
     1  ---
     2  layout: "vsphere"
     3  page_title: "VMware vSphere: vsphere_virtual_machine"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-vsphere-resource-virtual-machine"
     5  description: |-
     6    Provides a VMware vSphere virtual machine resource. This can be used to create, modify, and delete virtual machines.
     7  ---
     9  # vsphere\_virtual\_machine
    11  Provides a VMware vSphere virtual machine resource. This can be used to create,
    12  modify, and delete virtual machines.
    14  ## Example Usage
    16  ```
    17  resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "web" {
    18    name   = "terraform_web"
    19    vcpu   = 2
    20    memory = 4096
    22    network_interface {
    23      label = "VM Network"
    24    }
    26    disk {
    27      template = "centos-7"
    28    }
    29  }
    30  ```
    32  ## Argument Reference
    34  The following arguments are supported:
    36  * `name` - (Required) The virtual machine name
    37  * `vcpu` - (Required) The number of virtual CPUs to allocate to the virtual machine
    38  * `memory` - (Required) The amount of RAM (in MB) to allocate to the virtual machine
    39  * `datacenter` - (Optional) The name of a Datacenter in which to launch the virtual machine
    40  * `cluster` - (Optional) Name of a Cluster in which to launch the virtual machine
    41  * `resource_pool` (Optional) The name of a Resource Pool in which to launch the virtual machine
    42  * `gateway` - (Optional) Gateway IP address to use for all network interfaces
    43  * `domain` - (Optional) A FQDN for the virtual machine; defaults to "vsphere.local"
    44  * `time_zone` - (Optional) The [time zone]( to set on the virtual machine. Defaults to "Etc/UTC"
    45  * `dns_suffixes` - (Optional) List of name resolution suffixes for the virtual network adapter
    46  * `dns_servers` - (Optional) List of DNS servers for the virtual network adapter; defaults to,
    47  * `network_interface` - (Required) Configures virtual network interfaces; see [Network Interfaces](#network-interfaces) below for details.
    48  * `disk` - (Required) Configures virtual disks; see [Disks](#disks) below for details
    49  * `boot_delay` - (Optional) Time in seconds to wait for machine network to be ready.
    50  * `custom_configuration_parameters` - (Optional) Map of values that is set as virtual machine custom configurations.
    52  The `network_interface` block supports:
    54  * `label` - (Required) Label to assign to this network interface
    55  * `ipv4_address` - (Optional) Static IP to assign to this network interface. Interface will use DHCP if this is left blank. Currently only IPv4 IP addresses are supported.
    56  * `ipv4_prefix_length` - (Optional) prefix length to use when statically assigning an IP.
    58  The following arguments are maintained for backwards compatibility and may be
    59  removed in a future version:
    61  * `ip_address` - __Deprecated, please use `ipv4_address` instead_.
    62  * `subnet_mask` - __Deprecated, please use `ipv4_prefix_length` instead_.
    65  The `disk` block supports:
    67  * `template` - (Required if size not provided) Template for this disk.
    68  * `datastore` - (Optional) Datastore for this disk
    69  * `size` - (Required if template not provided) Size of this disk (in GB).
    70  * `iops` - (Optional) Number of virtual iops to allocate for this disk.
    72  ## Attributes Reference
    74  The following attributes are exported:
    76  * `id` - The instance ID.
    77  * `name` - See Argument Reference above.
    78  * `vcpu` - See Argument Reference above.
    79  * `memory` - See Argument Reference above.
    80  * `datacenter` - See Argument Reference above.
    81  * `network_interface/label` - See Argument Reference above.
    82  * `network_interface/ipv4_address` - See Argument Reference above.
    83  * `network_interface/ipv4_prefix_length` - See Argument Reference above.
    84  * `network_interface/ipv6_address` - Assigned static IPv6 address.
    85  * `network_interface/ipv6_prefix_length` - Prefix length of assigned static IPv6 address.