
     1  package test
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"math/rand"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"strconv"
     9  	"strings"
    10  	"sync"
    11  	"testing"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    16  	""
    17  	pubsub ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  )
    38  // MeshEngineTestSuite evaluates the message delivery functionality for the overlay
    39  // of engines over a complete graph
    40  type MeshEngineTestSuite struct {
    41  	suite.Suite
    42  	testutils.ConduitWrapper                      // used as a wrapper around conduit methods
    43  	nets                     []network.Network    // used to keep track of the networks
    44  	mws                      []network.Middleware // used to keep track of the middlewares
    45  	ids                      flow.IdentityList    // used to keep track of the identifiers associated with networks
    46  	obs                      chan string          // used to keep track of Protect events tagged by pubsub messages
    47  	cancel                   context.CancelFunc
    48  }
    50  // TestMeshNetTestSuite runs all tests in this test suit
    51  func TestMeshNetTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
    52  	suite.Run(t, new(MeshEngineTestSuite))
    53  }
    55  // SetupTest is executed prior to each test in this test suit
    56  // it creates and initializes a set of network instances
    57  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) SetupTest() {
    58  	// defines total number of nodes in our network (minimum 3 needed to use 1-k messaging)
    59  	const count = 10
    60  	logger := zerolog.New(os.Stderr).Level(zerolog.ErrorLevel)
    61  	log.SetAllLoggers(log.LevelError)
    63  	// set up a channel to receive pubsub tags from connManagers of the nodes
    64  	var obs []observable.Observable
    65  	peerChannel := make(chan string)
    66  	ob := tagsObserver{
    67  		tags: peerChannel,
    68  		log:  logger,
    69  	}
    71  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    72  	suite.cancel = cancel
    74  	signalerCtx := irrecoverable.NewMockSignalerContext(suite.T(), ctx)
    76  	var nodes []p2p.LibP2PNode
    77  	suite.ids, nodes, suite.mws, suite.nets, obs = testutils.GenerateIDsMiddlewaresNetworks(
    78  		suite.T(),
    79  		count,
    80  		logger,
    81  		unittest.NetworkCodec(),
    82  		mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(suite.T()),
    83  		testutils.WithIdentityOpts(unittest.WithAllRoles()),
    84  	)
    86  	testutils.StartNodesAndNetworks(signalerCtx, suite.T(), nodes, suite.nets, 100*time.Millisecond)
    88  	for _, observableConnMgr := range obs {
    89  		observableConnMgr.Subscribe(&ob)
    90  	}
    91  	suite.obs = peerChannel
    92  }
    94  // TearDownTest closes the networks within a specified timeout
    95  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TearDownTest() {
    96  	suite.cancel()
    97  	testutils.StopComponents(suite.T(), suite.nets, 3*time.Second)
    98  	testutils.StopComponents(suite.T(), suite.mws, 3*time.Second)
    99  }
   101  // TestAllToAll_Publish evaluates the network of mesh engines against allToAllScenario scenario.
   102  // Network instances during this test use their Publish method to disseminate messages.
   103  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestAllToAll_Publish() {
   104  	suite.allToAllScenario(suite.Publish)
   105  }
   107  // TestAllToAll_Multicast evaluates the network of mesh engines against allToAllScenario scenario.
   108  // Network instances during this test use their Multicast method to disseminate messages.
   109  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestAllToAll_Multicast() {
   110  	suite.allToAllScenario(suite.Multicast)
   111  }
   113  // TestAllToAll_Unicast evaluates the network of mesh engines against allToAllScenario scenario.
   114  // Network instances during this test use their Unicast method to disseminate messages.
   115  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestAllToAll_Unicast() {
   116  	suite.allToAllScenario(suite.Unicast)
   117  }
   119  // TestTargetedValidators_Unicast tests if only the intended recipients in a 1-k messaging actually receive the message.
   120  // The messages are disseminated through the Unicast method of conduits.
   121  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestTargetedValidators_Unicast() {
   122  	suite.targetValidatorScenario(suite.Unicast)
   123  }
   125  // TestTargetedValidators_Multicast tests if only the intended recipients in a 1-k messaging actually receive the
   126  // message.
   127  // The messages are disseminated through the Multicast method of conduits.
   128  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestTargetedValidators_Multicast() {
   129  	suite.targetValidatorScenario(suite.Multicast)
   130  }
   132  // TestTargetedValidators_Publish tests if only the intended recipients in a 1-k messaging actually receive the message.
   133  // The messages are disseminated through the Multicast method of conduits.
   134  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestTargetedValidators_Publish() {
   135  	suite.targetValidatorScenario(suite.Publish)
   136  }
   138  // TestMaxMessageSize_Unicast evaluates the messageSizeScenario scenario using
   139  // the Unicast method of conduits.
   140  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestMaxMessageSize_Unicast() {
   141  	suite.messageSizeScenario(suite.Unicast, middleware.DefaultMaxUnicastMsgSize)
   142  }
   144  // TestMaxMessageSize_Multicast evaluates the messageSizeScenario scenario using
   145  // the Multicast method of conduits.
   146  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestMaxMessageSize_Multicast() {
   147  	suite.messageSizeScenario(suite.Multicast, p2pnode.DefaultMaxPubSubMsgSize)
   148  }
   150  // TestMaxMessageSize_Publish evaluates the messageSizeScenario scenario using the
   151  // Publish method of conduits.
   152  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestMaxMessageSize_Publish() {
   153  	suite.messageSizeScenario(suite.Publish, p2pnode.DefaultMaxPubSubMsgSize)
   154  }
   156  // TestUnregister_Publish tests that an engine cannot send any message using Publish
   157  // or receive any messages after the conduit is closed
   158  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestUnregister_Publish() {
   159  	suite.conduitCloseScenario(suite.Publish)
   160  }
   162  // TestUnregister_Publish tests that an engine cannot send any message using Multicast
   163  // or receive any messages after the conduit is closed
   164  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestUnregister_Multicast() {
   165  	suite.conduitCloseScenario(suite.Multicast)
   166  }
   168  // TestUnregister_Publish tests that an engine cannot send any message using Unicast
   169  // or receive any messages after the conduit is closed
   170  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) TestUnregister_Unicast() {
   171  	suite.conduitCloseScenario(suite.Unicast)
   172  }
   174  // allToAllScenario creates a complete mesh of the engines
   175  // each engine x then sends a "hello from node x" to other engines
   176  // it evaluates the correctness of message delivery as well as content of the message
   177  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) allToAllScenario(send testutils.ConduitSendWrapperFunc) {
   178  	// allows nodes to find each other in case of Mulitcast and Publish
   179  	testutils.OptionalSleep(send)
   181  	// creating engines
   182  	count := len(suite.nets)
   183  	engs := make([]*testutils.MeshEngine, 0)
   184  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
   186  	// logs[i][j] keeps the message that node i sends to node j
   187  	logs := make(map[int][]string)
   188  	for i := range suite.nets {
   189  		eng := testutils.NewMeshEngine(suite.Suite.T(), suite.nets[i], count-1, channels.TestNetworkChannel)
   190  		engs = append(engs, eng)
   191  		logs[i] = make([]string, 0)
   192  	}
   194  	// allow nodes to heartbeat and discover each other
   195  	// each node will register ~D protect messages, where D is the default out-degree
   196  	for i := 0; i < pubsub.GossipSubD*count; i++ {
   197  		select {
   198  		case <-suite.obs:
   199  		case <-time.After(8 * time.Second):
   200  			assert.FailNow(suite.T(), "could not receive pubsub tag indicating mesh formed")
   201  		}
   202  	}
   204  	// Each node broadcasting a message to all others
   205  	for i := range suite.nets {
   206  		event := &message.TestMessage{
   207  			Text: fmt.Sprintf("hello from node %v", i),
   208  		}
   210  		// others keeps the identifier of all nodes except ith node
   211  		others := suite.ids.Filter(filter.Not(filter.HasNodeID(suite.ids[i].NodeID))).NodeIDs()
   212  		require.NoError(suite.Suite.T(), send(event, engs[i].Con, others...))
   213  		wg.Add(count - 1)
   214  	}
   216  	// fires a goroutine for each engine that listens to incoming messages
   217  	for i := range suite.nets {
   218  		go func(e *testutils.MeshEngine) {
   219  			for x := 0; x < count-1; x++ {
   220  				<-e.Received
   221  				wg.Done()
   222  			}
   223  		}(engs[i])
   224  	}
   226  	unittest.AssertReturnsBefore(suite.Suite.T(), wg.Wait, 30*time.Second)
   228  	// evaluates that all messages are received
   229  	for index, e := range engs {
   230  		// confirms the number of received messages at each node
   231  		if len(e.Event) != (count - 1) {
   232  			assert.Fail(suite.Suite.T(),
   233  				fmt.Sprintf("Message reception mismatch at node %v. Expected: %v, Got: %v", index, count-1, len(e.Event)))
   234  		}
   236  		for i := 0; i < count-1; i++ {
   237  			assertChannelReceived(suite.T(), e, channels.TestNetworkChannel)
   238  		}
   240  		// extracts failed messages
   241  		receivedIndices, err := extractSenderID(count, e.Event, "hello from node")
   242  		require.NoError(suite.Suite.T(), err)
   244  		for j := 0; j < count; j++ {
   245  			// evaluates self-gossip
   246  			if j == index {
   247  				assert.False(suite.Suite.T(), (receivedIndices)[index], fmt.Sprintf("self gossiped for node %v detected", index))
   248  			}
   249  			// evaluates content
   250  			if !(receivedIndices)[j] {
   251  				assert.False(suite.Suite.T(), (receivedIndices)[index],
   252  					fmt.Sprintf("Message not found in node #%v's messages. Expected: Message from node %v. Got: No message", index, j))
   253  			}
   254  		}
   255  	}
   256  }
   258  // targetValidatorScenario sends a single message from last node to the first half of the nodes
   259  // based on identifiers list.
   260  // It then verifies that only the intended recipients receive the message.
   261  // Message dissemination is done using the send wrapper of conduit.
   262  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) targetValidatorScenario(send testutils.ConduitSendWrapperFunc) {
   263  	// creating engines
   264  	count := len(suite.nets)
   265  	engs := make([]*testutils.MeshEngine, 0)
   266  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
   268  	for i := range suite.nets {
   269  		eng := testutils.NewMeshEngine(suite.Suite.T(), suite.nets[i], count-1, channels.TestNetworkChannel)
   270  		engs = append(engs, eng)
   271  	}
   273  	// allow nodes to heartbeat and discover each other
   274  	// each node will register ~D protect messages, where D is the default out-degree
   275  	for i := 0; i < pubsub.GossipSubD*count; i++ {
   276  		select {
   277  		case <-suite.obs:
   278  		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
   279  			assert.FailNow(suite.T(), "could not receive pubsub tag indicating mesh formed")
   280  		}
   281  	}
   283  	// choose half of the nodes as target
   284  	allIds := suite.ids.NodeIDs()
   285  	var targets []flow.Identifier
   286  	// create a target list of half of the nodes
   287  	for i := 0; i < len(allIds)/2; i++ {
   288  		targets = append(targets, allIds[i])
   289  	}
   291  	// node 0 broadcasting a message to all targets
   292  	event := &message.TestMessage{
   293  		Text: "hello from node 0",
   294  	}
   295  	require.NoError(suite.Suite.T(), send(event, engs[len(engs)-1].Con, targets...))
   297  	// fires a goroutine for all engines to listens for the incoming message
   298  	for i := 0; i < len(allIds)/2; i++ {
   299  		wg.Add(1)
   300  		go func(e *testutils.MeshEngine) {
   301  			<-e.Received
   302  			wg.Done()
   303  		}(engs[i])
   304  	}
   306  	unittest.AssertReturnsBefore(suite.T(), wg.Wait, 10*time.Second)
   308  	// evaluates that all messages are received
   309  	for index, e := range engs {
   310  		if index < len(engs)/2 {
   311  			assert.Len(suite.Suite.T(), e.Event, 1, fmt.Sprintf("message not received %v", index))
   312  			assertChannelReceived(suite.T(), e, channels.TestNetworkChannel)
   313  		} else {
   314  			assert.Len(suite.Suite.T(), e.Event, 0, fmt.Sprintf("message received when none was expected %v", index))
   315  		}
   316  	}
   317  }
   319  // messageSizeScenario provides a scenario to check if a message of maximum permissible size can be sent
   320  // successfully.
   321  // It broadcasts a message from the first node to all the nodes in the identifiers list using send wrapper function.
   322  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) messageSizeScenario(send testutils.ConduitSendWrapperFunc, size uint) {
   323  	// creating engines
   324  	count := len(suite.nets)
   325  	engs := make([]*testutils.MeshEngine, 0)
   326  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
   328  	for i := range suite.nets {
   329  		eng := testutils.NewMeshEngine(suite.Suite.T(), suite.nets[i], count-1, channels.TestNetworkChannel)
   330  		engs = append(engs, eng)
   331  	}
   333  	// allow nodes to heartbeat and discover each other
   334  	// each node will register ~D protect messages per mesh setup, where D is the default out-degree
   335  	for i := 0; i < pubsub.GossipSubD*count; i++ {
   336  		select {
   337  		case <-suite.obs:
   338  		case <-time.After(8 * time.Second):
   339  			assert.FailNow(suite.T(), "could not receive pubsub tag indicating mesh formed")
   340  		}
   341  	}
   342  	// others keeps the identifier of all nodes except node that is sender.
   343  	others := suite.ids.Filter(filter.Not(filter.HasNodeID(suite.ids[0].NodeID))).NodeIDs()
   345  	// generates and sends an event of custom size to the network
   346  	payload := testutils.NetworkPayloadFixture(suite.T(), size)
   347  	event := &message.TestMessage{
   348  		Text: string(payload),
   349  	}
   351  	require.NoError(suite.T(), send(event, engs[0].Con, others...))
   353  	// fires a goroutine for all engines (except sender) to listen for the incoming message
   354  	for _, eng := range engs[1:] {
   355  		wg.Add(1)
   356  		go func(e *testutils.MeshEngine) {
   357  			<-e.Received
   358  			wg.Done()
   359  		}(eng)
   360  	}
   362  	unittest.AssertReturnsBefore(suite.Suite.T(), wg.Wait, 30*time.Second)
   364  	// evaluates that all messages are received
   365  	for index, e := range engs[1:] {
   366  		assert.Len(suite.Suite.T(), e.Event, 1, "message not received by engine %d", index+1)
   367  		assertChannelReceived(suite.T(), e, channels.TestNetworkChannel)
   368  	}
   369  }
   371  // conduitCloseScenario tests after a Conduit is closed, an engine cannot send or receive a message for that channel.
   372  func (suite *MeshEngineTestSuite) conduitCloseScenario(send testutils.ConduitSendWrapperFunc) {
   374  	testutils.OptionalSleep(send)
   376  	// creating engines
   377  	count := len(suite.nets)
   378  	engs := make([]*testutils.MeshEngine, 0)
   379  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
   381  	for i := range suite.nets {
   382  		eng := testutils.NewMeshEngine(suite.Suite.T(), suite.nets[i], count-1, channels.TestNetworkChannel)
   383  		engs = append(engs, eng)
   384  	}
   386  	// allow nodes to heartbeat and discover each other
   387  	// each node will register ~D protect messages, where D is the default out-degree
   388  	for i := 0; i < pubsub.GossipSubD*count; i++ {
   389  		select {
   390  		case <-suite.obs:
   391  		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
   392  			assert.FailNow(suite.T(), "could not receive pubsub tag indicating mesh formed")
   393  		}
   394  	}
   396  	// unregister a random engine from the test topic by calling close on it's conduit
   397  	unregisterIndex := rand.Intn(count)
   398  	err := engs[unregisterIndex].Con.Close()
   399  	assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   401  	// waits enough for peer manager to unsubscribe the node from the topic
   402  	// while libp2p is unsubscribing the node, the topology gets unstable
   403  	// and connections to the node may be refused (although very unlikely).
   404  	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
   406  	// each node attempts to broadcast a message to all others
   407  	for i := range suite.nets {
   408  		event := &message.TestMessage{
   409  			Text: fmt.Sprintf("hello from node %v", i),
   410  		}
   412  		// others keeps the identifier of all nodes except ith node and the node that unregistered from the topic.
   413  		// nodes without valid topic registration for a channel will reject messages on that channel via unicast.
   414  		others := suite.ids.Filter(filter.Not(filter.HasNodeID(suite.ids[i].NodeID, suite.ids[unregisterIndex].NodeID))).NodeIDs()
   416  		if i == unregisterIndex {
   417  			// assert that unsubscribed engine cannot publish on that topic
   418  			require.Error(suite.Suite.T(), send(event, engs[i].Con, others...))
   419  			continue
   420  		}
   422  		require.NoError(suite.Suite.T(), send(event, engs[i].Con, others...))
   423  	}
   425  	// fire a goroutine to listen for incoming messages for each engine except for the one which unregistered
   426  	for i := range suite.nets {
   427  		if i == unregisterIndex {
   428  			continue
   429  		}
   430  		wg.Add(1)
   431  		go func(e *testutils.MeshEngine) {
   432  			expectedMsgCnt := count - 2 // count less self and unsubscribed engine
   433  			for x := 0; x < expectedMsgCnt; x++ {
   434  				<-e.Received
   435  			}
   436  			wg.Done()
   437  		}(engs[i])
   438  	}
   440  	// assert every one except the unsubscribed engine received the message
   441  	unittest.AssertReturnsBefore(suite.Suite.T(), wg.Wait, 2*time.Second)
   443  	// assert that the unregistered engine did not receive the message
   444  	unregisteredEng := engs[unregisterIndex]
   445  	assert.Emptyf(suite.T(), unregisteredEng.Received, "unregistered engine received the topic message")
   446  }
   448  // assertChannelReceived asserts that the given channel was received on the given engine
   449  func assertChannelReceived(t *testing.T, e *testutils.MeshEngine, channel channels.Channel) {
   450  	unittest.AssertReturnsBefore(t, func() {
   451  		assert.Equal(t, channel, <-e.Channel)
   452  	}, 100*time.Millisecond)
   453  }
   455  // extractSenderID returns a bool array with the index i true if there is a message from node i in the provided messages.
   456  // enginesNum is the number of engines
   457  // events is the channel of received events
   458  // expectedMsgTxt is the common prefix among all the messages that we expect to receive, for example
   459  // we expect to receive "hello from node x" in this test, and then expectedMsgTxt is "hello form node"
   460  func extractSenderID(enginesNum int, events chan interface{}, expectedMsgTxt string) ([]bool, error) {
   461  	indices := make([]bool, enginesNum)
   462  	expectedMsgSize := len(expectedMsgTxt)
   463  	for i := 0; i < enginesNum-1; i++ {
   464  		var event interface{}
   465  		select {
   466  		case event = <-events:
   467  		default:
   468  			continue
   469  		}
   470  		echo := event.(*message.TestMessage)
   471  		msg := echo.Text
   472  		if len(msg) < expectedMsgSize {
   473  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid message format")
   474  		}
   475  		senderIndex := msg[expectedMsgSize:]
   476  		senderIndex = strings.TrimLeft(senderIndex, " ")
   477  		nodeID, err := strconv.Atoi(senderIndex)
   478  		if err != nil {
   479  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not extract the node id from: %v", msg)
   480  		}
   482  		if indices[nodeID] {
   483  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate message reception: %v", msg)
   484  		}
   486  		if msg == fmt.Sprintf("%s %v", expectedMsgTxt, nodeID) {
   487  			indices[nodeID] = true
   488  		}
   489  	}
   490  	return indices, nil
   491  }