(about) 1 import FlowServiceAccount from 0xFLOWSERVICEADDRESS 2 import FlowStorageFees from 0xFLOWSTORAGEFEESADDRESS 3 import FungibleToken from 0xFUNGIBLETOKENADDRESS 4 import FlowToken from 0xFLOWTOKENADDRESS 5 6 // This transaction sets up storage on any auth accounts that were created before the storage fees. 7 // This is used during bootstrapping a local environment 8 transaction() { 9 prepare(service: AuthAccount, fungibleToken: AuthAccount, flowToken: AuthAccount, feeContract: AuthAccount) { 10 let authAccounts = [service, fungibleToken, flowToken, feeContract] 11 12 // take all the funds from the service account 13 let tokenVault = service.borrow<&FlowToken.Vault>(from: /storage/flowTokenVault) 14 ?? panic("Unable to borrow reference to the default token vault") 15 16 for account in authAccounts { 17 let storageReservation <- tokenVault.withdraw(amount: FlowStorageFees.minimumStorageReservation) as! @FlowToken.Vault 18 let hasReceiver = account.getCapability(/public/flowTokenReceiver)!.check<&{FungibleToken.Receiver}>() 19 if !hasReceiver { 20 FlowServiceAccount.initDefaultToken(account) 21 } 22 let receiver = account.getCapability(/public/flowTokenReceiver)!.borrow<&{FungibleToken.Receiver}>() 23 ?? panic("Could not borrow receiver reference to the recipient's Vault") 24 25 receiver.deposit(from: <-storageReservation) 26 } 27 } 28 }