
     1  // Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  /*
     6  This file contains the code to check range loop variables bound inside function
     7  literals that are deferred or launched in new goroutines. We only check
     8  instances where the defer or go statement is the last statement in the loop
     9  body, as otherwise we would need whole program analysis.
    11  For example:
    13  	for i, v := range s {
    14  		go func() {
    15  			println(i, v) // not what you might expect
    16  		}()
    17  	}
    19  See:
    20  */
    22  package main
    24  import "go/ast"
    26  func init() {
    27  	register("rangeloops",
    28  		"check that loop variables are used correctly",
    29  		checkLoop,
    30  		rangeStmt, forStmt)
    31  }
    33  // checkLoop walks the body of the provided loop statement, checking whether
    34  // its index or value variables are used unsafely inside goroutines or deferred
    35  // function literals.
    36  func checkLoop(f *File, node ast.Node) {
    37  	// Find the variables updated by the loop statement.
    38  	var vars []*ast.Ident
    39  	addVar := func(expr ast.Expr) {
    40  		if id, ok := expr.(*ast.Ident); ok {
    41  			vars = append(vars, id)
    42  		}
    43  	}
    44  	var body *ast.BlockStmt
    45  	switch n := node.(type) {
    46  	case *ast.RangeStmt:
    47  		body = n.Body
    48  		addVar(n.Key)
    49  		addVar(n.Value)
    50  	case *ast.ForStmt:
    51  		body = n.Body
    52  		switch post := n.Post.(type) {
    53  		case *ast.AssignStmt:
    54  			// e.g. for p = head; p != nil; p =
    55  			for _, lhs := range post.Lhs {
    56  				addVar(lhs)
    57  			}
    58  		case *ast.IncDecStmt:
    59  			// e.g. for i := 0; i < n; i++
    60  			addVar(post.X)
    61  		}
    62  	}
    63  	if vars == nil {
    64  		return
    65  	}
    67  	// Inspect a go or defer statement
    68  	// if it's the last one in the loop body.
    69  	// (We give up if there are following statements,
    70  	// because it's hard to prove go isn't followed by wait,
    71  	// or defer by return.)
    72  	if len(body.List) == 0 {
    73  		return
    74  	}
    75  	var last *ast.CallExpr
    76  	switch s := body.List[len(body.List)-1].(type) {
    77  	case *ast.GoStmt:
    78  		last = s.Call
    79  	case *ast.DeferStmt:
    80  		last = s.Call
    81  	default:
    82  		return
    83  	}
    84  	lit, ok := last.Fun.(*ast.FuncLit)
    85  	if !ok {
    86  		return
    87  	}
    88  	ast.Inspect(lit.Body, func(n ast.Node) bool {
    89  		id, ok := n.(*ast.Ident)
    90  		if !ok || id.Obj == nil {
    91  			return true
    92  		}
    93  		if f.pkg.types[id].Type == nil {
    94  			// Not referring to a variable (e.g. struct field name)
    95  			return true
    96  		}
    97  		for _, v := range vars {
    98  			if v.Obj == id.Obj {
    99  				f.Badf(id.Pos(), "loop variable %s captured by func literal",
   100  					id.Name)
   101  			}
   102  		}
   103  		return true
   104  	})
   105  }