
     1  // Copyright 2023 LiveKit, Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  syntax = "proto3";
    17  package livekit;
    19  import "livekit_models.proto";
    21  option go_package = "";
    22  option csharp_namespace = "LiveKit.Proto";
    23  option ruby_package = "LiveKit::Proto";
    25  service Egress {
    26    // start recording or streaming a room, participant, or tracks
    27    rpc StartRoomCompositeEgress(RoomCompositeEgressRequest) returns (EgressInfo);
    28    rpc StartWebEgress(WebEgressRequest) returns (EgressInfo);
    29    rpc StartParticipantEgress(ParticipantEgressRequest) returns (EgressInfo);
    30    rpc StartTrackCompositeEgress(TrackCompositeEgressRequest) returns (EgressInfo);
    31    rpc StartTrackEgress(TrackEgressRequest) returns (EgressInfo);
    33    // update web composite layout
    34    rpc UpdateLayout(UpdateLayoutRequest) returns (EgressInfo);
    36    // add or remove stream endpoints
    37    rpc UpdateStream(UpdateStreamRequest) returns (EgressInfo);
    39    // list available egress
    40    rpc ListEgress(ListEgressRequest) returns (ListEgressResponse);
    42    // stop a recording or stream
    43    rpc StopEgress(StopEgressRequest) returns (EgressInfo);
    44  }
    46  // composite using a web browser
    47  message RoomCompositeEgressRequest {
    48    string room_name = 1;         // required
    49    string layout = 2;            // (optional)
    50    bool audio_only = 3;          // (default false)
    51    bool video_only = 4;          // (default false)
    52    string custom_base_url = 5;   // template base url (default
    53    oneof output {                // deprecated (use _output fields)
    54      EncodedFileOutput file = 6 [deprecated = true];
    55      StreamOutput stream = 7 [deprecated = true];
    56      SegmentedFileOutput segments = 10 [deprecated = true];
    57    }
    58    oneof options {
    59      EncodingOptionsPreset preset = 8; // (default H264_720P_30)
    60      EncodingOptions advanced = 9;     // (optional)
    61    }
    62    repeated EncodedFileOutput file_outputs = 11;
    63    repeated StreamOutput stream_outputs = 12;
    64    repeated SegmentedFileOutput segment_outputs = 13;
    65    repeated ImageOutput image_outputs = 14;
    66  }
    68  // record any website
    69  message WebEgressRequest {
    70    string url = 1;
    71    bool audio_only = 2;
    72    bool video_only = 3;
    73    bool await_start_signal = 12;
    74    oneof output { // deprecated (use _output fields)
    75      EncodedFileOutput file = 4 [deprecated = true];
    76      StreamOutput stream = 5 [deprecated = true];
    77      SegmentedFileOutput segments = 6 [deprecated = true];
    78    }
    79    oneof options {
    80      EncodingOptionsPreset preset = 7;
    81      EncodingOptions advanced = 8;
    82    }
    83    repeated EncodedFileOutput file_outputs = 9;
    84    repeated StreamOutput stream_outputs = 10;
    85    repeated SegmentedFileOutput segment_outputs = 11;
    86    repeated ImageOutput image_outputs = 13;
    87  }
    89  // record audio and video from a single participant
    90  message ParticipantEgressRequest {
    91    string room_name = 1;  // required
    92    string identity = 2;   // required
    93    bool screen_share = 3; // (default false)
    94    oneof options {
    95      EncodingOptionsPreset preset = 4; // (default H264_720P_30)
    96      EncodingOptions advanced = 5;     // (optional)
    97    }
    98    repeated EncodedFileOutput file_outputs = 6;
    99    repeated StreamOutput stream_outputs = 7;
   100    repeated SegmentedFileOutput segment_outputs = 8;
   101    repeated ImageOutput image_outputs = 9;
   102  }
   104  // containerize up to one audio and one video track
   105  message TrackCompositeEgressRequest {
   106    string room_name = 1;      // required
   107    string audio_track_id = 2; // (optional)
   108    string video_track_id = 3; // (optional)
   109    oneof output {             // deprecated (use _output fields)
   110      EncodedFileOutput file = 4 [deprecated = true];
   111      StreamOutput stream = 5 [deprecated = true];
   112      SegmentedFileOutput segments = 8 [deprecated = true];
   113    }
   114    oneof options {
   115      EncodingOptionsPreset preset = 6; // (default H264_720P_30)
   116      EncodingOptions advanced = 7;     // (optional)
   117    }
   118    repeated EncodedFileOutput file_outputs = 11;
   119    repeated StreamOutput stream_outputs = 12;
   120    repeated SegmentedFileOutput segment_outputs = 13;
   121    repeated ImageOutput image_outputs = 14;
   122  }
   124  // record tracks individually, without transcoding
   125  message TrackEgressRequest {
   126    string room_name = 1;      // required
   127    string track_id = 2;       // required
   128    oneof output {             // required
   129      DirectFileOutput file = 3;
   130      string websocket_url = 4;
   131    }
   132  }
   134  enum EncodedFileType {
   135    DEFAULT_FILETYPE = 0; // file type chosen based on codecs
   136    MP4  = 1;
   137    OGG = 2;
   138  }
   140  message EncodedFileOutput {
   141    EncodedFileType file_type = 1; // (optional)
   142    string filepath = 2;           // see egress docs for templating (default {room_name}-{time})
   143    bool disable_manifest = 6;     // disable upload of manifest file (default false)
   144    oneof output {
   145      S3Upload s3 = 3;
   146      GCPUpload gcp = 4;
   147      AzureBlobUpload azure = 5;
   148      AliOSSUpload aliOSS = 7;
   149    }
   150  }
   152  enum SegmentedFileProtocol {
   154    HLS_PROTOCOL = 1;
   155  }
   157  enum SegmentedFileSuffix {
   158    INDEX = 0;
   159    TIMESTAMP = 1;
   160  }
   162  // Used to generate HLS segments or other kind of segmented output
   163  message SegmentedFileOutput {
   164    SegmentedFileProtocol protocol = 1;       // (optional)
   165    string filename_prefix = 2;               // (optional)
   166    string playlist_name = 3;                 // (optional)
   167    string live_playlist_name = 11;           // (optional, disabled if not provided). Path of a live playlist
   168    uint32 segment_duration = 4;              // in seconds (optional)
   169    SegmentedFileSuffix filename_suffix = 10; // (optional, default INDEX)
   170    bool disable_manifest = 8;                // disable upload of manifest file (default false)
   171    oneof output {                            // required
   172      S3Upload s3 = 5;
   173      GCPUpload gcp = 6;
   174      AzureBlobUpload azure = 7;
   175      AliOSSUpload aliOSS = 9;
   176    }
   177  }
   179  message DirectFileOutput {
   180    string filepath = 1;       // see egress docs for templating (default {track_id}-{time})
   181    bool disable_manifest = 5; // disable upload of manifest file (default false)
   182    oneof output {
   183      S3Upload s3 = 2;
   184      GCPUpload gcp = 3;
   185      AzureBlobUpload azure = 4;
   186      AliOSSUpload aliOSS = 6;
   187    }
   188  }
   190  enum ImageFileSuffix {
   191    IMAGE_SUFFIX_INDEX = 0;
   193  }
   195  message ImageOutput {
   196    uint32 capture_interval = 1;              // in seconds (required)
   197    int32 width = 2;                          // (optional, defaults to track width)
   198    int32 height = 3;                         // (optional, defaults to track height)
   199    string filename_prefix = 4;               // (optional)
   200    ImageFileSuffix filename_suffix = 5;      // (optional, default INDEX)
   201    ImageCodec image_codec = 6;               // (optional)
   202    bool disable_manifest = 7;                // disable upload of manifest file (default false)
   203    oneof output {                            // required
   204      S3Upload s3 = 8;
   205      GCPUpload gcp = 9;
   206      AzureBlobUpload azure = 10;
   207      AliOSSUpload aliOSS = 11;
   208    }
   209  }
   211  message S3Upload {
   212    string access_key = 1;
   213    string secret = 2;
   214    string region = 3;
   215    string endpoint = 4;
   216    string bucket = 5;
   217    bool force_path_style = 6;
   218    map<string, string> metadata = 7;
   219    string tagging = 8;
   220    string content_disposition = 9; // Content-Disposition header
   221    ProxyConfig proxy = 10;
   222  }
   224  message GCPUpload {
   225    // service account credentials serialized in JSON "credentials.json"
   226    string credentials = 1;
   227    string bucket = 2;
   228    ProxyConfig proxy = 3;
   229  }
   231  message AzureBlobUpload {
   232    string account_name = 1;
   233    string account_key = 2;
   234    string container_name = 3;
   235  }
   237  message AliOSSUpload {
   238    string access_key = 1;
   239    string secret = 2;
   240    string region = 3;
   241    string endpoint = 4;
   242    string bucket = 5;
   243  }
   245  message ProxyConfig {
   246    string url = 1;
   247    string username = 2;
   248    string password = 3;
   249  }
   251  enum StreamProtocol {
   252    DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = 0; // protocol chosen based on urls
   253    RTMP = 1;
   254  }
   256  message StreamOutput {
   257    StreamProtocol protocol = 1; // required
   258    repeated string urls = 2;    // required
   259  }
   261  message EncodingOptions {
   262    int32 width = 1;                // (default 1920)
   263    int32 height = 2;               // (default 1080)
   264    int32 depth = 3;                // (default 24)
   265    int32 framerate = 4;            // (default 30)
   266    AudioCodec audio_codec = 5;     // (default OPUS)
   267    int32 audio_bitrate = 6;        // (default 128)
   268    int32 audio_quality = 11;       // quality setting on audio encoder
   269    int32 audio_frequency = 7;      // (default 44100)
   270    VideoCodec video_codec = 8;     // (default H264_MAIN)
   271    int32 video_bitrate = 9;        // (default 4500)
   272    int32 video_quality = 12;       // quality setting on video encoder
   273    double key_frame_interval = 10; // in seconds (default 4s for streaming, segment duration for segmented output, encoder default for files)
   274  }
   276  enum EncodingOptionsPreset {
   277    H264_720P_30 = 0;           //  1280x720, 30fps, 3000kpbs, H.264_MAIN / OPUS
   278    H264_720P_60 = 1;           //  1280x720, 60fps, 4500kbps, H.264_MAIN / OPUS
   279    H264_1080P_30 = 2;          // 1920x1080, 30fps, 4500kbps, H.264_MAIN / OPUS
   280    H264_1080P_60 = 3;          // 1920x1080, 60fps, 6000kbps, H.264_MAIN / OPUS
   281    PORTRAIT_H264_720P_30 = 4;  //  720x1280, 30fps, 3000kpbs, H.264_MAIN / OPUS
   282    PORTRAIT_H264_720P_60 = 5;  //  720x1280, 60fps, 4500kbps, H.264_MAIN / OPUS
   283    PORTRAIT_H264_1080P_30 = 6; // 1080x1920, 30fps, 4500kbps, H.264_MAIN / OPUS
   284    PORTRAIT_H264_1080P_60 = 7; // 1080x1920, 60fps, 6000kbps, H.264_MAIN / OPUS
   285  }
   287  message UpdateLayoutRequest {
   288    string egress_id = 1;
   289    string layout = 2;
   290  }
   292  message UpdateStreamRequest {
   293    string egress_id = 1;
   294    repeated string add_output_urls = 2;
   295    repeated string remove_output_urls = 3;
   296  }
   298  message ListEgressRequest {
   299    string room_name = 1; // (optional, filter by room name)
   300    string egress_id = 2; // (optional, filter by egress ID)
   301    bool active = 3;      // (optional, list active egress only)
   302  }
   304  message ListEgressResponse {
   305    repeated EgressInfo items = 1;
   306  }
   308  message StopEgressRequest {
   309    string egress_id = 1;
   310  }
   312  enum EgressStatus {
   313    EGRESS_STARTING = 0;
   314    EGRESS_ACTIVE = 1;
   315    EGRESS_ENDING = 2;
   316    EGRESS_COMPLETE = 3;
   317    EGRESS_FAILED = 4;
   318    EGRESS_ABORTED = 5;
   320  }
   322  message EgressInfo {
   323    string egress_id = 1;
   324    string room_id = 2;
   325    string room_name = 13;
   326    EgressStatus status = 3;
   327    int64 started_at = 10;
   328    int64 ended_at = 11;
   329    int64 updated_at = 18;
   330    string details = 21;
   331    string error = 9;
   332    int32 error_code = 22;
   333    oneof request {
   334      RoomCompositeEgressRequest room_composite = 4;
   335      WebEgressRequest web = 14;
   336      ParticipantEgressRequest participant = 19;
   337      TrackCompositeEgressRequest track_composite = 5;
   338      TrackEgressRequest track = 6;
   339    }
   340    oneof result { // deprecated (use _result fields)
   341      StreamInfoList stream = 7 [deprecated = true];
   342      FileInfo file = 8 [deprecated = true];
   343      SegmentsInfo segments = 12 [deprecated = true];
   344    }
   345    repeated StreamInfo stream_results = 15;
   346    repeated FileInfo file_results = 16;
   347    repeated SegmentsInfo segment_results = 17;
   348    repeated ImagesInfo image_results = 20;
   350    // next ID: 23
   351  }
   353  message StreamInfoList {
   354    option deprecated = true;
   355    repeated StreamInfo info = 1;
   356  }
   358  message StreamInfo {
   359    enum Status {
   360      ACTIVE = 0;
   361      FINISHED = 1;
   362      FAILED = 2;
   363    }
   365    string url = 1;
   366    int64 started_at = 2;
   367    int64 ended_at = 3;
   368    int64 duration = 4;
   369    Status status = 5;
   370    string error = 6;
   371  }
   373  message FileInfo {
   374    string filename = 1;
   375    int64 started_at = 2;
   376    int64 ended_at = 3;
   377    int64 duration = 6;
   378    int64 size = 4;
   379    string location = 5;
   380  }
   382  message SegmentsInfo {
   383    string playlist_name = 1;
   384    string live_playlist_name = 8;
   385    int64 duration = 2;
   386    int64 size = 3;
   387    string playlist_location = 4;
   388    string live_playlist_location = 9;
   389    int64 segment_count = 5;
   390    int64 started_at = 6;
   391    int64 ended_at = 7;
   392  }
   394  message ImagesInfo {
   395    int64 image_count = 1;
   396    int64 started_at = 2;
   397    int64 ended_at = 3;
   398  }
   400  message AutoParticipantEgress {
   401    oneof options {
   402      EncodingOptionsPreset preset = 1; // (default H264_720P_30)
   403      EncodingOptions advanced = 2;     // (optional)
   404    }
   405    repeated EncodedFileOutput file_outputs = 3;
   406    repeated SegmentedFileOutput segment_outputs = 4;
   407  }
   409  message AutoTrackEgress {
   410    string filepath = 1;       // see docs for templating (default {track_id}-{time})
   411    bool disable_manifest = 5; // disables upload of json manifest file (default false)
   412    oneof output {
   413      S3Upload s3 = 2;
   414      GCPUpload gcp = 3;
   415      AzureBlobUpload azure = 4;
   416      AliOSSUpload aliOSS = 6;
   417    }
   418  }