
     1  package instructions
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"path/filepath"
     6  	"regexp"
     7  	"strings"
     8  )
    10  func errNotJSON(command, original string) error {
    11  	// For Windows users, give a hint if it looks like it might contain
    12  	// a path which hasn't been escaped such as ["c:\windows\system32\prog.exe", "-param"],
    13  	// as JSON must be escaped. Unfortunate...
    14  	//
    15  	// Specifically looking for quote-driveletter-colon-backslash, there's no
    16  	// double backslash and a [] pair. No, this is not perfect, but it doesn't
    17  	// have to be. It's simply a hint to make life a little easier.
    18  	extra := ""
    19  	original = filepath.FromSlash(strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(original), strings.ToLower(command)+" ", "", -1)))
    20  	if len(regexp.MustCompile(`"[a-z]:\\.*`).FindStringSubmatch(original)) > 0 &&
    21  		!strings.Contains(original, `\\`) &&
    22  		strings.Contains(original, "[") &&
    23  		strings.Contains(original, "]") {
    24  		extra = fmt.Sprintf(`. It looks like '%s' includes a file path without an escaped back-slash. JSON requires back-slashes to be escaped such as ["c:\\path\\to\\file.exe", "/parameter"]`, original)
    25  	}
    26  	return fmt.Errorf("%s requires the arguments to be in JSON form%s", command, extra)
    27  }