
     1  package aws
     3  import (
     4  	"testing"
     5  )
     7  func TestValidateEcrRepositoryName(t *testing.T) {
     8  	validNames := []string{
     9  		"nginx-web-app",
    10  		"project-a/nginx-web-app",
    11  		"",
    12  		"",
    13  		"0123456789/999999999",
    14  		"double/forward/slash",
    15  		"000000000000000",
    16  	}
    17  	for _, v := range validNames {
    18  		_, errors := validateEcrRepositoryName(v, "name")
    19  		if len(errors) != 0 {
    20  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid ECR repository name: %q", v, errors)
    21  		}
    22  	}
    24  	invalidNames := []string{
    25  		// length > 256
    26  		"" +
    27  			"erent.-_pattern01different.-_pattern01different.-_pattern01different" +
    28  			".-_pattern01different.-_pattern01different.-_pattern01different.-_pa" +
    29  			"ttern01different.-_pattern01different.-_pattern234567",
    30  		// length < 2
    31  		"i",
    32  		"special@character",
    33  		"different+special=character",
    34  		"double//slash",
    35  		"",
    36  		"/slash-at-the-beginning",
    37  		"slash-at-the-end/",
    38  	}
    39  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
    40  		_, errors := validateEcrRepositoryName(v, "name")
    41  		if len(errors) == 0 {
    42  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid ECR repository name", v)
    43  		}
    44  	}
    45  }