
     1  package scoring_test
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"math/rand"
     6  	"regexp"
     7  	"testing"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	p2ptest ""
    12  	flowpubsub ""
    14  	""
    15  	mocktestify ""
    16  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	mockp2p ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  )
    31  // TestSubscriptionProvider_GetSubscribedTopics tests that when a peer has not subscribed to
    32  // any topic, the subscription validator returns no error.
    33  func TestSubscriptionValidator_NoSubscribedTopic(t *testing.T) {
    34  	sp := mockp2p.NewSubscriptionProvider(t)
    36  	sv := scoring.NewSubscriptionValidator()
    37  	sv.RegisterSubscriptionProvider(sp)
    39  	// mocks peer 1 not subscribed to any topic.
    40  	peer1 := p2pfixtures.PeerIdFixture(t)
    41  	sp.On("GetSubscribedTopics", peer1).Return([]string{})
    43  	// as peer 1 has not subscribed to any topic, the subscription validator should return no error regardless of the
    44  	// role.
    45  	for _, role := range flow.Roles() {
    46  		require.NoError(t, sv.CheckSubscribedToAllowedTopics(peer1, role))
    47  	}
    48  }
    50  // TestSubscriptionValidator_UnknownChannel tests that when a peer has subscribed to an unknown
    51  // topic, the subscription validator returns an error.
    52  func TestSubscriptionValidator_UnknownChannel(t *testing.T) {
    53  	sp := mockp2p.NewSubscriptionProvider(t)
    54  	sv := scoring.NewSubscriptionValidator()
    55  	sv.RegisterSubscriptionProvider(sp)
    57  	// mocks peer 1 not subscribed to an unknown topic.
    58  	peer1 := p2pfixtures.PeerIdFixture(t)
    59  	sp.On("GetSubscribedTopics", peer1).Return([]string{"unknown-topic-1", "unknown-topic-2"})
    61  	// as peer 1 has subscribed to unknown topics, the subscription validator should return an error
    62  	// regardless of the role.
    63  	for _, role := range flow.Roles() {
    64  		err := sv.CheckSubscribedToAllowedTopics(peer1, role)
    65  		require.Error(t, err)
    66  		require.True(t, scoring.IsInvalidSubscriptionError(err))
    67  	}
    68  }
    70  // TestSubscriptionValidator_ValidSubscription tests that when a peer has subscribed to valid
    71  // topics based on its Flow protocol role, the subscription validator returns no error.
    72  func TestSubscriptionValidator_ValidSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
    73  	sp := mockp2p.NewSubscriptionProvider(t)
    74  	sv := scoring.NewSubscriptionValidator()
    75  	sv.RegisterSubscriptionProvider(sp)
    77  	for _, role := range flow.Roles() {
    78  		peerId := p2pfixtures.PeerIdFixture(t)
    79  		// allowed channels for the role excluding the test channels.
    80  		allowedChannels := channels.ChannelsByRole(role).ExcludePattern(regexp.MustCompile("^(test).*"))
    81  		sporkID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
    83  		allowedTopics := make([]string, 0, len(allowedChannels))
    84  		for _, channel := range allowedChannels {
    85  			allowedTopics = append(allowedTopics, channels.TopicFromChannel(channel, sporkID).String())
    86  		}
    88  		// peer should pass the subscription validator as it has subscribed to any subset of its allowed topics.
    89  		for i := range allowedTopics {
    90  			sp.On("GetSubscribedTopics", peerId).Return(allowedTopics[:i+1])
    91  			require.NoError(t, sv.CheckSubscribedToAllowedTopics(peerId, role))
    92  		}
    93  	}
    94  }
    96  // TestSubscriptionValidator_SubscribeToAllTopics tests that regardless of its role when a peer has subscribed to all
    97  // topics, the subscription validator returns an error.
    98  //
    99  // Note: this test is to ensure that the subscription validator is not bypassed by subscribing to all topics.
   100  // It also based on the assumption that within the list of all topics, there are guaranteed to be some that are not allowed.
   101  // If this assumption is not true, this test will fail. Hence, the test should be updated accordingly if the assumption
   102  // is no longer true.
   103  func TestSubscriptionValidator_SubscribeToAllTopics(t *testing.T) {
   104  	sp := mockp2p.NewSubscriptionProvider(t)
   105  	sv := scoring.NewSubscriptionValidator()
   106  	sv.RegisterSubscriptionProvider(sp)
   108  	allChannels := channels.Channels().ExcludePattern(regexp.MustCompile("^(test).*"))
   109  	sporkID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   110  	allTopics := make([]string, 0, len(allChannels))
   111  	for _, channel := range allChannels {
   112  		allTopics = append(allTopics, channels.TopicFromChannel(channel, sporkID).String())
   113  	}
   115  	for _, role := range flow.Roles() {
   116  		peerId := p2pfixtures.PeerIdFixture(t)
   117  		sp.On("GetSubscribedTopics", peerId).Return(allTopics)
   118  		err := sv.CheckSubscribedToAllowedTopics(peerId, role)
   119  		require.Error(t, err, role)
   120  		require.True(t, scoring.IsInvalidSubscriptionError(err), role)
   121  	}
   122  }
   124  // TestSubscriptionValidator_InvalidSubscription tests that when a peer has subscribed to invalid
   125  // topics based on its Flow protocol role, the subscription validator returns an error.
   126  func TestSubscriptionValidator_InvalidSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
   127  	sp := mockp2p.NewSubscriptionProvider(t)
   128  	sv := scoring.NewSubscriptionValidator()
   129  	sv.RegisterSubscriptionProvider(sp)
   131  	for _, role := range flow.Roles() {
   132  		peerId := p2pfixtures.PeerIdFixture(t)
   133  		unauthorizedChannels := channels.Channels(). // all channels
   134  								ExcludeChannels(channels.ChannelsByRole(role)). // excluding the channels for the role
   135  								ExcludePattern(regexp.MustCompile("^(test).*")) // excluding the test channels.
   136  		sporkID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   137  		unauthorizedTopics := make([]string, 0, len(unauthorizedChannels))
   138  		for _, channel := range unauthorizedChannels {
   139  			unauthorizedTopics = append(unauthorizedTopics, channels.TopicFromChannel(channel, sporkID).String())
   140  		}
   142  		// peer should NOT pass subscription validator as it has subscribed to any subset of its unauthorized topics,
   143  		// regardless of the role.
   144  		for i := range unauthorizedTopics {
   145  			sp.On("GetSubscribedTopics", peerId).Return(unauthorizedTopics[:i+1])
   146  			err := sv.CheckSubscribedToAllowedTopics(peerId, role)
   147  			require.Error(t, err, role)
   148  			require.True(t, scoring.IsInvalidSubscriptionError(err), role)
   149  		}
   150  	}
   151  }
   153  // TestSubscriptionValidator_Integration tests that when a peer is subscribed to an invalid topic, it is penalized
   154  // by the subscription validator of other peers on that same (invalid) topic,
   155  // and they prevent the peer from sending messages on that topic.
   156  // This test is an integration test that tests the subscription validator in the context of the pubsub.
   157  //
   158  // Scenario:
   159  // Part-1:
   160  // 1. Two verification nodes and one consensus node are created.
   161  // 2. All nodes subscribe to a legit shared topic (PushBlocks).
   162  // 3. Consensus node publishes a block on this topic.
   163  // 4. Test checks that all nodes receive the block.
   164  //
   165  // Part-2:
   166  // 1. Consensus node subscribes to an invalid topic, which it is not supposed to (RequestChunks).
   167  // 2. Consensus node publishes a block on the PushBlocks topic.
   168  // 3. Test checks that none of the nodes receive the block.
   169  // 4. Verification node also publishes a chunk request on the RequestChunks channel.
   170  // 5. Test checks that consensus node does not receive the chunk request while the other verification node does.
   171  func TestSubscriptionValidator_Integration(t *testing.T) {
   172  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   173  	signalerCtx := irrecoverable.NewMockSignalerContext(t, ctx)
   175  	sporkId := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   177  	idProvider := mock.NewIdentityProvider(t)
   178  	// one consensus node.
   179  	conNode, conId := p2ptest.NodeFixture(t, sporkId, t.Name(),
   180  		p2ptest.WithLogger(unittest.Logger()),
   181  		p2ptest.WithPeerScoringEnabled(idProvider),
   182  		p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleConsensus))
   184  	// two verification node.
   185  	verNode1, verId1 := p2ptest.NodeFixture(t, sporkId, t.Name(),
   186  		p2ptest.WithLogger(unittest.Logger()),
   187  		p2ptest.WithPeerScoringEnabled(idProvider),
   188  		p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleVerification))
   190  	verNode2, verId2 := p2ptest.NodeFixture(t, sporkId, t.Name(),
   191  		p2ptest.WithLogger(unittest.Logger()),
   192  		p2ptest.WithPeerScoringEnabled(idProvider),
   193  		p2ptest.WithRole(flow.RoleVerification))
   195  	ids := flow.IdentityList{&conId, &verId1, &verId2}
   196  	nodes := []p2p.LibP2PNode{conNode, verNode1, verNode2}
   198  	provider := id.NewFixedIdentityProvider(ids)
   199  	idProvider.On("ByPeerID", mocktestify.Anything).Return(
   200  		func(peerId peer.ID) *flow.Identity {
   201  			identity, _ := provider.ByPeerID(peerId)
   202  			return identity
   203  		}, func(peerId peer.ID) bool {
   204  			_, ok := provider.ByPeerID(peerId)
   205  			return ok
   206  		})
   208  	p2ptest.StartNodes(t, signalerCtx, nodes, 100*time.Millisecond)
   209  	defer p2ptest.StopNodes(t, nodes, cancel, 100*time.Millisecond)
   211  	blockTopic := channels.TopicFromChannel(channels.PushBlocks, sporkId)
   212  	slashingViolationsConsumer := unittest.NetworkSlashingViolationsConsumer(unittest.Logger(), metrics.NewNoopCollector())
   214  	topicValidator := flowpubsub.TopicValidator(unittest.Logger(), unittest.NetworkCodec(), slashingViolationsConsumer, unittest.AllowAllPeerFilter())
   216  	// wait for the subscriptions to be established
   217  	p2ptest.LetNodesDiscoverEachOther(t, ctx, nodes, ids)
   219  	// consensus node subscribes to the block topic.
   220  	conSub, err := conNode.Subscribe(blockTopic, topicValidator)
   221  	require.NoError(t, err)
   223  	// both verification nodes subscribe to the blocks and chunks topic (because they are allowed to).
   224  	ver1SubBlocks, err := verNode1.Subscribe(blockTopic, topicValidator)
   225  	require.NoError(t, err)
   227  	ver1SubChunks, err := verNode1.Subscribe(channels.TopicFromChannel(channels.RequestChunks, sporkId), topicValidator)
   228  	require.NoError(t, err)
   230  	ver2SubBlocks, err := verNode2.Subscribe(blockTopic, topicValidator)
   231  	require.NoError(t, err)
   233  	ver2SubChunks, err := verNode2.Subscribe(channels.TopicFromChannel(channels.RequestChunks, sporkId), topicValidator)
   234  	require.NoError(t, err)
   236  	// let the subscriptions be established
   237  	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
   239  	proposalMsg := p2pfixtures.MustEncodeEvent(t, unittest.ProposalFixture(), channels.PushBlocks)
   240  	// consensus node publishes a proposal
   241  	require.NoError(t, conNode.Publish(ctx, blockTopic, proposalMsg))
   243  	// checks that the message is received by all nodes.
   244  	ctx1s, cancel1s := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 1*time.Second)
   245  	defer cancel1s()
   246  	p2pfixtures.SubsMustReceiveMessage(t, ctx1s, proposalMsg, []p2p.Subscription{conSub, ver1SubBlocks, ver2SubBlocks})
   248  	// now consensus node is doing something very bad!
   249  	// it is subscribing to a channel that it is not supposed to subscribe to.
   250  	conSubChunks, err := conNode.Subscribe(channels.TopicFromChannel(channels.RequestChunks, sporkId), topicValidator)
   251  	require.NoError(t, err)
   253  	// let's wait for a bit to subscription propagate.
   254  	time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
   256  	// consensus node publishes another proposal, but this time, it should not reach verification node.
   257  	// since upon an unauthorized subscription, verification node should have slashed consensus node on
   258  	// the GossipSub scoring protocol.
   259  	proposalMsg = p2pfixtures.MustEncodeEvent(t, unittest.ProposalFixture(), channels.PushBlocks)
   260  	// publishes a message to the topic.
   261  	require.NoError(t, conNode.Publish(ctx, blockTopic, proposalMsg))
   263  	ctx5s, cancel5s := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
   264  	defer cancel5s()
   265  	p2pfixtures.SubsMustNeverReceiveAnyMessage(t, ctx5s, []p2p.Subscription{ver1SubBlocks, ver2SubBlocks})
   267  	// moreover, a verification node publishing a message to the request chunk topic should not reach consensus node.
   268  	// however, both verification nodes should receive the message.
   269  	chunkDataPackRequestMsg := p2pfixtures.MustEncodeEvent(t, &messages.ChunkDataRequest{
   270  		ChunkID: unittest.IdentifierFixture(),
   271  		Nonce:   rand.Uint64(),
   272  	}, channels.RequestChunks)
   273  	require.NoError(t, verNode1.Publish(ctx, channels.TopicFromChannel(channels.RequestChunks, sporkId), chunkDataPackRequestMsg))
   275  	ctx1s, cancel1s = context.WithTimeout(ctx, 1*time.Second)
   276  	defer cancel1s()
   277  	p2pfixtures.SubsMustReceiveMessage(t, ctx1s, chunkDataPackRequestMsg, []p2p.Subscription{ver1SubChunks, ver2SubChunks})
   279  	ctx5s, cancel5s = context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
   280  	defer cancel5s()
   281  	p2pfixtures.SubsMustNeverReceiveAnyMessage(t, ctx5s, []p2p.Subscription{conSubChunks})
   282  }