
     1  // Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The btcsuite developers
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package mining
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"container/heap"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	btcutil ""
    19  )
    21  const (
    22  	// MinHighPriority is the minimum priority value that allows a
    23  	// transaction to be considered high priority.
    24  	MinHighPriority = btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin * 144.0 / 250
    26  	// blockHeaderOverhead is the max number of bytes it takes to serialize
    27  	// a block header and max possible transaction count.
    28  	blockHeaderOverhead = wire.MaxBlockHeaderPayload + wire.MaxVarIntPayload
    30  	// CoinbaseFlags is added to the coinbase script of a generated block
    31  	// and is used to monitor BIP16 support as well as blocks that are
    32  	// generated via btcd.
    33  	CoinbaseFlags = "/P2SH/lbcd/"
    34  )
    36  // TxDesc is a descriptor about a transaction in a transaction source along with
    37  // additional metadata.
    38  type TxDesc struct {
    39  	// Tx is the transaction associated with the entry.
    40  	Tx *btcutil.Tx
    42  	// Added is the time when the entry was added to the source pool.
    43  	Added time.Time
    45  	// Height is the block height when the entry was added to the the source
    46  	// pool.
    47  	Height int32
    49  	// Fee is the total fee the transaction associated with the entry pays.
    50  	Fee int64
    52  	// FeePerKB is the fee the transaction pays in Satoshi per 1000 bytes.
    53  	FeePerKB int64
    54  }
    56  // TxSource represents a source of transactions to consider for inclusion in
    57  // new blocks.
    58  //
    59  // The interface contract requires that all of these methods are safe for
    60  // concurrent access with respect to the source.
    61  type TxSource interface {
    62  	// LastUpdated returns the last time a transaction was added to or
    63  	// removed from the source pool.
    64  	LastUpdated() time.Time
    66  	// MiningDescs returns a slice of mining descriptors for all the
    67  	// transactions in the source pool.
    68  	MiningDescs() []*TxDesc
    70  	// HaveTransaction returns whether or not the passed transaction hash
    71  	// exists in the source pool.
    72  	HaveTransaction(hash *chainhash.Hash) bool
    73  }
    75  // txPrioItem houses a transaction along with extra information that allows the
    76  // transaction to be prioritized and track dependencies on other transactions
    77  // which have not been mined into a block yet.
    78  type txPrioItem struct {
    79  	tx       *btcutil.Tx
    80  	fee      int64
    81  	priority float64
    82  	feePerKB int64
    84  	// dependsOn holds a map of transaction hashes which this one depends
    85  	// on.  It will only be set when the transaction references other
    86  	// transactions in the source pool and hence must come after them in
    87  	// a block.
    88  	dependsOn map[chainhash.Hash]struct{}
    89  }
    91  // txPriorityQueueLessFunc describes a function that can be used as a compare
    92  // function for a transaction priority queue (txPriorityQueue).
    93  type txPriorityQueueLessFunc func(*txPriorityQueue, int, int) bool
    95  // txPriorityQueue implements a priority queue of txPrioItem elements that
    96  // supports an arbitrary compare function as defined by txPriorityQueueLessFunc.
    97  type txPriorityQueue struct {
    98  	lessFunc txPriorityQueueLessFunc
    99  	items    []*txPrioItem
   100  }
   102  // Len returns the number of items in the priority queue.  It is part of the
   103  // heap.Interface implementation.
   104  func (pq *txPriorityQueue) Len() int {
   105  	return len(pq.items)
   106  }
   108  // Less returns whether the item in the priority queue with index i should sort
   109  // before the item with index j by deferring to the assigned less function.  It
   110  // is part of the heap.Interface implementation.
   111  func (pq *txPriorityQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
   112  	return pq.lessFunc(pq, i, j)
   113  }
   115  // Swap swaps the items at the passed indices in the priority queue.  It is
   116  // part of the heap.Interface implementation.
   117  func (pq *txPriorityQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
   118  	pq.items[i], pq.items[j] = pq.items[j], pq.items[i]
   119  }
   121  // Push pushes the passed item onto the priority queue.  It is part of the
   122  // heap.Interface implementation.
   123  func (pq *txPriorityQueue) Push(x interface{}) {
   124  	pq.items = append(pq.items, x.(*txPrioItem))
   125  }
   127  // Pop removes the highest priority item (according to Less) from the priority
   128  // queue and returns it.  It is part of the heap.Interface implementation.
   129  func (pq *txPriorityQueue) Pop() interface{} {
   130  	n := len(pq.items)
   131  	item := pq.items[n-1]
   132  	pq.items[n-1] = nil
   133  	pq.items = pq.items[0 : n-1]
   134  	return item
   135  }
   137  // SetLessFunc sets the compare function for the priority queue to the provided
   138  // function.  It also invokes heap.Init on the priority queue using the new
   139  // function so it can immediately be used with heap.Push/Pop.
   140  func (pq *txPriorityQueue) SetLessFunc(lessFunc txPriorityQueueLessFunc) {
   141  	pq.lessFunc = lessFunc
   142  	heap.Init(pq)
   143  }
   145  // txPQByPriority sorts a txPriorityQueue by transaction priority and then fees
   146  // per kilobyte.
   147  func txPQByPriority(pq *txPriorityQueue, i, j int) bool {
   148  	// Using > here so that pop gives the highest priority item as opposed
   149  	// to the lowest.  Sort by priority first, then fee.
   150  	if pq.items[i].priority == pq.items[j].priority {
   151  		return pq.items[i].feePerKB > pq.items[j].feePerKB
   152  	}
   153  	return pq.items[i].priority > pq.items[j].priority
   155  }
   157  // txPQByFee sorts a txPriorityQueue by fees per kilobyte and then transaction
   158  // priority.
   159  func txPQByFee(pq *txPriorityQueue, i, j int) bool {
   160  	// Using > here so that pop gives the highest fee item as opposed
   161  	// to the lowest.  Sort by fee first, then priority.
   162  	if pq.items[i].feePerKB == pq.items[j].feePerKB {
   163  		return pq.items[i].priority > pq.items[j].priority
   164  	}
   165  	return pq.items[i].feePerKB > pq.items[j].feePerKB
   166  }
   168  // newTxPriorityQueue returns a new transaction priority queue that reserves the
   169  // passed amount of space for the elements.  The new priority queue uses either
   170  // the txPQByPriority or the txPQByFee compare function depending on the
   171  // sortByFee parameter and is already initialized for use with heap.Push/Pop.
   172  // The priority queue can grow larger than the reserved space, but extra copies
   173  // of the underlying array can be avoided by reserving a sane value.
   174  func newTxPriorityQueue(reserve int, sortByFee bool) *txPriorityQueue {
   175  	pq := &txPriorityQueue{
   176  		items: make([]*txPrioItem, 0, reserve),
   177  	}
   178  	if sortByFee {
   179  		pq.SetLessFunc(txPQByFee)
   180  	} else {
   181  		pq.SetLessFunc(txPQByPriority)
   182  	}
   183  	return pq
   184  }
   186  // BlockTemplate houses a block that has yet to be solved along with additional
   187  // details about the fees and the number of signature operations for each
   188  // transaction in the block.
   189  type BlockTemplate struct {
   190  	// Block is a block that is ready to be solved by miners.  Thus, it is
   191  	// completely valid with the exception of satisfying the proof-of-work
   192  	// requirement.
   193  	Block *wire.MsgBlock
   195  	// Fees contains the amount of fees each transaction in the generated
   196  	// template pays in base units.  Since the first transaction is the
   197  	// coinbase, the first entry (offset 0) will contain the negative of the
   198  	// sum of the fees of all other transactions.
   199  	Fees []int64
   201  	// SigOpCosts contains the number of signature operations each
   202  	// transaction in the generated template performs.
   203  	SigOpCosts []int64
   205  	// Height is the height at which the block template connects to the main
   206  	// chain.
   207  	Height int32
   209  	// ValidPayAddress indicates whether or not the template coinbase pays
   210  	// to an address or is redeemable by anyone.  See the documentation on
   211  	// NewBlockTemplate for details on which this can be useful to generate
   212  	// templates without a coinbase payment address.
   213  	ValidPayAddress bool
   215  	// WitnessCommitment is a commitment to the witness data (if any)
   216  	// within the block. This field will only be populted once segregated
   217  	// witness has been activated, and the block contains a transaction
   218  	// which has witness data.
   219  	WitnessCommitment []byte
   220  }
   222  // mergeUtxoView adds all of the entries in viewB to viewA.  The result is that
   223  // viewA will contain all of its original entries plus all of the entries
   224  // in viewB.  It will replace any entries in viewB which also exist in viewA
   225  // if the entry in viewA is spent.
   226  func mergeUtxoView(viewA *blockchain.UtxoViewpoint, viewB *blockchain.UtxoViewpoint) {
   227  	viewAEntries := viewA.Entries()
   228  	for outpoint, entryB := range viewB.Entries() {
   229  		if entryA, exists := viewAEntries[outpoint]; !exists ||
   230  			entryA == nil || entryA.IsSpent() {
   232  			viewAEntries[outpoint] = entryB
   233  		}
   234  	}
   235  }
   237  // standardCoinbaseScript returns a standard script suitable for use as the
   238  // signature script of the coinbase transaction of a new block.  In particular,
   239  // it starts with the block height that is required by version 2 blocks and adds
   240  // the extra nonce as well as additional coinbase flags.
   241  func standardCoinbaseScript(nextBlockHeight int32, extraNonce uint64) ([]byte, error) {
   242  	return txscript.NewScriptBuilder().AddInt64(int64(nextBlockHeight)).
   243  		AddInt64(int64(extraNonce)).AddData([]byte(CoinbaseFlags)).
   244  		Script()
   245  }
   247  // createCoinbaseTx returns a coinbase transaction paying an appropriate subsidy
   248  // based on the passed block height to the provided address.  When the address
   249  // is nil, the coinbase transaction will instead be redeemable by anyone.
   250  //
   251  // See the comment for NewBlockTemplate for more information about why the nil
   252  // address handling is useful.
   253  func createCoinbaseTx(params *chaincfg.Params, coinbaseScript []byte, nextBlockHeight int32, addr btcutil.Address) (*btcutil.Tx, error) {
   254  	// Create the script to pay to the provided payment address if one was
   255  	// specified.  Otherwise create a script that allows the coinbase to be
   256  	// redeemable by anyone.
   257  	var pkScript []byte
   258  	if addr != nil {
   259  		var err error
   260  		pkScript, err = txscript.PayToAddrScript(addr)
   261  		if err != nil {
   262  			return nil, err
   263  		}
   264  	} else {
   265  		var err error
   266  		scriptBuilder := txscript.NewScriptBuilder()
   267  		pkScript, err = scriptBuilder.AddOp(txscript.OP_TRUE).Script()
   268  		if err != nil {
   269  			return nil, err
   270  		}
   271  	}
   273  	tx := wire.NewMsgTx(wire.TxVersion)
   274  	tx.AddTxIn(&wire.TxIn{
   275  		// Coinbase transactions have no inputs, so previous outpoint is
   276  		// zero hash and max index.
   277  		PreviousOutPoint: *wire.NewOutPoint(&chainhash.Hash{},
   278  			wire.MaxPrevOutIndex),
   279  		SignatureScript: coinbaseScript,
   280  		Sequence:        wire.MaxTxInSequenceNum,
   281  	})
   282  	tx.AddTxOut(&wire.TxOut{
   283  		Value:    blockchain.CalcBlockSubsidy(nextBlockHeight, params),
   284  		PkScript: pkScript,
   285  	})
   286  	return btcutil.NewTx(tx), nil
   287  }
   289  // spendTransaction updates the passed view by marking the inputs to the passed
   290  // transaction as spent.  It also adds all outputs in the passed transaction
   291  // which are not provably unspendable as available unspent transaction outputs.
   292  func spendTransaction(utxoView *blockchain.UtxoViewpoint, tx *btcutil.Tx, height int32) error {
   293  	for _, txIn := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
   294  		entry := utxoView.LookupEntry(txIn.PreviousOutPoint)
   295  		if entry != nil {
   296  			entry.Spend()
   297  		}
   298  	}
   300  	utxoView.AddTxOuts(tx, height)
   301  	return nil
   302  }
   304  // logSkippedDeps logs any dependencies which are also skipped as a result of
   305  // skipping a transaction while generating a block template at the trace level.
   306  func logSkippedDeps(tx *btcutil.Tx, deps map[chainhash.Hash]*txPrioItem) {
   307  	if deps == nil {
   308  		return
   309  	}
   311  	for _, item := range deps {
   312  		log.Tracef("Skipping tx %s since it depends on %s\n",
   313  			item.tx.Hash(), tx.Hash())
   314  	}
   315  }
   317  // MinimumMedianTime returns the minimum allowed timestamp for a block building
   318  // on the end of the provided best chain.  In particular, it is one second after
   319  // the median timestamp of the last several blocks per the chain consensus
   320  // rules.
   321  func MinimumMedianTime(chainState *blockchain.BestState) time.Time {
   322  	return chainState.MedianTime.Add(time.Second)
   323  }
   325  // medianAdjustedTime returns the current time adjusted to ensure it is at least
   326  // one second after the median timestamp of the last several blocks per the
   327  // chain consensus rules.
   328  func medianAdjustedTime(chainState *blockchain.BestState, timeSource blockchain.MedianTimeSource) time.Time {
   329  	// The timestamp for the block must not be before the median timestamp
   330  	// of the last several blocks.  Thus, choose the maximum between the
   331  	// current time and one second after the past median time.  The current
   332  	// timestamp is truncated to a second boundary before comparison since a
   333  	// block timestamp does not supported a precision greater than one
   334  	// second.
   335  	newTimestamp := timeSource.AdjustedTime()
   336  	minTimestamp := MinimumMedianTime(chainState)
   337  	if newTimestamp.Before(minTimestamp) {
   338  		newTimestamp = minTimestamp
   339  	}
   341  	return newTimestamp
   342  }
   344  // BlkTmplGenerator provides a type that can be used to generate block templates
   345  // based on a given mining policy and source of transactions to choose from.
   346  // It also houses additional state required in order to ensure the templates
   347  // are built on top of the current best chain and adhere to the consensus rules.
   348  type BlkTmplGenerator struct {
   349  	policy      *Policy
   350  	chainParams *chaincfg.Params
   351  	txSource    TxSource
   352  	chain       *blockchain.BlockChain
   353  	timeSource  blockchain.MedianTimeSource
   354  	sigCache    *txscript.SigCache
   355  	hashCache   *txscript.HashCache
   356  }
   358  // NewBlkTmplGenerator returns a new block template generator for the given
   359  // policy using transactions from the provided transaction source.
   360  //
   361  // The additional state-related fields are required in order to ensure the
   362  // templates are built on top of the current best chain and adhere to the
   363  // consensus rules.
   364  func NewBlkTmplGenerator(policy *Policy, params *chaincfg.Params,
   365  	txSource TxSource, chain *blockchain.BlockChain,
   366  	timeSource blockchain.MedianTimeSource,
   367  	sigCache *txscript.SigCache,
   368  	hashCache *txscript.HashCache) *BlkTmplGenerator {
   370  	return &BlkTmplGenerator{
   371  		policy:      policy,
   372  		chainParams: params,
   373  		txSource:    txSource,
   374  		chain:       chain,
   375  		timeSource:  timeSource,
   376  		sigCache:    sigCache,
   377  		hashCache:   hashCache,
   378  	}
   379  }
   381  // NewBlockTemplate returns a new block template that is ready to be solved
   382  // using the transactions from the passed transaction source pool and a coinbase
   383  // that either pays to the passed address if it is not nil, or a coinbase that
   384  // is redeemable by anyone if the passed address is nil.  The nil address
   385  // functionality is useful since there are cases such as the getblocktemplate
   386  // RPC where external mining software is responsible for creating their own
   387  // coinbase which will replace the one generated for the block template.  Thus
   388  // the need to have configured address can be avoided.
   389  //
   390  // The transactions selected and included are prioritized according to several
   391  // factors.  First, each transaction has a priority calculated based on its
   392  // value, age of inputs, and size.  Transactions which consist of larger
   393  // amounts, older inputs, and small sizes have the highest priority.  Second, a
   394  // fee per kilobyte is calculated for each transaction.  Transactions with a
   395  // higher fee per kilobyte are preferred.  Finally, the block generation related
   396  // policy settings are all taken into account.
   397  //
   398  // Transactions which only spend outputs from other transactions already in the
   399  // block chain are immediately added to a priority queue which either
   400  // prioritizes based on the priority (then fee per kilobyte) or the fee per
   401  // kilobyte (then priority) depending on whether or not the BlockPrioritySize
   402  // policy setting allots space for high-priority transactions.  Transactions
   403  // which spend outputs from other transactions in the source pool are added to a
   404  // dependency map so they can be added to the priority queue once the
   405  // transactions they depend on have been included.
   406  //
   407  // Once the high-priority area (if configured) has been filled with
   408  // transactions, or the priority falls below what is considered high-priority,
   409  // the priority queue is updated to prioritize by fees per kilobyte (then
   410  // priority).
   411  //
   412  // When the fees per kilobyte drop below the TxMinFreeFee policy setting, the
   413  // transaction will be skipped unless the BlockMinSize policy setting is
   414  // nonzero, in which case the block will be filled with the low-fee/free
   415  // transactions until the block size reaches that minimum size.
   416  //
   417  // Any transactions which would cause the block to exceed the BlockMaxSize
   418  // policy setting, exceed the maximum allowed signature operations per block, or
   419  // otherwise cause the block to be invalid are skipped.
   420  //
   421  // Given the above, a block generated by this function is of the following form:
   422  //
   423  //	 -----------------------------------  --  --
   424  //	|      Coinbase Transaction         |   |   |
   425  //	|-----------------------------------|   |   |
   426  //	|                                   |   |   | ----- policy.BlockPrioritySize
   427  //	|   High-priority Transactions      |   |   |
   428  //	|                                   |   |   |
   429  //	|-----------------------------------|   | --
   430  //	|                                   |   |
   431  //	|                                   |   |
   432  //	|                                   |   |--- policy.BlockMaxSize
   433  //	|  Transactions prioritized by fee  |   |
   434  //	|  until <= policy.TxMinFreeFee     |   |
   435  //	|                                   |   |
   436  //	|                                   |   |
   437  //	|                                   |   |
   438  //	|-----------------------------------|   |
   439  //	|  Low-fee/Non high-priority (free) |   |
   440  //	|  transactions (while block size   |   |
   441  //	|  <= policy.BlockMinSize)          |   |
   442  //	 -----------------------------------  --
   443  func (g *BlkTmplGenerator) NewBlockTemplate(payToAddress btcutil.Address) (*BlockTemplate, error) {
   444  	// Extend the most recently known best block.
   445  	best := g.chain.BestSnapshot()
   446  	nextBlockHeight := best.Height + 1
   448  	// Create a standard coinbase transaction paying to the provided
   449  	// address.  NOTE: The coinbase value will be updated to include the
   450  	// fees from the selected transactions later after they have actually
   451  	// been selected.  It is created here to detect any errors early
   452  	// before potentially doing a lot of work below.  The extra nonce helps
   453  	// ensure the transaction is not a duplicate transaction (paying the
   454  	// same value to the same public key address would otherwise be an
   455  	// identical transaction for block version 1).
   456  	extraNonce := uint64(0)
   457  	coinbaseScript, err := standardCoinbaseScript(nextBlockHeight, extraNonce)
   458  	if err != nil {
   459  		return nil, err
   460  	}
   461  	coinbaseTx, err := createCoinbaseTx(g.chainParams, coinbaseScript,
   462  		nextBlockHeight, payToAddress)
   463  	if err != nil {
   464  		return nil, err
   465  	}
   466  	coinbaseSigOpCost := int64(blockchain.CountSigOps(coinbaseTx)) * blockchain.WitnessScaleFactor
   468  	// Get the current source transactions and create a priority queue to
   469  	// hold the transactions which are ready for inclusion into a block
   470  	// along with some priority related and fee metadata.  Reserve the same
   471  	// number of items that are available for the priority queue.  Also,
   472  	// choose the initial sort order for the priority queue based on whether
   473  	// or not there is an area allocated for high-priority transactions.
   474  	sourceTxns := g.txSource.MiningDescs()
   475  	sortedByFee := g.policy.BlockPrioritySize == 0
   476  	priorityQueue := newTxPriorityQueue(len(sourceTxns), sortedByFee)
   478  	// Create a slice to hold the transactions to be included in the
   479  	// generated block with reserved space.  Also create a utxo view to
   480  	// house all of the input transactions so multiple lookups can be
   481  	// avoided.
   482  	blockTxns := make([]*btcutil.Tx, 0, len(sourceTxns))
   483  	blockTxns = append(blockTxns, coinbaseTx)
   484  	blockUtxos := blockchain.NewUtxoViewpoint()
   486  	// dependers is used to track transactions which depend on another
   487  	// transaction in the source pool.  This, in conjunction with the
   488  	// dependsOn map kept with each dependent transaction helps quickly
   489  	// determine which dependent transactions are now eligible for inclusion
   490  	// in the block once each transaction has been included.
   491  	dependers := make(map[chainhash.Hash]map[chainhash.Hash]*txPrioItem)
   493  	// Create slices to hold the fees and number of signature operations
   494  	// for each of the selected transactions and add an entry for the
   495  	// coinbase.  This allows the code below to simply append details about
   496  	// a transaction as it is selected for inclusion in the final block.
   497  	// However, since the total fees aren't known yet, use a dummy value for
   498  	// the coinbase fee which will be updated later.
   499  	txFees := make([]int64, 0, len(sourceTxns))
   500  	txSigOpCosts := make([]int64, 0, len(sourceTxns))
   501  	txFees = append(txFees, -1) // Updated once known
   502  	txSigOpCosts = append(txSigOpCosts, coinbaseSigOpCost)
   504  	log.Debugf("Considering %d transactions for inclusion to new block",
   505  		len(sourceTxns))
   507  mempoolLoop:
   508  	for _, txDesc := range sourceTxns {
   509  		// A block can't have more than one coinbase or contain
   510  		// non-finalized transactions.
   511  		tx := txDesc.Tx
   512  		if blockchain.IsCoinBase(tx) {
   513  			log.Tracef("Skipping coinbase tx %s", tx.Hash())
   514  			continue
   515  		}
   516  		if !blockchain.IsFinalizedTransaction(tx, nextBlockHeight,
   517  			g.timeSource.AdjustedTime()) {
   519  			log.Tracef("Skipping non-finalized tx %s", tx.Hash())
   520  			continue
   521  		}
   523  		// Fetch all of the utxos referenced by the this transaction.
   524  		// NOTE: This intentionally does not fetch inputs from the
   525  		// mempool since a transaction which depends on other
   526  		// transactions in the mempool must come after those
   527  		// dependencies in the final generated block.
   528  		utxos, err := g.chain.FetchUtxoView(tx)
   529  		if err != nil {
   530  			log.Warnf("Unable to fetch utxo view for tx %s: %v",
   531  				tx.Hash(), err)
   532  			continue
   533  		}
   535  		// Setup dependencies for any transactions which reference
   536  		// other transactions in the mempool so they can be properly
   537  		// ordered below.
   538  		prioItem := &txPrioItem{tx: tx}
   539  		for _, txIn := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
   540  			originHash := &txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Hash
   541  			entry := utxos.LookupEntry(txIn.PreviousOutPoint)
   542  			if entry == nil || entry.IsSpent() {
   543  				if !g.txSource.HaveTransaction(originHash) {
   544  					log.Tracef("Skipping tx %s because it "+
   545  						"references unspent output %s "+
   546  						"which is not available",
   547  						tx.Hash(), txIn.PreviousOutPoint)
   548  					continue mempoolLoop
   549  				}
   551  				// The transaction is referencing another
   552  				// transaction in the source pool, so setup an
   553  				// ordering dependency.
   554  				deps, exists := dependers[*originHash]
   555  				if !exists {
   556  					deps = make(map[chainhash.Hash]*txPrioItem)
   557  					dependers[*originHash] = deps
   558  				}
   559  				deps[*prioItem.tx.Hash()] = prioItem
   560  				if prioItem.dependsOn == nil {
   561  					prioItem.dependsOn = make(
   562  						map[chainhash.Hash]struct{})
   563  				}
   564  				prioItem.dependsOn[*originHash] = struct{}{}
   566  				// Skip the check below. We already know the
   567  				// referenced transaction is available.
   568  				continue
   569  			}
   570  		}
   572  		// Calculate the final transaction priority using the input
   573  		// value age sum as well as the adjusted transaction size.  The
   574  		// formula is: sum(inputValue * inputAge) / adjustedTxSize
   575  		prioItem.priority = CalcPriority(tx.MsgTx(), utxos,
   576  			nextBlockHeight)
   578  		// Calculate the fee in Satoshi/kB.
   579  		prioItem.feePerKB = txDesc.FeePerKB
   580  		prioItem.fee = txDesc.Fee
   582  		// Add the transaction to the priority queue to mark it ready
   583  		// for inclusion in the block unless it has dependencies.
   584  		if prioItem.dependsOn == nil {
   585  			heap.Push(priorityQueue, prioItem)
   586  		}
   588  		// Merge the referenced outputs from the input transactions to
   589  		// this transaction into the block utxo view.  This allows the
   590  		// code below to avoid a second lookup.
   591  		mergeUtxoView(blockUtxos, utxos)
   592  	}
   594  	log.Tracef("Priority queue len %d, dependers len %d",
   595  		priorityQueue.Len(), len(dependers))
   597  	// The starting block size is the size of the block header plus the max
   598  	// possible transaction count size, plus the size of the coinbase
   599  	// transaction.
   600  	blockWeight := uint32((blockHeaderOverhead * blockchain.WitnessScaleFactor) +
   601  		blockchain.GetTransactionWeight(coinbaseTx))
   602  	blockSigOpCost := coinbaseSigOpCost
   603  	totalFees := int64(0)
   605  	// Query the version bits state to see if segwit has been activated, if
   606  	// so then this means that we'll include any transactions with witness
   607  	// data in the mempool, and also add the witness commitment as an
   608  	// OP_RETURN output in the coinbase transaction.
   609  	segwitState, err := g.chain.ThresholdState(chaincfg.DeploymentSegwit)
   610  	if err != nil {
   611  		return nil, err
   612  	}
   613  	segwitActive := segwitState == blockchain.ThresholdActive
   615  	witnessIncluded := false
   617  	// Choose which transactions make it into the block.
   618  	for priorityQueue.Len() > 0 {
   619  		// Grab the highest priority (or highest fee per kilobyte
   620  		// depending on the sort order) transaction.
   621  		prioItem := heap.Pop(priorityQueue).(*txPrioItem)
   622  		tx := prioItem.tx
   624  		switch {
   625  		// If segregated witness has not been activated yet, then we
   626  		// shouldn't include any witness transactions in the block.
   627  		case !segwitActive && tx.HasWitness():
   628  			continue
   630  		// Otherwise, Keep track of if we've included a transaction
   631  		// with witness data or not. If so, then we'll need to include
   632  		// the witness commitment as the last output in the coinbase
   633  		// transaction.
   634  		case segwitActive && !witnessIncluded && tx.HasWitness():
   635  			// If we're about to include a transaction bearing
   636  			// witness data, then we'll also need to include a
   637  			// witness commitment in the coinbase transaction.
   638  			// Therefore, we account for the additional weight
   639  			// within the block with a model coinbase tx with a
   640  			// witness commitment.
   641  			coinbaseCopy := btcutil.NewTx(coinbaseTx.MsgTx().Copy())
   642  			coinbaseCopy.MsgTx().TxIn[0].Witness = [][]byte{
   643  				bytes.Repeat([]byte("a"),
   644  					blockchain.CoinbaseWitnessDataLen),
   645  			}
   646  			coinbaseCopy.MsgTx().AddTxOut(&wire.TxOut{
   647  				PkScript: bytes.Repeat([]byte("a"),
   648  					blockchain.CoinbaseWitnessPkScriptLength),
   649  			})
   651  			// In order to accurately account for the weight
   652  			// addition due to this coinbase transaction, we'll add
   653  			// the difference of the transaction before and after
   654  			// the addition of the commitment to the block weight.
   655  			weightDiff := blockchain.GetTransactionWeight(coinbaseCopy) -
   656  				blockchain.GetTransactionWeight(coinbaseTx)
   658  			blockWeight += uint32(weightDiff)
   660  			witnessIncluded = true
   661  		}
   663  		// Grab any transactions which depend on this one.
   664  		deps := dependers[*tx.Hash()]
   666  		// Enforce maximum block size.  Also check for overflow.
   667  		txWeight := uint32(blockchain.GetTransactionWeight(tx))
   668  		blockPlusTxWeight := blockWeight + txWeight
   669  		if blockPlusTxWeight < blockWeight ||
   670  			blockPlusTxWeight >= g.policy.BlockMaxWeight {
   672  			log.Tracef("Skipping tx %s because it would exceed "+
   673  				"the max block weight", tx.Hash())
   674  			logSkippedDeps(tx, deps)
   675  			continue
   676  		}
   678  		// Enforce maximum signature operation cost per block.  Also
   679  		// check for overflow.
   680  		sigOpCost, err := blockchain.GetSigOpCost(tx, false,
   681  			blockUtxos, true, segwitActive)
   682  		if err != nil {
   683  			log.Tracef("Skipping tx %s due to error in "+
   684  				"GetSigOpCost: %v", tx.Hash(), err)
   685  			logSkippedDeps(tx, deps)
   686  			continue
   687  		}
   688  		if blockSigOpCost+int64(sigOpCost) < blockSigOpCost ||
   689  			blockSigOpCost+int64(sigOpCost) > blockchain.MaxBlockSigOpsCost {
   690  			log.Tracef("Skipping tx %s because it would "+
   691  				"exceed the maximum sigops per block", tx.Hash())
   692  			logSkippedDeps(tx, deps)
   693  			continue
   694  		}
   696  		// Skip free transactions once the block is larger than the
   697  		// minimum block size.
   698  		if sortedByFee &&
   699  			prioItem.feePerKB < int64(g.policy.TxMinFreeFee) &&
   700  			blockPlusTxWeight >= g.policy.BlockMinWeight {
   702  			log.Tracef("Skipping tx %s with feePerKB %d "+
   703  				"< TxMinFreeFee %d and block weight %d >= "+
   704  				"minBlockWeight %d", tx.Hash(), prioItem.feePerKB,
   705  				g.policy.TxMinFreeFee, blockPlusTxWeight,
   706  				g.policy.BlockMinWeight)
   707  			logSkippedDeps(tx, deps)
   708  			continue
   709  		}
   711  		// Prioritize by fee per kilobyte once the block is larger than
   712  		// the priority size or there are no more high-priority
   713  		// transactions.
   714  		if !sortedByFee && (blockPlusTxWeight >= g.policy.BlockPrioritySize ||
   715  			prioItem.priority <= MinHighPriority) {
   717  			log.Tracef("Switching to sort by fees per "+
   718  				"kilobyte blockSize %d >= BlockPrioritySize "+
   719  				"%d || priority %.2f <= minHighPriority %.2f",
   720  				blockPlusTxWeight, g.policy.BlockPrioritySize,
   721  				prioItem.priority, MinHighPriority)
   723  			sortedByFee = true
   724  			priorityQueue.SetLessFunc(txPQByFee)
   726  			// Put the transaction back into the priority queue and
   727  			// skip it so it is re-priortized by fees if it won't
   728  			// fit into the high-priority section or the priority
   729  			// is too low.  Otherwise this transaction will be the
   730  			// final one in the high-priority section, so just fall
   731  			// though to the code below so it is added now.
   732  			if blockPlusTxWeight > g.policy.BlockPrioritySize ||
   733  				prioItem.priority < MinHighPriority {
   735  				heap.Push(priorityQueue, prioItem)
   736  				continue
   737  			}
   738  		}
   740  		// Ensure the transaction inputs pass all of the necessary
   741  		// preconditions before allowing it to be added to the block.
   742  		_, err = blockchain.CheckTransactionInputs(tx, nextBlockHeight,
   743  			blockUtxos, g.chainParams)
   744  		if err != nil {
   745  			log.Tracef("Skipping tx %s due to error in "+
   746  				"CheckTransactionInputs: %v", tx.Hash(), err)
   747  			logSkippedDeps(tx, deps)
   748  			continue
   749  		}
   750  		err = blockchain.ValidateTransactionScripts(tx, blockUtxos,
   751  			txscript.StandardVerifyFlags, g.sigCache,
   752  			g.hashCache)
   753  		if err != nil {
   754  			log.Tracef("Skipping tx %s due to error in "+
   755  				"ValidateTransactionScripts: %v", tx.Hash(), err)
   756  			logSkippedDeps(tx, deps)
   757  			continue
   758  		}
   760  		// Spend the transaction inputs in the block utxo view and add
   761  		// an entry for it to ensure any transactions which reference
   762  		// this one have it available as an input and can ensure they
   763  		// aren't double spending.
   764  		spendTransaction(blockUtxos, tx, nextBlockHeight)
   766  		// Add the transaction to the block, increment counters, and
   767  		// save the fees and signature operation counts to the block
   768  		// template.
   769  		blockTxns = append(blockTxns, tx)
   770  		blockWeight += txWeight
   771  		blockSigOpCost += int64(sigOpCost)
   772  		totalFees += prioItem.fee
   773  		txFees = append(txFees, prioItem.fee)
   774  		txSigOpCosts = append(txSigOpCosts, int64(sigOpCost))
   776  		log.Tracef("Adding tx %s (priority %.2f, feePerKB %.2f)",
   777  			prioItem.tx.Hash(), prioItem.priority, prioItem.feePerKB)
   779  		// Add transactions which depend on this one (and also do not
   780  		// have any other unsatisified dependencies) to the priority
   781  		// queue.
   782  		for _, item := range deps {
   783  			// Add the transaction to the priority queue if there
   784  			// are no more dependencies after this one.
   785  			delete(item.dependsOn, *tx.Hash())
   786  			if len(item.dependsOn) == 0 {
   787  				heap.Push(priorityQueue, item)
   788  			}
   789  		}
   790  	}
   792  	// Now that the actual transactions have been selected, update the
   793  	// block weight for the real transaction count and coinbase value with
   794  	// the total fees accordingly.
   795  	blockWeight -= wire.MaxVarIntPayload -
   796  		(uint32(wire.VarIntSerializeSize(uint64(len(blockTxns)))) *
   797  			blockchain.WitnessScaleFactor)
   798  	coinbaseTx.MsgTx().TxOut[0].Value += totalFees
   799  	txFees[0] = -totalFees
   801  	// If segwit is active and we included transactions with witness data,
   802  	// then we'll need to include a commitment to the witness data in an
   803  	// OP_RETURN output within the coinbase transaction.
   804  	var witnessCommitment []byte
   805  	if witnessIncluded {
   806  		witnessCommitment = AddWitnessCommitment(coinbaseTx, blockTxns)
   807  	}
   809  	// Calculate the required difficulty for the block.  The timestamp
   810  	// is potentially adjusted to ensure it comes after the median time of
   811  	// the last several blocks per the chain consensus rules.
   812  	ts := medianAdjustedTime(best, g.timeSource)
   813  	reqDifficulty, err := g.chain.CalcNextRequiredDifficulty(ts)
   814  	if err != nil {
   815  		return nil, err
   816  	}
   818  	// Calculate the next expected block version based on the state of the
   819  	// rule change deployments.
   820  	nextBlockVersion, err := g.chain.CalcNextBlockVersion()
   821  	if err != nil {
   822  		return nil, err
   823  	}
   825  	// Create a new block ready to be solved.
   826  	merkles := blockchain.BuildMerkleTreeStore(blockTxns, false)
   827  	var msgBlock wire.MsgBlock
   828  	msgBlock.Header = wire.BlockHeader{
   829  		Version:    nextBlockVersion,
   830  		PrevBlock:  best.Hash,
   831  		MerkleRoot: *merkles[len(merkles)-1],
   832  		Timestamp:  ts,
   833  		Bits:       reqDifficulty,
   834  	}
   835  	for _, tx := range blockTxns {
   836  		if err := msgBlock.AddTransaction(tx.MsgTx()); err != nil {
   837  			return nil, err
   838  		}
   839  	}
   841  	// Finally, perform a full check on the created block against the chain
   842  	// consensus rules to ensure it properly connects to the current best
   843  	// chain with no issues.
   844  	block := btcutil.NewBlock(&msgBlock)
   845  	block.SetHeight(nextBlockHeight)
   847  	if err := g.chain.SetClaimtrieHeader(block, blockUtxos); err != nil {
   848  		return nil, err
   849  	}
   851  	if err := g.chain.CheckConnectBlockTemplate(block); err != nil {
   852  		return nil, err
   853  	}
   855  	log.Debugf("Created new block template (%d transactions, %d in "+
   856  		"fees, %d signature operations cost, %d weight, target difficulty "+
   857  		"%064x)", len(msgBlock.Transactions), totalFees, blockSigOpCost,
   858  		blockWeight, blockchain.CompactToBig(msgBlock.Header.Bits))
   860  	return &BlockTemplate{
   861  		Block:             &msgBlock,
   862  		Fees:              txFees,
   863  		SigOpCosts:        txSigOpCosts,
   864  		Height:            nextBlockHeight,
   865  		ValidPayAddress:   payToAddress != nil,
   866  		WitnessCommitment: witnessCommitment,
   867  	}, nil
   868  }
   870  // AddWitnessCommitment adds the witness commitment as an OP_RETURN outpout
   871  // within the coinbase tx.  The witness script is returned.
   872  func AddWitnessCommitment(coinbaseTx *btcutil.Tx,
   873  	blockTxns []*btcutil.Tx) []byte {
   875  	// The witness of the coinbase transaction MUST be exactly 32-bytes
   876  	// of all zeroes.
   877  	var witnessNonce [blockchain.CoinbaseWitnessDataLen]byte
   878  	coinbaseTx.MsgTx().TxIn[0].Witness = wire.TxWitness{witnessNonce[:]}
   880  	// Next, obtain the merkle root of a tree which consists of the
   881  	// wtxid of all transactions in the block. The coinbase
   882  	// transaction will have a special wtxid of all zeroes.
   883  	witnessMerkleTree := blockchain.BuildMerkleTreeStore(blockTxns,
   884  		true)
   885  	witnessMerkleRoot := witnessMerkleTree[len(witnessMerkleTree)-1]
   887  	// The preimage to the witness commitment is:
   888  	// witnessRoot || coinbaseWitness
   889  	var witnessPreimage [64]byte
   890  	copy(witnessPreimage[:32], witnessMerkleRoot[:])
   891  	copy(witnessPreimage[32:], witnessNonce[:])
   893  	// The witness commitment itself is the double-sha256 of the
   894  	// witness preimage generated above. With the commitment
   895  	// generated, the witness script for the output is: OP_RETURN
   896  	// OP_DATA_36 {0xaa21a9ed || witnessCommitment}. The leading
   897  	// prefix is referred to as the "witness magic bytes".
   898  	witnessCommitment := chainhash.DoubleHashB(witnessPreimage[:])
   899  	witnessScript := append(blockchain.WitnessMagicBytes, witnessCommitment...)
   901  	// Finally, create the OP_RETURN carrying witness commitment
   902  	// output as an additional output within the coinbase.
   903  	commitmentOutput := &wire.TxOut{
   904  		Value:    0,
   905  		PkScript: witnessScript,
   906  	}
   907  	coinbaseTx.MsgTx().TxOut = append(coinbaseTx.MsgTx().TxOut,
   908  		commitmentOutput)
   910  	return witnessScript
   911  }
   913  // UpdateBlockTime updates the timestamp in the header of the passed block to
   914  // the current time while taking into account the median time of the last
   915  // several blocks to ensure the new time is after that time per the chain
   916  // consensus rules.  Finally, it will update the target difficulty if needed
   917  // based on the new time for the test networks since their target difficulty can
   918  // change based upon time.
   919  func (g *BlkTmplGenerator) UpdateBlockTime(msgBlock *wire.MsgBlock) error {
   920  	// The new timestamp is potentially adjusted to ensure it comes after
   921  	// the median time of the last several blocks per the chain consensus
   922  	// rules.
   923  	newTime := medianAdjustedTime(g.chain.BestSnapshot(), g.timeSource)
   924  	msgBlock.Header.Timestamp = newTime
   926  	// Recalculate the difficulty if running on a network that requires it.
   927  	if g.chainParams.ReduceMinDifficulty {
   928  		difficulty, err := g.chain.CalcNextRequiredDifficulty(newTime)
   929  		if err != nil {
   930  			return err
   931  		}
   932  		msgBlock.Header.Bits = difficulty
   933  	}
   935  	return nil
   936  }
   938  // UpdateExtraNonce updates the extra nonce in the coinbase script of the passed
   939  // block by regenerating the coinbase script with the passed value and block
   940  // height.  It also recalculates and updates the new merkle root that results
   941  // from changing the coinbase script.
   942  func (g *BlkTmplGenerator) UpdateExtraNonce(msgBlock *wire.MsgBlock, blockHeight int32, extraNonce uint64) error {
   943  	coinbaseScript, err := standardCoinbaseScript(blockHeight, extraNonce)
   944  	if err != nil {
   945  		return err
   946  	}
   947  	if len(coinbaseScript) > blockchain.MaxCoinbaseScriptLen {
   948  		return fmt.Errorf("coinbase transaction script length "+
   949  			"of %d is out of range (min: %d, max: %d)",
   950  			len(coinbaseScript), blockchain.MinCoinbaseScriptLen,
   951  			blockchain.MaxCoinbaseScriptLen)
   952  	}
   953  	msgBlock.Transactions[0].TxIn[0].SignatureScript = coinbaseScript
   955  	// TODO(davec): A btcutil.Block should use saved in the state to avoid
   956  	// recalculating all of the other transaction hashes.
   957  	// block.Transactions[0].InvalidateCache()
   959  	// Recalculate the merkle root with the updated extra nonce.
   960  	block := btcutil.NewBlock(msgBlock)
   961  	merkles := blockchain.BuildMerkleTreeStore(block.Transactions(), false)
   962  	msgBlock.Header.MerkleRoot = *merkles[len(merkles)-1]
   963  	return nil
   964  }
   966  // BestSnapshot returns information about the current best chain block and
   967  // related state as of the current point in time using the chain instance
   968  // associated with the block template generator.  The returned state must be
   969  // treated as immutable since it is shared by all callers.
   970  //
   971  // This function is safe for concurrent access.
   972  func (g *BlkTmplGenerator) BestSnapshot() *blockchain.BestState {
   973  	return g.chain.BestSnapshot()
   974  }
   976  // TxSource returns the associated transaction source.
   977  //
   978  // This function is safe for concurrent access.
   979  func (g *BlkTmplGenerator) TxSource() TxSource {
   980  	return g.txSource
   981  }