
     1  package mtrie
     3  import (
     4  	"sync"
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  type OnTreeEvictedFunc func(tree *trie.MTrie)
    12  // TrieCache caches tries into memory, it acts as a fifo queue
    13  // so when it reaches to the capacity it would evict the oldest trie
    14  // from the cache.
    15  //
    16  // Under the hood it uses a circular buffer
    17  // of mtrie pointers and a map of rootHash to cache index for fast lookup
    18  type TrieCache struct {
    19  	tries         []*trie.MTrie
    20  	lookup        map[ledger.RootHash]int // index to item
    21  	lock          sync.RWMutex
    22  	capacity      int
    23  	tail          int // element index to write to
    24  	count         int // number of elements (count <= capacity)
    25  	onTreeEvicted OnTreeEvictedFunc
    26  }
    28  // NewTrieCache returns a new TrieCache with given capacity.
    29  func NewTrieCache(capacity uint, onTreeEvicted OnTreeEvictedFunc) *TrieCache {
    30  	return &TrieCache{
    31  		tries:         make([]*trie.MTrie, capacity),
    32  		lookup:        make(map[ledger.RootHash]int, capacity),
    33  		lock:          sync.RWMutex{},
    34  		capacity:      int(capacity),
    35  		tail:          0,
    36  		count:         0,
    37  		onTreeEvicted: onTreeEvicted,
    38  	}
    39  }
    41  // Purge removes all mtries stored in the buffer
    42  func (tc *TrieCache) Purge() {
    43  	tc.lock.Lock()
    44  	defer tc.lock.Unlock()
    46  	if tc.count == 0 {
    47  		return
    48  	}
    50  	toEvict := 0
    51  	for i := 0; i < tc.capacity; i++ {
    52  		toEvict = (tc.tail + i) % tc.capacity
    53  		if tc.onTreeEvicted != nil {
    54  			if tc.tries[toEvict] != nil {
    55  				tc.onTreeEvicted(tc.tries[toEvict])
    56  			}
    57  		}
    58  		tc.tries[toEvict] = nil
    59  	}
    60  	tc.tail = 0
    61  	tc.count = 0
    62  	tc.lookup = make(map[ledger.RootHash]int, tc.capacity)
    63  }
    65  // Tries returns elements in queue, starting from the oldest element
    66  // to the newest element.
    67  func (tc *TrieCache) Tries() []*trie.MTrie {
    68  	tc.lock.RLock()
    69  	defer tc.lock.RUnlock()
    71  	if tc.count == 0 {
    72  		return nil
    73  	}
    75  	tries := make([]*trie.MTrie, tc.count)
    77  	if tc.tail >= tc.count { // Data isn't wrapped around the slice.
    78  		head := tc.tail - tc.count
    79  		copy(tries, tc.tries[head:tc.tail])
    80  	} else { // q.tail < q.count, data is wrapped around the slice.
    81  		// This branch isn't used until TrieQueue supports Pop (removing oldest element).
    82  		// At this time, there is no reason to implement Pop, so this branch is here to prevent future bug.
    83  		head := tc.capacity - tc.count + tc.tail
    84  		n := copy(tries, tc.tries[head:])
    85  		copy(tries[n:], tc.tries[:tc.tail])
    86  	}
    88  	return tries
    89  }
    91  // Push pushes trie to queue.  If queue is full, it overwrites the oldest element.
    92  func (tc *TrieCache) Push(t *trie.MTrie) {
    93  	tc.lock.Lock()
    94  	defer tc.lock.Unlock()
    96  	// if its full
    97  	if tc.count == tc.capacity {
    98  		oldtrie := tc.tries[tc.tail]
    99  		if tc.onTreeEvicted != nil {
   100  			tc.onTreeEvicted(oldtrie)
   101  		}
   102  		delete(tc.lookup, oldtrie.RootHash())
   103  		tc.count-- // so when we increment at the end of method we don't go beyond capacity
   104  	}
   105  	tc.tries[tc.tail] = t
   106  	tc.lookup[t.RootHash()] = tc.tail
   107  	tc.tail = (tc.tail + 1) % tc.capacity
   108  	tc.count++
   109  }
   111  // LastAddedTrie returns the last trie added to the cache
   112  func (tc *TrieCache) LastAddedTrie() *trie.MTrie {
   113  	tc.lock.RLock()
   114  	defer tc.lock.RUnlock()
   116  	if tc.count == 0 {
   117  		return nil
   118  	}
   119  	indx := tc.tail - 1
   120  	if indx < 0 {
   121  		indx = tc.capacity - 1
   122  	}
   123  	return tc.tries[indx]
   124  }
   126  // Get returns the trie by rootHash, if not exist will return nil and false
   127  func (tc *TrieCache) Get(rootHash ledger.RootHash) (*trie.MTrie, bool) {
   128  	tc.lock.RLock()
   129  	defer tc.lock.RUnlock()
   131  	idx, found := tc.lookup[rootHash]
   132  	if !found {
   133  		return nil, false
   134  	}
   135  	return tc.tries[idx], true
   136  }
   138  // Count returns number of items stored in the cache
   139  func (tc *TrieCache) Count() int {
   140  	tc.lock.RLock()
   141  	defer tc.lock.RUnlock()
   143  	return tc.count
   144  }