
     1  [![REUSE status](](
     2  # Kyma Environment Broker
     4  ## Overview
     6  Kyma Environment Broker (KEB) is a component that allows you to provision [SAP BTP, Kyma runtime]( on clusters provided by third-party providers. In the process, KEB first uses Provisioner to create a cluster. Then, it uses Reconciler and Lifecycle Manager to install Kyma runtime on the cluster.
     8  ## Configuration
    10  KEB binary allows you to override some configuration parameters. You can specify the following environment variables:
    12  | Name | Description | Default value |
    13  |-----|---------|:--------:|
    14  | **APP_PORT** | Specifies the port on which the HTTP server listens. | `8080` |
    15  | **APP_PROVISIONING_DEFAULT_GARDENER_SHOOT_PURPOSE** | Specifies the purpose of the created cluster. The possible values are: `development`, `evaluation`, `production`, `testing`. | `development` |
    16  | **APP_PROVISIONING_URL** | Specifies a URL to the Runtime Provisioner's API. | None |
    17  | **APP_PROVISIONING_SECRET_NAME** | Specifies the name of the Secret which holds credentials to the Runtime Provisioner's API. | None |
    18  | **APP_PROVISIONING_GARDENER_PROJECT_NAME** | Defines the Gardener project name. | `true` |
    19  | **APP_PROVISIONING_GCP_SECRET_NAME** | Defines the name of the Secret which holds credentials to GCP. | None |
    20  | **APP_PROVISIONING_AWS_SECRET_NAME** | Defines the name of the Secret which holds credentials to AWS. | None |
    21  | **APP_PROVISIONING_AZURE_SECRET_NAME** | Defines the name of the Secret which holds credentials to Azure. | None |
    22  | **APP_AUTH_USERNAME** | Specifies the Kyma Environment Service Broker authentication username. | None |
    23  | **APP_AUTH_PASSWORD** | Specifies the Kyma Environment Service Broker authentication password. | None |
    24  | **APP_DIRECTOR_URL** | Specifies the Director's URL. | `http://compass-director.compass-system.svc.cluster.local:3000/graphql` |
    25  | **APP_DIRECTOR_OAUTH_TOKEN_URL** | Specifies the URL for OAuth authentication. | None |
    26  | **APP_DIRECTOR_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID** | Specifies the client ID for OAuth authentication. | None |
    27  | **APP_DIRECTOR_OAUTH_SECRET** | Specifies the client Secret for OAuth authentication. | None |
    28  | **APP_DIRECTOR_OAUTH_SCOPE** | Specifies the scopes for OAuth authentication. | `runtime:read runtime:write` |
    29  | **APP_DATABASE_USER** | Defines the database username. | `postgres` |
    30  | **APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD** | Defines the database user password. | `password` |
    31  | **APP_DATABASE_HOST** | Defines the database host. | `localhost` |
    32  | **APP_DATABASE_PORT** | Defines the database port. | `5432` |
    33  | **APP_DATABASE_NAME** | Defines the database name. | `broker` |
    34  | **APP_DATABASE_SSLMODE** | Specifies the SSL Mode for PostgreSQL. See [all the possible values](  | `disable`|
    35  | **APP_DATABASE_SSLROOTCERT** | Specifies the location of CA cert of PostgreSQL. (Optional)  | None |
    36  | **APP_KYMA_VERSION** | Specifies the default Kyma version. | None |
    37  | **APP_ENABLE_ON_DEMAND_VERSION** | If set to `true`, a user can specify a Kyma version in a provisioning request. | `false` |
    38  | **APP_VERSION_CONFIG_NAMESPACE** | Defines the Namespace with the ConfigMap that contains Kyma versions for global accounts configuration. | None |
    39  | **APP_VERSION_CONFIG_NAME** | Defines the name of the ConfigMap that contains Kyma versions for global accounts configuration. | None |
    40  | **APP_PROVISIONING_MACHINE_IMAGE** | Defines the Gardener machine image used in a provisioned node. | None |
    41  | **APP_PROVISIONING_MACHINE_IMAGE_VERSION** | Defines the Gardener image version used in a provisioned cluster. | None |
    42  | **APP_PROVISIONING_TRIAL_NODES_NUMBER** | Defines the number of Nodes for Kyma runtime Trial account. This parameter is optional. If not enabled, the Trial account runs on the 1-Node cluster. If enabled, the Trial account runs on the number of Nodes defined in the **trialNodesNumber** parameter. | defined in the **trialNodesNumber** parameter |
    43  | **APP_TRIAL_REGION_MAPPING_FILE_PATH** | Defines a path to the file which contains a mapping between the platform region and the Trial plan region. | None |
    44  | **APP_GARDENER_PROJECT** | Defines the project in which the cluster is created. | `kyma-dev` |
    45  | **APP_GARDENER_SHOOT_DOMAIN** | Defines the domain for clusters created in Gardener. | `` |
    46  | **APP_GARDENER_KUBECONFIG_PATH** | Defines the path to the kubeconfig file for Gardener. | `/gardener/kubeconfig/kubeconfig` |
    47  | **APP_MAX_PAGINATION_PAGE** | Defines the maximum number of objects that can be queried in one page using the endpoints that use pagination. | `100` |
    48  | **APP_AVS_ADDITIONAL_TAGS_ENABLED** | Specifies additional tags that are added to the internal Evaluation after the cluster is provisioned. | `false` |
    49  | **APP_AVS_GARDENER_SHOOT_NAME_TAG_CLASS_ID** | Specifies the **TagClassId** of the tag that contains Gardener cluster's shoot name. | None |
    50  | **APP_AVS_GARDENER_SEED_NAME_TAG_CLASS_ID** | Specifies the **TagClassId** of the tag that contains Gardener cluster's seed name. | None |
    51  | **APP_AVS_REGION_TAG_CLASS_ID** | Specifies the **TagClassId** of the tag that contains Gardener cluster's region. | None |
    52  | **APP_PROFILER_MEMORY** | Enables memory profiling every sampling period with the default location `/tmp/profiler`, backed by a persistent volume. | `false` |
    54  ## Read more
    56  To learn more about how to use KEB, read the documentation in the [`user`](./docs/user/) directory.
    57  For more technical details on KEB, go to the [`contributor`](./docs/contributor/) directory.