
     1  package inmem
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  )
     9  // EncodableSnapshot is the encoding format for protocol.Snapshot
    10  type EncodableSnapshot struct {
    11  	Head              *flow.Header
    12  	Identities        flow.IdentityList
    13  	LatestSeal        *flow.Seal
    14  	LatestResult      *flow.ExecutionResult
    15  	SealingSegment    *flow.SealingSegment
    16  	QuorumCertificate *flow.QuorumCertificate
    17  	Phase             flow.EpochPhase
    18  	Epochs            EncodableEpochs
    19  	Params            EncodableParams
    20  }
    22  // EncodableEpochs is the encoding format for protocol.EpochQuery
    23  type EncodableEpochs struct {
    24  	Previous *EncodableEpoch
    25  	Current  EncodableEpoch // cannot be nil
    26  	Next     *EncodableEpoch
    27  }
    29  // EncodableEpoch is the encoding format for protocol.Epoch
    30  type EncodableEpoch struct {
    31  	Counter            uint64
    32  	FirstView          uint64
    33  	DKGPhase1FinalView uint64
    34  	DKGPhase2FinalView uint64
    35  	DKGPhase3FinalView uint64
    36  	FinalView          uint64
    37  	RandomSource       []byte
    38  	InitialIdentities  flow.IdentityList
    39  	Clustering         flow.ClusterList
    40  	Clusters           []EncodableCluster
    41  	DKG                *EncodableDKG
    42  }
    44  // EncodableDKG is the encoding format for protocol.DKG
    45  type EncodableDKG struct {
    46  	GroupKey     encodable.RandomBeaconPubKey
    47  	Participants map[flow.Identifier]flow.DKGParticipant
    48  }
    50  type EncodableFullDKG struct {
    51  	GroupKey      encodable.RandomBeaconPubKey
    52  	PrivKeyShares []encodable.RandomBeaconPrivKey
    53  	PubKeyShares  []encodable.RandomBeaconPubKey
    54  }
    56  // EncodableCluster is the encoding format for protocol.Cluster
    57  type EncodableCluster struct {
    58  	Index     uint
    59  	Counter   uint64
    60  	Members   flow.IdentityList
    61  	RootBlock *cluster.Block
    62  	RootQC    *flow.QuorumCertificate
    63  }
    65  // EncodableParams is the encoding format for protocol.GlobalParams
    66  type EncodableParams struct {
    67  	ChainID         flow.ChainID
    68  	SporkID         flow.Identifier
    69  	ProtocolVersion uint
    70  }