
     1  - DocumentID: pipe-arrow
     2    Title: >-
     3       `->` Arrow Pipe
     4    CategoryID: parser
     5    Summary: >-
     6      Pipes STDOUT from the left hand command to STDIN of the right hand command
     7    Description: |-
     8      This token behaves much like pipe would in Bash or similar shells. It passes
     9      STDOUT along the pipeline while merging STDERR stream with the parents STDERR
    10      stream.
    12      `->` differs from `|` in the interactive terminal where it produces different
    13      autocompletion suggestion. It returns a list of "methods". That is, commands
    14      that are known to support the output type of the previous command. `->` helps
    15      with the discovery of commandline tools.
    17      In shell scripts, `->` and `|` can be used interchangeably.
    18    Examples: |-
    19      ```
    20      » out Hello, world! -> regexp s/world/Earth/
    21      Hello, Earth!
    23      » out Hello, world!->regexp s/world/Earth/
    24      Hello, Earth!
    25      ```
    27      In following example the first command is writing to STDERR rather than STDOUT
    28      so `Hello, world!` doesn't get pipelined and thus isn't affected by `regexp`:
    30      ```
    31      » err Hello, world! -> regexp s/world/Earth/
    32      Hello, world!
    33      ```
    34    Detail: |-
    35    Related:
    36    - pipe-posix
    37    - pipe-generic
    38    - namedpipe
    39    - pipe-err
    40    - pipeline
    41    - out
    42    - err
    43    - regexp
    47  - DocumentID: pipe-err
    48    Title: >-
    49      `?` STDERR Pipe
    50    CategoryID: parser
    51    Summary: >-
    52      Pipes STDERR from the left hand command to STDIN of the right hand command (DEPRECATED)
    53    Description: |-
    54      This token swaps the STDOUT and STDERR streams of the left hand command.
    56      Please note that this token is only effective when it is prefixed by white
    57      space.
    59      > This feature has been deprecated. Please use `<err> <!out>` instead. For example:
    60      > ```
    61      > command <err> <!out> parameter-1 parameter-2 -> next-command parameter-1
    62      > ```
    63    Examples: |-
    64      ```
    65      » err Hello, world! ? regexp s/world/Earth/
    66      Hello, Earth!
    67      ```
    69      In following example the first command is writing to STDOUT rather than STDERR
    70      so `Hello, world!` doesn't get pipelined and thus isn't affected by `regexp`:
    72      ```
    73      » out Hello, world! ? regexp s/world/Earth/
    74      Hello, world!
    75      ```
    77      In following example the STDERR token isn't whitespace padded so is treated
    78      like any ordinary printable character:
    80      ```
    81      » err Hello, world!? regexp s/world/Earth/
    82      Hello, world!? regexp s/world/Earth/
    83      ```
    84    Detail: |-
    85    Related:
    86    - pipe-arrow
    87    - pipe-generic
    88    - namedpipe
    89    - pipe-posix
    90    - pipeline
    91    - out
    92    - err
    93    - regexp
    97  - DocumentID: pipe-generic
    98    Title: >-
    99      `=>` Generic Pipe
   100    CategoryID: parser
   101    Summary: >-
   102      Pipes a reformatted STDOUT stream from the left hand command to STDIN of the
   103      right hand command
   104    Description: |-
   105      This token behaves much like the `|` pipe would except it injects `format
   106      generic` into the pipeline. The purpose of a formatted pipe is to support
   107      piping out to external commands which don't support Murex data types. For
   108      example they might expect arrays as lists rather than JSON objects).
   109    Examples: |-
   110      ```
   111      » ja [Mon..Wed] => cat
   112      Mon
   113      Tue
   114      Wed
   115      ```
   117      The above is literally the same as typing:
   119      ```
   120      » ja [Mon..Wed] -> format generic -> cat
   121      Mon
   122      Tue
   123      Wed
   124      ```
   126      To demonstrate how the previous pipeline might look without a formatted pipe:
   128      ```
   129      » ja [Mon..Wed] -> cat
   130      ["Mon","Tue","Wed"]
   132      » ja [Mon..Wed] | cat
   133      ["Mon","Tue","Wed"]
   135      » ja [Mon..Wed]
   136      [
   137          "Mon",
   138          "Tue",
   139          "Wed"
   140      ]
   141      ```
   142    Detail: |-
   143    Related:
   144    - pipe-arrow
   145    - pipe-posix
   146    - namedpipe
   147    - pipe-err
   148    - pipeline
   149    - ja
   150    - format
   154  - DocumentID: pipe-posix
   155    Title: >-
   156      `|` POSIX Pipe
   157    CategoryID: parser
   158    Summary: >-
   159      Pipes STDOUT from the left hand command to STDIN of the right hand command
   160    Description: |-
   161      This token behaves much like pipe would in Bash or similar shells. It passes
   162      STDOUT along the pipeline while merging STDERR stream with the parents STDERR
   163      stream.
   165      It can be used interchangeably with the arrow pipe, `->`, in shell scripts.
   166    Examples: |-
   167      ```
   168      » out Hello, world! | regexp s/world/Earth/
   169      Hello, Earth!
   171      » out Hello, world!|regexp s/world/Earth/
   172      Hello, Earth!
   173      ```
   175      In this example the first command is writing to STDERR rather than STDOUT so
   176      `Hello, world!` doesn't get pipelined and thus isn't affected by `regexp`:
   178      ```
   179      » err Hello, world! | regexp s/world/Earth/
   180      Hello, world!
   181      ```
   182    #Tests: |-
   183    #  ```go
   184    #  {{ include "lang/parser_docs/pipeposix_test.go" }}
   185    #  ```
   186    Detail: |-
   187    Related:
   188    - pipe-arrow
   189    - pipe-generic
   190    - namedpipe
   191    - pipe-err
   192    - pipeline
   193    - out
   194    - err
   195    - regexp
   199  - DocumentID: pipe-append
   200    Title: >-
   201       `>>` Append Pipe
   202    CategoryID: parser
   203    Summary: >-
   204      Redirects STDOUT to a file and append its contents
   205    Description: |-
   206      This is used to redirect the STDOUT of a command and append it to a file. If
   207      that file does not exist, then the file is created.
   209      This behaves similarly to the [Bash (et al) token](
   210      except it doesn't support adding alternative file descriptor numbers. Instead
   211      you will need to use named pipes to achieve the same effect in Murex.
   212    Examples: |-
   213      ```
   214      » out "Hello" >> example.txt
   215      » out "World!" >> example.txt
   216      » open example.txt
   217      Hello
   218      World!
   219      ```
   220    Detail: |-
   221      This is just syntactic sugar for `-> >>`. Thus when the parser reads code like
   222      the following:
   224      ```
   225      echo "foobar" >> example.txt
   226      ```
   228      it will compile an abstract syntax tree which would reflect the following code
   229      instead:
   231      ```
   232      echo "foobar" | >> example.txt
   233      ```
   235      ### Truncating a file
   237      To truncate a file (ie overwrite its contents) use `|>` instead.
   238    Related:
   239    - pipe-arrow
   240    - pipe-posix
   241    - namedpipe
   242    - pipe-err
   243    - pipeline
   244    - ja
   245    - greater-than-greater-than
   246    - greater-than