
     1  run:
     2    timeout: 5m
     3    build-tags:
     4      - acceptance
     5    skip-dirs:
     6      - testdata
     8  linters:
     9    presets:
    10      - bugs
    11      - comment
    12      - complexity
    13      - error
    14      - format
    15      - import
    16      - metalinter
    17      - module
    18      - performance
    19      # - sql
    20      - style
    21      - test
    22      - unused
    23    disable:
    24      - cyclop
    25      - deadcode # deprecated
    26      - depguard
    27      - errorlint # TODO: turn on and fix
    28      - exhaustive
    29      - exhaustivestruct # deprecated
    30      - exhaustruct
    31      - gci
    32      - godox
    33      - goerr113 # TODO: turn on and fix
    34      - golint # deprecated
    35      - gomoddirectives # TODO: remove when go-rpm is updated.
    36      - gomnd
    37      - interfacer # deprecated
    38      - ireturn # false positive on returning generic
    39      - maligned # deprecated
    40      - musttag
    41      - nonamedreturns
    42      - nosnakecase # deprecated
    43      - nlreturn
    44      - paralleltest
    45      - scopelint # deprecated
    46      - structcheck # deprecated
    47      - varcheck # deprecated
    48      - varnamelen
    49      - wrapcheck
    50      - wsl
    52  linters-settings:
    53    gofmt:
    54      rewrite-rules:
    55        - pattern: interface{}
    56          replacement: any
    57    gofumpt:
    58      extra-rules: true
    59    goimports:
    60      local-prefixes:
    61    gomodguard:
    62      blocked:
    63        modules:
    64          - encoding/json:
    65              recommendations:
    66                -
    67          -
    68              recommendations:
    69                - errors
    70    gosec:
    71      excludes:
    72        - G107
    73        - G204
    74        - G401
    75        - G501
    76        - G505
    77    govet:
    78      enable-all: true
    79      disable:
    80        - fieldalignment
    81    nolintlint:
    82      require-specific: true
    83    tagliatelle:
    84      case:
    85        use-field-name: true
    86        rules:
    87          yaml: kebab
    88          deb: header
    89    tagalign:
    90      order:
    91        - yaml
    92        - validate
    93        - jsonschema
    94  issues:
    95    fix: true
    96    exclude-rules:
    97      - path: (.+)_test.go
    98        linters:
    99          - contextcheck
   100          - cyclop
   101          - errcheck
   102          - funlen
   103          - gocognit
   104          - goconst
   105          - gosec
   106          - lll
   107          - maintidx
   108      - linters:
   109          - govet
   110        text: 'shadow: declaration of "err" shadows declaration'
   111      - linters:
   112          - staticcheck
   113        text: 'SA1019: "crypto/dsa" has been deprecated'
   114      - linters:
   115          - lll
   116        source: '^\s*//'