
     1  # Starlark in Go: Language definition
     3  Starlark is a dialect of Python intended for use as a configuration
     4  language.  A Starlark interpreter is typically embedded within a larger
     5  application, and this application may define additional
     6  domain-specific functions and data types beyond those provided by the
     7  core language.  For example, Starlark is embedded within (and was
     8  originally developed for) the [Bazel build tool](,
     9  and [Bazel's build language]( is based on Starlark.
    11  This document describes the Go implementation of Starlark
    12  at
    13  The language it defines is similar but not identical to
    14  [the Java-based implementation](
    15  used by Bazel.
    16  We identify places where their behaviors differ, and an
    17  [appendix](#dialect-differences) provides a summary of those
    18  differences.
    19  We plan to converge both implementations on a single specification.
    21  This document is maintained by Alan Donovan <>.
    22  It was influenced by the Python specification,
    23  Copyright 1990&ndash;2017, Python Software Foundation,
    24  and the Go specification, Copyright 2009&ndash;2017, The Go Authors.
    26  Starlark was designed and implemented in Java by Laurent Le Brun,
    27  Dmitry Lomov, Jon Brandvin, and Damien Martin-Guillerez, standing on
    28  the shoulders of the Python community.
    29  The Go implementation was written by Alan Donovan and Jay Conrod;
    30  its scanner was derived from one written by Russ Cox.
    32  ## Overview
    34  Starlark is an untyped dynamic language with high-level data types,
    35  first-class functions with lexical scope, and automatic memory
    36  management or _garbage collection_.
    38  Starlark is strongly influenced by Python, and is almost a subset of
    39  that language.  In particular, its data types and syntax for
    40  statements and expressions will be very familiar to any Python
    41  programmer.
    42  However, Starlark is intended not for writing applications but for
    43  expressing configuration: its programs are short-lived and have no
    44  external side effects and their main result is structured data or side
    45  effects on the host application.
    46  As a result, Starlark has no need for classes, exceptions, reflection,
    47  concurrency, and other such features of Python.
    49  Starlark execution is _deterministic_: all functions and operators
    50  in the core language produce the same execution each time the program
    51  is run; there are no sources of random numbers, clocks, or unspecified
    52  iterators. This makes Starlark suitable for use in applications where
    53  reproducibility is paramount, such as build tools.
    55  ## Contents
    57  <!-- WTF? No automatic TOC? -->
    59    * [Overview](#overview)
    60    * [Contents](#contents)
    61    * [Lexical elements](#lexical-elements)
    62    * [Data types](#data-types)
    63      * [None](#none)
    64      * [Booleans](#booleans)
    65      * [Integers](#integers)
    66      * [Floating-point numbers](#floating-point-numbers)
    67      * [Strings](#strings)
    68      * [Lists](#lists)
    69      * [Tuples](#tuples)
    70      * [Dictionaries](#dictionaries)
    71      * [Sets](#sets)
    72      * [Functions](#functions)
    73      * [Built-in functions](#built-in-functions)
    74    * [Name binding and variables](#name-binding-and-variables)
    75    * [Value concepts](#value-concepts)
    76      * [Identity and mutation](#identity-and-mutation)
    77      * [Freezing a value](#freezing-a-value)
    78      * [Hashing](#hashing)
    79      * [Sequence types](#sequence-types)
    80      * [Indexing](#indexing)
    81    * [Expressions](#expressions)
    82      * [Identifiers](#identifiers)
    83      * [Literals](#literals)
    84      * [Parenthesized expressions](#parenthesized-expressions)
    85      * [Dictionary expressions](#dictionary-expressions)
    86      * [List expressions](#list-expressions)
    87      * [Unary operators](#unary-operators)
    88      * [Binary operators](#binary-operators)
    89      * [Conditional expressions](#conditional-expressions)
    90      * [Comprehensions](#comprehensions)
    91      * [Function and method calls](#function-and-method-calls)
    92      * [Dot expressions](#dot-expressions)
    93      * [Index expressions](#index-expressions)
    94      * [Slice expressions](#slice-expressions)
    95      * [Lambda expressions](#lambda-expressions)
    96    * [Statements](#statements)
    97      * [Pass statements](#pass-statements)
    98      * [Assignments](#assignments)
    99      * [Augmented assignments](#augmented-assignments)
   100      * [Function definitions](#function-definitions)
   101      * [Return statements](#return-statements)
   102      * [Expression statements](#expression-statements)
   103      * [If statements](#if-statements)
   104      * [For loops](#for-loops)
   105      * [Break and Continue](#break-and-continue)
   106      * [Load statements](#load-statements)
   107      * [Module execution](#module-execution)
   108    * [Built-in constants and functions](#built-in-constants-and-functions)
   109      * [None](#none)
   110      * [True and False](#true-and-false)
   111      * [any](#any)
   112      * [all](#all)
   113      * [bool](#bool)
   114      * [chr](#chr)
   115      * [dict](#dict)
   116      * [dir](#dir)
   117      * [enumerate](#enumerate)
   118      * [fail](#fail)
   119      * [float](#float)
   120      * [getattr](#getattr)
   121      * [hasattr](#hasattr)
   122      * [hash](#hash)
   123      * [int](#int)
   124      * [len](#len)
   125      * [list](#list)
   126      * [max](#max)
   127      * [min](#min)
   128      * [ord](#ord)
   129      * [print](#print)
   130      * [range](#range)
   131      * [repr](#repr)
   132      * [reversed](#reversed)
   133      * [set](#set)
   134      * [sorted](#sorted)
   135      * [str](#str)
   136      * [tuple](#tuple)
   137      * [type](#type)
   138      * [zip](#zip)
   139    * [Built-in methods](#built-in-methods)
   140      * [dict·clear](#dict·clear)
   141      * [dict·get](#dict·get)
   142      * [dict·items](#dict·items)
   143      * [dict·keys](#dict·keys)
   144      * [dict·pop](#dict·pop)
   145      * [dict·popitem](#dict·popitem)
   146      * [dict·setdefault](#dict·setdefault)
   147      * [dict·update](#dict·update)
   148      * [dict·values](#dict·values)
   149      * [list·append](#list·append)
   150      * [list·clear](#list·clear)
   151      * [list·extend](#list·extend)
   152      * [list·index](#list·index)
   153      * [list·insert](#list·insert)
   154      * [list·pop](#list·pop)
   155      * [list·remove](#list·remove)
   156      * [set·union](#set·union)
   157      * [string·capitalize](#string·capitalize)
   158      * [string·codepoint_ords](#string·codepoint_ords)
   159      * [string·codepoints](#string·codepoints)
   160      * [string·count](#string·count)
   161      * [string·elem_ords](#string·elem_ords)
   162      * [string·elems](#string·elems)
   163      * [string·endswith](#string·endswith)
   164      * [string·find](#string·find)
   165      * [string·format](#string·format)
   166      * [string·index](#string·index)
   167      * [string·isalnum](#string·isalnum)
   168      * [string·isalpha](#string·isalpha)
   169      * [string·isdigit](#string·isdigit)
   170      * [string·islower](#string·islower)
   171      * [string·isspace](#string·isspace)
   172      * [string·istitle](#string·istitle)
   173      * [string·isupper](#string·isupper)
   174      * [string·join](#string·join)
   175      * [string·lower](#string·lower)
   176      * [string·lstrip](#string·lstrip)
   177      * [string·partition](#string·partition)
   178      * [string·replace](#string·replace)
   179      * [string·rfind](#string·rfind)
   180      * [string·rindex](#string·rindex)
   181      * [string·rpartition](#string·rpartition)
   182      * [string·rsplit](#string·rsplit)
   183      * [string·rstrip](#string·rstrip)
   184      * [string·split](#string·split)
   185      * [string·splitlines](#string·splitlines)
   186      * [string·startswith](#string·startswith)
   187      * [string·strip](#string·strip)
   188      * [string·title](#string·title)
   189      * [string·upper](#string·upper)
   190    * [Dialect differences](#dialect-differences)
   193  ## Lexical elements
   195  A Starlark program consists of one or more modules.
   196  Each module is defined by a single UTF-8-encoded text file.
   198  A complete grammar of Starlark can be found in [grammar.txt](../syntax/grammar.txt).
   199  That grammar is presented piecemeal throughout this document
   200  in boxes such as this one, which explains the notation:
   202  ```grammar {.good}
   203  Grammar notation
   205  - lowercase and 'quoted' items are lexical tokens.
   206  - Capitalized names denote grammar productions.
   207  - (...) implies grouping.
   208  - x | y means either x or y.
   209  - [x] means x is optional.
   210  - {x} means x is repeated zero or more times.
   211  - The end of each declaration is marked with a period.
   212  ```
   214  The contents of a Starlark file are broken into a sequence of tokens of
   215  five kinds: white space, punctuation, keywords, identifiers, and literals.
   216  Each token is formed from the longest sequence of characters that
   217  would form a valid token of each kind.
   219  ```grammar {.good}
   220  File = {Statement | newline} eof .
   221  ```
   223  *White space* consists of spaces (U+0020), tabs (U+0009), carriage
   224  returns (U+000D), and newlines (U+000A).  Within a line, white space
   225  has no effect other than to delimit the previous token, but newlines,
   226  and spaces at the start of a line, are significant tokens.
   228  *Comments*: A hash character (`#`) appearing outside of a string
   229  literal marks the start of a comment; the comment extends to the end
   230  of the line, not including the newline character.
   231  Comments are treated like other white space.
   233  *Punctuation*: The following punctuation characters or sequences of
   234  characters are tokens:
   236  ```text
   237  +    -    *    /    //   %    =
   238  +=   -=   *=   /=   //=  %=   ==   !=
   239  ^    <    >    <<   >>   &    |
   240  ^=   <=   >=   <<=  >>=  &=   |=
   241  .    ,    ;    :    ~    **
   242  (    )    [    ]    {    }
   243  ```
   245  *Keywords*: The following tokens are keywords and may not be used as
   246  identifiers:
   248  ```text
   249  and            elif           in             or
   250  break          else           lambda         pass
   251  continue       for            load           return
   252  def            if             not            while
   253  ```
   255  The tokens below also may not be used as identifiers although they do not
   256  appear in the grammar; they are reserved as possible future keywords:
   258  <!-- and to remain a syntactic subset of Python -->
   260  ```text
   261  as             finally        nonlocal
   262  assert         from           raise
   263  class          global         try
   264  del            import         with
   265  except         is             yield
   266  ```
   268  <b>Implementation note:</b>
   269  The Go implementation permits `assert` to be used as an identifier,
   270  and this feature is widely used in its tests.
   272  *Identifiers*: an identifier is a sequence of Unicode letters, decimal
   273   digits, and underscores (`_`), not starting with a digit.
   274  Identifiers are used as names for values.
   276  Examples:
   278  ```text
   279  None    True    len
   280  x       index   starts_with     arg0
   281  ```
   283  *Literals*: literals are tokens that denote specific values.  Starlark
   284  has string, integer, and floating-point literals.
   286  ```text
   287  0                               # int
   288  123                             # decimal int
   289  0x7f                            # hexadecimal int
   290  0o755                           # octal int
   291  0b1011                          # binary int
   293  0.0     0.       .0             # float
   294  1e10    1e+10    1e-10
   295  1.1e10  1.1e+10  1.1e-10
   297  "hello"      'hello'            # string
   298  '''hello'''  """hello"""        # triple-quoted string
   299  r'hello'     r"hello"           # raw string literal
   300  ```
   302  Integer and floating-point literal tokens are defined by the following grammar:
   304  ```grammar {.good}
   305  int         = decimal_lit | octal_lit | hex_lit | binary_lit .
   306  decimal_lit = ('1' … '9') {decimal_digit} | '0' .
   307  octal_lit   = '0' ('o'|'O') octal_digit {octal_digit} .
   308  hex_lit     = '0' ('x'|'X') hex_digit {hex_digit} .
   309  binary_lit  = '0' ('b'|'B') binary_digit {binary_digit} .
   311  float     = decimals '.' [decimals] [exponent]
   312            | decimals exponent
   313            | '.' decimals [exponent]
   314            .
   315  decimals  = decimal_digit {decimal_digit} .
   316  exponent  = ('e'|'E') ['+'|'-'] decimals .
   318  decimal_digit = '0' … '9' .
   319  octal_digit   = '0' … '7' .
   320  hex_digit     = '0' … '9' | 'A' … 'F' | 'a' … 'f' .
   321  binary_digit  = '0' | '1' .
   322  ```
   324  ### String literals
   326  A Starlark string literal denotes a string value. 
   327  In its simplest form, it consists of the desired text 
   328  surrounded by matching single- or double-quotation marks:
   330  ```python
   331  "abc"
   332  'abc'
   333  ```
   335  Literal occurrences of the chosen quotation mark character must be
   336  escaped by a preceding backslash. So, if a string contains several
   337  of one kind of quotation mark, it may be convenient to quote the string
   338  using the other kind, as in these examples:
   340  ```python
   341  'Have you read "To Kill a Mockingbird?"'
   342  "Yes, it's a classic."
   344  "Have you read \"To Kill a Mockingbird?\""
   345  'Yes, it\'s a classic.'
   346  ```
   348  #### String escapes
   350  Within a string literal, the backslash character `\` indicates the
   351  start of an _escape sequence_, a notation for expressing things that
   352  are impossible or awkward to write directly.
   354  The following *traditional escape sequences* represent the ASCII control
   355  codes 7-13:
   357  ```
   358  \a   \x07 alert or bell
   359  \b   \x08 backspace
   360  \f   \x0C form feed
   361  \n   \x0A line feed
   362  \r   \x0D carriage return
   363  \t   \x09 horizontal tab
   364  \v   \x0B vertical tab
   365  ```
   367  A *literal backslash* is written using the escape `\\`.
   369  An *escaped newline*---that is, a backslash at the end of a line---is ignored,
   370  allowing a long string to be split across multiple lines of the source file.
   372  ```python
   373  "abc\
   374  def"			# "abcdef"
   375  ```
   377  An *octal escape* encodes a single byte using its octal value.
   378  It consists of a backslash followed by one, two, or three octal digits [0-7].
   379  It is error if the value is greater than decimal 255.
   381  ```python
   382  '\0'			# "\x00"  a string containing a single NUL byte
   383  '\12'			# "\n"    octal 12 = decimal 10
   384  '\101-\132'		# "A-Z"
   385  '\119'			# "\t9"   = "\11" + "9"
   386  ```
   388  <b>Implementation note:</b>
   389  The Java implementation encodes strings using UTF-16,
   390  so an octal escape encodes a single UTF-16 code unit.
   391  Octal escapes for values above 127 are therefore not portable across implementations.
   392  There is little reason to use octal escapes in new code.
   394  A *hex escape* encodes a single byte using its hexadecimal value.
   395  It consists of `\x` followed by exactly two hexadecimal digits [0-9A-Fa-f].
   397  ```python
   398  "\x00"			# "\x00"  a string containing a single NUL byte
   399  "(\x20)"		# "( )"   ASCII 0x20 = 32 = space
   401  red, reset = "\x1b[31m", "\x1b[0m"	# ANSI terminal control codes for color
   402  "(" + red + "hello" + reset + ")"	# "(hello)" with red text, if on a terminal
   403  ```
   405  <b>Implementation note:</b>
   406  The Java implementation does not support hex escapes.
   408  An ordinary string literal may not contain an unescaped newline,
   409  but a *multiline string literal* may spread over multiple source lines.
   410  It is denoted using three quotation marks at start and end.
   411  Within it, unescaped newlines and quotation marks (or even pairs of
   412  quotation marks) have their literal meaning, but three quotation marks
   413  end the literal. This makes it easy to quote large blocks of text with
   414  few escapes.
   416  ```
   417  haiku = '''
   418  Yesterday it worked.
   419  Today it is not working.
   420  That's computers. Sigh.
   421  '''
   422  ```
   424  Regardless of the platform's convention for text line endings---for
   425  example, a linefeed (\n) on UNIX, or a carriage return followed by a
   426  linefeed (\r\n) on Microsoft Windows---an unescaped line ending in a
   427  multiline string literal always denotes a line feed (\n).
   429  Starlark also supports *raw string literals*, which look like an
   430  ordinary single- or double-quotation preceded by `r`. Within a raw
   431  string literal, there is no special processing of backslash escapes,
   432  other than an escaped quotation mark (which denotes a literal
   433  quotation mark), or an escaped newline (which denotes a backslash
   434  followed by a newline). This form of quotation is typically used when
   435  writing strings that contain many quotation marks or backslashes (such
   436  as regular expressions or shell commands) to reduce the burden of
   437  escaping:
   439  ```python
   440  "a\nb"		# "a\nb"  = 'a' + '\n' + 'b'
   441  r"a\nb"		# "a\\nb" = 'a' + '\\' + '\n' + 'b'
   443  "a\
   444  b"		# "ab"
   445  r"a\
   446  b"		# "a\\\nb"
   447  ```
   449  It is an error for a backslash to appear within a string literal other
   450  than as part of one of the escapes described above.
   452  TODO: define indent, outdent, semicolon, newline, eof
   454  ## Data types
   456  These are the main data types built in to the interpreter:
   458  ```python
   459  NoneType                     # the type of None
   460  bool                         # True or False
   461  int                          # a signed integer of arbitrary magnitude
   462  float                        # an IEEE 754 double-precision floating point number
   463  string                       # a byte string
   464  list                         # a modifiable sequence of values
   465  tuple                        # an unmodifiable sequence of values
   466  dict                         # a mapping from values to values
   467  set                          # a set of values
   468  function                     # a function implemented in Starlark
   469  builtin_function_or_method   # a function or method implemented by the interpreter or host application
   470  ```
   472  Some functions, such as the iteration methods of `string`, or the
   473  `range` function, return instances of special-purpose types that don't
   474  appear in this list.
   475  Additional data types may be defined by the host application into
   476  which the interpreter is embedded, and those data types may
   477  participate in basic operations of the language such as arithmetic,
   478  comparison, indexing, and function calls.
   480  <!-- We needn't mention the stringIterable type here. -->
   482  Some operations can be applied to any Starlark value.  For example,
   483  every value has a type string that can be obtained with the expression
   484  `type(x)`, and any value may be converted to a string using the
   485  expression `str(x)`, or to a Boolean truth value using the expression
   486  `bool(x)`.  Other operations apply only to certain types.  For
   487  example, the indexing operation `a[i]` works only with strings, lists,
   488  and tuples, and any application-defined types that are _indexable_.
   489  The [_value concepts_](#value-concepts) section explains the groupings of
   490  types by the operators they support.
   493  ### None
   495  `None` is a distinguished value used to indicate the absence of any other value.
   496  For example, the result of a call to a function that contains no return statement is `None`.
   498  `None` is equal only to itself.  Its [type](#type) is `"NoneType"`.
   499  The truth value of `None` is `False`.
   502  ### Booleans
   504  There are two Boolean values, `True` and `False`, representing the
   505  truth or falsehood of a predicate.  The [type](#type) of a Boolean is `"bool"`.
   507  Boolean values are typically used as conditions in `if`-statements,
   508  although any Starlark value used as a condition is implicitly
   509  interpreted as a Boolean.
   510  For example, the values `None`, `0`, `0.0`, and the empty sequences
   511  `""`, `()`, `[]`, and `{}` have a truth value of `False`, whereas non-zero
   512  numbers and non-empty sequences have a truth value of `True`.
   513  Application-defined types determine their own truth value.
   514  Any value may be explicitly converted to a Boolean using the built-in `bool`
   515  function.
   517  ```python
   518  1 + 1 == 2                              # True
   519  2 + 2 == 5                              # False
   521  if 1 + 1:
   522          print("True")
   523  else:
   524          print("False")
   525  ```
   527  ### Integers
   529  The Starlark integer type represents integers.  Its [type](#type) is `"int"`.
   531  Integers may be positive or negative, and arbitrarily large.
   532  Integer arithmetic is exact.
   533  Integers are totally ordered; comparisons follow mathematical
   534  tradition.
   536  The `+` and `-` operators perform addition and subtraction, respectively.
   537  The `*` operator performs multiplication.
   539  The `//` and `%` operations on integers compute floored division and
   540  remainder of floored division, respectively.
   541  If the signs of the operands differ, the sign of the remainder `x % y`
   542  matches that of the dividend, `x`.
   543  For all finite x and y (y ≠ 0), `(x // y) * y + (x % y) == x`.
   544  The `/` operator implements real division, and
   545  yields a `float` result even when its operands are both of type `int`.
   547  Integers, including negative values, may be interpreted as bit vectors.
   548  The `|`, `&`, and `^` operators implement bitwise OR, AND, and XOR,
   549  respectively. The unary `~` operator yields the bitwise inversion of its
   550  integer argument. The `<<` and `>>` operators shift the first argument
   551  to the left or right by the number of bits given by the second argument.
   553  Any bool, number, or string may be interpreted as an integer by using
   554  the `int` built-in function.
   556  An integer used in a Boolean context is considered true if it is
   557  non-zero.
   559  ```python
   560  100 // 5 * 9 + 32               # 212
   561  3 // 2                          # 1
   562  3 / 2                           # 1.5
   563  111111111 * 111111111           # 12345678987654321
   564  "0x%x" % (0x1234 & 0xf00f)      # "0x1004"
   565  int("ffff", 16)                 # 65535, 0xffff
   566  ```
   568  <b>Implementation note:</b>
   569  In the Go implementation of Starlark, integer representation and
   570  arithmetic is exact, motivated by the need for lossless manipulation
   571  of protocol messages which may contain signed and unsigned 64-bit
   572  integers.
   573  The Java implementation currently supports only signed 32-bit integers.
   576  ### Floating-point numbers
   578  The Starlark floating-point data type represents an IEEE 754
   579  double-precision floating-point number.  Its [type](#type) is `"float"`.
   581  Arithmetic on floats using the `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `//`, and `%`
   582   operators follows the IEE 754 standard.
   583  However, computing the division or remainder of division by zero is a dynamic error.
   585  An arithmetic operation applied to a mixture of `float` and `int`
   586  operands works as if the `int` operand is first converted to a
   587  `float`.  For example, `3.141 + 1` is equivalent to `3.141 +
   588  float(1)`.
   589  There are two floating-point division operators:
   590  `x / y ` yields the floating-point quotient of `x` and `y`,
   591  whereas `x // y` yields `floor(x / y)`, that is, the largest
   592  integer value not greater than `x / y`.
   593  Although the resulting number is integral, it is represented as a
   594  `float` if either operand is a `float`.
   596  The infinite float values `+Inf` and `-Inf` represent numbers
   597  greater/less than all finite float values.
   599  The non-finite `NaN` value represents the result of dubious operations
   600  such as `Inf/Inf`.  A NaN value compares neither less than, nor
   601  greater than, nor equal to any value, including itself.
   603  All floats other than NaN are totally ordered, so they may be compared
   604  using operators such as `==` and `<`.
   606  Any bool, number, or string may be interpreted as a floating-point
   607  number by using the `float` built-in function.
   609  A float used in a Boolean context is considered true if it is
   610  non-zero.
   612  ```python
   613  1.23e45 * 1.23e45                               # 1.5129e+90
   614  1.111111111111111 * 1.111111111111111           # 1.23457
   615  3.0 / 2                                         # 1.5
   616  3 / 2.0                                         # 1.5
   617  float(3) / 2                                    # 1.5
   618  3.0 // 2.0                                      # 1
   619  ```
   621  <b>Implementation note:</b>
   622  The Go implementation of Starlark supports floating-point numbers as an
   623  optional feature, motivated by the need for lossless manipulation of
   624  protocol messages.
   625  The `-float` flag enables support for floating-point literals,
   626  the `float` built-in function, and the real division operator `/`.
   627  The Java implementation does not yet support floating-point numbers.
   630  ### Strings
   632  A string represents an immutable sequence of bytes.
   633  The [type](#type) of a string is `"string"`.
   635  Strings can represent arbitrary binary data, including zero bytes, but
   636  most strings contain text, encoded by convention using UTF-8.
   638  The built-in `len` function returns the number of bytes in a string.
   640  Strings may be concatenated with the `+` operator.
   642  The substring expression `s[i:j]` returns the substring of `s` from
   643  index `i` up to index `j`.  The index expression `s[i]` returns the
   644  1-byte substring `s[i:i+1]`.
   646  Strings are hashable, and thus may be used as keys in a dictionary.
   648  Strings are totally ordered lexicographically, so strings may be
   649  compared using operators such as `==` and `<`.
   651  Strings are _not_ iterable sequences, so they cannot be used as the operand of
   652  a `for`-loop, list comprehension, or any other operation than requires
   653  an iterable sequence.
   654  To obtain a view of a string as an iterable sequence of numeric byte
   655  values, 1-byte substrings, numeric Unicode code points, or 1-code
   656  point substrings, you must explicitly call one of its four methods:
   657  `elems`, `elem_ords`, `codepoints`, or `codepoint_ords`.
   659  Any value may formatted as a string using the `str` or `repr` built-in
   660  functions, the `str % tuple` operator, or the `str.format` method.
   662  A string used in a Boolean context is considered true if it is
   663  non-empty.
   665  Strings have several built-in methods:
   667  * [`capitalize`](#string·capitalize)
   668  * [`codepoint_ords`](#string·codepoint_ords)
   669  * [`codepoints`](#string·codepoints)
   670  * [`count`](#string·count)
   671  * [`elem_ords`](#string·elem_ords)
   672  * [`elems`](#string·elems)
   673  * [`endswith`](#string·endswith)
   674  * [`find`](#string·find)
   675  * [`format`](#string·format)
   676  * [`index`](#string·index)
   677  * [`isalnum`](#string·isalnum)
   678  * [`isalpha`](#string·isalpha)
   679  * [`isdigit`](#string·isdigit)
   680  * [`islower`](#string·islower)
   681  * [`isspace`](#string·isspace)
   682  * [`istitle`](#string·istitle)
   683  * [`isupper`](#string·isupper)
   684  * [`join`](#string·join)
   685  * [`lower`](#string·lower)
   686  * [`lstrip`](#string·lstrip)
   687  * [`partition`](#string·partition)
   688  * [`replace`](#string·replace)
   689  * [`rfind`](#string·rfind)
   690  * [`rindex`](#string·rindex)
   691  * [`rpartition`](#string·rpartition)
   692  * [`rsplit`](#string·rsplit)
   693  * [`rstrip`](#string·rstrip)
   694  * [`split`](#string·split)
   695  * [`splitlines`](#string·splitlines)
   696  * [`startswith`](#string·startswith)
   697  * [`strip`](#string·strip)
   698  * [`title`](#string·title)
   699  * [`upper`](#string·upper)
   701  <b>Implementation note:</b>
   702  The type of a string element varies across implementations.
   703  There is agreement that byte strings, with text conventionally encoded
   704  using UTF-8, is the ideal choice, but the Java implementation treats
   705  strings as sequences of UTF-16 codes and changing it appears
   706  intractible; see Google Issue b/36360490.
   708  <b>Implementation note:</b>
   709  The Java implementation does not consistently treat strings as
   710  iterable; see `testdata/` in the test suite and Google Issue
   711  b/34385336 for further details.
   713  ### Lists
   715  A list is a mutable sequence of values.
   716  The [type](#type) of a list is `"list"`.
   718  Lists are indexable sequences: the elements of a list may be iterated
   719  over by `for`-loops, list comprehensions, and various built-in
   720  functions.
   722  List may be constructed using bracketed list notation:
   724  ```python
   725  []              # an empty list
   726  [1]             # a 1-element list
   727  [1, 2]          # a 2-element list
   728  ```
   730  Lists can also be constructed from any iterable sequence by using the
   731  built-in `list` function.
   733  The built-in `len` function applied to a list returns the number of elements.
   734  The index expression `list[i]` returns the element at index i,
   735  and the slice expression `list[i:j]` returns a new list consisting of
   736  the elements at indices from i to j.
   738  List elements may be added using the `append` or `extend` methods,
   739  removed using the `remove` method, or reordered by assignments such as
   740  `list[i] = list[j]`.
   742  The concatenation operation `x + y` yields a new list containing all
   743  the elements of the two lists x and y.
   745  For most types, `x += y` is equivalent to `x = x + y`, except that it
   746  evaluates `x` only once, that is, it allocates a new list to hold
   747  the concatenation of `x` and `y`.
   748  However, if `x` refers to a list, the statement does not allocate a
   749  new list but instead mutates the original list in place, similar to
   750  `x.extend(y)`.
   752  Lists are not hashable, so may not be used in the keys of a dictionary.
   754  A list used in a Boolean context is considered true if it is
   755  non-empty.
   757  A [_list comprehension_](#comprehensions) creates a new list whose elements are the
   758  result of some expression applied to each element of another sequence.
   760  ```python
   761  [x*x for x in [1, 2, 3, 4]]      # [1, 4, 9, 16]
   762  ```
   764  A list value has these methods:
   766  * [`append`](#list·append)
   767  * [`clear`](#list·clear)
   768  * [`extend`](#list·extend)
   769  * [`index`](#list·index)
   770  * [`insert`](#list·insert)
   771  * [`pop`](#list·pop)
   772  * [`remove`](#list·remove)
   774  ### Tuples
   776  A tuple is an immutable sequence of values.
   777  The [type](#type) of a tuple is `"tuple"`.
   779  Tuples are constructed using parenthesized list notation:
   781  ```python
   782  ()                      # the empty tuple
   783  (1,)                    # a 1-tuple
   784  (1, 2)                  # a 2-tuple ("pair")
   785  (1, 2, 3)               # a 3-tuple
   786  ```
   788  Observe that for the 1-tuple, the trailing comma is necessary to
   789  distinguish it from the parenthesized expression `(1)`.
   790  1-tuples are seldom used.
   792  Starlark, unlike Python, does not permit a trailing comma to appear in
   793  an unparenthesized tuple expression:
   795  ```python
   796  for k, v, in dict.items(): pass                 # syntax error at 'in'
   797  _ = [(v, k) for k, v, in dict.items()]          # syntax error at 'in'
   798  f = lambda a, b, : None                         # syntax error at ':'
   800  sorted(3, 1, 4, 1,)                             # ok
   801  [1, 2, 3, ]                                     # ok
   802  {1: 2, 3:4, }                                   # ok
   803  ```
   805  Any iterable sequence may be converted to a tuple by using the
   806  built-in `tuple` function.
   808  Like lists, tuples are indexed sequences, so they may be indexed and
   809  sliced.  The index expression `tuple[i]` returns the tuple element at
   810  index i, and the slice expression `tuple[i:j]` returns a sub-sequence
   811  of a tuple.
   813  Tuples are iterable sequences, so they may be used as the operand of a
   814  `for`-loop, a list comprehension, or various built-in functions.
   816  Unlike lists, tuples cannot be modified.
   817  However, the mutable elements of a tuple may be modified.
   819  Tuples are hashable (assuming their elements are hashable),
   820  so they may be used as keys of a dictionary.
   822  Tuples may be concatenated using the `+` operator.
   824  A tuple used in a Boolean context is considered true if it is
   825  non-empty.
   828  ### Dictionaries
   830  A dictionary is a mutable mapping from keys to values.
   831  The [type](#type) of a dictionary is `"dict"`.
   833  Dictionaries provide constant-time operations to insert an element, to
   834  look up the value for a key, or to remove an element.  Dictionaries
   835  are implemented using hash tables, so keys must be hashable.  Hashable
   836  values include `None`, Booleans, numbers, and strings, and tuples
   837  composed from hashable values.  Most mutable values, such as lists,
   838  dictionaries, and sets, are not hashable, even when frozen.
   839  Attempting to use a non-hashable value as a key in a dictionary
   840  results in a dynamic error.
   842  A [dictionary expression](#dictionary-expressions) specifies a
   843  dictionary as a set of key/value pairs enclosed in braces:
   845  ```python
   846  coins = {
   847    "penny": 1,
   848    "nickel": 5,
   849    "dime": 10,
   850    "quarter": 25,
   851  }
   852  ```
   854  The expression `d[k]`, where `d` is a dictionary and `k` is a key,
   855  retrieves the value associated with the key.  If the dictionary
   856  contains no such item, the operation fails:
   858  ```python
   859  coins["penny"]          # 1
   860  coins["dime"]           # 10
   861  coins["silver dollar"]  # error: key not found
   862  ```
   864  The number of items in a dictionary `d` is given by `len(d)`.
   865  A key/value item may be added to a dictionary, or updated if the key
   866  is already present, by using `d[k]` on the left side of an assignment:
   868  ```python
   869  len(coins)				# 4
   870  coins["shilling"] = 20
   871  len(coins)				# 5, item was inserted
   872  coins["shilling"] = 5
   873  len(coins)				# 5, existing item was updated
   874  ```
   876  A dictionary can also be constructed using a [dictionary
   877  comprehension](#comprehension), which evaluates a pair of expressions,
   878  the _key_ and the _value_, for every element of another iterable such
   879  as a list.  This example builds a mapping from each word to its length
   880  in bytes:
   882  ```python
   883  words = ["able", "baker", "charlie"]
   884  {x: len(x) for x in words}	# {"charlie": 7, "baker": 5, "able": 4}
   885  ```
   887  Dictionaries are iterable sequences, so they may be used as the
   888  operand of a `for`-loop, a list comprehension, or various built-in
   889  functions.
   890  Iteration yields the dictionary's keys in the order in which they were
   891  inserted; updating the value associated with an existing key does not
   892  affect the iteration order.
   894  ```python
   895  x = dict([("a", 1), ("b", 2)])          # {"a": 1, "b": 2}
   896  x.update([("a", 3), ("c", 4)])          # {"a": 3, "b": 2, "c": 4}
   897  ```
   899  ```python
   900  for name in coins:
   901    print(name, coins[name])	# prints "quarter 25", "dime 10", ...
   902  ```
   904  Like all mutable values in Starlark, a dictionary can be frozen, and
   905  once frozen, all subsequent operations that attempt to update it will
   906  fail.
   908  A dictionary used in a Boolean context is considered true if it is
   909  non-empty.
   911  Dictionaries may be compared for equality using `==` and `!=`.  Two
   912  dictionaries compare equal if they contain the same number of items
   913  and each key/value item (k, v) found in one dictionary is also present
   914  in the other.  Dictionaries are not ordered; it is an error to compare
   915  two dictionaries with `<`.
   918  A dictionary value has these methods:
   920  * [`clear`](#dict·clear)
   921  * [`get`](#dict·get)
   922  * [`items`](#dict·items)
   923  * [`keys`](#dict·keys)
   924  * [`pop`](#dict·pop)
   925  * [`popitem`](#dict·popitem)
   926  * [`setdefault`](#dict·setdefault)
   927  * [`update`](#dict·update)
   928  * [`values`](#dict·values)
   930  ### Sets
   932  A set is a mutable set of values.
   933  The [type](#type) of a set is `"set"`.
   935  Like dictionaries, sets are implemented using hash tables, so the
   936  elements of a set must be hashable.
   938  Sets may be compared for equality or inequality using `==` and `!=`.
   939  Two sets compare equal if they contain the same elements.
   941  Sets are iterable sequences, so they may be used as the operand of a
   942  `for`-loop, a list comprehension, or various built-in functions.
   943  Iteration yields the set's elements in the order in which they were
   944  inserted.
   946  The binary `|` and `&` operators compute union and intersection when
   947  applied to sets.  The right operand of the `|` operator may be any
   948  iterable value.  The binary `in` operator performs a set membership
   949  test when its right operand is a set.
   951  The binary `^` operator performs symmetric difference of two sets.
   953  Sets are instantiated by calling the built-in `set` function, which
   954  returns a set containing all the elements of its optional argument,
   955  which must be an iterable sequence.  Sets have no literal syntax.
   957  The only method of a set is `union`, which is equivalent to the `|` operator.
   959  A set used in a Boolean context is considered true if it is non-empty.
   961  <b>Implementation note:</b>
   962  The Go implementation of Starlark requires the `-set` flag to
   963  enable support for sets.
   964  The Java implementation does not support sets.
   967  ### Functions
   969  A function value represents a function defined in Starlark.
   970  Its [type](#type) is `"function"`.
   971  A function value used in a Boolean context is always considered true.
   973  Functions defined by a [`def` statement](#function-definitions) are named;
   974  functions defined by a [`lambda` expression](#lambda-expressions) are anonymous.
   976  Function definitions may be nested, and an inner function may refer to a local variable of an outer function.
   978  A function definition defines zero or more named parameters.
   979  Starlark has a rich mechanism for passing arguments to functions.
   981  <!-- TODO break up this explanation into caller-side and callee-side
   982       parts, and put the former under function calls and the latter
   983       under function definitions. Also try to convey that the Callable
   984       interface sees the flattened-out args and kwargs and that's what
   985       built-ins get.
   986  -->
   988  The example below shows a definition and call of a function of two
   989  required parameters, `x` and `y`.
   991  ```python
   992  def idiv(x, y):
   993    return x // y
   995  idiv(6, 3)		# 2
   996  ```
   998  A call may provide arguments to function parameters either by
   999  position, as in the example above, or by name, as in first two calls
  1000  below, or by a mixture of the two forms, as in the third call below.
  1001  All the positional arguments must precede all the named arguments.
  1002  Named arguments may improve clarity, especially in functions of
  1003  several parameters.
  1005  ```python
  1006  idiv(x=6, y=3)		# 2
  1007  idiv(y=3, x=6)		# 2
  1009  idiv(6, y=3)		# 2
  1010  ```
  1012  <b>Optional parameters:</b> A parameter declaration may specify a
  1013  default value using `name=value` syntax; such a parameter is
  1014  _optional_.  The default value expression is evaluated during
  1015  execution of the `def` statement or evaluation of the `lambda`
  1016  expression, and the default value forms part of the function value.
  1017  All optional parameters must follow all non-optional parameters.
  1018  A function call may omit arguments for any suffix of the optional
  1019  parameters; the effective values of those arguments are supplied by
  1020  the function's parameter defaults.
  1022  ```python
  1023  def f(x, y=3):
  1024    return x, y
  1026  f(1, 2)	# (1, 2)
  1027  f(1)	# (1, 3)
  1028  ```
  1030  If a function parameter's default value is a mutable expression,
  1031  modifications to the value during one call may be observed by
  1032  subsequent calls.
  1033  Beware of this when using lists or dicts as default values.
  1034  If the function becomes frozen, its parameters' default values become
  1035  frozen too.
  1037  ```python
  1038  # module
  1039  def f(x, list=[]):
  1040    list.append(x)
  1041    return list
  1043  f(4, [1,2,3])           # [1, 2, 3, 4]
  1044  f(1)                    # [1]
  1045  f(2)                    # [1, 2], not [2]!
  1047  # module
  1048  load("", "f")
  1049  f(3)                    # error: cannot append to frozen list
  1050  ```
  1052  <b>Variadic functions:</b> Some functions allow callers to provide an
  1053  arbitrary number of arguments.
  1054  After all required and optional parameters, a function definition may
  1055  specify a _variadic arguments_ or _varargs_ parameter, indicated by a
  1056  star preceding the parameter name: `*args`.
  1057  Any surplus positional arguments provided by the caller are formed
  1058  into a tuple and assigned to the `args` parameter.
  1060  ```python
  1061  def f(x, y, *args):
  1062    return x, y, args
  1064  f(1, 2)                 # (1, 2, ())
  1065  f(1, 2, 3, 4)           # (1, 2, (3, 4))
  1066  ```
  1068  <b>Keyword-variadic functions:</b> Some functions allow callers to
  1069  provide an arbitrary sequence of `name=value` keyword arguments.
  1070  A function definition may include a final _keyword arguments_ or
  1071  _kwargs_ parameter, indicated by a double-star preceding the parameter
  1072  name: `**kwargs`.
  1073  Any surplus named arguments that do not correspond to named parameters
  1074  are collected in a new dictionary and assigned to the `kwargs` parameter:
  1076  ```python
  1077  def f(x, y, **kwargs):
  1078    return x, y, kwargs
  1080  f(1, 2)                 # (1, 2, {})
  1081  f(x=2, y=1)             # (2, 1, {})
  1082  f(x=2, y=1, z=3)        # (2, 1, {"z": 3})
  1083  ```
  1085  It is a static error if any two parameters of a function have the same name.
  1087  Just as a function definition may accept an arbitrary number of
  1088  positional or named arguments, a function call may provide an
  1089  arbitrary number of positional or named arguments supplied by a
  1090  list or dictionary:
  1092  ```python
  1093  def f(a, b, c=5):
  1094    return a * b + c
  1096  f(*[2, 3])              # 11
  1097  f(*[2, 3, 7])           # 13
  1098  f(*[2])                 # error: f takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)
  1100  f(**dict(b=3, a=2))             # 11
  1101  f(**dict(c=7, a=2, b=3))        # 13
  1102  f(**dict(a=2))                  # error: f takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)
  1103  f(**dict(d=4))                  # error: f got unexpected keyword argument "d"
  1104  ```
  1106  Once the parameters have been successfully bound to the arguments
  1107  supplied by the call, the sequence of statements that comprise the
  1108  function body is executed.
  1110  It is a static error if a function call has two named arguments of the
  1111  same name, such as `f(x=1, x=2)`. A call that provides a `**kwargs`
  1112  argument may yet have two values for the same name, such as
  1113  `f(x=1, **dict(x=2))`. This results in a dynamic error.
  1115  Function arguments are evaluated in the order they appear in the call.
  1116  <!-- see -->
  1118  Unlike Python, Starlark does not allow more than one `*args` argument in a
  1119  call, and if a `*args` argument is present it must appear after all
  1120  positional and named arguments.
  1122  The final argument to a function call may be followed by a trailing comma.
  1124  A function call completes normally after the execution of either a
  1125  `return` statement, or of the last statement in the function body.
  1126  The result of the function call is the value of the return statement's
  1127  operand, or `None` if the return statement had no operand or if the
  1128  function completeted without executing a return statement.
  1130  ```python
  1131  def f(x):
  1132    if x == 0:
  1133      return
  1134    if x < 0:
  1135      return -x
  1136    print(x)
  1138  f(1)            # returns None after printing "1"
  1139  f(0)            # returns None without printing
  1140  f(-1)           # returns 1 without printing
  1141  ```
  1143  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  1144  The Go implementation of Starlark requires the `-recursion`
  1145  flag to allow recursive functions.
  1148  If the `-recursion` flag is not specified it is a dynamic error for a
  1149  function to call itself or another function value with the same
  1150  declaration.
  1152  ```python
  1153  def fib(x):
  1154    if x < 2:
  1155      return x
  1156    return fib(x-2) + fib(x-1)	# dynamic error: function fib called recursively
  1158  fib(5)
  1159  ```
  1161  This rule, combined with the invariant that all loops are iterations
  1162  over finite sequences, implies that Starlark programs can not be
  1163  Turing complete unless the `-recursion` flag is specified.
  1165  <!-- This rule is supposed to deter people from abusing Starlark for
  1166       inappropriate uses, especially in the build system.
  1167       It may work for that purpose, but it doesn't stop Starlark programs
  1168       from consuming too much time or space.  Perhaps it should be a
  1169       dialect option.
  1170  -->
  1174  ### Built-in functions
  1176  A built-in function is a function or method implemented in Go by the interpreter
  1177  or the application into which the interpreter is embedded.
  1179  The [type](#type) of a built-in function is `"builtin_function_or_method"`.
  1180  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  1181  The Java implementation of `type(x)` returns `"function"` for all
  1182  functions, whether built in or defined in Starlark,
  1183  even though applications distinguish these two types.
  1185  A built-in function value used in a Boolean context is always considered true.
  1187  Many built-in functions are predeclared in the environment
  1188  (see [Name Resolution](#name-resolution)).
  1189  Some built-in functions such as `len` are _universal_, that is,
  1190  available to all Starlark programs.
  1191  The host application may predeclare additional built-in functions
  1192  in the environment of a specific module.
  1194  Except where noted, built-in functions accept only positional arguments.
  1195  The parameter names serve merely as documentation.
  1197  Most built-in functions that have a Boolean parameter require its
  1198  argument to be `True` or `False`. Unlike `if` statements, other values
  1199  are not implicitly converted to their truth value and instead cause a
  1200  dynamic error.
  1203  ## Name binding and variables
  1205  After a Starlark file is parsed, but before its execution begins, the
  1206  Starlark interpreter checks statically that the program is well formed.
  1207  For example, `break` and `continue` statements may appear only within
  1208  a loop; a `return` statement may appear only within a
  1209  function; and `load` statements may appear only outside any function.
  1211  _Name resolution_ is the static checking process that
  1212  resolves names to variable bindings.
  1213  During execution, names refer to variables.  Statically, names denote
  1214  places in the code where variables are created; these places are
  1215  called _bindings_.  A name may denote different bindings at different
  1216  places in the program.  The region of text in which a particular name
  1217  refers to the same binding is called that binding's _scope_.
  1219  Four Starlark constructs bind names, as illustrated in the example below:
  1220  `load` statements (`a` and `b`),
  1221  `def` statements (`c`),
  1222  function parameters (`d`),
  1223  and assignments (`e`, `h`, including the augmented assignment `e += 1`).
  1224  Variables may be assigned or re-assigned explicitly (`e`, `h`), or implicitly, as
  1225  in a `for`-loop (`f`) or comprehension (`g`, `i`).
  1227  ```python
  1228  load("", "a", b="B")
  1230  def c(d):
  1231    e = 0
  1232    for f in d:
  1233       print([True for g in f])
  1234       e += 1
  1236  h = [2*i for i in a]
  1237  ```
  1239  The environment of a Starlark program is structured as a tree of
  1240  _lexical blocks_, each of which may contain name bindings.
  1241  The tree of blocks is parallel to the syntax tree.
  1242  Blocks are of five kinds.
  1244  <!-- Avoid the term "built-in" block since that's also a type. -->
  1245  At the root of the tree is the _predeclared_ block,
  1246  which binds several names implicitly.
  1247  The set of predeclared names includes the universal
  1248  constant values `None`, `True`, and `False`, and
  1249  various built-in functions such as `len` and `list`;
  1250  these functions are immutable and stateless.
  1251  An application may pre-declare additional names
  1252  to provide domain-specific functions to that file, for example.
  1253  These additional functions may have side effects on the application.
  1254  Starlark programs cannot change the set of predeclared bindings
  1255  or assign new values to them.
  1257  Nested beneath the predeclared block is the _module_ block,
  1258  which contains the bindings of the current module.
  1259  Bindings in the module block (such as `c`, and `h` in the
  1260  example) are called _global_ and may be visible to other modules.
  1261  The module block is empty at the start of the file
  1262  and is populated by top-level binding statements.
  1264  Nested beneath the module block is the _file_ block,
  1265  which contains bindings local to the current file.
  1266  Names in this block (such as `a` and `b` in the example)
  1267  are bound only by `load` statements.
  1268  The sets of names bound in the file block and in the module block do not overlap:
  1269  it is an error for a load statement to bind the name of a global,
  1270  or for a top-level statement to assign to a name bound by a load statement.
  1272  A file block contains a _function_ block for each top-level
  1273  function, and a _comprehension_ block for each top-level comprehension.
  1274  Bindings in either of these kinds of block,
  1275  and in the file block itself, are called _local_.
  1276  (In the example, the bindings for `e`, `f`, `g`, and `i` are all local.)
  1277  Additional functions and comprehensions, and their blocks, may be
  1278  nested in any order, to any depth.
  1280  If name is bound anywhere within a block, all uses of the name within
  1281  the block are treated as references to that binding,
  1282  even if the use appears before the binding.
  1283  This is true even at the top level, unlike Python.
  1284  The binding of `y` on the last line of the example below makes `y`
  1285  local to the function `hello`, so the use of `y` in the print
  1286  statement also refers to the local `y`, even though it appears
  1287  earlier.
  1289  ```python
  1290  y = "goodbye"
  1292  def hello():
  1293    for x in (1, 2):
  1294      if x == 2:
  1295        print(y) # prints "hello"
  1296      if x == 1:
  1297        y = "hello"
  1298  ```
  1300  It is a dynamic error to evaluate a reference to a local variable
  1301  before it has been bound:
  1303  ```python
  1304  def f():
  1305    print(x)              # dynamic error: local variable x referenced before assignment
  1306    x = "hello"
  1307  ```
  1309  The same is true for global variables:
  1311  ```python
  1312  print(x)                # dynamic error: global variable x referenced before assignment
  1313  x = "hello"
  1314  ```
  1316  It is a static error to bind a global variable already explicitly bound in the file:
  1318  ```python
  1319  x = 1
  1320  x = 2                   # static error: cannot reassign global x declared on line 1
  1321  ```
  1323  <!-- The above rule, and the rule that forbids if-statements and loops at
  1324       top level, exist to ensure that there is exactly one statement
  1325       that binds each global variable, which makes cross-referenced
  1326       documentation more useful, the designers assure me, but
  1327       I am skeptical that it's worth the trouble. -->
  1329  If a name was pre-bound by the application, the Starlark program may
  1330  explicitly bind it, but only once.
  1332  An augmented assignment statement such as `x += y` is considered both a
  1333  reference to `x` and a binding use of `x`, so it may not be used at
  1334  top level.
  1336  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  1337  The Go implementation of Starlark permits augmented assignments to appear
  1338  at top level if the `-globalreassign` flag is enabled.
  1340  A function may refer to variables defined in an enclosing function.
  1341  In this example, the inner function `f` refers to a variable `x`
  1342  that is local to the outer function `squarer`.
  1343  `x` is a _free variable_ of `f`.
  1344  The function value (`f`) created by a `def` statement holds a
  1345  reference to each of its free variables so it may use
  1346  them even after the enclosing function has returned.
  1348  ```python
  1349  def squarer():
  1350      x = [0]
  1351      def f():
  1352        x[0] += 1
  1353        return x[0]*x[0]
  1354      return f
  1356  sq = squarer()
  1357  print(sq(), sq(), sq(), sq()) # "1 4 9 16"
  1358  ```
  1360  An inner function cannot assign to a variable bound in an enclosing
  1361  function, because the assignment would bind the variable in the
  1362  inner function.
  1363  In the example below, the `x += 1` statement binds `x` within `f`,
  1364  hiding the outer `x`.
  1365  Execution fails because the inner `x` has not been assigned before the
  1366  attempt to increment it.
  1368  ```python
  1369  def squarer():
  1370      x = 0
  1371      def f():
  1372        x += 1            # dynamic error: local variable x referenced before assignment
  1373        return x*x
  1374      return f
  1376  sq = squarer()
  1377  ```
  1379  (Starlark has no equivalent of Python's `nonlocal` or `global`
  1380  declarations, but as the first version of `squarer` showed, this
  1381  omission can be worked around by using a list of a single element.)
  1384  A name appearing after a dot, such as `split` in
  1385  `get_filename().split('/')`, is not resolved statically.
  1386  The [dot expression](#dot-expressions) `.split` is a dynamic operation
  1387  on the value returned by `get_filename()`.
  1390  ## Value concepts
  1392  Starlark has eleven core [data types](#data-types).  An application
  1393  that embeds the Starlark intepreter may define additional types that
  1394  behave like Starlark values.  All values, whether core or
  1395  application-defined, implement a few basic behaviors:
  1397  ```text
  1398  str(x)		-- return a string representation of x
  1399  type(x)		-- return a string describing the type of x
  1400  bool(x)		-- convert x to a Boolean truth value
  1401  ```
  1403  ### Identity and mutation
  1405  Starlark is an imperative language: programs consist of sequences of
  1406  statements executed for their side effects.
  1407  For example, an assignment statement updates the value held by a
  1408  variable, and calls to some built-in functions such as `print` change
  1409  the state of the application that embeds the interpreter.
  1411  Values of some data types, such as `NoneType`, `bool`, `int`, `float`, and
  1412  `string`, are _immutable_; they can never change.
  1413  Immutable values have no notion of _identity_: it is impossible for a
  1414  Starlark program to tell whether two integers, for instance, are
  1415  represented by the same object; it can tell only whether they are
  1416  equal.
  1418  Values of other data types, such as `list`, `dict`, and `set`, are
  1419  _mutable_: they may be modified by a statement such as `a[i] = 0` or
  1420  `items.clear()`.  Although `tuple` and `function` values are not
  1421  directly mutable, they may refer to mutable values indirectly, so for
  1422  this reason we consider them mutable too.  Starlark values of these
  1423  types are actually _references_ to variables.
  1425  Copying a reference to a variable, using an assignment statement for
  1426  instance, creates an _alias_ for the variable, and the effects of
  1427  operations applied to the variable through one alias are visible
  1428  through all others.
  1430  ```python
  1431  x = []                          # x refers to a new empty list variable
  1432  y = x                           # y becomes an alias for x
  1433  x.append(1)                     # changes the variable referred to by x
  1434  print(y)                        # "[1]"; y observes the mutation
  1435  ```
  1437  Starlark uses _call-by-value_ parameter passing: in a function call,
  1438  argument values are assigned to function parameters as if by
  1439  assignment statements.  If the values are references, the caller and
  1440  callee may refer to the same variables, so if the called function
  1441  changes the variable referred to by a parameter, the effect may also
  1442  be observed by the caller:
  1444  ```python
  1445  def f(y):
  1446      y.append(1)                 # changes the variable referred to by x
  1448  x = []                          # x refers to a new empty list variable
  1449  f(x)                            # f's parameter y becomes an alias for x
  1450  print(x)                        # "[1]"; x observes the mutation
  1451  ```
  1454  As in all imperative languages, understanding _aliasing_, the
  1455  relationship between reference values and the variables to which they
  1456  refer, is crucial to writing correct programs.
  1458  ### Freezing a value
  1460  Starlark has a feature unusual among imperative programming languages:
  1461  a mutable value may be _frozen_ so that all subsequent attempts to
  1462  mutate it fail with a dynamic error; the value, and all other values
  1463  reachable from it, become _immutable_.
  1465  Immediately after execution of a Starlark module, all values in its
  1466  top-level environment are frozen. Because all the global variables of
  1467  an initialized Starlark module are immutable, the module may be published to
  1468  and used by other threads in a parallel program without the need for
  1469  locks. For example, the Bazel build system loads and executes BUILD
  1470  and .bzl files in parallel, and two modules being executed
  1471  concurrently may freely access variables or call functions from a
  1472  third without the possibility of a race condition.
  1474  ### Hashing
  1476  The `dict` and `set` data types are implemented using hash tables, so
  1477  only _hashable_ values are suitable as keys of a `dict` or elements of
  1478  a `set`. Attempting to use a non-hashable value as the key in a hash
  1479  table results in a dynamic error.
  1481  The hash of a value is an unspecified integer chosen so that two equal
  1482  values have the same hash, in other words, `x == y => hash(x) == hash(y)`.
  1483  A hashable value has the same hash throughout its lifetime.
  1485  Values of the types `NoneType`, `bool`, `int`, `float`, and `string`,
  1486  which are all immutable, are hashable.
  1488  Values of mutable types such as `list`, `dict`, and `set` are not
  1489  hashable. These values remain unhashable even if they have become
  1490  immutable due to _freezing_.
  1492  A `tuple` value is hashable only if all its elements are hashable.
  1493  Thus `("localhost", 80)` is hashable but `([127, 0, 0, 1], 80)` is not.
  1495  Values of the types `function` and `builtin_function_or_method` are also hashable.
  1496  Although functions are not necessarily immutable, as they may be
  1497  closures that refer to mutable variables, instances of these types
  1498  are compared by reference identity (see [Comparisons](#comparisons)),
  1499  so their hash values are derived from their identity.
  1502  ### Sequence types
  1504  Many Starlark data types represent a _sequence_ of values: lists,
  1505  tuples, and sets are sequences of arbitrary values, and in many
  1506  contexts dictionaries act like a sequence of their keys.
  1508  We can classify different kinds of sequence types based on the
  1509  operations they support.
  1510  Each is listed below using the name of its corresponding interface in
  1511  the interpreter's Go API.
  1513  * `Iterable`: an _iterable_ value lets us process each of its elements in a fixed order.
  1514    Examples: `dict`, `set`, `list`, `tuple`, but not `string`.
  1515  * `Sequence`: a _sequence of known length_ lets us know how many elements it
  1516    contains without processing them.
  1517    Examples: `dict`, `set`, `list`, `tuple`, but not `string`.
  1518  * `Indexable`: an _indexed_ type has a fixed length and provides efficient
  1519    random access to its elements, which are identified by integer indices.
  1520    Examples: `string`, `tuple`, and `list`.
  1521  * `SetIndexable`: a _settable indexed type_ additionally allows us to modify the
  1522    element at a given integer index. Example: `list`.
  1523  * `Mapping`: a mapping is an association of keys to values. Example: `dict`.
  1525  Although all of Starlark's core data types for sequences implement at
  1526  least the `Sequence` contract, it's possible for an application
  1527  that embeds the Starlark interpreter to define additional data types
  1528  representing sequences of unknown length that implement only the `Iterable` contract.
  1530  Strings are not iterable, though they do support the `len(s)` and
  1531  `s[i]` operations. Starlark deviates from Python here to avoid a common
  1532  pitfall in which a string is used by mistake where a list containing a
  1533  single string was intended, resulting in its interpretation as a sequence
  1534  of bytes.
  1536  Most Starlark operators and built-in functions that need a sequence
  1537  of values will accept any iterable.
  1539  It is a dynamic error to mutate a sequence such as a list, set, or
  1540  dictionary while iterating over it.
  1542  ```python
  1543  def increment_values(dict):
  1544    for k in dict:
  1545      dict[k] += 1			# error: cannot insert into hash table during iteration
  1547  dict = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  1548  increment_values(dict)
  1549  ```
  1552  ### Indexing
  1554  Many Starlark operators and functions require an index operand `i`,
  1555  such as `a[i]` or `list.insert(i, x)`. Others require two indices `i`
  1556  and `j` that indicate the start and end of a sub-sequence, such as
  1557  `a[i:j]`, `list.index(x, i, j)`, or `string.find(x, i, j)`.
  1558  All such operations follow similar conventions, described here.
  1560  Indexing in Starlark is *zero-based*. The first element of a string
  1561  or list has index 0, the next 1, and so on. The last element of a
  1562  sequence of length `n` has index `n-1`.
  1564  ```python
  1565  "hello"[0]			# "h"
  1566  "hello"[4]			# "o"
  1567  "hello"[5]			# error: index out of range
  1568  ```
  1570  For sub-sequence operations that require two indices, the first is
  1571  _inclusive_ and the second _exclusive_. Thus `a[i:j]` indicates the
  1572  sequence starting with element `i` up to but not including element
  1573  `j`. The length of this sub-sequence is `j-i`. This convention is known
  1574  as *half-open indexing*.
  1576  ```python
  1577  "hello"[1:4]			# "ell"
  1578  ```
  1580  Either or both of the index operands may be omitted. If omitted, the
  1581  first is treated equivalent to 0 and the second is equivalent to the
  1582  length of the sequence:
  1584  ```python
  1585  "hello"[1:]                     # "ello"
  1586  "hello"[:4]                     # "hell"
  1587  ```
  1589  It is permissible to supply a negative integer to an indexing
  1590  operation. The effective index is computed from the supplied value by
  1591  the following two-step procedure. First, if the value is negative, the
  1592  length of the sequence is added to it. This provides a convenient way
  1593  to address the final elements of the sequence:
  1595  ```python
  1596  "hello"[-1]                     # "o",  like "hello"[4]
  1597  "hello"[-3:-1]                  # "ll", like "hello"[2:4]
  1598  ```
  1600  Second, for sub-sequence operations, if the value is still negative, it
  1601  is replaced by zero, or if it is greater than the length `n` of the
  1602  sequence, it is replaced by `n`. In effect, the index is "truncated" to
  1603  the nearest value in the range `[0:n]`.
  1605  ```python
  1606  "hello"[-1000:+1000]		# "hello"
  1607  ```
  1609  This truncation step does not apply to indices of individual elements:
  1611  ```python
  1612  "hello"[-6]		# error: index out of range
  1613  "hello"[-5]		# "h"
  1614  "hello"[4]		# "o"
  1615  "hello"[5]		# error: index out of range
  1616  ```
  1619  ## Expressions
  1621  An expression specifies the computation of a value.
  1623  The Starlark grammar defines several categories of expression.
  1624  An _operand_ is an expression consisting of a single token (such as an
  1625  identifier or a literal), or a bracketed expression.
  1626  Operands are self-delimiting.
  1627  An operand may be followed by any number of dot, call, or slice
  1628  suffixes, to form a _primary_ expression.
  1629  In some places in the Starlark grammar where an expression is expected,
  1630  it is legal to provide a comma-separated list of expressions denoting
  1631  a tuple.
  1632  The grammar uses `Expression` where a multiple-component expression is allowed,
  1633  and `Test` where it accepts an expression of only a single component.
  1635  ```grammar {.good}
  1636  Expression = Test {',' Test} .
  1638  Test = LambdaExpr | IfExpr | PrimaryExpr | UnaryExpr | BinaryExpr .
  1640  PrimaryExpr = Operand
  1641              | PrimaryExpr DotSuffix
  1642              | PrimaryExpr CallSuffix
  1643              | PrimaryExpr SliceSuffix
  1644              .
  1646  Operand = identifier
  1647          | int | float | string
  1648          | ListExpr | ListComp
  1649          | DictExpr | DictComp
  1650          | '(' [Expression] [,] ')'
  1651          | ('-' | '+') PrimaryExpr
  1652          .
  1654  DotSuffix   = '.' identifier .
  1655  CallSuffix  = '(' [Arguments [',']] ')' .
  1656  SliceSuffix = '[' [Expression] [':' Test [':' Test]] ']' .
  1657  ```
  1659  TODO: resolve position of +x, -x, and 'not x' in grammar: Operand or UnaryExpr?
  1661  ### Identifiers
  1663  ```grammar {.good} {.good}
  1664  Primary = identifier
  1665  ```
  1667  An identifier is a name that identifies a value.
  1669  Lookup of locals and globals may fail if not yet defined.
  1671  ### Literals
  1673  Starlark supports literals of three different kinds:
  1675  ```grammar {.good}
  1676  Primary = int | float | string
  1677  ```
  1679  Evaluation of a literal yields a value of the given type (string, int,
  1680  or float) with the given value.
  1681  See [Literals](#lexical-elements) for details.
  1683  ### Parenthesized expressions
  1685  ```grammar {.good}
  1686  Primary = '(' [Expression] ')'
  1687  ```
  1689  A single expression enclosed in parentheses yields the result of that expression.
  1690  Explicit parentheses may be used for clarity,
  1691  or to override the default association of subexpressions.
  1693  ```python
  1694  1 + 2 * 3 + 4                   # 11
  1695  (1 + 2) * (3 + 4)               # 21
  1696  ```
  1698  If the parentheses are empty, or contain a single expression followed
  1699  by a comma, or contain two or more expressions, the expression yields a tuple.
  1701  ```python
  1702  ()                              # (), the empty tuple
  1703  (1,)                            # (1,), a tuple of length 1
  1704  (1, 2)                          # (1, 2), a 2-tuple or pair
  1705  (1, 2, 3)                       # (1, 2, 3), a 3-tuple or triple
  1706  ```
  1708  In some contexts, such as a `return` or assignment statement or the
  1709  operand of a `for` statement, a tuple may be expressed without
  1710  parentheses.
  1712  ```python
  1713  x, y = 1, 2
  1715  return 1, 2
  1717  for x in 1, 2:
  1718     print(x)
  1719  ```
  1721  Starlark (like Python 3) does not accept an unparenthesized tuple
  1722  expression as the operand of a list comprehension:
  1724  ```python
  1725  [2*x for x in 1, 2, 3]	       	# parse error: unexpected ','
  1726  ```
  1728  ### Dictionary expressions
  1730  A dictionary expression is a comma-separated list of colon-separated
  1731  key/value expression pairs, enclosed in curly brackets, and it yields
  1732  a new dictionary object.
  1733  An optional comma may follow the final pair.
  1735  ```grammar {.good}
  1736  DictExpr = '{' [Entries [',']] '}' .
  1737  Entries  = Entry {',' Entry} .
  1738  Entry    = Test ':' Test .
  1739  ```
  1741  Examples:
  1744  ```python
  1745  {}
  1746  {"one": 1}
  1747  {"one": 1, "two": 2,}
  1748  ```
  1750  The key and value expressions are evaluated in left-to-right order.
  1751  Evaluation fails if the same key is used multiple times.
  1753  Only [hashable](#hashing) values may be used as the keys of a dictionary.
  1754  This includes all built-in types except dictionaries, sets, and lists;
  1755  a tuple is hashable only if its elements are hashable.
  1758  ### List expressions
  1760  A list expression is a comma-separated list of element expressions,
  1761  enclosed in square brackets, and it yields a new list object.
  1762  An optional comma may follow the last element expression.
  1764  ```grammar {.good}
  1765  ListExpr = '[' [Expression [',']] ']' .
  1766  ```
  1768  Element expressions are evaluated in left-to-right order.
  1770  Examples:
  1772  ```python
  1773  []                      # [], empty list
  1774  [1]                     # [1], a 1-element list
  1775  [1, 2, 3,]              # [1, 2, 3], a 3-element list
  1776  ```
  1778  ### Unary operators
  1780  There are three unary operators, all appearing before their operand:
  1781  `+`, `-`, `~`, and `not`.
  1783  ```grammar {.good}
  1784  UnaryExpr = '+' PrimaryExpr
  1785            | '-' PrimaryExpr
  1786            | '~' PrimaryExpr
  1787            | 'not' Test
  1788            .
  1789  ```
  1791  ```text
  1792  + number        unary positive          (int, float)
  1793  - number        unary negation          (int, float)
  1794  ~ number        unary bitwise inversion (int)
  1795  not x           logical negation        (any type)
  1796  ```
  1798  The `+` and `-` operators may be applied to any number
  1799  (`int` or `float`) and return the number unchanged.
  1800  Unary `+` is never necessary in a correct program,
  1801  but may serve as an assertion that its operand is a number,
  1802  or as documentation.
  1804  ```python
  1805  if x > 0:
  1806  	return +1
  1807  else if x < 0:
  1808  	return -1
  1809  else:
  1810  	return 0
  1811  ```
  1813  The `not` operator returns the negation of the truth value of its
  1814  operand.
  1816  ```python
  1817  not True                        # False
  1818  not False                       # True
  1819  not [1, 2, 3]                   # False
  1820  not ""                          # True
  1821  not 0                           # True
  1822  ```
  1824  The `~` operator yields the bitwise inversion of its integer argument.
  1825  The bitwise inversion of x is defined as -(x+1).
  1827  ```python
  1828  ~1                              # -2
  1829  ~-1                             # 0
  1830  ~0                              # -1
  1831  ```
  1834  ### Binary operators
  1836  Starlark has the following binary operators, arranged in order of increasing precedence:
  1838  ```text
  1839  or
  1840  and
  1841  ==   !=   <    >   <=   >=   in   not in
  1842  |
  1843  ^
  1844  &
  1845  <<   >>
  1846  -    +
  1847  *    /    //   %
  1848  ```
  1850  Comparison operators, `in`, and `not in` are non-associative,
  1851  so the parser will not accept `0 <= i < n`.
  1852  All other binary operators of equal precedence associate to the left.
  1854  ```grammar {.good}
  1855  BinaryExpr = Test {Binop Test} .
  1857  Binop = 'or'
  1858        | 'and'
  1859        | '==' | '!=' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'in' | 'not' 'in'
  1860        | '|'
  1861        | '^'
  1862        | '&'
  1863        | '-' | '+'
  1864        | '*' | '%' | '/' | '//'
  1865        | '<<' | '>>'
  1866        .
  1867  ```
  1869  #### `or` and `and`
  1871  The `or` and `and` operators yield, respectively, the logical disjunction and
  1872  conjunction of their arguments, which need not be Booleans.
  1873  The expression `x or y` yields the value of `x` if its truth value is `True`,
  1874  or the value of `y` otherwise.
  1876  ```starlark
  1877  False or False		# False
  1878  False or True		# True
  1879  True  or False		# True
  1880  True  or True		# True
  1882  0 or "hello"		# "hello"
  1883  1 or "hello"		# 1
  1884  ```
  1886  Similarly, `x and y` yields the value of `x` if its truth value is
  1887  `False`, or the value of `y` otherwise.
  1889  ```starlark
  1890  False and False		# False
  1891  False and True		# False
  1892  True  and False		# False
  1893  True  and True		# True
  1895  0 and "hello"		# 0
  1896  1 and "hello"		# "hello"
  1897  ```
  1899  These operators use "short circuit" evaluation, so the second
  1900  expression is not evaluated if the value of the first expression has
  1901  already determined the result, allowing constructions like these:
  1903  ```python
  1904  len(x) > 0 and x[0] == 1		# x[0] is not evaluated if x is empty
  1905  x and x[0] == 1
  1906  len(x) == 0 or x[0] == ""
  1907  not x or not x[0]
  1908  ```
  1910  #### Comparisons
  1912  The `==` operator reports whether its operands are equal; the `!=`
  1913  operator is its negation.
  1915  The operators `<`, `>`, `<=`, and `>=` perform an ordered comparison
  1916  of their operands.  It is an error to apply these operators to
  1917  operands of unequal type, unless one of the operands is an `int` and
  1918  the other is a `float`.  Of the built-in types, only the following
  1919  support ordered comparison, using the ordering relation shown:
  1921  ```shell
  1922  NoneType        # None <= None
  1923  bool            # False < True
  1924  int             # mathematical
  1925  float           # as defined by IEEE 754
  1926  string          # lexicographical
  1927  tuple           # lexicographical
  1928  list            # lexicographical
  1929  ```
  1931  Comparison of floating point values follows the IEEE 754 standard,
  1932  which breaks several mathematical identities.  For example, if `x` is
  1933  a `NaN` value, the comparisons `x < y`, `x == y`, and `x > y` all
  1934  yield false for all values of `y`.
  1936  Applications may define additional types that support ordered
  1937  comparison.
  1939  The remaining built-in types support only equality comparisons.
  1940  Values of type `dict` or `set` compare equal if their elements compare
  1941  equal, and values of type `function` or `builtin_function_or_method` are equal only to
  1942  themselves.
  1944  ```shell
  1945  dict                            # equal contents
  1946  set                             # equal contents
  1947  function                        # identity
  1948  builtin_function_or_method      # identity
  1949  ```
  1951  #### Arithmetic operations
  1953  The following table summarizes the binary arithmetic operations
  1954  available for built-in types:
  1956  ```shell
  1957  Arithmetic (int or float; result has type float unless both operands have type int)
  1958     number + number              # addition
  1959     number - number              # subtraction
  1960     number * number              # multiplication
  1961     number / number              # real division  (result is always a float)
  1962     number // number             # floored division
  1963     number % number              # remainder of floored division
  1964     number ^ number              # bitwise XOR
  1965     number << number             # bitwise left shift
  1966     number >> number             # bitwise right shift
  1968  Concatenation
  1969     string + string
  1970       list + list
  1971      tuple + tuple
  1973  Repetition (string/list/tuple)
  1974        int * sequence
  1975   sequence * int
  1977  String interpolation
  1978     string % any                 # see String Interpolation
  1980  Sets
  1981        int | int                 # bitwise union (OR)
  1982        set | set                 # set union
  1983        int & int                 # bitwise intersection (AND)
  1984        set & set                 # set intersection
  1985        set ^ set                 # set symmetric difference
  1986  ```
  1988  The operands of the arithmetic operators `+`, `-`, `*`, `//`, and
  1989  `%` must both be numbers (`int` or `float`) but need not have the same type.
  1990  The type of the result has type `int` only if both operands have that type.
  1991  The result of real division `/` always has type `float`.
  1993  The `+` operator may be applied to non-numeric operands of the same
  1994  type, such as two lists, two tuples, or two strings, in which case it
  1995  computes the concatenation of the two operands and yields a new value of
  1996  the same type.
  1998  ```python
  1999  "Hello, " + "world"		# "Hello, world"
  2000  (1, 2) + (3, 4)			# (1, 2, 3, 4)
  2001  [1, 2] + [3, 4]			# [1, 2, 3, 4]
  2002  ```
  2004  The `*` operator may be applied to an integer _n_ and a value of type
  2005  `string`, `list`, or `tuple`, in which case it yields a new value
  2006  of the same sequence type consisting of _n_ repetitions of the original sequence.
  2007  The order of the operands is immaterial.
  2008  Negative values of _n_ behave like zero.
  2010  ```python
  2011  'mur' * 2               # 'murmur'
  2012  3 * range(3)            # [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]
  2013  ```
  2015  Applications may define additional types that support any subset of
  2016  these operators.
  2018  The `&` operator requires two operands of the same type, either `int` or `set`.
  2019  For integers, it yields the bitwise intersection (AND) of its operands.
  2020  For sets, it yields a new set containing the intersection of the
  2021  elements of the operand sets, preserving the element order of the left
  2022  operand.
  2024  The `|` operator likewise computes bitwise or set unions.
  2025  The result of `set | set` is a new set whose elements are the
  2026  union of the operands, preserving the order of the elements of the
  2027  operands, left before right.
  2029  The `^` operator accepts operands of either `int` or `set` type.
  2030  For integers, it yields the bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) of its operands.
  2031  For sets, it yields a new set containing elements of either first or second
  2032  operand but not both (symmetric difference).
  2034  The `<<` and `>>` operators require operands of `int` type both. They shift
  2035  the first operand to the left or right by the number of bits given by the
  2036  second operand. It is a dynamic error if the second operand is negative.
  2037  Implementations may impose a limit on the second operand of a left shift.
  2039  ```python
  2040  0x12345678 & 0xFF               # 0x00000078
  2041  0x12345678 | 0xFF               # 0x123456FF
  2042  0b01011101 ^ 0b110101101        # 0b111110000
  2043  0b01011101 >> 2                 # 0b010111
  2044  0b01011101 << 2                 # 0b0101110100
  2046  set([1, 2]) & set([2, 3])       # set([2])
  2047  set([1, 2]) | set([2, 3])       # set([1, 2, 3])
  2048  set([1, 2]) ^ set([2, 3])       # set([1, 3])
  2049  ```
  2051  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  2052  The Go implementation of Starlark requires the `-set` flag to
  2053  enable support for sets.
  2054  The Java implementation does not support sets.
  2057  #### Membership tests
  2059  ```text
  2060        any in     sequence		(list, tuple, dict, set, string)
  2061        any not in sequence
  2062  ```
  2064  The `in` operator reports whether its first operand is a member of its
  2065  second operand, which must be a list, tuple, dict, set, or string.
  2066  The `not in` operator is its negation.
  2067  Both return a Boolean.
  2069  The meaning of membership varies by the type of the second operand:
  2070  the members of a list, tuple, or set are its elements;
  2071  the members of a dict are its keys;
  2072  the members of a string are all its substrings.
  2074  ```python
  2075  1 in [1, 2, 3]                  # True
  2076  4 in (1, 2, 3)                  # False
  2077  4 not in set([1, 2, 3])         # True
  2079  d = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  2080  "one" in d                      # True
  2081  "three" in d                    # False
  2082  1 in d                          # False
  2083  [] in d				# False
  2085  "nasty" in "dynasty"            # True
  2086  "a" in "banana"                 # True
  2087  "f" not in "way"                # True
  2088  ```
  2090  #### String interpolation
  2092  The expression `format % args` performs _string interpolation_, a
  2093  simple form of template expansion.
  2094  The `format` string is interpreted as a sequence of literal portions
  2095  and _conversions_.
  2096  Each conversion, which starts with a `%` character, is replaced by its
  2097  corresponding value from `args`.
  2098  The characters following `%` in each conversion determine which
  2099  argument it uses and how to convert it to a string.
  2101  Each `%` character marks the start of a conversion specifier, unless
  2102  it is immediately followed by another `%`, in which case both
  2103  characters together denote a literal percent sign.
  2105  If the `"%"` is immediately followed by `"(key)"`, the parenthesized
  2106  substring specifies the key of the `args` dictionary whose
  2107  corresponding value is the operand to convert.
  2108  Otherwise, the conversion's operand is the next element of `args`,
  2109  which must be a tuple with exactly one component per conversion,
  2110  unless the format string contains only a single conversion, in which
  2111  case `args` itself is its operand.
  2113  Starlark does not support the flag, width, and padding specifiers
  2114  supported by Python's `%` and other variants of C's `printf`.
  2116  After the optional `(key)` comes a single letter indicating what
  2117  operand types are valid and how to convert the operand `x` to a string:
  2119  ```text
  2120  %       none            literal percent sign
  2121  s       any             as if by str(x)
  2122  r       any             as if by repr(x)
  2123  d       number          signed integer decimal
  2124  i       number          signed integer decimal
  2125  o       number          signed octal
  2126  x       number          signed hexadecimal, lowercase
  2127  X       number          signed hexadecimal, uppercase
  2128  e       number          float exponential format, lowercase
  2129  E       number          float exponential format, uppercase
  2130  f       number          float decimal format, lowercase
  2131  F       number          float decimal format, uppercase
  2132  g       number          like %e for large exponents, %f otherwise
  2133  G       number          like %E for large exponents, %F otherwise
  2134  c       string          x (string must encode a single Unicode code point)
  2135          int             as if by chr(x)
  2136  ```
  2138  It is an error if the argument does not have the type required by the
  2139  conversion specifier.  A Boolean argument is not considered a number.
  2141  Examples:
  2143  ```python
  2144  "Hello %s, your score is %d" % ("Bob", 75)      # "Hello Bob, your score is 75"
  2146  "%d %o %x %c" % (65, 65, 65, 65)                # "65 101 41 A" (decimal, octal, hexadecimal, Unicode)
  2148  "%(greeting)s, %(audience)s" % dict(            # "Hello, world"
  2149    greeting="Hello",
  2150    audience="world",
  2151  )
  2153  "rate = %g%% APR" % 3.5                         # "rate = 3.5% APR"
  2154  ```
  2156  One subtlety: to use a tuple as the operand of a conversion in format
  2157  string containing only a single conversion, you must wrap the tuple in
  2158  a singleton tuple:
  2160  ```python
  2161  "coordinates=%s" % (40.741491, -74.003680)	# error: too many arguments for format string
  2162  "coordinates=%s" % ((40.741491, -74.003680),)	# "coordinates=(40.741491, -74.003680)"
  2163  ```
  2165  TODO: specify `%e` and `%f` more precisely.
  2167  ### Conditional expressions
  2169  A conditional expression has the form `a if cond else b`.
  2170  It first evaluates the condition `cond`.
  2171  If it's true, it evaluates `a` and yields its value;
  2172  otherwise it yields the value of `b`.
  2174  ```grammar {.good}
  2175  IfExpr = Test 'if' Test 'else' Test .
  2176  ```
  2178  Example:
  2180  ```python
  2181  "yes" if enabled else "no"
  2182  ```
  2184  ### Comprehensions
  2186  A comprehension constructs new list or dictionary value by looping
  2187  over one or more iterables and evaluating a _body_ expression that produces
  2188  successive elements of the result.
  2190  A list comprehension consists of a single expression followed by one
  2191  or more _clauses_, the first of which must be a `for` clause.
  2192  Each `for` clause resembles a `for` statement, and specifies an
  2193  iterable operand and a set of variables to be assigned by successive
  2194  values of the iterable.
  2195  An `if` cause resembles an `if` statement, and specifies a condition
  2196  that must be met for the body expression to be evaluated.
  2197  A sequence of `for` and `if` clauses acts like a nested sequence of
  2198  `for` and `if` statements.
  2200  ```grammar {.good}
  2201  ListComp = '[' Test {CompClause} ']'.
  2202  DictComp = '{' Entry {CompClause} '}' .
  2204  CompClause = 'for' LoopVariables 'in' Test
  2205             | 'if' Test .
  2207  LoopVariables = PrimaryExpr {',' PrimaryExpr} .
  2208  ```
  2210  Examples:
  2212  ```python
  2213  [x*x for x in range(5)]                 # [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
  2214  [x*x for x in range(5) if x%2 == 0]     # [0, 4, 16]
  2215  [(x, y) for x in range(5)
  2216          if x%2 == 0
  2217          for y in range(5)
  2218          if y > x]                       # [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)]
  2219  ```
  2221  A dict comprehension resembles a list comprehension, but its body is a
  2222  pair of expressions, `key: value`, separated by a colon,
  2223  and its result is a dictionary containing the key/value pairs
  2224  for which the body expression was evaluated.
  2225  Evaluation fails if the value of any key is unhashable.
  2227  As with a `for` loop, the loop variables may exploit compound
  2228  assignment:
  2230  ```python
  2231  [x*y+z for (x, y), z in [((2, 3), 5), (("o", 2), "!")]]         # [11, 'oo!']
  2232  ```
  2234  Starlark, following Python 3, does not accept an unparenthesized
  2235  tuple or lambda expression as the operand of a `for` clause:
  2237  ```python
  2238  [x*x for x in 1, 2, 3]		# parse error: unexpected comma
  2239  [x*x for x in lambda: 0]	# parse error: unexpected lambda
  2240  ```
  2242  Comprehensions in Starlark, again following Python 3, define a new lexical
  2243  block, so assignments to loop variables have no effect on variables of
  2244  the same name in an enclosing block:
  2246  ```python
  2247  x = 1
  2248  _ = [x for x in [2]]            # new variable x is local to the comprehension
  2249  print(x)                        # 1
  2250  ```
  2252  The operand of a comprehension's first clause (always a `for`) is
  2253  resolved in the lexical block enclosing the comprehension.
  2254  In the examples below, identifiers referring to the outer variable
  2255  named `x` have been distinguished by subscript.
  2257  ```python
  2258  x₀ = (1, 2, 3)
  2259  [x*x for x in x₀]               # [1, 4, 9]
  2260  [x*x for x in x₀ if x%2 == 0]   # [4]
  2261  ```
  2263  All subsequent `for` and `if` expressions are resolved within the
  2264  comprehension's lexical block, as in this rather obscure example:
  2266  ```python
  2267  x₀ = ([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6])
  2268  [x*x for x in x₀ for x in x if x%2 == 0]     # [4, 16, 36]
  2269  ```
  2271  which would be more clearly rewritten as:
  2273  ```python
  2274  x = ([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6])
  2275  [z*z for y in x for z in y if z%2 == 0]     # [4, 16, 36]
  2276  ```
  2279  ### Function and method calls
  2281  ```grammar {.good}
  2282  CallSuffix = '(' [Arguments [',']] ')' .
  2284  Arguments = Argument {',' Argument} .
  2285  Argument  = Test | identifier '=' Test | '*' Test | '**' Test .
  2286  ```
  2288  A value `f` of type `function` or `builtin_function_or_method` may be called using the expression `f(...)`.
  2289  Applications may define additional types whose values may be called in the same way.
  2291  A method call such as `filename.endswith(".star")` is the composition
  2292  of two operations, `m = filename.endswith` and `m(".star")`.
  2293  The first, a dot operation, yields a _bound method_, a function value
  2294  that pairs a receiver value (the `filename` string) with a choice of
  2295  method ([string·endswith](#string·endswith)).
  2297  Only built-in or application-defined types may have methods.
  2299  See [Functions](#functions) for an explanation of function parameter passing.
  2301  ### Dot expressions
  2303  A dot expression `x.f` selects the attribute `f` (a field or method)
  2304  of the value `x`.
  2306  Fields are possessed by none of the main Starlark [data types](#data-types),
  2307  but some application-defined types have them.
  2308  Methods belong to the built-in types `string`, `list`, `dict`, and
  2309  `set`, and to many application-defined types.
  2311  ```grammar {.good}
  2312  DotSuffix = '.' identifier .
  2313  ```
  2315  A dot expression fails if the value does not have an attribute of the
  2316  specified name.
  2318  Use the built-in function `hasattr(x, "f")` to ascertain whether a
  2319  value has a specific attribute, or `dir(x)` to enumerate all its
  2320  attributes.  The `getattr(x, "f")` function can be used to select an
  2321  attribute when the name `"f"` is not known statically.
  2323  A dot expression that selects a method typically appears within a call
  2324  expression, as in these examples:
  2326  ```python
  2327  ["able", "baker", "charlie"].index("baker")     # 1
  2328  "banana".count("a")                             # 3
  2329  "banana".reverse()                              # error: string has no .reverse field or method
  2330  ```
  2332  But when not called immediately, the dot expression evaluates to a
  2333  _bound method_, that is, a method coupled to a specific receiver
  2334  value.  A bound method can be called like an ordinary function,
  2335  without a receiver argument:
  2337  ```python
  2338  f = "banana".count
  2339  f                                               # <built-in method count of string value>
  2340  f("a")                                          # 3
  2341  f("n")                                          # 2
  2342  ```
  2344  ### Index expressions
  2346  An index expression `a[i]` yields the `i`th element of an _indexable_
  2347  type such as a string, tuple, or list.  The index `i` must be an `int`
  2348  value in the range -`n` ≤ `i` < `n`, where `n` is `len(a)`; any other
  2349  index results in an error.
  2351  ```grammar {.good}
  2352  SliceSuffix = '[' [Expression] [':' Test [':' Test]] ']' .
  2353  ```
  2355  A valid negative index `i` behaves like the non-negative index `n+i`,
  2356  allowing for convenient indexing relative to the end of the
  2357  sequence.
  2359  ```python
  2360  "abc"[0]                        # "a"
  2361  "abc"[1]                        # "b"
  2362  "abc"[-1]                       # "c"
  2364  ("zero", "one", "two")[0]       # "zero"
  2365  ("zero", "one", "two")[1]       # "one"
  2366  ("zero", "one", "two")[-1]      # "two"
  2367  ```
  2369  An index expression `d[key]` may also be applied to a dictionary `d`,
  2370  to obtain the value associated with the specified key.  It is an error
  2371  if the dictionary contains no such key.
  2373  An index expression appearing on the left side of an assignment causes
  2374  the specified list or dictionary element to be updated:
  2376  ```starlark
  2377  a = range(3)            # a == [0, 1, 2]
  2378  a[2] = 7                # a == [0, 1, 7]
  2380  coins["suzie b"] = 100
  2381  ```
  2383  It is a dynamic error to attempt to update an element of an immutable
  2384  type, such as a tuple or string, or a frozen value of a mutable type.
  2386  ### Slice expressions
  2388  A slice expression `a[start:stop:stride]` yields a new value containing a
  2389  sub-sequence of `a`, which must be a string, tuple, or list.
  2391  ```grammar {.good}
  2392  SliceSuffix = '[' [Expression] [':' Test [':' Test]] ']' .
  2393  ```
  2395  Each of the `start`, `stop`, and `stride` operands is optional;
  2396  if present, and not `None`, each must be an integer.
  2397  The `stride` value defaults to 1.
  2398  If the stride is not specified, the colon preceding it may be omitted too.
  2399  It is an error to specify a stride of zero.
  2401  Conceptually, these operands specify a sequence of values `i` starting
  2402  at `start` and successively adding `stride` until `i` reaches or
  2403  passes `stop`. The result consists of the concatenation of values of
  2404  `a[i]` for which `i` is valid.`
  2406  The effective start and stop indices are computed from the three
  2407  operands as follows.  Let `n` be the length of the sequence.
  2409  <b>If the stride is positive:</b>
  2410  If the `start` operand was omitted, it defaults to -infinity.
  2411  If the `end` operand was omitted, it defaults to +infinity.
  2412  For either operand, if a negative value was supplied, `n` is added to it.
  2413  The `start` and `end` values are then "clamped" to the
  2414  nearest value in the range 0 to `n`, inclusive.
  2416  <b>If the stride is negative:</b>
  2417  If the `start` operand was omitted, it defaults to +infinity.
  2418  If the `end` operand was omitted, it defaults to -infinity.
  2419  For either operand, if a negative value was supplied, `n` is added to it.
  2420  The `start` and `end` values are then "clamped" to the
  2421  nearest value in the range -1 to `n`-1, inclusive.
  2423  ```python
  2424  "abc"[1:]               # "bc"  (remove first element)
  2425  "abc"[:-1]              # "ab"  (remove last element)
  2426  "abc"[1:-1]             # "b"   (remove first and last element)
  2427  "banana"[1::2]          # "aaa" (select alternate elements starting at index 1)
  2428  "banana"[4::-2]         # "nnb" (select alternate elements in reverse, starting at index 4)
  2429  ```
  2431  Unlike Python, Starlark does not allow a slice expression on the left
  2432  side of an assignment.
  2434  Slicing a tuple or string may be more efficient than slicing a list
  2435  because tuples and strings are immutable, so the result of the
  2436  operation can share the underlying representation of the original
  2437  operand (when the stride is 1). By contrast, slicing a list requires
  2438  the creation of a new list and copying of the necessary elements.
  2440  <!-- TODO tighten up this section -->
  2442  ### Lambda expressions
  2444  A `lambda` expression yields a new function value.
  2446  ```grammar {.good}
  2447  LambdaExpr = 'lambda' [Parameters] ':' Test .
  2449  Parameters = Parameter {',' Parameter} .
  2450  Parameter  = identifier
  2451             | identifier '=' Test
  2452             | '*'
  2453             | '*' identifier
  2454             | '**' identifier
  2455             .
  2456  ```
  2458  Syntactically, a lambda expression consists of the keyword `lambda`,
  2459  followed by a parameter list like that of a `def` statement but
  2460  unparenthesized, then a colon `:`, and a single expression, the
  2461  _function body_.
  2463  Example:
  2465  ```python
  2466  def map(f, list):
  2467      return [f(x) for x in list]
  2469  map(lambda x: 2*x, range(3))    # [2, 4, 6]
  2470  ```
  2472  As with functions created by a `def` statement, a lambda function
  2473  captures the syntax of its body, the default values of any optional
  2474  parameters, the value of each free variable appearing in its body, and
  2475  the global dictionary of the current module.
  2477  The name of a function created by a lambda expression is `"lambda"`.
  2479  The two statements below are essentially equivalent, but the
  2480  function created by the `def` statement is named `twice` and the
  2481  function created by the lambda expression is named `lambda`.
  2483  ```python
  2484  def twice(x):
  2485     return x * 2
  2487  twice = lambda x: x * 2
  2488  ```
  2490  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  2491  The Go implementation of Starlark requires the `-lambda` flag
  2492  to enable support for lambda expressions.
  2493  The Java implementation does not support them.
  2494  See Google Issue b/36358844.
  2497  ## Statements
  2499  ```grammar {.good}
  2500  Statement  = DefStmt | IfStmt | ForStmt | SimpleStmt .
  2501  SimpleStmt = SmallStmt {';' SmallStmt} [';'] '\n' .
  2502  SmallStmt  = ReturnStmt
  2503             | BreakStmt | ContinueStmt | PassStmt
  2504             | AssignStmt
  2505             | ExprStmt
  2506             | LoadStmt
  2507             .
  2508  ```
  2510  ### Pass statements
  2512  A `pass` statement does nothing.  Use a `pass` statement when the
  2513  syntax requires a statement but no behavior is required, such as the
  2514  body of a function that does nothing.
  2516  ```grammar {.good}
  2517  PassStmt = 'pass' .
  2518  ```
  2520  Example:
  2522  ```python
  2523  def noop():
  2524     pass
  2526  def list_to_dict(items):
  2527    # Convert list of tuples to dict
  2528    m = {}
  2529    for k, m[k] in items:
  2530      pass
  2531    return m
  2532  ```
  2534  ### Assignments
  2536  An assignment statement has the form `lhs = rhs`.  It evaluates the
  2537  expression on the right-hand side then assigns its value (or values) to
  2538  the variable (or variables) on the left-hand side.
  2540  ```grammar {.good}
  2541  AssignStmt = Expression '=' Expression .
  2542  ```
  2544  The expression on the left-hand side is called a _target_.  The
  2545  simplest target is the name of a variable, but a target may also have
  2546  the form of an index expression, to update the element of a list or
  2547  dictionary, or a dot expression, to update the field of an object:
  2549  ```python
  2550  k = 1
  2551  a[i] = v
  2552  m.f = ""
  2553  ```
  2555  Compound targets may consist of a comma-separated list of
  2556  subtargets, optionally surrounded by parentheses or square brackets,
  2557  and targets may be nested arbitarily in this way.
  2558  An assignment to a compound target checks that the right-hand value is a
  2559  sequence with the same number of elements as the target.
  2560  Each element of the sequence is then assigned to the corresponding
  2561  element of the target, recursively applying the same logic.
  2562  It is a static error if the sequence is empty.
  2564  ```python
  2565  pi, e = 3.141, 2.718
  2566  (x, y) = f()
  2567  [zero, one, two] = range(3)
  2569  [(a, b), (c, d)] = {"a": "b", "c": "d"}.items()
  2570  a, b = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
  2571  ```
  2573  The same process for assigning a value to a target expression is used
  2574  in `for` loops and in comprehensions.
  2576  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  2577  In the Java implementation, targets cannot be dot expressions.
  2580  ### Augmented assignments
  2582  An augmented assignment, which has the form `lhs op= rhs` updates the
  2583  variable `lhs` by applying a binary arithmetic operator `op` (one of
  2584  `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `//`, `%`, `&`, `|`, `^`, `<<`, `>>`) to the previous
  2585  value of `lhs` and the value of `rhs`.
  2587  ```grammar {.good}
  2588  AssignStmt = Expression ('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '//=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '<<=' | '>>=') Expression .
  2589  ```
  2591  The left-hand side must be a simple target:
  2592  a name, an index expression, or a dot expression.
  2594  ```python
  2595  x -= 1
  2596  x.filename += ".star"
  2597  a[index()] *= 2
  2598  ```
  2600  Any subexpressions in the target on the left-hand side are evaluated
  2601  exactly once, before the evaluation of `rhs`.
  2602  The first two assignments above are thus equivalent to:
  2604  ```python
  2605  x = x - 1
  2606  x.filename = x.filename + ".star"
  2607  ```
  2609  and the third assignment is similar in effect to the following two
  2610  statements but does not declare a new temporary variable `i`:
  2612  ```python
  2613  i = index()
  2614  a[i] = a[i] * 2
  2615  ```
  2617  ### Function definitions
  2619  A `def` statement creates a named function and assigns it to a variable.
  2621  ```grammar {.good}
  2622  DefStmt = 'def' identifier '(' [Parameters [',']] ')' ':' Suite .
  2623  ```
  2625  Example:
  2627  ```python
  2628  def twice(x):
  2629      return x * 2
  2631  str(twice)              # "<function twice>"
  2632  twice(2)                # 4
  2633  twice("two")            # "twotwo"
  2634  ```
  2636  The function's name is preceded by the `def` keyword and followed by
  2637  the parameter list (which is enclosed in parentheses), a colon, and
  2638  then an indented block of statements which form the body of the function.
  2640  The parameter list is a comma-separated list whose elements are of
  2641  several kinds.  First come zero or more required parameters, which are
  2642  simple identifiers; all calls must provide an argument value for these parameters.
  2644  The required parameters are followed by zero or more optional
  2645  parameters, of the form `name=expression`.  The expression specifies
  2646  the default value for the parameter for use in calls that do not
  2647  provide an argument value for it.
  2649  The required parameters are optionally followed by a single parameter
  2650  name preceded by a `*`.  This is the called the _varargs_ parameter,
  2651  and it accumulates surplus positional arguments specified by a call.
  2652  It is conventionally named `*args`.
  2654  The varargs parameter may be followed by zero or more
  2655  parameters, again of the forms `name` or `name=expression`,
  2656  but these parameters differ from earlier ones in that they are
  2657  _keyword-only_: if a call provides their values, it must do so as
  2658  keyword arguments, not positional ones.
  2660  ```python
  2661  def f(a, *, b=2, c):
  2662    print(a, b, c)
  2664  f(1)                    # error: function f missing 1 argument (c)
  2665  f(1, 3)                 # error: function f accepts 1 positional argument (2 given)
  2666  f(1, c=3)               # "1 2 3"
  2668  def g(a, *args, b=2, c):
  2669    print(a, b, c, args)
  2671  g(1, 3)                 # error: function g missing 1 argument (c)
  2672  g(1, 4, c=3)            # "1 2 3 (4,)"
  2674  ```
  2676  A non-variadic function may also declare keyword-only parameters,
  2677  by using a bare `*` in place of the `*args` parameter.
  2678  This form does not declare a parameter but marks the boundary
  2679  between the earlier parameters and the keyword-only parameters.
  2680  This form must be followed by at least one optional parameter.
  2682  Finally, there may be an optional parameter name preceded by `**`.
  2683  This is called the _keyword arguments_ parameter, and accumulates in a
  2684  dictionary any surplus `name=value` arguments that do not match a
  2685  prior parameter. It is conventionally named `**kwargs`.
  2687  The final parameter may be followed by a trailing comma.
  2689  Here are some example parameter lists:
  2691  ```python
  2692  def f(): pass
  2693  def f(a, b, c): pass
  2694  def f(a, b, c=1): pass
  2695  def f(a, b, c=1, *args): pass
  2696  def f(a, b, c=1, *args, **kwargs): pass
  2697  def f(**kwargs): pass
  2698  def f(a, b, c=1, *, d=1): pass
  2700  def f(
  2701    a,
  2702    *args,
  2703    **kwargs,
  2704  )
  2705  ```
  2707  Execution of a `def` statement creates a new function object.  The
  2708  function object contains: the syntax of the function body; the default
  2709  value for each optional parameter; the value of each free variable
  2710  referenced within the function body; and the global dictionary of the
  2711  current module.
  2713  <!-- this is too implementation-oriented; it's not a spec. -->
  2715  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  2716  The Go implementation of Starlark requires the `-nesteddef`
  2717  flag to enable support for nested `def` statements.
  2718  The Java implementation does not permit a `def` expression to be
  2719  nested within the body of another function.
  2722  ### Return statements
  2724  A `return` statement ends the execution of a function and returns a
  2725  value to the caller of the function.
  2727  ```grammar {.good}
  2728  ReturnStmt = 'return' [Expression] .
  2729  ```
  2731  A return statement may have zero, one, or more
  2732  result expressions separated by commas.
  2733  With no expressions, the function has the result `None`.
  2734  With a single expression, the function's result is the value of that expression.
  2735  With multiple expressions, the function's result is a tuple.
  2737  ```python
  2738  return                  # returns None
  2739  return 1                # returns 1
  2740  return 1, 2             # returns (1, 2)
  2741  ```
  2743  ### Expression statements
  2745  An expression statement evaluates an expression and discards its result.
  2747  ```grammar {.good}
  2748  ExprStmt = Expression .
  2749  ```
  2751  Any expression may be used as a statement, but an expression statement is
  2752  most often used to call a function for its side effects.
  2754  ```python
  2755  list.append(1)
  2756  ```
  2758  ### If statements
  2760  An `if` statement evaluates an expression (the _condition_), then, if
  2761  the truth value of the condition is `True`, executes a list of
  2762  statements.
  2764  ```grammar {.good}
  2765  IfStmt = 'if' Test ':' Suite {'elif' Test ':' Suite} ['else' ':' Suite] .
  2766  ```
  2768  Example:
  2770  ```python
  2771  if score >= 100:
  2772      print("You win!")
  2773      return
  2774  ```
  2776  An `if` statement may have an `else` block defining a second list of
  2777  statements to be executed if the condition is false.
  2779  ```python
  2780  if score >= 100:
  2781          print("You win!")
  2782          return
  2783  else:
  2784          print("Keep trying...")
  2785          continue
  2786  ```
  2788  It is common for the `else` block to contain another `if` statement.
  2789  To avoid increasing the nesting depth unnecessarily, the `else` and
  2790  following `if` may be combined as `elif`:
  2792  ```python
  2793  if x > 0:
  2794          result = +1
  2795  elif x < 0:
  2796          result = -1
  2797  else:
  2798          result = 0
  2799  ```
  2801  An `if` statement is permitted only within a function definition.
  2802  An `if` statement at top level results in a static error.
  2804  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  2805  The Go implementation of Starlark permits `if`-statements to appear at top level
  2806  if the `-globalreassign` flag is enabled.
  2809  ### While loops
  2811  A `while` loop evaluates an expression (the _condition_) and if the truth
  2812  value of the condition is `True`, it executes a list of statement and repeats
  2813  the process until the truth value of the condition becomes `False`.
  2815  ```grammar {.good}
  2816  WhileStmt = 'while' Test ':' Suite .
  2817  ```
  2819  Example:
  2821  ```python
  2822  while n > 0:
  2823      r = r + n
  2824      n = n - 1
  2825  ```
  2827  A `while` statement is permitted only within a function definition.
  2828  A `while` statement at top level results in a static error.
  2830  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  2831  The Go implementation of Starlark permits `while` loops only if the `-recursion` flag is enabled.
  2832  A `while` statement is permitted at top level if the `-globalreassign` flag is enabled.
  2835  ### For loops
  2837  A `for` loop evaluates its operand, which must be an iterable value.
  2838  Then, for each element of the iterable's sequence, the loop assigns
  2839  the successive element values to one or more variables and executes a
  2840  list of statements, the _loop body_.
  2842  ```grammar {.good}
  2843  ForStmt = 'for' LoopVariables 'in' Expression ':' Suite .
  2844  ```
  2846  Example:
  2848  ```python
  2849  for x in range(10):
  2850     print(10)
  2851  ```
  2853  The assignment of each value to the loop variables follows the same
  2854  rules as an ordinary assignment.  In this example, two-element lists
  2855  are repeatedly assigned to the pair of variables (a, i):
  2857  ```python
  2858  for a, i in [["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3]]:
  2859    print(a, i)                          # prints "a 1", "b 2", "c 3"
  2860  ```
  2862  Because Starlark loops always iterate over a finite sequence, they are
  2863  guaranteed to terminate, unlike loops in most languages which can
  2864  execute an arbitrary and perhaps unbounded number of iterations.
  2866  Within the body of a `for` loop, `break` and `continue` statements may
  2867  be used to stop the execution of the loop or advance to the next
  2868  iteration.
  2870  In Starlark, a `for` loop is permitted only within a function definition.
  2871  A `for` loop at top level results in a static error.
  2873  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  2874  The Go implementation of Starlark permits loops to appear at top level
  2875  if the `-globalreassign` flag is enabled.
  2878  ### Break and Continue
  2880  The `break` and `continue` statements terminate the current iteration
  2881  of a `for` loop.  Whereas the `continue` statement resumes the loop at
  2882  the next iteration, a `break` statement terminates the entire loop.
  2884  ```grammar {.good}
  2885  BreakStmt    = 'break' .
  2886  ContinueStmt = 'continue' .
  2887  ```
  2889  Example:
  2891  ```python
  2892  for x in range(10):
  2893      if x%2 == 1:
  2894          continue        # skip odd numbers
  2895      if x > 7:
  2896          break           # stop at 8
  2897      print(x)            # prints "0", "2", "4", "6"
  2898  ```
  2900  Both statements affect only the innermost lexically enclosing loop.
  2901  It is a static error to use a `break` or `continue` statement outside a
  2902  loop.
  2905  ### Load statements
  2907  The `load` statement loads another Starlark module, extracts one or
  2908  more values from it, and binds them to names in the current module.
  2910  <!--
  2911  The awkwardness of load statements is a consequence of staying a
  2912  strict subset of Python syntax, which allows reuse of existing tools
  2913  such as editor support. Python import statements are inadequate for
  2914  Starlark because they don't allow arbitrary file names for module names.
  2915  -->
  2917  Syntactically, a load statement looks like a function call `load(...)`.
  2919  ```grammar {.good}
  2920  LoadStmt = 'load' '(' string {',' [identifier '='] string} [','] ')' .
  2921  ```
  2923  A load statement requires at least two "arguments".
  2924  The first must be a literal string; it identifies the module to load.
  2925  Its interpretation is determined by the application into which the
  2926  Starlark interpreter is embedded, and is not specified here.
  2928  During execution, the application determines what action to take for a
  2929  load statement.
  2930  A typical implementation locates and executes a Starlark file,
  2931  populating a cache of files executed so far to avoid duplicate work,
  2932  to obtain a module, which is a mapping from global names to values.
  2934  The remaining arguments are a mixture of literal strings, such as
  2935  `"x"`, or named literal strings, such as `y="x"`.
  2937  The literal string (`"x"`), which must denote a valid identifier not
  2938  starting with `_`, specifies the name to extract from the loaded
  2939  module.  In effect, names starting with `_` are not exported.
  2940  The name (`y`) specifies the local name;
  2941  if no name is given, the local name matches the quoted name.
  2943  ```python
  2944  load("", "x", "y", "z")       # assigns x, y, and z
  2945  load("", "x", y2="y", "z")    # assigns x, y2, and z
  2946  ```
  2948  A load statement within a function is a static error.
  2951  ## Module execution
  2953  Each Starlark file defines a _module_, which is a mapping from the
  2954  names of global variables to their values.
  2955  When a Starlark file is executed, whether directly by the application
  2956  or indirectly through a `load` statement, a new Starlark thread is
  2957  created, and this thread executes all the top-level statements in the
  2958  file.
  2959  Because if-statements and for-loops cannot appear outside of a function,
  2960  control flows from top to bottom.
  2962  If execution reaches the end of the file, module initialization is
  2963  successful.
  2964  At that point, the value of each of the module's global variables is
  2965  frozen, rendering subsequent mutation impossible.
  2966  The module is then ready for use by another Starlark thread, such as
  2967  one executing a load statement.
  2968  Such threads may access values or call functions defined in the loaded
  2969  module.
  2971  A Starlark thread may carry state on behalf of the application into
  2972  which it is embedded, and application-defined functions may behave
  2973  differently depending on this thread state.
  2974  Because module initialization always occurs in a new thread, thread
  2975  state is never carried from a higher-level module into a lower-level
  2976  one.
  2977  The initialization behavior of a module is thus independent of
  2978  whichever module triggered its initialization.
  2980  If a Starlark thread encounters an error, execution stops and the error
  2981  is reported to the application, along with a backtrace showing the
  2982  stack of active function calls at the time of the error.
  2983  If an error occurs during initialization of a Starlark module, any
  2984  active `load` statements waiting for initialization of the module also
  2985  fail.
  2987  Starlark provides no mechanism by which errors can be handled within
  2988  the language.
  2991  ## Built-in constants and functions
  2993  The outermost block of the Starlark environment is known as the "predeclared" block.
  2994  It defines a number of fundamental values and functions needed by all Starlark programs,
  2995  such as `None`, `True`, `False`, and `len`, and possibly additional
  2996  application-specific names.
  2998  These names are not reserved words so Starlark programs are free to
  2999  redefine them in a smaller block such as a function body or even at
  3000  the top level of a module.  However, doing so may be confusing to the
  3001  reader.  Nonetheless, this rule permits names to be added to the
  3002  predeclared block in later versions of the language (or
  3003  application-specific dialect) without breaking existing programs.
  3006  ### None
  3008  `None` is the distinguished value of the type `NoneType`.
  3010  ### True and False
  3012  `True` and `False` are the two values of type `bool`.
  3014  ### any
  3016  `any(x)` returns `True` if any element of the iterable sequence x has a truth value of true.
  3017  If the iterable is empty, it returns `False`.
  3019  ### all
  3021  `all(x)` returns `False` if any element of the iterable sequence x has a truth value of false.
  3022  If the iterable is empty, it returns `True`.
  3024  ### bool
  3026  `bool(x)` interprets `x` as a Boolean value---`True` or `False`.
  3027  With no argument, `bool()` returns `False`.
  3030  ### chr
  3032  `chr(i)` returns a string that encodes the single Unicode code point
  3033  whose value is specified by the integer `i`. `chr` fails unless 0 ≤
  3034  `i` ≤ 0x10FFFF.
  3036  Example:
  3038  ```python
  3039  chr(65)                         # "A",
  3040  chr(1049)                       # "Й", CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I
  3041  chr(0x1F63F)                    # "😿", CRYING CAT FACE
  3042  ```
  3044  See also: `ord`.
  3046  <b>Implementation note:</b> `chr` is not provided by the Java implementation.
  3048  ### dict
  3050  `dict` creates a dictionary.  It accepts up to one positional
  3051  argument, which is interpreted as an iterable of two-element
  3052  sequences (pairs), each specifying a key/value pair in
  3053  the resulting dictionary.
  3055  `dict` also accepts any number of keyword arguments, each of which
  3056  specifies a key/value pair in the resulting dictionary;
  3057  each keyword is treated as a string.
  3059  ```python
  3060  dict()                          # {}, empty dictionary
  3061  dict([(1, 2), (3, 4)])          # {1: 2, 3: 4}
  3062  dict([(1, 2), ["a", "b"]])      # {1: 2, "a": "b"}
  3063  dict(one=1, two=2)              # {"one": 1, "two", 1}
  3064  dict([(1, 2)], x=3)             # {1: 2, "x": 3}
  3065  ```
  3067  With no arguments, `dict()` returns a new empty dictionary.
  3069  `dict(x)` where x is a dictionary returns a new copy of x.
  3071  ### dir
  3073  `dir(x)` returns a new sorted list of the names of the attributes (fields and methods) of its operand.
  3074  The attributes of a value `x` are the names `f` such that `x.f` is a valid expression.
  3076  For example,
  3078  ```python
  3079  dir("hello")                    # ['capitalize', 'count', ...], the methods of a string
  3080  ```
  3082  Several types known to the interpreter, such as list, string, and dict, have methods, but none have fields.
  3083  However, an application may define types with fields that may be read or set by statements such as these:
  3085  ```text
  3086  y = x.f
  3087  x.f = y
  3088  ```
  3090  ### enumerate
  3092  `enumerate(x)` returns a list of (index, value) pairs, each containing
  3093  successive values of the iterable sequence xand the index of the value
  3094  within the sequence.
  3096  The optional second parameter, `start`, specifies an integer value to
  3097  add to each index.
  3099  ```python
  3100  enumerate(["zero", "one", "two"])               # [(0, "zero"), (1, "one"), (2, "two")]
  3101  enumerate(["one", "two"], 1)                    # [(1, "one"), (2, "two")]
  3102  ```
  3104  ### fail
  3106  The `fail(*args, sep=" ")` function causes execution to fail
  3107  with the specified error message.
  3108  Like `print`, arguments are formatted as if by `str(x)` and
  3109  separated by a space, unless an alternative separator is
  3110  specified by a `sep` named argument.
  3112  ```python
  3113  fail("oops")				# "fail: oops"
  3114  fail("oops", 1, False, sep='/')		# "fail: oops/1/False"
  3115  ```
  3117  ### float
  3119  `float(x)` interprets its argument as a floating-point number.
  3121  If x is a `float`, the result is x.
  3122  if x is an `int`, the result is the nearest floating point value to x.
  3123  If x is a string, the string is interpreted as a floating-point literal.
  3124  With no arguments, `float()` returns `0.0`.
  3126  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  3127  Floating-point numbers are an optional feature.
  3128  The Go implementation of Starlark requires the `-float` flag to
  3129  enable support for floating-point literals, the `float` built-in
  3130  function, and the real division operator `/`.
  3131  The Java implementation does not yet support floating-point numbers.
  3134  ### getattr
  3136  `getattr(x, name)` returns the value of the attribute (field or method) of x named `name`.
  3137  It is a dynamic error if x has no such attribute.
  3139  `getattr(x, "f")` is equivalent to `x.f`.
  3141  ```python
  3142  getattr("banana", "split")("a")	       # ["b", "n", "n", ""], equivalent to "banana".split("a")
  3143  ```
  3145  The three-argument form `getattr(x, name, default)` returns the
  3146  provided `default` value instead of failing.
  3148  ### hasattr
  3150  `hasattr(x, name)` reports whether x has an attribute (field or method) named `name`.
  3152  ### hash
  3154  `hash(x)` returns an integer hash of a string x
  3155  such that two equal strings have the same hash.
  3156  In other words `x == y` implies `hash(x) == hash(y)`.
  3158  In the interests of reproducibility of Starlark program behavior over time and
  3159  across implementations, the specific hash function is the same as that implemented by
  3160  [java.lang.String.hashCode](,
  3161  a simple polynomial accumulator over the UTF-16 transcoding of the string:
  3162   ```
  3163  s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
  3164  ```
  3166  `hash` fails if given a non-string operand,
  3167  even if the value is hashable and thus suitable as the key of dictionary.
  3169  ### int
  3171  `int(x[, base])` interprets its argument as an integer.
  3173  If x is an `int`, the result is x.
  3174  If x is a `float`, the result is the integer value nearest to x,
  3175  truncating towards zero; it is an error if x is not finite (`NaN`,
  3176  `+Inf`, `-Inf`).
  3177  If x is a `bool`, the result is 0 for `False` or 1 for `True`.
  3179  If x is a string, it is interpreted as a sequence of digits in the
  3180  specified base, decimal by default.
  3181  If `base` is zero, x is interpreted like an integer literal, the base
  3182  being inferred from an optional base marker such as `0b`, `0o`, or
  3183  `0x` preceding the first digit.
  3184  Irrespective of base, the string may start with an optional `+` or `-`
  3185  sign indicating the sign of the result.
  3187  ### len
  3189  `len(x)` returns the number of elements in its argument.
  3191  It is a dynamic error if its argument is not a sequence.
  3193  ### list
  3195  `list` constructs a list.
  3197  `list(x)` returns a new list containing the elements of the
  3198  iterable sequence x.
  3200  With no argument, `list()` returns a new empty list.
  3202  ### max
  3204  `max(x)` returns the greatest element in the iterable sequence x.
  3206  It is an error if any element does not support ordered comparison,
  3207  or if the sequence is empty.
  3209  The optional named parameter `key` specifies a function to be applied
  3210  to each element prior to comparison.
  3212  ```python
  3213  max([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9])                         # 9
  3214  max("two", "three", "four")                     # "two", the lexicographically greatest
  3215  max("two", "three", "four", key=len)            # "three", the longest
  3216  ```
  3218  ### min
  3220  `min(x)` returns the least element in the iterable sequence x.
  3222  It is an error if any element does not support ordered comparison,
  3223  or if the sequence is empty.
  3225  ```python
  3226  min([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9])                         # 1
  3227  min("two", "three", "four")                     # "four", the lexicographically least
  3228  min("two", "three", "four", key=len)            # "two", the shortest
  3229  ```
  3232  ### ord
  3234  `ord(s)` returns the integer value of the sole Unicode code point encoded by the string `s`.
  3236  If `s` does not encode exactly one Unicode code point, `ord` fails.
  3237  Each invalid code within the string is treated as if it encodes the
  3238  Unicode replacement character, U+FFFD.
  3240  Example:
  3242  ```python
  3243  ord("A")				# 65
  3244  ord("Й")				# 1049
  3245  ord("😿")					# 0x1F63F
  3246  ord("Й"[1:])				# 0xFFFD (Unicode replacement character)
  3247  ```
  3249  See also: `chr`.
  3251  <b>Implementation note:</b> `ord` is not provided by the Java implementation.
  3253  ### print
  3255  `print(*args, sep=" ")` prints its arguments, followed by a newline.
  3256  Arguments are formatted as if by `str(x)` and separated with a space,
  3257  unless an alternative separator is specified by a `sep` named argument.
  3259  Example:
  3261  ```python
  3262  print(1, "hi")		       		# "1 hi\n"
  3263  print("hello", "world")			# "hello world\n"
  3264  print("hello", "world", sep=", ")	# "hello, world\n"
  3265  ```
  3267  Typically the formatted string is printed to the standard error file,
  3268  but the exact behavior is a property of the Starlark thread and is
  3269  determined by the host application.
  3271  ### range
  3273  `range` returns an immutable sequence of integers defined by the specified interval and stride.
  3275  ```python
  3276  range(stop)                             # equivalent to range(0, stop)
  3277  range(start, stop)                      # equivalent to range(start, stop, 1)
  3278  range(start, stop, step)
  3279  ```
  3281  `range` requires between one and three integer arguments.
  3282  With one argument, `range(stop)` returns the ascending sequence of non-negative integers less than `stop`.
  3283  With two arguments, `range(start, stop)` returns only integers not less than `start`.
  3285  With three arguments, `range(start, stop, step)` returns integers
  3286  formed by successively adding `step` to `start` until the value meets or passes `stop`.
  3287  A call to `range` fails if the value of `step` is zero.
  3289  A call to `range` does not materialize the entire sequence, but
  3290  returns a fixed-size value of type `"range"` that represents the
  3291  parameters that define the sequence.
  3292  The `range` value is iterable and may be indexed efficiently.
  3294  ```python
  3295  list(range(10))                         # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  3296  list(range(3, 10))                      # [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
  3297  list(range(3, 10, 2))                   # [3, 5, 7, 9]
  3298  list(range(10, 3, -2))                  # [10, 8, 6, 4]
  3299  ```
  3301  The `len` function applied to a `range` value returns its length.
  3302  The truth value of a `range` value is `True` if its length is non-zero.
  3304  Range values are comparable: two `range` values compare equal if they
  3305  denote the same sequence of integers, even if they were created using
  3306  different parameters.
  3308  Range values are not hashable.  <!-- should they be? -->
  3310  The `str` function applied to a `range` value yields a string of the
  3311  form `range(10)`, `range(1, 10)`, or `range(1, 10, 2)`.
  3313  The `x in y` operator, where `y` is a range, reports whether `x` is equal to
  3314  some member of the sequence `y`; the operation fails unless `x` is a
  3315  number.
  3317  ### repr
  3319  `repr(x)` formats its argument as a string.
  3321  All strings in the result are double-quoted.
  3323  ```python
  3324  repr(1)                 # '1'
  3325  repr("x")               # '"x"'
  3326  repr([1, "x"])          # '[1, "x"]'
  3327  ```
  3329  ### reversed
  3331  `reversed(x)` returns a new list containing the elements of the iterable sequence x in reverse order.
  3333  ```python
  3334  reversed(range(5))                              # [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
  3335  reversed("stressed".codepoints())               # ["d", "e", "s", "s", "e", "r", "t", "s"]
  3336  reversed({"one": 1, "two": 2}.keys())           # ["two", "one"]
  3337  ```
  3339  ### set
  3341  `set(x)` returns a new set containing the elements of the iterable x.
  3342  With no argument, `set()` returns a new empty set.
  3344  ```python
  3345  set([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9])         # set([3, 1, 4, 5, 9])
  3346  ```
  3348  <b>Implementation note:</b>
  3349  Sets are an optional feature of the Go implementation of Starlark,
  3350  enabled by the `-set` flag.
  3353  ### sorted
  3355  `sorted(x)` returns a new list containing the elements of the iterable sequence x,
  3356  in sorted order.  The sort algorithm is stable.
  3358  The optional named parameter `reverse`, if true, causes `sorted` to
  3359  return results in reverse sorted order.
  3361  The optional named parameter `key` specifies a function of one
  3362  argument to apply to obtain the value's sort key.
  3363  The default behavior is the identity function.
  3365  ```python
  3366  sorted(set("harbors".codepoints()))                             # ['a', 'b', 'h', 'o', 'r', 's']
  3367  sorted([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9])                                      # [1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9]
  3368  sorted([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9], reverse=True)                        # [9, 5, 4, 3, 1, 1]
  3370  sorted(["two", "three", "four"], key=len)                       # ["two", "four", "three"], shortest to longest
  3371  sorted(["two", "three", "four"], key=len, reverse=True)         # ["three", "four", "two"], longest to shortest
  3372  ```
  3375  ### str
  3377  `str(x)` formats its argument as a string.
  3379  If x is a string, the result is x (without quotation).
  3380  All other strings, such as elements of a list of strings, are double-quoted.
  3382  ```python
  3383  str(1)                          # '1'
  3384  str("x")                        # 'x'
  3385  str([1, "x"])                   # '[1, "x"]'
  3386  ```
  3388  ### tuple
  3390  `tuple(x)` returns a tuple containing the elements of the iterable x.
  3392  With no arguments, `tuple()` returns the empty tuple.
  3394  ### type
  3396  type(x) returns a string describing the type of its operand.
  3398  ```python
  3399  type(None)              # "NoneType"
  3400  type(0)                 # "int"
  3401  type(0.0)               # "float"
  3402  ```
  3404  ### zip
  3406  `zip()` returns a new list of n-tuples formed from corresponding
  3407  elements of each of the n iterable sequences provided as arguments to
  3408  `zip`.  That is, the first tuple contains the first element of each of
  3409  the sequences, the second element contains the second element of each
  3410  of the sequences, and so on.  The result list is only as long as the
  3411  shortest of the input sequences.
  3413  ```python
  3414  zip()                                   # []
  3415  zip(range(5))                           # [(0,), (1,), (2,), (3,), (4,)]
  3416  zip(range(5), "abc")                    # [(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c")]
  3417  ```
  3419  ## Built-in methods
  3421  This section lists the methods of built-in types.  Methods are selected
  3422  using [dot expressions](#dot-expressions).
  3423  For example, strings have a `count` method that counts
  3424  occurrences of a substring; `"banana".count("a")` yields `3`.
  3426  As with built-in functions, built-in methods accept only positional
  3427  arguments except where noted.
  3428  The parameter names serve merely as documentation.
  3431  <a id='dict·clear'></a>
  3432  ### dict·clear
  3434  `D.clear()` removes all the entries of dictionary D and returns `None`.
  3435  It fails if the dictionary is frozen or if there are active iterators.
  3437  ```python
  3438  x = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  3439  x.clear()                               # None
  3440  print(x)                                # {}
  3441  ```
  3443  <a id='dict·get'></a>
  3444  ### dict·get
  3446  `D.get(key[, default])` returns the dictionary value corresponding to the given key.
  3447  If the dictionary contains no such value, `get` returns `None`, or the
  3448  value of the optional `default` parameter if present.
  3450  `get` fails if `key` is unhashable, or the dictionary is frozen or has active iterators.
  3452  ```python
  3453  x = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  3454  x.get("one")                            # 1
  3455  x.get("three")                          # None
  3456  x.get("three", 0)                       # 0
  3457  ```
  3459  <a id='dict·items'></a>
  3460  ### dict·items
  3462  `D.items()` returns a new list of key/value pairs, one per element in
  3463  dictionary D, in the same order as they would be returned by a `for` loop.
  3465  ```python
  3466  x = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  3467  x.items()                               # [("one", 1), ("two", 2)]
  3468  ```
  3470  <a id='dict·keys'></a>
  3471  ### dict·keys
  3473  `D.keys()` returns a new list containing the keys of dictionary D, in the
  3474  same order as they would be returned by a `for` loop.
  3476  ```python
  3477  x = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  3478  x.keys()                               # ["one", "two"]
  3479  ```
  3481  <a id='dict·pop'></a>
  3482  ### dict·pop
  3484  `D.pop(key[, default])` returns the value corresponding to the specified
  3485  key, and removes it from the dictionary.  If the dictionary contains no
  3486  such value, and the optional `default` parameter is present, `pop`
  3487  returns that value; otherwise, it fails.
  3489  `pop` fails if `key` is unhashable, or the dictionary is frozen or has active iterators.
  3491  ```python
  3492  x = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  3493  x.pop("one")                            # 1
  3494  x                                       # {"two": 2}
  3495  x.pop("three", 0)                       # 0
  3496  x.pop("four")                           # error: missing key
  3497  ```
  3499  <a id='dict·popitem'></a>
  3500  ### dict·popitem
  3502  `D.popitem()` returns the first key/value pair, removing it from the dictionary.
  3504  `popitem` fails if the dictionary is empty, frozen, or has active iterators.
  3506  ```python
  3507  x = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  3508  x.popitem()                             # ("one", 1)
  3509  x.popitem()                             # ("two", 2)
  3510  x.popitem()                             # error: empty dict
  3511  ```
  3513  <a id='dict·setdefault'></a>
  3514  ### dict·setdefault
  3516  `D.setdefault(key[, default])` returns the dictionary value corresponding to the given key.
  3517  If the dictionary contains no such value, `setdefault`, like `get`,
  3518  returns `None` or the value of the optional `default` parameter if
  3519  present; `setdefault` additionally inserts the new key/value entry into the dictionary.
  3521  `setdefault` fails if the key is unhashable, or if the dictionary is frozen or has active iterators.
  3523  ```python
  3524  x = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  3525  x.setdefault("one")                     # 1
  3526  x.setdefault("three", 0)                # 0
  3527  x                                       # {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 0}
  3528  x.setdefault("four")                    # None
  3529  x                                       # {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": None}
  3530  ```
  3532  <a id='dict·update'></a>
  3533  ### dict·update
  3535  `D.update([pairs][, name=value[, ...])` makes a sequence of key/value
  3536  insertions into dictionary D, then returns `None.`
  3538  If the positional argument `pairs` is present, it must be `None`,
  3539  another `dict`, or some other iterable.
  3540  If it is another `dict`, then its key/value pairs are inserted into D.
  3541  If it is an iterable, it must provide a sequence of pairs (or other iterables of length 2),
  3542  each of which is treated as a key/value pair to be inserted into D.
  3544  For each `name=value` argument present, the name is converted to a
  3545  string and used as the key for an insertion into D, with its corresponding
  3546  value being `value`.
  3548  `update` fails if the dictionary is frozen or has active iterators.
  3550  ```python
  3551  x = {}
  3552  x.update([("a", 1), ("b", 2)], c=3)
  3553  x.update({"d": 4})
  3554  x.update(e=5)
  3555  x                                       # {"a": 1, "b": "2", "c": 3, "d": 4, "e": 5}
  3556  ```
  3558  <a id='dict·values'></a>
  3559  ### dict·values
  3561  `D.values()` returns a new list containing the dictionary's values, in the
  3562  same order as they would be returned by a `for` loop over the
  3563  dictionary.
  3565  ```python
  3566  x = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
  3567  x.values()                              # [1, 2]
  3568  ```
  3570  <a id='list·append'></a>
  3571  ### list·append
  3573  `L.append(x)` appends `x` to the list L, and returns `None`.
  3575  `append` fails if the list is frozen or has active iterators.
  3577  ```python
  3578  x = []
  3579  x.append(1)                             # None
  3580  x.append(2)                             # None
  3581  x.append(3)                             # None
  3582  x                                       # [1, 2, 3]
  3583  ```
  3585  <a id='list·clear'></a>
  3586  ### list·clear
  3588  `L.clear()` removes all the elements of the list L and returns `None`.
  3589  It fails if the list is frozen or if there are active iterators.
  3591  ```python
  3592  x = [1, 2, 3]
  3593  x.clear()                               # None
  3594  x                                       # []
  3595  ```
  3597  <a id='list·extend'></a>
  3598  ### list·extend
  3600  `L.extend(x)` appends the elements of `x`, which must be iterable, to
  3601  the list L, and returns `None`.
  3603  `extend` fails if `x` is not iterable, or if the list L is frozen or has active iterators.
  3605  ```python
  3606  x = []
  3607  x.extend([1, 2, 3])                     # None
  3608  x.extend(["foo"])                       # None
  3609  x                                       # [1, 2, 3, "foo"]
  3610  ```
  3612  <a id='list·index'></a>
  3613  ### list·index
  3615  `L.index(x[, start[, end]])` finds `x` within the list L and returns its index.
  3617  The optional `start` and `end` parameters restrict the portion of
  3618  list L that is inspected.  If provided and not `None`, they must be list
  3619  indices of type `int`. If an index is negative, `len(L)` is effectively
  3620  added to it, then if the index is outside the range `[0:len(L)]`, the
  3621  nearest value within that range is used; see [Indexing](#indexing).
  3623  `index` fails if `x` is not found in L, or if `start` or `end`
  3624  is not a valid index (`int` or `None`).
  3626  ```python
  3627  x = list("banana".codepoints())
  3628  x.index("a")                            # 1 (bAnana)
  3629  x.index("a", 2)                         # 3 (banAna)
  3630  x.index("a", -2)                        # 5 (bananA)
  3631  ```
  3633  <a id='list·insert'></a>
  3634  ### list·insert
  3636  `L.insert(i, x)` inserts the value `x` in the list L at index `i`, moving
  3637  higher-numbered elements along by one.  It returns `None`.
  3639  As usual, the index `i` must be an `int`. If its value is negative,
  3640  the length of the list is added, then its value is clamped to the
  3641  nearest value in the range `[0:len(L)]` to yield the effective index.
  3643  `insert` fails if the list is frozen or has active iterators.
  3645  ```python
  3646  x = ["b", "c", "e"]
  3647  x.insert(0, "a")                        # None
  3648  x.insert(-1, "d")                       # None
  3649  x                                       # ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
  3650  ```
  3652  <a id='list·pop'></a>
  3653  ### list·pop
  3655  `L.pop([index])` removes and returns the last element of the list L, or,
  3656  if the optional index is provided, at that index.
  3658  `pop` fails if the index is not valid for `L[i]`,
  3659  or if the list is frozen or has active iterators.
  3661  ```python
  3662  x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  3663  x.pop()                                 # 5
  3664  x                                       # [1, 2, 3, 4]
  3665  x.pop(-2)                               # 3
  3666  x                                       # [1, 2, 4]
  3667  x.pop(-3)                               # 1
  3668  x                                       # [2, 4]
  3669  x.pop()                                 # 4
  3670  x                                       # [2]
  3671  ```
  3673  <a id='list·remove'></a>
  3674  ### list·remove
  3676  `L.remove(x)` removes the first occurrence of the value `x` from the list L, and returns `None`.
  3678  `remove` fails if the list does not contain `x`, is frozen, or has active iterators.
  3680  ```python
  3681  x = [1, 2, 3, 2]
  3682  x.remove(2)                             # None (x == [1, 3, 2])
  3683  x.remove(2)                             # None (x == [1, 3])
  3684  x.remove(2)                             # error: element not found
  3685  ```
  3687  <a id='set·union'></a>
  3688  ### set·union
  3690  `S.union(iterable)` returns a new set into which have been inserted
  3691  all the elements of set S and all the elements of the argument, which
  3692  must be iterable.
  3694  `union` fails if any element of the iterable is not hashable.
  3696  ```python
  3697  x = set([1, 2])
  3698  y = set([2, 3])
  3699  x.union(y)                              # set([1, 2, 3])
  3700  ```
  3702  <a id='string·elem_ords'></a>
  3703  ### string·elem_ords
  3705  `S.elem_ords()` returns an iterable value containing the
  3706  sequence of numeric bytes values in the string S.
  3708  To materialize the entire sequence of bytes, apply `list(...)` to the result.
  3710  Example:
  3712  ```python
  3713  list("Hello, 世界".elem_ords())        # [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 228, 184, 150, 231, 149, 140]
  3714  ```
  3716  See also: `string·elems`.
  3718  <b>Implementation note:</b> `elem_ords` is not provided by the Java implementation.
  3720  <a id='string·capitalize'></a>
  3721  ### string·capitalize
  3723  `S.capitalize()` returns a copy of string S with its first code point
  3724  changed to its title case and all subsequent letters changed to their
  3725  lower case.
  3727  ```python
  3728  "hello, world!".capitalize()		# "Hello, world!"
  3729  "hElLo, wOrLd!".capitalize()		# "Hello, world!"
  3730  "¿Por qué?".capitalize()		# "¿por qué?"
  3731  ```
  3733  <a id='string·codepoint_ords'></a>
  3734  ### string·codepoint_ords
  3736  `S.codepoint_ords()` returns an iterable value containing the
  3737  sequence of integer Unicode code points encoded by the string S.
  3738  Each invalid code within the string is treated as if it encodes the
  3739  Unicode replacement character, U+FFFD.
  3741  By returning an iterable, not a list, the cost of decoding the string
  3742  is deferred until actually needed; apply `list(...)` to the result to
  3743  materialize the entire sequence.
  3745  Example:
  3747  ```python
  3748  list("Hello, 世界".codepoint_ords())        # [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 19990, 30028]
  3750  for cp in "Hello, 世界".codepoint_ords():
  3751     print(chr(cp))  # prints 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', '世', '界'
  3752  ```
  3754  See also: `string·codepoints`.
  3756  <b>Implementation note:</b> `codepoint_ords` is not provided by the Java implementation.
  3758  <a id='string·count'></a>
  3759  ### string·count
  3761  `S.count(sub[, start[, end]])` returns the number of occcurences of
  3762  `sub` within the string S, or, if the optional substring indices
  3763  `start` and `end` are provided, within the designated substring of S.
  3764  They are interpreted according to Starlark's [indexing conventions](#indexing).
  3766  ```python
  3767  "hello, world!".count("o")              # 2
  3768  "hello, world!".count("o", 7, 12)       # 1  (in "world")
  3769  ```
  3771  <a id='string·endswith'></a>
  3772  ### string·endswith
  3774  `S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]])` reports whether the string
  3775  `S[start:end]` has the specified suffix.
  3777  ```python
  3778  "".endswith(".star")         # True
  3779  ```
  3781  The `suffix` argument may be a tuple of strings, in which case the
  3782  function reports whether any one of them is a suffix.
  3784  ```python
  3785  ''.endswith(('.cc', '.h'))         # True
  3786  ```
  3789  <a id='string·find'></a>
  3790  ### string·find
  3792  `S.find(sub[, start[, end]])` returns the index of the first
  3793  occurrence of the substring `sub` within S.
  3795  If either or both of `start` or `end` are specified,
  3796  they specify a subrange of S to which the search should be restricted.
  3797  They are interpreted according to Starlark's [indexing conventions](#indexing).
  3799  If no occurrence is found, `found` returns -1.
  3801  ```python
  3802  "bonbon".find("on")             # 1
  3803  "bonbon".find("on", 2)          # 4
  3804  "bonbon".find("on", 2, 5)       # -1
  3805  ```
  3807  <a id='string·format'></a>
  3808  ### string·format
  3810  `S.format(*args, **kwargs)` returns a version of the format string S
  3811  in which bracketed portions `{...}` are replaced
  3812  by arguments from `args` and `kwargs`.
  3814  Within the format string, a pair of braces `{{` or `}}` is treated as
  3815  a literal open or close brace.
  3816  Each unpaired open brace must be matched by a close brace `}`.
  3817  The optional text between corresponding open and close braces
  3818  specifies which argument to use and how to format it, and consists of
  3819  three components, all optional:
  3820  a field name, a conversion preceded by '`!`', and a format specifier
  3821  preceded by '`:`'.
  3823  ```text
  3824  {field}
  3825  {field:spec}
  3826  {field!conv}
  3827  {field!conv:spec}
  3828  ```
  3830  The *field name* may be either a decimal number or a keyword.
  3831  A number is interpreted as the index of a positional argument;
  3832  a keyword specifies the value of a keyword argument.
  3833  If all the numeric field names form the sequence 0, 1, 2, and so on,
  3834  they may be omitted and those values will be implied; however,
  3835  the explicit and implicit forms may not be mixed.
  3837  The *conversion* specifies how to convert an argument value `x` to a
  3838  string. It may be either `!r`, which converts the value using
  3839  `repr(x)`, or `!s`, which converts the value using `str(x)` and is
  3840  the default.
  3842  The *format specifier*, after a colon, specifies field width,
  3843  alignment, padding, and numeric precision.
  3844  Currently it must be empty, but it is reserved for future use.
  3846  ```python
  3847  "a{x}b{y}c{}".format(1, x=2, y=3)               # "a2b3c1"
  3848  "a{}b{}c".format(1, 2)                          # "a1b2c"
  3849  "({1}, {0})".format("zero", "one")              # "(one, zero)"
  3850  "Is {0!r} {0!s}?".format('heterological')       # 'is "heterological" heterological?'
  3851  ```
  3853  <a id='string·index'></a>
  3854  ### string·index
  3856  `S.index(sub[, start[, end]])` returns the index of the first
  3857  occurrence of the substring `sub` within S, like `S.find`, except
  3858  that if the substring is not found, the operation fails.
  3860  ```python
  3861  "bonbon".index("on")             # 1
  3862  "bonbon".index("on", 2)          # 4
  3863  "bonbon".index("on", 2, 5)       # error: substring not found  (in "nbo")
  3864  ```
  3866  <a id='string·isalnum'></a>
  3867  ### string·isalnum
  3869  `S.isalnum()` reports whether the string S is non-empty and consists only
  3870  Unicode letters and digits.
  3872  ```python
  3873  "base64".isalnum()              # True
  3874  "Catch-22".isalnum()            # False
  3875  ```
  3877  <a id='string·isalpha'></a>
  3878  ### string·isalpha
  3880  `S.isalpha()` reports whether the string S is non-empty and consists only of Unicode letters.
  3882  ```python
  3883  "ABC".isalpha()                 # True
  3884  "Catch-22".isalpha()            # False
  3885  "".isalpha()                    # False
  3886  ```
  3888  <a id='string·isdigit'></a>
  3889  ### string·isdigit
  3891  `S.isdigit()` reports whether the string S is non-empty and consists only of Unicode digits.
  3893  ```python
  3894  "123".isdigit()                 # True
  3895  "Catch-22".isdigit()            # False
  3896  "".isdigit()                    # False
  3897  ```
  3899  <a id='string·islower'></a>
  3900  ### string·islower
  3902  `S.islower()` reports whether the string S contains at least one cased Unicode
  3903  letter, and all such letters are lowercase.
  3905  ```python
  3906  "hello, world".islower()        # True
  3907  "Catch-22".islower()            # False
  3908  "123".islower()                 # False
  3909  ```
  3911  <a id='string·isspace'></a>
  3912  ### string·isspace
  3914  `S.isspace()` reports whether the string S is non-empty and consists only of Unicode spaces.
  3916  ```python
  3917  "    ".isspace()                # True
  3918  "\r\t\n".isspace()              # True
  3919  "".isspace()                    # False
  3920  ```
  3922  <a id='string·istitle'></a>
  3923  ### string·istitle
  3925  `S.istitle()` reports whether the string S contains at least one cased Unicode
  3926  letter, and all such letters that begin a word are in title case.
  3928  ```python
  3929  "Hello, World!".istitle()       # True
  3930  "Catch-22".istitle()            # True
  3931  "HAL-9000".istitle()            # False
  3932  "Dženan".istitle()		# True
  3933  "DŽenan".istitle()		# False ("DŽ" is a single Unicode letter)
  3934  "123".istitle()                 # False
  3935  ```
  3937  <a id='string·isupper'></a>
  3938  ### string·isupper
  3940  `S.isupper()` reports whether the string S contains at least one cased Unicode
  3941  letter, and all such letters are uppercase.
  3943  ```python
  3944  "HAL-9000".isupper()            # True
  3945  "Catch-22".isupper()            # False
  3946  "123".isupper()                 # False
  3947  ```
  3949  <a id='string·join'></a>
  3950  ### string·join
  3952  `S.join(iterable)` returns the string formed by concatenating each
  3953  element of its argument, with a copy of the string S between
  3954  successive elements. The argument must be an iterable whose elements
  3955  are strings.
  3957  ```python
  3958  ", ".join(["one", "two", "three"])      # "one, two, three"
  3959  "a".join("ctmrn".codepoints())          # "catamaran"
  3960  ```
  3962  <a id='string·lower'></a>
  3963  ### string·lower
  3965  `S.lower()` returns a copy of the string S with letters converted to lowercase.
  3967  ```python
  3968  "Hello, World!".lower()                 # "hello, world!"
  3969  ```
  3971  <a id='string·lstrip'></a>
  3972  ### string·lstrip
  3974  `S.lstrip()` returns a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed.
  3976  Like `strip`, it accepts an optional string parameter that specifies an
  3977  alternative set of Unicode code points to remove.
  3979  ```python
  3980  "  hello  ".lstrip()                    # "hello  "
  3981  "  hello  ".lstrip("h o")               # "ello  "
  3982  ```
  3984  <a id='string·partition'></a>
  3985  ### string·partition
  3987  `S.partition(x)` splits string S into three parts and returns them as
  3988  a tuple: the portion before the first occurrence of string `x`, `x` itself,
  3989  and the portion following it.
  3990  If S does not contain `x`, `partition` returns `(S, "", "")`.
  3992  `partition` fails if `x` is not a string, or is the empty string.
  3994  ```python
  3995  "one/two/three".partition("/")		# ("one", "/", "two/three")
  3996  ```
  3998  <a id='string·replace'></a>
  3999  ### string·replace
  4001  `S.replace(old, new[, count])` returns a copy of string S with all
  4002  occurrences of substring `old` replaced by `new`. If the optional
  4003  argument `count`, which must be an `int`, is non-negative, it
  4004  specifies a maximum number of occurrences to replace.
  4006  ```python
  4007  "banana".replace("a", "o")		# "bonono"
  4008  "banana".replace("a", "o", 2)		# "bonona"
  4009  ```
  4011  <a id='string·rfind'></a>
  4012  ### string·rfind
  4014  `S.rfind(sub[, start[, end]])` returns the index of the substring `sub` within
  4015  S, like `S.find`, except that `rfind` returns the index of the substring's
  4016  _last_ occurrence.
  4018  ```python
  4019  "bonbon".rfind("on")             # 4
  4020  "bonbon".rfind("on", None, 5)    # 1
  4021  "bonbon".rfind("on", 2, 5)       # -1
  4022  ```
  4024  <a id='string·rindex'></a>
  4025  ### string·rindex
  4027  `S.rindex(sub[, start[, end]])` returns the index of the substring `sub` within
  4028  S, like `S.index`, except that `rindex` returns the index of the substring's
  4029  _last_ occurrence.
  4031  ```python
  4032  "bonbon".rindex("on")             # 4
  4033  "bonbon".rindex("on", None, 5)    # 1                           (in "bonbo")
  4034  "bonbon".rindex("on", 2, 5)       # error: substring not found  (in "nbo")
  4035  ```
  4037  <a id='string·rpartition'></a>
  4038  ### string·rpartition
  4040  `S.rpartition(x)` is like `partition`, but splits `S` at the last occurrence of `x`.
  4042  ```python
  4043  "one/two/three".partition("/")		# ("one/two", "/", "three")
  4044  ```
  4046  <a id='string·rsplit'></a>
  4047  ### string·rsplit
  4049  `S.rsplit([sep[, maxsplit]])` splits a string into substrings like `S.split`,
  4050  except that when a maximum number of splits is specified, `rsplit` chooses the
  4051  rightmost splits.
  4053  ```python
  4054  "banana".rsplit("n")                         # ["ba", "a", "a"]
  4055  "banana".rsplit("n", 1)                      # ["bana", "a"]
  4056  "one two  three".rsplit(None, 1)             # ["one two", "three"]
  4057  "".rsplit("n")                               # [""]
  4058  ```
  4060  <a id='string·rstrip'></a>
  4061  ### string·rstrip
  4063  `S.rstrip()` returns a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed.
  4065  Like `strip`, it accepts an optional string parameter that specifies an
  4066  alternative set of Unicode code points to remove.
  4068  ```python
  4069  "  hello  ".rstrip()                    # "  hello"
  4070  "  hello  ".rstrip("h o")               # "  hell"
  4071  ```
  4073  <a id='string·split'></a>
  4074  ### string·split
  4076  `S.split([sep [, maxsplit]])` returns the list of substrings of S,
  4077  splitting at occurrences of the delimiter string `sep`.
  4079  Consecutive occurrences of `sep` are considered to delimit empty
  4080  strings, so `'food'.split('o')` returns `['f', '', 'd']`.
  4081  Splitting an empty string with a specified separator returns `['']`.
  4082  If `sep` is the empty string, `split` fails.
  4084  If `sep` is not specified or is `None`, `split` uses a different
  4085  algorithm: it removes all leading spaces from S
  4086  (or trailing spaces in the case of `rsplit`),
  4087  then splits the string around each consecutive non-empty sequence of
  4088  Unicode white space characters.
  4089  If S consists only of white space, `S.split()` returns the empty list.
  4091  If `maxsplit` is given and non-negative, it specifies a maximum number of splits.
  4093  ```python
  4094  "one two  three".split()                    # ["one", "two", "three"]
  4095  "one two  three".split(" ")                 # ["one", "two", "", "three"]
  4096  "one two  three".split(None, 1)             # ["one", "two  three"]
  4097  "banana".split("n")                         # ["ba", "a", "a"]
  4098  "banana".split("n", 1)                      # ["ba", "ana"]
  4099  "".split("n")                               # [""]
  4100  ```
  4102  <a id='string·elems'></a>
  4103  ### string·elems
  4105  `S.elems()` returns an iterable value containing successive
  4106  1-byte substrings of S.
  4107  To materialize the entire sequence, apply `list(...)` to the result.
  4109  Example:
  4111  ```python
  4112  list('Hello, 世界'.elems())  # ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", ",", " ", "\xe4", "\xb8", "\x96", "\xe7", "\x95", "\x8c"]
  4113  ```
  4115  See also: `string·elem_ords`.
  4118  <a id='string·codepoints'></a>
  4119  ### string·codepoints
  4121  `S.codepoints()` returns an iterable value containing the sequence of
  4122  substrings of S that each encode a single Unicode code point.
  4123  Each invalid code within the string is treated as if it encodes the
  4124  Unicode replacement character, U+FFFD.
  4126  By returning an iterable, not a list, the cost of decoding the string
  4127  is deferred until actually needed; apply `list(...)` to the result to
  4128  materialize the entire sequence.
  4130  Example:
  4132  ```python
  4133  list('Hello, 世界'.codepoints())  # ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', '世', '界']
  4135  for cp in 'Hello, 世界'.codepoints():
  4136     print(cp)  # prints 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', '世', '界'
  4137  ```
  4139  See also: `string·codepoint_ords`.
  4141  <b>Implementation note:</b> `codepoints` is not provided by the Java implementation.
  4143  <a id='string·splitlines'></a>
  4144  ### string·splitlines
  4146  `S.splitlines([keepends])` returns a list whose elements are the
  4147  successive lines of S, that is, the strings formed by splitting S at
  4148  line terminators (currently assumed to be a single newline, `\n`,
  4149  regardless of platform).
  4151  The optional argument, `keepends`, is interpreted as a Boolean.
  4152  If true, line terminators are preserved in the result, though
  4153  the final element does not necessarily end with a line terminator.
  4155  As a special case, if S is the empty string,
  4156  `splitlines` returns the empty list.
  4158  ```python
  4159  "one\n\ntwo".splitlines()       # ["one", "", "two"]
  4160  "one\n\ntwo".splitlines(True)   # ["one\n", "\n", "two"]
  4161  "".splitlines()                 # [] -- a special case
  4162  ```
  4164  <a id='string·startswith'></a>
  4165  ### string·startswith
  4167  `S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]])` reports whether the string
  4168  `S[start:end]` has the specified prefix.
  4170  ```python
  4171  "".startswith("filename")         # True
  4172  ```
  4174  The `prefix` argument may be a tuple of strings, in which case the
  4175  function reports whether any one of them is a prefix.
  4177  ```python
  4178  'abc'.startswith(('a', 'A'))                  # True
  4179  'ABC'.startswith(('a', 'A'))                  # True
  4180  'def'.startswith(('a', 'A'))                  # False
  4181  ```
  4183  <a id='string·strip'></a>
  4184  ### string·strip
  4186  `S.strip()` returns a copy of the string S with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
  4188  It accepts an optional string argument:
  4189  `S.strip(cutset)` instead removes all leading
  4190  and trailing Unicode code points contained in `cutset`.
  4192  ```python
  4193  "  hello  ".strip()                     # "hello"
  4194  "  hello  ".strip("h o")                # "ell"
  4195  ```
  4197  <a id='string·title'></a>
  4198  ### string·title
  4200  `S.title()` returns a copy of the string S with letters converted to title case.
  4202  Letters are converted to upper case at the start of words, lower case elsewhere.
  4204  ```python
  4205  "hElLo, WoRlD!".title()                 # "Hello, World!"
  4206  "dženan".title()                        # "Dženan" ("Dž" is a single Unicode letter)
  4207  ```
  4209  <a id='string·upper'></a>
  4210  ### string·upper
  4212  `S.upper()` returns a copy of the string S with letters converted to uppercase.
  4214  ```python
  4215  "Hello, World!".upper()                 # "HELLO, WORLD!"
  4216  ```
  4218  ## Dialect differences
  4220  The list below summarizes features of the Go implementation that are
  4221  known to differ from the Java implementation of Starlark used by Bazel.
  4222  Some of these features may be controlled by global options to allow
  4223  applications to mimic the Bazel dialect more closely. Our goal is
  4224  eventually to eliminate all such differences on a case-by-case basis.
  4225  See [Starlark spec issue 20](
  4227  * Integers are represented with infinite precision.
  4228  * Integer arithmetic is exact.
  4229  * Floating-point literals are supported (option: `-float`).
  4230  * The `float` built-in function is provided (option: `-float`).
  4231  * Real division using `float / float` is supported (option: `-float`).
  4232  * String interpolation supports the `[ioxXeEfFgGc]` conversions.
  4233  * `def` statements may be nested (option: `-nesteddef`).
  4234  * `lambda` expressions are supported (option: `-lambda`).
  4235  * String elements are bytes.
  4236  * Non-ASCII strings are encoded using UTF-8.
  4237  * Strings support octal and hex byte escapes.
  4238  * Strings have the additional methods `elem_ords`, `codepoint_ords`, and `codepoints`.
  4239  * The `chr` and `ord` built-in functions are supported.
  4240  * The `set` built-in function is provided (option: `-set`).
  4241  * `set & set` and `set | set` compute set intersection and union, respectively.
  4242  * `assert` is a valid identifier.
  4243  * Dot expressions may appear on the left side of an assignment: `x.f = 1`.
  4244  * `type(x)` returns `"builtin_function_or_method"` for built-in functions.
  4245  * `if`, `for`, and `while` are permitted at top level (option: `-globalreassign`).
  4246  * top-level rebindings are permitted (option: `-globalreassign`).