
     1  {{ define "tupleSerializer" }}
     2  // UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this tuple type from a JSON array
     3  func ({{.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error {
     4    // stage 1, get the array but just the array
     5    var stage1 []json.RawMessage
     6    buf := bytes.NewBuffer(raw)
     7    dec := json.NewDecoder(buf)
     8    dec.UseNumber()
    10    if err := dec.Decode(&stage1); err != nil {
    11      return err
    12    }
    14    // stage 2: hydrates struct members with tuple elements
    15    {{ if .AdditionalItems }}
    16    var lastIndex int
    17    {{ end }}
    18    {{ range $idx, $val := .Properties }}if len(stage1) > {{ $idx }} {
    19      var data{{ pascalize .Name }} {{ template "dereffedSchemaType" . }}
    20      buf = bytes.NewBuffer(stage1[{{ $idx }}])
    21      dec := json.NewDecoder(buf)
    22      dec.UseNumber()
    23      if err := dec.Decode(&data{{ pascalize .Name }}); err != nil {
    24        return err
    25      }
    26      {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ if .IsExported }}{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ else }}{{ camelize .Name }}{{ end }} = {{ if .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}data{{ pascalize .Name }}
    27      {{ if $.AdditionalItems }}
    28      lastIndex = {{ $idx }}
    29      {{ end }}
    30    }
    31    {{ end }}
    32    {{ if .AdditionalItems }}
    33    // stage 3: hydrates AdditionalItems
    34    if len(stage1) > lastIndex+1 {
    35      for _, val := range stage1[lastIndex+1:] {
    36        var toadd {{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalItems }}
    37        buf = bytes.NewBuffer(val)
    38        dec := json.NewDecoder(buf)
    39        dec.UseNumber()
    40        if err := dec.Decode({{ if not .AdditionalItems.IsNullable }}&{{ end }}toadd); err != nil {
    41          return err
    42        }
    43        {{ with .AdditionalItems -}}
    44          {{ $.ValueExpression }}.{{- if .IsExported }}{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ else }}{{ camelize .Name }}{{ end }} = append({{ $.ValueExpression }}.{{- if .IsExported }}{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ else }}{{ camelize .Name }}{{ end }}, toadd)
    45        {{- end }}
    46      }
    47    }
    48    {{ end }}
    49    return nil
    50  }
    52  // MarshalJSON marshals this tuple type into a JSON array
    53  func ({{.ReceiverName}} {{ pascalize .Name }}) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    54    data := []interface{}{
    55    {{ range .Properties -}}
    56      {{.ReceiverName}}.{{ pascalize .Name }},
    57    {{ end }}
    58    }
    59    {{ with .AdditionalItems }}
    60    for _, v := range {{ $.ValueExpression }}.{{ if .IsExported }}{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ else }}{{ camelize .Name }}{{ end }} {
    61      data = append(data, v)
    62    }
    63    {{ end }}
    64    return json.Marshal(data)
    65  }
    66  {{ end }}
    68  {{ define "hasDiscriminatedSerializer" }}
    69  // UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
    70  func ({{.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error {
    71    var data {{ template "withoutBaseTypeBody" . }}
    72    buf := bytes.NewBuffer(raw)
    73    dec := json.NewDecoder(buf)
    74    dec.UseNumber()
    76    if err := dec.Decode(&data); err != nil {
    77    	return err
    78    }
    80    {{ if or .IsBaseType .IsSubType }}
    81    var base {{ template "JustBaseTypeBody" . }}
    82    buf = bytes.NewBuffer(raw)
    83    dec = json.NewDecoder(buf)
    84    dec.UseNumber()
    86    if err := dec.Decode(&base); err != nil {
    87      return err
    88    }
    89    {{ end }}
    91    {{ range .AllOf }}
    92      {{ if not .IsBaseType }}
    93        {{ range .Properties }}
    94          {{ if or .IsBaseType (not .IsExported) }}
    95            {{ if not .Required }}
    96    var allOf{{ pascalize .Name }} {{ if .IsArray }}[]{{ pascalize .Items.GoType }}{{ else }}{{ pascalize .GoType }}{{ end }}
    97    if string(data.{{ pascalize .Name }}) != "null" {
    98      {{ camelize .Name }}, err := Unmarshal{{ if .IsArray }}{{ pascalize .Items.GoType }}Slice{{ else }}{{ pascalize .GoType }}{{ end }}(bytes.NewBuffer(data.{{ pascalize .Name }}), runtime.JSONConsumer())
    99      if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
   100        return err
   101      }
   102      allOf{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ camelize .Name }}
   103    }
   104            {{else}}
   105    allOf{{ pascalize .Name }}, err := Unmarshal{{ if .IsArray }}{{ pascalize .Items.GoType }}Slice{{ else }}{{ pascalize .GoType }}{{ end }}(bytes.NewBuffer(data.{{ pascalize .Name }}), runtime.JSONConsumer())
   106    if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
   107      return err
   108    }
   109            {{ end }}
   110          {{ end }}
   111        {{ end }}
   112      {{ end }}
   113    {{ end }}
   114    {{ range .Properties }}
   115      {{ if or .IsBaseType (not .IsExported) }}
   116        {{ if not .Required }}
   117    var prop{{ pascalize .Name }} {{ if .IsArray }}[]{{ pascalize .Items.GoType }}{{ else }}{{ pascalize .GoType }}{{ end }}
   118    if string(data.{{ pascalize .Name }}) != "null" {
   119      {{ camelize .Name }}, err := Unmarshal{{ if .IsArray }}{{ pascalize .Items.GoType }}Slice{{ else }}{{ pascalize .GoType }}{{ end }}(bytes.NewBuffer(data.{{ pascalize .Name }}), runtime.JSONConsumer())
   120      if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
   121        return err
   122      }
   123      prop{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ camelize .Name }}
   124    }
   125        {{else}}
   126    prop{{ pascalize .Name }}, err := Unmarshal{{ if .IsArray }}{{ pascalize .Items.GoType }}Slice{{ else }}{{ pascalize .GoType }}{{ end }}(bytes.NewBuffer(data.{{ pascalize .Name }}), runtime.JSONConsumer())
   127    if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
   128      return err
   129    }
   130        {{ end }}
   131      {{ end }}
   132    {{ end }}
   134    var result {{ pascalize .Name }}
   136    {{ range $_, $parent := .AllOf }}
   137      {{ if $parent.IsAnonymous }}
   138        {{ if $parent.IsBaseType }}
   139          {{ range $idx, $val := $parent.Properties }}
   140            {{ if ne $parent.DiscriminatorField $val.Name }}
   141              {{ if $val.IsExported }}
   142    result.{{ camelize $val.Name }}Field = base.{{ pascalize $val.Name }}
   143              {{ else }}
   144    result.{{ camelize $val.Name }}Field = allOf{{ pascalize $val.Name }}
   145              {{ end }}
   146            {{ else }}
   147    if base.{{ pascalize $val.Name }} != result.{{ pascalize $val.Name }}() {
   148      /* Not the type we're looking for. */
   149      return errors.New(422, "invalid {{$val.Name}} value: %q", base.{{ pascalize $val.Name }})
   150    }
   151            {{ end }}
   152          {{ end }}
   153        {{ else }}
   154          {{ range $idx, $val := $parent.Properties }}
   155            {{ if $val.IsBaseType }}
   156    result.{{ camelize $val.Name }}Field = allOf{{ pascalize $val.Name }}
   157            {{ else }}
   158    result.{{ pascalize $val.Name }} = data.{{ pascalize $val.Name }}
   159            {{ end }}
   160          {{ end }}
   161        {{ end }}
   162      {{ else }}
   163        {{ if and $parent.IsBaseType $parent.IsExported }}
   164          {{ range $idx, $val := $parent.Properties }}
   165            {{ if ne $parent.DiscriminatorField $val.Name }}
   166              {{ if $val.IsExported }}
   167    result.{{ camelize $val.Name }}Field = base.{{ pascalize $val.Name }}
   168              {{ else }}
   169    result.{{ camelize $val.Name }}Field = allOf{{ pascalize $val.Name }}
   170              {{ end }}
   171            {{ else }}
   172    if base.{{ pascalize $val.Name }} != result.{{ pascalize $val.Name }}() {
   173      /* Not the type we're looking for. */
   174      return errors.New(422, "invalid {{$val.Name}} value: %q", base.{{ pascalize $val.Name }})
   175    }
   176            {{ end }}
   177          {{ end }}
   178        {{ else }}
   179    result.{{ $parent.GoType }} = data.{{ $parent.GoType }}
   180        {{ end }}
   181      {{ end }}
   182    {{ end }}
   183    {{ range .Properties }}
   184    // {{ .Name }}
   185    result.{{ if .IsBaseType }}{{ camelize .Name }}Field{{ else }}{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ end }} = {{ if .IsBaseType }}prop{{ pascalize .Name }}{{ else }}data.{{ pascalize .Name}}{{ end }}
   186    {{ end }}
   187    *{{ .ReceiverName }} = result
   189    {{ if .IsAdditionalProperties }}
   190    // Additional Properties: read raw, remove named properties, and add to map
   191    rawProps := make(map[string]{{ if .AdditionalProperties }}json.RawMessage{{ else }}interface{}{{ end }})
   192    if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &rawProps); err != nil {
   193      return err
   194    }
   196      {{ range .Properties -}}
   197    delete(rawProps, {{ printf "%q" .Name }})
   198      {{ end }}
   200      {{ if .AdditionalProperties }}
   201    if len(rawProps) > 0 {
   202      {{ .ValueExpression }} = make(map[string]{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalProperties }})
   203      for k, v := range rawProps {
   204        var toadd {{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalProperties }}
   205        if err := json.Unmarshal(v, {{if not .AdditionalProperties.IsNullable }}&{{ end }}toadd); err != nil {
   206          return err
   207        }
   208        {{ .ValueExpression }}[k] = toadd
   209      }
   210    }
   211      {{ else }}
   212        {{ .ValueExpression }} = rawProps
   213      {{ end }}
   214    {{ end }}
   216    return nil
   217  }
   219  // MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
   220  func ({{.ReceiverName}} {{ pascalize .Name }}) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { {{ $receiverName := .ReceiverName }}
   221  	var b1, b2, b3 []byte
   222  	var err error
   223  	b1, err = json.Marshal({{ template "withoutBaseTypeBodyOrNonExported" . }})
   224  	if err != nil {
   225  		return nil, err
   226  	}
   227  	b2, err = json.Marshal({{ template "withBaseTypeBodyAndNonExported" . }})
   228  	if err != nil {
   229  		return nil, err
   230  	}
   231    {{ if .IsAdditionalProperties }}
   232    if len({{ .ValueExpression }}) > 0 {
   233      // make JSON object for the additional properties
   234      b3, err = json.Marshal({{ .ValueExpression }})
   235      if err != nil {
   236        return nil, err
   237      }
   238    }
   239    {{ end }}
   241  	return swag.ConcatJSON(b1, b2, b3), nil
   242  }
   243  {{ end }}
   245  {{ define "allOfSerializer" }} 
   246    {{- $receiverName := .ReceiverName }}
   247  // UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
   248  func ({{.ReceiverName}} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error {
   249    {{- range .AllOf }}
   250      // {{ pascalize .Name }}
   251      {{- if and .IsAnonymous .Properties }}{{/* unmarshalling properties in all of anonymous objects */}}
   252        {{- $part :=  pascalize .Name }}
   253        var data{{ $part }} struct {
   254        {{- range .Properties }}
   255          {{- if not .IsBaseType }}
   256            {{- if not $.IsExported }}
   257              {{ template "privstructfield" . }}
   258            {{- else }}
   259              {{ pascalize .Name}} {{ template "schemaType" . }} `json:"{{ .Name }}{{ if and (not .Required) .IsEmptyOmitted }},omitempty{{ end }}"`
   260            {{- end }}
   261          {{ else }}
   262            {{ if not $.IsExported }}
   263              {{ template "privstructfield" . }}
   264            {{ else }}
   265              {{ pascalize .Name}} json.RawMessage `json:"{{ .Name }}{{ if and (not .Required) .IsEmptyOmitted }},omitempty{{ end }}"`
   266            {{ end }}
   267          {{ end }}
   268        {{- end }}
   269        {{- if .HasAdditionalProperties }}
   270          {{ pascalize .AdditionalProperties.Name }}{{ if not .IsExported }}Field{{ end }} map[string]{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalProperties }} `json:"-"`
   271        {{- end }}
   272        {{- if .AdditionalItems }}
   273          {{ pascalize .AdditionalItems.Name }}{{ if or (not .IsExported) .IsSubType }}Field{{ end }} []{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalItems }} `json:"-"`
   274        {{- end }}
   275    }
   276    if err := swag.ReadJSON(raw, &data{{ $part }}); err != nil {
   277      return err
   278    }
   279        {{ range .Properties }}
   280    {{ $receiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = data{{ $part }}.{{ pascalize .Name }}
   281        {{ end }}
   282      {{- else if .IsAnonymous }}
   283    var {{ varname .Name }} {{ .GoType }}
   284    if err := {{ if .IsBaseType}}Unmarshal{{ .GoType }}(bytes.NewBuffer(raw), &{{ varname .Name }}){{ else }} swag.ReadJSON(raw, &{{ varname .Name }}){{ end }}; err != nil {
   285      return err
   286    }
   287    {{ .ValueExpression }} = {{ varname .Name }}
   288      {{- end }}
   289      {{- if not .IsAnonymous }}{{/* unmarshalling allOf named objects */}}
   290    var {{ varname .Name }} {{ .GoType }}
   291    if err := {{ if .IsBaseType}}Unmarshal{{ .GoType }}(bytes.NewBuffer(raw), &{{ varname .Name }}){{ else }} swag.ReadJSON(raw, &{{ varname .Name }}){{ end }}; err != nil {
   292      return err
   293    }
   294    {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ stripPackage .GoType "" }} = {{ varname .Name }}
   295      {{ end }}
   296    {{ end }}
   297    {{- if .Properties }}
   298      // now for regular properties
   299      {{- $part :=  pascalize .Name }}
   300      var props{{ $part }} struct {
   301      {{- range .Properties }}
   302        {{- if not .IsBaseType }}
   303          {{- if not $.IsExported }}
   304            {{ template "privstructfield" . }}
   305          {{- else }}
   306            {{ pascalize .Name}} {{ template "schemaType" . }} `json:"{{ .Name }}{{ if and (not .Required) .IsEmptyOmitted }},omitempty{{ end }}"`
   307          {{- end }}
   308        {{- else }}
   309          {{- if not $.IsExported }}
   310            {{ template "privstructfield" . }}
   311          {{- else }}
   312            {{ pascalize .Name}} json.RawMessage `json:"{{ .Name }}{{ if and (not .Required) .IsEmptyOmitted }},omitempty{{ end }}"`
   313          {{- end }}
   314        {{- end }}
   315      {{ end }}
   316      }
   317      if err := swag.ReadJSON(raw, &props{{ $part }}); err != nil {
   318         return err
   319      }
   320      {{- range .Properties }}
   321        {{ $receiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = props{{ $part }}.{{ pascalize .Name }}
   322      {{ end }}
   323    {{- end }}
   324    {{ if .HasAdditionalProperties }}
   325    // TODO: AdditionalProperties
   326    {{- end }}
   327    {{- if .AdditionalItems }}
   328    // TODO: AdditionalItems
   329    {{- end }}
   330    return nil
   331  }
   333  // MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
   334  func ({{.ReceiverName}} {{ pascalize .Name }}) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   335    _parts := make([][]byte, 0, {{ len .AllOf }})
   336    {{ range .AllOf }}
   337      {{- if and .IsAnonymous .Properties }}
   338        {{- $part :=  pascalize .Name }}
   339    var data{{ $part }} struct {
   340        {{- range .Properties }}
   341          {{- if not .IsBaseType }}
   342            {{ if not $.IsExported }}
   343              {{ template "privstructfield" . }}
   344            {{ else }}
   345              {{ pascalize .Name}} {{ template "schemaType" . }} `json:"{{ .Name }}{{ if and (not .Required) .IsEmptyOmitted }},omitempty{{ end }}"`
   346            {{ end }}
   347          {{- else }}
   348            {{ if not $.IsExported }}
   349              {{ template "privstructfield" . }}
   350            {{ else }}
   351              {{ pascalize .Name}} json.RawMessage `json:"{{ .Name }}{{ if and (not .Required) .IsEmptyOmitted }},omitempty{{ end }}"`
   352            {{ end}}
   353          {{- end }}
   354        {{ end }}
   355        {{ if .HasAdditionalProperties }}
   356          {{ pascalize .AdditionalProperties.Name }}{{ if not .IsExported }}Field{{ end }} map[string]{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalProperties }} `json:"-"`
   357        {{ end }}
   358        {{ if .AdditionalItems }}
   359          {{ pascalize .AdditionalItems.Name }}{{ if or (not .IsExported) .IsSubType }}Field{{ end }} []{{ template "schemaType" .AdditionalItems }} `json:"-"`
   360        {{ end }}
   361    }
   363        {{ range .Properties }}
   364    data{{ $part }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ $receiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }}
   365        {{ end }}
   367    jsonData{{ $part }}, err{{ $part }} := swag.WriteJSON(data{{ $part }})
   368    if err{{ $part }} != nil {
   369      return nil, err{{ $part }}
   370    }
   371    _parts = append(_parts, jsonData{{ $part }})
   372      {{- else if .IsAnonymous }}{{/* unmarshalling anonymous type composition */}}
   373    {{ varname .Name }}, err := swag.WriteJSON({{ .ValueExpression }})
   374    if err != nil {
   375      return nil, err
   376    }
   377    _parts = append(_parts, {{ varname .Name }})
   378      {{- end }}
   379      {{ if not .IsAnonymous }}
   380    {{ varname .Name }}, err := swag.WriteJSON({{ $receiverName }}.{{ stripPackage .GoType "" }})
   381    if err != nil {
   382      return nil, err
   383    }
   384    _parts = append(_parts, {{ varname .Name }})
   385      {{ end }}
   386    {{ end }}
   387    {{- if .Properties }}
   388      // now for regular properties
   389      {{- $part :=  pascalize .Name }}
   390      var props{{ $part }} struct {
   391      {{- range .Properties }}
   392        {{- if not .IsBaseType }}
   393          {{- if not $.IsExported }}
   394            {{ template "privstructfield" . }}
   395          {{- else }}
   396            {{ pascalize .Name}} {{ template "schemaType" . }} `json:"{{ .Name }}{{ if and (not .Required) .IsEmptyOmitted }},omitempty{{ end }}"`
   397          {{- end }}
   398        {{- else }}
   399          {{- if not $.IsExported }}
   400            {{ template "privstructfield" . }}
   401          {{- else }}
   402            {{ pascalize .Name}} json.RawMessage `json:"{{ .Name }}{{ if and (not .Required) .IsEmptyOmitted }},omitempty{{ end }}"`
   403          {{- end }}
   404        {{- end }}
   405      {{ end }}
   406      }
   407      {{- range .Properties }}
   408      props{{ $part }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ $receiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }}
   409      {{ end }}
   410      jsonDataProps{{ $part }}, err{{ $part }} := swag.WriteJSON(props{{ $part }})
   411      if err{{ $part }} != nil {
   412          return nil, err{{ $part }}
   413      }
   414      _parts = append(_parts, jsonDataProps{{ $part }})
   415    {{- end }}
   416    {{- if .HasAdditionalProperties }}
   417    {{- end }}
   418    {{- if .HasAdditionalItems }}
   419    {{- end }}
   420    return swag.ConcatJSON(_parts...), nil
   421  }
   422  {{ end }}
   424  {{ define "schemaSerializer" }}
   425    {{- if and .IsSubType (not .HasBaseType) }}
   426      {{ template "hasDiscriminatedSerializer" . }}
   427    {{ else if .IsTuple }}
   428      {{ template "tupleSerializer" . }}
   429    {{ else if .HasBaseType -}}
   430      {{ template "hasDiscriminatedSerializer" . }}
   431    {{ else if .IsAdditionalProperties }}
   432      {{ template "additionalPropertiesSerializer" . }}
   433    {{- else if and (gt (len .AllOf) 0) (not .IsSubType ) -}}
   434      {{ template "allOfSerializer" . }}
   435    {{ end -}}
   436  {{ end }}