
     1  package test
     3  import (
     4  	"testing"
     6  	vertestutils ""
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  // TestVerificationHappyPath evaluates behavior of the pipeline of verification node engines as:
    11  // block reader -> block consumer -> assigner engine -> chunks queue -> chunks consumer -> fetcher engine -> verifier engine
    12  // block reader receives (container) finalized blocks that contain execution receipts preceding (reference) blocks.
    13  // some receipts have duplicate results.
    14  // - in a authorized verification node:
    15  // -- in assigner engine, for each distinct result it receives:
    16  // --- it does the chunk assignment.
    17  // --- it passes the chunk locators of assigned chunks to chunk queue.
    18  // --- the chunk queue in turn delivers the assigned chunk to the fetcher engine.
    19  // -- in fetcher engine, for each arriving chunk locator:
    20  // --- it asks the chunk data pack from requester engine.
    21  // --- requester engine asks and retrieves chunk data pack from (mocked) execution node.
    22  // --- once chunk data pack arrives, forms a verifiable chunk and passes it to verifier node.
    23  // -- in verifier engine, for each arriving verifiable chunk:
    24  // --- it verifies the chunk, shapes a result approval, and emits it to (mock) consensus node.
    25  // -- the test is passed if (mock) consensus node receives a single result approval per assigned chunk in a timely manner.
    26  // - in an unauthorized verification node:
    27  // -- execution results are discarded.
    28  // -- the test is passed if no result approval is emitted for any of the chunks in a timely manner.
    29  func TestVerificationHappyPath(t *testing.T) {
    30  	t.Parallel()
    32  	testcases := []struct {
    33  		blockCount      int
    34  		opts            []vertestutils.CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilderOpt
    35  		msg             string
    36  		authorized      bool
    37  		trials          int
    38  		eventRepetition int // accounts for consumer being notified of a certain finalized block more than once.
    39  	}{
    40  		{
    41  			/*
    42  				Read this test case in this way:
    43  				One block is passed to block reader. The block contains one
    44  				execution result that is not duplicate (single copy).
    45  				The result has only one chunk.
    46  				Each chunk data request is replied upon the first try.
    47  				The verification node is authorized.
    48  			*/
    49  			blockCount: 1,
    50  			opts: []vertestutils.CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilderOpt{
    51  				vertestutils.WithResults(1),
    52  				vertestutils.WithChunksCount(1),
    53  				vertestutils.WithCopies(1),
    54  			},
    55  			authorized:      true,
    56  			eventRepetition: 1,
    57  			trials:          1,
    58  			msg:             "1 block, 1 result, 1 chunk, no duplicate, authorized, no event repetition",
    59  		},
    60  		{
    61  			blockCount: 1,
    62  			opts: []vertestutils.CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilderOpt{
    63  				vertestutils.WithResults(1),
    64  				vertestutils.WithChunksCount(1),
    65  				vertestutils.WithCopies(1),
    66  			},
    67  			authorized:      false, // unauthorized
    68  			eventRepetition: 1,
    69  			trials:          1,
    70  			msg:             "1 block, 1 result, 1 chunk, no duplicate, unauthorized, no event repetition",
    71  		},
    72  		{
    73  			blockCount: 1,
    74  			opts: []vertestutils.CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilderOpt{
    75  				vertestutils.WithResults(5),
    76  				vertestutils.WithChunksCount(5),
    77  				vertestutils.WithCopies(1),
    78  			},
    79  			authorized:      true,
    80  			eventRepetition: 1,
    81  			trials:          1,
    82  			msg:             "1 block, 5 result, 5 chunks, no duplicate, authorized, no event repetition",
    83  		},
    84  		{
    85  			blockCount: 10,
    86  			opts: []vertestutils.CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilderOpt{
    87  				vertestutils.WithResults(2),
    88  				vertestutils.WithChunksCount(2),
    89  				vertestutils.WithCopies(2),
    90  			},
    91  			authorized:      true,
    92  			eventRepetition: 1,
    93  			trials:          1,
    94  			msg:             "10 block, 5 result, 5 chunks, 1 duplicates, authorized, no event repetition",
    95  		},
    96  		{
    97  			blockCount: 10,
    98  			opts: []vertestutils.CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilderOpt{
    99  				vertestutils.WithResults(2),
   100  				vertestutils.WithChunksCount(2),
   101  				vertestutils.WithCopies(2),
   102  			},
   103  			authorized:      true,
   104  			eventRepetition: 3, // notifies consumer 3 times for each finalized block.
   105  			trials:          1,
   106  			msg:             "10 block, 5 result, 5 chunks, 1 duplicates, authorized, with event repetition",
   107  		},
   108  		{
   109  			blockCount: 1,
   110  			opts: []vertestutils.CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilderOpt{
   111  				vertestutils.WithResults(1),
   112  				vertestutils.WithChunksCount(10),
   113  				vertestutils.WithCopies(1),
   114  			},
   115  			authorized:      true,
   116  			eventRepetition: 1,
   117  			trials:          3,
   118  			msg:             "1 block, 1 result, 10 chunks, no duplicates, authorized, no event repetition, 3 retries",
   119  		},
   120  	}
   122  	for _, tc := range testcases {
   123  		t.Run(tc.msg, func(t *testing.T) {
   124  			collector := &metrics.NoopCollector{}
   126  			vertestutils.NewVerificationHappyPathTest(t,
   127  				tc.authorized,
   128  				tc.blockCount,
   129  				tc.eventRepetition,
   130  				collector,
   131  				collector,
   132  				tc.trials,
   133  				tc.opts...)
   134  		})
   135  	}
   136  }