
     1  ---
     2  layout: "aws"
     3  page_title: "AWS: aws_opsworks_stack"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-aws-resource-opsworks-stack"
     5  description: |-
     6    Provides an OpsWorks stack resource.
     7  ---
     9  # aws\_opsworks\_stack
    11  Provides an OpsWorks stack resource.
    13  ## Example Usage
    15  ```
    16  resource "aws_opsworks_stack" "main" {
    17      name = "awesome-stack"
    18      region = "us-west-1"
    19      service_role_arn = "${aws_iam_role.opsworks.arn}"
    20      default_instance_profile_arn = "${aws_iam_instance_profile.opsworks.arn}"
    21  }
    22  ```
    24  ## Argument Reference
    26  The following arguments are supported:
    28  * `name` - (Required) The name of the stack.
    29  * `region` - (Required) The name of the region where the stack will exist.
    30  * `service_role_arn` - (Required) The ARN of an IAM role that the OpsWorks service will act as.
    31  * `default_instance_profile_arn` - (Required) The ARN of an IAM Instance Profile that created instances
    32    will have by default.
    33  * `berkshelf_version` - (Optional) If `manage_berkshelf` is enabled, the version of Berkshelf to use.
    34  * `color` - (Optional) Color to paint next to the stack's resources in the OpsWorks console.
    35  * `default_availability_zone` - (Optional) Name of the availability zone where instances will be created
    36    by default. This is required unless you set `vpc_id`.
    37  * `configuration_manager_name` - (Optional) Name of the configuration manager to use. Defaults to "Chef".
    38  * `configuration_manager_version` - (Optional) Version of the configuratino manager to use. Defaults to "11.4".
    39  * `custom_cookbooks_source` - (Optional) When `use_custom_cookbooks` is set, provide this sub-object as
    40    described below.
    41  * `default_os` - (Optional) Name of OS that will be installed on instances by default.
    42  * `default_root_device_type` - (Optional) Name of the type of root device instances will have by default.
    43  * `default_ssh_key_name` - (Optional) Name of the SSH keypair that instances will have by default.
    44  * `default_subnet_id` - (Optional) Id of the subnet in which instances will be created by default. Mandatory
    45    if `vpc_id` is set, and forbidden if it isn't.
    46  * `hostname_theme` - (Optional) Keyword representing the naming scheme that will be used for instance hostnames
    47    within this stack.
    48  * `manage_berkshelf` - (Optional) Boolean value controlling whether Opsworks will run Berkshelf for this stack.
    49  * `use_custom_cookbooks` - (Optional) Boolean value controlling whether the custom cookbook settings are
    50    enabled.
    51  * `use_opsworks_security_groups` - (Optional) Boolean value controlling whether the standard OpsWorks
    52    security groups apply to created instances.
    53  * `vpc_id` - (Optional) The id of the VPC that this stack belongs to.
    55  The `custom_cookbooks_source` block supports the following arguments:
    57  * `type` - (Required) The type of source to use. For example, "archive".
    58  * `url` - (Required) The URL where the cookbooks resource can be found.
    59  * `username` - (Optional) Username to use when authenticating to the source.
    60  * `password` - (Optional) Password to use when authenticating to the source.
    61  * `ssh_key` - (Optional) SSH key to use when authenticating to the source.
    62  * `revision` - (Optional) For sources that are version-aware, the revision to use.
    64  ## Attributes Reference
    66  The following attributes are exported:
    68  * `id` - The id of the stack.