
     1  [Application Options]
     3  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     4  ; Data settings
     5  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     7  ; The directory to store data such as the block chain and peer addresses.  The
     8  ; block chain takes several GB, so this location must have a lot of free space.
     9  ; The default is ~/.lbcd/data on POSIX OSes, $LOCALAPPDATA/Lbcd/data on Windows,
    10  ; ~/Library/Application Support/Lbcd/data on Mac OS, and $home/lbcd/data on
    11  ; Plan9.  Environment variables are expanded so they may be used.  NOTE: Windows
    12  ; environment variables are typically %VARIABLE%, but they must be accessed with
    13  ; $VARIABLE here.  Also, ~ is expanded to $LOCALAPPDATA on Windows.
    14  ; datadir=~/.lbcd/data
    17  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    18  ; Network settings
    19  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    21  ; Use testnet.
    22  ; testnet=1
    24  ; Connect via a SOCKS5 proxy.  NOTE: Specifying a proxy will disable listening
    25  ; for incoming connections unless listen addresses are provided via the 'listen'
    26  ; option.
    27  ; proxy=
    28  ; proxyuser=
    29  ; proxypass=
    31  ; The SOCKS5 proxy above is assumed to be Tor (
    32  ; If the proxy is not tor the following may be used to prevent using tor
    33  ; specific SOCKS queries to lookup addresses (this increases anonymity when tor
    34  ; is used by preventing your IP being leaked via DNS).
    35  ; noonion=1
    37  ; Use an alternative proxy to connect to .onion addresses. The proxy is assumed
    38  ; to be a Tor node. Non .onion addresses will be contacted with the main proxy
    39  ; or without a proxy if none is set.
    40  ; onion=
    41  ; onionuser=
    42  ; onionpass=
    44  ; Enable Tor stream isolation by randomizing proxy user credentials resulting in
    45  ; Tor creating a new circuit for each connection.  This makes it more difficult
    46  ; to correlate connections.
    47  ; torisolation=1
    49  ; Do NOT use Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) to automatically open the listen port
    50  ; and obtain the external IP address from supported devices.  NOTE: This option
    51  ; will have no effect if exernal IP addresses are specified.
    52  ; upnp=1
    54  ; Specify the external IP addresses your node is listening on.  One address per
    55  ; line.  lbcd will not contact 3rd-party sites to obtain external ip addresses.
    56  ; This means if you are behind NAT, your node will not be able to advertise a
    57  ; reachable address unless you specify it here or enable the 'upnp' option (and
    58  ; have a supported device).
    59  ; externalip=
    60  ; externalip=2002::1234
    62  ; ******************************************************************************
    63  ; Summary of 'addpeer' versus 'connect'.
    64  ;
    65  ; Only one of the following two options, 'addpeer' and 'connect', may be
    66  ; specified.  Both allow you to specify peers that you want to stay connected
    67  ; with, but the behavior is slightly different.  By default, lbcd will query DNS
    68  ; to find peers to connect to, so unless you have a specific reason such as
    69  ; those described below, you probably won't need to modify anything here.
    70  ;
    71  ; 'addpeer' does not prevent connections to other peers discovered from
    72  ; the peers you are connected to and also lets the remote peers know you are
    73  ; available so they can notify other peers they can to connect to you.  This
    74  ; option might be useful if you are having problems finding a node for some
    75  ; reason (perhaps due to a firewall).
    76  ;
    77  ; 'connect', on the other hand, will ONLY connect to the specified peers and
    78  ; no others.  It also disables listening (unless you explicitly set listen
    79  ; addresses via the 'listen' option) and DNS seeding, so you will not be
    80  ; advertised as an available peer to the peers you connect to and won't accept
    81  ; connections from any other peers.  So, the 'connect' option effectively allows
    82  ; you to only connect to "trusted" peers.
    83  ; ******************************************************************************
    85  ; Add persistent peers to connect to as desired.  One peer per line.
    86  ; You may specify each IP address with or without a port.  The default port will
    87  ; be added automatically if one is not specified here.
    88  ; addpeer=
    89  ; addpeer=
    90  ; addpeer=fe80::1
    91  ; addpeer=[fe80::2]:9246
    93  ; Add persistent peers that you ONLY want to connect to as desired.  One peer
    94  ; per line.  You may specify each IP address with or without a port.  The
    95  ; default port will be added automatically if one is not specified here.
    96  ; NOTE: Specifying this option has other side effects as described above in
    97  ; the 'addpeer' versus 'connect' summary section.
    98  ; connect=
    99  ; connect=
   100  ; connect=fe80::1
   101  ; connect=[fe80::2]:9246
   103  ; Maximum number of inbound and outbound peers.
   104  ; maxpeers=125
   106  ; Disable banning of misbehaving peers.
   107  ; nobanning=1
   109  ; Maximum allowed ban score before disconnecting and banning misbehaving peers.
   110  ; banthreshold=100
   112  ; How long to ban misbehaving peers. Valid time units are {s, m, h}.
   113  ; Minimum 1s.
   114  ; banduration=24h
   115  ; banduration=11h30m15s
   117  ; Minimum time between attempts to send new inventory to a connected peer.
   118  ; trickleinterval=10s
   120  ; Add whitelisted IP networks and IPs. Connected peers whose IP matches a
   121  ; whitelist will not have their ban score increased.
   122  ; whitelist=
   123  ; whitelist=::1
   124  ; whitelist=
   125  ; whitelist=fd00::/16
   127  ; Disable DNS seeding for peers.  By default, when lbcd starts, it will use
   128  ; DNS to query for available peers to connect with.
   129  ; nodnsseed=1
   131  ; Specify the interfaces to listen on.  One listen address per line.
   132  ; NOTE: The default port is modified by some options such as 'testnet', so it is
   133  ; recommended to not specify a port and allow a proper default to be chosen
   134  ; unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise.
   135  ; All interfaces on default port (this is the default):
   136  ;  listen=
   137  ; All ipv4 interfaces on default port:
   138  ;  listen=
   139  ; All ipv6 interfaces on default port:
   140  ;   listen=::
   141  ; All interfaces on port 9246:
   142  ;   listen=:9246
   143  ; All ipv4 interfaces on port 9246:
   144  ;   listen=
   145  ; All ipv6 interfaces on port 9246:
   146  ;   listen=[::]:9246
   147  ; Only ipv4 localhost on port 9246:
   148  ;   listen=
   149  ; Only ipv6 localhost on port 9246:
   150  ;   listen=[::1]:9246
   151  ; Only ipv4 localhost on non-standard port 8336:
   152  ;   listen=
   153  ; All interfaces on non-standard port 8336:
   154  ;   listen=:8336
   155  ; All ipv4 interfaces on non-standard port 8336:
   156  ;   listen=
   157  ; All ipv6 interfaces on non-standard port 8336:
   158  ;   listen=[::]:8336
   160  ; Disable listening for incoming connections.  This will override all listeners.
   161  ; nolisten=1
   163  ; Disable peer bloom filtering.  See BIP0111.
   164  ; nopeerbloomfilters=1
   166  ; Add additional checkpoints. Format: '<height>:<hash>'
   167  ; addcheckpoint=<height>:<hash>
   169  ; Add comments to the user agent that is advertised to peers.
   170  ; Must not include characters '/', ':', '(' and ')'.
   171  ; uacomment=
   173  ; A comma separated list of user-agent substrings which will cause lbcd to reject
   174  ; any peers whose user-agent contains any of the blacklisted substrings.
   175  ; agentblacklist=
   177  ; A comma separated list of user-agent substrings which will cause lbcd to require
   178  ; all peers' user-agents to contain one of the whitelisted substrings. The blacklist
   179  ; is applied before the whitelist, and an empty whitelist will allow all agents that
   180  ; do not fail the blacklist.
   181  ; agentwhitelist=
   183  ; Disable committed peer filtering (CF).
   184  ; nocfilters=1
   186  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187  ; RPC server options - The following options control the built-in RPC server
   188  ; which is used to control and query information from a running lbcd process.
   189  ;
   190  ; NOTE: The RPC server is disabled by default if rpcuser AND rpcpass, or
   191  ; rpclimituser AND rpclimitpass, are not specified.
   192  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194  ; Secure the RPC API by specifying the username and password.  You can also
   195  ; specify a limited username and password.  You must specify at least one
   196  ; full set of credentials - limited or admin - or the RPC server will
   197  ; be disabled.
   198  ; rpcuser=whatever_admin_username_you_want
   199  ; rpcpass=
   200  ; rpclimituser=whatever_limited_username_you_want
   201  ; rpclimitpass=
   203  ; Specify the interfaces for the RPC server listen on.  One listen address per
   204  ; line.  NOTE: The default port is modified by some options such as 'testnet',
   205  ; so it is recommended to not specify a port and allow a proper default to be
   206  ; chosen unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise.  By default, the
   207  ; RPC server will only listen on localhost for IPv4 and IPv6.
   208  ; All interfaces on default port:
   209  ;   rpclisten=
   210  ; All ipv4 interfaces on default port:
   211  ;   rpclisten=
   212  ; All ipv6 interfaces on default port:
   213  ;   rpclisten=::
   214  ; All interfaces on port 9245:
   215  ;   rpclisten=:9245
   216  ; All ipv4 interfaces on port 9245:
   217  ;   rpclisten=
   218  ; All ipv6 interfaces on port 9245:
   219  ;   rpclisten=[::]:9245
   220  ; Only ipv4 localhost on port 9245:
   221  ;   rpclisten=
   222  ; Only ipv6 localhost on port 9245:
   223  ;   rpclisten=[::1]:9245
   224  ; Only ipv4 localhost on non-standard port 8337:
   225  ;   rpclisten=
   226  ; All interfaces on non-standard port 8337:
   227  ;   rpclisten=:8337
   228  ; All ipv4 interfaces on non-standard port 8337:
   229  ;   rpclisten=
   230  ; All ipv6 interfaces on non-standard port 8337:
   231  ;   rpclisten=[::]:8337
   233  ; Specify the maximum number of concurrent RPC clients for standard connections.
   234  ; rpcmaxclients=10
   236  ; Specify the maximum number of concurrent RPC websocket clients.
   237  ; rpcmaxwebsockets=25
   239  ; Max number of concurrent RPC requests that may be processed concurrently.
   240  ; rpcmaxconcurrentreqs=20
   242  ; Mirror some JSON-RPC quirks of Bitcoin Core -- NOTE: Discouraged unless
   243  ; interoperability issues need to be worked around
   244  ; rpcquirks=1
   246  ; Use the following setting to disable the RPC server even if the rpcuser and
   247  ; rpcpass are specified above.  This allows one to quickly disable the RPC
   248  ; server without having to remove credentials from the config file.
   249  ; norpc=1
   251  ; Use the following setting to disable TLS for the RPC server.  NOTE: This
   252  ; option only works if the RPC server is bound to localhost interfaces (which is
   253  ; the default).
   254  ; notls=1
   256  ; File containing the certificate file.
   257  ; rpccert=~/.lbcd/rpc.cert
   259  ; File containing the certificate key.
   260  ; rpckey=~/.lbcd/rpc.key
   263  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264  ; Mempool Settings - The following options
   265  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   267  ; Set the minimum transaction fee to be considered a non-zero fee,
   268  ; minrelaytxfee=0.00001
   270  ; Rate-limit free transactions to the value 15 * 1000 bytes per
   271  ; minute.
   272  ; limitfreerelay=15
   274  ; Require high priority for relaying free or low-fee transactions.
   275  ; norelaypriority=0
   277  ; Limit orphan transaction pool to 100 transactions.
   278  ; maxorphantx=100
   280  ; Do not accept transactions from remote peers.
   281  ; blocksonly=1
   283  ; Relay non-standard transactions regardless of default network settings.
   284  ; relaynonstd=1
   286  ; Reject non-standard transactions regardless of default network settings.
   287  ; rejectnonstd=1
   289  ; Reject transactions that attempt to replace existing transactions within
   290  ; the mempool through the Replace-By-Fee (RBF) signaling policy.
   291  ; rejectreplacement=0
   294  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295  ; Optional Indexes
   296  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   298  ; Build and maintain a full hash-based transaction index which makes all
   299  ; transactions available via the getrawtransaction RPC.
   300  ; txindex=1
   302  ; Build and maintain a full address-based transaction index which makes the
   303  ; searchrawtransactions RPC available.
   304  ; addrindex=1
   306  ; Delete the entire address index on start up, then exit.
   307  ; dropaddrindex=0
   310  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   311  ; Signature Verification Cache
   312  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314  ; Limit the signature cache to a max of 50000 entries.
   315  ; sigcachemaxsize=50000
   318  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319  ; Coin Generation (Mining) Settings - The following options control the
   320  ; generation of block templates used by external mining applications through RPC
   321  ; calls as well as the built-in CPU miner (if enabled).
   322  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   324  ; Enable built-in CPU mining.
   325  ;
   326  ; NOTE: This is typically only useful for testing purposes such as testnet or
   327  ; simnet since the difficulty on mainnet is far too high for CPU mining to be
   328  ; worth your while.
   329  ; generate=false
   331  ; Add addresses to pay mined blocks to for CPU mining and potentially in the
   332  ; block templates generated for the getblocktemplate RPC.  One address per line.
   333  ; miningaddr=1yourbitcoinaddress
   334  ; miningaddr=1yourbitcoinaddress2
   335  ; miningaddr=1yourbitcoinaddress3
   337  ; Specify the minimum block size in bytes to create.  By default, only
   338  ; transactions which have enough fees or a high enough priority will be included
   339  ; in generated block templates.  Specifying a minimum block size will instead
   340  ; attempt to fill generated block templates up with transactions until it is at
   341  ; least the specified number of bytes.
   342  ; blockminsize=0
   344  ; Specify the maximum block size in bytes to create.  This value will be limited
   345  ; to the consensus limit if it is larger than that value.
   346  ; blockmaxsize=750000
   348  ; Mininum block weight to be used when creating a block.
   349  ; blockminweight=0
   351  ; Maximum block weight to be used when creating a block.
   352  ; blockmaxweight=3000000
   354  ; Specify the size in bytes of the high-priority/low-fee area when creating a
   355  ; block.  Transactions which consist of large amounts, old inputs, and small
   356  ; sizes have the highest priority.  One consequence of this is that as low-fee
   357  ; or free transactions age, they raise in priority thereby making them more
   358  ; likely to be included in this section of a new block.  This value is limited
   359  ; by the blockmaxsize option and will be limited as needed.
   360  ; blockprioritysize=50000
   363  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   364  ; Debug
   365  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   366  ; Directory to log output.
   367  ; logdir=~/.lbcd/logs
   369  ; Debug logging level.
   370  ; Valid levels are {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical}
   371  ; You may also specify <subsystem>=<level>,<subsystem2>=<level>,... to set
   372  ; log level for individual subsystems.  Use lbcd --debuglevel=show to list
   373  ; available subsystems.
   374  ; debuglevel=info
   376  ; Write CPU profile to the specified file.
   377  ; cpuprofile=
   379  ; Write memory profile to the specified file.
   380  ; memprofile=
   382  ; The port used to listen for HTTP profile requests.  The profile server will
   383  ; be disabled if this option is not specified.  The profile information can be
   384  ; accessed at http://localhost:<profileport>/debug/pprof once running.
   385  ; profile=6061