
     1  {
     2    "comment": [
     3      "I have no impact to the broker (json doesn't support comments explicitly)",
     4      "",
     5      "Run 'curl <service-broker-url>/config' to fetch the current configuration of the service broker",
     6      "Run 'curl <service-broker-url>/config -d @<json-file>' to update the current configuration of the service broker",
     7      "",
     8      "With the exception of catalog, behaviors are defined with responses by service plan guid. 'default' is the fallback response that the broker will use if a plan is not provided.",
     9      "",
    10      "Instead of specifying the 'body' key for responses, you can provide 'raw_body' which is a string of the response to return.",
    11      "raw_body allows you to specify invalid json responses. The 'body' key must be missing for the service broker to use raw_body."
    12    ],
    13    "behaviors": {
    14      "catalog": {
    15        "sleep_seconds": 0,
    16        "status": 200,
    17        "body": {
    18          "services": [
    19            {
    20              "name": "fake-service",
    21              "id": "f479b64b-7c25-42e6-8d8f-e6d22c456c9b",
    22              "description": "fake service",
    23              "tags": [
    24                "no-sql",
    25                "relational"
    26              ],
    27              "requires": [
    28                "route_forwarding"
    29              ],
    30              "max_db_per_node": 5,
    31              "bindable": true,
    32              "metadata": {
    33                "provider": {
    34                  "name": "The name"
    35                },
    36                "listing": {
    37                  "imageUrl": "",
    38                  "blurb": "fake broker that is fake",
    39                  "longDescription": "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away..."
    40                },
    41                "displayName": "The Fake Broker",
    42                "shareable": true
    43              },
    44              "dashboard_client": {
    45                "id": "sso-test",
    46                "secret": "sso-secret",
    47                "redirect_uri": "http://localhost:5551"
    48              },
    49              "plan_updateable": true,
    50              "plans": [
    51                {
    52                  "name": "fake-plan",
    53                  "id": "fake-plan-guid",
    54                  "description": "Shared fake Server, 5tb persistent disk, 40 max concurrent connections",
    55                  "max_storage_tb": 5,
    56                  "metadata": {
    57                    "cost": 0,
    58                    "bullets": [
    59                      {
    60                        "content": "Shared fake server"
    61                      },
    62                      {
    63                        "content": "5 TB storage"
    64                      },
    65                      {
    66                        "content": "40 concurrent connections"
    67                      }
    68                    ]
    69                  }
    70                },
    71                {
    72                  "name": "fake-async-plan",
    73                  "id": "fake-async-plan-guid",
    74                  "description": "Shared fake Server, 5tb persistent disk, 40 max concurrent connections. 100 async",
    75                  "max_storage_tb": 5,
    76                  "metadata": {
    77                    "cost": 0,
    78                    "bullets": [
    79                      {
    80                        "content": "40 concurrent connections"
    81                      }
    82                    ]
    83                  }
    84                },
    85                {
    86                  "name": "fake-async-only-plan",
    87                  "id": "fake-async-only-plan-guid",
    88                  "description": "Shared fake Server, 5tb persistent disk, 40 max concurrent connections. 100 async",
    89                  "max_storage_tb": 5,
    90                  "metadata": {
    91                    "cost": 0,
    92                    "bullets": [
    93                      {
    94                        "content": "40 concurrent connections"
    95                      }
    96                    ]
    97                  }
    98                }
    99              ]
   100            }
   101          ]
   102        }
   103      },
   104      "provision": {
   105        "fake-async-plan-guid": {
   106          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   107          "status": 202,
   108          "body": {}
   109        },
   110        "fake-async-only-plan-guid": {
   111          "async_only": true,
   112          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   113          "status": 202,
   114          "body": {}
   115        },
   116        "default": {
   117          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   118          "status": 200,
   119          "body": {}
   120        }
   121      },
   122      "fetch": {
   123        "default": {
   124          "in_progress": {
   125            "sleep_seconds": 0,
   126            "status": 200,
   127            "body": {
   128              "state": "in progress"
   129            }
   130          },
   131          "finished": {
   132            "sleep_seconds": 0,
   133            "status": 200,
   134            "body": {
   135              "state": "succeeded"
   136            }
   137          }
   138        }
   139      },
   140      "update": {
   141        "fake-async-plan-guid": {
   142          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   143          "status": 202,
   144          "body": {}
   145        },
   146        "fake-async-only-plan-guid": {
   147          "async_only": true,
   148          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   149          "status": 202,
   150          "body": {}
   151        },
   152        "default": {
   153          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   154          "status": 200,
   155          "body": {}
   156        }
   157      },
   158      "deprovision": {
   159        "fake-async-plan-guid": {
   160          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   161          "status": 202,
   162          "body": {}
   163        },
   164        "fake-async-only-plan-guid": {
   165          "async_only": true,
   166          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   167          "status": 202,
   168          "body": {}
   169        },
   170        "default": {
   171          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   172          "status": 200,
   173          "body": {}
   174        }
   175      },
   176      "bind": {
   177        "default": {
   178          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   179          "status": 201,
   180          "body": {
   181            "route_service_url": "",
   182            "credentials": {
   183              "uri": "fake-service://fake-user:fake-password@fake-host:3306/fake-dbname",
   184              "username": "fake-user",
   185              "password": "fake-password",
   186              "host": "fake-host",
   187              "port": 3306,
   188              "database": "fake-dbname"
   189            }
   190          }
   191        }
   192      },
   193      "unbind": {
   194        "default": {
   195          "sleep_seconds": 0,
   196          "status": 200,
   197          "body": {}
   198        }
   199      }
   200    },
   201    "service_instances": {},
   202    "service_bindings": {},
   203    "max_fetch_service_instance_requests": 1
   204  }