
     1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  #include "go_asm.h"
     6  #include "go_tls.h"
     7  #include "textflag.h"
     9  // void runtime·asmstdcall(void *c);
    10  TEXT runtime·asmstdcall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
    11  	MOVL	fn+0(FP), BX
    13  	// SetLastError(0).
    14  	MOVL	$0, 0x34(FS)
    16  	// Copy args to the stack.
    17  	MOVL	SP, BP
    18  	MOVL	libcall_n(BX), CX	// words
    19  	MOVL	CX, AX
    20  	SALL	$2, AX
    21  	SUBL	AX, SP			// room for args
    22  	MOVL	SP, DI
    23  	MOVL	libcall_args(BX), SI
    24  	CLD
    25  	REP; MOVSL
    27  	// Call stdcall or cdecl function.
    28  	// DI SI BP BX are preserved, SP is not
    29  	CALL	libcall_fn(BX)
    30  	MOVL	BP, SP
    32  	// Return result.
    33  	MOVL	fn+0(FP), BX
    34  	MOVL	AX, libcall_r1(BX)
    35  	MOVL	DX, libcall_r2(BX)
    37  	// GetLastError().
    38  	MOVL	0x34(FS), AX
    39  	MOVL	AX, libcall_err(BX)
    41  	RET
    43  TEXT	runtime·badsignal2(SB),NOSPLIT,$24
    44  	// stderr
    45  	MOVL	$-12, 0(SP)
    46  	MOVL	SP, BP
    47  	CALL	*runtime·_GetStdHandle(SB)
    48  	MOVL	BP, SP
    50  	MOVL	AX, 0(SP)	// handle
    51  	MOVL	$runtime·badsignalmsg(SB), DX // pointer
    52  	MOVL	DX, 4(SP)
    53  	MOVL	runtime·badsignallen(SB), DX // count
    54  	MOVL	DX, 8(SP)
    55  	LEAL	20(SP), DX  // written count
    56  	MOVL	$0, 0(DX)
    57  	MOVL	DX, 12(SP)
    58  	MOVL	$0, 16(SP) // overlapped
    59  	CALL	*runtime·_WriteFile(SB)
    60  	MOVL	BP, SI
    61  	RET
    63  // faster get/set last error
    64  TEXT runtime·getlasterror(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
    65  	MOVL	0x34(FS), AX
    66  	MOVL	AX, ret+0(FP)
    67  	RET
    69  TEXT runtime·setlasterror(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
    70  	MOVL	err+0(FP), AX
    71  	MOVL	AX, 0x34(FS)
    72  	RET
    74  // Called by Windows as a Vectored Exception Handler (VEH).
    75  // First argument is pointer to struct containing
    76  // exception record and context pointers.
    77  // Handler function is stored in AX.
    78  // Return 0 for 'not handled', -1 for handled.
    79  TEXT runtime·sigtramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
    80  	MOVL	ptrs+0(FP), CX
    81  	SUBL	$40, SP
    83  	// save callee-saved registers
    84  	MOVL	BX, 28(SP)
    85  	MOVL	BP, 16(SP)
    86  	MOVL	SI, 20(SP)
    87  	MOVL	DI, 24(SP)
    89  	MOVL	AX, SI	// save handler address
    91  	// find g
    92  	get_tls(DX)
    93  	CMPL	DX, $0
    94  	JNE	3(PC)
    95  	MOVL	$0, AX // continue
    96  	JMP	done
    97  	MOVL	g(DX), DX
    98  	CMPL	DX, $0
    99  	JNE	2(PC)
   100  	CALL	runtime·badsignal2(SB)
   102  	// save g and SP in case of stack switch
   103  	MOVL	DX, 32(SP)	// g
   104  	MOVL	SP, 36(SP)
   106  	// do we need to switch to the g0 stack?
   107  	MOVL	g_m(DX), BX
   108  	MOVL	m_g0(BX), BX
   109  	CMPL	DX, BX
   110  	JEQ	g0
   112  	// switch to the g0 stack
   113  	get_tls(BP)
   114  	MOVL	BX, g(BP)
   115  	MOVL	(g_sched+gobuf_sp)(BX), DI
   116  	// make it look like mstart called us on g0, to stop traceback
   117  	SUBL	$4, DI
   118  	MOVL	$runtime·mstart(SB), 0(DI)
   119  	// traceback will think that we've done SUBL
   120  	// on this stack, so subtract them here to match.
   121  	// (we need room for sighandler arguments anyway).
   122  	// and re-save old SP for restoring later.
   123  	SUBL	$40, DI
   124  	MOVL	SP, 36(DI)
   125  	MOVL	DI, SP
   127  g0:
   128  	MOVL	0(CX), BX // ExceptionRecord*
   129  	MOVL	4(CX), CX // Context*
   130  	MOVL	BX, 0(SP)
   131  	MOVL	CX, 4(SP)
   132  	MOVL	DX, 8(SP)
   133  	CALL	SI	// call handler
   134  	// AX is set to report result back to Windows
   135  	MOVL	12(SP), AX
   137  	// switch back to original stack and g
   138  	// no-op if we never left.
   139  	MOVL	36(SP), SP
   140  	MOVL	32(SP), DX
   141  	get_tls(BP)
   142  	MOVL	DX, g(BP)
   144  done:
   145  	// restore callee-saved registers
   146  	MOVL	24(SP), DI
   147  	MOVL	20(SP), SI
   148  	MOVL	16(SP), BP
   149  	MOVL	28(SP), BX
   151  	ADDL	$40, SP
   152  	// RET 4 (return and pop 4 bytes parameters)
   153  	BYTE $0xC2; WORD $4
   154  	RET // unreached; make assembler happy
   156  TEXT runtime·exceptiontramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   157  	MOVL	$runtime·exceptionhandler(SB), AX
   158  	JMP	runtime·sigtramp(SB)
   160  TEXT runtime·firstcontinuetramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
   161  	// is never called
   162  	INT	$3
   164  TEXT runtime·lastcontinuetramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
   165  	MOVL	$runtime·lastcontinuehandler(SB), AX
   166  	JMP	runtime·sigtramp(SB)
   168  TEXT runtime·ctrlhandler(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   169  	PUSHL	$runtime·ctrlhandler1(SB)
   170  	CALL	runtime·externalthreadhandler(SB)
   171  	MOVL	4(SP), CX
   172  	ADDL	$12, SP
   173  	JMP	CX
   175  TEXT runtime·profileloop(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   176  	PUSHL	$runtime·profileloop1(SB)
   177  	CALL	runtime·externalthreadhandler(SB)
   178  	MOVL	4(SP), CX
   179  	ADDL	$12, SP
   180  	JMP	CX
   182  TEXT runtime·externalthreadhandler(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   183  	PUSHL	BP
   184  	MOVL	SP, BP
   185  	PUSHL	BX
   186  	PUSHL	SI
   187  	PUSHL	DI
   188  	PUSHL	0x14(FS)
   189  	MOVL	SP, DX
   191  	// setup dummy m, g
   192  	SUBL	$m__size, SP		// space for M
   193  	MOVL	SP, 0(SP)
   194  	MOVL	$m__size, 4(SP)
   195  	CALL	runtime·memclrNoHeapPointers(SB)	// smashes AX,BX,CX
   197  	LEAL	m_tls(SP), CX
   198  	MOVL	CX, 0x14(FS)
   199  	MOVL	SP, BX
   200  	SUBL	$g__size, SP		// space for G
   201  	MOVL	SP, g(CX)
   202  	MOVL	SP, m_g0(BX)
   204  	MOVL	SP, 0(SP)
   205  	MOVL	$g__size, 4(SP)
   206  	CALL	runtime·memclrNoHeapPointers(SB)	// smashes AX,BX,CX
   207  	LEAL	g__size(SP), BX
   208  	MOVL	BX, g_m(SP)
   210  	LEAL	-32768(SP), CX		// must be less than SizeOfStackReserve set by linker
   211  	MOVL	CX, (g_stack+stack_lo)(SP)
   212  	ADDL	$const__StackGuard, CX
   213  	MOVL	CX, g_stackguard0(SP)
   214  	MOVL	CX, g_stackguard1(SP)
   215  	MOVL	DX, (g_stack+stack_hi)(SP)
   217  	PUSHL	AX			// room for return value
   218  	PUSHL	16(BP)			// arg for handler
   219  	CALL	8(BP)
   220  	POPL	CX
   221  	POPL	AX			// pass return value to Windows in AX
   223  	get_tls(CX)
   224  	MOVL	g(CX), CX
   225  	MOVL	(g_stack+stack_hi)(CX), SP
   226  	POPL	0x14(FS)
   227  	POPL	DI
   228  	POPL	SI
   229  	POPL	BX
   230  	POPL	BP
   231  	RET
   233  GLOBL runtime·cbctxts(SB), NOPTR, $4
   235  TEXT runtime·callbackasm1+0(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   236    	MOVL	0(SP), AX	// will use to find our callback context
   238  	// remove return address from stack, we are not returning there
   239  	ADDL	$4, SP
   241  	// address to callback parameters into CX
   242  	LEAL	4(SP), CX
   244  	// save registers as required for windows callback
   245  	PUSHL	DI
   246  	PUSHL	SI
   247  	PUSHL	BP
   248  	PUSHL	BX
   250  	// determine index into runtime·cbctxts table
   251  	SUBL	$runtime·callbackasm(SB), AX
   252  	MOVL	$0, DX
   253  	MOVL	$5, BX	// divide by 5 because each call instruction in runtime·callbacks is 5 bytes long
   254  	DIVL	BX
   256  	// find correspondent runtime·cbctxts table entry
   257  	MOVL	runtime·cbctxts(SB), BX
   258  	MOVL	-4(BX)(AX*4), BX
   260  	// extract callback context
   261  	MOVL	wincallbackcontext_gobody(BX), AX
   262  	MOVL	wincallbackcontext_argsize(BX), DX
   264  	// preserve whatever's at the memory location that
   265  	// the callback will use to store the return value
   266  	PUSHL	0(CX)(DX*1)
   268  	// extend argsize by size of return value
   269  	ADDL	$4, DX
   271  	// remember how to restore stack on return
   272  	MOVL	wincallbackcontext_restorestack(BX), BX
   273  	PUSHL	BX
   275  	// call target Go function
   276  	PUSHL	DX			// argsize (including return value)
   277  	PUSHL	CX			// callback parameters
   278  	PUSHL	AX			// address of target Go function
   279  	CLD
   280  	CALL	runtime·cgocallback_gofunc(SB)
   281  	POPL	AX
   282  	POPL	CX
   283  	POPL	DX
   285  	// how to restore stack on return
   286  	POPL	BX
   288  	// return value into AX (as per Windows spec)
   289  	// and restore previously preserved value
   290  	MOVL	-4(CX)(DX*1), AX
   291  	POPL	-4(CX)(DX*1)
   293  	MOVL	BX, CX			// cannot use BX anymore
   295  	// restore registers as required for windows callback
   296  	POPL	BX
   297  	POPL	BP
   298  	POPL	SI
   299  	POPL	DI
   301  	// remove callback parameters before return (as per Windows spec)
   302  	POPL	DX
   303  	ADDL	CX, SP
   304  	PUSHL	DX
   306  	CLD
   308  	RET
   310  // void tstart(M *newm);
   311  TEXT runtime·tstart(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   312  	MOVL	newm+0(FP), CX		// m
   313  	MOVL	m_g0(CX), DX		// g
   315  	// Layout new m scheduler stack on os stack.
   316  	MOVL	SP, AX
   317  	MOVL	AX, (g_stack+stack_hi)(DX)
   318  	SUBL	$(64*1024), AX		// stack size
   319  	MOVL	AX, (g_stack+stack_lo)(DX)
   320  	ADDL	$const__StackGuard, AX
   321  	MOVL	AX, g_stackguard0(DX)
   322  	MOVL	AX, g_stackguard1(DX)
   324  	// Set up tls.
   325  	LEAL	m_tls(CX), SI
   326  	MOVL	SI, 0x14(FS)
   327  	MOVL	CX, g_m(DX)
   328  	MOVL	DX, g(SI)
   330  	// Someday the convention will be D is always cleared.
   331  	CLD
   333  	CALL	runtime·stackcheck(SB)	// clobbers AX,CX
   334  	CALL	runtime·mstart(SB)
   336  	RET
   338  // uint32 tstart_stdcall(M *newm);
   339  TEXT runtime·tstart_stdcall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   340  	MOVL	newm+0(FP), BX
   342  	PUSHL	BX
   343  	CALL	runtime·tstart(SB)
   344  	POPL	BX
   346  	// Adjust stack for stdcall to return properly.
   347  	MOVL	(SP), AX		// save return address
   348  	ADDL	$4, SP			// remove single parameter
   349  	MOVL	AX, (SP)		// restore return address
   351  	XORL	AX, AX			// return 0 == success
   353  	RET
   355  // setldt(int entry, int address, int limit)
   356  TEXT runtime·setldt(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   357  	MOVL	address+4(FP), CX
   358  	MOVL	CX, 0x14(FS)
   359  	RET
   361  // onosstack calls fn on OS stack.
   362  // func onosstack(fn unsafe.Pointer, arg uint32)
   363  TEXT runtime·onosstack(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   364  	MOVL	fn+0(FP), AX		// to hide from 8l
   365  	MOVL	arg+4(FP), BX
   367  	// Execute call on m->g0 stack, in case we are not actually
   368  	// calling a system call wrapper, like when running under WINE.
   369  	get_tls(CX)
   370  	CMPL	CX, $0
   371  	JNE	3(PC)
   372  	// Not a Go-managed thread. Do not switch stack.
   373  	CALL	AX
   374  	RET
   376  	MOVL	g(CX), BP
   377  	MOVL	g_m(BP), BP
   379  	// leave pc/sp for cpu profiler
   380  	MOVL	(SP), SI
   381  	MOVL	SI, m_libcallpc(BP)
   382  	MOVL	g(CX), SI
   383  	MOVL	SI, m_libcallg(BP)
   384  	// sp must be the last, because once async cpu profiler finds
   385  	// all three values to be non-zero, it will use them
   386  	LEAL	usec+0(FP), SI
   387  	MOVL	SI, m_libcallsp(BP)
   389  	MOVL	m_g0(BP), SI
   390  	CMPL	g(CX), SI
   391  	JNE	switch
   392  	// executing on m->g0 already
   393  	CALL	AX
   394  	JMP	ret
   396  switch:
   397  	// Switch to m->g0 stack and back.
   398  	MOVL	(g_sched+gobuf_sp)(SI), SI
   399  	MOVL	SP, -4(SI)
   400  	LEAL	-4(SI), SP
   401  	CALL	AX
   402  	MOVL	0(SP), SP
   404  ret:
   405  	get_tls(CX)
   406  	MOVL	g(CX), BP
   407  	MOVL	g_m(BP), BP
   408  	MOVL	$0, m_libcallsp(BP)
   409  	RET
   411  // Runs on OS stack. duration (in 100ns units) is in BX.
   412  TEXT runtime·usleep2(SB),NOSPLIT,$20
   413  	// Want negative 100ns units.
   414  	NEGL	BX
   415  	MOVL	$-1, hi-4(SP)
   416  	MOVL	BX, lo-8(SP)
   417  	LEAL	lo-8(SP), BX
   418  	MOVL	BX, ptime-12(SP)
   419  	MOVL	$0, alertable-16(SP)
   420  	MOVL	$-1, handle-20(SP)
   421  	MOVL	SP, BP
   422  	MOVL	runtime·_NtWaitForSingleObject(SB), AX
   423  	CALL	AX
   424  	MOVL	BP, SP
   425  	RET
   427  // Runs on OS stack.
   428  TEXT runtime·switchtothread(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
   429  	MOVL	SP, BP
   430  	MOVL	runtime·_SwitchToThread(SB), AX
   431  	CALL	AX
   432  	MOVL	BP, SP
   433  	RET
   435  // See
   436  // Must read hi1, then lo, then hi2. The snapshot is valid if hi1 == hi2.
   437  #define _INTERRUPT_TIME 0x7ffe0008
   438  #define _SYSTEM_TIME 0x7ffe0014
   439  #define time_lo 0
   440  #define time_hi1 4
   441  #define time_hi2 8
   443  TEXT runtime·nanotime(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-8
   444  	CMPB	runtime·useQPCTime(SB), $0
   445  	JNE	useQPC
   446  loop:
   447  	MOVL	(_INTERRUPT_TIME+time_hi1), AX
   448  	MOVL	(_INTERRUPT_TIME+time_lo), CX
   449  	MOVL	(_INTERRUPT_TIME+time_hi2), DI
   450  	CMPL	AX, DI
   451  	JNE	loop
   453  	// wintime = DI:CX, multiply by 100
   454  	MOVL	$100, AX
   455  	MULL	CX
   456  	IMULL	$100, DI
   457  	ADDL	DI, DX
   458  	// wintime*100 = DX:AX, subtract startNano and return
   459  	SUBL	runtime·startNano+0(SB), AX
   460  	SBBL	runtime·startNano+4(SB), DX
   461  	MOVL	AX, ret_lo+0(FP)
   462  	MOVL	DX, ret_hi+4(FP)
   463  	RET
   464  useQPC:
   465  	JMP	runtime·nanotimeQPC(SB)
   466  	RET
   468  TEXT time·now(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-20
   469  	CMPB	runtime·useQPCTime(SB), $0
   470  	JNE	useQPC
   471  loop:
   472  	MOVL	(_INTERRUPT_TIME+time_hi1), AX
   473  	MOVL	(_INTERRUPT_TIME+time_lo), CX
   474  	MOVL	(_INTERRUPT_TIME+time_hi2), DI
   475  	CMPL	AX, DI
   476  	JNE	loop
   478  	// w = DI:CX
   479  	// multiply by 100
   480  	MOVL	$100, AX
   481  	MULL	CX
   482  	IMULL	$100, DI
   483  	ADDL	DI, DX
   484  	// w*100 = DX:AX
   485  	// subtract startNano and save for return
   486  	SUBL	runtime·startNano+0(SB), AX
   487  	SBBL	runtime·startNano+4(SB), DX
   488  	MOVL	AX, mono+12(FP)
   489  	MOVL	DX, mono+16(FP)
   491  wall:
   492  	MOVL	(_SYSTEM_TIME+time_hi1), CX
   493  	MOVL	(_SYSTEM_TIME+time_lo), AX
   494  	MOVL	(_SYSTEM_TIME+time_hi2), DX
   495  	CMPL	CX, DX
   496  	JNE	wall
   498  	// w = DX:AX
   499  	// convert to Unix epoch (but still 100ns units)
   500  	#define delta 116444736000000000
   501  	SUBL	$(delta & 0xFFFFFFFF), AX
   502  	SBBL $(delta >> 32), DX
   504  	// nano/100 = DX:AX
   505  	// split into two decimal halves by div 1e9.
   506  	// (decimal point is two spots over from correct place,
   507  	// but we avoid overflow in the high word.)
   508  	MOVL	$1000000000, CX
   509  	DIVL	CX
   510  	MOVL	AX, DI
   511  	MOVL	DX, SI
   513  	// DI = nano/100/1e9 = nano/1e11 = sec/100, DX = SI = nano/100%1e9
   514  	// split DX into seconds and nanoseconds by div 1e7 magic multiply.
   515  	MOVL	DX, AX
   516  	MOVL	$1801439851, CX
   517  	MULL	CX
   518  	SHRL	$22, DX
   519  	MOVL	DX, BX
   520  	IMULL	$10000000, DX
   521  	MOVL	SI, CX
   522  	SUBL	DX, CX
   524  	// DI = sec/100 (still)
   525  	// BX = (nano/100%1e9)/1e7 = (nano/1e9)%100 = sec%100
   526  	// CX = (nano/100%1e9)%1e7 = (nano%1e9)/100 = nsec/100
   527  	// store nsec for return
   528  	IMULL	$100, CX
   529  	MOVL	CX, nsec+8(FP)
   531  	// DI = sec/100 (still)
   532  	// BX = sec%100
   533  	// construct DX:AX = 64-bit sec and store for return
   534  	MOVL	$0, DX
   535  	MOVL	$100, AX
   536  	MULL	DI
   537  	ADDL	BX, AX
   538  	ADCL	$0, DX
   539  	MOVL	AX, sec+0(FP)
   540  	MOVL	DX, sec+4(FP)
   541  	RET
   542  useQPC:
   543  	JMP	runtime·nowQPC(SB)
   544  	RET