
     1  project_name: hugo
     2  build:
     3    main: main.go
     4    binary: hugo
     5    ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Date}}
     6    env:
     7      - CGO_ENABLED=0
     8    goos:
     9      - darwin
    10      - linux
    11      - windows
    12      - freebsd
    13      - netbsd
    14      - openbsd
    15      - dragonfly
    16    goarch:
    17      - amd64
    18      - 386
    19      - arm
    20      - arm64
    21    ignore:
    22      - goos: openbsd
    23        goarch: arm
    24        goarm: 6
    25  nfpm:
    26    formats:
    27      - deb
    28    vendor: ""
    29    homepage: ""
    30    maintainer: "Bjørn Erik Pedersen <>"
    31    description: "A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang."
    32    license: "Apache 2.0"
    33    name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
    34    replacements:
    35      amd64: 64bit
    36      386: 32bit
    37      arm: ARM
    38      arm64: ARM64
    39      darwin: macOS
    40      linux: Linux
    41      windows: Windows
    42      openbsd: OpenBSD
    43      netbsd: NetBSD
    44      freebsd: FreeBSD
    45      dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
    46  archive:
    47    format: tar.gz
    48    format_overrides:
    49      - goos: windows
    50        format: zip
    51    name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
    52    replacements:
    53      amd64: 64bit
    54      386: 32bit
    55      arm: ARM
    56      arm64: ARM64
    57      darwin: macOS
    58      linux: Linux
    59      windows: Windows
    60      openbsd: OpenBSD
    61      netbsd: NetBSD
    62      freebsd: FreeBSD
    63      dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
    64    files:
    65      -
    66      - LICENSE
    67  release:
    68    draft: true