
     1  syntax = "proto3";
     3  option go_package = "";
     4  option java_multiple_files = true;
     5  option java_package = "com.github.xxf098.api.rpc.lite";
     6  option java_outer_classname = "LiteProxy";
     8  package liteproxy;
    10  // The greeting service definition.
    11  service TestProxy {
    12    rpc StartTest (TestRequest) returns (stream TestReply) {}
    13  }
    15  enum SpeedTestMode {
    16    pingonly = 0;
    17    speedonly = 1;
    18    all = 2;
    19  }
    21  enum PingMethod {
    22    googleping = 0;
    23    tcpping = 1;
    24  }
    26  enum SortMethod {
    27    speed = 0; 
    28    rspeed = 1; // reverse speed
    29    ping = 2;
    30    rping = 3; // reverse ping
    31  }
    33  // The request message containing the user's name.
    34  message TestRequest {
    35    string GroupName=1;
    36    SpeedTestMode SpeedTestMode = 2;
    37    PingMethod PingMethod = 3;
    38    SortMethod SortMethod = 4;
    39    int32 Concurrency = 5;
    40    uint32 TestMode = 6;  // 0: all 1: speed only 2: ping only
    41    string Subscription = 7; // subscription link, clash link, profile links
    42    string Language = 8;
    43    uint32 FontSize = 9;
    44    string Theme = 10;
    45    int64 Timeout = 11;
    46    uint32 OutputMode = 12; // 0: base64 1:file path 2: no pic 3: json 4: txt
    47  }
    49  // reply message
    50  message TestReply {
    51    int32 Id = 1;
    52    string GroupName = 2;
    53    string Remarks = 3;
    54    string Protocol = 4; // v2ray trojan ss ssr
    55    string Ping = 5;
    56    int64 AvgSpeed = 6;
    57    int64 MaxSpeed = 7;
    58    bool IsOk = 8;
    59    int64 Traffic = 9;
    60    string Link = 10;
    61  }