
     1  // Copyright 2023 LiveKit, Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  syntax = "proto3";
    17  package livekit;
    18  option go_package = "";
    19  option csharp_namespace = "LiveKit.Proto";
    20  option ruby_package = "LiveKit::Proto";
    22  import "livekit_models.proto";
    23  import "livekit_egress.proto";
    25  // Room service that can be performed on any node
    26  // they are Twirp-based HTTP req/responses
    27  service RoomService {
    28    // Creates a room with settings. Requires `roomCreate` permission.
    29    // This method is optional; rooms are automatically created when clients connect to them for the first time.
    30    rpc CreateRoom(CreateRoomRequest) returns (Room);
    32    // List rooms that are active on the server. Requires `roomList` permission.
    33    rpc ListRooms(ListRoomsRequest) returns (ListRoomsResponse);
    35    // Deletes an existing room by name or id. Requires `roomCreate` permission.
    36    // DeleteRoom will disconnect all participants that are currently in the room.
    37    rpc DeleteRoom(DeleteRoomRequest) returns (DeleteRoomResponse);
    39    // Lists participants in a room, Requires `roomAdmin`
    40    rpc ListParticipants(ListParticipantsRequest) returns (ListParticipantsResponse);
    42    // Get information on a specific participant, Requires `roomAdmin`
    43    rpc GetParticipant(RoomParticipantIdentity) returns (ParticipantInfo);
    45    // Removes a participant from room. Requires `roomAdmin`
    46    rpc RemoveParticipant(RoomParticipantIdentity) returns (RemoveParticipantResponse);
    48    // Mute/unmute a participant's track, Requires `roomAdmin`
    49    rpc MutePublishedTrack(MuteRoomTrackRequest) returns (MuteRoomTrackResponse);
    51    // Update participant metadata, will cause updates to be broadcasted to everyone in the room. Requires `roomAdmin`
    52    rpc UpdateParticipant(UpdateParticipantRequest) returns (ParticipantInfo);
    54    // Subscribes or unsubscribe a participant from tracks. Requires `roomAdmin`
    55    rpc UpdateSubscriptions(UpdateSubscriptionsRequest) returns (UpdateSubscriptionsResponse);
    57    // Send data over data channel to participants in a room, Requires `roomAdmin`
    58    rpc SendData(SendDataRequest) returns (SendDataResponse);
    60    // Update room metadata, will cause updates to be broadcasted to everyone in the room, Requires `roomAdmin`
    61    rpc UpdateRoomMetadata (UpdateRoomMetadataRequest) returns (Room);
    62  }
    64  message CreateRoomRequest {
    65    // name of the room
    66    string name = 1;
    67    // number of seconds to keep the room open if no one joins
    68    uint32 empty_timeout = 2;
    69    // number of seconds to keep the room open after everyone leaves
    70    uint32 departure_timeout = 10;
    71    // limit number of participants that can be in a room
    72    uint32 max_participants = 3;
    73    // override the node room is allocated to, for debugging
    74    string node_id = 4;
    75    // metadata of room
    76    string metadata = 5;
    77    // egress
    78    RoomEgress egress = 6;
    79    // playout delay of subscriber
    80    uint32 min_playout_delay = 7;
    81    uint32 max_playout_delay = 8;
    82    // improves A/V sync when playout_delay set to a value larger than 200ms. It will disables transceiver re-use
    83    // so not recommended for rooms with frequent subscription changes
    84    bool sync_streams = 9;
    86    // NEXT-ID: 11
    87  }
    89  message RoomEgress {
    90    RoomCompositeEgressRequest room = 1;
    91    AutoParticipantEgress participant = 3;
    92    AutoTrackEgress tracks = 2;
    93  }
    95  message ListRoomsRequest {
    96    // when set, will only return rooms with name match
    97    repeated string names = 1;
    98  }
   100  message ListRoomsResponse {
   101    repeated Room rooms = 1;
   102  }
   104  message DeleteRoomRequest {
   105    // name of the room
   106    string room = 1;
   107  }
   109  message DeleteRoomResponse {
   110  }
   112  message ListParticipantsRequest {
   113    // name of the room
   114    string room = 1;
   115  }
   117  message ListParticipantsResponse {
   118    repeated ParticipantInfo participants = 1;
   119  }
   121  message RoomParticipantIdentity {
   122    // name of the room
   123    string room = 1;
   124    // identity of the participant
   125    string identity = 2;
   126  }
   128  message RemoveParticipantResponse {
   129  }
   131  message MuteRoomTrackRequest {
   132    // name of the room
   133    string room = 1;
   134    string identity = 2;
   135    // sid of the track to mute
   136    string track_sid = 3;
   137    // set to true to mute, false to unmute
   138    bool muted = 4;
   139  }
   141  message MuteRoomTrackResponse {
   142    TrackInfo track = 1;
   143  }
   145  message UpdateParticipantRequest {
   146    string room = 1;
   147    string identity = 2;
   148    // metadata to update. skipping updates if left empty
   149    string metadata = 3;
   150    // set to update the participant's permissions
   151    ParticipantPermission permission = 4;
   152    // display name to update
   153    string name = 5;
   154  }
   156  message UpdateSubscriptionsRequest {
   157    string room = 1;
   158    string identity = 2;
   159    // list of sids of tracks
   160    repeated string track_sids = 3;
   161    // set to true to subscribe, false to unsubscribe from tracks
   162    bool subscribe = 4;
   163    // list of participants and their tracks
   164    repeated ParticipantTracks participant_tracks = 5;
   165  }
   167  message UpdateSubscriptionsResponse {
   168    // empty for now
   169  }
   171  message SendDataRequest {
   172    string room = 1;
   173    bytes data = 2;
   174    DataPacket.Kind kind = 3;
   175    // mark deprecated
   176    repeated string destination_sids = 4 [deprecated=true];
   177    // when set, only forward to these identities
   178    repeated string destination_identities = 6;
   179    optional string topic = 5;
   181    // NEXT_ID: 7
   182  }
   184  message SendDataResponse {
   185    //
   186  }
   188  message UpdateRoomMetadataRequest {
   189    string room = 1;
   190    // metadata to update. skipping updates if left empty
   191    string metadata = 2;
   192  }