
     1  # Control the delivery process of multiple applications
     3  Apply the following workflow to control the delivery process of multiple applications:
     5  ```yaml
     6  apiVersion:
     7  kind: WorkflowRun
     8  metadata:
     9    name: apply-applications
    10    namespace: default
    11    annotations:
    12 "true"
    13  spec:
    14    workflowSpec:
    15      steps:
    16        - name: check-app-exist
    17          type: read-app
    18          properties:
    19            name: webservice-app
    20        - name: apply-app1
    21          type: apply-app
    22          if: status["check-app-exist"].message == "Application not found"
    23          properties:
    24            data:
    25              apiVersion:
    26              kind: Application
    27              metadata:
    28                name: webservice-app
    29              spec:
    30                components:
    31                  - name: express-server
    32                    type: webservice
    33                    properties:
    34                      image: crccheck/hello-world
    35                      ports:
    36                        - port: 8000
    37        - name: suspend
    38          type: suspend
    39          timeout: 24h
    40        - name: apply-app2
    41          type: apply-app
    42          properties:
    43            ref:
    44              name: my-app
    45              key: application
    46              type: configMap
    47  ---
    48  apiVersion: v1
    49  kind: ConfigMap
    50  metadata:
    51    name: my-app
    52    namespace: default
    53  data:
    54    application: |
    55      apiVersion:
    56      kind: Application
    57      metadata:
    58        name: webservice-app2
    59      spec:
    60        components:
    61          - name: express-server2
    62            type: webservice
    63            properties:
    64              image: crccheck/hello-world
    65              ports:
    66                - port: 8000
    67  ```
    69  Above workflow will first try to read the Application called `webservice-app` from the cluster, if the Application is not found, this step's status message will be `Application not found`. The second step will deploy the `webservice-app` Application if `webservice-app` is not exist in the cluster. After that, the `suspend` step will suspend the delivery process for manual approve.
    71  ```
    72  $ kubectl get wr
    73  NAME                 PHASE        AGE
    74  apply-applications   suspending   2s
    75  ```
    77  You can use `vela workflow resume` to resume this workflow, note that if the workflow has not been resumed in 24 hours, the workflow will failed of timeout:
    79  ```
    80  vela workflow resume apply-applications
    81  ```
    83  After the workflow is resumed, it will deploy an another Application from the data in ConfigMap with key `application`.