
     1  /*
     2     Copyright 2021 Erigon contributors
     4     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6     You may obtain a copy of the License at
    10     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14     limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package eliasfano16
    19  import (
    20  	"encoding/binary"
    21  	"fmt"
    22  	"io"
    23  	"math"
    24  	"math/bits"
    25  	"unsafe"
    27  	""
    28  )
    30  // EliasFano algo overview
    31  // P. Elias. Efficient storage and retrieval by content and address of static files. J. ACM, 21(2):246–260, 1974.
    32  // Partitioned Elias-Fano Indexes
    34  const (
    35  	log2q      uint64 = 8
    36  	q          uint64 = 1 << log2q
    37  	qMask             = q - 1
    38  	superQ     uint64 = 1 << 14
    39  	superQMask        = superQ - 1
    40  	qPerSuperQ        = superQ / q       // 64
    41  	superQSize        = 1 + qPerSuperQ/4 // 1 + 64/4 = 17
    42  )
    44  // EliasFano can be used to encode one monotone sequence
    45  type EliasFano struct {
    46  	data           []uint64
    47  	lowerBits      []uint64
    48  	upperBits      []uint64
    49  	jump           []uint64
    50  	lowerBitsMask  uint64
    51  	count          uint64
    52  	u              uint64
    53  	l              uint64
    54  	maxOffset      uint64
    55  	minDelta       uint64
    56  	i              uint64
    57  	delta          uint64
    58  	wordsUpperBits int
    59  }
    61  func NewEliasFano(count uint64, maxOffset, minDelta uint64) *EliasFano {
    62  	//fmt.Printf("count=%d,maxOffset=%d,minDelta=%d\n", count, maxOffset, minDelta)
    63  	ef := &EliasFano{
    64  		count:     count - 1,
    65  		maxOffset: maxOffset,
    66  		minDelta:  minDelta,
    67  	}
    68  	ef.u = maxOffset - ef.count*ef.minDelta + 1
    69  	ef.wordsUpperBits = ef.deriveFields()
    70  	return ef
    71  }
    73  func (ef *EliasFano) AddOffset(offset uint64) {
    74  	//fmt.Printf("0x%x,\n", offset)
    75  	if ef.l != 0 {
    76  		setBits(ef.lowerBits, ef.i*ef.l, int(ef.l), (
    77  	}
    78  	//pos := ((offset - >> ef.l) + ef.i
    79  	set(ef.upperBits, ((>>ef.l)+ef.i)
    80  	//fmt.Printf("add:%x, pos=%x, set=%x, res=%x\n", offset, pos, pos/64, uint64(1)<<(pos%64))
    81  	ef.i++
    82 += ef.minDelta
    83  }
    85  func (ef *EliasFano) jumpSizeWords() int {
    86  	size := ((ef.count + 1) / superQ) * superQSize // Whole blocks
    87  	if (ef.count+1)%superQ != 0 {
    88  		size += 1 + (((ef.count+1)%superQ+q-1)/q+3)/4 // Partial block
    89  	}
    90  	return int(size)
    91  }
    93  func (ef *EliasFano) deriveFields() int {
    94  	if ef.u/(ef.count+1) == 0 {
    95  		ef.l = 0
    96  	} else {
    97  		ef.l = 63 ^ uint64(bits.LeadingZeros64(ef.u/(ef.count+1))) // pos of first non-zero bit
    98  		//fmt.Printf("lllllllll: %d, %d\n", 63^uint64(bits.LeadingZeros64(24/7)), msb(ef.u/(ef.count+1)))
    99  	}
   100  	ef.lowerBitsMask = (uint64(1) << ef.l) - 1
   101  	wordsLowerBits := int(((ef.count+1)*ef.l+63)/64 + 1)
   102  	wordsUpperBits := int((ef.count + 1 + (ef.u >> ef.l) + 63) / 64)
   103  	jumpWords := ef.jumpSizeWords()
   104  	totalWords := wordsLowerBits + wordsUpperBits + jumpWords
   105  	if == nil {
   106 = make([]uint64, totalWords)
   107  	} else {
   108 =[:totalWords]
   109  	}
   111  	ef.lowerBits =[:wordsLowerBits]
   112  	ef.upperBits =[wordsLowerBits : wordsLowerBits+wordsUpperBits]
   113  	ef.jump =[wordsLowerBits+wordsUpperBits:]
   114  	return wordsUpperBits
   115  }
   117  // Build construct Elias Fano index for a given sequences
   118  func (ef *EliasFano) Build() {
   119  	for i, c, lastSuperQ := uint64(0), uint64(0), uint64(0); i < uint64(ef.wordsUpperBits); i++ {
   120  		for b := uint64(0); b < 64; b++ {
   121  			if ef.upperBits[i]&(uint64(1)<<b) != 0 {
   122  				if (c & superQMask) == 0 {
   123  					// When c is multiple of 2^14 (4096)
   124  					lastSuperQ = i*64 + b
   125  					ef.jump[(c/superQ)*superQSize] = lastSuperQ
   126  				}
   127  				if (c & qMask) == 0 {
   128  					// When c is multiple of 2^8 (256)
   129  					var offset = i*64 + b - lastSuperQ // offset can be either 0, 256, 512, 768, ..., up to 4096-256
   130  					// offset needs to be encoded as 16-bit integer, therefore the following check
   131  					if offset >= (1 << 16) {
   132  						fmt.Printf("ef.l=%x,ef.u=%x\n", ef.l, ef.u)
   133  						fmt.Printf("offset=%x,lastSuperQ=%x,i=%x,b=%x,c=%x\n", offset, lastSuperQ, i, b, c)
   134  						fmt.Printf("ef.minDelta=%x\n", ef.minDelta)
   135  						//fmt.Printf("ef.upperBits=%x\n", ef.upperBits)
   136  						//fmt.Printf("ef.lowerBits=%x\n", ef.lowerBits)
   137  						//fmt.Printf("ef.wordsUpperBits=%b\n", ef.wordsUpperBits)
   138  						panic("")
   139  					}
   140  					// c % superQ is the bit index inside the group of 4096 bits
   141  					jumpSuperQ := (c / superQ) * superQSize
   142  					jumpInsideSuperQ := (c % superQ) / q
   143  					idx64 := jumpSuperQ + 1 + (jumpInsideSuperQ >> 2)
   144  					shift := 16 * (jumpInsideSuperQ % 4)
   145  					mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
   146  					ef.jump[idx64] = (ef.jump[idx64] &^ mask) | (offset << shift)
   147  				}
   148  				c++
   149  			}
   150  		}
   151  	}
   152  }
   154  func (ef *EliasFano) get(i uint64) (val, window uint64, sel int, currWord, lower, delta uint64) {
   155  	lower = i * ef.l
   156  	idx64 := lower / 64
   157  	shift := lower % 64
   158  	lower = ef.lowerBits[idx64] >> shift
   159  	if shift > 0 {
   160  		lower |= ef.lowerBits[idx64+1] << (64 - shift)
   161  	}
   163  	jumpSuperQ := (i / superQ) * superQSize
   164  	jumpInsideSuperQ := (i % superQ) / q
   165  	idx64 = jumpSuperQ + 1 + (jumpInsideSuperQ >> 2)
   166  	shift = 16 * (jumpInsideSuperQ % 4)
   167  	mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
   168  	jump := ef.jump[jumpSuperQ] + (ef.jump[idx64]&mask)>>shift
   170  	currWord = jump / 64
   171  	window = ef.upperBits[currWord] & (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << (jump % 64))
   172  	d := int(i & qMask)
   174  	for bitCount := bits.OnesCount64(window); bitCount <= d; bitCount = bits.OnesCount64(window) {
   175  		currWord++
   176  		window = ef.upperBits[currWord]
   177  		d -= bitCount
   178  	}
   180  	sel = bitutil.Select64(window, d)
   181  	delta = i * ef.minDelta
   182  	val = ((currWord*64+uint64(sel)-i)<<ef.l | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMask)) + delta
   184  	return
   185  }
   187  func (ef *EliasFano) Get(i uint64) uint64 {
   188  	val, _, _, _, _, _ := ef.get(i)
   189  	return val
   190  }
   192  func (ef *EliasFano) Get2(i uint64) (val, valNext uint64) {
   193  	var window uint64
   194  	var sel int
   195  	var currWord uint64
   196  	var lower uint64
   197  	var delta uint64
   198  	val, window, sel, currWord, lower, delta = ef.get(i)
   199  	window &= (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << sel) << 1
   200  	for window == 0 {
   201  		currWord++
   202  		window = ef.upperBits[currWord]
   203  	}
   205  	lower >>= ef.l
   206  	valNext = ((currWord*64+uint64(bits.TrailingZeros64(window))-i-1)<<ef.l | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMask)) + delta + ef.minDelta
   207  	return
   208  }
   210  // Write outputs the state of golomb rice encoding into a writer, which can be recovered later by Read
   211  func (ef *EliasFano) Write(w io.Writer) error {
   212  	var numBuf [8]byte
   213  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.count)
   214  	if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
   215  		return e
   216  	}
   217  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.u)
   218  	if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
   219  		return e
   220  	}
   221  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.minDelta)
   222  	if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
   223  		return e
   224  	}
   225  	p := (*[maxDataSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&[0]))
   226  	b := (*p)[:]
   227  	if _, e := w.Write(b[:len(*8]); e != nil {
   228  		return e
   229  	}
   230  	return nil
   231  }
   233  // Read inputs the state of golomb rice encoding from a reader s
   234  func ReadEliasFano(r []byte) (*EliasFano, int) {
   235  	ef := &EliasFano{}
   236  	ef.count = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[:8])
   237  	ef.u = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[8:16])
   238  	ef.minDelta = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[16:24])
   239  	p := (*[maxDataSize / 8]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&r[24]))
   240 = p[:]
   241  	ef.deriveFields()
   242  	return ef, 24 + 8*len(
   243  }
   245  const maxDataSize = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
   247  // DoubleEliasFano can be used to encode two monotone sequences
   248  // it is called "double" because the lower bits array contains two sequences interleaved
   249  type DoubleEliasFano struct {
   250  	data                  []uint64
   251  	lowerBits             []uint64
   252  	upperBitsPosition     []uint64
   253  	upperBitsCumKeys      []uint64
   254  	jump                  []uint64
   255  	lowerBitsMaskCumKeys  uint64
   256  	lowerBitsMaskPosition uint64
   257  	numBuckets            uint64
   258  	uCumKeys              uint64
   259  	uPosition             uint64
   260  	lPosition             uint64
   261  	lCumKeys              uint64
   262  	cumKeysMinDelta       uint64
   263  	posMinDelta           uint64
   264  }
   266  func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) deriveFields() (int, int) {
   267  	if ef.uPosition/(ef.numBuckets+1) == 0 {
   268  		ef.lPosition = 0
   269  	} else {
   270  		ef.lPosition = 63 ^ uint64(bits.LeadingZeros64(ef.uPosition/(ef.numBuckets+1)))
   271  	}
   272  	if ef.uCumKeys/(ef.numBuckets+1) == 0 {
   273  		ef.lCumKeys = 0
   274  	} else {
   275  		ef.lCumKeys = 63 ^ uint64(bits.LeadingZeros64(ef.uCumKeys/(ef.numBuckets+1)))
   276  	}
   277  	//fmt.Printf("uPosition = %d, lPosition = %d, uCumKeys = %d, lCumKeys = %d\n", ef.uPosition, ef.lPosition, ef.uCumKeys, ef.lCumKeys)
   278  	if ef.lCumKeys*2+ef.lPosition > 56 {
   279  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("ef.lCumKeys (%d) * 2 + ef.lPosition (%d) > 56", ef.lCumKeys, ef.lPosition))
   280  	}
   281  	ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys = (uint64(1) << ef.lCumKeys) - 1
   282  	ef.lowerBitsMaskPosition = (uint64(1) << ef.lPosition) - 1
   283  	wordsLowerBits := int(((ef.numBuckets+1)*(ef.lCumKeys+ef.lPosition)+63)/64 + 1)
   284  	wordsCumKeys := int((ef.numBuckets + 1 + (ef.uCumKeys >> ef.lCumKeys) + 63) / 64)
   285  	wordsPosition := int((ef.numBuckets + 1 + (ef.uPosition >> ef.lPosition) + 63) / 64)
   286  	jumpWords := ef.jumpSizeWords()
   287  	totalWords := wordsLowerBits + wordsCumKeys + wordsPosition + jumpWords
   288  	if == nil {
   289 = make([]uint64, totalWords)
   290  	} else {
   291 =[:totalWords]
   292  	}
   293  	ef.lowerBits =[:wordsLowerBits]
   294  	ef.upperBitsCumKeys =[wordsLowerBits : wordsLowerBits+wordsCumKeys]
   295  	ef.upperBitsPosition =[wordsLowerBits+wordsCumKeys : wordsLowerBits+wordsCumKeys+wordsPosition]
   296  	ef.jump =[wordsLowerBits+wordsCumKeys+wordsPosition:]
   297  	return wordsCumKeys, wordsPosition
   298  }
   300  // Build construct double Elias Fano index for two given sequences
   301  func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Build(cumKeys []uint64, position []uint64) {
   302  	//fmt.Printf("cumKeys = %d\nposition = %d\n", cumKeys, position)
   303  	if len(cumKeys) != len(position) {
   304  		panic("len(cumKeys) != len(position)")
   305  	}
   306  	ef.numBuckets = uint64(len(cumKeys) - 1)
   307  	ef.posMinDelta = math.MaxUint64
   308  	ef.cumKeysMinDelta = math.MaxUint64
   309  	for i := uint64(1); i <= ef.numBuckets; i++ {
   310  		if cumKeys[i] < cumKeys[i-1] {
   311  			panic("cumKeys[i] <= cumKeys[i-1]")
   312  		}
   313  		nkeysDelta := cumKeys[i] - cumKeys[i-1]
   314  		if nkeysDelta < ef.cumKeysMinDelta {
   315  			ef.cumKeysMinDelta = nkeysDelta
   316  		}
   317  		if position[i] < position[i-1] {
   318  			panic("position[i] < position[i-1]")
   319  		}
   320  		bucketBits := position[i] - position[i-1]
   321  		if bucketBits < ef.posMinDelta {
   322  			ef.posMinDelta = bucketBits
   323  		}
   324  	}
   325  	//fmt.Printf("cumKeysMinDelta = %d, posMinDelta = %d\n", ef.cumKeysMinDelta, ef.posMinDelta)
   326  	ef.uPosition = position[ef.numBuckets] - ef.numBuckets*ef.posMinDelta + 1
   327  	ef.uCumKeys = cumKeys[ef.numBuckets] - ef.numBuckets*ef.cumKeysMinDelta + 1 // Largest possible encoding of the cumKeys
   328  	wordsCumKeys, wordsPosition := ef.deriveFields()
   330  	for i, cumDelta, bitDelta := uint64(0), uint64(0), uint64(0); i <= ef.numBuckets; i, cumDelta, bitDelta = i+1, cumDelta+ef.cumKeysMinDelta, bitDelta+ef.posMinDelta {
   331  		if ef.lCumKeys != 0 {
   332  			//fmt.Printf("i=%d, set_bits cum for %d = %b\n", i, cumKeys[i]-cumDelta, (cumKeys[i]-cumDelta)&ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys)
   333  			setBits(ef.lowerBits, i*(ef.lCumKeys+ef.lPosition), int(ef.lCumKeys), (cumKeys[i]-cumDelta)&ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys)
   334  			//fmt.Printf("loweBits %b\n", ef.lowerBits)
   335  		}
   336  		set(ef.upperBitsCumKeys, ((cumKeys[i]-cumDelta)>>ef.lCumKeys)+i)
   337  		//fmt.Printf("i=%d, set cum for %d = %d\n", i, cumKeys[i]-cumDelta, (cumKeys[i]-cumDelta)>>ef.lCumKeys+i)
   339  		if ef.lPosition != 0 {
   340  			//fmt.Printf("i=%d, set_bits pos for %d = %b\n", i, position[i]-bitDelta, (position[i]-bitDelta)&ef.lowerBitsMaskPosition)
   341  			setBits(ef.lowerBits, i*(ef.lCumKeys+ef.lPosition)+ef.lCumKeys, int(ef.lPosition), (position[i]-bitDelta)&ef.lowerBitsMaskPosition)
   342  			//fmt.Printf("lowerBits %b\n", ef.lowerBits)
   343  		}
   344  		set(ef.upperBitsPosition, ((position[i]-bitDelta)>>ef.lPosition)+i)
   345  		//fmt.Printf("i=%d, set pos for %d = %d\n", i, position[i]-bitDelta, (position[i]-bitDelta)>>ef.lPosition+i)
   346  	}
   347  	//fmt.Printf("loweBits %b\n", ef.lowerBits)
   348  	//fmt.Printf("upperBitsCumKeys %b\n", ef.upperBitsCumKeys)
   349  	//fmt.Printf("upperBitsPosition %b\n", ef.upperBitsPosition)
   350  	// i iterates over the 64-bit words in the wordCumKeys vector
   351  	// c iterates over bits in the wordCumKeys
   352  	// lastSuperQ is the largest multiple of 2^14 (4096) which is no larger than c
   353  	// c/superQ is the index of the current 4096 block of bits
   354  	// superQSize is how many words is required to encode one block of 4096 bits. It is 17 words which is 1088 bits
   355  	for i, c, lastSuperQ := uint64(0), uint64(0), uint64(0); i < uint64(wordsCumKeys); i++ {
   356  		for b := uint64(0); b < 64; b++ {
   357  			if ef.upperBitsCumKeys[i]&(uint64(1)<<b) != 0 {
   358  				if (c & superQMask) == 0 {
   359  					// When c is multiple of 2^14 (4096)
   360  					lastSuperQ = i*64 + b
   361  					ef.jump[(c/superQ)*(superQSize*2)] = lastSuperQ
   362  				}
   363  				if (c & qMask) == 0 {
   364  					// When c is multiple of 2^8 (256)
   365  					var offset = i*64 + b - lastSuperQ // offset can be either 0, 256, 512, 768, ..., up to 4096-256
   366  					// offset needs to be encoded as 16-bit integer, therefore the following check
   367  					if offset >= (1 << 16) {
   368  						panic("")
   369  					}
   370  					// c % superQ is the bit index inside the group of 4096 bits
   371  					jumpSuperQ := (c / superQ) * (superQSize * 2)
   372  					jumpInsideSuperQ := 2 * (c % superQ) / q
   373  					idx64 := jumpSuperQ + 2 + (jumpInsideSuperQ >> 2)
   374  					shift := 16 * (jumpInsideSuperQ % 4)
   375  					mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
   376  					ef.jump[idx64] = (ef.jump[idx64] &^ mask) | (offset << shift)
   377  				}
   378  				c++
   379  			}
   380  		}
   381  	}
   383  	for i, c, lastSuperQ := uint64(0), uint64(0), uint64(0); i < uint64(wordsPosition); i++ {
   384  		for b := uint64(0); b < 64; b++ {
   385  			if ef.upperBitsPosition[i]&(uint64(1)<<b) != 0 {
   386  				if (c & superQMask) == 0 {
   387  					lastSuperQ = i*64 + b
   388  					ef.jump[(c/superQ)*(superQSize*2)+1] = lastSuperQ
   389  				}
   390  				if (c & qMask) == 0 {
   391  					var offset = i*64 + b - lastSuperQ
   392  					if offset >= (1 << 16) {
   393  						panic("")
   394  					}
   395  					jumpSuperQ := (c / superQ) * (superQSize * 2)
   396  					jumpInsideSuperQ := 2*((c%superQ)/q) + 1
   397  					idx64 := jumpSuperQ + 2 + (jumpInsideSuperQ >> 2)
   398  					shift := 16 * (jumpInsideSuperQ % 4)
   399  					mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
   400  					ef.jump[idx64] = (ef.jump[idx64] &^ mask) | (offset << shift)
   401  				}
   402  				c++
   403  			}
   404  		}
   405  	}
   406  	//fmt.Printf("jump: %x\n", ef.jump)
   407  }
   409  // setBits assumes that bits are set in monotonic order, so that
   410  // we can skip the masking for the second word
   411  func setBits(bits []uint64, start uint64, width int, value uint64) {
   412  	shift := int(start & 63)
   413  	idx64 := start >> 6
   414  	mask := (uint64(1)<<width - 1) << shift
   415  	//fmt.Printf("mask = %b, idx64 = %d\n", mask, idx64)
   416  	bits[idx64] = (bits[idx64] &^ mask) | (value << shift)
   417  	//fmt.Printf("start = %d, width = %d, shift + width = %d\n", start, width, shift+width)
   418  	if shift+width > 64 {
   419  		// changes two 64-bit words
   420  		bits[idx64+1] = value >> (64 - shift)
   421  	}
   422  }
   424  func set(bits []uint64, pos uint64) {
   425  	//bits[pos>>6] |= uint64(1) << (pos & 63)
   426  	bits[pos/64] |= uint64(1) << (pos % 64)
   427  }
   429  func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) jumpSizeWords() int {
   430  	size := ((ef.numBuckets + 1) / superQ) * superQSize * 2 // Whole blocks
   431  	if (ef.numBuckets+1)%superQ != 0 {
   432  		size += (1 + (((ef.numBuckets+1)%superQ+q-1)/q+3)/4) * 2 // Partial block
   433  	}
   434  	return int(size)
   435  }
   437  // Data returns binary representation of double Ellias-Fano index that has been built
   438  func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Data() []uint64 {
   439  	return
   440  }
   442  func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) get2(i uint64) (cumKeys, position uint64,
   443  	windowCumKeys uint64, selectCumKeys int, currWordCumKeys, lower, cumDelta uint64) {
   444  	posLower := i * (ef.lCumKeys + ef.lPosition)
   445  	idx64 := posLower / 64
   446  	shift := posLower % 64
   447  	lower = ef.lowerBits[idx64] >> shift
   448  	if shift > 0 {
   449  		lower |= ef.lowerBits[idx64+1] << (64 - shift)
   450  	}
   451  	//fmt.Printf("i = %d, posLower = %d, lower = %b\n", i, posLower, lower)
   453  	jumpSuperQ := (i / superQ) * superQSize * 2
   454  	jumpInsideSuperQ := (i % superQ) / q
   455  	idx16 := 4*(jumpSuperQ+2) + 2*jumpInsideSuperQ
   456  	idx64 = idx16 / 4
   457  	shift = 16 * (idx16 % 4)
   458  	mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
   459  	jumpCumKeys := ef.jump[jumpSuperQ] + (ef.jump[idx64]&mask)>>shift
   460  	idx16++
   461  	idx64 = idx16 / 4
   462  	shift = 16 * (idx16 % 4)
   463  	mask = uint64(0xffff) << shift
   464  	jumpPosition := ef.jump[jumpSuperQ+1] + (ef.jump[idx64]&mask)>>shift
   465  	//fmt.Printf("i = %d, jumpCumKeys = %d, jumpPosition = %d\n", i, jumpCumKeys, jumpPosition)
   467  	currWordCumKeys = jumpCumKeys / 64
   468  	currWordPosition := jumpPosition / 64
   469  	windowCumKeys = ef.upperBitsCumKeys[currWordCumKeys] & (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << (jumpCumKeys % 64))
   470  	windowPosition := ef.upperBitsPosition[currWordPosition] & (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << (jumpPosition % 64))
   471  	deltaCumKeys := int(i & qMask)
   472  	deltaPosition := int(i & qMask)
   474  	for bitCount := bits.OnesCount64(windowCumKeys); bitCount <= deltaCumKeys; bitCount = bits.OnesCount64(windowCumKeys) {
   475  		//fmt.Printf("i = %d, bitCount cum = %d\n", i, bitCount)
   476  		currWordCumKeys++
   477  		windowCumKeys = ef.upperBitsCumKeys[currWordCumKeys]
   478  		deltaCumKeys -= bitCount
   479  	}
   480  	for bitCount := bits.OnesCount64(windowPosition); bitCount <= deltaPosition; bitCount = bits.OnesCount64(windowPosition) {
   481  		//fmt.Printf("i = %d, bitCount pos = %d\n", i, bitCount)
   482  		currWordPosition++
   483  		windowPosition = ef.upperBitsPosition[currWordPosition]
   484  		deltaPosition -= bitCount
   485  	}
   487  	selectCumKeys = bitutil.Select64(windowCumKeys, deltaCumKeys)
   488  	//fmt.Printf("i = %d, select cum in %b for %d = %d\n", i, windowCumKeys, deltaCumKeys, selectCumKeys)
   489  	cumDelta = i * ef.cumKeysMinDelta
   490  	cumKeys = ((currWordCumKeys*64+uint64(selectCumKeys)-i)<<ef.lCumKeys | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys)) + cumDelta
   492  	lower >>= ef.lCumKeys
   493  	//fmt.Printf("i = %d, lower = %b\n", i, lower)
   494  	selectPosition := bitutil.Select64(windowPosition, deltaPosition)
   495  	//fmt.Printf("i = %d, select pos in %b for %d = %d\n", i, windowPosition, deltaPosition, selectPosition)
   496  	bitDelta := i * ef.posMinDelta
   497  	position = ((currWordPosition*64+uint64(selectPosition)-i)<<ef.lPosition | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMaskPosition)) + bitDelta
   498  	return
   499  }
   501  func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Get2(i uint64) (cumKeys, position uint64) {
   502  	cumKeys, position, _, _, _, _, _ = ef.get2(i)
   503  	return
   504  }
   506  func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Get3(i uint64) (cumKeys, cumKeysNext, position uint64) {
   507  	var windowCumKeys uint64
   508  	var selectCumKeys int
   509  	var currWordCumKeys uint64
   510  	var lower uint64
   511  	var cumDelta uint64
   512  	cumKeys, position, windowCumKeys, selectCumKeys, currWordCumKeys, lower, cumDelta = ef.get2(i)
   513  	windowCumKeys &= (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << selectCumKeys) << 1
   514  	for windowCumKeys == 0 {
   515  		currWordCumKeys++
   516  		windowCumKeys = ef.upperBitsCumKeys[currWordCumKeys]
   517  	}
   519  	lower >>= ef.lPosition
   520  	cumKeysNext = ((currWordCumKeys*64+uint64(bits.TrailingZeros64(windowCumKeys))-i-1)<<ef.lCumKeys | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys)) + cumDelta + ef.cumKeysMinDelta
   521  	return
   522  }
   524  // Write outputs the state of golomb rice encoding into a writer, which can be recovered later by Read
   525  func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Write(w io.Writer) error {
   526  	var numBuf [8]byte
   527  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.numBuckets)
   528  	if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
   529  		return e
   530  	}
   531  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.uCumKeys)
   532  	if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
   533  		return e
   534  	}
   535  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.uPosition)
   536  	if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
   537  		return e
   538  	}
   539  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.cumKeysMinDelta)
   540  	if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
   541  		return e
   542  	}
   543  	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.posMinDelta)
   544  	if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
   545  		return e
   546  	}
   547  	p := (*[maxDataSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&[0]))
   548  	b := (*p)[:]
   549  	if _, e := w.Write(b[:len(*8]); e != nil {
   550  		return e
   551  	}
   552  	return nil
   553  }
   555  // Read inputs the state of golomb rice encoding from a reader s
   556  func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Read(r []byte) int {
   557  	ef.numBuckets = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[:8])
   558  	ef.uCumKeys = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[8:16])
   559  	ef.uPosition = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[16:24])
   560  	ef.cumKeysMinDelta = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[24:32])
   561  	ef.posMinDelta = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[32:40])
   562  	p := (*[maxDataSize / 8]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&r[40]))
   563 = p[:]
   564  	ef.deriveFields()
   565  	return 40 + 8*len(
   566  }