
     1  run:
     2    timeout: 2m
     4  linters-settings:
     5    govet:
     6      enable-all: true
     7    gocyclo:
     8      min-complexity: 12
     9    goconst:
    10      min-len: 3
    11      min-occurrences: 3
    12    misspell:
    13      locale: US
    14    gofumpt:
    15      extra-rules: true
    16    depguard:
    17      rules:
    18        main:
    19          deny:
    20            - pkg: ""
    21              desc: not allowed
    22            - pkg: ""
    23              desc: Should be replaced by standard lib errors package
    24    godox:
    25      keywords:
    26        - FIXME
    27    gocritic:
    28      enabled-tags:
    29        - diagnostic
    30        - style
    31        - performance
    32      disabled-checks:
    33        - sloppyReassign
    34        - rangeValCopy
    35        - octalLiteral
    36        - paramTypeCombine # already handle by gofumpt.extra-rules
    37      settings:
    38        hugeParam:
    39          sizeThreshold: 100
    40    forbidigo:
    41      forbid:
    42        - '^print(ln)?$'
    43        - '^fmt\.Print(f|ln)?$'
    44        - '^panic$'
    45        - '^spew\.Print(f|ln)?$'
    46        - '^spew\.Dump$'
    47    tagliatelle:
    48      case:
    49        rules:
    50          json: pascal
    52  linters:
    53    enable-all: true
    54    disable:
    55      - deadcode # deprecated
    56      - exhaustivestruct # deprecated
    57      - golint # deprecated
    58      - ifshort # deprecated
    59      - interfacer # deprecated
    60      - maligned # deprecated
    61      - nosnakecase # deprecated
    62      - scopelint # deprecated
    63      - structcheck # deprecated
    64      - varcheck # deprecated
    65      - sqlclosecheck # not relevant (SQL)
    66      - rowserrcheck # not relevant (SQL)
    67      - execinquery # not relevant (SQL)
    68      - cyclop # duplicate of gocyclo
    69      - lll
    70      - dupl
    71      - prealloc
    72      - bodyclose
    73      - wsl
    74      - nlreturn
    75      - gomnd
    76      - testpackage
    77      - paralleltest
    78      - tparallel
    79      - goerr113
    80      - wrapcheck
    81      - exhaustive
    82      - exhaustruct
    83      - varnamelen
    85  issues:
    86    exclude-use-default: false
    87    max-issues-per-linter: 0
    88    max-same-issues: 0
    89    exclude: [
    90      'package-comments: should have a package comment'
    91    ]
    92    exclude-rules:
    93      - path: "(.+)_test.go"
    94        linters:
    95        - funlen
    96        - goconst
    97      - path: cmd/gomoddirectives/gomoddirectives.go
    98        text: 'use of `fmt.Println` forbidden'
   100  output:
   101    show-stats: true
   102    sort-results: true