
     1  # UserSegmentBody
     3  ## Properties
     4  Name | Type | Description | Notes
     5  ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
     6  **Name** | **string** | A human-friendly name for the user segment. | [default to null]
     7  **Key** | **string** | A unique key that will be used to reference the user segment in feature flags. | [default to null]
     8  **Description** | **string** | A description for the user segment. | [optional] [default to null]
     9  **Unbounded** | **bool** | Controls whether this is considered a \"big segment\" which can support an unlimited numbers of users. Include/exclude lists sent with this payload are not used in big segments. Contact your account manager for early access to this feature. | [optional] [default to null]
    10  **Tags** | **[]string** | Tags for the user segment. | [optional] [default to null]
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