
     1  package main
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"io"
     7  	"log"
     8  	"math/rand"
     9  	"net/http"
    10  	"os"
    11  	"regexp"
    12  	gruntime "runtime"
    13  	"runtime/pprof"
    14  	"sort"
    15  	"time"
    17  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	orchestrationExt ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	kebConfig ""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	eventshandler ""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	orchestrate ""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  	""
    55  	""
    56  	""
    57  	""
    58  	""
    59  	""
    60  	""
    61  	""
    62  	""
    63  	""
    64  	apiextensionsv1 ""
    65  	""
    66  	""
    67  	""
    68  	""
    69  	""
    70  	""
    71  	""
    72  	""
    73  )
    75  func init() {
    76  	rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano())
    77  }
    79  // Config holds configuration for the whole application
    80  type Config struct {
    81  	// DbInMemory allows to use memory storage instead of the postgres one.
    82  	// Suitable for development purposes.
    83  	DbInMemory bool `envconfig:"default=false"`
    85  	// DisableProcessOperationsInProgress allows to disable processing operations
    86  	// which are in progress on starting application. Set to true if you are
    87  	// running in a separate testing deployment but with the production DB.
    88  	DisableProcessOperationsInProgress bool `envconfig:"default=false"`
    90  	// DevelopmentMode if set to true then errors are returned in http
    91  	// responses, otherwise errors are only logged and generic message
    92  	// is returned to client.
    93  	// Currently works only with /info endpoints.
    94  	DevelopmentMode bool `envconfig:"default=false"`
    96  	// DumpProvisionerRequests enables dumping Provisioner requests. Must be disabled on Production environments
    97  	// because some data must not be visible in the log file.
    98  	DumpProvisionerRequests bool `envconfig:"default=false"`
   100  	// OperationTimeout is used to check on a top-level if any operation didn't exceed the time for processing.
   101  	// It is used for provisioning and deprovisioning operations.
   102  	OperationTimeout time.Duration `envconfig:"default=24h"`
   104  	Host       string `envconfig:"optional"`
   105  	Port       string `envconfig:"default=8080"`
   106  	StatusPort string `envconfig:"default=8071"`
   108  	Provisioner input.Config
   109  	Reconciler  reconciler.Config
   110  	Director    director.Config
   111  	Database    storage.Config
   112  	Gardener    gardener.Config
   113  	Kubeconfig  kubeconfig.Config
   115  	KymaVersion                                                         string
   116  	EnableOnDemandVersion                                               bool `envconfig:"default=false"`
   117  	ManagedRuntimeComponentsYAMLFilePath                                string
   118  	NewAdditionalRuntimeComponentsYAMLFilePath                          string
   119  	SkrOidcDefaultValuesYAMLFilePath                                    string
   120  	SkrDnsProvidersValuesYAMLFilePath                                   string
   121  	DefaultRequestRegion                                                string `envconfig:"default=cf-eu10"`
   122  	UpdateProcessingEnabled                                             bool   `envconfig:"default=false"`
   123  	UpdateSubAccountMovementEnabled                                     bool   `envconfig:"default=false"`
   124  	LifecycleManagerIntegrationDisabled                                 bool   `envconfig:"default=true"`
   125  	ReconcilerIntegrationDisabled                                       bool   `envconfig:"default=false"`
   126  	AvsMaintenanceModeDuringUpgradeAlwaysDisabledGlobalAccountsFilePath string
   128  	Broker          broker.Config
   129  	CatalogFilePath string
   131  	Avs avs.Config
   132  	IAS ias.Config
   133  	EDP edp.Config
   135  	Notification notification.Config
   137  	VersionConfig struct {
   138  		Namespace string
   139  		Name      string
   140  	}
   142  	KymaDashboardConfig dashboard.Config
   144  	OrchestrationConfig orchestration.Config
   146  	TrialRegionMappingFilePath string
   148  	EuAccessWhitelistedGlobalAccountsFilePath string
   149  	EuAccessRejectionMessage                  string `envconfig:"default=Due to limited availability you need to open support ticket before attempting to provision Kyma clusters in EU Access only regions"`
   151  	MaxPaginationPage int `envconfig:"default=100"`
   153  	LogLevel string `envconfig:"default=info"`
   155  	// FreemiumProviders is a list of providers for freemium
   156  	FreemiumProviders []string `envconfig:"default=aws"`
   158  	DomainName string
   160  	// Enable/disable profiler configuration. The profiler samples will be stored
   161  	// under /tmp/profiler directory. Based on the deployment strategy, this will be
   162  	// either ephemeral container filesystem or persistent storage
   163  	Profiler ProfilerConfig
   165  	Events events.Config
   167  	Provisioning   process.StagedManagerConfiguration
   168  	Deprovisioning process.StagedManagerConfiguration
   169  	Update         process.StagedManagerConfiguration
   170  }
   172  type ProfilerConfig struct {
   173  	Path     string        `envconfig:"default=/tmp/profiler"`
   174  	Sampling time.Duration `envconfig:"default=1s"`
   175  	Memory   bool
   176  }
   178  const (
   179  	createRuntimeStageName      = "create_runtime"
   180  	checkKymaStageName          = "check_kyma"
   181  	createKymaResourceStageName = "create_kyma_resource"
   182  	startStageName              = "start"
   183  )
   185  func periodicProfile(logger lager.Logger, profiler ProfilerConfig) {
   186  	if profiler.Memory == false {
   187  		return
   188  	}
   189  	logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Starting periodic profiler %v", profiler))
   190  	if err := os.MkdirAll(profiler.Path, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
   191  		logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create dir %v for profile storage", profiler.Path), err)
   192  	}
   193  	for {
   194  		profName := fmt.Sprintf("%v/mem-%v.pprof", profiler.Path, time.Now().Unix())
   195  		logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Creating periodic memory profile %v", profName))
   196  		profFile, err := os.Create(profName)
   197  		if err != nil {
   198  			logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Creating periodic memory profile %v failed", profName), err)
   199  		}
   200  		pprof.Lookup("allocs").WriteTo(profFile, 0)
   201  		gruntime.GC()
   202  		time.Sleep(profiler.Sampling)
   203  	}
   204  }
   206  func main() {
   207  	apiextensionsv1.AddToScheme(scheme.Scheme)
   208  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   209  	defer cancel()
   211  	// create and fill config
   212  	var cfg Config
   213  	err := envconfig.InitWithPrefix(&cfg, "APP")
   214  	fatalOnError(err)
   216  	// check default Kyma versions
   217  	err = checkDefaultVersions(cfg.KymaVersion)
   218  	panicOnError(err)
   220  	cfg.OrchestrationConfig.KymaVersion = cfg.KymaVersion
   221  	cfg.OrchestrationConfig.KubernetesVersion = cfg.Provisioner.KubernetesVersion
   223  	// create logger
   224  	logger := lager.NewLogger("kyma-env-broker")
   226  	logger.Info("Starting Kyma Environment Broker")
   228  	logs := logrus.New()
   229  	logs.SetFormatter(&logrus.JSONFormatter{})
   230  	if cfg.LogLevel != "" {
   231  		l, _ := logrus.ParseLevel(cfg.LogLevel)
   232  		logs.SetLevel(l)
   233  	}
   235  	logger.Info("Registering healthz endpoint for health probes")
   236  	health.NewServer(cfg.Host, cfg.StatusPort, logs).ServeAsync()
   237  	go periodicProfile(logger, cfg.Profiler)
   239  	logs.Infof("Setting provisioner timeouts: provisioning=%s, deprovisioning=%s", cfg.Provisioner.ProvisioningTimeout, cfg.Provisioner.DeprovisioningTimeout)
   240  	logs.Infof("Setting reconciler timeout: provisioning=%s", cfg.Reconciler.ProvisioningTimeout)
   241  	logs.Infof("Setting staged manager configuration: provisioning=%s, deprovisioning=%s, update=%s", cfg.Provisioning, cfg.Deprovisioning, cfg.Update)
   243  	// create provisioner client
   244  	provisionerClient := provisioner.NewProvisionerClient(cfg.Provisioner.URL, cfg.DumpProvisionerRequests)
   246  	reconcilerClient := reconciler.NewReconcilerClient(http.DefaultClient, logs.WithField("service", "reconciler"), &cfg.Reconciler)
   248  	// create kubernetes client
   249  	k8sCfg, err := config.GetConfig()
   250  	fatalOnError(err)
   251  	cli, err := initClient(k8sCfg)
   252  	fatalOnError(err)
   254  	// create storage
   255  	cipher := storage.NewEncrypter(cfg.Database.SecretKey)
   256  	var db storage.BrokerStorage
   257  	if cfg.DbInMemory {
   258  		db = storage.NewMemoryStorage()
   259  	} else {
   260  		store, conn, err := storage.NewFromConfig(cfg.Database, cfg.Events, cipher, logs.WithField("service", "storage"))
   261  		fatalOnError(err)
   262  		db = store
   263  		dbStatsCollector := sqlstats.NewStatsCollector("broker", conn)
   264  		prometheus.MustRegister(dbStatsCollector)
   265  	}
   267  	// Customer Notification
   268  	clientHTTPForNotification := httputil.NewClient(60, true)
   269  	notificationClient := notification.NewClient(clientHTTPForNotification, notification.ClientConfig{
   270  		URL: cfg.Notification.Url,
   271  	})
   272  	notificationBuilder := notification.NewBundleBuilder(notificationClient, cfg.Notification)
   274  	// Register disabler. Convention:
   275  	// {component-name} : {component-disabler-service}
   276  	//
   277  	// Using map is intentional - we ensure that component name is not duplicated.
   278  	optionalComponentsDisablers := runtime.ComponentsDisablers{
   279  		components.Kiali:   runtime.NewGenericComponentDisabler(components.Kiali),
   280  		components.Tracing: runtime.NewGenericComponentDisabler(components.Tracing),
   281  	}
   282  	optComponentsSvc := runtime.NewOptionalComponentsService(optionalComponentsDisablers)
   284  	disabledComponentsProvider := runtime.NewDisabledComponentsProvider()
   286  	// provides configuration for specified Kyma version and plan
   287  	configProvider := kebConfig.NewConfigProvider(
   288  		kebConfig.NewConfigMapReader(ctx, cli, logs, cfg.KymaVersion),
   289  		kebConfig.NewConfigMapKeysValidator(),
   290  		kebConfig.NewConfigMapConverter())
   291  	componentsProvider := runtime.NewComponentsProvider()
   292  	gardenerClusterConfig, err := gardener.NewGardenerClusterConfig(cfg.Gardener.KubeconfigPath)
   293  	fatalOnError(err)
   294  	cfg.Gardener.DNSProviders, err = gardener.ReadDNSProvidersValuesFromYAML(cfg.SkrDnsProvidersValuesYAMLFilePath)
   295  	fatalOnError(err)
   296  	dynamicGardener, err := dynamic.NewForConfig(gardenerClusterConfig)
   297  	fatalOnError(err)
   299  	gardenerNamespace := fmt.Sprintf("garden-%v", cfg.Gardener.Project)
   300  	gardenerAccountPool := hyperscaler.NewAccountPool(dynamicGardener, gardenerNamespace)
   301  	gardenerSharedPool := hyperscaler.NewSharedGardenerAccountPool(dynamicGardener, gardenerNamespace)
   302  	accountProvider := hyperscaler.NewAccountProvider(gardenerAccountPool, gardenerSharedPool)
   304  	regions, err := provider.ReadPlatformRegionMappingFromFile(cfg.TrialRegionMappingFilePath)
   305  	fatalOnError(err)
   306  	logs.Infof("Platform region mapping for trial: %v", regions)
   308  	oidcDefaultValues, err := runtime.ReadOIDCDefaultValuesFromYAML(cfg.SkrOidcDefaultValuesYAMLFilePath)
   309  	fatalOnError(err)
   310  	inputFactory, err := input.NewInputBuilderFactory(optComponentsSvc, disabledComponentsProvider, componentsProvider,
   311  		configProvider, cfg.Provisioner, cfg.KymaVersion, regions, cfg.FreemiumProviders, oidcDefaultValues)
   312  	fatalOnError(err)
   314  	edpClient := edp.NewClient(cfg.EDP, logs.WithField("service", "edpClient"))
   316  	panicOnError(cfg.Avs.ReadMaintenanceModeDuringUpgradeAlwaysDisabledGAIDsFromYaml(
   317  		cfg.AvsMaintenanceModeDuringUpgradeAlwaysDisabledGlobalAccountsFilePath))
   318  	avsClient, err := avs.NewClient(ctx, cfg.Avs, logs)
   319  	fatalOnError(err)
   320  	avsDel := avs.NewDelegator(avsClient, cfg.Avs, db.Operations())
   321  	externalEvalAssistant := avs.NewExternalEvalAssistant(cfg.Avs)
   322  	internalEvalAssistant := avs.NewInternalEvalAssistant(cfg.Avs)
   323  	externalEvalCreator := provisioning.NewExternalEvalCreator(avsDel, cfg.Avs.ExternalTesterDisabled, externalEvalAssistant)
   324  	upgradeEvalManager := avs.NewEvaluationManager(avsDel, cfg.Avs)
   326  	// IAS
   327  	clientHTTPForIAS := httputil.NewClient(60, cfg.IAS.SkipCertVerification)
   328  	if cfg.IAS.TLSRenegotiationEnable {
   329  		clientHTTPForIAS = httputil.NewRenegotiationTLSClient(30, cfg.IAS.SkipCertVerification)
   330  	}
   331  	iasClient := ias.NewClient(clientHTTPForIAS, ias.ClientConfig{
   332  		URL:    cfg.IAS.URL,
   333  		ID:     cfg.IAS.UserID,
   334  		Secret: cfg.IAS.UserSecret,
   335  	})
   336  	bundleBuilder := ias.NewBundleBuilder(iasClient, cfg.IAS)
   338  	// application event broker
   339  	eventBroker := event.NewPubSub(logs)
   341  	// metrics collectors
   342  	metrics.RegisterAll(eventBroker, db.Operations(), db.Instances())
   343  	metrics.StartOpsMetricService(ctx, db.Operations(), logs)
   344  	//setup runtime overrides appender
   345  	runtimeOverrides := runtimeoverrides.NewRuntimeOverrides(ctx, cli)
   347  	// define steps
   348  	accountVersionMapping := runtimeversion.NewAccountVersionMapping(ctx, cli, cfg.VersionConfig.Namespace, cfg.VersionConfig.Name, logs)
   349  	runtimeVerConfigurator := runtimeversion.NewRuntimeVersionConfigurator(cfg.KymaVersion, accountVersionMapping, db.RuntimeStates())
   351  	// run queues
   352  	provisionManager := process.NewStagedManager(db.Operations(), eventBroker, cfg.OperationTimeout, cfg.Provisioning, logs.WithField("provisioning", "manager"))
   353  	provisionQueue := NewProvisioningProcessingQueue(ctx, provisionManager, cfg.Provisioning.WorkersAmount, &cfg, db, provisionerClient, inputFactory,
   354  		avsDel, internalEvalAssistant, externalEvalCreator, runtimeVerConfigurator,
   355  		runtimeOverrides, edpClient, accountProvider, reconcilerClient, k8sClientProvider, cli, logs)
   357  	deprovisionManager := process.NewStagedManager(db.Operations(), eventBroker, cfg.OperationTimeout, cfg.Deprovisioning, logs.WithField("deprovisioning", "manager"))
   358  	deprovisionQueue := NewDeprovisioningProcessingQueue(ctx, cfg.Deprovisioning.WorkersAmount, deprovisionManager, &cfg, db, eventBroker, provisionerClient,
   359  		avsDel, internalEvalAssistant, externalEvalAssistant, bundleBuilder, edpClient, accountProvider, reconcilerClient,
   360  		k8sClientProvider, cli, configProvider, logs)
   362  	updateManager := process.NewStagedManager(db.Operations(), eventBroker, cfg.OperationTimeout, cfg.Update, logs.WithField("update", "manager"))
   363  	updateQueue := NewUpdateProcessingQueue(ctx, updateManager, cfg.Update.WorkersAmount, db, inputFactory, provisionerClient, eventBroker,
   364  		runtimeVerConfigurator, db.RuntimeStates(), componentsProvider, reconcilerClient, cfg, k8sClientProvider, cli, logs)
   365  	/***/
   366  	servicesConfig, err := broker.NewServicesConfigFromFile(cfg.CatalogFilePath)
   367  	fatalOnError(err)
   369  	// create server
   370  	router := mux.NewRouter()
   372  	createAPI(router, servicesConfig, inputFactory, &cfg, db, provisionQueue, deprovisionQueue, updateQueue, logger, logs, inputFactory.GetPlanDefaults)
   374  	// create metrics endpoint
   375  	router.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
   377  	// create SKR kubeconfig endpoint
   378  	kcBuilder := kubeconfig.NewBuilder(provisionerClient)
   379  	kcHandler := kubeconfig.NewHandler(db, kcBuilder, cfg.Kubeconfig.AllowOrigins, logs.WithField("service", "kubeconfigHandle"))
   380  	kcHandler.AttachRoutes(router)
   382  	runtimeLister := orchestration.NewRuntimeLister(db.Instances(), db.Operations(), runtime.NewConverter(cfg.DefaultRequestRegion), logs)
   383  	runtimeResolver := orchestrationExt.NewGardenerRuntimeResolver(dynamicGardener, gardenerNamespace, runtimeLister, logs)
   385  	kymaQueue := NewKymaOrchestrationProcessingQueue(ctx, db, runtimeOverrides, provisionerClient, eventBroker, inputFactory, nil, time.Minute, runtimeVerConfigurator, runtimeResolver, upgradeEvalManager, &cfg, internalEvalAssistant, reconcilerClient, notificationBuilder, logs, cli, 1)
   386  	clusterQueue := NewClusterOrchestrationProcessingQueue(ctx, db, provisionerClient, eventBroker, inputFactory,
   387  		nil, time.Minute, runtimeResolver, upgradeEvalManager, notificationBuilder, logs, cli, cfg, 1)
   389  	// TODO: in case of cluster upgrade the same Azure Zones must be send to the Provisioner
   390  	orchestrationHandler := orchestrate.NewOrchestrationHandler(db, kymaQueue, clusterQueue, cfg.MaxPaginationPage, logs)
   392  	if !cfg.DisableProcessOperationsInProgress {
   393  		err = processOperationsInProgressByType(internal.OperationTypeProvision, db.Operations(), provisionQueue, logs)
   394  		fatalOnError(err)
   395  		err = processOperationsInProgressByType(internal.OperationTypeDeprovision, db.Operations(), deprovisionQueue, logs)
   396  		fatalOnError(err)
   397  		err = processOperationsInProgressByType(internal.OperationTypeUpdate, db.Operations(), updateQueue, logs)
   398  		fatalOnError(err)
   399  		err = reprocessOrchestrations(orchestrationExt.UpgradeKymaOrchestration, db.Orchestrations(), db.Operations(), kymaQueue, logs)
   400  		fatalOnError(err)
   401  		err = reprocessOrchestrations(orchestrationExt.UpgradeClusterOrchestration, db.Orchestrations(), db.Operations(), clusterQueue, logs)
   402  		fatalOnError(err)
   403  	} else {
   404  		logger.Info("Skipping processing operation in progress on start")
   405  	}
   407  	// configure templates e.g. {{.domain}} to replace it with the domain name
   408  	swaggerTemplates := map[string]string{
   409  		"domain": cfg.DomainName,
   410  	}
   411  	err = swagger.NewTemplate("/swagger", swaggerTemplates).Execute()
   412  	fatalOnError(err)
   414  	// create /orchestration
   415  	orchestrationHandler.AttachRoutes(router)
   417  	// create list runtimes endpoint
   418  	runtimeHandler := runtime.NewHandler(db.Instances(), db.Operations(), db.RuntimeStates(), cfg.MaxPaginationPage, cfg.DefaultRequestRegion)
   419  	runtimeHandler.AttachRoutes(router)
   421  	router.StrictSlash(true).PathPrefix("/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("/swagger"))))
   422  	svr := handlers.CustomLoggingHandler(os.Stdout, router, func(writer io.Writer, params handlers.LogFormatterParams) {
   423  		logs.Infof("Call handled: method=%s url=%s statusCode=%d size=%d", params.Request.Method, params.URL.Path, params.StatusCode, params.Size)
   424  	})
   426  	fatalOnError(http.ListenAndServe(cfg.Host+":"+cfg.Port, svr))
   427  }
   429  func k8sClientProvider(kcfg string) (client.Client, error) {
   430  	restCfg, err := clientcmd.RESTConfigFromKubeConfig([]byte(kcfg))
   431  	if err != nil {
   432  		return nil, err
   433  	}
   435  	k8sCli, err := client.New(restCfg, client.Options{
   436  		Scheme: scheme.Scheme,
   437  	})
   438  	return k8sCli, err
   439  }
   441  func checkDefaultVersions(versions ...string) error {
   442  	for _, version := range versions {
   443  		if !isVersionFollowingSemanticVersioning(version) {
   444  			return fmt.Errorf("Kyma default versions are not following semantic versioning")
   445  		}
   446  	}
   447  	return nil
   448  }
   450  func isVersionFollowingSemanticVersioning(version string) bool {
   451  	regexpToMatch := regexp.MustCompile("(^[0-9]+\\.{1}).*")
   452  	if regexpToMatch.MatchString(version) {
   453  		return true
   454  	}
   455  	return false
   456  }
   458  func createAPI(router *mux.Router, servicesConfig broker.ServicesConfig, planValidator broker.PlanValidator, cfg *Config, db storage.BrokerStorage, provisionQueue, deprovisionQueue, updateQueue *process.Queue, logger lager.Logger, logs logrus.FieldLogger, planDefaults broker.PlanDefaults) {
   459  	suspensionCtxHandler := suspension.NewContextUpdateHandler(db.Operations(), provisionQueue, deprovisionQueue, logs)
   461  	defaultPlansConfig, err := servicesConfig.DefaultPlansConfig()
   462  	fatalOnError(err)
   464  	debugSink, err := lager.NewRedactingSink(lager.NewWriterSink(os.Stdout, lager.DEBUG), []string{"instance-details"}, []string{})
   465  	fatalOnError(err)
   466  	logger.RegisterSink(debugSink)
   467  	errorSink, err := lager.NewRedactingSink(lager.NewWriterSink(os.Stderr, lager.ERROR), []string{"instance-details"}, []string{})
   468  	fatalOnError(err)
   469  	logger.RegisterSink(errorSink)
   471  	//EU Access whitelisting
   472  	whitelistedGlobalAccountIds, err := euaccess.ReadWhitelistedGlobalAccountIdsFromFile(cfg.EuAccessWhitelistedGlobalAccountsFilePath)
   473  	fatalOnError(err)
   474  	logs.Infof("Number of globalAccountIds for EU Access: %d\n", len(whitelistedGlobalAccountIds))
   476  	// create KymaEnvironmentBroker endpoints
   477  	kymaEnvBroker := &broker.KymaEnvironmentBroker{
   478  		ServicesEndpoint: broker.NewServices(cfg.Broker, servicesConfig, logs),
   479  		ProvisionEndpoint: broker.NewProvision(cfg.Broker, cfg.Gardener, db.Operations(), db.Instances(),
   480  			provisionQueue, planValidator, defaultPlansConfig, cfg.EnableOnDemandVersion,
   481  			planDefaults, whitelistedGlobalAccountIds, cfg.EuAccessRejectionMessage, logs, cfg.KymaDashboardConfig),
   482  		DeprovisionEndpoint: broker.NewDeprovision(db.Instances(), db.Operations(), deprovisionQueue, logs),
   483  		UpdateEndpoint: broker.NewUpdate(cfg.Broker, db.Instances(), db.RuntimeStates(), db.Operations(),
   484  			suspensionCtxHandler, cfg.UpdateProcessingEnabled, cfg.UpdateSubAccountMovementEnabled, updateQueue, defaultPlansConfig,
   485  			planDefaults, logs, cfg.KymaDashboardConfig),
   486  		GetInstanceEndpoint:          broker.NewGetInstance(cfg.Broker, db.Instances(), db.Operations(), logs),
   487  		LastOperationEndpoint:        broker.NewLastOperation(db.Operations(), logs),
   488  		BindEndpoint:                 broker.NewBind(logs),
   489  		UnbindEndpoint:               broker.NewUnbind(logs),
   490  		GetBindingEndpoint:           broker.NewGetBinding(logs),
   491  		LastBindingOperationEndpoint: broker.NewLastBindingOperation(logs),
   492  	}
   494  	router.Use(middleware.AddRegionToContext(cfg.DefaultRequestRegion))
   495  	router.Use(middleware.AddProviderToContext())
   496  	for _, prefix := range []string{
   497  		"/oauth/",          // oauth2 handled by Ory
   498  		"/oauth/{region}/", // oauth2 handled by Ory with region
   499  	} {
   500  		route := router.PathPrefix(prefix).Subrouter()
   501  		broker.AttachRoutes(route, kymaEnvBroker, logger)
   502  	}
   504  	respWriter := httputil.NewResponseWriter(logs, cfg.DevelopmentMode)
   505  	runtimesInfoHandler := appinfo.NewRuntimeInfoHandler(db.Instances(), db.Operations(), defaultPlansConfig, cfg.DefaultRequestRegion, respWriter)
   506  	router.Handle("/info/runtimes", runtimesInfoHandler)
   507  	router.Handle("/events", eventshandler.NewHandler(db.Events(), db.Instances()))
   508  }
   510  // queues all in progress operations by type
   511  func processOperationsInProgressByType(opType internal.OperationType, op storage.Operations, queue *process.Queue, log logrus.FieldLogger) error {
   512  	operations, err := op.GetNotFinishedOperationsByType(opType)
   513  	if err != nil {
   514  		return fmt.Errorf("while getting in progress operations from storage: %w", err)
   515  	}
   516  	for _, operation := range operations {
   517  		queue.Add(operation.ID)
   518  		log.Infof("Resuming the processing of %s operation ID: %s", opType, operation.ID)
   519  	}
   520  	return nil
   521  }
   523  func reprocessOrchestrations(orchestrationType orchestrationExt.Type, orchestrationsStorage storage.Orchestrations, operationsStorage storage.Operations, queue *process.Queue, log logrus.FieldLogger) error {
   524  	if err := processCancelingOrchestrations(orchestrationType, orchestrationsStorage, operationsStorage, queue, log); err != nil {
   525  		return fmt.Errorf("while processing canceled %s orchestrations: %w", orchestrationType, err)
   526  	}
   527  	if err := processOrchestration(orchestrationType, orchestrationExt.InProgress, orchestrationsStorage, queue, log); err != nil {
   528  		return fmt.Errorf("while processing in progress %s orchestrations: %w", orchestrationType, err)
   529  	}
   530  	if err := processOrchestration(orchestrationType, orchestrationExt.Pending, orchestrationsStorage, queue, log); err != nil {
   531  		return fmt.Errorf("while processing pending %s orchestrations: %w", orchestrationType, err)
   532  	}
   533  	if err := processOrchestration(orchestrationType, orchestrationExt.Retrying, orchestrationsStorage, queue, log); err != nil {
   534  		return fmt.Errorf("while processing retrying %s orchestrations: %w", orchestrationType, err)
   535  	}
   536  	return nil
   537  }
   539  func processOrchestration(orchestrationType orchestrationExt.Type, state string, orchestrationsStorage storage.Orchestrations, queue *process.Queue, log logrus.FieldLogger) error {
   540  	filter := dbmodel.OrchestrationFilter{
   541  		Types:  []string{string(orchestrationType)},
   542  		States: []string{state},
   543  	}
   544  	orchestrations, _, _, err := orchestrationsStorage.List(filter)
   545  	if err != nil {
   546  		return fmt.Errorf("while getting %s %s orchestrations from storage: %w", state, orchestrationType, err)
   547  	}
   548  	sort.Slice(orchestrations, func(i, j int) bool {
   549  		return orchestrations[i].CreatedAt.Before(orchestrations[j].CreatedAt)
   550  	})
   552  	for _, o := range orchestrations {
   553  		queue.Add(o.OrchestrationID)
   554  		log.Infof("Resuming the processing of %s %s orchestration ID: %s", state, orchestrationType, o.OrchestrationID)
   555  	}
   556  	return nil
   557  }
   559  // processCancelingOrchestrations reprocess orchestrations with canceling state only when some in progress operations exists
   560  // reprocess only one orchestration to not clog up the orchestration queue on start
   561  func processCancelingOrchestrations(orchestrationType orchestrationExt.Type, orchestrationsStorage storage.Orchestrations, operationsStorage storage.Operations, queue *process.Queue, log logrus.FieldLogger) error {
   562  	filter := dbmodel.OrchestrationFilter{
   563  		Types:  []string{string(orchestrationType)},
   564  		States: []string{orchestrationExt.Canceling},
   565  	}
   566  	orchestrations, _, _, err := orchestrationsStorage.List(filter)
   567  	if err != nil {
   568  		return fmt.Errorf("while getting canceling %s orchestrations from storage: %w", orchestrationType, err)
   569  	}
   570  	sort.Slice(orchestrations, func(i, j int) bool {
   571  		return orchestrations[i].CreatedAt.Before(orchestrations[j].CreatedAt)
   572  	})
   574  	for _, o := range orchestrations {
   575  		count := 0
   576  		err = nil
   577  		if orchestrationType == orchestrationExt.UpgradeKymaOrchestration {
   578  			_, count, _, err = operationsStorage.ListUpgradeKymaOperationsByOrchestrationID(o.OrchestrationID, dbmodel.OperationFilter{States: []string{orchestrationExt.InProgress}})
   579  		} else if orchestrationType == orchestrationExt.UpgradeClusterOrchestration {
   580  			_, count, _, err = operationsStorage.ListUpgradeClusterOperationsByOrchestrationID(o.OrchestrationID, dbmodel.OperationFilter{States: []string{orchestrationExt.InProgress}})
   581  		}
   582  		if err != nil {
   583  			return fmt.Errorf("while listing %s operations for orchestration %s: %w", orchestrationType, o.OrchestrationID, err)
   584  		}
   586  		if count > 0 {
   587  			log.Infof("Resuming the processing of %s %s orchestration ID: %s", orchestrationExt.Canceling, orchestrationType, o.OrchestrationID)
   588  			queue.Add(o.OrchestrationID)
   589  			return nil
   590  		}
   591  	}
   592  	return nil
   593  }
   595  func initClient(cfg *rest.Config) (client.Client, error) {
   596  	mapper, err := apiutil.NewDiscoveryRESTMapper(cfg)
   597  	if err != nil {
   598  		err = wait.Poll(time.Second, time.Minute, func() (bool, error) {
   599  			mapper, err = apiutil.NewDiscoveryRESTMapper(cfg)
   600  			if err != nil {
   601  				return false, nil
   602  			}
   603  			return true, nil
   604  		})
   605  		if err != nil {
   606  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("while waiting for client mapper: %w", err)
   607  		}
   608  	}
   609  	cli, err := client.New(cfg, client.Options{Mapper: mapper})
   610  	if err != nil {
   611  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("while creating a client: %w", err)
   612  	}
   613  	return cli, nil
   614  }
   616  func fatalOnError(err error) {
   617  	if err != nil {
   618  		log.Fatal(err)
   619  	}
   620  }
   622  func panicOnError(err error) {
   623  	if err != nil {
   624  		panic(err)
   625  	}
   626  }
   628  func skipForPreviewPlan(operation internal.Operation) bool {
   629  	return !broker.IsPreviewPlan(operation.ProvisioningParameters.PlanID)
   630  }