
     1  swagger: '2.0'
     2  info:
     3    title: LaunchDarkly REST API
     4    description: Build custom integrations with the LaunchDarkly REST API
     5    termsOfService: ''
     6    contact:
     7      name: LaunchDarkly Support
     8      url: ''
     9      email:
    10    license:
    11      name: Apache 2.0
    12      url: ''
    13    version: 5.3.0
    14  host:
    15  basePath: /api/v2
    16  schemes:
    17    - https
    18  consumes:
    19    - application/json
    20  produces:
    21    - application/json
    22  securityDefinitions:
    23    Token:
    24      type: apiKey
    25      name: Authorization
    26      in: header
    27      description: ''
    28  security:
    29    - Token: []
    30  paths:
    31    /projects:
    32      get:
    33        summary: Returns a list of all projects in the account.
    34        operationId: getProjects
    35        responses:
    36          '200':
    37            description: Projects response
    38            schema:
    39              $ref: '#/definitions/Projects'
    40          '401':
    41            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
    42        tags:
    43          - Projects
    44      post:
    45        summary: Create a new project with the given key and name.
    46        operationId: postProject
    47        parameters:
    48          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectPostRequest'
    49        responses:
    50          '201':
    51            $ref: '#/responses/Project2xx'
    52          '400':
    53            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
    54          '401':
    55            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
    56          '409':
    57            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
    58        tags:
    59          - Projects
    60    '/projects/{projectKey}':
    61      get:
    62        summary: Fetch a single project by key.
    63        operationId: getProject
    64        parameters:
    65          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
    66        responses:
    67          '200':
    68            $ref: '#/responses/Project2xx'
    69          '401':
    70            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
    71          '404':
    72            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
    73        tags:
    74          - Projects
    75      patch:
    76        summary: Modify a project by ID.
    77        operationId: patchProject
    78        parameters:
    79          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
    80          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchRequest'
    81        responses:
    82          '200':
    83            $ref: '#/responses/Project2xx'
    84          '400':
    85            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
    86          '401':
    87            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
    88          '404':
    89            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
    90          '409':
    91            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
    92        tags:
    93          - Projects
    94      delete:
    95        summary: >-
    96          Delete a project by key. Caution-- deleting a project will delete all
    97          associated environments and feature flags. You cannot delete the last
    98          project in an account.
    99        operationId: deleteProject
   100        parameters:
   101          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   102        responses:
   103          '204':
   104            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
   105          '401':
   106            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   107          '404':
   108            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   109        tags:
   110          - Projects
   111    '/projects/{projectKey}/environments':
   112      post:
   113        summary: >-
   114          Create a new environment in a specified project with a given name, key,
   115          and swatch color.
   116        operationId: postEnvironment
   117        parameters:
   118          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   119          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentPostRequest'
   120        responses:
   121          '201':
   122            $ref: '#/responses/Environment2xx'
   123          '400':
   124            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   125          '401':
   126            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   127          '409':
   128            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   129        tags:
   130          - Environments
   131    '/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}':
   132      get:
   133        summary: Get an environment given a project and key.
   134        operationId: getEnvironment
   135        parameters:
   136          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   137          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   138        responses:
   139          '200':
   140            $ref: '#/responses/Environment2xx'
   141          '401':
   142            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   143          '404':
   144            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   145        tags:
   146          - Environments
   147      patch:
   148        summary: >-
   149          Modify an environment by ID. If you try to patch the environment by
   150          setting both required and requiredApprovalTags, it will result in an
   151          error. Users can specify either required approvals for all flags in an
   152          environment or those with specific tags, but not both. Only customers on
   153          an Enterprise plan can require approval for flag updates with either
   154          mechanism.
   155        operationId: patchEnvironment
   156        parameters:
   157          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   158          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   159          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchRequest'
   160        responses:
   161          '200':
   162            $ref: '#/responses/Environment2xx'
   163          '400':
   164            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   165          '401':
   166            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   167          '404':
   168            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   169          '409':
   170            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   171        tags:
   172          - Environments
   173      delete:
   174        summary: Delete an environment in a specific project.
   175        operationId: deleteEnvironment
   176        parameters:
   177          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   178          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   179        responses:
   180          '204':
   181            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
   182          '401':
   183            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   184          '404':
   185            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   186        tags:
   187          - Environments
   188    '/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/apiKey':
   189      post:
   190        summary: >-
   191          Reset an environment's SDK key with an optional expiry time for the old
   192          key.
   193        operationId: resetEnvironmentSDKKey
   194        parameters:
   195          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   196          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   197          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentSDKKeyExpiry'
   198        responses:
   199          '200':
   200            $ref: '#/responses/Environment2xx'
   201          '404':
   202            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   203          '409':
   204            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   205        tags:
   206          - Environments
   207    '/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/mobileKey':
   208      post:
   209        summary: >-
   210          Reset an environment's mobile key. The optional expiry for the old key
   211          is deprecated for this endpoint, so the old key will always expire
   212          immediately.
   213        operationId: resetEnvironmentMobileKey
   214        parameters:
   215          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   216          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   217          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentMobileKeyExpiry'
   218        responses:
   219          '200':
   220            $ref: '#/responses/Environment2xx'
   221          '404':
   222            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   223          '409':
   224            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   225        tags:
   226          - Environments
   227    '/flags/{projectKey}':
   228      get:
   229        summary: Get a list of all features in the given project.
   230        operationId: getFeatureFlags
   231        parameters:
   232          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   233          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKeyQuery'
   234          - $ref: '#/parameters/SummaryQuery'
   235          - $ref: '#/parameters/ArchivedQuery'
   236          - $ref: '#/parameters/LimitQuery'
   237          - $ref: '#/parameters/OffsetQuery'
   238          - $ref: '#/parameters/FilterQuery'
   239          - $ref: '#/parameters/SortQuery'
   240          - $ref: '#/parameters/Tag'
   241        responses:
   242          '200':
   243            description: Flags response.
   244            schema:
   245              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlags'
   246          '401':
   247            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   248        tags:
   249          - Feature flags
   250      post:
   251        summary: Creates a new feature flag.
   252        operationId: postFeatureFlag
   253        parameters:
   254          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   255          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagPostRequest'
   256          - $ref: '#/parameters/CloneFlagKeyQuery'
   257        responses:
   258          '201':
   259            description: Flag response.
   260            schema:
   261              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlag'
   262          '400':
   263            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   264          '401':
   265            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   266          '409':
   267            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   268        tags:
   269          - Feature flags
   270    '/flags/{projectKey}/{featureFlagKey}':
   271      get:
   272        summary: Get a single feature flag by key.
   273        operationId: getFeatureFlag
   274        parameters:
   275          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   276          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   277          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKeyQuery'
   278        responses:
   279          '200':
   280            description: Flag response.
   281            schema:
   282              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlag'
   283          '401':
   284            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   285          '404':
   286            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   287        tags:
   288          - Feature flags
   289      patch:
   290        summary: Perform a partial update to a feature.
   291        operationId: patchFeatureFlag
   292        parameters:
   293          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   294          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   295          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchWithComment'
   296        responses:
   297          '200':
   298            description: Feature flag response.
   299            schema:
   300              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlag'
   301          '400':
   302            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   303          '401':
   304            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   305          '404':
   306            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   307          '409':
   308            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   309        tags:
   310          - Feature flags
   311      delete:
   312        summary: >-
   313          Delete a feature flag in all environments. Be careful-- only delete
   314          feature flags that are no longer being used by your application.
   315        operationId: deleteFeatureFlag
   316        parameters:
   317          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   318          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   319        responses:
   320          '204':
   321            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
   322          '401':
   323            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   324          '404':
   325            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   326        tags:
   327          - Feature flags
   328    '/flags/{projectKey}/{featureFlagKey}/copy':
   329      post:
   330        summary: >-
   331          Copies the feature flag configuration from one environment to the same
   332          feature flag in another environment.
   333        operationId: copyFeatureFlag
   334        parameters:
   335          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   336          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   337          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagCopyBody'
   338        responses:
   339          '201':
   340            description: Flag configuration copy response.
   341            schema:
   342              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlag'
   343          '400':
   344            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   345          '401':
   346            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   347          '409':
   348            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   349        tags:
   350          - Feature flags
   351    '/flag-statuses/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}':
   352      get:
   353        summary: >-
   354          Get a list of statuses for all feature flags. The status includes the
   355          last time the feature flag was requested, as well as the state of the
   356          flag.
   357        operationId: getFeatureFlagStatuses
   358        parameters:
   359          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   360          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   361        responses:
   362          '200':
   363            description: List of feature flag statuses.
   364            schema:
   365              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagStatuses'
   366          '401':
   367            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   368        tags:
   369          - Feature flags
   370    '/flag-statuses/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{featureFlagKey}':
   371      get:
   372        summary: Get the status for a particular feature flag.
   373        operationId: getFeatureFlagStatus
   374        parameters:
   375          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   376          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   377          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   378        responses:
   379          '200':
   380            description: Status of the requested feature flag.
   381            schema:
   382              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagStatus'
   383          '401':
   384            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   385        tags:
   386          - Feature flags
   387    '/flag-status/{projectKey}/{featureFlagKey}':
   388      get:
   389        summary: Get the status for a particular feature flag across environments
   390        operationId: getFeatureFlagStatusAcrossEnvironments
   391        parameters:
   392          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   393          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   394        responses:
   395          '200':
   396            description: Status of the requested feature flag across environments
   397            schema:
   398              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagStatusAcrossEnvironments'
   399          '401':
   400            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   401          '403':
   402            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
   403        tags:
   404          - Feature flags
   405    '/flags/{projectKey}/{featureFlagKey}/expiring-user-targets/{environmentKey}':
   406      get:
   407        summary: Get expiring user targets for feature flag
   408        operationId: getExpiringUserTargets
   409        parameters:
   410          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   411          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   412          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   413        responses:
   414          '200':
   415            description: User targets of the requested feature flag.
   416            schema:
   417              $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationForFlags'
   418          '401':
   419            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   420        tags:
   421          - Feature flags
   422      patch:
   423        summary: 'Update, add, or delete expiring user targets on feature flag'
   424        operationId: patchExpiringUserTargets
   425        parameters:
   426          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   427          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   428          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   429          - $ref: '#/parameters/SemanticPatchWithComment'
   430        responses:
   431          '200':
   432            description: User targeting expirations on feature flag response.
   433            schema:
   434              $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationForFlags'
   435          '400':
   436            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   437          '401':
   438            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   439          '404':
   440            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   441          '409':
   442            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   443        tags:
   444          - Feature flags
   445    '/flags/{projectKey}/{featureFlagKey}/dependent-flags':
   446      get:
   447        summary: >-
   448          Get dependent flags across all environments for the flag specified in
   449          the path parameters
   450        parameters:
   451          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   452          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   453        responses:
   454          '200':
   455            description: Dependent flags accross all environemnts in the project response
   456            schema:
   457              $ref: '#/definitions/MultiEnvironmentDependentFlags'
   458          '401':
   459            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   460          '403':
   461            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
   462          '404':
   463            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   464        tags:
   465          - Feature flags
   466    '/flags/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{featureFlagKey}/dependent-flags':
   467      get:
   468        summary: >-
   469          Get dependent flags for the flag in the environment specified in path
   470          parameters
   471        parameters:
   472          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   473          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   474          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   475        responses:
   476          '200':
   477            description: Dependent flags in a single envrionemnt response
   478            schema:
   479              $ref: '#/definitions/DependentFlagsByEnvironment'
   480          '401':
   481            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   482          '403':
   483            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
   484          '404':
   485            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   486        tags:
   487          - Feature flags
   488    '/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/scheduled-changes':
   489      get:
   490        summary: Get all scheduled workflows for a feature flag by key.
   491        operationId: getFlagConfigScheduledChanges
   492        parameters:
   493          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   494          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   495          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   496        responses:
   497          '200':
   498            schema:
   499              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagScheduledChanges'
   500            description: A list of scheduled changes for feature flag response.
   501          '401':
   502            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   503          '404':
   504            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   505        tags:
   506          - Feature flags
   507      post:
   508        summary: Creates a new scheduled change for a feature flag.
   509        operationId: postFlagConfigScheduledChanges
   510        parameters:
   511          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   512          - $ref: '#/parameters/FlagConfigScheduledChangesPostBody'
   513          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   514          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   515        responses:
   516          '201':
   517            description: A scheduled change for feature flag response.
   518            schema:
   519              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagScheduledChange'
   520          '400':
   521            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   522          '401':
   523            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   524          '409':
   525            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   526        tags:
   527          - Feature flags
   528    '/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/scheduled-changes-conflicts':
   529      post:
   530        summary: >-
   531          Lists conflicts between the given instructions and any existing
   532          scheduled changes for the feature flag. The actual HTTP verb should be
   533          REPORT, not POST.
   534        operationId: getFlagConfigScheduledChangesConflicts
   535        parameters:
   536          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   537          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   538          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   539          - $ref: '#/parameters/FlagConfigScheduledChangesConflictsBody'
   540        responses:
   541          '200':
   542            schema:
   543              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagScheduledChangesConflicts'
   544            description: Scheduled changes conflict response
   545          '401':
   546            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   547          '404':
   548            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   549        tags:
   550          - Feature flags
   551    '/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/scheduled-changes/{scheduledChangeId}':
   552      get:
   553        summary: Get a scheduled change on a feature flag by id.
   554        operationId: getFlagConfigScheduledChange
   555        parameters:
   556          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   557          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   558          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   559          - $ref: '#/parameters/ScheduledChangeId'
   560        responses:
   561          '200':
   562            schema:
   563              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagScheduledChange'
   564            description: A scheduled change for feature flag response.
   565          '401':
   566            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   567          '404':
   568            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   569        tags:
   570          - Feature flags
   571      patch:
   572        summary: >-
   573          Updates an existing scheduled-change on a feature flag in an
   574          environment.
   575        operationId: patchFlagConfigScheduledChange
   576        parameters:
   577          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   578          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   579          - $ref: '#/parameters/FlagConfigScheduledChangesPatchBody'
   580          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   581          - $ref: '#/parameters/ScheduledChangeId'
   582        responses:
   583          '201':
   584            description: A Scheduled change for feature flag response.
   585            schema:
   586              $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagScheduledChange'
   587          '400':
   588            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   589          '401':
   590            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   591          '409':
   592            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   593        tags:
   594          - Feature flags
   595      delete:
   596        summary: Delete a scheduled change on a feature flag in an environment.
   597        operationId: deleteFlagConfigScheduledChanges
   598        parameters:
   599          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   600          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   601          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   602          - $ref: '#/parameters/ScheduledChangeId'
   603        responses:
   604          '204':
   605            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
   606          '401':
   607            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   608          '404':
   609            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   610        tags:
   611          - Feature flags
   612    '/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/approval-requests':
   613      get:
   614        operationId: getApprovalRequests
   615        summary: Get all approval requests for a feature flag config
   616        parameters:
   617          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   618          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   619          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   620        responses:
   621          '200':
   622            schema:
   623              $ref: '#/definitions/ApprovalRequests'
   624            description: Approval requests response
   625          '401':
   626            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   627          '404':
   628            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   629        tags:
   630          - Feature flags
   631    '/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/approval-requests/{approvalRequestId}':
   632      get:
   633        operationId: getApprovalRequest
   634        summary: Get a single approval request for a feature flag config
   635        parameters:
   636          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   637          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   638          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   639          - $ref: '#/parameters/ApprovalRequestId'
   640        responses:
   641          '200':
   642            schema:
   643              $ref: '#/definitions/ApprovalRequests'
   644            description: Approval request response
   645          '401':
   646            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   647          '404':
   648            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   649        tags:
   650          - Feature flags
   651      post:
   652        operationId: postApprovalRequest
   653        summary: Create an approval request for a feature flag config
   654        parameters:
   655          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   656          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   657          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   658          - $ref: '#/parameters/ApprovalRequestId'
   659          - $ref: '#/parameters/ApprovalRequestPostRequest'
   660        responses:
   661          '200':
   662            schema:
   663              $ref: '#/definitions/ApprovalRequest'
   664            description: Approval request response
   665          '401':
   666            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   667          '404':
   668            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   669        tags:
   670          - Feature flags
   671      delete:
   672        operationId: deleteApprovalRequest
   673        summary: Delete an approval request for a feature flag config
   674        parameters:
   675          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   676          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   677          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   678          - $ref: '#/parameters/ApprovalRequestId'
   679          - $ref: '#/parameters/ApprovalRequestPostRequest'
   680        responses:
   681          '204':
   682            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
   683          '401':
   684            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   685          '404':
   686            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   687        tags:
   688          - Feature flags
   689    '/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/approval-requests/{approvalRequestId}/apply':
   690      post:
   691        operationId: postApplyApprovalRequest
   692        summary: Apply approval request for a feature flag config
   693        parameters:
   694          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   695          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   696          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   697          - $ref: '#/parameters/ApprovalRequestId'
   698          - $ref: '#/parameters/ApprovalRequestApplyPostRequest'
   699        responses:
   700          '200':
   701            schema:
   702              $ref: '#/definitions/ApprovalRequests'
   703            description: Approval request applied response
   704          '401':
   705            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   706          '404':
   707            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   708        tags:
   709          - Feature flags
   710    '/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/approval-requests/{approvalRequestId}/review':
   711      post:
   712        operationId: postReviewApprovalRequest
   713        summary: Review approval request for a feature flag config
   714        parameters:
   715          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   716          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   717          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   718          - $ref: '#/parameters/ApprovalRequestId'
   719          - $ref: '#/parameters/ApprovalRequestReviewPostRequest'
   720        responses:
   721          '200':
   722            schema:
   723              $ref: '#/definitions/ApprovalRequests'
   724            description: Approval request reviewed response
   725          '401':
   726            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   727          '404':
   728            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   729        tags:
   730          - Feature flags
   731    '/segments/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}':
   732      get:
   733        summary: Get a list of all user segments in the given project.
   734        operationId: getUserSegments
   735        parameters:
   736          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   737          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   738          - $ref: '#/parameters/Tag'
   739        responses:
   740          '200':
   741            description: Segments response.
   742            schema:
   743              $ref: '#/definitions/UserSegments'
   744          '401':
   745            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   746        tags:
   747          - User segments
   748      post:
   749        summary: Creates a new user segment.
   750        operationId: postUserSegment
   751        parameters:
   752          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   753          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   754          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserSegmentPostRequest'
   755        responses:
   756          '201':
   757            $ref: '#/responses/UserSegment2xx'
   758          '400':
   759            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   760          '401':
   761            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   762          '409':
   763            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   764        tags:
   765          - User segments
   766    '/segments/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userSegmentKey}':
   767      get:
   768        summary: Get a single user segment by key.
   769        operationId: getUserSegment
   770        parameters:
   771          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   772          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   773          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserSegmentKey'
   774        responses:
   775          '200':
   776            $ref: '#/responses/UserSegment2xx'
   777          '401':
   778            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   779          '404':
   780            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   781        tags:
   782          - User segments
   783      patch:
   784        summary: Perform a partial update to a user segment.
   785        operationId: patchUserSegment
   786        parameters:
   787          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   788          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   789          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserSegmentKey'
   790          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchOnly'
   791        responses:
   792          '200':
   793            $ref: '#/responses/UserSegment2xx'
   794          '400':
   795            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   796          '401':
   797            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   798          '404':
   799            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   800          '409':
   801            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   802        tags:
   803          - User segments
   804      delete:
   805        summary: Delete a user segment.
   806        operationId: deleteUserSegment
   807        parameters:
   808          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   809          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   810          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserSegmentKey'
   811        responses:
   812          '204':
   813            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
   814          '401':
   815            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   816          '404':
   817            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   818        tags:
   819          - User segments
   820    '/segments/{projectKey}/{userSegmentKey}/expiring-user-targets/{environmentKey}':
   821      get:
   822        summary: Get expiring user targets for user segment
   823        operationId: getExpiringUserTargetsOnSegment
   824        parameters:
   825          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   826          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   827          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserSegmentKey'
   828        responses:
   829          '200':
   830            description: User targeting expirations on user segment response.
   831            schema:
   832              $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationForSegment'
   833          '401':
   834            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   835          '404':
   836            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   837        tags:
   838          - User segments
   839      patch:
   840        summary: 'Update, add, or delete expiring user targets on user segment'
   841        operationId: patchExpiringUserTargetsOnSegment
   842        parameters:
   843          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   844          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   845          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserSegmentKey'
   846          - $ref: '#/parameters/SemanticPatchWithComment'
   847        responses:
   848          '200':
   849            description: User targeting expirations on user segment response.
   850            schema:
   851              $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationForSegment'
   852          '400':
   853            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   854          '401':
   855            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   856          '404':
   857            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   858          '409':
   859            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
   860        tags:
   861          - User segments
   862    '/segments/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userSegmentKey}/users':
   863      post:
   864        summary: Update targets included or excluded in a big segment
   865        operationId: updateBigSegmentTargets
   866        parameters:
   867          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   868          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   869          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserSegmentKey'
   870          - $ref: '#/parameters/BigSegmentTargetsPostRequest'
   871        responses:
   872          '204':
   873            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
   874          '400':
   875            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
   876          '401':
   877            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   878        tags:
   879          - User segments
   880    '/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}':
   881      get:
   882        summary: >-
   883          List all users in the environment. Includes the total count of users. In
   884          each page, there will be up to 'limit' users returned (default 20). This
   885          is useful for exporting all users in the system for further analysis.
   886          Paginated collections will include a next link containing a URL with the
   887          next set of elements in the collection.
   888        operationId: getUsers
   889        parameters:
   890          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   891          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   892          - $ref: '#/parameters/Limit'
   893          - $ref: '#/parameters/HMAC'
   894          - $ref: '#/parameters/ScrollId'
   895        responses:
   896          '200':
   897            description: Users response.
   898            schema:
   899              $ref: '#/definitions/Users'
   900          '401':
   901            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   902        tags:
   903          - Users
   904    '/user-search/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}':
   905      get:
   906        summary: >-
   907          Search users in LaunchDarkly based on their last active date, or a
   908          search query. It should not be used to enumerate all users in
   909          LaunchDarkly-- use the List users API resource.
   910        operationId: getSearchUsers
   911        parameters:
   912          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   913          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   914          - $ref: '#/parameters/Query'
   915          - $ref: '#/parameters/Limit'
   916          - $ref: '#/parameters/Offset'
   917          - $ref: '#/parameters/After'
   918        responses:
   919          '200':
   920            description: Users response.
   921            schema:
   922              $ref: '#/definitions/Users'
   923          '401':
   924            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   925        tags:
   926          - Users
   927    '/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userKey}':
   928      get:
   929        summary: Get a user by key.
   930        operationId: getUser
   931        parameters:
   932          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   933          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   934          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserKey'
   935        responses:
   936          '200':
   937            description: User response.
   938            schema:
   939              $ref: '#/definitions/UserRecord'
   940          '401':
   941            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   942          '404':
   943            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   944        tags:
   945          - Users
   946      delete:
   947        summary: Delete a user by ID.
   948        operationId: deleteUser
   949        parameters:
   950          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   951          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   952          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserKey'
   953        responses:
   954          '204':
   955            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
   956          '401':
   957            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   958          '404':
   959            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   960        tags:
   961          - Users
   962    '/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userKey}/flags':
   963      get:
   964        summary: Fetch a single flag setting for a user by key.
   965        operationId: getUserFlagSettings
   966        parameters:
   967          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   968          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   969          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserKey'
   970        responses:
   971          '200':
   972            description: User flags settings response.
   973            schema:
   974              $ref: '#/definitions/UserFlagSettings'
   975          '401':
   976            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   977          '404':
   978            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   979        tags:
   980          - User settings
   981    '/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}':
   982      get:
   983        summary: Fetch a single flag setting for a user by key.
   984        operationId: getUserFlagSetting
   985        parameters:
   986          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
   987          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
   988          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserKey'
   989          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
   990        responses:
   991          '200':
   992            description: User flag setting response.
   993            schema:
   994              $ref: '#/definitions/UserFlagSetting'
   995          '401':
   996            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
   997          '404':
   998            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
   999        tags:
  1000          - User settings
  1001      put:
  1002        summary: >-
  1003          Specifically enable or disable a feature flag for a user based on their
  1004          key.
  1005        operationId: putFlagSetting
  1006        parameters:
  1007          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
  1008          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
  1009          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserKey'
  1010          - $ref: '#/parameters/FeatureFlagKey'
  1011          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserSettingsPutRequest'
  1012        responses:
  1013          '204':
  1014            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
  1015          '400':
  1016            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1017          '401':
  1018            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1019          '404':
  1020            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1021        tags:
  1022          - User settings
  1023    '/users/{projectKey}/{userKey}/expiring-user-targets/{environmentKey}':
  1024      get:
  1025        summary: Get expiring dates on flags for user
  1026        operationId: getExpiringUserTargetsForUser
  1027        parameters:
  1028          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
  1029          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
  1030          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserKey'
  1031        responses:
  1032          '200':
  1033            description: User targets of the requested feature flag.
  1034            schema:
  1035              $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationOnFlagsForUser'
  1036          '401':
  1037            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1038        tags:
  1039          - User settings
  1040      patch:
  1041        summary: >-
  1042          Update, add, or delete expiring user targets for a single user on all
  1043          flags
  1044        operationId: patchExpiringUserTargetsForFlags
  1045        parameters:
  1046          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
  1047          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
  1048          - $ref: '#/parameters/UserKey'
  1049          - $ref: '#/parameters/SemanticPatchWithComment'
  1050        responses:
  1051          '200':
  1052            description: User Targeting expiration for single user on all flags response.
  1053            schema:
  1054              $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationOnFlagsForUser'
  1055          '400':
  1056            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1057          '401':
  1058            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1059          '404':
  1060            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1061          '409':
  1062            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1063        tags:
  1064          - User settings
  1065    /auditlog:
  1066      get:
  1067        summary: >-
  1068          Get a list of all audit log entries. The query parameters allow you to
  1069          restrict the returned results by date ranges, resource specifiers, or a
  1070          full-text search query.
  1071        operationId: getAuditLogEntries
  1072        parameters:
  1073          - $ref: '#/parameters/Before'
  1074          - $ref: '#/parameters/After'
  1075          - $ref: '#/parameters/Q'
  1076          - $ref: '#/parameters/AuditLimit'
  1077          - $ref: '#/parameters/Spec'
  1078        responses:
  1079          '200':
  1080            description: Audit log entries response.
  1081            schema:
  1082              $ref: '#/definitions/AuditLogEntries'
  1083          '400':
  1084            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1085          '401':
  1086            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1087        tags:
  1088          - Audit log
  1089    '/auditlog/{resourceId}':
  1090      get:
  1091        summary: Use this endpoint to fetch a single audit log entry by its resouce ID.
  1092        operationId: getAuditLogEntry
  1093        parameters:
  1094          - $ref: '#/parameters/ResourceId'
  1095        responses:
  1096          '200':
  1097            description: Audit log entry response.
  1098            schema:
  1099              $ref: '#/definitions/AuditLogEntry'
  1100          '401':
  1101            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1102          '404':
  1103            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1104        tags:
  1105          - Audit log
  1106    /webhooks:
  1107      get:
  1108        summary: Fetch a list of all webhooks.
  1109        operationId: getWebhooks
  1110        responses:
  1111          '200':
  1112            description: Webhooks response.
  1113            schema:
  1114              $ref: '#/definitions/Webhooks'
  1115          '401':
  1116            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1117        tags:
  1118          - Webhooks
  1119      post:
  1120        summary: Create a webhook.
  1121        operationId: postWebhook
  1122        parameters:
  1123          - $ref: '#/parameters/WebhookPostRequest'
  1124        responses:
  1125          '201':
  1126            $ref: '#/responses/Webhook2xx'
  1127          '400':
  1128            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1129          '401':
  1130            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1131        tags:
  1132          - Webhooks
  1133    '/webhooks/{resourceId}':
  1134      get:
  1135        summary: Get a webhook by ID.
  1136        operationId: getWebhook
  1137        parameters:
  1138          - $ref: '#/parameters/ResourceId'
  1139        responses:
  1140          '200':
  1141            $ref: '#/responses/Webhook2xx'
  1142          '401':
  1143            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1144          '404':
  1145            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1146        tags:
  1147          - Webhooks
  1148      patch:
  1149        summary: Modify a webhook by ID.
  1150        operationId: patchWebhook
  1151        parameters:
  1152          - $ref: '#/parameters/ResourceId'
  1153          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchRequest'
  1154        responses:
  1155          '200':
  1156            $ref: '#/responses/Webhook2xx'
  1157          '400':
  1158            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1159          '401':
  1160            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1161          '404':
  1162            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1163          '409':
  1164            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1165        tags:
  1166          - Webhooks
  1167      delete:
  1168        summary: Delete a webhook by ID.
  1169        operationId: deleteWebhook
  1170        parameters:
  1171          - $ref: '#/parameters/ResourceId'
  1172        responses:
  1173          '204':
  1174            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
  1175          '401':
  1176            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1177          '404':
  1178            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1179        tags:
  1180          - Webhooks
  1181    /roles:
  1182      get:
  1183        summary: Return a complete list of custom roles.
  1184        operationId: getCustomRoles
  1185        responses:
  1186          '200':
  1187            description: Custom roles response.
  1188            schema:
  1189              $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRoles'
  1190          '401':
  1191            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1192        tags:
  1193          - Custom roles
  1194      post:
  1195        summary: Create a new custom role.
  1196        operationId: postCustomRole
  1197        parameters:
  1198          - $ref: '#/parameters/CustomRolePostRequest'
  1199        responses:
  1200          '201':
  1201            $ref: '#/responses/CustomRole2xx'
  1202          '400':
  1203            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1204          '401':
  1205            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1206          '409':
  1207            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1208        tags:
  1209          - Custom roles
  1210    '/roles/{customRoleKey}':
  1211      get:
  1212        summary: Get one custom role by key.
  1213        operationId: getCustomRole
  1214        parameters:
  1215          - $ref: '#/parameters/CustomRoleKey'
  1216        responses:
  1217          '200':
  1218            $ref: '#/responses/CustomRole2xx'
  1219          '400':
  1220            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1221          '401':
  1222            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1223        tags:
  1224          - Custom roles
  1225      patch:
  1226        summary: Modify a custom role by key.
  1227        operationId: patchCustomRole
  1228        parameters:
  1229          - $ref: '#/parameters/CustomRoleKey'
  1230          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchRequest'
  1231        responses:
  1232          '200':
  1233            $ref: '#/responses/CustomRole2xx'
  1234          '400':
  1235            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1236          '401':
  1237            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1238          '404':
  1239            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1240          '409':
  1241            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1242        tags:
  1243          - Custom roles
  1244      delete:
  1245        summary: Delete a custom role by key.
  1246        operationId: deleteCustomRole
  1247        parameters:
  1248          - $ref: '#/parameters/CustomRoleKey'
  1249        responses:
  1250          '204':
  1251            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
  1252          '401':
  1253            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1254          '404':
  1255            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1256        tags:
  1257          - Custom roles
  1258    /members:
  1259      get:
  1260        summary: Returns a list of all members in the account.
  1261        operationId: getMembers
  1262        parameters:
  1263          - $ref: '#/parameters/LimitQuery'
  1264          - $ref: '#/parameters/OffsetQuery'
  1265          - $ref: '#/parameters/FilterQuery'
  1266          - $ref: '#/parameters/SortQuery'
  1267        responses:
  1268          '200':
  1269            description: Members response.
  1270            schema:
  1271              $ref: '#/definitions/Members'
  1272          '401':
  1273            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1274        tags:
  1275          - Team members
  1276      post:
  1277        summary: Invite new members.
  1278        operationId: postMembers
  1279        parameters:
  1280          - $ref: '#/parameters/MembersPostRequest'
  1281        responses:
  1282          '201':
  1283            description: Members response.
  1284            schema:
  1285              $ref: '#/definitions/Members'
  1286          '400':
  1287            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1288          '401':
  1289            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1290          '409':
  1291            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1292        tags:
  1293          - Team members
  1294    /members/me:
  1295      get:
  1296        summary: Get the current team member associated with the token
  1297        operationId: getMe
  1298        responses:
  1299          '200':
  1300            $ref: '#/responses/Member2xx'
  1301          '400':
  1302            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1303          '401':
  1304            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1305        tags:
  1306          - Team members
  1307    '/members/{memberId}':
  1308      get:
  1309        summary: Get a single team member by ID.
  1310        operationId: getMember
  1311        parameters:
  1312          - $ref: '#/parameters/MemberId'
  1313        responses:
  1314          '200':
  1315            $ref: '#/responses/Member2xx'
  1316          '400':
  1317            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1318          '401':
  1319            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1320        tags:
  1321          - Team members
  1322      patch:
  1323        summary: Modify a team member by ID.
  1324        operationId: patchMember
  1325        parameters:
  1326          - $ref: '#/parameters/MemberId'
  1327          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchRequest'
  1328        responses:
  1329          '200':
  1330            $ref: '#/responses/Member2xx'
  1331          '400':
  1332            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1333          '401':
  1334            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1335          '404':
  1336            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1337          '409':
  1338            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1339        tags:
  1340          - Team members
  1341      delete:
  1342        summary: Delete a team member by ID.
  1343        operationId: deleteMember
  1344        parameters:
  1345          - $ref: '#/parameters/MemberId'
  1346        responses:
  1347          '204':
  1348            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
  1349          '401':
  1350            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1351          '404':
  1352            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1353        tags:
  1354          - Team members
  1355    /destinations:
  1356      get:
  1357        summary: Returns a list of all data export destinations.
  1358        operationId: getDestinations
  1359        responses:
  1360          '200':
  1361            description: Destinations response.
  1362            schema:
  1363              $ref: '#/definitions/Destinations'
  1364          '401':
  1365            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1366        tags:
  1367          - Data export destinations
  1368    '/destinations/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}':
  1369      post:
  1370        summary: Create a new data export destination
  1371        operationId: postDestination
  1372        parameters:
  1373          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
  1374          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
  1375          - $ref: '#/parameters/DestinationPostRequest'
  1376        responses:
  1377          '201':
  1378            $ref: '#/responses/Destination2xx'
  1379          '400':
  1380            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1381          '401':
  1382            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1383          '409':
  1384            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1385        tags:
  1386          - Data export destinations
  1387    '/destinations/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{destinationId}':
  1388      get:
  1389        summary: Get a single data export destination by ID
  1390        operationId: getDestination
  1391        parameters:
  1392          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
  1393          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
  1394          - $ref: '#/parameters/DestinationId'
  1395        responses:
  1396          '200':
  1397            $ref: '#/responses/Destination2xx'
  1398          '401':
  1399            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1400          '404':
  1401            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1402        tags:
  1403          - Data export destinations
  1404      patch:
  1405        summary: Perform a partial update to a data export destination.
  1406        operationId: patchDestination
  1407        parameters:
  1408          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
  1409          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
  1410          - $ref: '#/parameters/DestinationId'
  1411          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchOnly'
  1412        responses:
  1413          '200':
  1414            $ref: '#/responses/Destination2xx'
  1415          '400':
  1416            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1417          '401':
  1418            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1419          '404':
  1420            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1421          '409':
  1422            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1423        tags:
  1424          - Data export destinations
  1425      delete:
  1426        summary: Get a single data export destination by ID
  1427        operationId: deleteDestination
  1428        parameters:
  1429          - $ref: '#/parameters/ProjectKey'
  1430          - $ref: '#/parameters/EnvironmentKey'
  1431          - $ref: '#/parameters/DestinationId'
  1432        responses:
  1433          '204':
  1434            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
  1435          '401':
  1436            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1437          '404':
  1438            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1439        tags:
  1440          - Data export destinations
  1441    /usage:
  1442      get:
  1443        summary: Returns of the usage endpoints available.
  1444        operationId: getUsage
  1445        responses:
  1446          '200':
  1447            description: Usage endpoints
  1448            schema:
  1449              $ref: '#/definitions/Usage'
  1450          '403':
  1451            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1452        tags:
  1453          - Customer Metrics
  1454    /usage/streams:
  1455      get:
  1456        summary: Returns a list of all streams.
  1457        operationId: getStreams
  1458        responses:
  1459          '200':
  1460            description: Stream usage endpoints
  1461            schema:
  1462              $ref: '#/definitions/Streams'
  1463          '403':
  1464            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1465        tags:
  1466          - Customer Metrics
  1467    '/usage/streams/{source}':
  1468      get:
  1469        summary: Get a stream endpoint and return timeseries data.
  1470        operationId: getStream
  1471        parameters:
  1472          - $ref: '#/parameters/StreamSource'
  1473        responses:
  1474          '200':
  1475            description: Responds with time series data on stream usage.
  1476            schema:
  1477              $ref: '#/definitions/Stream'
  1478          '403':
  1479            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1480          '404':
  1481            $ref: '#/responses/StreamUsage404'
  1482        tags:
  1483          - Customer Metrics
  1484    '/usage/streams/{source}/bysdkversion':
  1485      get:
  1486        summary: Get a stream timeseries data by source show sdk version metadata.
  1487        operationId: getStreamBySDK
  1488        parameters:
  1489          - $ref: '#/parameters/StreamSource'
  1490        responses:
  1491          '200':
  1492            description: Returns timeseries data and metadata on sdk version.
  1493            schema:
  1494              $ref: '#/definitions/StreamBySDK'
  1495          '403':
  1496            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1497          '404':
  1498            $ref: '#/responses/StreamUsage404'
  1499        tags:
  1500          - Customer Metrics
  1501    '/usage/streams/{source}/sdkversions':
  1502      get:
  1503        summary: >-
  1504          Get a stream timeseries data by source and show all sdk version
  1505          associated.
  1506        operationId: getStreamSDKVersion
  1507        parameters:
  1508          - $ref: '#/parameters/StreamSource'
  1509        responses:
  1510          '200':
  1511            description: Returns timeseries data and all sdk versions.
  1512            schema:
  1513              $ref: '#/definitions/StreamSDKVersion'
  1514          '403':
  1515            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1516          '404':
  1517            $ref: '#/responses/StreamUsage404'
  1518        tags:
  1519          - Customer Metrics
  1520    /usage/mau:
  1521      get:
  1522        summary: Get monthly active user data.
  1523        operationId: getMAU
  1524        responses:
  1525          '200':
  1526            description: Returns timeseries data and all sdk versions.
  1527            schema:
  1528              $ref: '#/definitions/MAU'
  1529          '403':
  1530            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1531        tags:
  1532          - Customer Metrics
  1533    /usage/mau/bycategory:
  1534      get:
  1535        summary: Get monthly active user data by category.
  1536        operationId: getMAUByCategory
  1537        responses:
  1538          '200':
  1539            description: Returns timeseries data and all sdk versions.
  1540            schema:
  1541              $ref: '#/definitions/MAUbyCategory'
  1542          '403':
  1543            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1544        tags:
  1545          - Customer Metrics
  1546    /usage/events:
  1547      get:
  1548        summary: Get events usage endpoints.
  1549        operationId: getEvents
  1550        responses:
  1551          '200':
  1552            description: Returns timeseries data and all sdk versions.
  1553            schema:
  1554              $ref: '#/definitions/Events'
  1555          '403':
  1556            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1557        tags:
  1558          - Customer Metrics
  1559    '/usage/events/{type}':
  1560      get:
  1561        summary: Get events usage by event type.
  1562        operationId: getEvent
  1563        parameters:
  1564          - $ref: '#/parameters/EventType'
  1565        responses:
  1566          '200':
  1567            description: Returns timeseries data and all sdk versions.
  1568            schema:
  1569              $ref: '#/definitions/StreamSDKVersion'
  1570          '403':
  1571            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1572          '404':
  1573            $ref: '#/responses/StreamUsage404'
  1574        tags:
  1575          - Customer Metrics
  1576    '/usage/evaluations/{envId}/{flagKey}':
  1577      get:
  1578        summary: Get events usage by event id and the feature flag key.
  1579        operationId: getEvaluations
  1580        parameters:
  1581          - $ref: '#/parameters/EvaluationEnvId'
  1582          - $ref: '#/parameters/EvaluationFlagKey'
  1583        responses:
  1584          '200':
  1585            description: Returns timeseries data and all sdk versions.
  1586            schema:
  1587              $ref: '#/definitions/StreamSDKVersion'
  1588          '403':
  1589            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1590          '404':
  1591            $ref: '#/responses/EvaluationUsage404'
  1592        tags:
  1593          - Customer Metrics
  1594    /tokens:
  1595      get:
  1596        summary: Returns a list of tokens in the account.
  1597        operationId: getTokens
  1598        parameters:
  1599          - $ref: '#/parameters/TokenShowAllQuery'
  1600        responses:
  1601          '200':
  1602            description: Tokens response.
  1603            schema:
  1604              $ref: '#/definitions/Tokens'
  1605          '401':
  1606            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1607        tags:
  1608          - Access tokens
  1609      post:
  1610        summary: Create a new token.
  1611        operationId: postToken
  1612        parameters:
  1613          - $ref: '#/parameters/TokensPostRequest'
  1614        responses:
  1615          '201':
  1616            description: Token response.
  1617            schema:
  1618              $ref: '#/definitions/Token'
  1619          '400':
  1620            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1621          '401':
  1622            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1623          '409':
  1624            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1625        tags:
  1626          - Access tokens
  1627    '/tokens/{tokenId}':
  1628      get:
  1629        summary: Get a single access token by ID.
  1630        operationId: getToken
  1631        parameters:
  1632          - $ref: '#/parameters/TokenId'
  1633        responses:
  1634          '200':
  1635            $ref: '#/responses/Token2xx'
  1636          '400':
  1637            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1638          '401':
  1639            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1640        tags:
  1641          - Access tokens
  1642      patch:
  1643        summary: Modify an access token by ID.
  1644        operationId: patchToken
  1645        parameters:
  1646          - $ref: '#/parameters/TokenId'
  1647          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchRequest'
  1648        responses:
  1649          '200':
  1650            $ref: '#/responses/Token2xx'
  1651          '400':
  1652            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1653          '401':
  1654            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1655          '404':
  1656            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1657          '409':
  1658            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1659        tags:
  1660          - Access tokens
  1661      delete:
  1662        summary: Delete an access token by ID.
  1663        operationId: deleteToken
  1664        parameters:
  1665          - $ref: '#/parameters/TokenId'
  1666        responses:
  1667          '204':
  1668            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
  1669          '401':
  1670            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1671          '404':
  1672            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1673        tags:
  1674          - Access tokens
  1675    '/tokens/{tokenId}/reset':
  1676      post:
  1677        summary: >-
  1678          Reset an access token's secret key with an optional expiry time for the
  1679          old key.
  1680        operationId: resetToken
  1681        parameters:
  1682          - $ref: '#/parameters/TokenId'
  1683          - $ref: '#/parameters/TokenExpiry'
  1684        responses:
  1685          '200':
  1686            $ref: '#/responses/Token2xx'
  1687          '400':
  1688            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1689          '401':
  1690            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1691        tags:
  1692          - Access tokens
  1693    /account/relay-auto-configs:
  1694      get:
  1695        summary: Returns a list of relay proxy configurations in the account.
  1696        operationId: getRelayProxyConfigs
  1697        responses:
  1698          '200':
  1699            description: Relay proxy configs response.
  1700            schema:
  1701              $ref: '#/definitions/RelayProxyConfigs'
  1702        tags:
  1703          - Relay proxy configurations
  1704      post:
  1705        summary: Create a new relay proxy config.
  1706        operationId: postRelayAutoConfig
  1707        parameters:
  1708          - $ref: '#/parameters/RelayProxyConfigPostRequest'
  1709        responses:
  1710          '201':
  1711            description: Relay proxy config response.
  1712            schema:
  1713              $ref: '#/definitions/RelayProxyConfig'
  1714          '400':
  1715            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1716          '403':
  1717            $ref: '#/responses/Standard403'
  1718        tags:
  1719          - Relay proxy configurations
  1720    '/account/relay-auto-configs/{id}':
  1721      get:
  1722        summary: Get a single relay proxy configuration by ID.
  1723        operationId: getRelayProxyConfig
  1724        parameters:
  1725          - $ref: '#/parameters/RelayProxyConfigId'
  1726        responses:
  1727          '200':
  1728            $ref: '#/responses/RelayProxyConfig2xx'
  1729          '404':
  1730            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1731        tags:
  1732          - Relay proxy configurations
  1733      patch:
  1734        summary: Modify a relay proxy configuration by ID.
  1735        operationId: patchRelayProxyConfig
  1736        parameters:
  1737          - $ref: '#/parameters/RelayProxyConfigId'
  1738          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchRequest'
  1739        responses:
  1740          '200':
  1741            $ref: '#/responses/RelayProxyConfig2xx'
  1742          '400':
  1743            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1744          '404':
  1745            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1746          '409':
  1747            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1748        tags:
  1749          - Relay proxy configurations
  1750      delete:
  1751        summary: Delete a relay proxy configuration by ID.
  1752        operationId: deleteRelayProxyConfig
  1753        parameters:
  1754          - $ref: '#/parameters/RelayProxyConfigId'
  1755        responses:
  1756          '204':
  1757            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
  1758          '400':
  1759            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1760          '404':
  1761            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1762        tags:
  1763          - Relay proxy configurations
  1764    '/account/relay-auto-configs/{id}/reset':
  1765      post:
  1766        summary: >-
  1767          Reset a relay proxy configuration's secret key with an optional expiry
  1768          time for the old key.
  1769        operationId: resetRelayProxyConfig
  1770        parameters:
  1771          - $ref: '#/parameters/RelayProxyConfigId'
  1772          - $ref: '#/parameters/RelayProxyConfigsExpiry'
  1773        responses:
  1774          '200':
  1775            $ref: '#/responses/RelayProxyConfig2xx'
  1776          '400':
  1777            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1778          '404':
  1779            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1780        tags:
  1781          - Relay proxy configurations
  1782    /:
  1783      get:
  1784        description: >-
  1785          You can issue a GET request to the root resource to find all of the
  1786          resource categories supported by the API.
  1787        operationId: getRoot
  1788        responses:
  1789          '200':
  1790            $ref: '#/responses/Root200'
  1791          '401':
  1792            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1793        tags:
  1794          - Root
  1795    /integrations:
  1796      get:
  1797        summary: >-
  1798          Get a list of all configured audit log event integrations associated
  1799          with this account.
  1800        operationId: getIntegrations
  1801        responses:
  1802          '200':
  1803            description: Integrations response.
  1804            schema:
  1805              $ref: '#/definitions/Integrations'
  1806          '403':
  1807            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1808        tags:
  1809          - Integrations
  1810    '/integrations/{integrationKey}':
  1811      get:
  1812        summary: Get a list of all configured integrations of a given kind.
  1813        operationId: getIntegrationSubscriptions
  1814        parameters:
  1815          - $ref: '#/parameters/IntegrationKey'
  1816        responses:
  1817          '200':
  1818            description: Integrations response.
  1819            schema:
  1820              $ref: '#/definitions/Integration'
  1821          '403':
  1822            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1823          '404':
  1824            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1825        tags:
  1826          - Integrations
  1827      post:
  1828        summary: Create a new integration subscription of a given kind.
  1829        operationId: postIntegrationSubscription
  1830        parameters:
  1831          - $ref: '#/parameters/IntegrationKey'
  1832          - $ref: '#/parameters/IntegrationPostRequest'
  1833        responses:
  1834          '201':
  1835            description: Integrations response.
  1836            schema:
  1837              $ref: '#/definitions/IntegrationSubscription'
  1838          '400':
  1839            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1840          '401':
  1841            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1842          '409':
  1843            $ref: '#/responses/Standard409'
  1844        tags:
  1845          - Integrations
  1846    '/integrations/{integrationKey}/{integrationId}':
  1847      get:
  1848        summary: Get a single integration subscription by ID.
  1849        operationId: getIntegrationSubscription
  1850        parameters:
  1851          - $ref: '#/parameters/IntegrationKey'
  1852          - $ref: '#/parameters/IntegrationId'
  1853        responses:
  1854          '200':
  1855            description: Integrations response.
  1856            schema:
  1857              $ref: '#/definitions/IntegrationSubscription'
  1858          '403':
  1859            $ref: '#/responses/BetaApi403'
  1860          '404':
  1861            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1862        tags:
  1863          - Integrations
  1864      patch:
  1865        summary: Modify an integration subscription by ID.
  1866        operationId: patchIntegrationSubscription
  1867        parameters:
  1868          - $ref: '#/parameters/IntegrationKey'
  1869          - $ref: '#/parameters/IntegrationId'
  1870          - $ref: '#/parameters/PatchRequest'
  1871        responses:
  1872          '200':
  1873            description: Integrations response.
  1874            schema:
  1875              $ref: '#/definitions/IntegrationSubscription'
  1876          '400':
  1877            $ref: '#/responses/Standard400'
  1878          '401':
  1879            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1880          '404':
  1881            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1882        tags:
  1883          - Integrations
  1884      delete:
  1885        summary: Delete an integration subscription by ID.
  1886        operationId: deleteIntegrationSubscription
  1887        parameters:
  1888          - $ref: '#/parameters/IntegrationKey'
  1889          - $ref: '#/parameters/IntegrationId'
  1890        responses:
  1891          '204':
  1892            $ref: '#/responses/Standard204'
  1893          '401':
  1894            $ref: '#/responses/Standard401'
  1895          '404':
  1896            $ref: '#/responses/Standard404'
  1897        tags:
  1898          - Integrations
  1899  definitions:
  1900    Link:
  1901      type: object
  1902      properties:
  1903        href:
  1904          type: string
  1905          example: /api/v2/endpoint
  1906        type:
  1907          type: string
  1908          example: application/json
  1909    Links:
  1910      type: object
  1911      properties:
  1912        self:
  1913          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  1914        next:
  1915          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  1916    Site:
  1917      type: object
  1918      properties:
  1919        href:
  1920          type: string
  1921          example: /features/sort.order
  1922        type:
  1923          type: string
  1924          example: text/html
  1925    Webhook:
  1926      type: object
  1927      properties:
  1928        _links:
  1929          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  1930        _id:
  1931          type: string
  1932          description: The unique resource id.
  1933          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  1934        url:
  1935          type: string
  1936          description: The URL of the remote webhook.
  1937          example: ''
  1938        secret:
  1939          type: string
  1940          description: >-
  1941            If defined, the webhooks post request will include a X-LD-Signature
  1942            header whose value will contain an HMAC SHA256 hex digest of the
  1943            webhook payload, using the secret as the key.
  1944          example: frobozz
  1945        'on':
  1946          type: boolean
  1947          description: Whether this webhook is enabled or not.
  1948          example: true
  1949        name:
  1950          type: string
  1951          description: The name of the webhook.
  1952          example: Example hook
  1953        statements:
  1954          type: array
  1955          items:
  1956            $ref: '#/definitions/Statement'
  1957        tags:
  1958          type: array
  1959          description: Tags assigned to this webhook.
  1960          items:
  1961            type: string
  1962            example: []
  1963    Webhooks:
  1964      type: object
  1965      properties:
  1966        _links:
  1967          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  1968        items:
  1969          type: array
  1970          items:
  1971            $ref: '#/definitions/Webhook'
  1972    FeatureFlag:
  1973      type: object
  1974      properties:
  1975        key:
  1976          type: string
  1977          example: test-feature
  1978        name:
  1979          type: string
  1980          description: Name of the feature flag.
  1981          example: Test Feature
  1982        description:
  1983          type: string
  1984          description: Description of the feature flag.
  1985          example: This flag controls whether test feature is turned on or not.
  1986        kind:
  1987          type: string
  1988          description: Whether the feature flag is a boolean flag or multivariate.
  1989          example: boolean
  1990        creationDate:
  1991          type: integer
  1992          format: int64
  1993          description: >-
  1994            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the creation time of this
  1995            flag.
  1996          example: 1443652232590
  1997        includeInSnippet:
  1998          type: boolean
  1999          example: false
  2000        temporary:
  2001          type: boolean
  2002          description: Whether or not this flag is temporary.
  2003          example: false
  2004        maintainerId:
  2005          type: string
  2006          description: The ID of the member that should maintain this flag.
  2007          example: 561c579cd8fd5c2704000001
  2008        tags:
  2009          type: array
  2010          description: An array of tags for this feature flag.
  2011          items:
  2012            type: string
  2013          example: []
  2014        variations:
  2015          type: array
  2016          description: The variations for this feature flag.
  2017          items:
  2018            $ref: '#/definitions/Variation'
  2019          example:
  2020            - value: a
  2021            - value: b
  2022        goalIds:
  2023          type: array
  2024          description: An array goals from all environments associated with this feature flag
  2025          items:
  2026            type: string
  2027          example:
  2028            - d7239405bd89c930e885aa76
  2029            - 405bc930e88d7239d895aa76
  2030        _version:
  2031          type: integer
  2032          example: 23
  2033        customProperties:
  2034          type: object
  2035          description: A mapping of keys to CustomProperty entries.
  2036          additionalProperties:
  2037            $ref: '#/definitions/CustomProperty'
  2038          example:
  2039            bugs:
  2040              name: Issue tracker ids
  2041              value:
  2042                - '123'
  2043                - '456'
  2044            deprecated:
  2045              name: Deprecated Date
  2046              value: []
  2047        _links:
  2048          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2049        _maintainer:
  2050          $ref: '#/definitions/Member'
  2051        environments:
  2052          type: object
  2053          additionalProperties:
  2054            $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagConfig'
  2055        archivedDate:
  2056          type: integer
  2057          format: int64
  2058          description: >-
  2059            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the archived time of this
  2060            flag.
  2061          example: 1443652232590
  2062        archived:
  2063          type: boolean
  2064          description: Whether or not this flag is archived.
  2065          example: false
  2066        clientSideAvailability:
  2067          $ref: '#/definitions/ClientSideAvailability'
  2068        defaults:
  2069          $ref: '#/definitions/Defaults'
  2070    FeatureFlags:
  2071      type: object
  2072      properties:
  2073        _links:
  2074          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2075        items:
  2076          type: array
  2077          items:
  2078            $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlag'
  2079        totalCount:
  2080          type: number
  2081    Member:
  2082      type: object
  2083      properties:
  2084        _links:
  2085          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2086        _id:
  2087          type: string
  2088          description: The unique resource id.
  2089          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  2090        role:
  2091          $ref: '#/definitions/Role'
  2092        email:
  2093          type: string
  2094          example:
  2095        firstName:
  2096          type: string
  2097          example: Alan
  2098        lastName:
  2099          type: string
  2100          example: Turing
  2101        _verified:
  2102          type: boolean
  2103        _pendingInvite:
  2104          type: boolean
  2105        isBeta:
  2106          type: boolean
  2107        customRoles:
  2108          type: array
  2109          items:
  2110            type: string
  2111            description: The unique resource id.
  2112            example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  2113        _lastSeen:
  2114          type: integer
  2115          format: int64
  2116          example: 1469326565348
  2117          description: >-
  2118            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the last time this member
  2119            was active in LaunchDarkly.
  2120        _lastSeenMetadata:
  2121          type: object
  2122          properties:
  2123            tokenId:
  2124              type: string
  2125              example: 5fd2a1ee05600316d5cb3e96
  2126              description: >-
  2127                If the last time this member accessed LaunchDarkly was using the
  2128                REST API, this value will be set to the ID of the personal access
  2129                token used.
  2130    Members:
  2131      type: object
  2132      properties:
  2133        _links:
  2134          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2135        items:
  2136          type: array
  2137          items:
  2138            $ref: '#/definitions/Member'
  2139        totalCount:
  2140          type: number
  2141    FeatureFlagConfig:
  2142      type: object
  2143      properties:
  2144        'on':
  2145          type: boolean
  2146        archived:
  2147          type: boolean
  2148        salt:
  2149          type: string
  2150          example: YWx0ZXJuYXRlLnBhZ2U=
  2151        sel:
  2152          type: string
  2153          example: 45501b9314dc4641841af774cb038b96
  2154        lastModified:
  2155          type: integer
  2156          format: int64
  2157          example: 1469326565348
  2158        version:
  2159          type: integer
  2160          example: 65
  2161        targets:
  2162          type: array
  2163          items:
  2164            $ref: '#/definitions/Target'
  2165        rules:
  2166          type: array
  2167          items:
  2168            $ref: '#/definitions/Rule'
  2169        fallthrough:
  2170          $ref: '#/definitions/Fallthrough'
  2171        offVariation:
  2172          type: integer
  2173        prerequisites:
  2174          type: array
  2175          items:
  2176            $ref: '#/definitions/Prerequisite'
  2177        trackEvents:
  2178          type: boolean
  2179          example: false
  2180          description: Set to true to send detailed event information for this flag.
  2181        trackEventsFallthrough:
  2182          type: boolean
  2183          example: true
  2184          description: >-
  2185            Set to true to send detailed event information when targeting is
  2186            enabled but no individual targeting rule is matched.
  2187        _site:
  2188          $ref: '#/definitions/Site'
  2189        _environmentName:
  2190          type: string
  2191    Target:
  2192      type: object
  2193      properties:
  2194        values:
  2195          type: array
  2196          items:
  2197            type: string
  2198            example: '"1461797806427-7-115540266", "00142875-a39d-4028-a3b7-987ccd151649"'
  2199        variation:
  2200          type: integer
  2201    Rule:
  2202      type: object
  2203      properties:
  2204        _id:
  2205          type: string
  2206        variation:
  2207          type: integer
  2208        trackEvents:
  2209          type: boolean
  2210        rollout:
  2211          $ref: '#/definitions/Rollout'
  2212        clauses:
  2213          type: array
  2214          items:
  2215            $ref: '#/definitions/Clause'
  2216        description:
  2217          type: string
  2218    Fallthrough:
  2219      type: object
  2220      properties:
  2221        variation:
  2222          type: integer
  2223        rollout:
  2224          $ref: '#/definitions/Rollout'
  2225    Rollout:
  2226      type: object
  2227      properties:
  2228        bucketBy:
  2229          type: string
  2230        variations:
  2231          type: array
  2232          items:
  2233            $ref: '#/definitions/WeightedVariation'
  2234    WeightedVariation:
  2235      type: object
  2236      properties:
  2237        variation:
  2238          type: integer
  2239        weight:
  2240          type: integer
  2241    Clause:
  2242      type: object
  2243      properties:
  2244        _id:
  2245          type: string
  2246        attribute:
  2247          type: string
  2248          example: groups
  2249        op:
  2250          type: string
  2251          example: in
  2252        values:
  2253          type: array
  2254          items:
  2255            type: object
  2256            example: Top Customers
  2257        negate:
  2258          type: boolean
  2259    Variation:
  2260      type: object
  2261      required:
  2262        - value
  2263      properties:
  2264        _id:
  2265          type: string
  2266          example: 24b32dd3-0ba6-46ee-86af-230eebf3c7cb
  2267        name:
  2268          type: string
  2269          example: 'True'
  2270        description:
  2271          type: string
  2272          example: The true variation
  2273        value:
  2274          type: object
  2275    Defaults:
  2276      type: object
  2277      description: Default values to be used when a new environment is created.
  2278      required:
  2279        - onVariation
  2280        - offVariation
  2281      properties:
  2282        onVariation:
  2283          type: integer
  2284          description: >-
  2285            The index of the variation to be served when a flag's targeting is on
  2286            (default variation).
  2287        offVariation:
  2288          type: integer
  2289          description: The index of the variation to be served when a flag is off.
  2290    Prerequisite:
  2291      type: object
  2292      properties:
  2293        key:
  2294          type: string
  2295        variation:
  2296          type: integer
  2297    FeatureFlagScheduledChanges:
  2298      type: object
  2299      properties:
  2300        _links:
  2301          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2302        items:
  2303          type: array
  2304          items:
  2305            $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagScheduledChange'
  2306    FeatureFlagScheduledChange:
  2307      type: object
  2308      properties:
  2309        executionDate:
  2310          type: integer
  2311          description: >-
  2312            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the date the scheduled
  2313            changes will be applied
  2314        _version:
  2315          type: integer
  2316        _id:
  2317          type: string
  2318        instructions:
  2319          $ref: '#/definitions/SemanticPatchInstruction'
  2320    FeatureFlagScheduledChangesConflicts:
  2321      type: object
  2322      properties:
  2323        instructions:
  2324          type: array
  2325          items:
  2326            properties:
  2327              kind:
  2328                type: string
  2329                example: removeUserTargets
  2330                description: >-
  2331                  The name of the modification you would like to perform on a
  2332                  resource.
  2333              conflicts:
  2334                type: array
  2335                items:
  2336                  $ref: '#/definitions/ScheduledChangesFeatureFlagConflict'
  2337    ScheduledChangesFeatureFlagConflict:
  2338      type: object
  2339      properties:
  2340        _id:
  2341          type: string
  2342          description: Feature flag scheduled change id this change will conflict with
  2343        reason:
  2344          type: string
  2345          description: Feature flag scheduled change conflict reason
  2346    ApprovalRequests:
  2347      type: object
  2348      properties:
  2349        _links:
  2350          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2351        items:
  2352          type: array
  2353          items:
  2354            $ref: '#/definitions/ApprovalRequest'
  2355    ApprovalRequest:
  2356      type: object
  2357      properties:
  2358        _id:
  2359          type: string
  2360          description: The unique resource id.
  2361          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  2362        _version:
  2363          type: integer
  2364        creationDate:
  2365          type: integer
  2366          description: >-
  2367            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the date the approval
  2368            request was requested
  2369        requestorId:
  2370          type: string
  2371          description: The id of the member that requested the change
  2372        reviewStatus:
  2373          $ref: '#/definitions/ApprovalRequestReviewStatus'
  2374        status:
  2375          type: string
  2376          description: >
  2377            | Name      | Description |
  2379            | ---------:| ----------- |
  2381            | pending   | the approval request has not been applied yet |
  2383            | completed | the approval request has been applied successfully |
  2385            | scheduled | the approval request for a scheduled change has been
  2386            applied successfully |
  2388            | failed    | the approval request has been applied but the changes
  2389            were not applied successfully |
  2390          enum:
  2391            - pending
  2392            - completed
  2393            - scheduled
  2394            - failed
  2395        appliedByMemberID:
  2396          type: string
  2397          description: The id of the member that applied the approval request
  2398        appliedDate:
  2399          type: integer
  2400          description: >-
  2401            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the date the approval
  2402            request was applied
  2403        allReviews:
  2404          type: array
  2405          items:
  2406            $ref: '#/definitions/ApprovalRequestReview'
  2407        notifyMemberIds:
  2408          type: array
  2409          items:
  2410            type: string
  2411          example:
  2412            - memberId
  2413            - memberId2
  2414        instructions:
  2415          $ref: '#/definitions/SemanticPatchInstruction'
  2416        executionDate:
  2417          type: integer
  2418          format: int64
  2419          description: Timestamp for when instructions will be executed
  2420        operatingOnId:
  2421          type: string
  2422          description: ID of scheduled change to edit or delete
  2423    ApprovalRequestReview:
  2424      type: object
  2425      properties:
  2426        creationDate:
  2427          type: integer
  2428          description: >-
  2429            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the date the approval
  2430            request was reviewed
  2431        kind:
  2432          $ref: '#/definitions/ApprovalRequestReviewStatus'
  2433        memberId:
  2434          type: string
  2435          description: The unique resource id.
  2436          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  2437        _id:
  2438          type: string
  2439          description: The unique resource id.
  2440          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  2441    ApprovalRequestReviewStatus:
  2442      type: string
  2443      description: >
  2444        | Name     | Description |
  2446        | --------:| ----------- |
  2448        | pending  | the approval request has not been reviewed yet |
  2450        | approved | the approval request has been approved and can now be applied
  2451        |
  2453        | declined | the approval request has been declined and cannot be applied
  2454        |
  2455      enum:
  2456        - pending
  2457        - approved
  2458        - declined
  2459    ClientSideAvailability:
  2460      type: object
  2461      properties:
  2462        usingEnvironmentId:
  2463          type: boolean
  2464          description: >-
  2465            When set to true, this flag will be available to SDKs using the
  2466            client-side id.
  2467        usingMobileKey:
  2468          type: boolean
  2469          description: >-
  2470            When set to true, this flag will be available to SDKS using a mobile
  2471            key.
  2472    FeatureFlagStatus:
  2473      type: object
  2474      properties:
  2475        name:
  2476          type: string
  2477          description: >
  2478            | Name     | Description |
  2480            | --------:| ----------- |
  2482            | new      | the feature flag was created within the last 7 days, and
  2483            has not been requested yet |
  2485            | active   | the feature flag was requested by your servers or clients
  2486            within the last 7 days |
  2488            | inactive | the feature flag was created more than 7 days ago, and
  2489            hasn't been requested by your servers or clients within the past 7
  2490            days |
  2492            | launched | one variation of the feature flag has been rolled out to
  2493            all your users for at least 7 days |
  2494          enum:
  2495            - new
  2496            - active
  2497            - inactive
  2498            - launched
  2499        lastRequested:
  2500          type: string
  2501          example: '2016-08-16T21:10:11.886Z'
  2502        default:
  2503          type: object
  2504        _links:
  2505          $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagStatusLinks'
  2506    FeatureFlagStatuses:
  2507      type: object
  2508      properties:
  2509        _links:
  2510          $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagStatusLinks'
  2511        items:
  2512          type: array
  2513          items:
  2514            $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagStatus'
  2515    FeatureFlagStatusForQueriedEnvironment:
  2516      type: object
  2517      properties:
  2518        name:
  2519          type: string
  2520          description: >
  2521            | Name     | Description |
  2523            | --------:| ----------- |
  2525            | new      | the feature flag was created within the last 7 days, and
  2526            has not been requested yet |
  2528            | active   | the feature flag was requested by your servers or clients
  2529            within the last 7 days |
  2531            | inactive | the feature flag was created more than 7 days ago, and
  2532            hasn't been requested by your servers or clients within the past 7
  2533            days |
  2535            | launched | one variation of the feature flag has been rolled out to
  2536            all your users for at least 7 days |
  2537          enum:
  2538            - new
  2539            - active
  2540            - inactive
  2541            - launched
  2542        lastRequested:
  2543          type: string
  2544          example: '2016-08-16T21:10:11.886Z'
  2545        default:
  2546          type: object
  2547    FeatureFlagStatusAcrossEnvironments:
  2548      type: object
  2549      properties:
  2550        _links:
  2551          $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagStatusLinks'
  2552        key:
  2553          type: string
  2554        environments:
  2555          type: object
  2556          additionalProperties:
  2557            $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagStatusForQueriedEnvironment'
  2558    FeatureFlagStatusLinks:
  2559      type: object
  2560      properties:
  2561        parent:
  2562          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  2563        self:
  2564          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  2565    DependentFlagsByEnvironment:
  2566      type: object
  2567      properties:
  2568        items:
  2569          type: array
  2570          items:
  2571            $ref: '#/definitions/DependentFlag'
  2572        _links:
  2573          $ref: '#/definitions/DependentFlagsLinks'
  2574        _site:
  2575          $ref: '#/definitions/Site'
  2576    DependentFlag:
  2577      type: object
  2578      properties:
  2579        name:
  2580          type: string
  2581        key:
  2582          type: string
  2583        _links:
  2584          type: object
  2585          properties:
  2586            self:
  2587              $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  2588        _site:
  2589          $ref: '#/definitions/Site'
  2590    DependentFlagsLinks:
  2591      type: object
  2592      properties:
  2593        parent:
  2594          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  2595        self:
  2596          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  2597    MultiEnvironmentDependentFlags:
  2598      type: object
  2599      properties:
  2600        items:
  2601          type: array
  2602          items:
  2603            $ref: '#/definitions/MultiEnvironmentDependentFlag'
  2604        _links:
  2605          $ref: '#/definitions/DependentFlagsLinks'
  2606        _site:
  2607          $ref: '#/definitions/Site'
  2608    MultiEnvironmentDependentFlag:
  2609      type: object
  2610      properties:
  2611        name:
  2612          type: string
  2613        key:
  2614          type: string
  2615        environments:
  2616          type: array
  2617          items:
  2618            $ref: '#/definitions/DependentFlagEnvironment'
  2619        _links:
  2620          $ref: '#/definitions/DependentFlagsLinks'
  2621        _site:
  2622          $ref: '#/definitions/Site'
  2623    DependentFlagEnvironment:
  2624      type: object
  2625      properties:
  2626        name:
  2627          type: string
  2628        key:
  2629          type: string
  2630        _links:
  2631          type: object
  2632          properties:
  2633            self:
  2634              $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  2635            flagLink:
  2636              $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  2637        _site:
  2638          $ref: '#/definitions/Site'
  2639    UserTargetingExpirationForFlags:
  2640      type: object
  2641      properties:
  2642        _links:
  2643          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2644        items:
  2645          type: array
  2646          items:
  2647            $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationForFlag'
  2648    UserTargetingExpirationOnFlagsForUser:
  2649      type: object
  2650      properties:
  2651        _links:
  2652          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2653        items:
  2654          type: array
  2655          items:
  2656            $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationForFlag'
  2657    UserTargetingExpirationForFlag:
  2658      type: object
  2659      properties:
  2660        expirationDate:
  2661          type: integer
  2662          format: int64
  2663          description: Unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the expiration date
  2664          example: 1735689600000
  2665        variationId:
  2666          type: string
  2667          description: the ID of the variation that the user is targeted on a flag
  2668        userKey:
  2669          type: string
  2670          description: Unique identifier for the user
  2671        _id:
  2672          type: string
  2673        _resourceId:
  2674          $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationResourceIdForFlag'
  2675        _links:
  2676          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2677        _version:
  2678          type: integer
  2679    UserTargetingExpirationForSegment:
  2680      type: object
  2681      properties:
  2682        expirationDate:
  2683          type: integer
  2684          format: int64
  2685          description: Unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the expiration date
  2686          example: 1735689600000
  2687        targetType:
  2688          type: string
  2689          description: >-
  2690            either the included or excluded variation that the user is targeted on
  2691            a segment
  2692        userKey:
  2693          type: string
  2694          description: Unique identifier for the user
  2695        _id:
  2696          type: string
  2697        _resourceId:
  2698          $ref: '#/definitions/UserTargetingExpirationResourceIdForFlag'
  2699        _links:
  2700          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2701        _version:
  2702          type: integer
  2703    UserTargetingExpirationResourceIdForFlag:
  2704      type: object
  2705      properties:
  2706        kind:
  2707          type: string
  2708        projectKey:
  2709          type: string
  2710        environmentKey:
  2711          type: string
  2712        flagKey:
  2713          type: string
  2714        key:
  2715          type: string
  2716    UserSegment:
  2717      type: object
  2718      required:
  2719        - key
  2720        - name
  2721        - creationDate
  2722      properties:
  2723        key:
  2724          type: string
  2725          description: Unique identifier for the user segment.
  2726          example: beta-testers
  2727        name:
  2728          type: string
  2729          description: Name of the user segment.
  2730          example: Beta Testers
  2731        description:
  2732          type: string
  2733          description: Description of the user segment.
  2734          example: Users in this segment can access beta features.
  2735        tags:
  2736          type: array
  2737          items:
  2738            type: string
  2739          example:
  2740            - dev
  2741            - ops
  2742          description: An array of tags for this user segment.
  2743        creationDate:
  2744          type: integer
  2745          format: int64
  2746          description: >-
  2747            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the creation time of this
  2748            flag.
  2749          example: 1443652232590
  2750        included:
  2751          type: array
  2752          items:
  2753            type: string
  2754          description: An array of user keys that are included in this segment.
  2755        excluded:
  2756          type: array
  2757          items:
  2758            type: string
  2759          description: >-
  2760            An array of user keys that should not be included in this segment,
  2761            unless they are also listed in "included".
  2762        rules:
  2763          type: array
  2764          items:
  2765            $ref: '#/definitions/UserSegmentRule'
  2766          description: >-
  2767            An array of rules that can cause a user to be included in this
  2768            segment.
  2769        unbounded:
  2770          type: boolean
  2771          example: false
  2772          description: >-
  2773            Controls whether this is considered a "big segment" which can support
  2774            an unlimited numbers of users. Include/exclude lists sent with this
  2775            payload are not used in big segments. Contact your account manager for
  2776            early access to this feature.
  2777        version:
  2778          type: integer
  2779        _links:
  2780          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2781        _flags:
  2782          type: array
  2783          readOnly: true
  2784          items:
  2785            $ref: '#/definitions/FlagListItem'
  2786    UserSegmentRule:
  2787      type: object
  2788      properties:
  2789        clauses:
  2790          type: array
  2791          items:
  2792            $ref: '#/definitions/Clause'
  2793        weight:
  2794          type: integer
  2795        bucketBy:
  2796          type: string
  2797    UserSegments:
  2798      type: object
  2799      properties:
  2800        _links:
  2801          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2802        items:
  2803          type: array
  2804          items:
  2805            $ref: '#/definitions/UserSegment'
  2806    BigSegmentTargetChanges:
  2807      type: object
  2808      properties:
  2809        add:
  2810          type: array
  2811          example:
  2812            -
  2813          items:
  2814            type: string
  2815          description: Users to add to this list of targets
  2816        remove:
  2817          type: array
  2818          example: []
  2819          items:
  2820            type: string
  2821          description: Users to remove from this list of targets
  2822    Project:
  2823      type: object
  2824      properties:
  2825        _links:
  2826          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2827        _id:
  2828          type: string
  2829          description: The unique resource id.
  2830          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  2831        key:
  2832          type: string
  2833          example: zentasks
  2834        name:
  2835          type: string
  2836          example: Zentasks
  2837        includeInSnippetByDefault:
  2838          type: boolean
  2839          example: true
  2840        environments:
  2841          type: array
  2842          items:
  2843            $ref: '#/definitions/Environment'
  2844        tags:
  2845          type: array
  2846          items:
  2847            type: string
  2848          description: An array of tags for this project.
  2849        defaultClientSideAvailability:
  2850          $ref: '#/definitions/ClientSideAvailability'
  2851    Projects:
  2852      type: object
  2853      properties:
  2854        _links:
  2855          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2856        items:
  2857          type: array
  2858          items:
  2859            $ref: '#/definitions/Project'
  2860    Destination:
  2861      type: object
  2862      properties:
  2863        _links:
  2864          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2865        _id:
  2866          type: string
  2867          example: 37ed9aad-de0a-4665-932e-41c35587aeea
  2868          description: Unique destination ID.
  2869        name:
  2870          type: string
  2871          example: Example Google Pub/Sub Destination
  2872          description: The destination name
  2873        kind:
  2874          type: string
  2875          example: google-pubsub
  2876          description: >-
  2877            Destination type ("google-pubsub", "kinesis", "mparticle", or
  2878            "segment")
  2879          enum:
  2880            - google-pubsub
  2881            - kinesis
  2882            - mparticle
  2883            - segment
  2884        config:
  2885          type: object
  2886          description: destination-specific configuration.
  2887          example:
  2888            project: cool-project
  2889            topic: test
  2890        'on':
  2891          type: boolean
  2892          example: true
  2893          description: Whether the data export destination is on or not.
  2894        version:
  2895          type: integer
  2896          example: 2
  2897    Destinations:
  2898      type: object
  2899      properties:
  2900        _links:
  2901          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2902        items:
  2903          type: array
  2904          items:
  2905            $ref: '#/definitions/Destination'
  2906    DestinationGooglePubSub:
  2907      type: object
  2908      properties:
  2909        project:
  2910          type: string
  2911          example: cool-project
  2912        topic:
  2913          type: string
  2914          example: test
  2915    DestinationAmazonKinesis:
  2916      type: object
  2917      properties:
  2918        region:
  2919          type: string
  2920          example: us-east-1
  2921        roleArn:
  2922          type: string
  2923          example: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/marketingadmin'
  2924        streamName:
  2925          type: string
  2926          example: cat-stream
  2927    DestinationMParticle:
  2928      type: object
  2929      properties:
  2930        apiKey:
  2931          type: string
  2932          example: apiKeyfromMParticle
  2933        secret:
  2934          type: string
  2935          example: mParticleSecret
  2936        userIdentity:
  2937          type: string
  2938          example: customer_id
  2939        environment:
  2940          type: string
  2941          example: production
  2942    DestinationSegment:
  2943      type: object
  2944      properties:
  2945        writeKey:
  2946          type: string
  2947          example: segmentWriteKey
  2948    Environment:
  2949      type: object
  2950      properties:
  2951        _links:
  2952          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  2953        _id:
  2954          type: string
  2955          description: The unique resource id.
  2956          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  2957        key:
  2958          type: string
  2959          example: production
  2960          description: The key for the environment.
  2961        name:
  2962          type: string
  2963          example: Production
  2964          description: The name of the environment.
  2965        apiKey:
  2966          type: string
  2967          example: XXX
  2968          description: The SDK key for backend LaunchDarkly SDKs.
  2969        mobileKey:
  2970          type: string
  2971          example: XXX
  2972          description: The SDK key for mobile LaunchDarkly SDKs.
  2973        color:
  2974          type: string
  2975          example: '417505'
  2976          description: The swatch color for the environment.
  2977        defaultTtl:
  2978          type: number
  2979          example: 0
  2980          description: The default TTL.
  2981        secureMode:
  2982          type: boolean
  2983          example: false
  2984          description: Determines if this environment is in safe mode.
  2985        defaultTrackEvents:
  2986          type: boolean
  2987          example: false
  2988          description: Set to true to send detailed event information for new flags.
  2989        tags:
  2990          type: array
  2991          items:
  2992            type: string
  2993          description: An array of tags for this environment.
  2994        requireComments:
  2995          type: boolean
  2996          example: false
  2997          description: >-
  2998            Determines if this environment requires comments for flag and segment
  2999            changes.
  3000        confirmChanges:
  3001          type: boolean
  3002          example: false
  3003          description: >-
  3004            Determines if this environment requires confirmation for flag and
  3005            segment changes.
  3006        approvalSettings:
  3007          type: object
  3008          description: >-
  3009            Approval settings for an environment. Only appears if the approvals
  3010            feature is enabled.
  3011          properties:
  3012            serviceKind:
  3013              type: string
  3014              description: The approvals system used.
  3015              enum:
  3016                - launchdarkly
  3017                - service-now
  3018            required:
  3019              type: boolean
  3020              description: >-
  3021                Whether any changes to flags in this environment will require
  3022                approval. You may only set required or requiredApprovalTags, not
  3023                both.
  3024            canReviewOwnRequest:
  3025              type: boolean
  3026              description: >-
  3027                Whether requesters can approve or decline their own request. They
  3028                may always comment.
  3029            minNumApprovals:
  3030              type: integer
  3031              format: int64
  3032              description: >-
  3033                The number of approvals required before an approval request can be
  3034                applied.
  3035              example: 2
  3036            canApplyDeclinedChanges:
  3037              type: boolean
  3038              description: >-
  3039                Whether changes can be applied as long as minNumApprovals is met,
  3040                regardless of if any reviewers have declined a request.
  3041            requiredApprovalTags:
  3042              type: array
  3043              items:
  3044                type: string
  3045              description: >-
  3046                An array of tags used to specify which flags with those tags
  3047                require approval. You may only set requiredApprovalTags or
  3048                required, not both.
  3049    EnvironmentPost:
  3050      type: object
  3051      properties:
  3052        name:
  3053          type: string
  3054          description: The name of the new environment.
  3055          example: Development
  3056        key:
  3057          type: string
  3058          description: A project-unique key for the new environment.
  3059          example: dev
  3060        color:
  3061          type: string
  3062          description: 'A color swatch (as an RGB hex value with no leading ''#'', e.g. C8C8C8).'
  3063          example: '417505'
  3064        defaultTtl:
  3065          type: number
  3066          description: The default TTL for the new environment.
  3067          example: 0
  3068        secureMode:
  3069          type: boolean
  3070          description: Determines whether the environment is in secure mode.
  3071          example: false
  3072        defaultTrackEvents:
  3073          type: boolean
  3074          description: >-
  3075            Set to true to send detailed event information for newly created
  3076            flags.
  3077          example: false
  3078        tags:
  3079          type: array
  3080          description: An array of tags for this environment.
  3081          items:
  3082            type: string
  3083          example:
  3084            - tag1
  3085            - tag2
  3086        requireComments:
  3087          type: boolean
  3088          description: >-
  3089            Determines if this environment requires comments for flag and segment
  3090            changes.
  3091          example: false
  3092        confirmChanges:
  3093          type: boolean
  3094          description: >-
  3095            Determines if this environment requires confirmation for flag and
  3096            segment changes.
  3097          example: false
  3098      required:
  3099        - name
  3100        - key
  3101        - color
  3102    User:
  3103      type: object
  3104      properties:
  3105        key:
  3106          type: string
  3107          example: a00bea
  3108        secondary:
  3109          type: string
  3110        ip:
  3111          type: string
  3112        country:
  3113          type: string
  3114        email:
  3115          type: string
  3116        firstName:
  3117          type: string
  3118        lastName:
  3119          type: string
  3120        avatar:
  3121          type: string
  3122        name:
  3123          type: string
  3124          example: Bob Loblaw
  3125        anonymous:
  3126          type: boolean
  3127        custom:
  3128          type: object
  3129          example:
  3130            company:
  3131    UserRecord:
  3132      type: object
  3133      properties:
  3134        lastPing:
  3135          type: string
  3136          example: '2015-03-03T02:37:22.492Z'
  3137        environmentId:
  3138          type: string
  3139          example: 54ac2d97de674204ddd61096
  3140        ownerId:
  3141          type: string
  3142          description: The unique resource id.
  3143          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  3144        user:
  3145          $ref: '#/definitions/User'
  3146        avatar:
  3147          type: string
  3148          example: ''
  3149    Users:
  3150      type: object
  3151      properties:
  3152        _links:
  3153          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3154        totalCount:
  3155          type: number
  3156          example: 3
  3157        items:
  3158          type: array
  3159          items:
  3160            $ref: '#/definitions/UserRecord'
  3161    AuditLogEntry:
  3162      type: object
  3163      properties:
  3164        _links:
  3165          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3166        _id:
  3167          type: string
  3168          description: The unique resource id.
  3169          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  3170        date:
  3171          type: integer
  3172          format: int64
  3173          example: 1472243938774
  3174        kind:
  3175          type: string
  3176          example: environment
  3177        name:
  3178          type: string
  3179          example: Testing
  3180        description:
  3181          type: string
  3182          example: Changed the name from Test to Testing
  3183        shortDescription:
  3184          type: string
  3185          example: '""'
  3186        comment:
  3187          type: string
  3188          example: This is a comment string
  3189        member:
  3190          $ref: '#/definitions/Member'
  3191        titleVerb:
  3192          type: string
  3193          example: changed the name of
  3194        title:
  3195          type: string
  3196          example: >-
  3197            [Reese Applebaum]( changed the name of
  3198            [Testing](
  3199        target:
  3200          type: object
  3201          properties:
  3202            _links:
  3203              $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3204            name:
  3205              type: string
  3206              example: Testing
  3207            resources:
  3208              type: array
  3209              items:
  3210                type: string
  3211                example: 'proj/alexis:env/test'
  3212    AuditLogEntries:
  3213      type: object
  3214      properties:
  3215        _links:
  3216          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3217        items:
  3218          type: array
  3219          items:
  3220            $ref: '#/definitions/AuditLogEntry'
  3221    UserFlagSetting:
  3222      type: object
  3223      properties:
  3224        _links:
  3225          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3226        _value:
  3227          type: boolean
  3228          description: >-
  3229            The most important attribute in the response. The _value is the
  3230            current setting for the user. For a boolean feature toggle, this will
  3231            be true, false, or null if there is no defined fallthrough value.
  3232          example: true
  3233        setting:
  3234          type: boolean
  3235          description: >-
  3236            The setting attribute indicates whether you've explicitly targeted
  3237            this user to receive a particular variation. For example, if you have
  3238            explicitly turned off a feature toggle for a user, setting will be
  3239            false. A setting of null means that you haven't assigned that user to
  3240            a specific variation.
  3241          example: null
  3242    UserFlagSettings:
  3243      type: object
  3244      properties:
  3245        _links:
  3246          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3247        items:
  3248          type: object
  3249          additionalProperties:
  3250            $ref: '#/definitions/UserFlagSetting'
  3251          example:
  3252            sort.order:
  3253              _links:
  3254                self:
  3255                  href: /api/v2/users/lacuna/production/Abbie_Braun/flags/sort.order
  3256                  type: application/json
  3257                _value: true
  3258                setting: null
  3260              _links:
  3261                self:
  3262                  href: >-
  3263                    /api/v2/users/lacuna/production/Abbie_Braun/flags/
  3264                  type: application/json
  3265              _value: 'false,'
  3266              setting: null
  3267    Statement:
  3268      type: object
  3269      properties:
  3270        resources:
  3271          type: array
  3272          items:
  3273            type: string
  3274            description: A resource specifier string
  3275            example: 'proj/*:env/*:flag/my-flag'
  3276        notResources:
  3277          type: array
  3278          items:
  3279            type: string
  3280            description: A resource specifier string
  3281            example: 'proj/*:env/*:flag/my-flag'
  3282          description: >-
  3283            Targeted resource will be those resources NOT in this list. The
  3284            "resources`" field must be empty to use this field.
  3285        actions:
  3286          type: array
  3287          items:
  3288            type: string
  3289            description: An action to perform on a resource.
  3290            example: updateOn
  3291        notActions:
  3292          type: array
  3293          items:
  3294            type: string
  3295            description: An action to perform on a resource.
  3296            example: updateOn
  3297          description: >-
  3298            Targeted actions will be those actions NOT in this list. The "actions"
  3299            field must be empty to use this field.
  3300        effect:
  3301          type: string
  3302          enum:
  3303            - allow
  3304            - deny
  3305    Role:
  3306      type: string
  3307      enum:
  3308        - writer
  3309        - reader
  3310        - admin
  3311        - owner
  3312    CustomRole:
  3313      type: object
  3314      properties:
  3315        _links:
  3316          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3317        name:
  3318          type: string
  3319          description: Name of the custom role.
  3320          example: revenue team
  3321        key:
  3322          type: string
  3323          description: The 20-hexdigit id or the key for a custom role.
  3324          example: revenue-team
  3325        description:
  3326          type: string
  3327          description: Description of the custom role.
  3328          example: Description of revenue team role here
  3329        _id:
  3330          type: string
  3331          description: The unique resource id.
  3332          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  3333        policy:
  3334          type: array
  3335          items:
  3336            $ref: '#/definitions/Policy'
  3337    CustomRoles:
  3338      type: object
  3339      properties:
  3340        _links:
  3341          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3342        items:
  3343          type: array
  3344          items:
  3345            $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRole'
  3346    Policy:
  3347      type: object
  3348      properties:
  3349        resources:
  3350          type: array
  3351          items:
  3352            type: string
  3353            description: A resource specifier string
  3354            example: 'proj/*:env/*:flag/my-flag'
  3355        notResources:
  3356          type: array
  3357          items:
  3358            type: string
  3359            description: A resource specifier string
  3360            example: 'proj/*:env/*:flag/my-flag'
  3361          description: >-
  3362            Targeted resource will be those resources NOT in this list. The
  3363            "resources`" field must be empty to use this field.
  3364        actions:
  3365          type: array
  3366          items:
  3367            type: string
  3368            description: An action to perform on a resource.
  3369            example: updateOn
  3370        notActions:
  3371          type: array
  3372          items:
  3373            type: string
  3374            description: An action to perform on a resource.
  3375            example: updateOn
  3376          description: >-
  3377            Targeted actions will be those actions NOT in this list. The "actions"
  3378            field must be empty to use this field.
  3379        effect:
  3380          type: string
  3381          description: Effect of the policy - allow or deny.
  3382          example: deny
  3383    Id:
  3384      type: string
  3385      description: The unique resource id.
  3386      example: 5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1
  3387    PatchOperation:
  3388      type: object
  3389      properties:
  3390        op:
  3391          type: string
  3392          example: replace
  3393        path:
  3394          type: string
  3395          example: /name
  3396        value:
  3397          type: object
  3398          example: My resource name
  3399      required:
  3400        - op
  3401        - path
  3402        - value
  3403    SemanticPatchOperation:
  3404      type: object
  3405      properties:
  3406        comment:
  3407          type: string
  3408          example: This is a comment string
  3409        instructions:
  3410          $ref: '#/definitions/SemanticPatchInstruction'
  3411      required:
  3412        - instructions
  3413    SemanticPatchInstruction:
  3414      type: array
  3415      items:
  3416        properties:
  3417          kind:
  3418            type: string
  3419            example: removeUserTargets
  3420            description: >-
  3421              The name of the modification you would like to perform on a
  3422              resource.
  3423    CustomProperty:
  3424      type: object
  3425      description: A name and value describing a custom property.
  3426      properties:
  3427        name:
  3428          type: string
  3429          description: The name of the property.
  3430          example: My property
  3431        value:
  3432          type: array
  3433          description: Values for this property.
  3434          items:
  3435            type: string
  3436            example:
  3437              - Value 1
  3438              - Value 2
  3439      required:
  3440        - name
  3441    CustomPropertyValues:
  3442      type: array
  3443      description: Values for this property.
  3444      items:
  3445        type: string
  3446      example:
  3447        - Value 1
  3448        - Value 2
  3449    UsageLinks:
  3450      type: object
  3451      properties:
  3452        parent:
  3453          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3454        self:
  3455          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3456        subseries:
  3457          type: array
  3458          description: The following links that are in the response.
  3459          items:
  3460            $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3461    StreamLinks:
  3462      type: object
  3463      properties:
  3464        parent:
  3465          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3466        self:
  3467          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3468        subseries:
  3469          type: array
  3470          description: Links to endpoints that are in the request path.
  3471          items:
  3472            $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3473    Usage:
  3474      type: object
  3475      properties:
  3476        _links:
  3477          $ref: '#/definitions/UsageLinks'
  3478        series:
  3479          type: array
  3480          items:
  3481            $ref: '#/definitions/StreamUsageSeries'
  3482    UsageError:
  3483      type: object
  3484      properties:
  3485        message:
  3486          type: string
  3487          example: >-
  3488            This is a beta API, you must pass beta in the LD-API-Version header to
  3489            use it.
  3490    Streams:
  3491      type: object
  3492      properties:
  3493        _links:
  3494          $ref: '#/definitions/StreamUsageLinks'
  3495    Stream:
  3496      type: object
  3497      properties:
  3498        _links:
  3499          $ref: '#/definitions/StreamUsageLinks'
  3500        metadata:
  3501          type: array
  3502          items:
  3503            $ref: '#/definitions/StreamUsageMetadata'
  3504        series:
  3505          type: array
  3506          items:
  3507            $ref: '#/definitions/StreamUsageSeries'
  3508    StreamUsageLinks:
  3509      type: object
  3510      properties:
  3511        parent:
  3512          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3513        self:
  3514          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3515        subseries:
  3516          type: array
  3517          description: The following links that are in the response.
  3518          items:
  3519            $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3520    StreamUsageSeries:
  3521      type: object
  3522      properties:
  3523        '0':
  3524          type: integer
  3525          format: int64
  3526          description: A key corresponding to a time series data point.
  3527          example: 0
  3528        time:
  3529          type: integer
  3530          format: int64
  3531          description: >-
  3532            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the creation time of this
  3533            flag.
  3534          example: 1551740400000
  3535    StreamUsageMetadata:
  3536      type: object
  3537      properties:
  3538        sdk:
  3539          type: string
  3540          description: The language of the sdk
  3541          example: ruby
  3542        version:
  3543          type: string
  3544          description: The version of the SDK
  3545          example: 5.4.3
  3546        source:
  3547          type: string
  3548          example: server
  3549    StreamUsageError:
  3550      type: object
  3551      properties:
  3552        code:
  3553          type: string
  3554          example: not_found
  3555        message:
  3556          type: string
  3557          example: Stream source not found
  3558    StreamBySDK:
  3559      type: object
  3560      properties:
  3561        _links:
  3562          $ref: '#/definitions/StreamBySDKLinks'
  3563        metadata:
  3564          type: array
  3565          items:
  3566            $ref: '#/definitions/StreamBySDKLinksMetadata'
  3567        series:
  3568          type: array
  3569          items:
  3570            $ref: '#/definitions/StreamUsageSeries'
  3571    StreamBySDKLinks:
  3572      type: object
  3573      properties:
  3574        parent:
  3575          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3576        self:
  3577          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3578    StreamBySDKLinksMetadata:
  3579      type: object
  3580      properties:
  3581        sdk:
  3582          type: string
  3583          example: ruby
  3584        version:
  3585          type: string
  3586          example: 5.4.3
  3587        source:
  3588          type: string
  3589          example: server
  3590    StreamSDKVersion:
  3591      type: object
  3592      properties:
  3593        _links:
  3594          $ref: '#/definitions/StreamBySDKLinks'
  3595        sdkVersions:
  3596          type: array
  3597          items:
  3598            $ref: '#/definitions/StreamSDKVersionData'
  3599    StreamSDKVersionData:
  3600      type: object
  3601      properties:
  3602        sdk:
  3603          type: string
  3604          description: The language of the sdk
  3605          example: ruby
  3606        version:
  3607          type: string
  3608          description: The version of the sdk
  3609          example: 5.4.3
  3610    MAU:
  3611      type: object
  3612      properties:
  3613        _links:
  3614          $ref: '#/definitions/UsageLinks'
  3615        metadata:
  3616          type: array
  3617          items:
  3618            $ref: '#/definitions/StreamBySDKLinksMetadata'
  3619        series:
  3620          type: array
  3621          items:
  3622            $ref: '#/definitions/StreamUsageSeries'
  3623    MAUbyCategory:
  3624      type: object
  3625      properties:
  3626        _links:
  3627          $ref: '#/definitions/StreamBySDKLinks'
  3628        metadata:
  3629          type: array
  3630          items:
  3631            $ref: '#/definitions/MAUMetadata'
  3632        series:
  3633          type: array
  3634          items:
  3635            $ref: '#/definitions/StreamUsageSeries'
  3636    MAUMetadata:
  3637      type: object
  3638    Events:
  3639      type: object
  3640      properties:
  3641        links:
  3642          $ref: '#/definitions/UsageLinks'
  3643    EvaluationUsageError:
  3644      type: object
  3645      properties:
  3646        code:
  3647          type: string
  3648          example: not_found
  3649        message:
  3650          type: string
  3651          example: unknown environment
  3652    FeatureFlagCopyObject:
  3653      type: object
  3654      properties:
  3655        key:
  3656          type: string
  3657          description: The environment key to be used.
  3658          example: staging
  3659        currentVersion:
  3660          type: integer
  3661          description: >-
  3662            If the latest version of the flag matches provided version it will
  3663            copy, otherwise it will return a conflict.
  3664          example: 65
  3665      required:
  3666        - key
  3667    CopyActions:
  3668      type: string
  3669      example: []
  3670      enum:
  3671        - updateOn
  3672        - updatePrerequisites
  3673        - updateTargets
  3674        - updateRules
  3675        - updateFallthrough
  3676        - updateOffVariation
  3677    FlagListItem:
  3678      type: object
  3679      properties:
  3680        name:
  3681          type: string
  3682        key:
  3683          type: string
  3684        _links:
  3685          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3686        _site:
  3687          $ref: '#/definitions/Site'
  3688    Tokens:
  3689      type: object
  3690      properties:
  3691        _links:
  3692          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3693        items:
  3694          type: array
  3695          items:
  3696            $ref: '#/definitions/Token'
  3697    Token:
  3698      type: object
  3699      properties:
  3700        _links:
  3701          $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3702        _id:
  3703          type: string
  3704          description: The unique resource id.
  3705          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  3706        ownerId:
  3707          type: string
  3708          description: The unique resource id.
  3709          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  3710        memberId:
  3711          type: string
  3712          description: The unique resource id.
  3713          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  3714        _member:
  3715          $ref: '#/definitions/Member'
  3716        creationDate:
  3717          type: integer
  3718          format: int64
  3719          description: >-
  3720            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the creation time of this
  3721            access token.
  3722          example: 1443652232590
  3723        lastModified:
  3724          type: integer
  3725          format: int64
  3726          example: 1469326565348
  3727          description: >-
  3728            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the last time this access
  3729            token was modified.
  3730        lastUsed:
  3731          type: integer
  3732          format: int64
  3733          example: 1469326565348
  3734          description: >-
  3735            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the last time this access
  3736            token was used to authorize access to the LaunchDarkly REST API.
  3737        token:
  3738          type: string
  3739          example: '3243'
  3740          description: >-
  3741            The last 4 digits of the unique secret key for this access token. If
  3742            creating or resetting the token, this will be the full token secret.
  3743        name:
  3744          type: string
  3745          description: A human-friendly name for the access token
  3746          example: My access token
  3747        role:
  3748          type: string
  3749          description: The name of a built-in role for the token
  3750          example: writer
  3751        customRoleIds:
  3752          type: array
  3753          items:
  3754            type: string
  3755          description: A list of custom role IDs to use as access limits for the access token
  3756        inlineRole:
  3757          type: array
  3758          items:
  3759            $ref: '#/definitions/Statement'
  3760        serviceToken:
  3761          type: boolean
  3762          description: >-
  3763            Whether the token will be a service token
  3765        defaultApiVersion:
  3766          type: integer
  3767          description: The default API version for this token
  3768    RelayProxyConfigs:
  3769      type: object
  3770      properties:
  3771        items:
  3772          type: array
  3773          items:
  3774            $ref: '#/definitions/RelayProxyConfig'
  3775    RelayProxyConfig:
  3776      type: object
  3777      properties:
  3778        _id:
  3779          type: string
  3780          description: The unique resource id.
  3781          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  3782        _creator:
  3783          $ref: '#/definitions/Member'
  3784        name:
  3785          type: string
  3786          description: A human-friendly name for the relay proxy configuration
  3787          example: My relay proxy config
  3788        policy:
  3789          type: array
  3790          items:
  3791            $ref: '#/definitions/Policy'
  3792        fullKey:
  3793          type: string
  3794          example: rel-8a3a773d-b75e-48eb-a850-492cda9266eo
  3795          description: >-
  3796            Full secret key. Only included if creating or resetting the relay
  3797            proxy configuration
  3798        displayKey:
  3799          type: string
  3800          example: 66eo
  3801          description: >-
  3802            The last 4 digits of the unique secret key for this relay proxy
  3803            configuration
  3804        creationDate:
  3805          type: integer
  3806          format: int64
  3807          description: >-
  3808            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the creation time of this
  3809            relay proxy configuration
  3810          example: 1443652232590
  3811        lastModified:
  3812          type: integer
  3813          format: int64
  3814          example: 1469326565348
  3815          description: >-
  3816            A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the last time this relay
  3817            proxy configuration was modified
  3818      required:
  3819        - _id
  3820        - _creator
  3821        - name
  3822        - policy
  3823        - displayKey
  3824        - creationDate
  3825        - lastModified
  3826    HierarchicalLinks:
  3827      type: object
  3828      properties:
  3829        parent:
  3830          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3831        self:
  3832          $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3833    IntegrationSubscription:
  3834      type: object
  3835      properties:
  3836        _links:
  3837          $ref: '#/definitions/HierarchicalLinks'
  3838        _id:
  3839          type: string
  3840          description: The unique resource id.
  3841          example: "5a580a01b4ff89217bdf9dc1"
  3842        kind:
  3843          type: string
  3844          description: The type of integration associated with this configuration.
  3845          example: datadog
  3846        name:
  3847          type: string
  3848          description: The user-defined name associated with this configuration.
  3849          example: V2
  3850        config:
  3851          type: object
  3852          description: A key-value mapping of configuration fields.
  3853          example:
  3854            apiKey: 582**************************116
  3855            hostURL: ''
  3856        statements:
  3857          type: array
  3858          items:
  3859            $ref: '#/definitions/Statement'
  3860        'on':
  3861          type: boolean
  3862          description: Whether or not the integration is currently active.
  3863          example: true
  3864        tags:
  3865          type: array
  3866          items:
  3867            type: string
  3868          description: An array of tags for this integration configuration.
  3869        _status:
  3870          type: object
  3871          properties:
  3872            successCount:
  3873              type: integer
  3874              example: 6
  3875            lastSuccess:
  3876              type: integer
  3877              format: int64
  3878              description: >-
  3879                A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the last time this
  3880                integration was successfully used.
  3881              example: 1443652232590
  3882            errorCount:
  3883              type: integer
  3884              example: 2
  3885    Integration:
  3886      type: object
  3887      properties:
  3888        _links:
  3889          type: object
  3890          properties:
  3891            self:
  3892              $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
  3893        items:
  3894          type: array
  3895          items:
  3896            $ref: '#/definitions/IntegrationSubscription'
  3897    Integrations:
  3898      type: object
  3899      properties:
  3900        _links:
  3901          type: object
  3902          description: A mapping of integration types to their respective API endpoints.
  3903          example:
  3904            appdynamics:
  3905              href: /api/v2/integrations/appdynamics
  3906              type: application/json
  3907            splunk:
  3908              href: /api/v2/integrations/splunk
  3909              type: application/json
  3910        items:
  3911          type: array
  3912          items:
  3913            type: object
  3914            $ref: '#/definitions/IntegrationSubscription'
  3915  responses:
  3916    Standard201:
  3917      description: Resource created.
  3918    Standard204:
  3919      description: Action completed successfully.
  3920    Standard400:
  3921      description: Invalid request body.
  3922    Standard401:
  3923      description: Invalid access token.
  3924    Standard403:
  3925      description: Access to the requested resource was denied.
  3926    Standard404:
  3927      description: Invalid resource specifier.
  3928    Standard409:
  3929      description: Status conflict.
  3930    Root200:
  3931      description: A list of links to available resources in the API.
  3932      schema:
  3933        $ref: '#/definitions/Links'
  3934    Webhook2xx:
  3935      description: Webhook response.
  3936      schema:
  3937        $ref: '#/definitions/Webhook'
  3938    UserSegment2xx:
  3939      description: User segment response.
  3940      schema:
  3941        $ref: '#/definitions/UserSegment'
  3942    Project2xx:
  3943      description: Successful Project response.
  3944      schema:
  3945        $ref: '#/definitions/Project'
  3946    Member2xx:
  3947      description: Member response.
  3948      schema:
  3949        $ref: '#/definitions/Member'
  3950    CustomRole2xx:
  3951      description: Custom role response.
  3952      schema:
  3953        $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRole'
  3954    BetaApi403:
  3955      description: >-
  3956        This is a beta API, you must pass beta in the LD-API-Version header to use
  3957        it.
  3958      schema:
  3959        $ref: '#/definitions/UsageError'
  3960    StreamUsage404:
  3961      description: The stream source you requested could not be found
  3962      schema:
  3963        $ref: '#/definitions/StreamUsageError'
  3964    EvaluationUsage404:
  3965      description: The environment or flag you requested could not be found
  3966      schema:
  3967        $ref: '#/definitions/EvaluationUsageError'
  3968    Environment2xx:
  3969      description: Environment response.
  3970      schema:
  3971        $ref: '#/definitions/Environment'
  3972    Destination2xx:
  3973      description: Destination response.
  3974      schema:
  3975        $ref: '#/definitions/Destination'
  3976    Token2xx:
  3977      description: Token response.
  3978      schema:
  3979        $ref: '#/definitions/Token'
  3980    RelayProxyConfig2xx:
  3981      description: Relay proxy config response.
  3982      schema:
  3983        $ref: '#/definitions/RelayProxyConfig'
  3984  parameters:
  3985    ResourceId:
  3986      name: resourceId
  3987      in: path
  3988      required: true
  3989      description: The resource ID.
  3990      type: string
  3991    WebhookPostRequest:
  3992      name: webhookBody
  3993      in: body
  3994      required: true
  3995      description: New webhook.
  3996      schema:
  3997        type: object
  3998        properties:
  3999          url:
  4000            example: ''
  4001            type: string
  4002            description: The URL of the remote webhook.
  4003          secret:
  4004            example: <password>
  4005            type: string
  4006            description: >-
  4007              If sign is true, and the secret attribute is omitted, LaunchDarkly
  4008              will automatically generate a secret for you.
  4009          sign:
  4010            type: boolean
  4011            description: >-
  4012              If sign is false, the webhook will not include a signature header,
  4013              and the secret can be omitted.
  4014          'on':
  4015            type: boolean
  4016            example: true
  4017            description: Whether this webhook is enabled or not.
  4018          name:
  4019            type: string
  4020            example: Example hook
  4021            description: The name of the webhook.
  4022          statements:
  4023            type: array
  4024            items:
  4025              $ref: '#/definitions/Statement'
  4026          tags:
  4027            type: array
  4028            items:
  4029              type: string
  4030            example: []
  4031            description: Tags for the webhook.
  4032        required:
  4033          - url
  4034          - sign
  4035          - 'on'
  4036    FeatureFlagCopyBody:
  4037      name: featureFlagCopyBody
  4038      in: body
  4039      required: true
  4040      description: Copy feature flag configurations between environments.
  4041      schema:
  4042        type: object
  4043        properties:
  4044          source:
  4045            $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagCopyObject'
  4046          target:
  4047            $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureFlagCopyObject'
  4048          comment:
  4049            type: string
  4050            description: comment will be included in audit log item for change.
  4051            example: This is a comment string
  4052          includedActions:
  4053            type: array
  4054            items:
  4055              $ref: '#/definitions/CopyActions'
  4056            description: Define the parts of the flag configuration that will be copied.
  4057          excludedActions:
  4058            type: array
  4059            items:
  4060              $ref: '#/definitions/CopyActions'
  4061            description: Define the parts of the flag configuration that will not be copied.
  4062    FeatureFlagPostRequest:
  4063      name: featureFlagBody
  4064      in: body
  4065      required: true
  4066      description: Create a new feature flag.
  4067      schema:
  4068        type: object
  4069        properties:
  4070          name:
  4071            type: string
  4072            description: >-
  4073              A human-friendly name for the feature flag. Remember to note if this
  4074              flag is intended to be temporary or permanent.
  4075            example: new test flag
  4076          key:
  4077            type: string
  4078            description: A unique key that will be used to reference the flag in your code.
  4079            example: new-test-flag
  4080          description:
  4081            type: string
  4082            description: A description of the feature flag.
  4083            example: This flag controls whether test feature is turned on or not.
  4084          variations:
  4085            type: array
  4086            items:
  4087              $ref: '#/definitions/Variation'
  4088            description: An array of possible variations for the flag.
  4089          temporary:
  4090            type: boolean
  4091            description: Whether or not the flag is a temporary flag.
  4092          tags:
  4093            type: array
  4094            items:
  4095              type: string
  4096              example: []
  4097            description: Tags for the feature flag.
  4098          includeInSnippet:
  4099            type: boolean
  4100            description: >-
  4101              Whether or not this flag should be made available to the client-side
  4102              JavaScript SDK.
  4103          clientSideAvailability:
  4104            $ref: '#/definitions/ClientSideAvailability'
  4105          defaults:
  4106            $ref: '#/definitions/Defaults'
  4107        required:
  4108          - name
  4109          - key
  4110          - variations
  4111    ScheduledChangeId:
  4112      name: scheduledChangeId
  4113      in: path
  4114      required: true
  4115      description: The id of the scheduled change
  4116      type: string
  4117    FlagConfigScheduledChangesConflictsBody:
  4118      name: flagConfigScheduledChangesConflictsBody
  4119      in: body
  4120      required: true
  4121      description: >-
  4122        Used to determine if a semantic patch will result in conflicts with
  4123        scheduled changes on a feature flag.
  4124      schema:
  4125        type: object
  4126        properties:
  4127          executionDate:
  4128            type: integer
  4129            description: >-
  4130              A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the date the scheduled
  4131              changes will be applied
  4132          instructions:
  4133            $ref: '#/definitions/SemanticPatchInstruction'
  4134    FlagConfigScheduledChangesPostBody:
  4135      name: flagConfigScheduledChangesPostBody
  4136      in: body
  4137      required: true
  4138      description: Create scheduled changes on a feature flag.
  4139      schema:
  4140        type: object
  4141        properties:
  4142          comment:
  4143            type: string
  4144            description: Used to describe the scheduled changes.
  4145          executionDate:
  4146            type: integer
  4147            description: >-
  4148              A unix epoch time in milliseconds specifying the date the scheduled
  4149              changes will be applied
  4150          instructions:
  4151            $ref: '#/definitions/SemanticPatchInstruction'
  4152    FlagConfigScheduledChangesPatchBody:
  4153      name: flagConfigScheduledChangesPatchBody
  4154      in: body
  4155      required: true
  4156      description: Update scheduled changes on a feature flag.
  4157      schema:
  4158        type: object
  4159        properties:
  4160          comment:
  4161            type: string
  4162            description: Used to describe the scheduled changes.
  4163          instructions:
  4164            $ref: '#/definitions/SemanticPatchInstruction'
  4165    DestinationPostRequest:
  4166      name: destinationBody
  4167      in: body
  4168      required: true
  4169      description: Create a new data export destination.
  4170      schema:
  4171        type: object
  4172        properties:
  4173          name:
  4174            type: string
  4175            description: A human-readable name for your data export destination.
  4176            example: Example Google Pub/Sub Destination
  4177          kind:
  4178            type: string
  4179            description: >-
  4180              The data export destination type. Available choices are kinesis,
  4181              google-pubsub, mparticle, or segment.
  4182            example: google-pubsub
  4183            enum:
  4184              - google-pubsub
  4185              - kinesis
  4186              - mparticle
  4187              - segment
  4188          config:
  4189            type: object
  4190            description: destination-specific configuration.
  4191            example:
  4192              project: cool-project
  4193              topic: test
  4194          'on':
  4195            type: boolean
  4196            example: true
  4197            description: Whether the data export destination is on or not.
  4198        required:
  4199          - name
  4200          - kind
  4201          - config
  4202    UserSegmentPostRequest:
  4203      name: userSegmentBody
  4204      in: body
  4205      required: true
  4206      description: Create a new user segment.
  4207      schema:
  4208        type: object
  4209        properties:
  4210          name:
  4211            type: string
  4212            description: A human-friendly name for the user segment.
  4213            example: new segment
  4214          key:
  4215            type: string
  4216            description: >-
  4217              A unique key that will be used to reference the user segment in
  4218              feature flags.
  4219            example: new-segment
  4220          description:
  4221            type: string
  4222            description: A description for the user segment.
  4223            example: Users in this segment will have access to beta features.
  4224          unbounded:
  4225            type: boolean
  4226            example: false
  4227            description: >-
  4228              Controls whether this is considered a "big segment" which can
  4229              support an unlimited numbers of users. Include/exclude lists sent
  4230              with this payload are not used in big segments. Contact your account
  4231              manager for early access to this feature.
  4232          tags:
  4233            type: array
  4234            items:
  4235              type: string
  4236              example: []
  4237            description: Tags for the user segment.
  4238        required:
  4239          - name
  4240          - key
  4241    BigSegmentTargetsPostRequest:
  4242      name: bigSegmentTargetsBody
  4243      in: body
  4244      required: true
  4245      description: >-
  4246        Add or remove user targets to the included or excluded lists on a big
  4247        segment. Contact your account manager for early access to this feature.
  4248      schema:
  4249        type: object
  4250        properties:
  4251          included:
  4252            $ref: '#/definitions/BigSegmentTargetChanges'
  4253          excluded:
  4254            $ref: '#/definitions/BigSegmentTargetChanges'
  4255    ProjectPostRequest:
  4256      name: projectBody
  4257      in: body
  4258      required: true
  4259      description: Project keys must be unique within an account.
  4260      schema:
  4261        type: object
  4262        properties:
  4263          name:
  4264            type: string
  4265            example: New Project
  4266          key:
  4267            type: string
  4268            example: new-project
  4269          includeInSnippetByDefault:
  4270            type: boolean
  4271            example: false
  4272          tags:
  4273            type: array
  4274            items:
  4275              type: string
  4276            example:
  4277              - ops
  4278              - dev
  4279          environments:
  4280            type: array
  4281            items:
  4282              $ref: '#/definitions/EnvironmentPost'
  4283            minLength: 1
  4284          defaultClientSideAvailability:
  4285            $ref: '#/definitions/ClientSideAvailability'
  4286        required:
  4287          - name
  4288          - key
  4289    EnvironmentPostRequest:
  4290      name: environmentBody
  4291      in: body
  4292      required: true
  4293      description: New environment.
  4294      schema:
  4295        $ref: '#/definitions/EnvironmentPost'
  4296    ProjectKey:
  4297      name: projectKey
  4298      in: path
  4299      required: true
  4300      description: >-
  4301        The project key, used to tie the flags together under one project so they
  4302        can be managed together.
  4303      type: string
  4304    EnvironmentKey:
  4305      name: environmentKey
  4306      in: path
  4307      required: true
  4308      description: >-
  4309        The environment key, used to tie together flag configuration and users
  4310        under one environment so they can be managed together.
  4311      type: string
  4312    EnvironmentKeyQuery:
  4313      name: env
  4314      in: query
  4315      required: false
  4316      description: >-
  4317        By default, each feature will include configurations for each environment.
  4318        You can filter environments with the env query parameter. For example,
  4319        setting env=["production"] will restrict the returned configurations to
  4320        just your production environment.
  4321      type: array
  4322      items:
  4323        type: string
  4324      collectionFormat: multi
  4325    EnvironmentSDKKeyExpiry:
  4326      name: expiry
  4327      in: query
  4328      required: false
  4329      type: integer
  4330      format: int64
  4331      description: >-
  4332        An expiration time for the old environment SDK key, expressed as a Unix
  4333        epoch time in milliseconds. By default, the key will expire immediately.
  4334    EnvironmentMobileKeyExpiry:
  4335      name: expiry
  4336      in: query
  4337      required: false
  4338      type: integer
  4339      format: int64
  4340      description: >-
  4341        The expiry parameter is deprecated for this endpoint, so the old mobile
  4342        key will always expire immediately. This parameter will be removed in an
  4343        upcoming major API client version.
  4344    SummaryQuery:
  4345      name: summary
  4346      in: query
  4347      required: false
  4348      description: >-
  4349        By default in api version >= 1, flags will _not_ include their list of
  4350        prerequisites, targets or rules.  Set summary=0 to include these fields
  4351        for each flag returned.
  4352      type: boolean
  4353    ArchivedQuery:
  4354      name: archived
  4355      in: query
  4356      required: false
  4357      description: >-
  4358        When set to 1, only archived flags will be included in the list of flags
  4359        returned.  By default, archived flags are not included in the list of
  4360        flags.
  4361      type: boolean
  4362    LimitQuery:
  4363      name: limit
  4364      in: query
  4365      required: false
  4366      description: 'The number of objects to return. Defaults to -1, which returns everything.'
  4367      type: number
  4368    OffsetQuery:
  4369      name: offset
  4370      in: query
  4371      required: false
  4372      description: >-
  4373        Where to start in the list. This is for use with pagination. For example,
  4374        an offset of 10 would skip the first 10 items and then return the next
  4375        limit items.
  4376      type: number
  4377    FilterQuery:
  4378      name: filter
  4379      in: query
  4380      required: false
  4381      description: 'A comma-separated list of filters. Each filter is of the form field:value.'
  4382      type: string
  4383    SortQuery:
  4384      name: sort
  4385      in: query
  4386      required: false
  4387      description: >-
  4388        A comma-separated list of fields to sort by. A field prefixed by a - will
  4389        be sorted in descending order.
  4390      type: string
  4391    FeatureFlagKey:
  4392      name: featureFlagKey
  4393      in: path
  4394      required: true
  4395      description: The feature flag's key. The key identifies the flag in your code.
  4396      type: string
  4397    CloneFlagKeyQuery:
  4398      name: clone
  4399      in: query
  4400      required: false
  4401      description: >-
  4402        The key of the feature flag to be cloned. The key identifies the flag in
  4403        your code.  For example, setting clone=flagKey will copy the full
  4404        targeting configuration for all environments (including on/off state) from
  4405        the original flag to the new flag.
  4406      type: string
  4407    UserSegmentKey:
  4408      name: userSegmentKey
  4409      in: path
  4410      required: true
  4411      description: The user segment's key. The key identifies the user segment in your code.
  4412      type: string
  4413    DestinationId:
  4414      name: destinationId
  4415      in: path
  4416      required: true
  4417      description: The data export destination ID.
  4418      type: string
  4419    UserKey:
  4420      name: userKey
  4421      in: path
  4422      required: true
  4423      description: The user's key.
  4424      type: string
  4425    Tag:
  4426      name: tag
  4427      in: query
  4428      required: false
  4429      description: Filter by tag. A tag can be used to group flags across projects.
  4430      type: string
  4431    Limit:
  4432      name: limit
  4433      in: query
  4434      required: false
  4435      description: Pagination limit.
  4436      type: integer
  4437    Query:
  4438      name: q
  4439      in: query
  4440      required: false
  4441      description: Search query.
  4442      type: string
  4443    HMAC:
  4444      name: h
  4445      in: query
  4446      required: false
  4447      description: This parameter is required when following "next" links.
  4448      type: string
  4449    ScrollId:
  4450      name: scrollId
  4451      in: query
  4452      required: false
  4453      description: This parameter is required when following "next" links.
  4454      type: string
  4455    Offset:
  4456      name: offset
  4457      in: query
  4458      required: false
  4459      description: Specifies the first item to return in the collection.
  4460      type: integer
  4461    After:
  4462      name: after
  4463      in: query
  4464      required: false
  4465      description: >-
  4466        A timestamp filter, expressed as a Unix epoch time in milliseconds. All
  4467        entries returned will have occurred after this timestamp.
  4468      format: int64
  4469      type: integer
  4470    PatchRequest:
  4471      name: patchDelta
  4472      in: body
  4473      required: true
  4474      description: >-
  4475        Requires a JSON Patch representation of the desired changes to the
  4476        project. ''
  4477      schema:
  4478        type: array
  4479        items:
  4480          $ref: '#/definitions/PatchOperation'
  4481    UserSettingsPutRequest:
  4482      name: userSettingsBody
  4483      in: body
  4484      required: true
  4485      schema:
  4486        type: object
  4487        properties:
  4488          setting:
  4489            type: boolean
  4490            description: >
  4491              The variation value to set for the user. Must match the variation
  4492              type of the flag.
  4493    Before:
  4494      name: before
  4495      in: query
  4496      required: false
  4497      description: >-
  4498        A timestamp filter, expressed as a Unix epoch time in milliseconds. All
  4499        entries returned will have before this timestamp.
  4500      format: int64
  4501      type: integer
  4502    Q:
  4503      name: q
  4504      in: query
  4505      required: false
  4506      description: >-
  4507        Text to search for. You can search for the full or partial name of the
  4508        resource involved or full or partial email address of the member who made
  4509        the change.
  4510      type: string
  4511    AuditLimit:
  4512      name: limit
  4513      in: query
  4514      required: false
  4515      description: >-
  4516        A limit on the number of audit log entries to be returned, between 1 and
  4517        20.
  4518      type: number
  4519    Spec:
  4520      name: spec
  4521      in: query
  4522      required: false
  4523      description: >-
  4524        A resource specifier, allowing you to filter audit log listings by
  4525        resource.
  4526      type: string
  4527    MembersPostRequest:
  4528      name: membersBody
  4529      in: body
  4530      required: true
  4531      description: New members to invite.
  4532      schema:
  4533        type: array
  4534        items:
  4535          type: object
  4536          properties:
  4537            email:
  4538              type: string
  4539              example:
  4540            firstName:
  4541              type: string
  4542              example: Bob
  4543            lastName:
  4544              type: string
  4545              example: Loblaw
  4546            role:
  4547              $ref: '#/definitions/Role'
  4548            customRoles:
  4549              type: array
  4550              items:
  4551                type: string
  4552                description: The 20-hexdigit id or the key for a custom role.
  4553                example: revenue-team
  4554            inlineRole:
  4555              type: array
  4556              items:
  4557                $ref: '#/definitions/Statement'
  4558          required:
  4559            - email
  4560    MemberId:
  4561      name: memberId
  4562      in: path
  4563      required: true
  4564      description: The member ID.
  4565      type: string
  4566    CustomRolePostRequest:
  4567      name: customRoleBody
  4568      in: body
  4569      required: true
  4570      description: New role or roles to create.
  4571      schema:
  4572        type: object
  4573        properties:
  4574          name:
  4575            type: string
  4576            description: Name of the custom role.
  4577            example: revenue team
  4578          description:
  4579            type: string
  4580            description: Description of the custom role.
  4581            example: Description of revenue team role here
  4582          key:
  4583            type: string
  4584            description: The 20-hexdigit id or the key for a custom role.
  4585            example: revenue-team
  4586          policy:
  4587            type: array
  4588            items:
  4589              $ref: '#/definitions/Policy'
  4590        required:
  4591          - name
  4592          - key
  4593          - policy
  4594    CustomRoleKey:
  4595      name: customRoleKey
  4596      in: path
  4597      required: true
  4598      description: The custom role key.
  4599      type: string
  4600    PatchWithComment:
  4601      name: patchComment
  4602      in: body
  4603      required: true
  4604      description: >-
  4605        Requires a JSON Patch representation of the desired changes to the
  4606        project, and an optional comment. '' Feature flag
  4607        patches also support JSON Merge Patch format.
  4608        '' The addition of comments is also
  4609        supported.
  4610      schema:
  4611        type: object
  4612        properties:
  4613          comment:
  4614            type: string
  4615            example: This is a comment string
  4616          patch:
  4617            type: array
  4618            items:
  4619              $ref: '#/definitions/PatchOperation'
  4620    PatchOnly:
  4621      name: PatchOnly
  4622      in: body
  4623      required: true
  4624      description: >-
  4625        Requires a JSON Patch representation of the desired changes to the
  4626        project. '' Feature flag patches also support JSON
  4627        Merge Patch format. '' The addition of
  4628        comments is also supported.
  4629      schema:
  4630        type: array
  4631        items:
  4632          $ref: '#/definitions/PatchOperation'
  4633    SemanticPatchWithComment:
  4634      name: SemanticPatchWithComment
  4635      in: body
  4636      required: true
  4637      description: >-
  4638        Requires a Semantic Patch representation of the desired changes to the
  4639        resource.
  4640        ''.
  4641        The addition of comments is also supported.
  4642      schema:
  4643        type: object
  4644        items:
  4645          $ref: '#/definitions/SemanticPatchOperation'
  4646    StreamSource:
  4647      name: source
  4648      in: path
  4649      required: true
  4650      description: The source of where the stream comes from.
  4651      type: string
  4652    EventType:
  4653      name: type
  4654      in: path
  4655      required: true
  4656      description: The type of event we would like to track.
  4657      type: string
  4658    EvaluationEnvId:
  4659      name: envId
  4660      in: path
  4661      required: true
  4662      description: The environment id for the flag evaluations in question.
  4663      type: string
  4664    EvaluationFlagKey:
  4665      name: flagKey
  4666      in: path
  4667      required: true
  4668      description: The key of the flag we want metrics for.
  4669      type: string
  4670    TokensPostRequest:
  4671      name: tokenBody
  4672      in: body
  4673      required: true
  4674      description: Create a new access token.
  4675      schema:
  4676        type: object
  4677        properties:
  4678          name:
  4679            type: string
  4680            description: A human-friendly name for the access token
  4681            example: My access token
  4682          role:
  4683            type: string
  4684            description: The name of a built-in role for the token
  4685            example: writer
  4686          customRoleIds:
  4687            type: array
  4688            items:
  4689              type: string
  4690              example: []
  4691            description: >-
  4692              A list of custom role IDs to use as access limits for the access
  4693              token
  4694          inlineRole:
  4695            type: array
  4696            items:
  4697              $ref: '#/definitions/Statement'
  4698          serviceToken:
  4699            type: boolean
  4700            description: >-
  4701              Whether the token will be a service token
  4703          defaultApiVersion:
  4704            type: integer
  4705            description: The default API version for this token
  4706    TokenId:
  4707      name: tokenId
  4708      in: path
  4709      required: true
  4710      description: The access token ID.
  4711      type: string
  4712    TokenShowAllQuery:
  4713      name: showAll
  4714      in: query
  4715      required: false
  4716      description: >-
  4717        If set to true, and the authentication access token has the "Admin" role,
  4718        personal access tokens for all members will be retrieved.
  4719      type: boolean
  4720    TokenExpiry:
  4721      name: expiry
  4722      in: query
  4723      required: false
  4724      type: integer
  4725      format: int64
  4726      description: >-
  4727        An expiration time for the old token key, expressed as a Unix epoch time
  4728        in milliseconds. By default, the token will expire immediately.
  4729    RelayProxyConfigPostRequest:
  4730      name: relayProxyConfigBody
  4731      in: body
  4732      required: true
  4733      description: Create a new relay proxy configuration
  4734      schema:
  4735        type: object
  4736        properties:
  4737          name:
  4738            type: string
  4739            description: A human-friendly name for the relay proxy configuration
  4740            example: My relay proxy config
  4741          policy:
  4742            type: array
  4743            items:
  4744              $ref: '#/definitions/Policy'
  4745    RelayProxyConfigId:
  4746      name: id
  4747      in: path
  4748      required: true
  4749      description: The relay proxy configuration ID
  4750      type: string
  4751    RelayProxyConfigsExpiry:
  4752      name: expiry
  4753      in: query
  4754      required: false
  4755      type: integer
  4756      format: int64
  4757      description: >-
  4758        An expiration time for the old relay proxy configuration key, expressed as
  4759        a Unix epoch time in milliseconds. By default, the relay proxy
  4760        configuration will expire immediately
  4761    ApprovalRequestId:
  4762      name: approvalRequestId
  4763      in: path
  4764      required: true
  4765      description: The approval request ID
  4766      type: string
  4767    ApprovalRequestPostRequest:
  4768      name: approvalRequestConfigBody
  4769      in: body
  4770      description: Create a new approval request
  4771      schema:
  4772        type: object
  4773        properties:
  4774          description:
  4775            type: string
  4776            description: >-
  4777              A name that describes the changes you would like to apply to a
  4778              feature flag configuration
  4779          instructions:
  4780            $ref: '#/definitions/SemanticPatchInstruction'
  4781          notifyMemberIds:
  4782            type: array
  4783            items:
  4784              type: string
  4785            example:
  4786              - memberId
  4787              - memberId2
  4788          comment:
  4789            type: string
  4790            description: comment will be included in audit log item for change.
  4791          executionDate:
  4792            type: integer
  4793            format: int64
  4794            description: Timestamp for when instructions will be executed
  4795          operatingOnId:
  4796            type: string
  4797            description: ID of scheduled change to edit or delete
  4798        required:
  4799          - description
  4800          - instructions
  4801          - notifyMemberIds
  4802    ApprovalRequestReviewPostRequest:
  4803      name: approvalRequestReviewConfigBody
  4804      in: body
  4805      required: true
  4806      description: Review an approval request
  4807      schema:
  4808        type: object
  4809        properties:
  4810          kind:
  4811            type: string
  4812            description: 'One of approve, decline, or comment.'
  4813            enum:
  4814              - approve
  4815              - decline
  4816              - comment
  4817            example: approve
  4818          comment:
  4819            type: string
  4820            description: comment will be included in audit log item for change.
  4821            example: This is a comment string
  4822        required:
  4823          - kind
  4824    ApprovalRequestApplyPostRequest:
  4825      name: approvalRequestApplyConfigBody
  4826      in: body
  4827      required: true
  4828      description: Apply an approval request
  4829      schema:
  4830        type: object
  4831        properties:
  4832          comment:
  4833            type: string
  4834            description: comment will be included in audit log item for change.
  4835            example: Applying approved changes
  4836    IntegrationKey:
  4837      name: integrationKey
  4838      in: path
  4839      required: true
  4840      description: The key used to specify the integration kind.
  4841      type: string
  4842    IntegrationId:
  4843      name: integrationId
  4844      in: path
  4845      required: true
  4846      description: The integration ID.
  4847      type: string
  4848    IntegrationPostRequest:
  4849      name: subscriptionBody
  4850      in: body
  4851      required: true
  4852      description: Create a new integration subscription.
  4853      schema:
  4854        type: object
  4855        properties:
  4856          name:
  4857            type: string
  4858            description: A human-readable name for your subscription configuration.
  4859            example: Example Datadog Integration
  4860          statements:
  4861            type: array
  4862            items:
  4863              $ref: '#/definitions/Statement'
  4864          config:
  4865            type: object
  4866            description: Integration-specific configuration fields.
  4867            example:
  4868              apiKey: 582**************************116
  4869              hostURL: ''
  4870          'on':
  4871            type: boolean
  4872            example: true
  4873            description: Whether the integration subscription is active or not.
  4874          tags:
  4875            type: array
  4876            items:
  4877              type: string
  4878            example: []
  4879            description: Tags for the integration subscription.
  4880        required:
  4881          - name
  4882          - config