
     1  ## ACL Configure
     2  ```
     3  Attention: Acl Type Change, change `pub =1, sub=2`  to `sub =1, pub=2`
     4  ```
     5  #### The ACL rules define:
     6  ~~~
     7  Allow | type | value | pubsub | Topics
     8  ~~~
     9  #### ACL Config
    10  ~~~
    11  ## type clientid , username, ipaddr
    12  ##sub 1 ,  pub 2,  pubsub 3
    13  ## %c is clientid , %u is username
    14  allow      ip   2     $SYS/#
    15  allow      clientid    0001        3     #
    16  allow      username    admin       3     #
    17  allow      username    joy         3     /test,hello/world 
    18  allow      clientid    *           1     toCloud/%c
    19  allow      username    *           1     toCloud/%u
    20  deny       clientid    *           3     #
    21  ~~~
    23  ~~~
    24  #allow local sub $SYS topic
    25  allow      ip   1    $SYS/#
    26  ~~~
    27  ~~~
    28  #allow client who's id with 0001 or username with admin pub sub all topic
    29  allow      clientid    0001        3        #
    30  allow      username    admin       3        #
    31  ~~~
    32  ~~~
    33  #allow client with the username joy can pub sub topic '/test' and 'hello/world'
    34  allow      username    joy         3     /test,hello/world 
    35  ~~~
    36  ~~~
    37  #allow all client pub the topic toCloud/{clientid/username}
    38  allow      clientid    *         2         toCloud/%c
    39  allow      username    *         2         toCloud/%u
    40  ~~~
    41  ~~~
    42  #deny all client pub sub all topic
    43  deny       clientid    *         3           #
    44  ~~~
    45  Client match acl rule one by one
    46  ~~~
    47            ---------              ---------              ---------
    48  Client -> | Rule1 | --nomatch--> | Rule2 | --nomatch--> | Rule3 | --> 
    49            ---------              ---------              ---------
    50                |                      |                      |
    51              match                  match                  match
    52               \|/                    \|/                    \|/
    53          allow | deny           allow | deny           allow | deny
    54  ~~~