(about) 1 package bddtests 2 3 import "" 4 5 func FeatureContext(s *godog.Suite) { 6 bddCtx := &BDDContext{godogSuite: s, users: make(map[string]*UserRegistration), grpcClientPort: 7051} 7 8 s.BeforeScenario(bddCtx.beforeScenario) 9 s.AfterScenario(bddCtx.afterScenarioDecompose) 10 11 FeatureContextBootstrap(bddCtx, s) 12 13 s.Step(`^we compose "([^"]*)"$`, bddCtx.weCompose) 14 s.Step(`^requesting "([^"]*)" from "([^"]*)"$`, bddCtx.requestingFrom) 15 s.Step(`^I should get a JSON response with array "([^"]*)" contains "([^"]*)" elements$`, bddCtx.iShouldGetAJSONResponseWithArrayContainsElements) 16 s.Step(`^I wait "([^"]*)" seconds$`, bddCtx.iWaitSeconds) 17 s.Step(`^I register with CA supplying username "([^"]*)" and secret "([^"]*)" on peers:$`, bddCtx.iRegisterWithCASupplyingUsernameAndSecretOnPeers) 18 s.Step(`^user "([^"]*)" creates a chaincode spec "([^"]*)" of type "([^"]*)" for chaincode "([^"]*)" with args$`, bddCtx.userCreatesAChaincodeSpecOfTypeForChaincodeWithArgs) 19 20 s.Step(`^user "([^"]*)" creates a deployment spec "([^"]*)" using chaincode spec "([^"]*)" and devops on peer "([^"]*)"$`, bddCtx.userCreatesADeploymentSpecUsingChaincodeSpecAndDevopsOnPeer) 21 //s.Step(`^user "([^"]*)" creates a deployment spec "([^"]*)" using chaincode spec "([^"]*)"$`, bddCtx.userCreatesADeploymentSpecUsingChaincodeSpec) 22 23 s.Step(`^user "([^"]*)" creates a deployment proposal "([^"]*)" using chaincode deployment spec "([^"]*)"$`, bddCtx.userCreatesADeploymentProposalUsingChaincodeDeploymentSpec) 24 s.Step(`^user "([^"]*)" sends proposal "([^"]*)" to endorsers with timeout of "([^"]*)" seconds:$`, bddCtx.userSendsProposalToEndorsersWithTimeoutOfSeconds) 25 s.Step(`^user "([^"]*)" stores their last result as "([^"]*)"$`, bddCtx.userStoresTheirLastResultAs) 26 s.Step(`^user "([^"]*)" expects proposal responses "([^"]*)" with status "([^"]*)" from endorsers:$`, bddCtx.userExpectsProposalResponsesWithStatusFromEndorsers) 27 s.Step(`^user "([^"]*)" sets ESCC to "([^"]*)" for chaincode spec "([^"]*)"$`, bddCtx.userSetsESCCToForChaincodeSpec) 28 s.Step(`^user "([^"]*)" sets VSCC to "([^"]*)" for chaincode spec "([^"]*)"$`, bddCtx.userSetsVSCCToForChaincodeSpec) 29 } 30