
     1  {
     2      "$schema": "",
     3      "$ref": "#/definitions/Story",
     4      "definitions": {
     5          "Story": {
     6              "type": "object",
     7              "description": "Story .meta file",
     8              "additionalProperties": false,
     9              "properties": {
    10                  "story": {
    11                      "type": "string",
    12                      "description": "Name of the story"
    13                  },
    14                  "organisation": {
    15                      "type": "string",
    16                      "description": "Name of the GitHub user/organisation under which repos are kept"
    17                  },
    18                  "projects": {
    19                      "type": "object",
    20                      "description": "Map of metarepo projects in the story and their git+ssh URLs",
    21                      "additionalProperties": {
    22                          "type": "string"
    23                      }
    24                  },
    25                  "hashes": {
    26                      "type": "object",
    27                      "description": "Current commit hashes of every project in the story",
    28                      "additionalProperties": {
    29                          "type": "string"
    30                      }
    31                  },
    32                  "blastRadius": {
    33                      "type": "object",
    34                      "description": "Current blast radius of changes across the metarepo for this story",
    35                      "additionalProperties": {
    36                          "anyOf": [
    37                              {
    38                                  "type": "array",
    39                                  "items": {
    40                                      "type": "string"
    41                                  }
    42                              },
    43                              {
    44                                  "type": "null"
    45                              }
    46                          ]
    47                      }
    48                  },
    49                  "artifacts": {
    50                      "type": "object",
    51                      "description": "Deployable artifacts within the metarepo",
    52                      "additionalProperties": {
    53                          "type": "boolean"
    54                      }
    55                  },
    56                  "allProjects": {
    57                      "type": "object",
    58                      "description": "Map of all metarepo projects and their git+ssh URLs",
    59                      "additionalProperties": {
    60                          "type": "string"
    61                      }
    62                  }
    63              },
    64              "required": [
    65                  "allProjects",
    66                  "artifacts",
    67                  "blastRadius",
    68                  "hashes",
    69                  "organisation",
    70                  "projects",
    71                  "story"
    72              ],
    73              "title": "Story"
    74          }
    75      }
    76  }