
     1  package test
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"testing"
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	mockery ""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	libp2pmessage ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  )
    33  // UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite tests that messages sent via unicast that are unauthenticated or unauthorized are correctly rejected. Each test on the test suite
    34  // uses 2 middlewares, a sender and receiver. A mock slashing violation's consumer is used to assert the messages were rejected. Middleware and the cancel func
    35  // are set during each test run inside the test and remove after each test run in the TearDownTest callback.
    36  type UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite struct {
    37  	suite.Suite
    38  	channelCloseDuration time.Duration
    39  	logger               zerolog.Logger
    41  	libP2PNodes []p2p.LibP2PNode
    42  	// senderMW is the mw that will be sending the message
    43  	senderMW network.Middleware
    44  	// senderID the identity on the mw sending the message
    45  	senderID *flow.Identity
    46  	// receiverMW is the mw that will be sending the message
    47  	receiverMW network.Middleware
    48  	// receiverID the identity on the mw sending the message
    49  	receiverID *flow.Identity
    50  	// providers id providers generated at beginning of a test run
    51  	providers []*testutils.UpdatableIDProvider
    52  	// cancel is the cancel func from the context that was used to start the middlewares in a test run
    53  	cancel context.CancelFunc
    54  	// waitCh is the channel used to wait for the middleware to perform authorization and invoke the slashing
    55  	//violation's consumer before making mock assertions and cleaning up resources
    56  	waitCh chan struct{}
    57  }
    59  // TestUnicastAuthorizationTestSuite runs all the test methods in this test suit
    60  func TestUnicastAuthorizationTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
    61  	t.Parallel()
    62  	suite.Run(t, new(UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite))
    63  }
    65  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) SetupTest() {
    66  	u.logger = unittest.Logger()
    67  	u.channelCloseDuration = 100 * time.Millisecond
    68  	// this ch will allow us to wait until the expected method call happens before shutting down middleware
    69  	u.waitCh = make(chan struct{})
    70  }
    72  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TearDownTest() {
    73  	u.stopMiddlewares()
    74  }
    76  // setupMiddlewaresAndProviders will setup 2 middlewares that will be used as a sender and receiver in each suite test.
    77  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer slashing.ViolationsConsumer) {
    78  	ids, libP2PNodes, _ := testutils.GenerateIDs(u.T(), u.logger, 2)
    79  	mws, providers := testutils.GenerateMiddlewares(u.T(), u.logger, ids, libP2PNodes, unittest.NetworkCodec(), slashingViolationsConsumer)
    80  	require.Len(u.T(), ids, 2)
    81  	require.Len(u.T(), providers, 2)
    82  	require.Len(u.T(), mws, 2)
    84  	u.senderID = ids[0]
    85  	u.senderMW = mws[0]
    86  	u.receiverID = ids[1]
    87  	u.receiverMW = mws[1]
    88  	u.providers = providers
    89  	u.libP2PNodes = libP2PNodes
    90  }
    92  // startMiddlewares will start both sender and receiver middlewares with an irrecoverable signaler context and set the context cancel func.
    93  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) startMiddlewares(overlay *mocknetwork.Overlay) {
    94  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    95  	sigCtx, _ := irrecoverable.WithSignaler(ctx)
    97  	testutils.StartNodes(sigCtx, u.T(), u.libP2PNodes, 100*time.Millisecond)
    99  	u.senderMW.SetOverlay(overlay)
   100  	u.senderMW.Start(sigCtx)
   102  	u.receiverMW.SetOverlay(overlay)
   103  	u.receiverMW.Start(sigCtx)
   105  	unittest.RequireComponentsReadyBefore(u.T(), 100*time.Millisecond, u.senderMW, u.receiverMW)
   107  	u.cancel = cancel
   108  }
   110  // stopMiddlewares will stop all middlewares.
   111  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) stopMiddlewares() {
   112  	u.cancel()
   113  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.senderMW.Done(), u.channelCloseDuration, "could not stop middleware on time")
   114  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.receiverMW.Done(), u.channelCloseDuration, "could not stop middleware on time")
   115  }
   117  // TestUnicastAuthorization_UnstakedPeer tests that messages sent via unicast by an unstaked peer is correctly rejected.
   118  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TestUnicastAuthorization_UnstakedPeer() {
   119  	// setup mock slashing violations consumer and middlewares
   120  	slashingViolationsConsumer := mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(u.T())
   121  	u.setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer)
   123  	expectedSenderPeerID, err := unittest.PeerIDFromFlowID(u.senderID)
   124  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   126  	var nilID *flow.Identity
   127  	expectedViolation := &slashing.Violation{
   128  		Identity: nilID, // because the peer will be unverified this identity will be nil
   129  		PeerID:   expectedSenderPeerID.String(),
   130  		MsgType:  "",                          // message will not be decoded before OnSenderEjectedError is logged, we won't log message type
   131  		Channel:  channels.TestNetworkChannel, // message will not be decoded before OnSenderEjectedError is logged, we won't log peer ID
   132  		Protocol: message.ProtocolUnicast,
   133  		Err:      validator.ErrIdentityUnverified,
   134  	}
   135  	slashingViolationsConsumer.On(
   136  		"OnUnAuthorizedSenderError",
   137  		expectedViolation,
   138  	).Once().Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   139  		close(u.waitCh)
   140  	})
   142  	overlay := mocknetwork.NewOverlay(u.T())
   143  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   144  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   145  	})
   146  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   147  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   148  	}, nil)
   150  	//NOTE: return (nil, false) simulating unstaked node
   151  	overlay.On("Identity", mock.AnythingOfType("peer.ID")).Return(nil, false)
   152  	// message will be rejected so assert overlay never receives it
   153  	defer overlay.AssertNotCalled(u.T(), "Receive", mockery.Anything)
   155  	u.startMiddlewares(overlay)
   157  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.receiverMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   158  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.senderMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   160  	msg, err := network.NewOutgoingScope(
   161  		flow.IdentifierList{u.receiverID.NodeID},
   162  		testChannel,
   163  		&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   164  			Text: string("hello"),
   165  		},
   166  		unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode,
   167  		network.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   168  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   170  	// send message via unicast
   171  	err = u.senderMW.SendDirect(msg)
   172  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   174  	// wait for slashing violations consumer mock to invoke run func and close ch if expected method call happens
   175  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.waitCh, u.channelCloseDuration, "could close ch on time")
   176  }
   178  // TestUnicastAuthorization_EjectedPeer tests that messages sent via unicast by an ejected peer is correctly rejected.
   179  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TestUnicastAuthorization_EjectedPeer() {
   180  	// setup mock slashing violations consumer and middlewares
   181  	slashingViolationsConsumer := mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(u.T())
   182  	u.setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer)
   183  	//NOTE: setup ejected identity
   184  	u.senderID.Ejected = true
   186  	expectedSenderPeerID, err := unittest.PeerIDFromFlowID(u.senderID)
   187  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   189  	expectedViolation := &slashing.Violation{
   190  		Identity: u.senderID, // we expect this method to be called with the ejected identity
   191  		PeerID:   expectedSenderPeerID.String(),
   192  		MsgType:  "",                          // message will not be decoded before OnSenderEjectedError is logged, we won't log message type
   193  		Channel:  channels.TestNetworkChannel, // message will not be decoded before OnSenderEjectedError is logged, we won't log peer ID
   194  		Protocol: message.ProtocolUnicast,
   195  		Err:      validator.ErrSenderEjected,
   196  	}
   197  	slashingViolationsConsumer.On(
   198  		"OnSenderEjectedError",
   199  		expectedViolation,
   200  	).Once().Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   201  		close(u.waitCh)
   202  	})
   204  	overlay := mocknetwork.NewOverlay(u.T())
   205  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   206  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   207  	})
   208  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   209  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   210  	}, nil)
   211  	//NOTE: return ejected identity causing validation to fail
   212  	overlay.On("Identity", mock.AnythingOfType("peer.ID")).Return(u.senderID, true)
   213  	// message will be rejected so assert overlay never receives it
   214  	defer overlay.AssertNotCalled(u.T(), "Receive", mockery.Anything)
   216  	u.startMiddlewares(overlay)
   218  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.receiverMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   219  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.senderMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   221  	msg, err := network.NewOutgoingScope(
   222  		flow.IdentifierList{u.receiverID.NodeID},
   223  		testChannel,
   224  		&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   225  			Text: string("hello"),
   226  		},
   227  		unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode,
   228  		network.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   229  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   231  	// send message via unicast
   232  	err = u.senderMW.SendDirect(msg)
   233  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   235  	// wait for slashing violations consumer mock to invoke run func and close ch if expected method call happens
   236  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.waitCh, u.channelCloseDuration, "could close ch on time")
   237  }
   239  // TestUnicastAuthorization_UnauthorizedPeer tests that messages sent via unicast by an unauthorized peer is correctly rejected.
   240  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TestUnicastAuthorization_UnauthorizedPeer() {
   241  	// setup mock slashing violations consumer and middlewares
   242  	slashingViolationsConsumer := mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(u.T())
   243  	u.setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer)
   245  	expectedSenderPeerID, err := unittest.PeerIDFromFlowID(u.senderID)
   246  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   248  	expectedViolation := &slashing.Violation{
   249  		Identity: u.senderID,
   250  		PeerID:   expectedSenderPeerID.String(),
   251  		MsgType:  message.TestMessage,
   252  		Channel:  channels.ConsensusCommittee,
   253  		Protocol: message.ProtocolUnicast,
   254  		Err:      message.ErrUnauthorizedMessageOnChannel,
   255  	}
   257  	slashingViolationsConsumer.On(
   258  		"OnUnAuthorizedSenderError",
   259  		expectedViolation,
   260  	).Once().Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   261  		close(u.waitCh)
   262  	})
   264  	overlay := mocknetwork.NewOverlay(u.T())
   265  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   266  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   267  	})
   268  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   269  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   270  	}, nil)
   271  	overlay.On("Identity", mock.AnythingOfType("peer.ID")).Return(u.senderID, true)
   272  	// message will be rejected so assert overlay never receives it
   273  	defer overlay.AssertNotCalled(u.T(), "Receive", mockery.Anything)
   275  	u.startMiddlewares(overlay)
   277  	channel := channels.ConsensusCommittee
   278  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.receiverMW.Subscribe(channel))
   279  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.senderMW.Subscribe(channel))
   281  	msg, err := network.NewOutgoingScope(
   282  		flow.IdentifierList{u.receiverID.NodeID},
   283  		channel,
   284  		&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   285  			Text: string("hello"),
   286  		},
   287  		unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode,
   288  		network.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   289  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   291  	// send message via unicast
   292  	err = u.senderMW.SendDirect(msg)
   293  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   295  	// wait for slashing violations consumer mock to invoke run func and close ch if expected method call happens
   296  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.waitCh, u.channelCloseDuration, "could close ch on time")
   297  }
   299  // TestUnicastAuthorization_UnknownMsgCode tests that messages sent via unicast with an unknown message code is correctly rejected.
   300  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TestUnicastAuthorization_UnknownMsgCode() {
   301  	// setup mock slashing violations consumer and middlewares
   302  	slashingViolationsConsumer := mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(u.T())
   303  	u.setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer)
   305  	expectedSenderPeerID, err := unittest.PeerIDFromFlowID(u.senderID)
   306  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   308  	invalidMessageCode := byte('X')
   310  	var nilID *flow.Identity
   311  	expectedViolation := &slashing.Violation{
   312  		Identity: nilID,
   313  		PeerID:   expectedSenderPeerID.String(),
   314  		MsgType:  "",
   315  		Channel:  channels.TestNetworkChannel,
   316  		Protocol: message.ProtocolUnicast,
   317  		Err:      codec.NewUnknownMsgCodeErr(invalidMessageCode),
   318  	}
   320  	slashingViolationsConsumer.On(
   321  		"OnUnknownMsgTypeError",
   322  		expectedViolation,
   323  	).Once().Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   324  		close(u.waitCh)
   325  	})
   327  	overlay := mocknetwork.NewOverlay(u.T())
   328  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   329  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   330  	})
   331  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   332  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   333  	}, nil)
   334  	overlay.On("Identity", mock.AnythingOfType("peer.ID")).Return(u.senderID, true)
   336  	// message will be rejected so assert overlay never receives it
   337  	defer overlay.AssertNotCalled(u.T(), "Receive", u.senderID.NodeID, mock.AnythingOfType("*message.Message"))
   339  	u.startMiddlewares(overlay)
   341  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.receiverMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   342  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.senderMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   344  	msg, err := network.NewOutgoingScope(
   345  		flow.IdentifierList{u.receiverID.NodeID},
   346  		testChannel,
   347  		&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   348  			Text: "hello",
   349  		},
   350  		// we use a custom encoder that encodes the message with an invalid message code.
   351  		func(msg interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
   352  			e, err := unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode(msg)
   353  			require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   354  			// manipulate message code byte
   355  			e[0] = invalidMessageCode
   356  			return e, nil
   357  		},
   358  		network.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   359  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   361  	// send message via unicast
   362  	err = u.senderMW.SendDirect(msg)
   363  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   365  	// wait for slashing violations consumer mock to invoke run func and close ch if expected method call happens
   366  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.waitCh, u.channelCloseDuration, "could close ch on time")
   367  }
   369  // TestUnicastAuthorization_WrongMsgCode tests that messages sent via unicast with a message code that does not match the underlying message type are correctly rejected.
   370  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TestUnicastAuthorization_WrongMsgCode() {
   371  	// setup mock slashing violations consumer and middlewares
   372  	slashingViolationsConsumer := mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(u.T())
   373  	u.setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer)
   375  	expectedSenderPeerID, err := unittest.PeerIDFromFlowID(u.senderID)
   376  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   378  	modifiedMessageCode := codec.CodeDKGMessage
   380  	var nilID *flow.Identity
   381  	expectedViolation := &slashing.Violation{
   382  		Identity: nilID,
   383  		PeerID:   expectedSenderPeerID.String(),
   384  		MsgType:  "",
   385  		Channel:  channels.TestNetworkChannel,
   386  		Protocol: message.ProtocolUnicast,
   387  		//NOTE: in this test the message code does not match the underlying message type causing the codec to fail to unmarshal the message when decoding.
   388  		Err: codec.NewMsgUnmarshalErr(modifiedMessageCode, message.DKGMessage, fmt.Errorf("cbor: found unknown field at map element index 0")),
   389  	}
   391  	slashingViolationsConsumer.On(
   392  		"OnInvalidMsgError",
   393  		expectedViolation,
   394  	).Once().Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   395  		close(u.waitCh)
   396  	})
   398  	overlay := mocknetwork.NewOverlay(u.T())
   399  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   400  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   401  	})
   402  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   403  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   404  	}, nil)
   405  	overlay.On("Identity", expectedSenderPeerID).Return(u.senderID, true)
   407  	// message will be rejected so assert overlay never receives it
   408  	defer overlay.AssertNotCalled(u.T(), "Receive", u.senderID.NodeID, mock.AnythingOfType("*message.Message"))
   410  	u.startMiddlewares(overlay)
   412  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.receiverMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   413  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.senderMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   415  	msg, err := network.NewOutgoingScope(
   416  		flow.IdentifierList{u.receiverID.NodeID},
   417  		testChannel,
   418  		&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   419  			Text: "hello",
   420  		},
   421  		// we use a custom encoder that encodes the message with an invalid message code.
   422  		func(msg interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
   423  			e, err := unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode(msg)
   424  			require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   425  			// manipulate message code byte
   426  			e[0] = modifiedMessageCode
   427  			return e, nil
   428  		},
   429  		network.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   430  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   432  	// send message via unicast
   433  	err = u.senderMW.SendDirect(msg)
   434  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   436  	// wait for slashing violations consumer mock to invoke run func and close ch if expected method call happens
   437  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.waitCh, u.channelCloseDuration, "could close ch on time")
   438  }
   440  // TestUnicastAuthorization_PublicChannel tests that messages sent via unicast on a public channel are not rejected for any reason.
   441  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TestUnicastAuthorization_PublicChannel() {
   442  	// setup mock slashing violations consumer and middlewares
   443  	slashingViolationsConsumer := mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(u.T())
   444  	u.setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer)
   446  	expectedPayload := "hello"
   447  	msg, err := network.NewOutgoingScope(
   448  		flow.IdentifierList{u.receiverID.NodeID},
   449  		testChannel,
   450  		&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   451  			Text: expectedPayload,
   452  		},
   453  		unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode,
   454  		network.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   455  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   457  	overlay := mocknetwork.NewOverlay(u.T())
   458  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   459  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   460  	})
   461  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   462  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   463  	}, nil)
   464  	overlay.On("Identity", mock.AnythingOfType("peer.ID")).Return(u.senderID, true)
   466  	// we should receive the message on our overlay, at this point close the waitCh
   467  	overlay.On("Receive", mockery.Anything).Return(nil).
   468  		Once().
   469  		Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   470  			close(u.waitCh)
   472  			msg, ok := args[0].(*network.IncomingMessageScope)
   473  			require.True(u.T(), ok)
   475  			require.Equal(u.T(), testChannel, msg.Channel())                                              // channel
   476  			require.Equal(u.T(), u.senderID.NodeID, msg.OriginId())                                       // sender id
   477  			require.Equal(u.T(), u.receiverID.NodeID, msg.TargetIDs()[0])                                 // target id
   478  			require.Equal(u.T(), network.ProtocolTypeUnicast, msg.Protocol())                             // protocol
   479  			require.Equal(u.T(), expectedPayload, msg.DecodedPayload().(*libp2pmessage.TestMessage).Text) // payload
   480  		})
   482  	u.startMiddlewares(overlay)
   484  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.receiverMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   485  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.senderMW.Subscribe(testChannel))
   487  	// send message via unicast
   488  	err = u.senderMW.SendDirect(msg)
   489  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   491  	// wait for slashing violations consumer mock to invoke run func and close ch if expected method call happens
   492  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.waitCh, u.channelCloseDuration, "could close ch on time")
   493  }
   495  // TestUnicastAuthorization_UnauthorizedUnicastOnChannel tests that messages sent via unicast that are not authorized for unicast are rejected.
   496  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TestUnicastAuthorization_UnauthorizedUnicastOnChannel() {
   497  	// setup mock slashing violations consumer and middlewares
   498  	slashingViolationsConsumer := mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(u.T())
   499  	u.setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer)
   501  	// set sender id role to RoleConsensus to avoid unauthorized sender validation error
   502  	u.senderID.Role = flow.RoleConsensus
   504  	expectedSenderPeerID, err := unittest.PeerIDFromFlowID(u.senderID)
   505  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   507  	expectedViolation := &slashing.Violation{
   508  		Identity: u.senderID,
   509  		PeerID:   expectedSenderPeerID.String(),
   510  		MsgType:  "BlockProposal",
   511  		Channel:  channels.ConsensusCommittee,
   512  		Protocol: message.ProtocolUnicast,
   513  		Err:      message.ErrUnauthorizedUnicastOnChannel,
   514  	}
   516  	slashingViolationsConsumer.On(
   517  		"OnUnauthorizedUnicastOnChannel",
   518  		expectedViolation,
   519  	).Once().Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   520  		close(u.waitCh)
   521  	})
   523  	overlay := mocknetwork.NewOverlay(u.T())
   524  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   525  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   526  	})
   527  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   528  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   529  	}, nil)
   530  	overlay.On("Identity", expectedSenderPeerID).Return(u.senderID, true)
   532  	// message will be rejected so assert overlay never receives it
   533  	defer overlay.AssertNotCalled(u.T(), "Receive", u.senderID.NodeID, mock.AnythingOfType("*message.Message"))
   535  	u.startMiddlewares(overlay)
   537  	channel := channels.ConsensusCommittee
   538  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.receiverMW.Subscribe(channel))
   539  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.senderMW.Subscribe(channel))
   541  	// messages.BlockProposal is not authorized to be sent via unicast over the ConsensusCommittee channel
   542  	payload := unittest.ProposalFixture()
   544  	msg, err := network.NewOutgoingScope(
   545  		flow.IdentifierList{u.receiverID.NodeID},
   546  		channel,
   547  		payload,
   548  		unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode,
   549  		network.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   550  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   552  	// send message via unicast
   553  	err = u.senderMW.SendDirect(msg)
   554  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   556  	// wait for slashing violations consumer mock to invoke run func and close ch if expected method call happens
   557  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.waitCh, u.channelCloseDuration, "could close ch on time")
   558  }
   560  // TestUnicastAuthorization_ReceiverHasNoSubscription tests that messages sent via unicast are rejected on the receiver end if the receiver does not have a subscription
   561  // to the channel of the message.
   562  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TestUnicastAuthorization_ReceiverHasNoSubscription() {
   563  	// setup mock slashing violations consumer and middlewares
   564  	slashingViolationsConsumer := mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(u.T())
   565  	u.setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer)
   567  	expectedSenderPeerID, err := unittest.PeerIDFromFlowID(u.senderID)
   568  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   570  	expectedViolation := &slashing.Violation{
   571  		Identity: nil,
   572  		PeerID:   expectedSenderPeerID.String(),
   573  		MsgType:  message.TestMessage,
   574  		Channel:  channels.TestNetworkChannel,
   575  		Protocol: message.ProtocolUnicast,
   576  		Err:      middleware.ErrUnicastMsgWithoutSub,
   577  	}
   579  	slashingViolationsConsumer.On(
   580  		"OnUnauthorizedUnicastOnChannel",
   581  		expectedViolation,
   582  	).Once().Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   583  		close(u.waitCh)
   584  	})
   586  	overlay := mocknetwork.NewOverlay(u.T())
   587  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   588  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   589  	})
   590  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   591  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   592  	}, nil)
   594  	// message will be rejected so assert overlay never receives it
   595  	defer overlay.AssertNotCalled(u.T(), "Receive", u.senderID.NodeID, mock.AnythingOfType("*message.Message"))
   597  	u.startMiddlewares(overlay)
   599  	channel := channels.TestNetworkChannel
   601  	msg, err := network.NewOutgoingScope(
   602  		flow.IdentifierList{u.receiverID.NodeID},
   603  		channel,
   604  		&libp2pmessage.TestMessage{
   605  			Text: "TestUnicastAuthorization_ReceiverHasNoSubscription",
   606  		},
   607  		unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode,
   608  		network.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   609  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   611  	// send message via unicast
   612  	err = u.senderMW.SendDirect(msg)
   613  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   615  	// wait for slashing violations consumer mock to invoke run func and close ch if expected method call happens
   616  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.waitCh, u.channelCloseDuration, "could close ch on time")
   617  }
   619  // TestUnicastAuthorization_ReceiverHasSubscription tests that messages sent via unicast are processed on the receiver end if the receiver does have a subscription
   620  // to the channel of the message.
   621  func (u *UnicastAuthorizationTestSuite) TestUnicastAuthorization_ReceiverHasSubscription() {
   622  	// setup mock slashing violations consumer and middlewares
   623  	slashingViolationsConsumer := mocknetwork.NewViolationsConsumer(u.T())
   624  	u.setupMiddlewaresAndProviders(slashingViolationsConsumer)
   625  	channel := channels.RequestReceiptsByBlockID
   627  	msg, err := network.NewOutgoingScope(
   628  		flow.IdentifierList{u.receiverID.NodeID},
   629  		channel,
   630  		&messages.EntityRequest{},
   631  		unittest.NetworkCodec().Encode,
   632  		network.ProtocolTypeUnicast)
   633  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   635  	u.senderID.Role = flow.RoleConsensus
   636  	u.receiverID.Role = flow.RoleExecution
   638  	overlay := mocknetwork.NewOverlay(u.T())
   639  	overlay.On("Identities").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   640  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   641  	})
   642  	overlay.On("Topology").Maybe().Return(func() flow.IdentityList {
   643  		return u.providers[0].Identities(filter.Any)
   644  	}, nil)
   645  	overlay.On("Identity", mock.AnythingOfType("peer.ID")).Return(u.senderID, true)
   647  	// we should receive the message on our overlay, at this point close the waitCh
   648  	overlay.On("Receive", mockery.Anything).Return(nil).
   649  		Once().
   650  		Run(func(args mockery.Arguments) {
   651  			close(u.waitCh)
   653  			msg, ok := args[0].(*network.IncomingMessageScope)
   654  			require.True(u.T(), ok)
   656  			require.Equal(u.T(), channel, msg.Channel())                      // channel
   657  			require.Equal(u.T(), u.senderID.NodeID, msg.OriginId())           // sender id
   658  			require.Equal(u.T(), u.receiverID.NodeID, msg.TargetIDs()[0])     // target id
   659  			require.Equal(u.T(), network.ProtocolTypeUnicast, msg.Protocol()) // protocol
   660  		})
   662  	u.startMiddlewares(overlay)
   664  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.receiverMW.Subscribe(channel))
   665  	require.NoError(u.T(), u.senderMW.Subscribe(channel))
   667  	// send message via unicast
   668  	err = u.senderMW.SendDirect(msg)
   669  	require.NoError(u.T(), err)
   671  	// wait for slashing violations consumer mock to invoke run func and close ch if expected method call happens
   672  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(u.T(), u.waitCh, u.channelCloseDuration, "could close ch on time")
   673  }