
     1  <!--[metadata]>
     2  +++
     3  title = "Managing data in containers"
     4  description = "How to manage data inside your Docker containers."
     5  keywords = ["Examples, Usage, volume, docker, documentation, user guide, data,  volumes"]
     6  [menu.main]
     7  parent = "smn_containers"
     8  weight = 3
     9  +++
    10  <![end-metadata]-->
    12  # Managing data in containers
    14  So far we've been introduced to some [basic Docker
    15  concepts](/userguide/usingdocker/), seen how to work with [Docker
    16  images](/userguide/dockerimages/) as well as learned about [networking
    17  and links between containers](/userguide/dockerlinks/). In this section
    18  we're going to discuss how you can manage data inside and between your
    19  Docker containers.
    21  We're going to look at the two primary ways you can manage data in
    22  Docker.
    24  * Data volumes, and
    25  * Data volume containers.
    27  ## Data volumes
    29  A *data volume* is a specially-designated directory within one or more
    30  containers that bypasses the [*Union File
    31  System*](/terms/layer/#union-file-system). Data volumes provide several 
    32  useful features for persistent or shared data:
    34  - Volumes are initialized when a container is created. If the container's
    35    base image contains data at the specified mount point, that existing data is 
    36    copied into the new volume upon volume initialization.
    37  - Data volumes can be shared and reused among containers.
    38  - Changes to a data volume are made directly.
    39  - Changes to a data volume will not be included when you update an image.
    40  - Data volumes persist even if the container itself is deleted.
    42  Data volumes are designed to persist data, independent of the container's life 
    43  cycle. Docker therefore *never* automatically delete volumes when you remove 
    44  a container, nor will it "garbage collect" volumes that are no longer 
    45  referenced by a container.
    47  ### Adding a data volume
    49  You can add a data volume to a container using the `-v` flag with the
    50  `docker create` and `docker run` command. You can use the `-v` multiple times
    51  to mount multiple data volumes. Let's mount a single volume now in our web
    52  application container.
    54      $ docker run -d -P --name web -v /webapp training/webapp python
    56  This will create a new volume inside a container at `/webapp`.
    58  > **Note:** 
    59  > You can also use the `VOLUME` instruction in a `Dockerfile` to add one or
    60  > more new volumes to any container created from that image.
    62  ### Locating a volume
    64  You can locate the volume on the host by utilizing the 'docker inspect' command.
    66      $ docker inspect web
    68  The output will provide details on the container configurations including the
    69  volumes. The output should look something similar to the following:
    71      ...
    72      "Volumes": {
    73          "/webapp": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/fac362...80535"
    74      },
    75      "VolumesRW": {
    76          "/webapp": true
    77      }
    78      ...
    80  You will notice in the above 'Volumes' is specifying the location on the host and 
    81  'VolumesRW' is specifying that the volume is read/write.
    83  ### Mount a host directory as a data volume
    85  In addition to creating a volume using the `-v` flag you can also mount a
    86  directory from your Docker daemon's host into a container.
    88  > **Note:**
    89  > If you are using Boot2Docker, your Docker daemon only has limited access to
    90  > your OSX/Windows filesystem. Boot2Docker tries to auto-share your `/Users`
    91  > (OSX) or `C:\Users` (Windows) directory - and so you can mount files or directories
    92  > using `docker run -v /Users/<path>:/<container path> ...` (OSX) or
    93  > `docker run -v /c/Users/<path>:/<container path ...` (Windows). All other paths
    94  > come from the Boot2Docker virtual machine's filesystem.
    96      $ docker run -d -P --name web -v /src/webapp:/opt/webapp training/webapp python
    98  This will mount the host directory, `/src/webapp`, into the container at
    99  `/opt/webapp`.
   101  > **Note:**
   102  > If the path `/opt/webapp` already exists inside the container's image, its
   103  > contents will be replaced by the contents of `/src/webapp` on the host to stay
   104  > consistent with the expected behavior of `mount`
   106  This is very useful for testing, for example we can
   107  mount our source code inside the container and see our application at work as
   108  we change the source code. The directory on the host must be specified as an
   109  absolute path and if the directory doesn't exist Docker will automatically
   110  create it for you.
   112  > **Note:** 
   113  > This is not available from a `Dockerfile` due to the portability
   114  > and sharing purpose of built images. The host directory is, by its nature,
   115  > host-dependent, so a host directory specified in a `Dockerfile` probably
   116  > wouldn't work on all hosts.
   118  Docker defaults to a read-write volume but we can also mount a directory
   119  read-only.
   121      $ docker run -d -P --name web -v /src/webapp:/opt/webapp:ro training/webapp python
   123  Here we've mounted the same `/src/webapp` directory but we've added the `ro`
   124  option to specify that the mount should be read-only.
   126  ### Mount a host file as a data volume
   128  The `-v` flag can also be used to mount a single file  - instead of *just* 
   129  directories - from the host machine.
   131      $ docker run --rm -it -v ~/.bash_history:/.bash_history ubuntu /bin/bash
   133  This will drop you into a bash shell in a new container, you will have your bash 
   134  history from the host and when you exit the container, the host will have the 
   135  history of the commands typed while in the container.
   137  > **Note:** 
   138  > Many tools used to edit files including `vi` and `sed --in-place` may result 
   139  > in an inode change. Since Docker v1.1.0, this will produce an error such as
   140  > "*sed: cannot rename ./sedKdJ9Dy: Device or resource busy*". In the case where 
   141  > you want to edit the mounted file, it is often easiest to instead mount the 
   142  > parent directory.
   144  ## Creating and mounting a data volume container
   146  If you have some persistent data that you want to share between
   147  containers, or want to use from non-persistent containers, it's best to
   148  create a named Data Volume Container, and then to mount the data from
   149  it.
   151  Let's create a new named container with a volume to share.
   152  While this container doesn't run an application, it reuses the `training/postgres`
   153  image so that all containers are using layers in common, saving disk space.
   155      $ docker create -v /dbdata --name dbdata training/postgres /bin/true
   157  You can then use the `--volumes-from` flag to mount the `/dbdata` volume in another container.
   159      $ docker run -d --volumes-from dbdata --name db1 training/postgres
   161  And another:
   163      $ docker run -d --volumes-from dbdata --name db2 training/postgres
   165  In this case, if the `postgres` image contained a directory called `/dbdata`
   166  then mounting the volumes from the `dbdata` container hides the
   167  `/dbdata` files from the `postgres` image. The result is only the files
   168  from the `dbdata` container are visible.
   170  You can use multiple `--volumes-from` parameters to bring together multiple data
   171  volumes from multiple containers.
   173  You can also extend the chain by mounting the volume that came from the
   174  `dbdata` container in yet another container via the `db1` or `db2` containers.
   176      $ docker run -d --name db3 --volumes-from db1 training/postgres
   178  If you remove containers that mount volumes, including the initial `dbdata`
   179  container, or the subsequent containers `db1` and `db2`, the volumes will not
   180  be deleted.  To delete the volume from disk, you must explicitly call
   181  `docker rm -v` against the last container with a reference to the volume. This
   182  allows you to upgrade, or effectively migrate data volumes between containers.
   184  > **Note:** Docker will not warn you when removing a container *without* 
   185  > providing the `-v` option to delete its volumes. If you remove containers
   186  > without using the `-v` option, you may end up with "dangling" volumes; 
   187  > volumes that are no longer referenced by a container.
   188  > Dangling volumes are difficult to get rid of and can take up a large amount
   189  > of disk space. We're working on improving volume management and you can check
   190  > progress on this in [pull request #8484](
   192  ## Backup, restore, or migrate data volumes
   194  Another useful function we can perform with volumes is use them for
   195  backups, restores or migrations.  We do this by using the
   196  `--volumes-from` flag to create a new container that mounts that volume,
   197  like so:
   199      $ docker run --volumes-from dbdata -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /dbdata
   201  Here we've launched a new container and mounted the volume from the
   202  `dbdata` container. We've then mounted a local host directory as
   203  `/backup`. Finally, we've passed a command that uses `tar` to backup the
   204  contents of the `dbdata` volume to a `backup.tar` file inside our
   205  `/backup` directory. When the command completes and the container stops
   206  we'll be left with a backup of our `dbdata` volume.
   208  You could then restore it to the same container, or another that you've made
   209  elsewhere. Create a new container.
   211      $ docker run -v /dbdata --name dbdata2 ubuntu /bin/bash
   213  Then un-tar the backup file in the new container's data volume.
   215      $ docker run --volumes-from dbdata2 -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu cd /dbdata && tar xvf /backup/backup.tar
   217  You can use the techniques above to automate backup, migration and
   218  restore testing using your preferred tools.
   220  # Next steps
   222  Now we've learned a bit more about how to use Docker we're going to see how to
   223  combine Docker with the services available on
   224  [Docker Hub]( including Automated Builds and private
   225  repositories.
   227  Go to [Working with Docker Hub](/userguide/dockerrepos).