(about) 1 package isolated 2 3 import ( 4 "" 5 . "" 6 . "" 7 . "" 8 . "" 9 ) 10 11 func expectHelpText(session *Session) { 12 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`NAME:`)) 13 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`create-space - Create a space\n`)) 14 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\n`)) 15 16 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`USAGE:`)) 17 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`cf create-space SPACE \[-o ORG\] \[-q SPACE_QUOTA\]\n`)) 18 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\n`)) 19 20 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`OPTIONS:`)) 21 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`-o\s+Organization`)) 22 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`-q\s+Quota to assign to the newly created space`)) 23 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\n`)) 24 25 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`SEE ALSO:`)) 26 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`set-space-isolation-segment, space-quotas, spaces, target`)) 27 } 28 29 func expectSuccessTextAndExitCode(session *Session, user, orgName, spaceName string) { 30 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating space %s in org %s as %s\.\.\.`, spaceName, orgName, user)) 31 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`OK\n`)) 32 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Assigning role SpaceManager to user %s in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, user, orgName, spaceName, user)) 33 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`OK\n`)) 34 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Assigning role SpaceDeveloper to user %s in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, user, orgName, spaceName, user)) 35 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`OK\n\n`)) 36 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`TIP: Use 'cf target -o "%s" -s "%s"' to target new space`, orgName, spaceName)) 37 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 38 } 39 40 var _ = Describe("create-space", func() { 41 var spaceName string 42 43 When("invoked with --help", func() { 44 It("displays the help information", func() { 45 session := helpers.CF("create-space", "--help") 46 expectHelpText(session) 47 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 48 }) 49 }) 50 51 When("invoked with no arguments", func() { 52 It("shows an error and the help text", func() { 53 session := helpers.CF("create-space") 54 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Incorrect Usage: the required argument `SPACE` was not provided")) 55 expectHelpText(session) 56 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1)) 57 }) 58 }) 59 60 When("the environment is not set up correctly", func() { 61 It("fails with the appropriate errors", func() { 62 helpers.CheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly(false, false, "", "create-space", "some-space") 63 }) 64 }) 65 66 BeforeEach(func() { 67 spaceName = helpers.NewSpaceName() 68 }) 69 70 When("logged in as a client", func() { 71 var client, orgName string 72 73 BeforeEach(func() { 74 client = helpers.LoginCFWithClientCredentials() 75 orgName = helpers.CreateAndTargetOrg() 76 }) 77 78 It("successfully creates a space and assigns roles to the client", func() { 79 session := helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName) 80 expectSuccessTextAndExitCode(session, client, orgName, spaceName) 81 82 session = helpers.CF("space", spaceName, "--guid") 83 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 84 session = helpers.CF("space-users", orgName, spaceName) 85 86 Eventually(session).Should(Say("SPACE MANAGER")) 87 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+%s \(client\)`, client)) 88 Eventually(session).Should(Say("SPACE DEVELOPER")) 89 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`\s+%s \(client\)`, client)) 90 }) 91 }) 92 93 When("logged in as a user", func() { 94 var user, orgName string 95 96 BeforeEach(func() { 97 user = helpers.LoginCF() 98 orgName = helpers.CreateAndTargetOrg() 99 }) 100 101 When("the space already exists", func() { 102 BeforeEach(func() { 103 session := helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName) 104 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 105 }) 106 107 It("warns the user that the space already exists", func() { 108 session := helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName) 109 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating space %s in org %s as %s\.\.\.`, spaceName, orgName, user)) 110 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Space %s already exists`, spaceName)) 111 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`OK\n`)) 112 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 113 }) 114 }) 115 116 When("the space does not exist yet", func() { 117 When("a quota is not specified", func() { 118 It("creates the space in the targeted org", func() { 119 session := helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName) 120 expectSuccessTextAndExitCode(session, user, orgName, spaceName) 121 122 session = helpers.CF("space", spaceName) 123 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`name:\s+%s`, spaceName)) 124 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`org:\s+%s`, orgName)) 125 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 126 }) 127 128 It("makes the user a space manager and space developer", func() { 129 session := helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName) 130 expectSuccessTextAndExitCode(session, user, orgName, spaceName) 131 132 session = helpers.CF("space-users", orgName, spaceName) 133 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`SPACE MANAGER\n\s+%s`, user)) 134 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`SPACE DEVELOPER\n\s+%s`, user)) 135 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 136 }) 137 }) 138 139 When("quota is specified", func() { 140 var ( 141 quotaName string 142 session *Session 143 ) 144 145 When("the quota exists", func() { 146 BeforeEach(func() { 147 quotaName = helpers.QuotaName() 148 quotaSession := helpers.CF("create-space-quota", quotaName) 149 Eventually(quotaSession).Should(Exit(0)) 150 }) 151 152 It("creates the space with the provided quota", func() { 153 session = helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName, "-q", quotaName) 154 expectSuccessTextAndExitCode(session, user, orgName, spaceName) 155 session = helpers.CF("space", spaceName) 156 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`name:\s+%s`, spaceName)) 157 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`space quota:\s+%s`, quotaName)) 158 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 159 }) 160 }) 161 162 When("the quota does not exist", func() { 163 BeforeEach(func() { 164 quotaName = "no-such-quota" 165 session = helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName, "-q", quotaName) 166 }) 167 168 It("fails with an error", func() { 169 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating space %s in org %s as %s\.\.\.`, spaceName, orgName, user)) 170 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Quota no-such-quota not found`)) 171 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`FAILED\n`)) 172 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1)) 173 }) 174 175 It("does not create the space", func() { 176 Eventually(helpers.CF("space", spaceName)).Should(Exit(1)) 177 }) 178 }) 179 }) 180 181 When("org is specified", func() { 182 var session *Session 183 184 When("the org exists", func() { 185 BeforeEach(func() { 186 orgName = helpers.NewOrgName() 187 orgSession := helpers.CF("create-org", orgName) 188 Eventually(orgSession).Should(Exit(0)) 189 }) 190 191 It("creates the space in the specified org", func() { 192 session = helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName, "-o", orgName) 193 expectSuccessTextAndExitCode(session, user, orgName, spaceName) 194 195 helpers.TargetOrg(orgName) 196 session = helpers.CF("space", spaceName) 197 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`name:\s+%s`, spaceName)) 198 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`org:\s+%s`, orgName)) 199 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 200 }) 201 }) 202 203 When("the org does not exist", func() { 204 BeforeEach(func() { 205 orgName = "no-such-org" 206 }) 207 208 It("fails with an error and does not create the space", func() { 209 session = helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName, "-o", orgName) 210 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating space %s in org %s as %s\.\.\.`, spaceName, orgName, user)) 211 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`Organization '%s' not found`, orgName)) 212 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`FAILED\n`)) 213 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1)) 214 215 Eventually(helpers.CF("space", spaceName)).Should(Exit(1)) 216 }) 217 }) 218 }) 219 220 When("the user is not authorized to create a space", func() { 221 var user string 222 223 BeforeEach(func() { 224 user = helpers.SwitchToOrgRole(orgName, "OrgAuditor") 225 }) 226 227 AfterEach(func() { 228 helpers.ClearTarget() 229 Expect(user).To(MatchRegexp(`^INTEGRATION-USER-[\da-f-]+$`)) 230 helpers.DeleteUser(user) 231 }) 232 233 It("fails with an error telling the user that they are not authorized", func() { 234 session := helpers.CF("create-space", spaceName, "-o", orgName) 235 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Creating space %s in org %s as %s\.\.\.`, spaceName, orgName, user)) 236 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say(`You are not authorized to perform the requested action`)) 237 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`FAILED\n`)) 238 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1)) 239 }) 240 }) 241 }) 242 }) 243 })