
     1  // Copyright (c) 2018-2020 The Decred developers
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package fees
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"encoding/binary"
    10  	"errors"
    11  	"fmt"
    12  	"math"
    13  	"sort"
    14  	"sync"
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	ldbutil ""
    20  )
    22  const (
    23  	// DefaultMaxBucketFeeMultiplier is the default multiplier used to find the
    24  	// largest fee bucket, starting at the minimum fee.
    25  	DefaultMaxBucketFeeMultiplier int = 100
    27  	// DefaultMaxConfirmations is the default number of confirmation ranges to
    28  	// track in the estimator.
    29  	DefaultMaxConfirmations uint32 = 42
    31  	// DefaultFeeRateStep is the default multiplier between two consecutive fee
    32  	// rate buckets.
    33  	DefaultFeeRateStep float64 = 1.05
    35  	// defaultDecay is the default value used to decay old transactions from the
    36  	// estimator.
    37  	defaultDecay float64 = 0.998
    39  	// maxAllowedBucketFees is an upper bound of how many bucket fees can be
    40  	// used in the estimator. This is verified during estimator initialization
    41  	// and database loading.
    42  	maxAllowedBucketFees = 2000
    44  	// maxAllowedConfirms is an upper bound of how many confirmation ranges can
    45  	// be used in the estimator. This is verified during estimator
    46  	// initialization and database loading.
    47  	maxAllowedConfirms = 788
    48  )
    50  var (
    51  	// ErrNoSuccessPctBucketFound is the error returned when no bucket has been
    52  	// found with the minimum required percentage success.
    53  	ErrNoSuccessPctBucketFound = errors.New("no bucket with the minimum " +
    54  		"required success percentage found")
    56  	// ErrNotEnoughTxsForEstimate is the error returned when not enough
    57  	// transactions have been seen by the fee generator to give an estimate.
    58  	ErrNotEnoughTxsForEstimate = errors.New("not enough transactions seen for " +
    59  		"estimation")
    61  	dbByteOrder = binary.BigEndian
    63  	dbKeyVersion      = []byte("version")
    64  	dbKeyBucketFees   = []byte("bucketFeeBounds")
    65  	dbKeyMaxConfirms  = []byte("maxConfirms")
    66  	dbKeyBestHeight   = []byte("bestHeight")
    67  	dbKeyBucketPrefix = []byte{0x01, 0x70, 0x1d, 0x00}
    68  )
    70  // ErrTargetConfTooLarge is the type of error returned when an user of the
    71  // estimator requested a confirmation range higher than tracked by the estimator.
    72  type ErrTargetConfTooLarge struct {
    73  	MaxConfirms int32
    74  	ReqConfirms int32
    75  }
    77  func (e ErrTargetConfTooLarge) Error() string {
    78  	return fmt.Sprintf("target confirmation requested (%d) higher than "+
    79  		"maximum confirmation range tracked by estimator (%d)", e.ReqConfirms,
    80  		e.MaxConfirms)
    81  }
    83  type feeRate float64
    85  type txConfirmStatBucketCount struct {
    86  	txCount float64
    87  	feeSum  float64
    88  }
    90  type txConfirmStatBucket struct {
    91  	confirmed    []txConfirmStatBucketCount
    92  	confirmCount float64
    93  	feeSum       float64
    94  }
    96  // EstimatorConfig stores the configuration parameters for a given fee
    97  // estimator. It is used to initialize an empty fee estimator.
    98  type EstimatorConfig struct {
    99  	// MaxConfirms is the maximum number of confirmation ranges to check.
   100  	MaxConfirms uint32
   102  	// MinBucketFee is the value of the fee rate of the lowest bucket for which
   103  	// estimation is tracked.
   104  	MinBucketFee lbcutil.Amount
   106  	// MaxBucketFee is the value of the fee for the highest bucket for which
   107  	// estimation is tracked.
   108  	//
   109  	// It MUST be higher than MinBucketFee.
   110  	MaxBucketFee lbcutil.Amount
   112  	// ExtraBucketFee is an additional bucket fee rate to include in the
   113  	// database for tracking transactions. Specifying this can be useful when
   114  	// the default relay fee of the network is undergoing change (due to a new
   115  	// release of the software for example), so that the older fee can be
   116  	// tracked exactly.
   117  	//
   118  	// It MUST have a value between MinBucketFee and MaxBucketFee, otherwise
   119  	// it's ignored.
   120  	ExtraBucketFee lbcutil.Amount
   122  	// FeeRateStep is the multiplier to generate the fee rate buckets (each
   123  	// bucket is higher than the previous one by this factor).
   124  	//
   125  	// It MUST have a value > 1.0.
   126  	FeeRateStep float64
   128  	// DatabaseFile is the location of the estimator database file. If empty,
   129  	// updates to the estimator state are not backed by the filesystem.
   130  	DatabaseFile string
   132  	// ReplaceBucketsOnLoad indicates whether to replace the buckets in the
   133  	// current estimator by those stored in the feesdb file instead of
   134  	// validating that they are both using the same set of fees.
   135  	ReplaceBucketsOnLoad bool
   136  }
   138  // memPoolTxDesc is an aux structure used to track the local estimator mempool.
   139  type memPoolTxDesc struct {
   140  	addedHeight int32
   141  	bucketIndex int32
   142  	fees        feeRate
   143  }
   145  // Estimator tracks historical data for published and mined transactions in
   146  // order to estimate fees to be used in new transactions for confirmation
   147  // within a target block window.
   148  type Estimator struct {
   149  	// bucketFeeBounds are the upper bounds for each individual fee bucket.
   150  	bucketFeeBounds []feeRate
   152  	// buckets are the confirmed tx count and fee sum by bucket fee.
   153  	buckets []txConfirmStatBucket
   155  	// memPool are the mempool transaction count and fee sum by bucket fee.
   156  	memPool []txConfirmStatBucket
   158  	// memPoolTxs is the map of transaction hashes and data of known mempool txs.
   159  	memPoolTxs map[chainhash.Hash]memPoolTxDesc
   161  	maxConfirms int32
   162  	decay       float64
   163  	bestHeight  int32
   164  	db          *leveldb.DB
   165  	lock        sync.RWMutex
   166  }
   168  // NewEstimator returns an empty estimator given a config. This estimator
   169  // then needs to be fed data for published and mined transactions before it can
   170  // be used to estimate fees for new transactions.
   171  func NewEstimator(cfg *EstimatorConfig) (*Estimator, error) {
   172  	// Sanity check the config.
   173  	if cfg.MaxBucketFee <= cfg.MinBucketFee {
   174  		return nil, errors.New("maximum bucket fee should not be lower than " +
   175  			"minimum bucket fee")
   176  	}
   177  	if cfg.FeeRateStep <= 1.0 {
   178  		return nil, errors.New("fee rate step should not be <= 1.0")
   179  	}
   180  	if cfg.MinBucketFee <= 0 {
   181  		return nil, errors.New("minimum bucket fee rate cannot be <= 0")
   182  	}
   183  	if cfg.MaxConfirms > maxAllowedConfirms {
   184  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("confirmation count requested (%d) larger than "+
   185  			"maximum allowed (%d)", cfg.MaxConfirms, maxAllowedConfirms)
   186  	}
   188  	decay := defaultDecay
   189  	maxConfirms := cfg.MaxConfirms
   190  	max := float64(cfg.MaxBucketFee)
   191  	var bucketFees []feeRate
   192  	prevF := 0.0
   193  	extraBucketFee := float64(cfg.ExtraBucketFee)
   194  	for f := float64(cfg.MinBucketFee); f < max; f *= cfg.FeeRateStep {
   195  		if (f > extraBucketFee) && (prevF < extraBucketFee) {
   196  			// Add the extra bucket fee for tracking.
   197  			bucketFees = append(bucketFees, feeRate(extraBucketFee))
   198  		}
   199  		bucketFees = append(bucketFees, feeRate(f))
   200  		prevF = f
   201  	}
   203  	// The last bucket catches everything else, so it uses an upper bound of
   204  	// +inf which any rate must be lower than.
   205  	bucketFees = append(bucketFees, feeRate(math.Inf(1)))
   207  	nbBuckets := len(bucketFees)
   208  	res := &Estimator{
   209  		bucketFeeBounds: bucketFees,
   210  		buckets:         make([]txConfirmStatBucket, nbBuckets),
   211  		memPool:         make([]txConfirmStatBucket, nbBuckets),
   212  		maxConfirms:     int32(maxConfirms),
   213  		decay:           decay,
   214  		memPoolTxs:      make(map[chainhash.Hash]memPoolTxDesc),
   215  		bestHeight:      -1,
   216  	}
   218  	for i := range bucketFees {
   219  		res.buckets[i] = txConfirmStatBucket{
   220  			confirmed: make([]txConfirmStatBucketCount, maxConfirms),
   221  		}
   222  		res.memPool[i] = txConfirmStatBucket{
   223  			confirmed: make([]txConfirmStatBucketCount, maxConfirms),
   224  		}
   225  	}
   227  	if cfg.DatabaseFile != "" {
   228  		db, err := leveldb.OpenFile(cfg.DatabaseFile, nil)
   229  		if err != nil {
   230  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error opening estimator database: %v", err)
   231  		}
   232  		res.db = db
   234  		err = res.loadFromDatabase(cfg.ReplaceBucketsOnLoad)
   235  		if err != nil {
   236  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading estimator data from db: %v",
   237  				err)
   238  		}
   239  	}
   241  	return res, nil
   242  }
   244  // DumpBuckets returns the internal estimator state as a string.
   245  func (stats *Estimator) DumpBuckets() string {
   246  	res := "          |"
   247  	for c := 0; c < int(stats.maxConfirms); c++ {
   248  		if c == int(stats.maxConfirms)-1 {
   249  			res += fmt.Sprintf("   %15s", "+Inf")
   250  		} else {
   251  			res += fmt.Sprintf("   %15d|", c+1)
   252  		}
   253  	}
   254  	res += "\n"
   256  	l := len(stats.bucketFeeBounds)
   257  	for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
   258  		res += fmt.Sprintf("%10.8f", stats.bucketFeeBounds[i]/1e8)
   259  		for c := 0; c < int(stats.maxConfirms); c++ {
   260  			avg := float64(0)
   261  			count := stats.buckets[i].confirmed[c].txCount
   262  			if stats.buckets[i].confirmed[c].txCount > 0 {
   263  				avg = stats.buckets[i].confirmed[c].feeSum /
   264  					stats.buckets[i].confirmed[c].txCount / 1e8
   265  			}
   267  			res += fmt.Sprintf("| %.8f %6.1f", avg, count)
   268  		}
   269  		res += "\n"
   270  	}
   272  	return res
   273  }
   275  // loadFromDatabase loads the estimator data from the currently opened database
   276  // and performs any db upgrades if required. After loading, it updates the db
   277  // with the current estimator configuration.
   278  //
   279  // Argument replaceBuckets indicates if the buckets in the current stats should
   280  // be completely replaced by what is stored in the database or if the data
   281  // should be validated against what is current in the estimator.
   282  //
   283  // The database should *not* be used while loading is taking place.
   284  //
   285  // The current code does not support loading from a database created with a
   286  // different set of configuration parameters (fee rate buckets, max confirmation
   287  // range, etc) than the current estimator is configured with. If an incompatible
   288  // file is detected during loading, an error is returned and the user must
   289  // either reconfigure the estimator to use the same parameters to allow the
   290  // database to be loaded or they must ignore the database file (possibly by
   291  // deleting it) so that the new parameters are used. In the future it might be
   292  // possible to load from a different set of configuration parameters.
   293  //
   294  // The current code does not currently save mempool information, since saving
   295  // information in the estimator without saving the corresponding data in the
   296  // mempool itself could result in transactions lingering in the mempool
   297  // estimator forever.
   298  func (stats *Estimator) loadFromDatabase(replaceBuckets bool) error {
   299  	if stats.db == nil {
   300  		return errors.New("estimator database is not open")
   301  	}
   303  	// Database version is currently hardcoded here as this is the only
   304  	// place that uses it.
   305  	currentDbVersion := []byte{1}
   307  	version, err := stats.db.Get(dbKeyVersion, nil)
   308  	if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, leveldb.ErrNotFound) {
   309  		return fmt.Errorf("error reading version from db: %v", err)
   310  	}
   311  	if len(version) < 1 {
   312  		// No data in the file. Fill with the current config.
   313  		batch := new(leveldb.Batch)
   314  		b := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
   315  		var maxConfirmsBytes [4]byte
   316  		var bestHeightBytes [8]byte
   318  		batch.Put(dbKeyVersion, currentDbVersion)
   320  		dbByteOrder.PutUint32(maxConfirmsBytes[:], uint32(stats.maxConfirms))
   321  		batch.Put(dbKeyMaxConfirms, maxConfirmsBytes[:])
   323  		dbByteOrder.PutUint64(bestHeightBytes[:], uint64(stats.bestHeight))
   324  		batch.Put(dbKeyBestHeight, bestHeightBytes[:])
   326  		err = binary.Write(b, dbByteOrder, stats.bucketFeeBounds)
   327  		if err != nil {
   328  			return fmt.Errorf("error writing bucket fees to db: %v", err)
   329  		}
   330  		batch.Put(dbKeyBucketFees, b.Bytes())
   332  		err = stats.db.Write(batch, nil)
   333  		if err != nil {
   334  			return fmt.Errorf("error writing initial estimator db file: %v",
   335  				err)
   336  		}
   338  		err = stats.updateDatabase()
   339  		if err != nil {
   340  			return fmt.Errorf("error adding initial estimator data to db: %v",
   341  				err)
   342  		}
   344  		log.Debug("Initialized fee estimator database")
   346  		return nil
   347  	}
   349  	if !bytes.Equal(currentDbVersion, version) {
   350  		return fmt.Errorf("incompatible database version: %d", version)
   351  	}
   353  	maxConfirmsBytes, err := stats.db.Get(dbKeyMaxConfirms, nil)
   354  	if err != nil {
   355  		return fmt.Errorf("error reading max confirmation range from db file: "+
   356  			"%v", err)
   357  	}
   358  	if len(maxConfirmsBytes) != 4 {
   359  		return errors.New("wrong number of bytes in stored maxConfirms")
   360  	}
   361  	fileMaxConfirms := int32(dbByteOrder.Uint32(maxConfirmsBytes))
   362  	if fileMaxConfirms > maxAllowedConfirms {
   363  		return fmt.Errorf("confirmation count stored in database (%d) larger "+
   364  			"than maximum allowed (%d)", fileMaxConfirms, maxAllowedConfirms)
   365  	}
   367  	feesBytes, err := stats.db.Get(dbKeyBucketFees, nil)
   368  	if err != nil {
   369  		return fmt.Errorf("error reading fee bounds from db file: %v", err)
   370  	}
   371  	if feesBytes == nil {
   372  		return errors.New("fee bounds not found in database file")
   373  	}
   374  	fileNbBucketFees := len(feesBytes) / 8
   375  	if fileNbBucketFees > maxAllowedBucketFees {
   376  		return fmt.Errorf("more fee buckets stored in file (%d) than allowed "+
   377  			"(%d)", fileNbBucketFees, maxAllowedBucketFees)
   378  	}
   379  	fileBucketFees := make([]feeRate, fileNbBucketFees)
   380  	err = binary.Read(bytes.NewReader(feesBytes), dbByteOrder,
   381  		&fileBucketFees)
   382  	if err != nil {
   383  		return fmt.Errorf("error decoding file bucket fees: %v", err)
   384  	}
   386  	if !replaceBuckets {
   387  		if stats.maxConfirms != fileMaxConfirms {
   388  			return errors.New("max confirmation range in database file different " +
   389  				"than currently configured max confirmation")
   390  		}
   392  		if len(stats.bucketFeeBounds) != len(fileBucketFees) {
   393  			return errors.New("number of bucket fees stored in database file " +
   394  				"different than currently configured bucket fees")
   395  		}
   397  		for i, f := range fileBucketFees {
   398  			if stats.bucketFeeBounds[i] != f {
   399  				return errors.New("bucket fee rates stored in database file " +
   400  					"different than currently configured fees")
   401  			}
   402  		}
   403  	}
   405  	fileBuckets := make([]txConfirmStatBucket, fileNbBucketFees)
   407  	iter := stats.db.NewIterator(ldbutil.BytesPrefix(dbKeyBucketPrefix), nil)
   408  	err = nil
   409  	var fbytes [8]byte
   410  	for iter.Next() {
   411  		key := iter.Key()
   412  		if len(key) != 8 {
   413  			err = fmt.Errorf("bucket key read from db has wrong length (%d)",
   414  				len(key))
   415  			break
   416  		}
   417  		idx := int(int32(dbByteOrder.Uint32(key[4:])))
   418  		if (idx >= len(fileBuckets)) || (idx < 0) {
   419  			err = fmt.Errorf("wrong bucket index read from db (%d vs %d)",
   420  				idx, len(fileBuckets))
   421  			break
   422  		}
   423  		value := iter.Value()
   424  		if len(value) != 8+8+int(fileMaxConfirms)*16 {
   425  			err = errors.New("wrong size of data in bucket read from db")
   426  			break
   427  		}
   429  		b := bytes.NewBuffer(value)
   430  		readf := func() float64 {
   431  			// We ignore the error here because the only possible one is EOF and
   432  			// we already previously checked the length of the source byte array
   433  			// for consistency.
   434  			b.Read(fbytes[:])
   435  			return math.Float64frombits(dbByteOrder.Uint64(fbytes[:]))
   436  		}
   438  		fileBuckets[idx].confirmCount = readf()
   439  		fileBuckets[idx].feeSum = readf()
   440  		fileBuckets[idx].confirmed = make([]txConfirmStatBucketCount, fileMaxConfirms)
   441  		for i := range fileBuckets[idx].confirmed {
   442  			fileBuckets[idx].confirmed[i].txCount = readf()
   443  			fileBuckets[idx].confirmed[i].feeSum = readf()
   444  		}
   445  	}
   446  	iter.Release()
   447  	if err != nil {
   448  		return err
   449  	}
   450  	err = iter.Error()
   451  	if err != nil {
   452  		return fmt.Errorf("error on bucket iterator: %v", err)
   453  	}
   455  	stats.bucketFeeBounds = fileBucketFees
   456  	stats.buckets = fileBuckets
   457  	stats.maxConfirms = fileMaxConfirms
   458  	log.Debug("Loaded fee estimator database")
   460  	return nil
   461  }
   463  // updateDatabase updates the current database file with the current bucket
   464  // data. This is called during normal operation after processing mined
   465  // transactions, so it only updates data that might have changed.
   466  func (stats *Estimator) updateDatabase() error {
   467  	if stats.db == nil {
   468  		return errors.New("estimator database is closed")
   469  	}
   471  	batch := new(leveldb.Batch)
   472  	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
   474  	var key [8]byte
   475  	copy(key[:], dbKeyBucketPrefix)
   476  	var fbytes [8]byte
   477  	writef := func(f float64) {
   478  		dbByteOrder.PutUint64(fbytes[:], math.Float64bits(f))
   479  		_, err := buf.Write(fbytes[:])
   480  		if err != nil {
   481  			panic(err) // only possible error is ErrTooLarge
   482  		}
   483  	}
   485  	for i, b := range stats.buckets {
   486  		dbByteOrder.PutUint32(key[4:], uint32(i))
   487  		buf.Reset()
   488  		writef(b.confirmCount)
   489  		writef(b.feeSum)
   490  		for _, c := range b.confirmed {
   491  			writef(c.txCount)
   492  			writef(c.feeSum)
   493  		}
   494  		batch.Put(key[:], buf.Bytes())
   495  	}
   497  	var bestHeightBytes [8]byte
   499  	dbByteOrder.PutUint64(bestHeightBytes[:], uint64(stats.bestHeight))
   500  	batch.Put(dbKeyBestHeight, bestHeightBytes[:])
   502  	err := stats.db.Write(batch, nil)
   503  	if err != nil {
   504  		return fmt.Errorf("error writing update to estimator db file: %v",
   505  			err)
   506  	}
   508  	return nil
   509  }
   511  // lowerBucket returns the bucket that has the highest upperBound such that it
   512  // is still lower than rate.
   513  func (stats *Estimator) lowerBucket(rate feeRate) int32 {
   514  	res := sort.Search(len(stats.bucketFeeBounds), func(i int) bool {
   515  		return stats.bucketFeeBounds[i] >= rate
   516  	})
   517  	return int32(res)
   518  }
   520  // confirmRange returns the confirmation range index to be used for the given
   521  // number of blocks to confirm. The last confirmation range has an upper bound
   522  // of +inf to mean that it represents all confirmations higher than the second
   523  // to last bucket.
   524  func (stats *Estimator) confirmRange(blocksToConfirm int32) int32 {
   525  	idx := blocksToConfirm - 1
   526  	if idx >= stats.maxConfirms {
   527  		return stats.maxConfirms - 1
   528  	}
   529  	return idx
   530  }
   532  // updateMovingAverages updates the moving averages for the existing confirmed
   533  // statistics and increases the confirmation ranges for mempool txs. This is
   534  // meant to be called when a new block is mined, so that we discount older
   535  // information.
   536  func (stats *Estimator) updateMovingAverages(newHeight int32) {
   537  	log.Debugf("Updated moving averages into block %d", newHeight)
   539  	// decay the existing stats so that, over time, we rely on more up to date
   540  	// information regarding fees.
   541  	for b := 0; b < len(stats.buckets); b++ {
   542  		bucket := &stats.buckets[b]
   543  		bucket.feeSum *= stats.decay
   544  		bucket.confirmCount *= stats.decay
   545  		for c := 0; c < len(bucket.confirmed); c++ {
   546  			conf := &bucket.confirmed[c]
   547  			conf.feeSum *= stats.decay
   548  			conf.txCount *= stats.decay
   549  		}
   550  	}
   552  	// For unconfirmed (mempool) transactions, every transaction will now take
   553  	// at least one additional block to confirm. So for every fee bucket, we
   554  	// move the stats up one confirmation range.
   555  	for b := 0; b < len(stats.memPool); b++ {
   556  		bucket := &stats.memPool[b]
   558  		// The last confirmation range represents all txs confirmed at >= than
   559  		// the initial maxConfirms, so we *add* the second to last range into
   560  		// the last range.
   561  		c := len(bucket.confirmed) - 1
   562  		bucket.confirmed[c].txCount += bucket.confirmed[c-1].txCount
   563  		bucket.confirmed[c].feeSum += bucket.confirmed[c-1].feeSum
   565  		// For the other ranges, just move up the stats.
   566  		for c--; c > 0; c-- {
   567  			bucket.confirmed[c] = bucket.confirmed[c-1]
   568  		}
   570  		// and finally, the very first confirmation range (ie, what will enter
   571  		// the mempool now that a new block has been mined) is zeroed so we can
   572  		// start tracking brand new txs.
   573  		bucket.confirmed[0].txCount = 0
   574  		bucket.confirmed[0].feeSum = 0
   575  	}
   577  	stats.bestHeight = newHeight
   578  }
   580  // newMemPoolTx records a new memPool transaction into the stats. A brand new
   581  // mempool transaction has a minimum confirmation range of 1, so it is inserted
   582  // into the very first confirmation range bucket of the appropriate fee rate
   583  // bucket.
   584  func (stats *Estimator) newMemPoolTx(bucketIdx int32, fees feeRate) {
   585  	conf := &stats.memPool[bucketIdx].confirmed[0]
   586  	conf.feeSum += float64(fees)
   587  	conf.txCount++
   588  }
   590  // newMinedTx moves a mined tx from the mempool into the confirmed statistics.
   591  // Note that this should only be called if the transaction had been seen and
   592  // previously tracked by calling newMemPoolTx for it. Failing to observe that
   593  // will result in undefined statistical results.
   594  func (stats *Estimator) newMinedTx(blocksToConfirm int32, rate feeRate) {
   595  	bucketIdx := stats.lowerBucket(rate)
   596  	confirmIdx := stats.confirmRange(blocksToConfirm)
   597  	bucket := &stats.buckets[bucketIdx]
   599  	// increase the counts for all confirmation ranges starting at the first
   600  	// confirmIdx because it took at least `blocksToConfirm` for this tx to be
   601  	// mined. This is used to simplify the bucket selection during estimation,
   602  	// so that we only need to check a single confirmation range (instead of
   603  	// iterating to sum all confirmations with <= `minConfs`).
   604  	for c := int(confirmIdx); c < len(bucket.confirmed); c++ {
   605  		conf := &bucket.confirmed[c]
   606  		conf.feeSum += float64(rate)
   607  		conf.txCount++
   608  	}
   609  	bucket.confirmCount++
   610  	bucket.feeSum += float64(rate)
   611  }
   613  func (stats *Estimator) removeFromMemPool(blocksInMemPool int32, rate feeRate) {
   614  	bucketIdx := stats.lowerBucket(rate)
   615  	confirmIdx := stats.confirmRange(blocksInMemPool + 1)
   616  	bucket := &stats.memPool[bucketIdx]
   617  	conf := &bucket.confirmed[confirmIdx]
   618  	conf.feeSum -= float64(rate)
   619  	conf.txCount--
   620  	if conf.txCount < 0 {
   621  		// If this happens, it means a transaction has been called on this
   622  		// function but not on a previous newMemPoolTx. This leaves the fee db
   623  		// in an undefined state and should never happen in regular use. If this
   624  		// happens, then there is a logic or coding error somewhere, either in
   625  		// the estimator itself or on its hooking to the mempool/network sync
   626  		// manager.  Either way, the easiest way to fix this is to completely
   627  		// delete the database and start again.  During development, you can use
   628  		// a panic() here and we might return it after being confident that the
   629  		// estimator is completely bug free.
   630  		log.Errorf("Transaction count in bucket index %d and confirmation "+
   631  			"index %d became < 0", bucketIdx, confirmIdx)
   632  	}
   633  }
   635  // estimateMedianFee estimates the median fee rate for the current recorded
   636  // statistics such that at least successPct transactions have been mined on all
   637  // tracked fee rate buckets with fee >= to the median.
   638  // In other words, this is the median fee of the lowest bucket such that it and
   639  // all higher fee buckets have >= successPct transactions confirmed in at most
   640  // `targetConfs` confirmations.
   641  // Note that sometimes the requested combination of targetConfs and successPct is
   642  // not achievable (hypothetical example: 99% of txs confirmed within 1 block)
   643  // or there are not enough recorded statistics to derive a successful estimate
   644  // (eg: confirmation tracking has only started or there was a period of very few
   645  // transactions). In those situations, the appropriate error is returned.
   646  func (stats *Estimator) estimateMedianFee(targetConfs int32, successPct float64) (feeRate, error) {
   647  	if targetConfs <= 0 {
   648  		return 0, errors.New("target confirmation range cannot be <= 0")
   649  	}
   651  	const minTxCount float64 = 1
   653  	if (targetConfs - 1) >= stats.maxConfirms {
   654  		// We might want to add support to use a targetConf at +infinity to
   655  		// allow us to make estimates at confirmation interval higher than what
   656  		// we currently track.
   657  		return 0, ErrTargetConfTooLarge{MaxConfirms: stats.maxConfirms,
   658  			ReqConfirms: targetConfs}
   659  	}
   661  	startIdx := len(stats.buckets) - 1
   662  	confirmRangeIdx := stats.confirmRange(targetConfs)
   664  	var totalTxs, confirmedTxs float64
   665  	bestBucketsStt := startIdx
   666  	bestBucketsEnd := startIdx
   667  	curBucketsEnd := startIdx
   669  	for b := startIdx; b >= 0; b-- {
   670  		totalTxs += stats.buckets[b].confirmCount
   671  		confirmedTxs += stats.buckets[b].confirmed[confirmRangeIdx].txCount
   673  		// Add the mempool (unconfirmed) transactions to the total tx count
   674  		// since a very large mempool for the given bucket might mean that
   675  		// miners are reluctant to include these in their mined blocks.
   676  		totalTxs += stats.memPool[b].confirmed[confirmRangeIdx].txCount
   678  		if totalTxs > minTxCount {
   679  			if confirmedTxs/totalTxs < successPct {
   680  				if curBucketsEnd == startIdx {
   681  					return 0, ErrNoSuccessPctBucketFound
   682  				}
   683  				break
   684  			}
   686  			bestBucketsStt = b
   687  			bestBucketsEnd = curBucketsEnd
   688  			curBucketsEnd = b - 1
   689  			totalTxs = 0
   690  			confirmedTxs = 0
   691  		}
   692  	}
   694  	txCount := float64(0)
   695  	for b := bestBucketsStt; b <= bestBucketsEnd; b++ {
   696  		txCount += stats.buckets[b].confirmCount
   697  	}
   698  	if txCount <= 0 {
   699  		return 0, ErrNotEnoughTxsForEstimate
   700  	}
   701  	txCount /= 2
   702  	for b := bestBucketsStt; b <= bestBucketsEnd; b++ {
   703  		if stats.buckets[b].confirmCount < txCount {
   704  			txCount -= stats.buckets[b].confirmCount
   705  		} else {
   706  			median := stats.buckets[b].feeSum / stats.buckets[b].confirmCount
   707  			return feeRate(median), nil
   708  		}
   709  	}
   711  	return 0, errors.New("this isn't supposed to be reached")
   712  }
   714  // EstimateFee is the public version of estimateMedianFee. It calculates the
   715  // suggested fee for a transaction to be confirmed in at most `targetConf`
   716  // blocks after publishing with a high degree of certainty.
   717  //
   718  // This function is safe to be called from multiple goroutines but might block
   719  // until concurrent modifications to the internal database state are complete.
   720  func (stats *Estimator) EstimateFee(targetConfs int32) (lbcutil.Amount, error) {
   721  	stats.lock.RLock()
   722  	rate, err := stats.estimateMedianFee(targetConfs, 0.95)
   723  	stats.lock.RUnlock()
   725  	if err != nil {
   726  		return 0, err
   727  	}
   729  	rate = feeRate(math.Round(float64(rate)))
   730  	if rate < stats.bucketFeeBounds[0] {
   731  		// Prevent our public facing api to ever return something lower than the
   732  		// minimum fee
   733  		rate = stats.bucketFeeBounds[0]
   734  	}
   736  	return lbcutil.Amount(rate), nil
   737  }
   739  // Enable establishes the current best height of the blockchain after
   740  // initializing the chain. All new mempool transactions will be added at this
   741  // block height.
   742  func (stats *Estimator) Enable(bestHeight int32) {
   743  	log.Debugf("Setting best height as %d", bestHeight)
   744  	stats.lock.Lock()
   745  	stats.bestHeight = bestHeight
   746  	stats.lock.Unlock()
   747  }
   749  // IsEnabled returns whether the fee estimator is ready to accept new mined and
   750  // mempool transactions.
   751  func (stats *Estimator) IsEnabled() bool {
   752  	stats.lock.RLock()
   753  	enabled := stats.bestHeight > -1
   754  	stats.lock.RUnlock()
   755  	return enabled
   756  }
   758  // AddMemPoolTransaction adds a mempool transaction to the estimator in order to
   759  // account for it in the estimations. It assumes that this transaction is
   760  // entering the mempool at the currently recorded best chain hash, using the
   761  // total fee amount (in atoms) and with the provided size (in bytes).
   762  //
   763  // This is safe to be called from multiple goroutines.
   764  func (stats *Estimator) AddMemPoolTransaction(txHash *chainhash.Hash, fee, size int64) {
   765  	stats.lock.Lock()
   766  	defer stats.lock.Unlock()
   768  	if stats.bestHeight < 0 {
   769  		return
   770  	}
   772  	if _, exists := stats.memPoolTxs[*txHash]; exists {
   773  		// we should not double count transactions
   774  		return
   775  	}
   777  	// Note that we use this less exact version instead of fee * 1000 / size
   778  	// (using ints) because it naturally "downsamples" the fee rates towards the
   779  	// minimum at values less than 0.001 DCR/KB. This is needed because due to
   780  	// how the wallet estimates the final fee given an input rate and the final
   781  	// tx size, there's usually a small discrepancy towards a higher effective
   782  	// rate in the published tx.
   783  	rate := feeRate(fee / size * 1000)
   785  	if rate < stats.bucketFeeBounds[0] {
   786  		// Transactions paying less than the current relaying fee can only
   787  		// possibly be included in the high priority/zero fee area of blocks,
   788  		// which are usually of limited size, so we explicitly don't track
   789  		// those.
   790  		// This also naturally handles votes (SSGen transactions) which don't
   791  		// carry a tx fee and are required for inclusion in blocks. Note that
   792  		// the test is explicitly < instead of <= so that we *can* track
   793  		// transactions that pay *exactly* the minimum fee.
   794  		return
   795  	}
   797  	log.Debugf("Adding mempool tx %s using fee rate %.8f", txHash, rate/1e8)
   799  	tx := memPoolTxDesc{
   800  		addedHeight: stats.bestHeight,
   801  		bucketIndex: stats.lowerBucket(rate),
   802  		fees:        rate,
   803  	}
   804  	stats.memPoolTxs[*txHash] = tx
   805  	stats.newMemPoolTx(tx.bucketIndex, rate)
   806  }
   808  // RemoveMemPoolTransaction removes a mempool transaction from statistics
   809  // tracking.
   810  //
   811  // This is safe to be called from multiple goroutines.
   812  func (stats *Estimator) RemoveMemPoolTransaction(txHash *chainhash.Hash) {
   813  	stats.lock.Lock()
   814  	defer stats.lock.Unlock()
   816  	desc, exists := stats.memPoolTxs[*txHash]
   817  	if !exists {
   818  		return
   819  	}
   821  	log.Debugf("Removing tx %s from mempool", txHash)
   823  	stats.removeFromMemPool(stats.bestHeight-desc.addedHeight, desc.fees)
   824  	delete(stats.memPoolTxs, *txHash)
   825  }
   827  // processMinedTransaction moves the transaction that exist in the currently
   828  // tracked mempool into a mined state.
   829  //
   830  // This function is *not* safe to be called from multiple goroutines.
   831  func (stats *Estimator) processMinedTransaction(blockHeight int32, txh *chainhash.Hash) {
   832  	desc, exists := stats.memPoolTxs[*txh]
   833  	if !exists {
   834  		// We cannot use transactions that we didn't know about to estimate
   835  		// because that opens up the possibility of miners introducing dummy,
   836  		// high fee transactions which would tend to then increase the average
   837  		// fee estimate.
   838  		// Tracking only previously known transactions forces miners trying to
   839  		// pull off this attack to broadcast their transactions and possibly
   840  		// forfeit their coins by having the transaction mined by a competitor.
   841  		log.Tracef("Processing previously unknown mined tx %s", txh)
   842  		return
   843  	}
   845  	stats.removeFromMemPool(blockHeight-desc.addedHeight, desc.fees)
   846  	delete(stats.memPoolTxs, *txh)
   848  	if blockHeight <= desc.addedHeight {
   849  		// This shouldn't usually happen but we need to explicitly test for
   850  		// because we can't account for non positive confirmation ranges in
   851  		// mined transactions.
   852  		log.Errorf("Mined transaction %s (%d) that was known from "+
   853  			"mempool at a higher block height (%d)", txh, blockHeight,
   854  			desc.addedHeight)
   855  		return
   856  	}
   858  	mineDelay := blockHeight - desc.addedHeight
   859  	log.Debugf("Processing mined tx %s (rate %.8f, delay %d)", txh,
   860  		desc.fees/1e8, mineDelay)
   861  	stats.newMinedTx(mineDelay, desc.fees)
   862  }
   864  // ProcessBlock processes all mined transactions in the provided block.
   865  //
   866  // This function is safe to be called from multiple goroutines.
   867  func (stats *Estimator) ProcessBlock(block *lbcutil.Block) error {
   868  	stats.lock.Lock()
   869  	defer stats.lock.Unlock()
   871  	if stats.bestHeight < 0 {
   872  		return nil
   873  	}
   875  	blockHeight := block.Height()
   876  	if blockHeight <= stats.bestHeight {
   877  		// we don't explicitly track reorgs right now
   878  		log.Warnf("Trying to process mined transactions at block %d when "+
   879  			"previous best block was at height %d", blockHeight,
   880  			stats.bestHeight)
   881  		return nil
   882  	}
   884  	stats.updateMovingAverages(blockHeight)
   886  	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
   887  		stats.processMinedTransaction(blockHeight, tx.Hash())
   888  	}
   890  	if stats.db != nil {
   891  		return stats.updateDatabase()
   892  	}
   894  	return nil
   895  }
   897  // Close closes the database (if it is currently opened).
   898  func (stats *Estimator) Close() {
   899  	stats.lock.Lock()
   901  	if stats.db != nil {
   902  		log.Trace("Closing fee estimator database")
   903  		stats.db.Close()
   904  		stats.db = nil
   905  	}
   907  	stats.lock.Unlock()
   908  }