  	// retrieving CommitStatement from BadgerDB
   244  	endState, err := b.commits.ByBlockID(blockID)
   245  	if err != nil {
   246  		log.Warn().Msgf("failed to retrieve StateCommitment with BlockID %s. Error: %s", blockID.String(), err.Error())
   247  	}
   249  	// for now we only care about fields in BlockData
   250  	return &execution.ComputationResult{
   251  		ExecutableBlock: &entity.ExecutableBlock{
   252  			Block:               block,
   253  			CompleteCollections: completeCollections,
   254  		},
   255  		Events:             []flow.EventsList{events},
   256  		TransactionResults: transactionResults,
   257  		StateCommitments:   []flow.StateCommitment{endState},
   258  		TrieUpdates:        trieUpdates,
   259  	}, nil
   260  }