
     1  package spacequota_test
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	testcmd ""
    12  	testconfig ""
    13  	testterm ""
    15  	. ""
    16  	. ""
    17  	. ""
    18  )
    20  var _ = Describe("quotas command", func() {
    21  	var (
    22  		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
    23  		quotaRepo           *spacequotasfakes.FakeSpaceQuotaRepository
    24  		requirementsFactory *requirementsfakes.FakeFactory
    25  		configRepo          coreconfig.Repository
    26  		deps                commandregistry.Dependency
    27  	)
    29  	updateCommandDependency := func(pluginCall bool) {
    30  		deps.UI = ui
    31  		deps.RepoLocator = deps.RepoLocator.SetSpaceQuotaRepository(quotaRepo)
    32  		deps.Config = configRepo
    33  		commandregistry.Commands.SetCommand(commandregistry.Commands.FindCommand("space-quota").SetDependency(deps, pluginCall))
    34  	}
    36  	BeforeEach(func() {
    37  		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
    38  		quotaRepo = new(spacequotasfakes.FakeSpaceQuotaRepository)
    39  		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
    40  		requirementsFactory = new(requirementsfakes.FakeFactory)
    41  		requirementsFactory.NewLoginRequirementReturns(requirements.Passing{})
    42  	})
    44  	runCommand := func(args ...string) bool {
    45  		return testcmd.RunCLICommand("space-quota", args, requirementsFactory, updateCommandDependency, false, ui)
    46  	}
    48  	Describe("requirements", func() {
    49  		It("requires the user to be logged in", func() {
    50  			requirementsFactory.NewLoginRequirementReturns(requirements.Failing{Message: "not logged in"})
    51  			Expect(runCommand("foo")).ToNot(HavePassedRequirements())
    52  		})
    54  		It("requires the user to target an org", func() {
    55  			orgReq := new(requirementsfakes.FakeTargetedOrgRequirement)
    56  			orgReq.ExecuteReturns(errors.New("not targeting org"))
    57  			requirementsFactory.NewTargetedOrgRequirementReturns(orgReq)
    58  			Expect(runCommand("bar")).ToNot(HavePassedRequirements())
    59  		})
    61  		It("fails when a quota name is not provided", func() {
    62  			requirementsFactory.NewTargetedOrgRequirementReturns(new(requirementsfakes.FakeTargetedOrgRequirement))
    63  			Expect(runCommand()).ToNot(HavePassedRequirements())
    64  		})
    65  	})
    67  	Context("when logged in", func() {
    68  		JustBeforeEach(func() {
    69  			requirementsFactory.NewTargetedOrgRequirementReturns(new(requirementsfakes.FakeTargetedOrgRequirement))
    70  			runCommand("quota-name")
    71  		})
    73  		Context("when quotas exist", func() {
    74  			BeforeEach(func() {
    75  				quotaRepo.FindByNameReturns(
    76  					models.SpaceQuota{
    77  						Name:                    "quota-name",
    78  						MemoryLimit:             1024,
    79  						InstanceMemoryLimit:     -1,
    80  						RoutesLimit:             111,
    81  						ServicesLimit:           222,
    82  						NonBasicServicesAllowed: true,
    83  						OrgGUID:                 "my-org-guid",
    84  						AppInstanceLimit:        5,
    85  						ReservedRoutePortsLimit: "4",
    86  					}, nil)
    87  			})
    89  			It("lists the specific quota info", func() {
    90  				Expect(quotaRepo.FindByNameArgsForCall(0)).To(Equal("quota-name"))
    91  				Expect(ui.Outputs()).To(ContainSubstrings(
    92  					[]string{"Getting space quota quota-name info as", "my-user"},
    93  					[]string{"OK"},
    94  					[]string{"total memory limit", "1G"},
    95  					[]string{"instance memory limit", "unlimited"},
    96  					[]string{"routes", "111"},
    97  					[]string{"service", "222"},
    98  					[]string{"non basic services", "allowed"},
    99  					[]string{"app instance limit", "5"},
   100  					[]string{"reserved route ports", "4"},
   101  				))
   102  			})
   104  			Context("when the services are unlimited", func() {
   105  				BeforeEach(func() {
   106  					quotaRepo.FindByNameReturns(
   107  						models.SpaceQuota{
   108  							Name:                    "quota-name",
   109  							MemoryLimit:             1024,
   110  							InstanceMemoryLimit:     14,
   111  							RoutesLimit:             111,
   112  							ServicesLimit:           -1,
   113  							NonBasicServicesAllowed: true,
   114  							OrgGUID:                 "my-org-guid",
   115  						}, nil)
   117  				})
   119  				It("replaces -1 with unlimited", func() {
   120  					Expect(quotaRepo.FindByNameArgsForCall(0)).To(Equal("quota-name"))
   121  					Expect(ui.Outputs()).To(ContainSubstrings(
   122  						[]string{"Getting space quota quota-name info as", "my-user"},
   123  						[]string{"OK"},
   124  						[]string{"total memory limit", "1G"},
   125  						[]string{"instance memory limit", "14M"},
   126  						[]string{"routes", "111"},
   127  						[]string{"service", "unlimited"},
   128  						[]string{"non basic services", "allowed"},
   129  					))
   130  				})
   131  			})
   133  			Context("when the app instances are unlimited", func() {
   134  				BeforeEach(func() {
   135  					quotaRepo.FindByNameReturns(
   136  						models.SpaceQuota{
   137  							Name:                    "quota-name",
   138  							MemoryLimit:             1024,
   139  							InstanceMemoryLimit:     -1,
   140  							RoutesLimit:             111,
   141  							ServicesLimit:           222,
   142  							NonBasicServicesAllowed: true,
   143  							OrgGUID:                 "my-org-guid",
   144  							AppInstanceLimit:        -1,
   145  						}, nil)
   146  				})
   148  				It("replaces -1 with unlimited", func() {
   149  					Expect(quotaRepo.FindByNameArgsForCall(0)).To(Equal("quota-name"))
   150  					Expect(ui.Outputs()).To(ContainSubstrings(
   151  						[]string{"Getting space quota quota-name info as", "my-user"},
   152  						[]string{"OK"},
   153  						[]string{"total memory limit", "1G"},
   154  						[]string{"instance memory limit", "unlimited"},
   155  						[]string{"routes", "111"},
   156  						[]string{"service", "222"},
   157  						[]string{"non basic services", "allowed"},
   158  						[]string{"app instance limit", "unlimited"},
   159  					))
   160  				})
   161  			})
   162  		})
   163  		Context("when an error occurs fetching quotas", func() {
   164  			BeforeEach(func() {
   165  				quotaRepo.FindByNameReturns(models.SpaceQuota{}, errors.New("I haz a borken!"))
   166  			})
   168  			It("prints an error", func() {
   169  				Expect(ui.Outputs()).To(ContainSubstrings(
   170  					[]string{"Getting space quota quota-name info as", "my-user"},
   171  					[]string{"FAILED"},
   172  				))
   173  			})
   174  		})
   175  	})
   177  })