
     1  // Package compile defines the exprcore bytecode compiler.
     2  // It is an internal package of the exprcore interpreter and is not directly accessible to clients.
     3  //
     4  // The compiler generates byte code with optional uint32 operands for a
     5  // virtual machine with the following components:
     6  //   - a program counter, which is an index into the byte code array.
     7  //   - an operand stack, whose maximum size is computed for each function by the compiler.
     8  //   - an stack of active iterators.
     9  //   - an array of local variables.
    10  //     The number of local variables and their indices are computed by the resolver.
    11  //     Locals (possibly including parameters) that are shared with nested functions
    12  //     are 'cells': their locals array slot will contain a value of type 'cell',
    13  //     an indirect value in a box that is explicitly read/updated by instructions.
    14  //   - an array of free variables, for nested functions.
    15  //     Free variables are a subset of the ancestors' cell variables.
    16  //     As with locals and cells, these are computed by the resolver.
    17  //   - an array of global variables, shared among all functions in the same module.
    18  //     All elements are initially nil.
    19  //   - two maps of predeclared and universal identifiers.
    20  //
    21  // Each function has a line number table that maps each program counter
    22  // offset to a source position, including the column number.
    23  //
    24  // Operands, logically uint32s, are encoded using little-endian 7-bit
    25  // varints, the top bit indicating that more bytes follow.
    26  //
    27  package compile // import ""
    29  import (
    30  	"bytes"
    31  	"fmt"
    32  	"hash"
    33  	"log"
    34  	"os"
    35  	"path/filepath"
    36  	"sort"
    37  	"strconv"
    38  	"sync"
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  )
    45  // Disassemble causes the assembly code for each function
    46  // to be printed to stderr as it is generated.
    47  var Disassemble = false
    49  const debug = false // make code generation verbose, for debugging the compiler
    51  // Increment this to force recompilation of saved bytecode files.
    52  const Version = 10
    54  type Opcode uint8
    56  // "x DUP x x" is a "stack picture" that describes the state of the
    57  // stack before and after execution of the instruction.
    58  //
    59  // OP<index> indicates an immediate operand that is an index into the
    60  // specified table: locals, names, freevars, constants.
    61  const (
    62  	NOP Opcode = iota // - NOP -
    64  	// stack operations
    65  	DUP  //   x DUP x x
    66  	DUP2 // x y DUP2 x y x y
    67  	POP  //   x POP -
    68  	EXCH // x y EXCH y x
    70  	// binary comparisons
    71  	// (order must match Token)
    72  	LT
    73  	GT
    74  	GE
    75  	LE
    76  	EQL
    77  	NEQ
    79  	// binary arithmetic
    80  	// (order must match Token)
    81  	PLUS
    82  	MINUS
    83  	STAR
    84  	SLASH
    86  	PERCENT
    87  	AMP
    88  	PIPE
    90  	LTLT
    91  	GTGT
    93  	IN
    95  	// unary operators
    96  	UPLUS  // x UPLUS x
    97  	UMINUS // x UMINUS -x
    98  	TILDE  // x TILDE ~x
   100  	NONE      // - NONE None
   101  	TRUE      // - TRUE True
   102  	FALSE     // - FALSE False
   103  	MANDATORY // - MANDATORY Mandatory	     [sentinel value for required kwonly args]
   105  	ITERPUSH    //       iterable ITERPUSH    -  [pushes the iterator stack]
   106  	ITERPOP     //              - ITERPOP     -    [pops the iterator stack]
   107  	NOT         //          value NOT         bool
   108  	RETURN      //          value RETURN      -
   109  	SETINDEX    //        a i new SETINDEX    -
   110  	INDEX       //            a i INDEX       elem
   111  	SETDICT     // dict key value SETDICT     -
   112  	SETDICTUNIQ // dict key value SETDICTUNIQ -
   113  	APPEND      //      list elem APPEND      -
   114  	SLICE       //   x lo hi step SLICE       slice
   115  	INPLACE_ADD //            x y INPLACE_ADD z      where z is x+y or x.extend(y)
   116  	MAKEDICT    //              - MAKEDICT    dict
   117  	MAKEPROTO   //              - MAKEPROTO   proto
   118  	SETPROTOKEY //      proto k v SETDICTUNIQ -
   119  	SETCELL     //     value cell SETCELL     -
   120  	CELL        //           cell CELL        value
   121  	IMPORT      //   ns name args IMPORT              value
   123  	// --- opcodes with an argument must go below this line ---
   125  	// control flow
   126  	JMP     //            - JMP<addr>     -
   127  	CJMP    //         cond CJMP<addr>    -
   128  	ITERJMP //            - ITERJMP<addr> elem   (and fall through) [acts on topmost iterator]
   129  	//       or:          - ITERJMP<addr> -      (and jump)
   131  	CONSTANT    //                 - CONSTANT<constant>  value
   132  	MAKETUPLE   //         x1 ... xn MAKETUPLE<n>        tuple
   133  	MAKELIST    //         x1 ... xn MAKELIST<n>         list
   134  	MAKEFUNC    // defaults+freevars MAKEFUNC<func>      fn
   135  	LOAD        //   from1 ... fromN module LOAD<n>      v1 ... vN
   136  	SETLOCAL    //             value SETLOCAL<local>     -
   137  	SETGLOBAL   //             value SETGLOBAL<global>   -
   138  	LOCAL       //                 - LOCAL<local>        value
   139  	FREE        //                 - FREE<freevar>       cell
   140  	GLOBAL      //                 - GLOBAL<global>      value
   141  	AT          //                 - AT<name>            value
   142  	PREDECLARED //                 - PREDECLARED<name>   value
   143  	UNIVERSAL   //                 - UNIVERSAL<name>     value
   144  	ATTR        //                 x ATTR<name>          y           y =
   145  	SETFIELD    //               x y SETFIELD<name>      -  = y
   146  	UNPACK      //          iterable UNPACK<n>           vn ... v1
   148  	SHELL //         x1 ... xn SHELL               value
   150  	// n>>8 is #positional args and n&0xff is #named args (pairs).
   151  	CALL        // fn positional named                CALL<n>        result
   152  	CALL_VAR    // fn positional named *args          CALL_VAR<n>    result
   153  	CALL_KW     // fn positional named       **kwargs CALL_KW<n>     result
   154  	CALL_VAR_KW // fn positional named *args **kwargs CALL_VAR_KW<n> result
   156  	OpcodeArgMin = JMP
   157  	OpcodeMax    = CALL_VAR_KW
   158  )
   160  // TODO(adonovan): add dynamic checks for missing opcodes in the tables below.
   162  var opcodeNames = [...]string{
   163  	AMP:         "amp",
   164  	APPEND:      "append",
   165  	AT:          "at",
   166  	ATTR:        "attr",
   167  	CALL:        "call",
   168  	CALL_KW:     "call_kw ",
   169  	CALL_VAR:    "call_var",
   170  	CALL_VAR_KW: "call_var_kw",
   171  	CELL:        "cell",
   172  	CIRCUMFLEX:  "circumflex",
   173  	CJMP:        "cjmp",
   174  	CONSTANT:    "constant",
   175  	DUP2:        "dup2",
   176  	DUP:         "dup",
   177  	EQL:         "eql",
   178  	EXCH:        "exch",
   179  	FALSE:       "false",
   180  	FREE:        "free",
   181  	GE:          "ge",
   182  	GLOBAL:      "global",
   183  	GT:          "gt",
   184  	GTGT:        "gtgt",
   185  	IN:          "in",
   186  	INDEX:       "index",
   187  	INPLACE_ADD: "inplace_add",
   188  	ITERJMP:     "iterjmp",
   189  	ITERPOP:     "iterpop",
   190  	ITERPUSH:    "iterpush",
   191  	JMP:         "jmp",
   192  	LE:          "le",
   193  	LOAD:        "load",
   194  	LOCAL:       "local",
   195  	LT:          "lt",
   196  	LTLT:        "ltlt",
   197  	MAKEDICT:    "makedict",
   198  	MAKEFUNC:    "makefunc",
   199  	MAKELIST:    "makelist",
   200  	MAKETUPLE:   "maketuple",
   201  	MANDATORY:   "mandatory",
   202  	MINUS:       "minus",
   203  	NEQ:         "neq",
   204  	NONE:        "none",
   205  	NOP:         "nop",
   206  	NOT:         "not",
   207  	PERCENT:     "percent",
   208  	PIPE:        "pipe",
   209  	PLUS:        "plus",
   210  	POP:         "pop",
   211  	PREDECLARED: "predeclared",
   212  	RETURN:      "return",
   213  	SETCELL:     "setcell",
   214  	SETDICT:     "setdict",
   215  	SETDICTUNIQ: "setdictuniq",
   216  	SETFIELD:    "setfield",
   217  	SETGLOBAL:   "setglobal",
   218  	SETINDEX:    "setindex",
   219  	SETLOCAL:    "setlocal",
   220  	SLASH:       "slash",
   221  	SLASHSLASH:  "slashslash",
   222  	SLICE:       "slice",
   223  	STAR:        "star",
   224  	TILDE:       "tilde",
   225  	TRUE:        "true",
   226  	UMINUS:      "uminus",
   227  	UNIVERSAL:   "universal",
   228  	UNPACK:      "unpack",
   229  	UPLUS:       "uplus",
   230  	SHELL:       "shell",
   231  	IMPORT:      "import",
   232  }
   234  const variableStackEffect = 0x7f
   236  // stackEffect records the effect on the size of the operand stack of
   237  // each kind of instruction. For some instructions this requires computation.
   238  var stackEffect = [...]int8{
   239  	AMP:         -1,
   240  	APPEND:      -2,
   241  	AT:          +1,
   242  	ATTR:        0,
   243  	CALL:        variableStackEffect,
   244  	CALL_KW:     variableStackEffect,
   245  	CALL_VAR:    variableStackEffect,
   246  	CALL_VAR_KW: variableStackEffect,
   247  	CELL:        0,
   248  	CIRCUMFLEX:  -1,
   249  	CJMP:        -1,
   250  	CONSTANT:    +1,
   251  	DUP2:        +2,
   252  	DUP:         +1,
   253  	EQL:         -1,
   254  	FALSE:       +1,
   255  	FREE:        +1,
   256  	GE:          -1,
   257  	GLOBAL:      +1,
   258  	GT:          -1,
   259  	GTGT:        -1,
   260  	IN:          -1,
   261  	INDEX:       -1,
   262  	INPLACE_ADD: -1,
   263  	ITERJMP:     variableStackEffect,
   264  	ITERPOP:     0,
   265  	ITERPUSH:    -1,
   266  	JMP:         0,
   267  	LE:          -1,
   268  	LOAD:        -1,
   269  	IMPORT:      -2,
   270  	LOCAL:       +1,
   271  	LT:          -1,
   272  	LTLT:        -1,
   273  	MAKEDICT:    +1,
   274  	MAKEPROTO:   +1,
   275  	MAKEFUNC:    0,
   276  	MAKELIST:    variableStackEffect,
   277  	MAKETUPLE:   variableStackEffect,
   278  	SHELL:       variableStackEffect,
   279  	MANDATORY:   +1,
   280  	MINUS:       -1,
   281  	NEQ:         -1,
   282  	NONE:        +1,
   283  	NOP:         0,
   284  	NOT:         0,
   285  	PERCENT:     -1,
   286  	PIPE:        -1,
   287  	PLUS:        -1,
   288  	POP:         -1,
   289  	PREDECLARED: +1,
   290  	RETURN:      -1,
   291  	SETCELL:     -2,
   292  	SETDICT:     -3,
   293  	SETDICTUNIQ: -3,
   294  	SETPROTOKEY: -3,
   295  	SETFIELD:    -2,
   296  	SETGLOBAL:   -1,
   297  	SETINDEX:    -3,
   298  	SETLOCAL:    -1,
   299  	SLASH:       -1,
   300  	SLASHSLASH:  -1,
   301  	SLICE:       -3,
   302  	STAR:        -1,
   303  	TRUE:        +1,
   304  	UMINUS:      0,
   305  	UNIVERSAL:   +1,
   306  	UNPACK:      variableStackEffect,
   307  	UPLUS:       0,
   308  }
   310  func (op Opcode) String() string {
   311  	if op < OpcodeMax {
   312  		if name := opcodeNames[op]; name != "" {
   313  			return name
   314  		}
   315  	}
   316  	return fmt.Sprintf("illegal op (%d)", op)
   317  }
   319  // A Program is a exprcore file in executable form.
   320  //
   321  // Programs are serialized by the Program.Encode method,
   322  // which must be updated whenever this declaration is changed.
   323  type Program struct {
   324  	Loads     []Binding     // name (really, string) and position of each load stmt
   325  	Names     []string      // names of attributes and predeclared variables
   326  	Constants []interface{} // = string | int64 | float64 | *big.Int
   327  	Functions []*Funcode
   328  	Globals   []Binding // for error messages and tracing
   329  	Toplevel  *Funcode  // module initialization function
   330  }
   332  // A Funcode is the code of a compiled exprcore function.
   333  //
   334  // Funcodes are serialized by the encoder.function method,
   335  // which must be updated whenever this declaration is changed.
   336  type Funcode struct {
   337  	Prog                  *Program
   338  	Pos                   syntax.Position // position of def or lambda token
   339  	Name                  string          // name of this function
   340  	Doc                   string          // docstring of this function
   341  	Code                  []byte          // the byte code
   342  	pclinetab             []uint16        // mapping from pc to linenum
   343  	Locals                []Binding       // locals, parameters first
   344  	Cells                 []int           // indices of Locals that require cells
   345  	Freevars              []Binding       // for tracing
   346  	MaxStack              int
   347  	NumParams             int
   348  	NumKwonlyParams       int
   349  	HasVarargs, HasKwargs bool
   350  	SubFunctions          []uint32
   351  	Constants             []int
   352  	Signature             []byte
   354  	// -- transient state --
   356  	lntOnce sync.Once
   357  	lnt     []pclinecol // decoded line number table
   358  }
   360  type pclinecol struct {
   361  	pc        uint32
   362  	line, col int32
   363  }
   365  // A Binding is the name and position of a binding identifier.
   366  type Binding struct {
   367  	Name string
   368  	Pos  syntax.Position
   369  }
   371  // A pcomp holds the compiler state for a Program.
   372  type pcomp struct {
   373  	prog *Program // what we're building
   375  	names     map[string]uint32
   376  	constants map[interface{}]uint32
   377  	functions map[*Funcode]uint32
   378  }
   380  // An fcomp holds the compiler state for a Funcode.
   381  type fcomp struct {
   382  	fn *Funcode // what we're building
   384  	pcomp *pcomp
   385  	pos   syntax.Position // current position of generated code
   386  	loops []loop
   387  	block *block
   389  	constants map[uint32]struct{}
   391  	h hash.Hash
   392  }
   394  type loop struct {
   395  	break_, continue_ *block
   396  }
   398  type block struct {
   399  	insns []insn
   401  	// If the last insn is a RETURN, jmp and cjmp are nil.
   402  	// If the last insn is a CJMP or ITERJMP,
   403  	//  cjmp and jmp are the "true" and "false" successors.
   404  	// Otherwise, jmp is the sole successor.
   405  	jmp, cjmp *block
   407  	initialstack int // for stack depth computation
   409  	// Used during encoding
   410  	index int // -1 => not encoded yet
   411  	addr  uint32
   412  }
   414  type insn struct {
   415  	op        Opcode
   416  	arg       uint32
   417  	line, col int32
   418  }
   420  // Position returns the source position for program counter pc.
   421  func (fn *Funcode) Position(pc uint32) syntax.Position {
   422  	fn.lntOnce.Do(fn.decodeLNT)
   424  	// Binary search to find last LNT entry not greater than pc.
   425  	// To avoid dynamic dispatch, this is a specialization of
   426  	// sort.Search using this predicate:
   427  	//   !(i < len(fn.lnt)-1 && fn.lnt[i+1].pc <= pc)
   428  	n := len(fn.lnt)
   429  	i, j := 0, n
   430  	for i < j {
   431  		h := int(uint(i+j) >> 1)
   432  		if !(h >= n-1 || fn.lnt[h+1].pc > pc) {
   433  			i = h + 1
   434  		} else {
   435  			j = h
   436  		}
   437  	}
   439  	var line, col int32
   440  	if i < n {
   441  		line = fn.lnt[i].line
   442  		col = fn.lnt[i].col
   443  	}
   445  	pos := fn.Pos // copy the (annoyingly inaccessible) filename
   446  	pos.Col = col
   447  	pos.Line = line
   448  	return pos
   449  }
   451  // decodeLNT decodes the line number table and populates fn.lnt.
   452  // It is called at most once.
   453  func (fn *Funcode) decodeLNT() {
   454  	// Conceptually the table contains rows of the form
   455  	// (pc uint32, line int32, col int32), sorted by pc.
   456  	// We use a delta encoding, since the differences
   457  	// between successive pc, line, and column values
   458  	// are typically small and positive (though line and
   459  	// especially column differences may be negative).
   460  	// The delta encoding starts from
   461  	// {pc: 0, line: fn.Pos.Line, col: fn.Pos.Col}.
   462  	//
   463  	// Each entry is packed into one or more 16-bit values:
   464  	//    Δpc        uint4
   465  	//    Δline      int5
   466  	//    Δcol       int6
   467  	//    incomplete uint1
   468  	// The top 4 bits are the unsigned delta pc.
   469  	// The next 5 bits are the signed line number delta.
   470  	// The next 6 bits are the signed column number delta.
   471  	// The bottom bit indicates that more rows follow because
   472  	// one of the deltas was maxed out.
   473  	// These field widths were chosen from a sample of real programs,
   474  	// and allow >97% of rows to be encoded in a single uint16.
   476  	fn.lnt = make([]pclinecol, 0, len(fn.pclinetab)) // a minor overapproximation
   477  	entry := pclinecol{
   478  		pc:   0,
   479  		line: fn.Pos.Line,
   480  		col:  fn.Pos.Col,
   481  	}
   482  	for _, x := range fn.pclinetab {
   483  		entry.pc += uint32(x) >> 12
   484  		entry.line += int32((int16(x) << 4) >> (16 - 5)) // sign extend Δline
   485  		entry.col += int32((int16(x) << 9) >> (16 - 6))  // sign extend Δcol
   486  		if (x & 1) == 0 {
   487  			fn.lnt = append(fn.lnt, entry)
   488  		}
   489  	}
   490  }
   492  // bindings converts resolve.Bindings to compiled form.
   493  func bindings(bindings []*resolve.Binding) []Binding {
   494  	res := make([]Binding, len(bindings))
   495  	for i, bind := range bindings {
   496  		res[i].Name = bind.First.Name
   497  		res[i].Pos = bind.First.NamePos
   498  	}
   499  	return res
   500  }
   502  // Expr compiles an expression to a program whose toplevel function evaluates it.
   503  func Expr(expr syntax.Expr, name string, locals []*resolve.Binding) *Program {
   504  	pos := syntax.Start(expr)
   505  	stmts := []syntax.Stmt{&syntax.ReturnStmt{Result: expr}}
   506  	return File(stmts, pos, name, locals, nil)
   507  }
   509  // File compiles the statements of a file into a program.
   510  func File(stmts []syntax.Stmt, pos syntax.Position, name string, locals, globals []*resolve.Binding) *Program {
   511  	pcomp := &pcomp{
   512  		prog: &Program{
   513  			Globals: bindings(globals),
   514  		},
   515  		names:     make(map[string]uint32),
   516  		constants: make(map[interface{}]uint32),
   517  		functions: make(map[*Funcode]uint32),
   518  	}
   519  	pcomp.prog.Toplevel = pcomp.function(name, pos, stmts, locals, nil)
   521  	return pcomp.prog
   522  }
   524  func (pcomp *pcomp) function(name string, pos syntax.Position, stmts []syntax.Stmt, locals, freevars []*resolve.Binding) *Funcode {
   525  	h, _ := blake2b.New256(nil)
   527  	fcomp := &fcomp{
   528  		pcomp: pcomp,
   529  		pos:   pos,
   530  		fn: &Funcode{
   531  			Prog:     pcomp.prog,
   532  			Pos:      pos,
   533  			Name:     name,
   534  			Doc:      docStringFromBody(stmts),
   535  			Locals:   bindings(locals),
   536  			Freevars: bindings(freevars),
   537  		},
   538  		constants: make(map[uint32]struct{}),
   539  		h:         h,
   540  	}
   542  	// Record indices of locals that require cells.
   543  	for i, local := range locals {
   544  		if local.Scope == resolve.Cell {
   545  			fcomp.fn.Cells = append(fcomp.fn.Cells, i)
   546  		}
   547  	}
   549  	if debug {
   550  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "start function(%s @ %s)\n", name, pos)
   551  	}
   553  	// Convert AST to a CFG of instructions.
   554  	entry := fcomp.newBlock()
   555  	fcomp.block = entry
   556  	fcomp.stmts(stmts)
   557  	if fcomp.block != nil {
   558  		if len(fcomp.block.insns) == 0 {
   559  			fcomp.emit(NONE)
   560  		}
   562  		fcomp.emit(RETURN)
   563  	}
   565  	var oops bool // something bad happened
   567  	setinitialstack := func(b *block, depth int) {
   568  		if b.initialstack == -1 {
   569  			b.initialstack = depth
   570  		} else if b.initialstack != depth {
   571  			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d: setinitialstack: depth mismatch: %d vs %d\n",
   572  				b.index, b.initialstack, depth)
   573  			oops = true
   574  		}
   575  	}
   577  	// Linearize the CFG:
   578  	// compute order, address, and initial
   579  	// stack depth of each reachable block.
   580  	var pc uint32
   581  	var blocks []*block
   582  	var maxstack int
   583  	var visit func(b *block)
   584  	visit = func(b *block) {
   585  		if b.index >= 0 {
   586  			return // already visited
   587  		}
   588  		b.index = len(blocks)
   589  		b.addr = pc
   590  		blocks = append(blocks, b)
   592  		stack := b.initialstack
   593  		if debug {
   594  			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s block %d: (stack = %d)\n", name, b.index, stack)
   595  		}
   596  		var cjmpAddr *uint32
   597  		var isiterjmp int
   598  		for i, insn := range b.insns {
   599  			pc++
   601  			// Compute size of argument.
   602  			if insn.op >= OpcodeArgMin {
   603  				switch insn.op {
   604  				case ITERJMP:
   605  					isiterjmp = 1
   606  					fallthrough
   607  				case CJMP:
   608  					cjmpAddr = &b.insns[i].arg
   609  					pc += 4
   610  				default:
   611  					pc += uint32(argLen(insn.arg))
   612  				}
   613  			}
   615  			// Compute effect on stack.
   616  			se := insn.stackeffect()
   617  			if debug {
   618  				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\t", insn.op, stack, stack+se)
   619  			}
   621  			stack += se
   622  			if stack < 0 {
   623  				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "After pc=%d: stack underflow\n", pc)
   624  				oops = true
   625  			}
   626  			if stack+isiterjmp > maxstack {
   627  				maxstack = stack + isiterjmp
   628  			}
   629  		}
   631  		if debug {
   632  			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "successors of block %d (start=%d):\n",
   633  				b.addr, b.index)
   634  			if != nil {
   635  				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "jmp to %d\n",
   636  			}
   637  			if b.cjmp != nil {
   638  				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cjmp to %d\n", b.cjmp.index)
   639  			}
   640  		}
   642  		// Place the jmp block next.
   643  		if != nil {
   644  			// jump threading (empty cycles are impossible)
   645  			for == nil {
   646 =
   647  			}
   649  			setinitialstack(, stack+isiterjmp)
   650  			if < 0 {
   651  				// Successor is not yet visited:
   652  				// place it next and fall through.
   653  				visit(
   654  			} else {
   655  				// Successor already visited;
   656  				// explicit backward jump required.
   657  				pc += 5
   658  			}
   659  		}
   661  		// Then the cjmp block.
   662  		if b.cjmp != nil {
   663  			// jump threading (empty cycles are impossible)
   664  			for b.cjmp.insns == nil {
   665  				b.cjmp =
   666  			}
   668  			setinitialstack(b.cjmp, stack)
   669  			visit(b.cjmp)
   671  			// Patch the CJMP/ITERJMP, if present.
   672  			if cjmpAddr != nil {
   673  				*cjmpAddr = b.cjmp.addr
   674  			}
   675  		}
   676  	}
   677  	setinitialstack(entry, 0)
   678  	visit(entry)
   680  	fn := fcomp.fn
   681  	fn.MaxStack = maxstack
   683  	var constants []int
   685  	for k := range fcomp.constants {
   686  		constants = append(constants, int(k))
   687  	}
   689  	sort.Ints(constants)
   691  	fn.Constants = constants
   693  	// Emit bytecode (and position table).
   694  	if Disassemble {
   695  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Function %s: (%d blocks, %d bytes)\n", name, len(blocks), pc)
   696  	}
   697  	fcomp.generate(blocks, pc)
   699  	fn.Signature = fcomp.h.Sum(nil)
   701  	if debug {
   702  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "code=%d maxstack=%d\n", fn.Code, fn.MaxStack)
   703  	}
   705  	// Don't panic until we've completed printing of the function.
   706  	if oops {
   707  		panic("internal error")
   708  	}
   710  	if debug {
   711  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "end function(%s @ %s)\n", name, pos)
   712  	}
   714  	return fn
   715  }
   717  func docStringFromBody(body []syntax.Stmt) string {
   718  	if len(body) == 0 {
   719  		return ""
   720  	}
   721  	expr, ok := body[0].(*syntax.ExprStmt)
   722  	if !ok {
   723  		return ""
   724  	}
   725  	lit, ok := expr.X.(*syntax.Literal)
   726  	if !ok {
   727  		return ""
   728  	}
   729  	if lit.Token != syntax.STRING {
   730  		return ""
   731  	}
   732  	return lit.Value.(string)
   733  }
   735  func (insn *insn) stackeffect() int {
   736  	se := int(stackEffect[insn.op])
   737  	if se == variableStackEffect {
   738  		arg := int(insn.arg)
   739  		switch insn.op {
   740  		case CALL, CALL_KW, CALL_VAR, CALL_VAR_KW:
   741  			se = -int(2*(insn.arg&0xff) + insn.arg>>8)
   742  			if insn.op != CALL {
   743  				se--
   744  			}
   745  			if insn.op == CALL_VAR_KW {
   746  				se--
   747  			}
   748  		case ITERJMP:
   749  			// Stack effect differs by successor:
   750  			// +1 for jmp/false/ok
   751  			//  0 for cjmp/true/exhausted
   752  			// Handled specially in caller.
   753  			se = 0
   755  			se = 1 - arg
   756  		case UNPACK:
   757  			se = arg - 1
   758  		default:
   759  			panic(insn.op)
   760  		}
   761  	}
   762  	return se
   763  }
   765  // generate emits the linear instruction stream from the CFG,
   766  // and builds the PC-to-line number table.
   767  func (fcomp *fcomp) generate(blocks []*block, codelen uint32) {
   768  	code := make([]byte, 0, codelen)
   769  	var pclinetab []uint16
   770  	prev := pclinecol{
   771  		pc:   0,
   772  		line: fcomp.fn.Pos.Line,
   773  		col:  fcomp.fn.Pos.Col,
   774  	}
   776  	for _, b := range blocks {
   777  		if Disassemble {
   778  			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d:\n", b.index)
   779  		}
   780  		pc := b.addr
   781  		for _, insn := range b.insns {
   782  			if insn.line != 0 {
   783  				// Instruction has a source position.  Delta-encode it.
   784  				// See Funcode.Position for the encoding.
   785  				for {
   786  					var incomplete uint16
   788  					// Δpc, uint4
   789  					deltapc := pc - prev.pc
   790  					if deltapc > 0x0f {
   791  						deltapc = 0x0f
   792  						incomplete = 1
   793  					}
   794  					prev.pc += deltapc
   796  					// Δline, int5
   797  					deltaline, ok := clip(insn.line-prev.line, -0x10, 0x0f)
   798  					if !ok {
   799  						incomplete = 1
   800  					}
   801  					prev.line += deltaline
   803  					// Δcol, int6
   804  					deltacol, ok := clip(insn.col-prev.col, -0x20, 0x1f)
   805  					if !ok {
   806  						incomplete = 1
   807  					}
   808  					prev.col += deltacol
   810  					entry := uint16(deltapc<<12) | uint16(deltaline&0x1f)<<7 | uint16(deltacol&0x3f)<<1 | incomplete
   811  					pclinetab = append(pclinetab, entry)
   812  					if incomplete == 0 {
   813  						break
   814  					}
   815  				}
   817  				if Disassemble {
   818  					fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t\t\t\t\t; %s:%d:%d\n",
   819  						filepath.Base(fcomp.fn.Pos.Filename()), insn.line, insn.col)
   820  				}
   821  			}
   823  			switch insn.op {
   824  			case CONSTANT:
   825  				fmt.Fprintf(fcomp.h, "%d:%s\n", insn.op, fcomp.fn.Prog.Constants[insn.arg])
   826  			case SETGLOBAL, GLOBAL:
   827  				fmt.Fprintf(fcomp.h, "%d:%s\n", insn.op, fcomp.fn.Prog.Globals[insn.arg].Name)
   829  				fmt.Fprintf(fcomp.h, "%d:%s\n", insn.op, fcomp.fn.Prog.Names[insn.arg])
   830  			case FREE:
   831  				fmt.Fprintf(fcomp.h, "%d:%s\n", insn.op, fcomp.fn.Freevars[insn.arg].Name)
   832  			case MAKEFUNC:
   833  				// We write the signature of the sub function here, to avoid changing
   834  				// if the same function gets moved in the program function list.
   835  				fmt.Fprintf(fcomp.h, "%d:-\n", insn.op)
   837  				subfn := fcomp.fn.Prog.Functions[insn.arg]
   838  				if len(subfn.Signature) == 0 {
   839  					panic("signature not set on subfn")
   840  				}
   842  				fcomp.h.Write(subfn.Signature)
   843  			default:
   844  				fmt.Fprintf(fcomp.h, "%d:%d\n", insn.op, insn.arg)
   845  			}
   847  			if Disassemble {
   848  				PrintOp(fcomp.fn, pc, insn.op, insn.arg)
   849  			}
   850  			code = append(code, byte(insn.op))
   851  			pc++
   852  			if insn.op >= OpcodeArgMin {
   853  				if insn.op == CJMP || insn.op == ITERJMP {
   854  					code = addUint32(code, insn.arg, 4) // pad arg to 4 bytes
   855  				} else {
   856  					code = addUint32(code, insn.arg, 0)
   857  				}
   858  				pc = uint32(len(code))
   859  			}
   860  		}
   862  		if != nil && != b.index+1 {
   863  			addr :=
   864  			if Disassemble {
   865  				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%d\tjmp\t\t%d\t; block %d\n",
   866  					pc, addr,
   867  			}
   868  			code = append(code, byte(JMP))
   869  			code = addUint32(code, addr, 4)
   870  		}
   871  	}
   872  	if len(code) != int(codelen) {
   873  		panic("internal error: wrong code length")
   874  	}
   876  	fcomp.fn.pclinetab = pclinetab
   877  	fcomp.fn.Code = code
   878  }
   880  // clip returns the value nearest x in the range [min...max],
   881  // and whether it equals x.
   882  func clip(x, min, max int32) (int32, bool) {
   883  	if x > max {
   884  		return max, false
   885  	} else if x < min {
   886  		return min, false
   887  	} else {
   888  		return x, true
   889  	}
   890  }
   892  // addUint32 encodes x as 7-bit little-endian varint.
   893  // TODO(adonovan): opt: steal top two bits of opcode
   894  // to encode the number of complete bytes that follow.
   895  func addUint32(code []byte, x uint32, min int) []byte {
   896  	end := len(code) + min
   897  	for x >= 0x80 {
   898  		code = append(code, byte(x)|0x80)
   899  		x >>= 7
   900  	}
   901  	code = append(code, byte(x))
   902  	// Pad the operand with NOPs to exactly min bytes.
   903  	for len(code) < end {
   904  		code = append(code, byte(NOP))
   905  	}
   906  	return code
   907  }
   909  func argLen(x uint32) int {
   910  	n := 0
   911  	for x >= 0x80 {
   912  		n++
   913  		x >>= 7
   914  	}
   915  	return n + 1
   916  }
   918  // PrintOp prints an instruction.
   919  // It is provided for debugging.
   920  func PrintOp(fn *Funcode, pc uint32, op Opcode, arg uint32) {
   921  	if op < OpcodeArgMin {
   922  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%d\t%s\n", pc, op)
   923  		return
   924  	}
   926  	var comment string
   927  	switch op {
   928  	case CONSTANT:
   929  		switch x := fn.Prog.Constants[arg].(type) {
   930  		case string:
   931  			comment = strconv.Quote(x)
   932  		default:
   933  			comment = fmt.Sprint(x)
   934  		}
   935  	case MAKEFUNC:
   936  		comment = fn.Prog.Functions[arg].Name
   937  	case SETLOCAL, LOCAL:
   938  		comment = fn.Locals[arg].Name
   939  	case SETGLOBAL, GLOBAL:
   940  		comment = fn.Prog.Globals[arg].Name
   942  		comment = fn.Prog.Names[arg]
   943  	case FREE:
   944  		comment = fn.Freevars[arg].Name
   946  		comment = fmt.Sprintf("%d pos, %d named", arg>>8, arg&0xff)
   947  	default:
   949  		// arg is just a number
   950  	}
   951  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   952  	fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%d\t%-10s\t%d", pc, op, arg)
   953  	if comment != "" {
   954  		fmt.Fprint(&buf, "\t; ", comment)
   955  	}
   956  	fmt.Fprintln(&buf)
   957  	os.Stderr.Write(buf.Bytes())
   958  }
   960  // newBlock returns a new block.
   961  func (fcomp) newBlock() *block {
   962  	return &block{index: -1, initialstack: -1}
   963  }
   965  // emit emits an instruction to the current block.
   966  func (fcomp *fcomp) emit(op Opcode) {
   967  	if op >= OpcodeArgMin {
   968  		panic("missing arg: " + op.String())
   969  	}
   970  	insn := insn{op: op, line: fcomp.pos.Line, col: fcomp.pos.Col}
   971  	fcomp.block.insns = append(fcomp.block.insns, insn)
   972  	fcomp.pos.Line = 0
   973  	fcomp.pos.Col = 0
   974  }
   976  // emit1 emits an instruction with an immediate operand.
   977  func (fcomp *fcomp) emit1(op Opcode, arg uint32) {
   978  	if op < OpcodeArgMin {
   979  		panic("unwanted arg: " + op.String())
   980  	}
   981  	insn := insn{op: op, arg: arg, line: fcomp.pos.Line, col: fcomp.pos.Col}
   982  	fcomp.block.insns = append(fcomp.block.insns, insn)
   983  	fcomp.pos.Line = 0
   984  	fcomp.pos.Col = 0
   985  }
   987  // jump emits a jump to the specified block.
   988  // On return, the current block is unset.
   989  func (fcomp *fcomp) jump(b *block) {
   990  	if b == fcomp.block {
   991  		panic("self-jump") // unreachable: exprcore has no arbitrary looping constructs
   992  	}
   993 = b
   994  	fcomp.block = nil
   995  }
   997  // condjump emits a conditional jump (CJMP or ITERJMP)
   998  // to the specified true/false blocks.
   999  // (For ITERJMP, the cases are jmp/f/ok and cjmp/t/exhausted.)
  1000  // On return, the current block is unset.
  1001  func (fcomp *fcomp) condjump(op Opcode, t, f *block) {
  1002  	if !(op == CJMP || op == ITERJMP) {
  1003  		panic("not a conditional jump: " + op.String())
  1004  	}
  1005  	fcomp.emit1(op, 0) // fill in address later
  1006  	fcomp.block.cjmp = t
  1007  	fcomp.jump(f)
  1008  }
  1010  // nameIndex returns the index of the specified name
  1011  // within the name pool, adding it if necessary.
  1012  func (pcomp *pcomp) nameIndex(name string) uint32 {
  1013  	index, ok := pcomp.names[name]
  1014  	if !ok {
  1015  		index = uint32(len(pcomp.prog.Names))
  1016  		pcomp.names[name] = index
  1017  		pcomp.prog.Names = append(pcomp.prog.Names, name)
  1018  	}
  1019  	return index
  1020  }
  1022  // constantIndex returns the index of the specified constant
  1023  // within the constant pool, adding it if necessary.
  1024  func (pcomp *pcomp) constantIndex(v interface{}) uint32 {
  1025  	index, ok := pcomp.constants[v]
  1026  	if !ok {
  1027  		index = uint32(len(pcomp.prog.Constants))
  1028  		pcomp.constants[v] = index
  1029  		pcomp.prog.Constants = append(pcomp.prog.Constants, v)
  1030  	}
  1031  	return index
  1032  }
  1034  // functionIndex returns the index of the specified function
  1035  // AST the nestedfun pool, adding it if necessary.
  1036  func (pcomp *pcomp) functionIndex(fn *Funcode) uint32 {
  1037  	index, ok := pcomp.functions[fn]
  1038  	if !ok {
  1039  		index = uint32(len(pcomp.prog.Functions))
  1040  		pcomp.functions[fn] = index
  1041  		pcomp.prog.Functions = append(pcomp.prog.Functions, fn)
  1042  	}
  1043  	return index
  1044  }
  1046  // string emits code to push the specified string.
  1047  func (fcomp *fcomp) string(s string) {
  1048  	idx := fcomp.pcomp.constantIndex(s)
  1049  	fcomp.constants[idx] = struct{}{}
  1050  	fcomp.emit1(CONSTANT, idx)
  1051  }
  1053  // setPos sets the current source position.
  1054  // It should be called prior to any operation that can fail dynamically.
  1055  // All positions are assumed to belong to the same file.
  1056  func (fcomp *fcomp) setPos(pos syntax.Position) {
  1057  	fcomp.pos = pos
  1058  }
  1060  // set emits code to store the top-of-stack value
  1061  // to the specified local, cell, or global variable.
  1062  func (fcomp *fcomp) set(id *syntax.Ident) {
  1063  	bind := id.Binding.(*resolve.Binding)
  1064  	switch bind.Scope {
  1065  	case resolve.Local:
  1066  		fcomp.emit1(SETLOCAL, uint32(bind.Index))
  1067  	case resolve.Cell:
  1068  		// TODO(adonovan): opt: make a single op for LOCAL<n>, SETCELL.
  1069  		fcomp.emit1(LOCAL, uint32(bind.Index))
  1070  		fcomp.emit(SETCELL)
  1071  	case resolve.Global:
  1072  		fcomp.emit1(SETGLOBAL, uint32(bind.Index))
  1073  	default:
  1074  		log.Panicf("%s: set(%s): not global/local/cell (%d)", id.NamePos, id.Name, bind.Scope)
  1075  	}
  1076  }
  1078  // lookup emits code to push the value of the specified variable.
  1079  func (fcomp *fcomp) lookup(id *syntax.Ident) {
  1080  	bind := id.Binding.(*resolve.Binding)
  1081  	if bind.Scope != resolve.Universal { // (universal lookup can't fail)
  1082  		fcomp.setPos(id.NamePos)
  1083  	}
  1084  	switch bind.Scope {
  1085  	case resolve.Local:
  1086  		fcomp.emit1(LOCAL, uint32(bind.Index))
  1087  	case resolve.Free:
  1088  		// TODO(adonovan): opt: make a single op for FREE<n>, CELL.
  1089  		fcomp.emit1(FREE, uint32(bind.Index))
  1090  		fcomp.emit(CELL)
  1091  	case resolve.Cell:
  1092  		// TODO(adonovan): opt: make a single op for LOCAL<n>, CELL.
  1093  		fcomp.emit1(LOCAL, uint32(bind.Index))
  1094  		fcomp.emit(CELL)
  1095  	case resolve.Global:
  1096  		fcomp.emit1(GLOBAL, uint32(bind.Index))
  1097  	case resolve.Predeclared:
  1098  		fcomp.emit1(PREDECLARED, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(id.Name))
  1099  	case resolve.Universal:
  1100  		fcomp.emit1(UNIVERSAL, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(id.Name))
  1101  	default:
  1102  		log.Panicf("%s: compiler.lookup(%s): scope = %d", id.NamePos, id.Name, bind.Scope)
  1103  	}
  1104  }
  1106  func (fcomp *fcomp) stmts(stmts []syntax.Stmt) {
  1107  	for i, stmt := range stmts {
  1108  		if i != 0 {
  1109  			fcomp.emit(POP)
  1110  		}
  1112  		fcomp.stmt(stmt)
  1113  	}
  1114  }
  1116  func (fcomp *fcomp) stmt(stmt syntax.Stmt) {
  1117  	switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
  1118  	case *syntax.ExprStmt:
  1119  		if _, ok := stmt.X.(*syntax.Literal); ok {
  1120  			// Opt: don't compile doc comments only to pop them.
  1121  			return
  1122  		}
  1123  		fcomp.expr(stmt.X)
  1125  	case *syntax.BranchStmt:
  1126  		// Resolver invariant: break/continue appear only within loops.
  1127  		switch stmt.Token {
  1128  		case syntax.PASS:
  1129  			// no-op
  1130  		case syntax.BREAK:
  1131  			b := fcomp.loops[len(fcomp.loops)-1].break_
  1132  			fcomp.jump(b)
  1133  			fcomp.block = fcomp.newBlock() // dead code
  1134  		case syntax.CONTINUE:
  1135  			b := fcomp.loops[len(fcomp.loops)-1].continue_
  1136  			fcomp.jump(b)
  1137  			fcomp.block = fcomp.newBlock() // dead code
  1138  		}
  1140  	case *syntax.IfStmt:
  1141  		// Keep consistent with CondExpr.
  1142  		t := fcomp.newBlock()
  1143  		f := fcomp.newBlock()
  1144  		done := fcomp.newBlock()
  1146  		fcomp.ifelse(stmt.Cond, t, f)
  1148  		fcomp.block = t
  1149  		if len(stmt.True) == 0 {
  1150  			fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1151  		} else {
  1152  			fcomp.stmts(stmt.True)
  1153  		}
  1154  		fcomp.jump(done)
  1156  		fcomp.block = f
  1157  		if len(stmt.False) == 0 {
  1158  			fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1159  		} else {
  1160  			fcomp.stmts(stmt.False)
  1161  		}
  1162  		fcomp.jump(done)
  1164  		fcomp.block = done
  1166  	case *syntax.AssignStmt:
  1167  		switch stmt.Op {
  1168  		case syntax.EQ:
  1169  			// simple assignment: x = y
  1170  			fcomp.expr(stmt.RHS)
  1171  			fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1172  			fcomp.assign(stmt.OpPos, stmt.LHS)
  1174  		case syntax.PLUS_EQ,
  1175  			syntax.MINUS_EQ,
  1176  			syntax.STAR_EQ,
  1177  			syntax.SLASH_EQ,
  1178  			syntax.SLASHSLASH_EQ,
  1179  			syntax.PERCENT_EQ,
  1180  			syntax.AMP_EQ,
  1181  			syntax.PIPE_EQ,
  1182  			syntax.CIRCUMFLEX_EQ,
  1183  			syntax.LTLT_EQ,
  1184  			syntax.GTGT_EQ:
  1185  			// augmented assignment: x += y
  1187  			var set func()
  1189  			// Evaluate "address" of x exactly once to avoid duplicate side-effects.
  1190  			switch lhs := unparen(stmt.LHS).(type) {
  1191  			case *syntax.Ident:
  1192  				// x = ...
  1193  				fcomp.lookup(lhs)
  1194  				set = func() {
  1195  					fcomp.set(lhs)
  1196  				}
  1198  			case *syntax.IndexExpr:
  1199  				// x[y] = ...
  1200  				fcomp.expr(lhs.X)
  1201  				fcomp.expr(lhs.Y)
  1202  				fcomp.emit(DUP2)
  1203  				fcomp.setPos(lhs.Lbrack)
  1204  				fcomp.emit(INDEX)
  1205  				set = func() {
  1206  					fcomp.setPos(lhs.Lbrack)
  1207  					fcomp.emit(SETINDEX)
  1208  				}
  1210  			case *syntax.DotExpr:
  1211  				// x.f = ...
  1212  				fcomp.expr(lhs.X)
  1213  				fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1214  				name := fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(lhs.Name.Name)
  1215  				fcomp.setPos(lhs.Dot)
  1216  				fcomp.emit1(ATTR, name)
  1217  				set = func() {
  1218  					fcomp.setPos(lhs.Dot)
  1219  					fcomp.emit1(SETFIELD, name)
  1220  				}
  1222  			default:
  1223  				panic(lhs)
  1224  			}
  1226  			fcomp.expr(stmt.RHS)
  1228  			if stmt.Op == syntax.PLUS_EQ {
  1229  				// Allow the runtime to optimize list += iterable.
  1230  				fcomp.setPos(stmt.OpPos)
  1231  				fcomp.emit(INPLACE_ADD)
  1232  			} else {
  1233  				fcomp.binop(stmt.OpPos, stmt.Op-syntax.PLUS_EQ+syntax.PLUS)
  1234  			}
  1235  			fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1236  			set()
  1237  		}
  1239  	case *syntax.DefStmt:
  1240  		fcomp.function(stmt.Function.(*resolve.Function))
  1241  		fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1242  		fcomp.set(stmt.Name)
  1244  	case *syntax.ForStmt:
  1245  		// Keep consistent with ForClause.
  1246  		head := fcomp.newBlock()
  1247  		body := fcomp.newBlock()
  1248  		tail := fcomp.newBlock()
  1250  		fcomp.expr(stmt.X)
  1251  		fcomp.setPos(stmt.For)
  1252  		fcomp.emit(ITERPUSH)
  1253  		fcomp.jump(head)
  1255  		fcomp.block = head
  1256  		fcomp.condjump(ITERJMP, tail, body)
  1258  		fcomp.block = body
  1259  		fcomp.assign(stmt.For, stmt.Vars)
  1260  		fcomp.loops = append(fcomp.loops, loop{break_: tail, continue_: head})
  1261  		fcomp.stmts(stmt.Body)
  1262  		fcomp.emit(POP)
  1263  		fcomp.loops = fcomp.loops[:len(fcomp.loops)-1]
  1264  		fcomp.jump(head)
  1266  		fcomp.block = tail
  1267  		fcomp.emit(ITERPOP)
  1268  		fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1270  	case *syntax.WhileStmt:
  1271  		head := fcomp.newBlock()
  1272  		body := fcomp.newBlock()
  1273  		done := fcomp.newBlock()
  1275  		fcomp.jump(head)
  1276  		fcomp.block = head
  1277  		fcomp.ifelse(stmt.Cond, body, done)
  1279  		fcomp.block = body
  1280  		fcomp.loops = append(fcomp.loops, loop{break_: done, continue_: head})
  1281  		fcomp.stmts(stmt.Body)
  1282  		fcomp.loops = fcomp.loops[:len(fcomp.loops)-1]
  1283  		fcomp.jump(head)
  1285  		fcomp.block = done
  1286  		fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1288  	case *syntax.ReturnStmt:
  1289  		if stmt.Result != nil {
  1290  			fcomp.expr(stmt.Result)
  1291  		} else {
  1292  			fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1293  		}
  1294  		fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1295  		fcomp.emit(RETURN)
  1296  		fcomp.block = fcomp.newBlock() // dead code
  1298  	case *syntax.LoadStmt:
  1299  		for i := range stmt.From {
  1300  			fcomp.string(stmt.From[i].Name)
  1301  		}
  1302  		module := stmt.Module.Value.(string)
  1303  		fcomp.pcomp.prog.Loads = append(fcomp.pcomp.prog.Loads, Binding{
  1304  			Name: module,
  1305  			Pos:  stmt.Module.TokenPos,
  1306  		})
  1307  		fcomp.string(module)
  1308  		fcomp.setPos(stmt.Load)
  1309  		fcomp.emit1(LOAD, uint32(len(stmt.From)))
  1310  		for i := range stmt.To {
  1311  			fcomp.set(stmt.To[len(stmt.To)-1-i])
  1312  		}
  1313  		fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1315  	case *syntax.ImportStmt:
  1316  		for _, i := range stmt.Imports {
  1317  			pkg := i.PackageName
  1318  			name := pkg.Value.(string)
  1319  			fcomp.pcomp.prog.Loads = append(fcomp.pcomp.prog.Loads, Binding{
  1320  				Name: name,
  1321  				Pos:  pkg.TokenPos,
  1322  			})
  1324  			if i.Namespace == nil {
  1325  				fcomp.string("")
  1326  			} else {
  1327  				fcomp.string(i.Namespace.Value.(string))
  1328  			}
  1330  			fcomp.string(name)
  1331  			fcomp.setPos(stmt.Load)
  1332  			if len(i.Args) == 0 {
  1333  				fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1334  			} else {
  1335  				fcomp.emit(MAKEDICT)
  1336  				for _, arg := range i.Args {
  1337  					fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1338  					fcomp.string(arg.X.(*syntax.Ident).Name)
  1339  					fcomp.expr(arg.Y)
  1340  					fcomp.setPos(arg.OpPos)
  1341  					fcomp.emit(SETDICTUNIQ)
  1342  				}
  1343  			}
  1344  			fcomp.emit(IMPORT)
  1345  			fcomp.set(i.BindingName)
  1346  		}
  1347  		fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1349  	default:
  1350  		start, _ := stmt.Span()
  1351  		log.Panicf("%s: exec: unexpected statement %T", start, stmt)
  1352  	}
  1353  }
  1355  // assign implements lhs = rhs for arbitrary expressions lhs.
  1356  // RHS is on top of stack, consumed.
  1357  func (fcomp *fcomp) assign(pos syntax.Position, lhs syntax.Expr) {
  1358  	switch lhs := lhs.(type) {
  1359  	case *syntax.ParenExpr:
  1360  		// (lhs) = rhs
  1361  		fcomp.assign(pos, lhs.X)
  1363  	case *syntax.Ident:
  1364  		// x = rhs
  1365  		fcomp.set(lhs)
  1367  	case *syntax.TupleExpr:
  1368  		// x, y = rhs
  1369  		fcomp.assignSequence(pos, lhs.List)
  1371  	case *syntax.ListExpr:
  1372  		// [x, y] = rhs
  1373  		fcomp.assignSequence(pos, lhs.List)
  1375  	case *syntax.IndexExpr:
  1376  		// x[y] = rhs
  1377  		fcomp.expr(lhs.X)
  1378  		fcomp.emit(EXCH)
  1379  		fcomp.expr(lhs.Y)
  1380  		fcomp.emit(EXCH)
  1381  		fcomp.setPos(lhs.Lbrack)
  1382  		fcomp.emit(SETINDEX)
  1384  	case *syntax.DotExpr:
  1385  		// x.f = rhs
  1386  		fcomp.expr(lhs.X)
  1387  		fcomp.emit(EXCH)
  1388  		fcomp.setPos(lhs.Dot)
  1389  		fcomp.emit1(SETFIELD, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(lhs.Name.Name))
  1391  	default:
  1392  		panic(lhs)
  1393  	}
  1394  }
  1396  func (fcomp *fcomp) assignSequence(pos syntax.Position, lhs []syntax.Expr) {
  1397  	fcomp.setPos(pos)
  1398  	fcomp.emit1(UNPACK, uint32(len(lhs)))
  1399  	for i := range lhs {
  1400  		fcomp.assign(pos, lhs[i])
  1401  	}
  1402  }
  1404  func (fcomp *fcomp) expr(e syntax.Expr) {
  1405  	switch e := e.(type) {
  1406  	case *syntax.ParenExpr:
  1407  		fcomp.expr(e.X)
  1409  	case *syntax.Ident:
  1410  		fcomp.lookup(e)
  1412  	case *syntax.Literal:
  1413  		// e.Value is int64, float64, *bigInt, or string.
  1414  		idx := fcomp.pcomp.constantIndex(e.Value)
  1415  		fcomp.constants[idx] = struct{}{}
  1416  		fcomp.emit1(CONSTANT, idx)
  1418  	case *syntax.ListExpr:
  1419  		for _, x := range e.List {
  1420  			fcomp.expr(x)
  1421  		}
  1422  		fcomp.emit1(MAKELIST, uint32(len(e.List)))
  1424  	case *syntax.CondExpr:
  1425  		// Keep consistent with IfStmt.
  1426  		t := fcomp.newBlock()
  1427  		f := fcomp.newBlock()
  1428  		done := fcomp.newBlock()
  1430  		fcomp.ifelse(e.Cond, t, f)
  1432  		fcomp.block = t
  1433  		fcomp.expr(e.True)
  1434  		fcomp.jump(done)
  1436  		fcomp.block = f
  1437  		fcomp.expr(e.False)
  1438  		fcomp.jump(done)
  1440  		fcomp.block = done
  1442  	case *syntax.IndexExpr:
  1443  		fcomp.expr(e.X)
  1444  		fcomp.expr(e.Y)
  1445  		fcomp.setPos(e.Lbrack)
  1446  		fcomp.emit(INDEX)
  1448  	case *syntax.SliceExpr:
  1449  		fcomp.setPos(e.Lbrack)
  1450  		fcomp.expr(e.X)
  1451  		if e.Lo != nil {
  1452  			fcomp.expr(e.Lo)
  1453  		} else {
  1454  			fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1455  		}
  1456  		if e.Hi != nil {
  1457  			fcomp.expr(e.Hi)
  1458  		} else {
  1459  			fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1460  		}
  1461  		if e.Step != nil {
  1462  			fcomp.expr(e.Step)
  1463  		} else {
  1464  			fcomp.emit(NONE)
  1465  		}
  1466  		fcomp.emit(SLICE)
  1468  	case *syntax.Comprehension:
  1469  		if e.Curly {
  1470  			fcomp.emit(MAKEDICT)
  1471  		} else {
  1472  			fcomp.emit1(MAKELIST, 0)
  1473  		}
  1474  		fcomp.comprehension(e, 0)
  1476  	case *syntax.TupleExpr:
  1477  		fcomp.tuple(e.List)
  1479  	case *syntax.DictExpr:
  1480  		fcomp.emit(MAKEDICT)
  1481  		for _, entry := range e.List {
  1482  			entry := entry.(*syntax.DictEntry)
  1483  			fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1484  			fcomp.expr(entry.Key)
  1485  			fcomp.expr(entry.Value)
  1486  			fcomp.setPos(entry.Colon)
  1487  			fcomp.emit(SETDICTUNIQ)
  1488  		}
  1489  	case *syntax.ProtoExpr:
  1490  		fcomp.emit(MAKEPROTO)
  1491  		for _, entry := range e.List {
  1492  			entry := entry.(*syntax.ProtoEntry)
  1493  			fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1495  			idx := fcomp.pcomp.constantIndex(entry.Key.(*syntax.Ident).Name)
  1496  			fcomp.constants[idx] = struct{}{}
  1498  			fcomp.emit1(CONSTANT, idx)
  1500  			switch v := entry.Value.(type) {
  1501  			case *syntax.ExprStmt:
  1502  				fcomp.expr(v.X)
  1503  			case *syntax.DefStmt:
  1504  				fcomp.function(v.Function.(*resolve.Function))
  1505  			default:
  1506  				start, _ := e.Span()
  1507  				log.Panicf("%s: unexpected proto value type: %T", start, v)
  1508  			}
  1510  			fcomp.setPos(entry.Colon)
  1511  			fcomp.emit(SETPROTOKEY)
  1512  		}
  1514  	case *syntax.UnaryExpr:
  1515  		fcomp.expr(e.X)
  1516  		fcomp.setPos(e.OpPos)
  1517  		switch e.Op {
  1518  		case syntax.MINUS:
  1519  			fcomp.emit(UMINUS)
  1520  		case syntax.PLUS:
  1521  			fcomp.emit(UPLUS)
  1522  		case syntax.NOT:
  1523  			fcomp.emit(NOT)
  1524  		case syntax.TILDE:
  1525  			fcomp.emit(TILDE)
  1526  		default:
  1527  			log.Panicf("%s: unexpected unary op: %s", e.OpPos, e.Op)
  1528  		}
  1530  	case *syntax.BinaryExpr:
  1531  		switch e.Op {
  1532  		// short-circuit operators
  1533  		// TODO(adonovan): use ifelse to simplify conditions.
  1534  		case syntax.OR:
  1535  			// x or y  =>  if x then x else y
  1536  			done := fcomp.newBlock()
  1537  			y := fcomp.newBlock()
  1539  			fcomp.expr(e.X)
  1540  			fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1541  			fcomp.condjump(CJMP, done, y)
  1543  			fcomp.block = y
  1544  			fcomp.emit(POP) // discard X
  1545  			fcomp.expr(e.Y)
  1546  			fcomp.jump(done)
  1548  			fcomp.block = done
  1550  		case syntax.AND:
  1551  			// x and y  =>  if x then y else x
  1552  			done := fcomp.newBlock()
  1553  			y := fcomp.newBlock()
  1555  			fcomp.expr(e.X)
  1556  			fcomp.emit(DUP)
  1557  			fcomp.condjump(CJMP, y, done)
  1559  			fcomp.block = y
  1560  			fcomp.emit(POP) // discard X
  1561  			fcomp.expr(e.Y)
  1562  			fcomp.jump(done)
  1564  			fcomp.block = done
  1566  		case syntax.PLUS:
  1569  		default:
  1570  			// all other strict binary operator (includes comparisons)
  1571  			fcomp.expr(e.X)
  1572  			fcomp.expr(e.Y)
  1573  			fcomp.binop(e.OpPos, e.Op)
  1574  		}
  1576  	case *syntax.DotExpr:
  1577  		fcomp.expr(e.X)
  1578  		fcomp.setPos(e.Dot)
  1579  		fcomp.emit1(ATTR, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(e.Name.Name))
  1581  	case *syntax.CallExpr:
  1584  	case *syntax.LambdaExpr:
  1585  		fcomp.function(e.Function.(*resolve.Function))
  1587  	case *syntax.AtExpr:
  1588  		fcomp.setPos(e.OpPos)
  1589  		fcomp.emit1(AT, fcomp.pcomp.nameIndex(e.Name))
  1591  	case *syntax.ShellExpr:
  1594  	default:
  1595  		start, _ := e.Span()
  1596  		log.Panicf("%s: unexpected expr %T", start, e)
  1597  	}
  1598  }
  1600  type summand struct {
  1601  	x       syntax.Expr
  1602  	plusPos syntax.Position
  1603  }
  1605  // plus emits optimized code for ((a+b)+...)+z that avoids naive
  1606  // quadratic behavior for strings, tuples, and lists,
  1607  // and folds together adjacent literals of the same type.
  1608  func (fcomp *fcomp) plus(e *syntax.BinaryExpr) {
  1609  	// Gather all the right operands of the left tree of plusses.
  1610  	// A tree (((a+b)+c)+d) becomes args=[a +b +c +d].
  1611  	args := make([]summand, 0, 2) // common case: 2 operands
  1612  	for plus := e; ; {
  1613  		args = append(args, summand{unparen(plus.Y), plus.OpPos})
  1614  		left := unparen(plus.X)
  1615  		x, ok := left.(*syntax.BinaryExpr)
  1616  		if !ok || x.Op != syntax.PLUS {
  1617  			args = append(args, summand{x: left})
  1618  			break
  1619  		}
  1620  		plus = x
  1621  	}
  1622  	// Reverse args to syntactic order.
  1623  	for i, n := 0, len(args)/2; i < n; i++ {
  1624  		j := len(args) - 1 - i
  1625  		args[i], args[j] = args[j], args[i]
  1626  	}
  1628  	// Fold sums of adjacent literals of the same type: ""+"", []+[], ()+().
  1629  	out := args[:0] // compact in situ
  1630  	for i := 0; i < len(args); {
  1631  		j := i + 1
  1632  		if code := addable(args[i].x); code != 0 {
  1633  			for j < len(args) && addable(args[j].x) == code {
  1634  				j++
  1635  			}
  1636  			if j > i+1 {
  1637  				args[i].x = add(code, args[i:j])
  1638  			}
  1639  		}
  1640  		out = append(out, args[i])
  1641  		i = j
  1642  	}
  1643  	args = out
  1645  	// Emit code for an n-ary sum (n > 0).
  1646  	fcomp.expr(args[0].x)
  1647  	for _, summand := range args[1:] {
  1648  		fcomp.expr(summand.x)
  1649  		fcomp.setPos(summand.plusPos)
  1650  		fcomp.emit(PLUS)
  1651  	}
  1653  	// If len(args) > 2, use of an accumulator instead of a chain of
  1654  	// PLUS operations may be more efficient.
  1655  	// However, no gain was measured on a workload analogous to Bazel loading;
  1656  	// TODO(adonovan): opt: re-evaluate on a Bazel analysis-like workload.
  1657  	//
  1658  	// We cannot use a single n-ary SUM operation
  1659  	//    a b c SUM<3>
  1660  	// because we need to report a distinct error for each
  1661  	// individual '+' operation, so three additional operations are
  1662  	// needed:
  1663  	//
  1664  	//   ACCSTART => create buffer and append to it
  1665  	//   ACCUM    => append to buffer
  1666  	//   ACCEND   => get contents of buffer
  1667  	//
  1668  	// For string, list, and tuple values, the interpreter can
  1669  	// optimize these operations by using a mutable buffer.
  1670  	// For all other types, ACCSTART and ACCEND would behave like
  1671  	// the identity function and ACCUM behaves like PLUS.
  1672  	// ACCUM must correctly support user-defined operations
  1673  	// such as list+foo.
  1674  	//
  1675  	// fcomp.emit(ACCSTART)
  1676  	// for _, summand := range args[1:] {
  1677  	// 	fcomp.expr(summand.x)
  1678  	// 	fcomp.setPos(summand.plusPos)
  1679  	// 	fcomp.emit(ACCUM)
  1680  	// }
  1681  	// fcomp.emit(ACCEND)
  1682  }
  1684  // addable reports whether e is a statically addable
  1685  // expression: a [s]tring, [l]ist, or [t]uple.
  1686  func addable(e syntax.Expr) rune {
  1687  	switch e := e.(type) {
  1688  	case *syntax.Literal:
  1689  		// TODO(adonovan): opt: support INT/FLOAT/BIGINT constant folding.
  1690  		switch e.Token {
  1691  		case syntax.STRING:
  1692  			return 's'
  1693  		}
  1694  	case *syntax.ListExpr:
  1695  		return 'l'
  1696  	case *syntax.TupleExpr:
  1697  		return 't'
  1698  	}
  1699  	return 0
  1700  }
  1702  // add returns an expression denoting the sum of args,
  1703  // which are all addable values of the type indicated by code.
  1704  // The resulting syntax is degenerate, lacking position, etc.
  1705  func add(code rune, args []summand) syntax.Expr {
  1706  	switch code {
  1707  	case 's':
  1708  		var buf bytes.Buffer
  1709  		for _, arg := range args {
  1710  			buf.WriteString(arg.x.(*syntax.Literal).Value.(string))
  1711  		}
  1712  		return &syntax.Literal{Token: syntax.STRING, Value: buf.String()}
  1713  	case 'l':
  1714  		var elems []syntax.Expr
  1715  		for _, arg := range args {
  1716  			elems = append(elems, arg.x.(*syntax.ListExpr).List...)
  1717  		}
  1718  		return &syntax.ListExpr{List: elems}
  1719  	case 't':
  1720  		var elems []syntax.Expr
  1721  		for _, arg := range args {
  1722  			elems = append(elems, arg.x.(*syntax.TupleExpr).List...)
  1723  		}
  1724  		return &syntax.TupleExpr{List: elems}
  1725  	}
  1726  	panic(code)
  1727  }
  1729  func unparen(e syntax.Expr) syntax.Expr {
  1730  	if p, ok := e.(*syntax.ParenExpr); ok {
  1731  		return unparen(p.X)
  1732  	}
  1733  	return e
  1734  }
  1736  func (fcomp *fcomp) binop(pos syntax.Position, op syntax.Token) {
  1737  	// TODO(adonovan): simplify by assuming syntax and compiler constants align.
  1738  	fcomp.setPos(pos)
  1739  	switch op {
  1740  	// arithmetic
  1741  	case syntax.PLUS:
  1742  		fcomp.emit(PLUS)
  1743  	case syntax.MINUS:
  1744  		fcomp.emit(MINUS)
  1745  	case syntax.STAR:
  1746  		fcomp.emit(STAR)
  1747  	case syntax.SLASH:
  1748  		fcomp.emit(SLASH)
  1749  	case syntax.SLASHSLASH:
  1750  		fcomp.emit(SLASHSLASH)
  1751  	case syntax.PERCENT:
  1752  		fcomp.emit(PERCENT)
  1753  	case syntax.AMP:
  1754  		fcomp.emit(AMP)
  1755  	case syntax.PIPE:
  1756  		fcomp.emit(PIPE)
  1757  	case syntax.CIRCUMFLEX:
  1758  		fcomp.emit(CIRCUMFLEX)
  1759  	case syntax.LTLT:
  1760  		fcomp.emit(LTLT)
  1761  	case syntax.GTGT:
  1762  		fcomp.emit(GTGT)
  1763  	case syntax.IN:
  1764  		fcomp.emit(IN)
  1765  	case syntax.NOT_IN:
  1766  		fcomp.emit(IN)
  1767  		fcomp.emit(NOT)
  1769  		// comparisons
  1770  	case syntax.EQL,
  1771  		syntax.NEQ,
  1772  		syntax.GT,
  1773  		syntax.LT,
  1774  		syntax.LE,
  1775  		syntax.GE:
  1776  		fcomp.emit(Opcode(op-syntax.EQL) + EQL)
  1778  	default:
  1779  		log.Panicf("%s: unexpected binary op: %s", pos, op)
  1780  	}
  1781  }
  1783  func (fcomp *fcomp) shell(shell *syntax.ShellExpr) {
  1784  	for _, x := range shell.Content {
  1785  		fcomp.expr(x)
  1786  	}
  1788  	fcomp.emit1(SHELL, uint32(len(shell.Content)))
  1789  }
  1791  func (fcomp *fcomp) call(call *syntax.CallExpr) {
  1792  	// TODO(adonovan): opt: Use optimized path for calling methods
  1793  	// of built-ins: x.f(...) to avoid materializing a closure.
  1794  	// if dot, ok := call.Fcomp.(*syntax.DotExpr); ok {
  1795  	// 	fcomp.expr(dot.X)
  1796  	// 	fcomp.args(call)
  1797  	// 	fcomp.emit1(CALL_ATTR,
  1798  	// 	return
  1799  	// }
  1801  	// usual case
  1802  	fcomp.expr(call.Fn)
  1803  	op, arg := fcomp.args(call)
  1804  	fcomp.setPos(call.Lparen)
  1805  	fcomp.emit1(op, arg)
  1806  }
  1808  // args emits code to push a tuple of positional arguments
  1809  // and a tuple of named arguments containing alternating keys and values.
  1810  // Either or both tuples may be empty (TODO(adonovan): optimize).
  1811  func (fcomp *fcomp) args(call *syntax.CallExpr) (op Opcode, arg uint32) {
  1812  	var callmode int
  1813  	// Compute the number of each kind of parameter.
  1814  	var p, n int // number of  positional, named arguments
  1815  	var varargs, kwargs syntax.Expr
  1816  	for _, arg := range call.Args {
  1817  		if binary, ok := arg.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok && binary.Op == syntax.EQ {
  1819  			// named argument (name, value)
  1820  			fcomp.string(binary.X.(*syntax.Ident).Name)
  1821  			fcomp.expr(binary.Y)
  1822  			n++
  1823  			continue
  1824  		}
  1825  		if unary, ok := arg.(*syntax.UnaryExpr); ok {
  1826  			if unary.Op == syntax.STAR {
  1827  				callmode |= 1
  1828  				varargs = unary.X
  1829  				continue
  1830  			} else if unary.Op == syntax.STARSTAR {
  1831  				callmode |= 2
  1832  				kwargs = unary.X
  1833  				continue
  1834  			}
  1835  		}
  1837  		// positional argument
  1838  		fcomp.expr(arg)
  1839  		p++
  1840  	}
  1842  	// Python2 and Python3 both permit named arguments
  1843  	// to appear both before and after a *args argument:
  1844  	//   f(1, 2, x=3, *[4], y=5, **dict(z=6))
  1845  	//
  1846  	// They also differ in their evaluation order:
  1847  	//  Python2: 1 2 3 5 4 6 (*args and **kwargs evaluated last)
  1848  	//  Python3: 1 2 4 3 5 6 (positional args evaluated before named args)
  1849  	// exprcore-in-Java historically used a third order:
  1850  	//  Lexical: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (all args evaluated left-to-right)
  1851  	//
  1852  	// After discussion in, the
  1853  	// spec now requires exprcore to statically reject named
  1854  	// arguments after *args (e.g. y=5), and to use Python2-style
  1855  	// evaluation order. This is both easy to implement and
  1856  	// consistent with lexical order:
  1857  	//
  1858  	//   f(1, 2, x=3, *[4], **dict(z=6)) # 1 2 3 4 6
  1860  	// *args
  1861  	if varargs != nil {
  1862  		fcomp.expr(varargs)
  1863  	}
  1865  	// **kwargs
  1866  	if kwargs != nil {
  1867  		fcomp.expr(kwargs)
  1868  	}
  1870  	// TODO(adonovan): avoid this with a more flexible encoding.
  1871  	if p >= 256 || n >= 256 {
  1872  		// resolve already checked this; should be unreachable
  1873  		panic("too many arguments in call")
  1874  	}
  1876  	return CALL + Opcode(callmode), uint32(p<<8 | n)
  1877  }
  1879  func (fcomp *fcomp) tuple(elems []syntax.Expr) {
  1880  	for _, elem := range elems {
  1881  		fcomp.expr(elem)
  1882  	}
  1883  	fcomp.emit1(MAKETUPLE, uint32(len(elems)))
  1884  }
  1886  func (fcomp *fcomp) comprehension(comp *syntax.Comprehension, clauseIndex int) {
  1887  	if clauseIndex == len(comp.Clauses) {
  1888  		fcomp.emit(DUP) // accumulator
  1889  		if comp.Curly {
  1890  			// dict: {k:v for ...}
  1891  			// Parser ensures that body is of form k:v.
  1892  			// Python-style set comprehensions {body for vars in x}
  1893  			// are not supported.
  1894  			entry := comp.Body.(*syntax.DictEntry)
  1895  			fcomp.expr(entry.Key)
  1896  			fcomp.expr(entry.Value)
  1897  			fcomp.setPos(entry.Colon)
  1898  			fcomp.emit(SETDICT)
  1899  		} else {
  1900  			// list: [body for vars in x]
  1901  			fcomp.expr(comp.Body)
  1902  			fcomp.emit(APPEND)
  1903  		}
  1904  		return
  1905  	}
  1907  	clause := comp.Clauses[clauseIndex]
  1908  	switch clause := clause.(type) {
  1909  	case *syntax.IfClause:
  1910  		t := fcomp.newBlock()
  1911  		done := fcomp.newBlock()
  1912  		fcomp.ifelse(clause.Cond, t, done)
  1914  		fcomp.block = t
  1915  		fcomp.comprehension(comp, clauseIndex+1)
  1916  		fcomp.jump(done)
  1918  		fcomp.block = done
  1919  		return
  1921  	case *syntax.ForClause:
  1922  		// Keep consistent with ForStmt.
  1923  		head := fcomp.newBlock()
  1924  		body := fcomp.newBlock()
  1925  		tail := fcomp.newBlock()
  1927  		fcomp.expr(clause.X)
  1928  		fcomp.setPos(clause.For)
  1929  		fcomp.emit(ITERPUSH)
  1930  		fcomp.jump(head)
  1932  		fcomp.block = head
  1933  		fcomp.condjump(ITERJMP, tail, body)
  1935  		fcomp.block = body
  1936  		fcomp.assign(clause.For, clause.Vars)
  1937  		fcomp.comprehension(comp, clauseIndex+1)
  1938  		fcomp.jump(head)
  1940  		fcomp.block = tail
  1941  		fcomp.emit(ITERPOP)
  1942  		return
  1943  	}
  1945  	start, _ := clause.Span()
  1946  	log.Panicf("%s: unexpected comprehension clause %T", start, clause)
  1947  }
  1949  func (fcomp *fcomp) function(f *resolve.Function) {
  1950  	// Evaluation of the defaults may fail, so record the position.
  1951  	fcomp.setPos(f.Pos)
  1953  	// To reduce allocation, we emit a combined tuple
  1954  	// for the defaults and the freevars.
  1955  	// The function knows where to split it at run time.
  1957  	// Generate tuple of parameter defaults. For:
  1958  	//  def f(p1, p2=dp2, p3=dp3, *, k1, k2=dk2, k3, **kwargs)
  1959  	// the tuple is:
  1960  	//  (dp2, dp3, MANDATORY, dk2, MANDATORY).
  1961  	ndefaults := 0
  1962  	seenStar := false
  1963  	for _, param := range f.Params {
  1964  		switch param := param.(type) {
  1965  		case *syntax.BinaryExpr:
  1966  			fcomp.expr(param.Y)
  1967  			ndefaults++
  1968  		case *syntax.UnaryExpr:
  1969  			seenStar = true // * or *args (also **kwargs)
  1970  		case *syntax.Ident:
  1971  			if seenStar {
  1972  				fcomp.emit(MANDATORY)
  1973  				ndefaults++
  1974  			}
  1975  		default:
  1976  			log.Panicf("%s: unexpected param type %T", f.Pos, param)
  1977  		}
  1978  	}
  1980  	// Capture the cells of the function's
  1981  	// free variables from the lexical environment.
  1982  	for _, freevar := range f.FreeVars {
  1983  		// Don't call fcomp.lookup because we want
  1984  		// the cell itself, not its content.
  1985  		switch freevar.Scope {
  1986  		case resolve.Free:
  1987  			fcomp.emit1(FREE, uint32(freevar.Index))
  1988  		case resolve.Cell:
  1989  			fcomp.emit1(LOCAL, uint32(freevar.Index))
  1990  		}
  1991  	}
  1993  	fcomp.emit1(MAKETUPLE, uint32(ndefaults+len(f.FreeVars)))
  1995  	funcode := fcomp.pcomp.function(f.Name, f.Pos, f.Body, f.Locals, f.FreeVars)
  1997  	if debug {
  1998  		// TODO(adonovan): do compilations sequentially not as a tree,
  1999  		// to make the log easier to read.
  2000  		// Simplify by identifying Toplevel and functionIndex 0.
  2001  		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "resuming %s @ %s\n", fcomp.fn.Name, fcomp.pos)
  2002  	}
  2004  	// def f(a, *, b=1) has only 2 parameters.
  2005  	numParams := len(f.Params)
  2006  	if f.NumKwonlyParams > 0 && !f.HasVarargs {
  2007  		numParams--
  2008  	}
  2010  	funcode.NumParams = numParams
  2011  	funcode.NumKwonlyParams = f.NumKwonlyParams
  2012  	funcode.HasVarargs = f.HasVarargs
  2013  	funcode.HasKwargs = f.HasKwargs
  2015  	subfn := fcomp.pcomp.functionIndex(funcode)
  2017  	fcomp.fn.SubFunctions = append(fcomp.fn.SubFunctions, subfn)
  2019  	fcomp.emit1(MAKEFUNC, subfn)
  2020  }
  2022  // ifelse emits a Boolean control flow decision.
  2023  // On return, the current block is unset.
  2024  func (fcomp *fcomp) ifelse(cond syntax.Expr, t, f *block) {
  2025  	switch cond := cond.(type) {
  2026  	case *syntax.UnaryExpr:
  2027  		if cond.Op == syntax.NOT {
  2028  			// if not x then goto t else goto f
  2029  			//    =>
  2030  			// if x then goto f else goto t
  2031  			fcomp.ifelse(cond.X, f, t)
  2032  			return
  2033  		}
  2035  	case *syntax.BinaryExpr:
  2036  		switch cond.Op {
  2037  		case syntax.AND:
  2038  			// if x and y then goto t else goto f
  2039  			//    =>
  2040  			// if x then ifelse(y, t, f) else goto f
  2041  			fcomp.expr(cond.X)
  2042  			y := fcomp.newBlock()
  2043  			fcomp.condjump(CJMP, y, f)
  2045  			fcomp.block = y
  2046  			fcomp.ifelse(cond.Y, t, f)
  2047  			return
  2049  		case syntax.OR:
  2050  			// if x or y then goto t else goto f
  2051  			//    =>
  2052  			// if x then goto t else ifelse(y, t, f)
  2053  			fcomp.expr(cond.X)
  2054  			y := fcomp.newBlock()
  2055  			fcomp.condjump(CJMP, t, y)
  2057  			fcomp.block = y
  2058  			fcomp.ifelse(cond.Y, t, f)
  2059  			return
  2060  		case syntax.NOT_IN:
  2061  			// if x not in y then goto t else goto f
  2062  			//    =>
  2063  			// if x in y then goto f else goto t
  2064  			copy := *cond
  2065  			copy.Op = syntax.IN
  2066  			fcomp.expr(&copy)
  2067  			fcomp.condjump(CJMP, f, t)
  2068  			return
  2069  		}
  2070  	}
  2072  	// general case
  2073  	fcomp.expr(cond)
  2074  	fcomp.condjump(CJMP, t, f)
  2075  }