
     1  {
     2    "$schema": "",
     3    "_controlsOrder": [
     4      "name",
     5      "region",
     6      "machineType",
     7      "autoScalerMin",
     8      "autoScalerMax",
     9      "modules",
    10      "networking"
    11    ],
    12    "_show_form_view": true,
    13    "properties": {
    14      "autoScalerMax": {
    15        "default": 8,
    16        "description": "Specifies the maximum number of virtual machines to create",
    17        "maximum": 40,
    18        "minimum": 2,
    19        "type": "integer"
    20      },
    21      "autoScalerMin": {
    22        "default": 3,
    23        "description": "Specifies the minimum number of virtual machines to create",
    24        "minimum": 2,
    25        "type": "integer"
    26      },
    27      "machineType": {
    28        "enum": [
    29          "g_c4_m16",
    30          "g_c8_m32"
    31        ],
    32        "type": "string"
    33      },
    34      "modules": {
    35        "_controlsOrder": [
    36          "default",
    37          "list"
    38        ],
    39        "description": "Use default modules or provide your custom list of modules.",
    40        "oneOf": [
    41          {
    42            "additionalProperties": false,
    43            "description": "Default modules",
    44            "properties": {
    45              "default": {
    46                "default": true,
    47                "description": "Check the default modules at:",
    48                "readOnly": true,
    49                "title": "Use Default",
    50                "type": "boolean"
    51              }
    52            },
    53            "title": "Default",
    54            "type": "object"
    55          },
    56          {
    57            "additionalProperties": false,
    58            "description": "Define custom module list",
    59            "properties": {
    60              "list": {
    61                "description": "Select a module technical name from the list available at: You can only use a module technical name once.",
    62                "items": {
    63                  "_controlsOrder": [
    64                    "name",
    65                    "channel",
    66                    "customResourcePolicy"
    67                  ],
    68                  "properties": {
    69                    "channel": {
    70                      "_enumDisplayName": {
    71                        "fast": "Fast - latest version",
    72                        "regular": "Regular - default version"
    73                      },
    74                      "default": "regular",
    75                      "description": "Select your preferred release channel.",
    76                      "enum": [
    77                        "regular",
    78                        "fast"
    79                      ],
    80                      "type": "string"
    81                    },
    82                    "customResourcePolicy": {
    83                      "_enumDisplayName": {
    84                        "CreateAndDelete": "CreateAndDelete - default module resource is created or deleted.",
    85                        "Ignore": "Ignore - module resource is not created."
    86                      },
    87                      "default": "CreateAndDelete",
    88                      "description": "Select your preferred CustomResourcePolicy setting.",
    89                      "enum": [
    90                        "CreateAndDelete",
    91                        "Ignore"
    92                      ],
    93                      "type": "string"
    94                    },
    95                    "name": {
    96                      "description": "Select a module technical name from the list available at: You can only use a module technical name once.",
    97                      "minLength": 1,
    98                      "title": "Name",
    99                      "type": "string"
   100                    }
   101                  },
   102                  "type": "object"
   103                },
   104                "type": "array",
   105                "uniqueItems": true
   106              }
   107            },
   108            "title": "Custom",
   109            "type": "object"
   110          }
   111        ],
   112        "type": "object"
   113      },
   114      "name": {
   115        "_BTPdefaultTemplate": {
   116          "elements": [
   117            "saSubdomain"
   118          ]
   119        },
   120        "minLength": 1,
   121        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$",
   122        "title": "Cluster Name",
   123        "type": "string"
   124      },
   125      "networking": {
   126        "description": "Networking configuration. These values are immutable and cannot be updated later.",
   127        "properties": {
   128          "nodes": {
   129            "default": "",
   130            "description": "CIDR range for nodes, must not overlap with the following CIDRs:,,,,,,,",
   131            "title": "CIDR range for nodes",
   132            "type": "string"
   133          }
   134        },
   135        "required": [
   136          "nodes"
   137        ],
   138        "type": "object"
   139      },
   140      "region": {
   141        "enum": [
   142          "eu-de-1",
   143          "ap-sa-1"
   144        ],
   145        "type": "string"
   146      }
   147    },
   148    "required": [
   149      "name"
   150    ],
   151    "type": "object"
   152  }