
     1  // Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package runtime
     7  import (
     8  	"runtime/internal/atomic"
     9  	"runtime/internal/sys"
    10  	"unsafe"
    11  )
    13  // Frames may be used to get function/file/line information for a
    14  // slice of PC values returned by Callers.
    15  type Frames struct {
    16  	// callers is a slice of PCs that have not yet been expanded.
    17  	callers []uintptr
    19  	// stackExpander expands callers into a sequence of Frames,
    20  	// tracking the necessary state across PCs.
    21  	stackExpander stackExpander
    23  	// elideWrapper indicates that, if the next frame is an
    24  	// autogenerated wrapper function, it should be elided from
    25  	// the stack.
    26  	elideWrapper bool
    27  }
    29  // Frame is the information returned by Frames for each call frame.
    30  type Frame struct {
    31  	// PC is the program counter for the location in this frame.
    32  	// For a frame that calls another frame, this will be the
    33  	// program counter of a call instruction. Because of inlining,
    34  	// multiple frames may have the same PC value, but different
    35  	// symbolic information.
    36  	PC uintptr
    38  	// Func is the Func value of this call frame. This may be nil
    39  	// for non-Go code or fully inlined functions.
    40  	Func *Func
    42  	// Function is the package path-qualified function name of
    43  	// this call frame. If non-empty, this string uniquely
    44  	// identifies a single function in the program.
    45  	// This may be the empty string if not known.
    46  	// If Func is not nil then Function == Func.Name().
    47  	Function string
    49  	// File and Line are the file name and line number of the
    50  	// location in this frame. For non-leaf frames, this will be
    51  	// the location of a call. These may be the empty string and
    52  	// zero, respectively, if not known.
    53  	File string
    54  	Line int
    56  	// Entry point program counter for the function; may be zero
    57  	// if not known. If Func is not nil then Entry ==
    58  	// Func.Entry().
    59  	Entry uintptr
    60  }
    62  // stackExpander expands a call stack of PCs into a sequence of
    63  // Frames. It tracks state across PCs necessary to perform this
    64  // expansion.
    65  //
    66  // This is the core of the Frames implementation, but is a separate
    67  // internal API to make it possible to use within the runtime without
    68  // heap-allocating the PC slice. The only difference with the public
    69  // Frames API is that the caller is responsible for threading the PC
    70  // slice between expansion steps in this API. If escape analysis were
    71  // smarter, we may not need this (though it may have to be a lot
    72  // smarter).
    73  type stackExpander struct {
    74  	// pcExpander expands the current PC into a sequence of Frames.
    75  	pcExpander pcExpander
    77  	// If previous caller in iteration was a panic, then the next
    78  	// PC in the call stack is the address of the faulting
    79  	// instruction instead of the return address of the call.
    80  	wasPanic bool
    82  	// skip > 0 indicates that skip frames in the expansion of the
    83  	// first PC should be skipped over and callers[1] should also
    84  	// be skipped.
    85  	skip int
    86  }
    88  // CallersFrames takes a slice of PC values returned by Callers and
    89  // prepares to return function/file/line information.
    90  // Do not change the slice until you are done with the Frames.
    91  func CallersFrames(callers []uintptr) *Frames {
    92  	ci := &Frames{}
    93  	ci.callers = ci.stackExpander.init(callers)
    94  	return ci
    95  }
    97  func (se *stackExpander) init(callers []uintptr) []uintptr {
    98  	if len(callers) >= 1 {
    99  		pc := callers[0]
   100  		s := pc - skipPC
   101  		if s >= 0 && s < sizeofSkipFunction {
   102  			// Ignore skip frame callers[0] since this means the caller trimmed the PC slice.
   103  			return callers[1:]
   104  		}
   105  	}
   106  	if len(callers) >= 2 {
   107  		pc := callers[1]
   108  		s := pc - skipPC
   109  		if s > 0 && s < sizeofSkipFunction {
   110  			// Skip the first s inlined frames when we expand the first PC.
   111  			se.skip = int(s)
   112  		}
   113  	}
   114  	return callers
   115  }
   117  // Next returns frame information for the next caller.
   118  // If more is false, there are no more callers (the Frame value is valid).
   119  func (ci *Frames) Next() (frame Frame, more bool) {
   120  	ci.callers, frame, more =, ci.elideWrapper)
   121  	ci.elideWrapper = elideWrapperCalling(frame.Function)
   122  	return
   123  }
   125  func (se *stackExpander) next(callers []uintptr, elideWrapper bool) (ncallers []uintptr, frame Frame, more bool) {
   126  	ncallers = callers
   127  again:
   128  	if !se.pcExpander.more {
   129  		// Expand the next PC.
   130  		if len(ncallers) == 0 {
   131  			se.wasPanic = false
   132  			return ncallers, Frame{}, false
   133  		}
   134  		se.pcExpander.init(ncallers[0], se.wasPanic)
   135  		ncallers = ncallers[1:]
   136  		se.wasPanic = se.pcExpander.funcInfo.valid() && se.pcExpander.funcInfo.funcID == funcID_sigpanic
   137  		if se.skip > 0 {
   138  			for ; se.skip > 0; se.skip-- {
   140  			}
   141  			se.skip = 0
   142  			// Drop skipPleaseUseCallersFrames.
   143  			ncallers = ncallers[1:]
   144  		}
   145  		if !se.pcExpander.more {
   146  			// No symbolic information for this PC.
   147  			// However, we return at least one frame for
   148  			// every PC, so return an invalid frame.
   149  			return ncallers, Frame{}, len(ncallers) > 0
   150  		}
   151  	}
   153  	frame =
   154  	if elideWrapper && frame.File == "<autogenerated>" {
   155  		// Ignore autogenerated functions such as pointer
   156  		// method forwarding functions. These are an
   157  		// implementation detail that doesn't reflect the
   158  		// source code.
   159  		goto again
   160  	}
   161  	return ncallers, frame, se.pcExpander.more || len(ncallers) > 0
   162  }
   164  // A pcExpander expands a single PC into a sequence of Frames.
   165  type pcExpander struct {
   166  	// more indicates that the next call to next will return a
   167  	// valid frame.
   168  	more bool
   170  	// pc is the pc being expanded.
   171  	pc uintptr
   173  	// frames is a pre-expanded set of Frames to return from the
   174  	// iterator. If this is set, then this is everything that will
   175  	// be returned from the iterator.
   176  	frames []Frame
   178  	// funcInfo is the funcInfo of the function containing pc.
   179  	funcInfo funcInfo
   181  	// inlTree is the inlining tree of the function containing pc.
   182  	inlTree *[1 << 20]inlinedCall
   184  	// file and line are the file name and line number of the next
   185  	// frame.
   186  	file string
   187  	line int32
   189  	// inlIndex is the inlining index of the next frame, or -1 if
   190  	// the next frame is an outermost frame.
   191  	inlIndex int32
   192  }
   194  // init initializes this pcExpander to expand pc. It sets ex.more if
   195  // pc expands to any Frames.
   196  //
   197  // A pcExpander can be reused by calling init again.
   198  //
   199  // If pc was a "call" to sigpanic, panicCall should be true. In this
   200  // case, pc is treated as the address of a faulting instruction
   201  // instead of the return address of a call.
   202  func (ex *pcExpander) init(pc uintptr, panicCall bool) {
   203  	ex.more = false
   205  	ex.funcInfo = findfunc(pc)
   206  	if !ex.funcInfo.valid() {
   207  		if cgoSymbolizer != nil {
   208  			// Pre-expand cgo frames. We could do this
   209  			// incrementally, too, but there's no way to
   210  			// avoid allocation in this case anyway.
   211  			ex.frames = expandCgoFrames(pc)
   212  			ex.more = len(ex.frames) > 0
   213  		}
   214  		return
   215  	}
   217  	ex.more = true
   218  	entry := ex.funcInfo.entry
   219  	ex.pc = pc
   220  	if ex.pc > entry && !panicCall {
   221  		ex.pc--
   222  	}
   224  	// file and line are the innermost position at pc.
   225  	ex.file, ex.line = funcline1(ex.funcInfo, ex.pc, false)
   227  	// Get inlining tree at pc
   228  	inldata := funcdata(ex.funcInfo, _FUNCDATA_InlTree)
   229  	if inldata != nil {
   230  		ex.inlTree = (*[1 << 20]inlinedCall)(inldata)
   231  		ex.inlIndex = pcdatavalue(ex.funcInfo, _PCDATA_InlTreeIndex, ex.pc, nil)
   232  	} else {
   233  		ex.inlTree = nil
   234  		ex.inlIndex = -1
   235  	}
   236  }
   238  // next returns the next Frame in the expansion of pc and sets ex.more
   239  // if there are more Frames to follow.
   240  func (ex *pcExpander) next() Frame {
   241  	if !ex.more {
   242  		return Frame{}
   243  	}
   245  	if len(ex.frames) > 0 {
   246  		// Return pre-expended frame.
   247  		frame := ex.frames[0]
   248  		ex.frames = ex.frames[1:]
   249  		ex.more = len(ex.frames) > 0
   250  		return frame
   251  	}
   253  	if ex.inlIndex >= 0 {
   254  		// Return inner inlined frame.
   255  		call := ex.inlTree[ex.inlIndex]
   256  		frame := Frame{
   257  			PC:       ex.pc,
   258  			Func:     nil, // nil for inlined functions
   259  			Function: funcnameFromNameoff(ex.funcInfo, call.func_),
   260  			File:     ex.file,
   261  			Line:     int(ex.line),
   262  			Entry:    ex.funcInfo.entry,
   263  		}
   264  		ex.file = funcfile(ex.funcInfo, call.file)
   265  		ex.line = call.line
   266  		ex.inlIndex = call.parent
   267  		return frame
   268  	}
   270  	// No inlining or pre-expanded frames.
   271  	ex.more = false
   272  	return Frame{
   273  		PC:       ex.pc,
   274  		Func:     ex.funcInfo._Func(),
   275  		Function: funcname(ex.funcInfo),
   276  		File:     ex.file,
   277  		Line:     int(ex.line),
   278  		Entry:    ex.funcInfo.entry,
   279  	}
   280  }
   282  // expandCgoFrames expands frame information for pc, known to be
   283  // a non-Go function, using the cgoSymbolizer hook. expandCgoFrames
   284  // returns nil if pc could not be expanded.
   285  func expandCgoFrames(pc uintptr) []Frame {
   286  	arg := cgoSymbolizerArg{pc: pc}
   287  	callCgoSymbolizer(&arg)
   289  	if arg.file == nil && arg.funcName == nil {
   290  		// No useful information from symbolizer.
   291  		return nil
   292  	}
   294  	var frames []Frame
   295  	for {
   296  		frames = append(frames, Frame{
   297  			PC:       pc,
   298  			Func:     nil,
   299  			Function: gostring(arg.funcName),
   300  			File:     gostring(arg.file),
   301  			Line:     int(arg.lineno),
   302  			Entry:    arg.entry,
   303  		})
   304  		if arg.more == 0 {
   305  			break
   306  		}
   307  		callCgoSymbolizer(&arg)
   308  	}
   310  	// No more frames for this PC. Tell the symbolizer we are done.
   311  	// We don't try to maintain a single cgoSymbolizerArg for the
   312  	// whole use of Frames, because there would be no good way to tell
   313  	// the symbolizer when we are done.
   314  	arg.pc = 0
   315  	callCgoSymbolizer(&arg)
   317  	return frames
   318  }
   320  // NOTE: Func does not expose the actual unexported fields, because we return *Func
   321  // values to users, and we want to keep them from being able to overwrite the data
   322  // with (say) *f = Func{}.
   323  // All code operating on a *Func must call raw() to get the *_func
   324  // or funcInfo() to get the funcInfo instead.
   326  // A Func represents a Go function in the running binary.
   327  type Func struct {
   328  	opaque struct{} // unexported field to disallow conversions
   329  }
   331  func (f *Func) raw() *_func {
   332  	return (*_func)(unsafe.Pointer(f))
   333  }
   335  func (f *Func) funcInfo() funcInfo {
   336  	fn := f.raw()
   337  	return funcInfo{fn, findmoduledatap(fn.entry)}
   338  }
   340  // PCDATA and FUNCDATA table indexes.
   341  //
   342  // See funcdata.h and ../cmd/internal/obj/funcdata.go.
   343  const (
   344  	_PCDATA_StackMapIndex       = 0
   345  	_PCDATA_InlTreeIndex        = 1
   346  	_FUNCDATA_ArgsPointerMaps   = 0
   347  	_FUNCDATA_LocalsPointerMaps = 1
   348  	_FUNCDATA_InlTree           = 2
   349  	_ArgsSizeUnknown            = -0x80000000
   350  )
   352  // A FuncID identifies particular functions that need to be treated
   353  // specially by the runtime.
   354  // Note that in some situations involving plugins, there may be multiple
   355  // copies of a particular special runtime function.
   356  // Note: this list must match the list in cmd/internal/objabi/funcid.go.
   357  type funcID uint32
   359  const (
   360  	funcID_normal funcID = iota // not a special function
   361  	funcID_goexit
   362  	funcID_jmpdefer
   363  	funcID_mcall
   364  	funcID_morestack
   365  	funcID_mstart
   366  	funcID_rt0_go
   367  	funcID_asmcgocall
   368  	funcID_sigpanic
   369  	funcID_runfinq
   370  	funcID_bgsweep
   371  	funcID_forcegchelper
   372  	funcID_timerproc
   373  	funcID_gcBgMarkWorker
   374  	funcID_systemstack_switch
   375  	funcID_systemstack
   376  	funcID_cgocallback_gofunc
   377  	funcID_gogo
   378  	funcID_externalthreadhandler
   379  )
   381  // moduledata records information about the layout of the executable
   382  // image. It is written by the linker. Any changes here must be
   383  // matched changes to the code in cmd/internal/ld/symtab.go:symtab.
   384  // moduledata is stored in statically allocated non-pointer memory;
   385  // none of the pointers here are visible to the garbage collector.
   386  type moduledata struct {
   387  	pclntable    []byte
   388  	ftab         []functab
   389  	filetab      []uint32
   390  	findfunctab  uintptr
   391  	minpc, maxpc uintptr
   393  	text, etext           uintptr
   394  	noptrdata, enoptrdata uintptr
   395  	data, edata           uintptr
   396  	bss, ebss             uintptr
   397  	noptrbss, enoptrbss   uintptr
   398  	end, gcdata, gcbss    uintptr
   399  	types, etypes         uintptr
   401  	textsectmap []textsect
   402  	typelinks   []int32 // offsets from types
   403  	itablinks   []*itab
   405  	ptab []ptabEntry
   407  	pluginpath string
   408  	pkghashes  []modulehash
   410  	modulename   string
   411  	modulehashes []modulehash
   413  	hasmain uint8 // 1 if module contains the main function, 0 otherwise
   415  	gcdatamask, gcbssmask bitvector
   417  	typemap map[typeOff]*_type // offset to *_rtype in previous module
   419  	bad bool // module failed to load and should be ignored
   421  	next *moduledata
   422  }
   424  // A modulehash is used to compare the ABI of a new module or a
   425  // package in a new module with the loaded program.
   426  //
   427  // For each shared library a module links against, the linker creates an entry in the
   428  // moduledata.modulehashes slice containing the name of the module, the abi hash seen
   429  // at link time and a pointer to the runtime abi hash. These are checked in
   430  // moduledataverify1 below.
   431  //
   432  // For each loaded plugin, the pkghashes slice has a modulehash of the
   433  // newly loaded package that can be used to check the plugin's version of
   434  // a package against any previously loaded version of the package.
   435  // This is done in plugin.lastmoduleinit.
   436  type modulehash struct {
   437  	modulename   string
   438  	linktimehash string
   439  	runtimehash  *string
   440  }
   442  // pinnedTypemaps are the map[typeOff]*_type from the moduledata objects.
   443  //
   444  // These typemap objects are allocated at run time on the heap, but the
   445  // only direct reference to them is in the moduledata, created by the
   446  // linker and marked SNOPTRDATA so it is ignored by the GC.
   447  //
   448  // To make sure the map isn't collected, we keep a second reference here.
   449  var pinnedTypemaps []map[typeOff]*_type
   451  var firstmoduledata moduledata  // linker symbol
   452  var lastmoduledatap *moduledata // linker symbol
   453  var modulesSlice *[]*moduledata // see activeModules
   455  // activeModules returns a slice of active modules.
   456  //
   457  // A module is active once its gcdatamask and gcbssmask have been
   458  // assembled and it is usable by the GC.
   459  //
   460  // This is nosplit/nowritebarrier because it is called by the
   461  // cgo pointer checking code.
   462  //go:nosplit
   463  //go:nowritebarrier
   464  func activeModules() []*moduledata {
   465  	p := (*[]*moduledata)(atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&modulesSlice)))
   466  	if p == nil {
   467  		return nil
   468  	}
   469  	return *p
   470  }
   472  // modulesinit creates the active modules slice out of all loaded modules.
   473  //
   474  // When a module is first loaded by the dynamic linker, an .init_array
   475  // function (written by cmd/link) is invoked to call addmoduledata,
   476  // appending to the module to the linked list that starts with
   477  // firstmoduledata.
   478  //
   479  // There are two times this can happen in the lifecycle of a Go
   480  // program. First, if compiled with -linkshared, a number of modules
   481  // built with -buildmode=shared can be loaded at program initialization.
   482  // Second, a Go program can load a module while running that was built
   483  // with -buildmode=plugin.
   484  //
   485  // After loading, this function is called which initializes the
   486  // moduledata so it is usable by the GC and creates a new activeModules
   487  // list.
   488  //
   489  // Only one goroutine may call modulesinit at a time.
   490  func modulesinit() {
   491  	modules := new([]*moduledata)
   492  	for md := &firstmoduledata; md != nil; md = {
   493  		if md.bad {
   494  			continue
   495  		}
   496  		*modules = append(*modules, md)
   497  		if md.gcdatamask == (bitvector{}) {
   498  			md.gcdatamask = progToPointerMask((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(md.gcdata)),
   499  			md.gcbssmask = progToPointerMask((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(md.gcbss)), md.ebss-md.bss)
   500  		}
   501  	}
   503  	// Modules appear in the moduledata linked list in the order they are
   504  	// loaded by the dynamic loader, with one exception: the
   505  	// firstmoduledata itself the module that contains the runtime. This
   506  	// is not always the first module (when using -buildmode=shared, it
   507  	// is typically, the second module). The order matters for
   508  	// typelinksinit, so we swap the first module with whatever module
   509  	// contains the main function.
   510  	//
   511  	// See Issue #18729.
   512  	for i, md := range *modules {
   513  		if md.hasmain != 0 {
   514  			(*modules)[0] = md
   515  			(*modules)[i] = &firstmoduledata
   516  			break
   517  		}
   518  	}
   520  	atomicstorep(unsafe.Pointer(&modulesSlice), unsafe.Pointer(modules))
   521  }
   523  type functab struct {
   524  	entry   uintptr
   525  	funcoff uintptr
   526  }
   528  // Mapping information for secondary text sections
   530  type textsect struct {
   531  	vaddr    uintptr // prelinked section vaddr
   532  	length   uintptr // section length
   533  	baseaddr uintptr // relocated section address
   534  }
   536  const minfunc = 16                 // minimum function size
   537  const pcbucketsize = 256 * minfunc // size of bucket in the pc->func lookup table
   539  // findfunctab is an array of these structures.
   540  // Each bucket represents 4096 bytes of the text segment.
   541  // Each subbucket represents 256 bytes of the text segment.
   542  // To find a function given a pc, locate the bucket and subbucket for
   543  // that pc. Add together the idx and subbucket value to obtain a
   544  // function index. Then scan the functab array starting at that
   545  // index to find the target function.
   546  // This table uses 20 bytes for every 4096 bytes of code, or ~0.5% overhead.
   547  type findfuncbucket struct {
   548  	idx        uint32
   549  	subbuckets [16]byte
   550  }
   552  func moduledataverify() {
   553  	for datap := &firstmoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
   554  		moduledataverify1(datap)
   555  	}
   556  }
   558  const debugPcln = false
   560  func moduledataverify1(datap *moduledata) {
   561  	// See for header: 0xfffffffb,
   562  	// two zero bytes, a byte giving the PC quantum,
   563  	// and a byte giving the pointer width in bytes.
   564  	pcln := *(**[8]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&datap.pclntable))
   565  	pcln32 := *(**[2]uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&datap.pclntable))
   566  	if pcln32[0] != 0xfffffffb || pcln[4] != 0 || pcln[5] != 0 || pcln[6] != sys.PCQuantum || pcln[7] != sys.PtrSize {
   567  		println("runtime: function symbol table header:", hex(pcln32[0]), hex(pcln[4]), hex(pcln[5]), hex(pcln[6]), hex(pcln[7]))
   568  		throw("invalid function symbol table\n")
   569  	}
   571  	// ftab is lookup table for function by program counter.
   572  	nftab := len(datap.ftab) - 1
   573  	for i := 0; i < nftab; i++ {
   574  		// NOTE: ftab[nftab].entry is legal; it is the address beyond the final function.
   575  		if datap.ftab[i].entry > datap.ftab[i+1].entry {
   576  			f1 := funcInfo{(*_func)(unsafe.Pointer(&datap.pclntable[datap.ftab[i].funcoff])), datap}
   577  			f2 := funcInfo{(*_func)(unsafe.Pointer(&datap.pclntable[datap.ftab[i+1].funcoff])), datap}
   578  			f2name := "end"
   579  			if i+1 < nftab {
   580  				f2name = funcname(f2)
   581  			}
   582  			println("function symbol table not sorted by program counter:", hex(datap.ftab[i].entry), funcname(f1), ">", hex(datap.ftab[i+1].entry), f2name)
   583  			for j := 0; j <= i; j++ {
   584  				print("\t", hex(datap.ftab[j].entry), " ", funcname(funcInfo{(*_func)(unsafe.Pointer(&datap.pclntable[datap.ftab[j].funcoff])), datap}), "\n")
   585  			}
   586  			throw("invalid runtime symbol table")
   587  		}
   588  	}
   590  	if datap.minpc != datap.ftab[0].entry ||
   591  		datap.maxpc != datap.ftab[nftab].entry {
   592  		throw("minpc or maxpc invalid")
   593  	}
   595  	for _, modulehash := range datap.modulehashes {
   596  		if modulehash.linktimehash != *modulehash.runtimehash {
   597  			println("abi mismatch detected between", datap.modulename, "and", modulehash.modulename)
   598  			throw("abi mismatch")
   599  		}
   600  	}
   601  }
   603  // FuncForPC returns a *Func describing the function that contains the
   604  // given program counter address, or else nil.
   605  //
   606  // If pc represents multiple functions because of inlining, it returns
   607  // the *Func describing the outermost function.
   608  func FuncForPC(pc uintptr) *Func {
   609  	return findfunc(pc)._Func()
   610  }
   612  // Name returns the name of the function.
   613  func (f *Func) Name() string {
   614  	if f == nil {
   615  		return ""
   616  	}
   617  	return funcname(f.funcInfo())
   618  }
   620  // Entry returns the entry address of the function.
   621  func (f *Func) Entry() uintptr {
   622  	return f.raw().entry
   623  }
   625  // FileLine returns the file name and line number of the
   626  // source code corresponding to the program counter pc.
   627  // The result will not be accurate if pc is not a program
   628  // counter within f.
   629  func (f *Func) FileLine(pc uintptr) (file string, line int) {
   630  	// Pass strict=false here, because anyone can call this function,
   631  	// and they might just be wrong about targetpc belonging to f.
   632  	file, line32 := funcline1(f.funcInfo(), pc, false)
   633  	return file, int(line32)
   634  }
   636  func findmoduledatap(pc uintptr) *moduledata {
   637  	for datap := &firstmoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
   638  		if datap.minpc <= pc && pc < datap.maxpc {
   639  			return datap
   640  		}
   641  	}
   642  	return nil
   643  }
   645  type funcInfo struct {
   646  	*_func
   647  	datap *moduledata
   648  }
   650  func (f funcInfo) valid() bool {
   651  	return f._func != nil
   652  }
   654  func (f funcInfo) _Func() *Func {
   655  	return (*Func)(unsafe.Pointer(f._func))
   656  }
   658  func findfunc(pc uintptr) funcInfo {
   659  	datap := findmoduledatap(pc)
   660  	if datap == nil {
   661  		return funcInfo{}
   662  	}
   663  	const nsub = uintptr(len(findfuncbucket{}.subbuckets))
   665  	x := pc - datap.minpc
   666  	b := x / pcbucketsize
   667  	i := x % pcbucketsize / (pcbucketsize / nsub)
   669  	ffb := (*findfuncbucket)(add(unsafe.Pointer(datap.findfunctab), b*unsafe.Sizeof(findfuncbucket{})))
   670  	idx := ffb.idx + uint32(ffb.subbuckets[i])
   672  	// If the idx is beyond the end of the ftab, set it to the end of the table and search backward.
   673  	// This situation can occur if multiple text sections are generated to handle large text sections
   674  	// and the linker has inserted jump tables between them.
   676  	if idx >= uint32(len(datap.ftab)) {
   677  		idx = uint32(len(datap.ftab) - 1)
   678  	}
   679  	if pc < datap.ftab[idx].entry {
   680  		// With multiple text sections, the idx might reference a function address that
   681  		// is higher than the pc being searched, so search backward until the matching address is found.
   683  		for datap.ftab[idx].entry > pc && idx > 0 {
   684  			idx--
   685  		}
   686  		if idx == 0 {
   687  			throw("findfunc: bad findfunctab entry idx")
   688  		}
   689  	} else {
   690  		// linear search to find func with pc >= entry.
   691  		for datap.ftab[idx+1].entry <= pc {
   692  			idx++
   693  		}
   694  	}
   695  	return funcInfo{(*_func)(unsafe.Pointer(&datap.pclntable[datap.ftab[idx].funcoff])), datap}
   696  }
   698  type pcvalueCache struct {
   699  	entries [16]pcvalueCacheEnt
   700  }
   702  type pcvalueCacheEnt struct {
   703  	// targetpc and off together are the key of this cache entry.
   704  	targetpc uintptr
   705  	off      int32
   706  	// val is the value of this cached pcvalue entry.
   707  	val int32
   708  }
   710  func pcvalue(f funcInfo, off int32, targetpc uintptr, cache *pcvalueCache, strict bool) int32 {
   711  	if off == 0 {
   712  		return -1
   713  	}
   715  	// Check the cache. This speeds up walks of deep stacks, which
   716  	// tend to have the same recursive functions over and over.
   717  	//
   718  	// This cache is small enough that full associativity is
   719  	// cheaper than doing the hashing for a less associative
   720  	// cache.
   721  	if cache != nil {
   722  		for i := range cache.entries {
   723  			// We check off first because we're more
   724  			// likely to have multiple entries with
   725  			// different offsets for the same targetpc
   726  			// than the other way around, so we'll usually
   727  			// fail in the first clause.
   728  			ent := &cache.entries[i]
   729  			if == off && ent.targetpc == targetpc {
   730  				return ent.val
   731  			}
   732  		}
   733  	}
   735  	if !f.valid() {
   736  		if strict && panicking == 0 {
   737  			print("runtime: no module data for ", hex(f.entry), "\n")
   738  			throw("no module data")
   739  		}
   740  		return -1
   741  	}
   742  	datap := f.datap
   743  	p := datap.pclntable[off:]
   744  	pc := f.entry
   745  	val := int32(-1)
   746  	for {
   747  		var ok bool
   748  		p, ok = step(p, &pc, &val, pc == f.entry)
   749  		if !ok {
   750  			break
   751  		}
   752  		if targetpc < pc {
   753  			// Replace a random entry in the cache. Random
   754  			// replacement prevents a performance cliff if
   755  			// a recursive stack's cycle is slightly
   756  			// larger than the cache.
   757  			if cache != nil {
   758  				ci := fastrandn(uint32(len(cache.entries)))
   759  				cache.entries[ci] = pcvalueCacheEnt{
   760  					targetpc: targetpc,
   761  					off:      off,
   762  					val:      val,
   763  				}
   764  			}
   766  			return val
   767  		}
   768  	}
   770  	// If there was a table, it should have covered all program counters.
   771  	// If not, something is wrong.
   772  	if panicking != 0 || !strict {
   773  		return -1
   774  	}
   776  	print("runtime: invalid pc-encoded table f=", funcname(f), " pc=", hex(pc), " targetpc=", hex(targetpc), " tab=", p, "\n")
   778  	p = datap.pclntable[off:]
   779  	pc = f.entry
   780  	val = -1
   781  	for {
   782  		var ok bool
   783  		p, ok = step(p, &pc, &val, pc == f.entry)
   784  		if !ok {
   785  			break
   786  		}
   787  		print("\tvalue=", val, " until pc=", hex(pc), "\n")
   788  	}
   790  	throw("invalid runtime symbol table")
   791  	return -1
   792  }
   794  func cfuncname(f funcInfo) *byte {
   795  	if !f.valid() || f.nameoff == 0 {
   796  		return nil
   797  	}
   798  	return &f.datap.pclntable[f.nameoff]
   799  }
   801  func funcname(f funcInfo) string {
   802  	return gostringnocopy(cfuncname(f))
   803  }
   805  func funcnameFromNameoff(f funcInfo, nameoff int32) string {
   806  	datap := f.datap
   807  	if !f.valid() {
   808  		return ""
   809  	}
   810  	cstr := &datap.pclntable[nameoff]
   811  	return gostringnocopy(cstr)
   812  }
   814  func funcfile(f funcInfo, fileno int32) string {
   815  	datap := f.datap
   816  	if !f.valid() {
   817  		return "?"
   818  	}
   819  	return gostringnocopy(&datap.pclntable[datap.filetab[fileno]])
   820  }
   822  func funcline1(f funcInfo, targetpc uintptr, strict bool) (file string, line int32) {
   823  	datap := f.datap
   824  	if !f.valid() {
   825  		return "?", 0
   826  	}
   827  	fileno := int(pcvalue(f, f.pcfile, targetpc, nil, strict))
   828  	line = pcvalue(f, f.pcln, targetpc, nil, strict)
   829  	if fileno == -1 || line == -1 || fileno >= len(datap.filetab) {
   830  		// print("looking for ", hex(targetpc), " in ", funcname(f), " got file=", fileno, " line=", lineno, "\n")
   831  		return "?", 0
   832  	}
   833  	file = gostringnocopy(&datap.pclntable[datap.filetab[fileno]])
   834  	return
   835  }
   837  func funcline(f funcInfo, targetpc uintptr) (file string, line int32) {
   838  	return funcline1(f, targetpc, true)
   839  }
   841  func funcspdelta(f funcInfo, targetpc uintptr, cache *pcvalueCache) int32 {
   842  	x := pcvalue(f, f.pcsp, targetpc, cache, true)
   843  	if x&(sys.PtrSize-1) != 0 {
   844  		print("invalid spdelta ", funcname(f), " ", hex(f.entry), " ", hex(targetpc), " ", hex(f.pcsp), " ", x, "\n")
   845  	}
   846  	return x
   847  }
   849  func pcdatavalue(f funcInfo, table int32, targetpc uintptr, cache *pcvalueCache) int32 {
   850  	if table < 0 || table >= f.npcdata {
   851  		return -1
   852  	}
   853  	off := *(*int32)(add(unsafe.Pointer(&f.nfuncdata), unsafe.Sizeof(f.nfuncdata)+uintptr(table)*4))
   854  	return pcvalue(f, off, targetpc, cache, true)
   855  }
   857  func funcdata(f funcInfo, i int32) unsafe.Pointer {
   858  	if i < 0 || i >= f.nfuncdata {
   859  		return nil
   860  	}
   861  	p := add(unsafe.Pointer(&f.nfuncdata), unsafe.Sizeof(f.nfuncdata)+uintptr(f.npcdata)*4)
   862  	if sys.PtrSize == 8 && uintptr(p)&4 != 0 {
   863  		if uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(f._func))&4 != 0 {
   864  			println("runtime: misaligned func", f._func)
   865  		}
   866  		p = add(p, 4)
   867  	}
   868  	return *(*unsafe.Pointer)(add(p, uintptr(i)*sys.PtrSize))
   869  }
   871  // step advances to the next pc, value pair in the encoded table.
   872  func step(p []byte, pc *uintptr, val *int32, first bool) (newp []byte, ok bool) {
   873  	// For both uvdelta and pcdelta, the common case (~70%)
   874  	// is that they are a single byte. If so, avoid calling readvarint.
   875  	uvdelta := uint32(p[0])
   876  	if uvdelta == 0 && !first {
   877  		return nil, false
   878  	}
   879  	n := uint32(1)
   880  	if uvdelta&0x80 != 0 {
   881  		n, uvdelta = readvarint(p)
   882  	}
   883  	p = p[n:]
   884  	if uvdelta&1 != 0 {
   885  		uvdelta = ^(uvdelta >> 1)
   886  	} else {
   887  		uvdelta >>= 1
   888  	}
   889  	vdelta := int32(uvdelta)
   890  	pcdelta := uint32(p[0])
   891  	n = 1
   892  	if pcdelta&0x80 != 0 {
   893  		n, pcdelta = readvarint(p)
   894  	}
   895  	p = p[n:]
   896  	*pc += uintptr(pcdelta * sys.PCQuantum)
   897  	*val += vdelta
   898  	return p, true
   899  }
   901  // readvarint reads a varint from p.
   902  func readvarint(p []byte) (read uint32, val uint32) {
   903  	var v, shift, n uint32
   904  	for {
   905  		b := p[n]
   906  		n++
   907  		v |= uint32(b&0x7F) << (shift & 31)
   908  		if b&0x80 == 0 {
   909  			break
   910  		}
   911  		shift += 7
   912  	}
   913  	return n, v
   914  }
   916  type stackmap struct {
   917  	n        int32   // number of bitmaps
   918  	nbit     int32   // number of bits in each bitmap
   919  	bytedata [1]byte // bitmaps, each starting on a byte boundary
   920  }
   922  //go:nowritebarrier
   923  func stackmapdata(stkmap *stackmap, n int32) bitvector {
   924  	if n < 0 || n >= stkmap.n {
   925  		throw("stackmapdata: index out of range")
   926  	}
   927  	return bitvector{stkmap.nbit, (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(&stkmap.bytedata), uintptr(n*((stkmap.nbit+7)>>3))))}
   928  }
   930  // inlinedCall is the encoding of entries in the FUNCDATA_InlTree table.
   931  type inlinedCall struct {
   932  	parent int32 // index of parent in the inltree, or < 0
   933  	file   int32 // fileno index into filetab
   934  	line   int32 // line number of the call site
   935  	func_  int32 // offset into pclntab for name of called function
   936  }