
     1  kind: ConfigMap
     2  apiVersion: v1
     3  metadata:
     4    name: dex
     5    namespace: kube-system
     6  data:
     7    config.yaml: |
     8      issuer: # replace with your url
     9      storage:
    10        type: kubernetes
    11        config:
    12          inCluster: true
    13      web:
    14        http:
    15      frontend:
    16        theme: 'coreos'
    17        issuer: 'KubeAWS Identity'
    18      connectors:
    19        - type: github
    20          id: github
    21          name: GitHub
    22          config:
    23            clientID: $GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
    24            clientSecret: $GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET
    25            redirectURI:   # replace with your url
    26            org: kubernetes
    27      oauth2:
    28        skipApprovalScreen: true
    29      staticClients:
    30      - id: example-app
    31        redirectURIs:
    32        - '' # replace with your Example App url
    33        name: 'example-app'
    34        secret: 'ZXhhbXBsZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0'
    35      enablePasswordDB: true
    36      staticPasswords:
    37      - email: ""
    38        # bcrypt hash of the string "password"
    39        hash: "$2a$10$2b2cU8CPhOTaGrs1HRQuAueS7JTT5ZHsHSzYiFPm1leZck7Mc8T4W"
    40        username: "admin"
    41        userID: "08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466"