
     1  // Copyright (c) 2013-2018 The btcsuite developers
     2  // Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The Decred developers
     3  // Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
     4  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  package txscript
     8  import (
     9  	"bytes"
    10  	"crypto/sha256"
    11  	"fmt"
    12  	"math/big"
    13  	"strings"
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  // ScriptFlags is a bitmask defining additional operations or tests that will be
    20  // done when executing a script pair.
    21  type ScriptFlags uint32
    23  const (
    24  	// ScriptBip16 defines whether the bip16 threshold has passed and thus
    25  	// pay-to-script hash transactions will be fully validated.
    26  	ScriptBip16 ScriptFlags = 1 << iota
    28  	// ScriptStrictMultiSig defines whether to verify the stack item
    29  	// used by CHECKMULTISIG is zero length.
    30  	ScriptStrictMultiSig
    32  	// ScriptDiscourageUpgradableNops defines whether to verify that
    33  	// NOP1 through NOP10 are reserved for future soft-fork upgrades.  This
    34  	// flag must not be used for consensus critical code nor applied to
    35  	// blocks as this flag is only for stricter standard transaction
    36  	// checks.  This flag is only applied when the above opcodes are
    37  	// executed.
    38  	ScriptDiscourageUpgradableNops
    40  	// ScriptVerifyCheckLockTimeVerify defines whether to verify that
    41  	// a transaction output is spendable based on the locktime.
    42  	// This is BIP0065.
    43  	ScriptVerifyCheckLockTimeVerify
    45  	// ScriptVerifyCheckSequenceVerify defines whether to allow execution
    46  	// pathways of a script to be restricted based on the age of the output
    47  	// being spent.  This is BIP0112.
    48  	ScriptVerifyCheckSequenceVerify
    50  	// ScriptVerifyCleanStack defines that the stack must contain only
    51  	// one stack element after evaluation and that the element must be
    52  	// true if interpreted as a boolean.  This is rule 6 of BIP0062.
    53  	// This flag should never be used without the ScriptBip16 flag nor the
    54  	// ScriptVerifyWitness flag.
    55  	ScriptVerifyCleanStack
    57  	// ScriptVerifyDERSignatures defines that signatures are required
    58  	// to compily with the DER format.
    59  	ScriptVerifyDERSignatures
    61  	// ScriptVerifyLowS defines that signtures are required to comply with
    62  	// the DER format and whose S value is <= order / 2.  This is rule 5
    63  	// of BIP0062.
    64  	ScriptVerifyLowS
    66  	// ScriptVerifyMinimalData defines that signatures must use the smallest
    67  	// push operator. This is both rules 3 and 4 of BIP0062.
    68  	ScriptVerifyMinimalData
    70  	// ScriptVerifyNullFail defines that signatures must be empty if
    71  	// a CHECKSIG or CHECKMULTISIG operation fails.
    72  	ScriptVerifyNullFail
    74  	// ScriptVerifySigPushOnly defines that signature scripts must contain
    75  	// only pushed data.  This is rule 2 of BIP0062.
    76  	ScriptVerifySigPushOnly
    78  	// ScriptVerifyStrictEncoding defines that signature scripts and
    79  	// public keys must follow the strict encoding requirements.
    80  	ScriptVerifyStrictEncoding
    82  	// ScriptVerifyWitness defines whether or not to verify a transaction
    83  	// output using a witness program template.
    84  	ScriptVerifyWitness
    86  	// ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradeableWitnessProgram makes witness
    87  	// program with versions 2-16 non-standard.
    88  	ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradeableWitnessProgram
    90  	// ScriptVerifyMinimalIf makes a script with an OP_IF/OP_NOTIF whose
    91  	// operand is anything other than empty vector or [0x01] non-standard.
    92  	ScriptVerifyMinimalIf
    94  	// ScriptVerifyWitnessPubKeyType makes a script within a check-sig
    95  	// operation whose public key isn't serialized in a compressed format
    96  	// non-standard.
    97  	ScriptVerifyWitnessPubKeyType
    98  )
   100  const (
   101  	// MaxStackSize is the maximum combined height of stack and alt stack
   102  	// during execution.
   103  	MaxStackSize = 1000
   105  	// MaxScriptSize is the maximum allowed length of a raw script.
   106  	MaxScriptSize = 20005
   108  	// payToWitnessPubKeyHashDataSize is the size of the witness program's
   109  	// data push for a pay-to-witness-pub-key-hash output.
   110  	payToWitnessPubKeyHashDataSize = 20
   112  	// payToWitnessScriptHashDataSize is the size of the witness program's
   113  	// data push for a pay-to-witness-script-hash output.
   114  	payToWitnessScriptHashDataSize = 32
   115  )
   117  // halforder is used to tame ECDSA malleability (see BIP0062).
   118  var halfOrder = new(big.Int).Rsh(btcec.S256().N, 1)
   120  // Engine is the virtual machine that executes scripts.
   121  type Engine struct {
   122  	// The following fields are set when the engine is created and must not be
   123  	// changed afterwards.  The entries of the signature cache are mutated
   124  	// during execution, however, the cache pointer itself is not changed.
   125  	//
   126  	// flags specifies the additional flags which modify the execution behavior
   127  	// of the engine.
   128  	//
   129  	// tx identifies the transaction that contains the input which in turn
   130  	// contains the signature script being executed.
   131  	//
   132  	// txIdx identifies the input index within the transaction that contains
   133  	// the signature script being executed.
   134  	//
   135  	// version specifies the version of the public key script to execute.  Since
   136  	// signature scripts redeem public keys scripts, this means the same version
   137  	// also extends to signature scripts and redeem scripts in the case of
   138  	// pay-to-script-hash.
   139  	//
   140  	// bip16 specifies that the public key script is of a special form that
   141  	// indicates it is a BIP16 pay-to-script-hash and therefore the
   142  	// execution must be treated as such.
   143  	//
   144  	// sigCache caches the results of signature verifications.  This is useful
   145  	// since transaction scripts are often executed more than once from various
   146  	// contexts (e.g. new block templates, when transactions are first seen
   147  	// prior to being mined, part of full block verification, etc).
   148  	flags     ScriptFlags
   149  	tx        wire.MsgTx
   150  	txIdx     int
   151  	version   uint16
   152  	bip16     bool
   153  	sigCache  *SigCache
   154  	hashCache *TxSigHashes
   156  	// The following fields handle keeping track of the current execution state
   157  	// of the engine.
   158  	//
   159  	// scripts houses the raw scripts that are executed by the engine.  This
   160  	// includes the signature script as well as the public key script.  It also
   161  	// includes the redeem script in the case of pay-to-script-hash.
   162  	//
   163  	// scriptIdx tracks the index into the scripts array for the current program
   164  	// counter.
   165  	//
   166  	// opcodeIdx tracks the number of the opcode within the current script for
   167  	// the current program counter.  Note that it differs from the actual byte
   168  	// index into the script and is really only used for disassembly purposes.
   169  	//
   170  	// lastCodeSep specifies the position within the current script of the last
   172  	//
   173  	// tokenizer provides the token stream of the current script being executed
   174  	// and doubles as state tracking for the program counter within the script.
   175  	//
   176  	// savedFirstStack keeps a copy of the stack from the first script when
   177  	// performing pay-to-script-hash execution.
   178  	//
   179  	// dstack is the primary data stack the various opcodes push and pop data
   180  	// to and from during execution.
   181  	//
   182  	// astack is the alternate data stack the various opcodes push and pop data
   183  	// to and from during execution.
   184  	//
   185  	// condStack tracks the conditional execution state with support for
   186  	// multiple nested conditional execution opcodes.
   187  	//
   188  	// numOps tracks the total number of non-push operations in a script and is
   189  	// primarily used to enforce maximum limits.
   190  	scripts         [][]byte
   191  	scriptIdx       int
   192  	opcodeIdx       int
   193  	lastCodeSep     int
   194  	tokenizer       ScriptTokenizer
   195  	savedFirstStack [][]byte
   196  	dstack          stack
   197  	astack          stack
   198  	condStack       []int
   199  	numOps          int
   200  	witnessVersion  int
   201  	witnessProgram  []byte
   202  	inputAmount     int64
   203  }
   205  // hasFlag returns whether the script engine instance has the passed flag set.
   206  func (vm *Engine) hasFlag(flag ScriptFlags) bool {
   207  	return vm.flags&flag == flag
   208  }
   210  // isBranchExecuting returns whether or not the current conditional branch is
   211  // actively executing.  For example, when the data stack has an OP_FALSE on it
   212  // and an OP_IF is encountered, the branch is inactive until an OP_ELSE or
   213  // OP_ENDIF is encountered.  It properly handles nested conditionals.
   214  func (vm *Engine) isBranchExecuting() bool {
   215  	if len(vm.condStack) == 0 {
   216  		return true
   217  	}
   218  	return vm.condStack[len(vm.condStack)-1] == OpCondTrue
   219  }
   221  // isOpcodeDisabled returns whether or not the opcode is disabled and thus is
   222  // always bad to see in the instruction stream (even if turned off by a
   223  // conditional).
   224  func isOpcodeDisabled(opcode byte) bool {
   225  	switch opcode {
   226  	case OP_CAT:
   227  		return true
   228  	case OP_SUBSTR:
   229  		return true
   230  	case OP_LEFT:
   231  		return true
   232  	case OP_RIGHT:
   233  		return true
   234  	case OP_INVERT:
   235  		return true
   236  	case OP_AND:
   237  		return true
   238  	case OP_OR:
   239  		return true
   240  	case OP_XOR:
   241  		return true
   242  	case OP_2MUL:
   243  		return true
   244  	case OP_2DIV:
   245  		return true
   246  	case OP_MUL:
   247  		return true
   248  	case OP_DIV:
   249  		return true
   250  	case OP_MOD:
   251  		return true
   252  	case OP_LSHIFT:
   253  		return true
   254  	case OP_RSHIFT:
   255  		return true
   256  	default:
   257  		return false
   258  	}
   259  }
   261  // isOpcodeAlwaysIllegal returns whether or not the opcode is always illegal
   262  // when passed over by the program counter even if in a non-executed branch (it
   263  // isn't a coincidence that they are conditionals).
   264  func isOpcodeAlwaysIllegal(opcode byte) bool {
   265  	switch opcode {
   266  	case OP_VERIF:
   267  		return true
   268  	case OP_VERNOTIF:
   269  		return true
   270  	default:
   271  		return false
   272  	}
   273  }
   275  // isOpcodeConditional returns whether or not the opcode is a conditional opcode
   276  // which changes the conditional execution stack when executed.
   277  func isOpcodeConditional(opcode byte) bool {
   278  	switch opcode {
   279  	case OP_IF:
   280  		return true
   281  	case OP_NOTIF:
   282  		return true
   283  	case OP_ELSE:
   284  		return true
   285  	case OP_ENDIF:
   286  		return true
   287  	default:
   288  		return false
   289  	}
   290  }
   292  // checkMinimalDataPush returns whether or not the provided opcode is the
   293  // smallest possible way to represent the given data.  For example, the value 15
   294  // could be pushed with OP_DATA_1 15 (among other variations); however, OP_15 is
   295  // a single opcode that represents the same value and is only a single byte
   296  // versus two bytes.
   297  func checkMinimalDataPush(op *opcode, data []byte) error {
   298  	opcodeVal := op.value
   299  	dataLen := len(data)
   300  	switch {
   301  	case dataLen == 0 && opcodeVal != OP_0:
   302  		str := fmt.Sprintf("zero length data push is encoded with opcode %s "+
   303  			"instead of OP_0",
   304  		return scriptError(ErrMinimalData, str)
   305  	case dataLen == 1 && data[0] >= 1 && data[0] <= 16:
   306  		if opcodeVal != OP_1+data[0]-1 {
   307  			// Should have used OP_1 .. OP_16
   308  			str := fmt.Sprintf("data push of the value %d encoded with opcode "+
   309  				"%s instead of OP_%d", data[0],, data[0])
   310  			return scriptError(ErrMinimalData, str)
   311  		}
   312  	case dataLen == 1 && data[0] == 0x81:
   313  		if opcodeVal != OP_1NEGATE {
   314  			str := fmt.Sprintf("data push of the value -1 encoded with opcode "+
   315  				"%s instead of OP_1NEGATE",
   316  			return scriptError(ErrMinimalData, str)
   317  		}
   318  	case dataLen <= 75:
   319  		if int(opcodeVal) != dataLen {
   320  			// Should have used a direct push
   321  			str := fmt.Sprintf("data push of %d bytes encoded with opcode %s "+
   322  				"instead of OP_DATA_%d", dataLen,, dataLen)
   323  			return scriptError(ErrMinimalData, str)
   324  		}
   325  	case dataLen <= 255:
   326  		if opcodeVal != OP_PUSHDATA1 {
   327  			str := fmt.Sprintf("data push of %d bytes encoded with opcode %s "+
   328  				"instead of OP_PUSHDATA1", dataLen,
   329  			return scriptError(ErrMinimalData, str)
   330  		}
   331  	case dataLen <= 65535:
   332  		if opcodeVal != OP_PUSHDATA2 {
   333  			str := fmt.Sprintf("data push of %d bytes encoded with opcode %s "+
   334  				"instead of OP_PUSHDATA2", dataLen,
   335  			return scriptError(ErrMinimalData, str)
   336  		}
   337  	}
   338  	return nil
   339  }
   341  // executeOpcode peforms execution on the passed opcode.  It takes into account
   342  // whether or not it is hidden by conditionals, but some rules still must be
   343  // tested in this case.
   344  func (vm *Engine) executeOpcode(op *opcode, data []byte) error {
   345  	// Disabled opcodes are fail on program counter.
   346  	if isOpcodeDisabled(op.value) {
   347  		str := fmt.Sprintf("attempt to execute disabled opcode %s",
   348  		return scriptError(ErrDisabledOpcode, str)
   349  	}
   351  	// Always-illegal opcodes are fail on program counter.
   352  	if isOpcodeAlwaysIllegal(op.value) {
   353  		str := fmt.Sprintf("attempt to execute reserved opcode %s",
   354  		return scriptError(ErrReservedOpcode, str)
   355  	}
   357  	// Note that this includes OP_RESERVED which counts as a push operation.
   358  	if op.value > OP_16 {
   359  		vm.numOps++
   360  		if vm.numOps > MaxOpsPerScript {
   361  			str := fmt.Sprintf("exceeded max operation limit of %d",
   362  				MaxOpsPerScript)
   363  			return scriptError(ErrTooManyOperations, str)
   364  		}
   366  	} else if len(data) > MaxScriptElementSize {
   367  		str := fmt.Sprintf("element size %d exceeds max allowed size %d",
   368  			len(data), MaxScriptElementSize)
   369  		return scriptError(ErrElementTooBig, str)
   370  	}
   372  	// Nothing left to do when this is not a conditional opcode and it is
   373  	// not in an executing branch.
   374  	if !vm.isBranchExecuting() && !isOpcodeConditional(op.value) {
   375  		return nil
   376  	}
   378  	// Ensure all executed data push opcodes use the minimal encoding when
   379  	// the minimal data verification flag is set.
   380  	if vm.dstack.verifyMinimalData && vm.isBranchExecuting() &&
   381  		op.value >= 0 && op.value <= OP_PUSHDATA4 {
   383  		if err := checkMinimalDataPush(op, data); err != nil {
   384  			return err
   385  		}
   386  	}
   388  	return op.opfunc(op, data, vm)
   389  }
   391  // checkValidPC returns an error if the current script position is not valid for
   392  // execution.
   393  func (vm *Engine) checkValidPC() error {
   394  	if vm.scriptIdx >= len(vm.scripts) {
   395  		str := fmt.Sprintf("script index %d beyond total scripts %d",
   396  			vm.scriptIdx, len(vm.scripts))
   397  		return scriptError(ErrInvalidProgramCounter, str)
   398  	}
   399  	return nil
   400  }
   402  // isWitnessVersionActive returns true if a witness program was extracted
   403  // during the initialization of the Engine, and the program's version matches
   404  // the specified version.
   405  func (vm *Engine) isWitnessVersionActive(version uint) bool {
   406  	return vm.witnessProgram != nil && uint(vm.witnessVersion) == version
   407  }
   409  // verifyWitnessProgram validates the stored witness program using the passed
   410  // witness as input.
   411  func (vm *Engine) verifyWitnessProgram(witness [][]byte) error {
   412  	if vm.isWitnessVersionActive(0) {
   413  		switch len(vm.witnessProgram) {
   414  		case payToWitnessPubKeyHashDataSize: // P2WKH
   415  			// The witness stack should consist of exactly two
   416  			// items: the signature, and the pubkey.
   417  			if len(witness) != 2 {
   418  				err := fmt.Sprintf("should have exactly two "+
   419  					"items in witness, instead have %v", len(witness))
   420  				return scriptError(ErrWitnessProgramMismatch, err)
   421  			}
   423  			// Now we'll resume execution as if it were a regular
   424  			// p2pkh transaction.
   425  			pkScript, err := payToPubKeyHashScript(vm.witnessProgram)
   426  			if err != nil {
   427  				return err
   428  			}
   430  			const scriptVersion = 0
   431  			err = checkScriptParses(vm.version, pkScript)
   432  			if err != nil {
   433  				return err
   434  			}
   436  			// Set the stack to the provided witness stack, then
   437  			// append the pkScript generated above as the next
   438  			// script to execute.
   439  			vm.scripts = append(vm.scripts, pkScript)
   440  			vm.SetStack(witness)
   442  		case payToWitnessScriptHashDataSize: // P2WSH
   443  			// Additionally, The witness stack MUST NOT be empty at
   444  			// this point.
   445  			if len(witness) == 0 {
   446  				return scriptError(ErrWitnessProgramEmpty, "witness "+
   447  					"program empty passed empty witness")
   448  			}
   450  			// Obtain the witness script which should be the last
   451  			// element in the passed stack. The size of the script
   452  			// MUST NOT exceed the max script size.
   453  			witnessScript := witness[len(witness)-1]
   454  			if len(witnessScript) > MaxScriptSize {
   455  				str := fmt.Sprintf("witnessScript size %d "+
   456  					"is larger than max allowed size %d",
   457  					len(witnessScript), MaxScriptSize)
   458  				return scriptError(ErrScriptTooBig, str)
   459  			}
   461  			// Ensure that the serialized pkScript at the end of
   462  			// the witness stack matches the witness program.
   463  			witnessHash := sha256.Sum256(witnessScript)
   464  			if !bytes.Equal(witnessHash[:], vm.witnessProgram) {
   465  				return scriptError(ErrWitnessProgramMismatch,
   466  					"witness program hash mismatch")
   467  			}
   469  			// With all the validity checks passed, assert that the
   470  			// script parses without failure.
   471  			const scriptVersion = 0
   472  			err := checkScriptParses(vm.version, witnessScript)
   473  			if err != nil {
   474  				return err
   475  			}
   477  			// The hash matched successfully, so use the witness as
   478  			// the stack, and set the witnessScript to be the next
   479  			// script executed.
   480  			vm.scripts = append(vm.scripts, witnessScript)
   481  			vm.SetStack(witness[:len(witness)-1])
   483  		default:
   484  			errStr := fmt.Sprintf("length of witness program "+
   485  				"must either be %v or %v bytes, instead is %v bytes",
   486  				payToWitnessPubKeyHashDataSize,
   487  				payToWitnessScriptHashDataSize,
   488  				len(vm.witnessProgram))
   489  			return scriptError(ErrWitnessProgramWrongLength, errStr)
   490  		}
   491  	} else if vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradeableWitnessProgram) {
   492  		errStr := fmt.Sprintf("new witness program versions "+
   493  			"invalid: %v", vm.witnessProgram)
   494  		return scriptError(ErrDiscourageUpgradableWitnessProgram, errStr)
   495  	} else {
   496  		// If we encounter an unknown witness program version and we
   497  		// aren't discouraging future unknown witness based soft-forks,
   498  		// then we de-activate the segwit behavior within the VM for
   499  		// the remainder of execution.
   500  		vm.witnessProgram = nil
   501  	}
   503  	if vm.isWitnessVersionActive(0) {
   504  		// All elements within the witness stack must not be greater
   505  		// than the maximum bytes which are allowed to be pushed onto
   506  		// the stack.
   507  		for _, witElement := range vm.GetStack() {
   508  			if len(witElement) > MaxScriptElementSize {
   509  				str := fmt.Sprintf("element size %d exceeds "+
   510  					"max allowed size %d", len(witElement),
   511  					MaxScriptElementSize)
   512  				return scriptError(ErrElementTooBig, str)
   513  			}
   514  		}
   515  	}
   517  	return nil
   518  }
   520  // DisasmPC returns the string for the disassembly of the opcode that will be
   521  // next to execute when Step is called.
   522  func (vm *Engine) DisasmPC() (string, error) {
   523  	if err := vm.checkValidPC(); err != nil {
   524  		return "", err
   525  	}
   527  	// Create a copy of the current tokenizer and parse the next opcode in the
   528  	// copy to avoid mutating the current one.
   529  	peekTokenizer := vm.tokenizer
   530  	if !peekTokenizer.Next() {
   531  		// Note that due to the fact that all scripts are checked for parse
   532  		// failures before this code ever runs, there should never be an error
   533  		// here, but check again to be safe in case a refactor breaks that
   534  		// assumption or new script versions are introduced with different
   535  		// semantics.
   536  		if err := peekTokenizer.Err(); err != nil {
   537  			return "", err
   538  		}
   540  		// Note that this should be impossible to hit in practice because the
   541  		// only way it could happen would be for the final opcode of a script to
   542  		// already be parsed without the script index having been updated, which
   543  		// is not the case since stepping the script always increments the
   544  		// script index when parsing and executing the final opcode of a script.
   545  		//
   546  		// However, check again to be safe in case a refactor breaks that
   547  		// assumption or new script versions are introduced with different
   548  		// semantics.
   549  		str := fmt.Sprintf("program counter beyond script index %d (bytes %x)",
   550  			vm.scriptIdx, vm.scripts[vm.scriptIdx])
   551  		return "", scriptError(ErrInvalidProgramCounter, str)
   552  	}
   554  	var buf strings.Builder
   555  	disasmOpcode(&buf, peekTokenizer.op, peekTokenizer.Data(), false)
   556  	return fmt.Sprintf("%02x:%04x: %s", vm.scriptIdx, vm.opcodeIdx,
   557  		buf.String()), nil
   558  }
   560  // DisasmScript returns the disassembly string for the script at the requested
   561  // offset index.  Index 0 is the signature script and 1 is the public key
   562  // script.  In the case of pay-to-script-hash, index 2 is the redeem script once
   563  // the execution has progressed far enough to have successfully verified script
   564  // hash and thus add the script to the scripts to execute.
   565  func (vm *Engine) DisasmScript(idx int) (string, error) {
   566  	if idx >= len(vm.scripts) {
   567  		str := fmt.Sprintf("script index %d >= total scripts %d", idx,
   568  			len(vm.scripts))
   569  		return "", scriptError(ErrInvalidIndex, str)
   570  	}
   572  	var disbuf strings.Builder
   573  	script := vm.scripts[idx]
   574  	tokenizer := MakeScriptTokenizer(vm.version, script)
   575  	var opcodeIdx int
   576  	for tokenizer.Next() {
   577  		disbuf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%02x:%04x: ", idx, opcodeIdx))
   578  		disasmOpcode(&disbuf, tokenizer.op, tokenizer.Data(), false)
   579  		disbuf.WriteByte('\n')
   580  		opcodeIdx++
   581  	}
   582  	return disbuf.String(), tokenizer.Err()
   583  }
   585  // CheckErrorCondition returns nil if the running script has ended and was
   586  // successful, leaving a a true boolean on the stack.  An error otherwise,
   587  // including if the script has not finished.
   588  func (vm *Engine) CheckErrorCondition(finalScript bool) error {
   589  	// Check execution is actually done by ensuring the script index is after
   590  	// the final script in the array script.
   591  	if vm.scriptIdx < len(vm.scripts) {
   592  		return scriptError(ErrScriptUnfinished,
   593  			"error check when script unfinished")
   594  	}
   596  	// If we're in version zero witness execution mode, and this was the
   597  	// final script, then the stack MUST be clean in order to maintain
   598  	// compatibility with BIP16.
   599  	if finalScript && vm.isWitnessVersionActive(0) && vm.dstack.Depth() != 1 {
   600  		return scriptError(ErrEvalFalse, "witness program must "+
   601  			"have clean stack")
   602  	}
   604  	// The final script must end with exactly one data stack item when the
   605  	// verify clean stack flag is set.  Otherwise, there must be at least one
   606  	// data stack item in order to interpret it as a boolean.
   607  	if finalScript && vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyCleanStack) &&
   608  		vm.dstack.Depth() != 1 {
   610  		str := fmt.Sprintf("stack must contain exactly one item (contains %d)",
   611  			vm.dstack.Depth())
   612  		return scriptError(ErrCleanStack, str)
   613  	} else if vm.dstack.Depth() < 1 {
   614  		return scriptError(ErrEmptyStack,
   615  			"stack empty at end of script execution")
   616  	}
   618  	v, err := vm.dstack.PopBool()
   619  	if err != nil {
   620  		return err
   621  	}
   622  	if !v {
   623  		// Log interesting data.
   624  		log.Tracef("%v", newLogClosure(func() string {
   625  			var buf strings.Builder
   626  			buf.WriteString("scripts failed:\n")
   627  			for i := range vm.scripts {
   628  				dis, _ := vm.DisasmScript(i)
   629  				buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("script%d:\n", i))
   630  				buf.WriteString(dis)
   631  			}
   632  			return buf.String()
   633  		}))
   634  		return scriptError(ErrEvalFalse,
   635  			"false stack entry at end of script execution")
   636  	}
   637  	return nil
   638  }
   640  // Step executes the next instruction and moves the program counter to the next
   641  // opcode in the script, or the next script if the current has ended.  Step will
   642  // return true in the case that the last opcode was successfully executed.
   643  //
   644  // The result of calling Step or any other method is undefined if an error is
   645  // returned.
   646  func (vm *Engine) Step() (done bool, err error) {
   647  	// Verify the engine is pointing to a valid program counter.
   648  	if err := vm.checkValidPC(); err != nil {
   649  		return true, err
   650  	}
   652  	// Attempt to parse the next opcode from the current script.
   653  	if !vm.tokenizer.Next() {
   654  		// Note that due to the fact that all scripts are checked for parse
   655  		// failures before this code ever runs, there should never be an error
   656  		// here, but check again to be safe in case a refactor breaks that
   657  		// assumption or new script versions are introduced with different
   658  		// semantics.
   659  		if err := vm.tokenizer.Err(); err != nil {
   660  			return false, err
   661  		}
   663  		str := fmt.Sprintf("attempt to step beyond script index %d (bytes %x)",
   664  			vm.scriptIdx, vm.scripts[vm.scriptIdx])
   665  		return true, scriptError(ErrInvalidProgramCounter, str)
   666  	}
   668  	// Execute the opcode while taking into account several things such as
   669  	// disabled opcodes, illegal opcodes, maximum allowed operations per script,
   670  	// maximum script element sizes, and conditionals.
   671  	err = vm.executeOpcode(vm.tokenizer.op, vm.tokenizer.Data())
   672  	if err != nil {
   673  		return true, err
   674  	}
   676  	// The number of elements in the combination of the data and alt stacks
   677  	// must not exceed the maximum number of stack elements allowed.
   678  	combinedStackSize := vm.dstack.Depth() + vm.astack.Depth()
   679  	if combinedStackSize > MaxStackSize {
   680  		str := fmt.Sprintf("combined stack size %d > max allowed %d",
   681  			combinedStackSize, MaxStackSize)
   682  		return false, scriptError(ErrStackOverflow, str)
   683  	}
   685  	// Prepare for next instruction.
   686  	vm.opcodeIdx++
   687  	if vm.tokenizer.Done() {
   688  		// Illegal to have a conditional that straddles two scripts.
   689  		if len(vm.condStack) != 0 {
   690  			return false, scriptError(ErrUnbalancedConditional,
   691  				"end of script reached in conditional execution")
   692  		}
   694  		// Alt stack doesn't persist between scripts.
   695  		_ = vm.astack.DropN(vm.astack.Depth())
   697  		// The number of operations is per script.
   698  		vm.numOps = 0
   700  		// Reset the opcode index for the next script.
   701  		vm.opcodeIdx = 0
   703  		// Advance to the next script as needed.
   704  		switch {
   705  		case vm.scriptIdx == 0 && vm.bip16:
   706  			vm.scriptIdx++
   707  			vm.savedFirstStack = vm.GetStack()
   709  		case vm.scriptIdx == 1 && vm.bip16:
   710  			// Put us past the end for CheckErrorCondition()
   711  			vm.scriptIdx++
   713  			// Check script ran successfully.
   714  			err := vm.CheckErrorCondition(false)
   715  			if err != nil {
   716  				return false, err
   717  			}
   719  			// Obtain the redeem script from the first stack and ensure it
   720  			// parses.
   721  			script := vm.savedFirstStack[len(vm.savedFirstStack)-1]
   722  			if err := checkScriptParses(vm.version, script); err != nil {
   723  				return false, err
   724  			}
   725  			vm.scripts = append(vm.scripts, script)
   727  			// Set stack to be the stack from first script minus the redeem
   728  			// script itself
   729  			vm.SetStack(vm.savedFirstStack[:len(vm.savedFirstStack)-1])
   731  		case vm.scriptIdx == 1 && vm.witnessProgram != nil,
   732  			vm.scriptIdx == 2 && vm.witnessProgram != nil && vm.bip16: // np2sh
   734  			vm.scriptIdx++
   736  			witness := vm.tx.TxIn[vm.txIdx].Witness
   737  			if err := vm.verifyWitnessProgram(witness); err != nil {
   738  				return false, err
   739  			}
   741  		default:
   742  			vm.scriptIdx++
   743  		}
   745  		// Skip empty scripts.
   746  		if vm.scriptIdx < len(vm.scripts) && len(vm.scripts[vm.scriptIdx]) == 0 {
   747  			vm.scriptIdx++
   748  		}
   750  		vm.lastCodeSep = 0
   751  		if vm.scriptIdx >= len(vm.scripts) {
   752  			return true, nil
   753  		}
   755  		// Finally, update the current tokenizer used to parse through scripts
   756  		// one opcode at a time to start from the beginning of the new script
   757  		// associated with the program counter.
   758  		vm.tokenizer = MakeScriptTokenizer(vm.version, vm.scripts[vm.scriptIdx])
   759  	}
   761  	return false, nil
   762  }
   764  // Execute will execute all scripts in the script engine and return either nil
   765  // for successful validation or an error if one occurred.
   766  func (vm *Engine) Execute() (err error) {
   767  	// All script versions other than 0 currently execute without issue,
   768  	// making all outputs to them anyone can pay. In the future this
   769  	// will allow for the addition of new scripting languages.
   770  	if vm.version != 0 {
   771  		return nil
   772  	}
   774  	done := false
   775  	for !done {
   776  		log.Tracef("%v", newLogClosure(func() string {
   777  			dis, err := vm.DisasmPC()
   778  			if err != nil {
   779  				return fmt.Sprintf("stepping - failed to disasm pc: %v", err)
   780  			}
   781  			return fmt.Sprintf("stepping %v", dis)
   782  		}))
   784  		done, err = vm.Step()
   785  		if err != nil {
   786  			return err
   787  		}
   788  		log.Tracef("%v", newLogClosure(func() string {
   789  			var dstr, astr string
   791  			// Log the non-empty stacks when tracing.
   792  			if vm.dstack.Depth() != 0 {
   793  				dstr = "Stack:\n" + vm.dstack.String()
   794  			}
   795  			if vm.astack.Depth() != 0 {
   796  				astr = "AltStack:\n" + vm.astack.String()
   797  			}
   799  			return dstr + astr
   800  		}))
   801  	}
   803  	return vm.CheckErrorCondition(true)
   804  }
   806  // subScript returns the script since the last OP_CODESEPARATOR.
   807  func (vm *Engine) subScript() []byte {
   808  	return vm.scripts[vm.scriptIdx][vm.lastCodeSep:]
   809  }
   811  // checkHashTypeEncoding returns whether or not the passed hashtype adheres to
   812  // the strict encoding requirements if enabled.
   813  func (vm *Engine) checkHashTypeEncoding(hashType SigHashType) error {
   814  	if !vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyStrictEncoding) {
   815  		return nil
   816  	}
   818  	sigHashType := hashType & ^SigHashAnyOneCanPay
   819  	if sigHashType < SigHashAll || sigHashType > SigHashSingle {
   820  		str := fmt.Sprintf("invalid hash type 0x%x", hashType)
   821  		return scriptError(ErrInvalidSigHashType, str)
   822  	}
   823  	return nil
   824  }
   826  // isStrictPubKeyEncoding returns whether or not the passed public key adheres
   827  // to the strict encoding requirements.
   828  func isStrictPubKeyEncoding(pubKey []byte) bool {
   829  	if len(pubKey) == 33 && (pubKey[0] == 0x02 || pubKey[0] == 0x03) {
   830  		// Compressed
   831  		return true
   832  	}
   833  	if len(pubKey) == 65 {
   834  		switch pubKey[0] {
   835  		case 0x04:
   836  			// Uncompressed
   837  			return true
   839  		case 0x06, 0x07:
   840  			// Hybrid
   841  			return true
   842  		}
   843  	}
   844  	return false
   845  }
   847  // checkPubKeyEncoding returns whether or not the passed public key adheres to
   848  // the strict encoding requirements if enabled.
   849  func (vm *Engine) checkPubKeyEncoding(pubKey []byte) error {
   850  	if vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyWitnessPubKeyType) &&
   851  		vm.isWitnessVersionActive(0) && !btcec.IsCompressedPubKey(pubKey) {
   853  		str := "only compressed keys are accepted post-segwit"
   854  		return scriptError(ErrWitnessPubKeyType, str)
   855  	}
   857  	if !vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyStrictEncoding) {
   858  		return nil
   859  	}
   861  	if len(pubKey) == 33 && (pubKey[0] == 0x02 || pubKey[0] == 0x03) {
   862  		// Compressed
   863  		return nil
   864  	}
   865  	if len(pubKey) == 65 && pubKey[0] == 0x04 {
   866  		// Uncompressed
   867  		return nil
   868  	}
   870  	return scriptError(ErrPubKeyType, "unsupported public key type")
   871  }
   873  // checkSignatureEncoding returns whether or not the passed signature adheres to
   874  // the strict encoding requirements if enabled.
   875  func (vm *Engine) checkSignatureEncoding(sig []byte) error {
   876  	if !vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyDERSignatures) &&
   877  		!vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyLowS) &&
   878  		!vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyStrictEncoding) {
   880  		return nil
   881  	}
   883  	// The format of a DER encoded signature is as follows:
   884  	//
   885  	// 0x30 <total length> 0x02 <length of R> <R> 0x02 <length of S> <S>
   886  	//   - 0x30 is the ASN.1 identifier for a sequence
   887  	//   - Total length is 1 byte and specifies length of all remaining data
   888  	//   - 0x02 is the ASN.1 identifier that specifies an integer follows
   889  	//   - Length of R is 1 byte and specifies how many bytes R occupies
   890  	//   - R is the arbitrary length big-endian encoded number which
   891  	//     represents the R value of the signature.  DER encoding dictates
   892  	//     that the value must be encoded using the minimum possible number
   893  	//     of bytes.  This implies the first byte can only be null if the
   894  	//     highest bit of the next byte is set in order to prevent it from
   895  	//     being interpreted as a negative number.
   896  	//   - 0x02 is once again the ASN.1 integer identifier
   897  	//   - Length of S is 1 byte and specifies how many bytes S occupies
   898  	//   - S is the arbitrary length big-endian encoded number which
   899  	//     represents the S value of the signature.  The encoding rules are
   900  	//     identical as those for R.
   901  	const (
   902  		asn1SequenceID = 0x30
   903  		asn1IntegerID  = 0x02
   905  		// minSigLen is the minimum length of a DER encoded signature and is
   906  		// when both R and S are 1 byte each.
   907  		//
   908  		// 0x30 + <1-byte> + 0x02 + 0x01 + <byte> + 0x2 + 0x01 + <byte>
   909  		minSigLen = 8
   911  		// maxSigLen is the maximum length of a DER encoded signature and is
   912  		// when both R and S are 33 bytes each.  It is 33 bytes because a
   913  		// 256-bit integer requires 32 bytes and an additional leading null byte
   914  		// might required if the high bit is set in the value.
   915  		//
   916  		// 0x30 + <1-byte> + 0x02 + 0x21 + <33 bytes> + 0x2 + 0x21 + <33 bytes>
   917  		maxSigLen = 72
   919  		// sequenceOffset is the byte offset within the signature of the
   920  		// expected ASN.1 sequence identifier.
   921  		sequenceOffset = 0
   923  		// dataLenOffset is the byte offset within the signature of the expected
   924  		// total length of all remaining data in the signature.
   925  		dataLenOffset = 1
   927  		// rTypeOffset is the byte offset within the signature of the ASN.1
   928  		// identifier for R and is expected to indicate an ASN.1 integer.
   929  		rTypeOffset = 2
   931  		// rLenOffset is the byte offset within the signature of the length of
   932  		// R.
   933  		rLenOffset = 3
   935  		// rOffset is the byte offset within the signature of R.
   936  		rOffset = 4
   937  	)
   939  	// The signature must adhere to the minimum and maximum allowed length.
   940  	sigLen := len(sig)
   941  	if sigLen < minSigLen {
   942  		str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed signature: too short: %d < %d", sigLen,
   943  			minSigLen)
   944  		return scriptError(ErrSigTooShort, str)
   945  	}
   946  	if sigLen > maxSigLen {
   947  		str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed signature: too long: %d > %d", sigLen,
   948  			maxSigLen)
   949  		return scriptError(ErrSigTooLong, str)
   950  	}
   952  	// The signature must start with the ASN.1 sequence identifier.
   953  	if sig[sequenceOffset] != asn1SequenceID {
   954  		str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed signature: format has wrong type: %#x",
   955  			sig[sequenceOffset])
   956  		return scriptError(ErrSigInvalidSeqID, str)
   957  	}
   959  	// The signature must indicate the correct amount of data for all elements
   960  	// related to R and S.
   961  	if int(sig[dataLenOffset]) != sigLen-2 {
   962  		str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed signature: bad length: %d != %d",
   963  			sig[dataLenOffset], sigLen-2)
   964  		return scriptError(ErrSigInvalidDataLen, str)
   965  	}
   967  	// Calculate the offsets of the elements related to S and ensure S is inside
   968  	// the signature.
   969  	//
   970  	// rLen specifies the length of the big-endian encoded number which
   971  	// represents the R value of the signature.
   972  	//
   973  	// sTypeOffset is the offset of the ASN.1 identifier for S and, like its R
   974  	// counterpart, is expected to indicate an ASN.1 integer.
   975  	//
   976  	// sLenOffset and sOffset are the byte offsets within the signature of the
   977  	// length of S and S itself, respectively.
   978  	rLen := int(sig[rLenOffset])
   979  	sTypeOffset := rOffset + rLen
   980  	sLenOffset := sTypeOffset + 1
   981  	if sTypeOffset >= sigLen {
   982  		str := "malformed signature: S type indicator missing"
   983  		return scriptError(ErrSigMissingSTypeID, str)
   984  	}
   985  	if sLenOffset >= sigLen {
   986  		str := "malformed signature: S length missing"
   987  		return scriptError(ErrSigMissingSLen, str)
   988  	}
   990  	// The lengths of R and S must match the overall length of the signature.
   991  	//
   992  	// sLen specifies the length of the big-endian encoded number which
   993  	// represents the S value of the signature.
   994  	sOffset := sLenOffset + 1
   995  	sLen := int(sig[sLenOffset])
   996  	if sOffset+sLen != sigLen {
   997  		str := "malformed signature: invalid S length"
   998  		return scriptError(ErrSigInvalidSLen, str)
   999  	}
  1001  	// R elements must be ASN.1 integers.
  1002  	if sig[rTypeOffset] != asn1IntegerID {
  1003  		str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed signature: R integer marker: %#x != %#x",
  1004  			sig[rTypeOffset], asn1IntegerID)
  1005  		return scriptError(ErrSigInvalidRIntID, str)
  1006  	}
  1008  	// Zero-length integers are not allowed for R.
  1009  	if rLen == 0 {
  1010  		str := "malformed signature: R length is zero"
  1011  		return scriptError(ErrSigZeroRLen, str)
  1012  	}
  1014  	// R must not be negative.
  1015  	if sig[rOffset]&0x80 != 0 {
  1016  		str := "malformed signature: R is negative"
  1017  		return scriptError(ErrSigNegativeR, str)
  1018  	}
  1020  	// Null bytes at the start of R are not allowed, unless R would otherwise be
  1021  	// interpreted as a negative number.
  1022  	if rLen > 1 && sig[rOffset] == 0x00 && sig[rOffset+1]&0x80 == 0 {
  1023  		str := "malformed signature: R value has too much padding"
  1024  		return scriptError(ErrSigTooMuchRPadding, str)
  1025  	}
  1027  	// S elements must be ASN.1 integers.
  1028  	if sig[sTypeOffset] != asn1IntegerID {
  1029  		str := fmt.Sprintf("malformed signature: S integer marker: %#x != %#x",
  1030  			sig[sTypeOffset], asn1IntegerID)
  1031  		return scriptError(ErrSigInvalidSIntID, str)
  1032  	}
  1034  	// Zero-length integers are not allowed for S.
  1035  	if sLen == 0 {
  1036  		str := "malformed signature: S length is zero"
  1037  		return scriptError(ErrSigZeroSLen, str)
  1038  	}
  1040  	// S must not be negative.
  1041  	if sig[sOffset]&0x80 != 0 {
  1042  		str := "malformed signature: S is negative"
  1043  		return scriptError(ErrSigNegativeS, str)
  1044  	}
  1046  	// Null bytes at the start of S are not allowed, unless S would otherwise be
  1047  	// interpreted as a negative number.
  1048  	if sLen > 1 && sig[sOffset] == 0x00 && sig[sOffset+1]&0x80 == 0 {
  1049  		str := "malformed signature: S value has too much padding"
  1050  		return scriptError(ErrSigTooMuchSPadding, str)
  1051  	}
  1053  	// Verify the S value is <= half the order of the curve.  This check is done
  1054  	// because when it is higher, the complement modulo the order can be used
  1055  	// instead which is a shorter encoding by 1 byte.  Further, without
  1056  	// enforcing this, it is possible to replace a signature in a valid
  1057  	// transaction with the complement while still being a valid signature that
  1058  	// verifies.  This would result in changing the transaction hash and thus is
  1059  	// a source of malleability.
  1060  	if vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyLowS) {
  1061  		sValue := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[sOffset : sOffset+sLen])
  1062  		if sValue.Cmp(halfOrder) > 0 {
  1063  			return scriptError(ErrSigHighS, "signature is not canonical due "+
  1064  				"to unnecessarily high S value")
  1065  		}
  1066  	}
  1068  	return nil
  1069  }
  1071  // getStack returns the contents of stack as a byte array bottom up
  1072  func getStack(stack *stack) [][]byte {
  1073  	array := make([][]byte, stack.Depth())
  1074  	for i := range array {
  1075  		// PeekByteArry can't fail due to overflow, already checked
  1076  		array[len(array)-i-1], _ = stack.PeekByteArray(int32(i))
  1077  	}
  1078  	return array
  1079  }
  1081  // setStack sets the stack to the contents of the array where the last item in
  1082  // the array is the top item in the stack.
  1083  func setStack(stack *stack, data [][]byte) {
  1084  	// This can not error. Only errors are for invalid arguments.
  1085  	_ = stack.DropN(stack.Depth())
  1087  	for i := range data {
  1088  		stack.PushByteArray(data[i])
  1089  	}
  1090  }
  1092  // GetStack returns the contents of the primary stack as an array. where the
  1093  // last item in the array is the top of the stack.
  1094  func (vm *Engine) GetStack() [][]byte {
  1095  	return getStack(&vm.dstack)
  1096  }
  1098  // SetStack sets the contents of the primary stack to the contents of the
  1099  // provided array where the last item in the array will be the top of the stack.
  1100  func (vm *Engine) SetStack(data [][]byte) {
  1101  	setStack(&vm.dstack, data)
  1102  }
  1104  // GetAltStack returns the contents of the alternate stack as an array where the
  1105  // last item in the array is the top of the stack.
  1106  func (vm *Engine) GetAltStack() [][]byte {
  1107  	return getStack(&vm.astack)
  1108  }
  1110  // SetAltStack sets the contents of the alternate stack to the contents of the
  1111  // provided array where the last item in the array will be the top of the stack.
  1112  func (vm *Engine) SetAltStack(data [][]byte) {
  1113  	setStack(&vm.astack, data)
  1114  }
  1116  // NewEngine returns a new script engine for the provided public key script,
  1117  // transaction, and input index.  The flags modify the behavior of the script
  1118  // engine according to the description provided by each flag.
  1119  func NewEngine(scriptPubKey []byte, tx *wire.MsgTx, txIdx int, flags ScriptFlags,
  1120  	sigCache *SigCache, hashCache *TxSigHashes, inputAmount int64) (*Engine, error) {
  1121  	const scriptVersion = 0
  1123  	// The provided transaction input index must refer to a valid input.
  1124  	if txIdx < 0 || txIdx >= len(tx.TxIn) {
  1125  		str := fmt.Sprintf("transaction input index %d is negative or "+
  1126  			">= %d", txIdx, len(tx.TxIn))
  1127  		return nil, scriptError(ErrInvalidIndex, str)
  1128  	}
  1129  	scriptSig := tx.TxIn[txIdx].SignatureScript
  1131  	// When both the signature script and public key script are empty the result
  1132  	// is necessarily an error since the stack would end up being empty which is
  1133  	// equivalent to a false top element.  Thus, just return the relevant error
  1134  	// now as an optimization.
  1135  	if len(scriptSig) == 0 && len(scriptPubKey) == 0 {
  1136  		return nil, scriptError(ErrEvalFalse,
  1137  			"false stack entry at end of script execution")
  1138  	}
  1140  	// The clean stack flag (ScriptVerifyCleanStack) is not allowed without
  1141  	// either the pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) evaluation (ScriptBip16)
  1142  	// flag or the Segregated Witness (ScriptVerifyWitness) flag.
  1143  	//
  1144  	// Recall that evaluating a P2SH script without the flag set results in
  1145  	// non-P2SH evaluation which leaves the P2SH inputs on the stack.
  1146  	// Thus, allowing the clean stack flag without the P2SH flag would make
  1147  	// it possible to have a situation where P2SH would not be a soft fork
  1148  	// when it should be. The same goes for segwit which will pull in
  1149  	// additional scripts for execution from the witness stack.
  1150  	vm := Engine{flags: flags, sigCache: sigCache, hashCache: hashCache,
  1151  		inputAmount: inputAmount}
  1152  	if vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyCleanStack) && (!vm.hasFlag(ScriptBip16) &&
  1153  		!vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyWitness)) {
  1154  		return nil, scriptError(ErrInvalidFlags,
  1155  			"invalid flags combination")
  1156  	}
  1158  	// The signature script must only contain data pushes when the
  1159  	// associated flag is set.
  1160  	if vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifySigPushOnly) && !IsPushOnlyScript(scriptSig) {
  1161  		return nil, scriptError(ErrNotPushOnly,
  1162  			"signature script is not push only")
  1163  	}
  1165  	// The signature script must only contain data pushes for PS2H which is
  1166  	// determined based on the form of the public key script.
  1167  	if vm.hasFlag(ScriptBip16) && isScriptHashScript(scriptPubKey) {
  1168  		// Only accept input scripts that push data for P2SH.
  1169  		// Notice that the push only checks have already been done when
  1170  		// the flag to verify signature scripts are push only is set
  1171  		// above, so avoid checking again.
  1172  		alreadyChecked := vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifySigPushOnly)
  1173  		if !alreadyChecked && !IsPushOnlyScript(scriptSig) {
  1174  			return nil, scriptError(ErrNotPushOnly,
  1175  				"pay to script hash is not push only")
  1176  		}
  1177  		vm.bip16 = true
  1178  	}
  1180  	// The engine stores the scripts using a slice.  This allows multiple
  1181  	// scripts to be executed in sequence.  For example, with a
  1182  	// pay-to-script-hash transaction, there will be ultimately be a third
  1183  	// script to execute.
  1184  	scripts := [][]byte{scriptSig, scriptPubKey}
  1185  	for _, scr := range scripts {
  1186  		if len(scr) > MaxScriptSize {
  1187  			str := fmt.Sprintf("script size %d is larger than max allowed "+
  1188  				"size %d", len(scr), MaxScriptSize)
  1189  			return nil, scriptError(ErrScriptTooBig, str)
  1190  		}
  1192  		const scriptVersion = 0
  1193  		if err := checkScriptParses(scriptVersion, scr); err != nil {
  1194  			return nil, err
  1195  		}
  1196  	}
  1197  	vm.scripts = scripts
  1199  	// Advance the program counter to the public key script if the signature
  1200  	// script is empty since there is nothing to execute for it in that case.
  1201  	if len(scriptSig) == 0 {
  1202  		vm.scriptIdx++
  1203  	}
  1204  	if vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyMinimalData) {
  1205  		vm.dstack.verifyMinimalData = true
  1206  		vm.astack.verifyMinimalData = true
  1207  	}
  1209  	// Check to see if we should execute in witness verification mode
  1210  	// according to the set flags. We check both the pkScript, and sigScript
  1211  	// here since in the case of nested p2sh, the scriptSig will be a valid
  1212  	// witness program. For nested p2sh, all the bytes after the first data
  1213  	// push should *exactly* match the witness program template.
  1214  	if vm.hasFlag(ScriptVerifyWitness) {
  1215  		// If witness evaluation is enabled, then P2SH MUST also be
  1216  		// active.
  1217  		if !vm.hasFlag(ScriptBip16) {
  1218  			errStr := "P2SH must be enabled to do witness verification"
  1219  			return nil, scriptError(ErrInvalidFlags, errStr)
  1220  		}
  1222  		var witProgram []byte
  1224  		switch {
  1225  		case IsWitnessProgram(vm.scripts[1]):
  1226  			// The scriptSig must be *empty* for all native witness
  1227  			// programs, otherwise we introduce malleability.
  1228  			if len(scriptSig) != 0 {
  1229  				errStr := "native witness program cannot " +
  1230  					"also have a signature script"
  1231  				return nil, scriptError(ErrWitnessMalleated, errStr)
  1232  			}
  1234  			witProgram = scriptPubKey
  1235  		case len(tx.TxIn[txIdx].Witness) != 0 && vm.bip16:
  1236  			// The sigScript MUST be *exactly* a single canonical
  1237  			// data push of the witness program, otherwise we
  1238  			// reintroduce malleability.
  1239  			sigPops := vm.scripts[0]
  1240  			if len(sigPops) > 2 &&
  1241  				isCanonicalPush(sigPops[0], sigPops[1:]) &&
  1242  				IsWitnessProgram(sigPops[1:]) {
  1244  				witProgram = sigPops[1:]
  1245  			} else {
  1246  				errStr := "signature script for witness " +
  1247  					"nested p2sh is not canonical"
  1248  				return nil, scriptError(ErrWitnessMalleatedP2SH, errStr)
  1249  			}
  1250  		}
  1252  		if witProgram != nil {
  1253  			var err error
  1254  			vm.witnessVersion, vm.witnessProgram, err = ExtractWitnessProgramInfo(witProgram)
  1255  			if err != nil {
  1256  				return nil, err
  1257  			}
  1258  		} else {
  1259  			// If we didn't find a witness program in either the
  1260  			// pkScript or as a datapush within the sigScript, then
  1261  			// there MUST NOT be any witness data associated with
  1262  			// the input being validated.
  1263  			if vm.witnessProgram == nil && len(tx.TxIn[txIdx].Witness) != 0 {
  1264  				errStr := "non-witness inputs cannot have a witness"
  1265  				return nil, scriptError(ErrWitnessUnexpected, errStr)
  1266  			}
  1267  		}
  1269  	}
  1271  	// Setup the current tokenizer used to parse through the script one opcode
  1272  	// at a time with the script associated with the program counter.
  1273  	vm.tokenizer = MakeScriptTokenizer(scriptVersion, scripts[vm.scriptIdx])
  1275  	vm.tx = *tx
  1276  	vm.txIdx = txIdx
  1278  	return &vm, nil
  1279  }