
     1  package godog
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"io"
     7  	"strings"
     8  	"testing"
    10  	""
    11  )
    13  type csiState int
    15  const (
    16  	outsideCsiCode csiState = iota
    17  	firstCsiCode
    18  	secondCsiCode
    19  )
    21  type tagColorWriter struct {
    22  	w             io.Writer
    23  	state         csiState
    24  	paramStartBuf bytes.Buffer
    25  	paramBuf      bytes.Buffer
    26  	tag           string
    27  }
    29  const (
    30  	firstCsiChar   byte = '\x1b'
    31  	secondeCsiChar byte = '['
    32  	separatorChar  byte = ';'
    33  	sgrCode        byte = 'm'
    34  )
    36  const (
    37  	ansiReset        = "0"
    38  	ansiIntensityOn  = "1"
    39  	ansiIntensityOff = "21"
    40  	ansiUnderlineOn  = "4"
    41  	ansiUnderlineOff = "24"
    42  	ansiBlinkOn      = "5"
    43  	ansiBlinkOff     = "25"
    45  	ansiForegroundBlack   = "30"
    46  	ansiForegroundRed     = "31"
    47  	ansiForegroundGreen   = "32"
    48  	ansiForegroundYellow  = "33"
    49  	ansiForegroundBlue    = "34"
    50  	ansiForegroundMagenta = "35"
    51  	ansiForegroundCyan    = "36"
    52  	ansiForegroundWhite   = "37"
    53  	ansiForegroundDefault = "39"
    55  	ansiBackgroundBlack   = "40"
    56  	ansiBackgroundRed     = "41"
    57  	ansiBackgroundGreen   = "42"
    58  	ansiBackgroundYellow  = "43"
    59  	ansiBackgroundBlue    = "44"
    60  	ansiBackgroundMagenta = "45"
    61  	ansiBackgroundCyan    = "46"
    62  	ansiBackgroundWhite   = "47"
    63  	ansiBackgroundDefault = "49"
    65  	ansiLightForegroundGray    = "90"
    66  	ansiLightForegroundRed     = "91"
    67  	ansiLightForegroundGreen   = "92"
    68  	ansiLightForegroundYellow  = "93"
    69  	ansiLightForegroundBlue    = "94"
    70  	ansiLightForegroundMagenta = "95"
    71  	ansiLightForegroundCyan    = "96"
    72  	ansiLightForegroundWhite   = "97"
    74  	ansiLightBackgroundGray    = "100"
    75  	ansiLightBackgroundRed     = "101"
    76  	ansiLightBackgroundGreen   = "102"
    77  	ansiLightBackgroundYellow  = "103"
    78  	ansiLightBackgroundBlue    = "104"
    79  	ansiLightBackgroundMagenta = "105"
    80  	ansiLightBackgroundCyan    = "106"
    81  	ansiLightBackgroundWhite   = "107"
    82  )
    84  var colorMap = map[string]string{
    85  	ansiForegroundBlack:   "black",
    86  	ansiForegroundRed:     "red",
    87  	ansiForegroundGreen:   "green",
    88  	ansiForegroundYellow:  "yellow",
    89  	ansiForegroundBlue:    "blue",
    90  	ansiForegroundMagenta: "magenta",
    91  	ansiForegroundCyan:    "cyan",
    92  	ansiForegroundWhite:   "white",
    93  	ansiForegroundDefault: "",
    94  }
    96  func (cw *tagColorWriter) flushBuffer() (int, error) {
    97  	return cw.flushTo(cw.w)
    98  }
   100  func (cw *tagColorWriter) resetBuffer() (int, error) {
   101  	return cw.flushTo(nil)
   102  }
   104  func (cw *tagColorWriter) flushTo(w io.Writer) (int, error) {
   105  	var n1, n2 int
   106  	var err error
   108  	startBytes := cw.paramStartBuf.Bytes()
   109  	cw.paramStartBuf.Reset()
   110  	if w != nil {
   111  		n1, err = cw.w.Write(startBytes)
   112  		if err != nil {
   113  			return n1, err
   114  		}
   115  	} else {
   116  		n1 = len(startBytes)
   117  	}
   118  	paramBytes := cw.paramBuf.Bytes()
   119  	cw.paramBuf.Reset()
   120  	if w != nil {
   121  		n2, err = cw.w.Write(paramBytes)
   122  		if err != nil {
   123  			return n1 + n2, err
   124  		}
   125  	} else {
   126  		n2 = len(paramBytes)
   127  	}
   128  	return n1 + n2, nil
   129  }
   131  func isParameterChar(b byte) bool {
   132  	return ('0' <= b && b <= '9') || b == separatorChar
   133  }
   135  func (cw *tagColorWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
   136  	r, nw, first, last := 0, 0, 0, 0
   138  	var err error
   139  	for i, ch := range p {
   140  		switch cw.state {
   141  		case outsideCsiCode:
   142  			if ch == firstCsiChar {
   143  				cw.paramStartBuf.WriteByte(ch)
   144  				cw.state = firstCsiCode
   145  			}
   146  		case firstCsiCode:
   147  			switch ch {
   148  			case firstCsiChar:
   149  				cw.paramStartBuf.WriteByte(ch)
   150  				break
   151  			case secondeCsiChar:
   152  				cw.paramStartBuf.WriteByte(ch)
   153  				cw.state = secondCsiCode
   154  				last = i - 1
   155  			default:
   156  				cw.resetBuffer()
   157  				cw.state = outsideCsiCode
   158  			}
   159  		case secondCsiCode:
   160  			if isParameterChar(ch) {
   161  				cw.paramBuf.WriteByte(ch)
   162  			} else {
   163  				nw, err = cw.w.Write(p[first:last])
   164  				r += nw
   165  				if err != nil {
   166  					return r, err
   167  				}
   168  				first = i + 1
   169  				if ch == sgrCode {
   170  					cw.changeColor()
   171  				}
   172  				n, _ := cw.resetBuffer()
   173  				// Add one more to the size of the buffer for the last ch
   174  				r += n + 1
   176  				cw.state = outsideCsiCode
   177  			}
   178  		default:
   179  			cw.state = outsideCsiCode
   180  		}
   181  	}
   183  	if cw.state == outsideCsiCode {
   184  		nw, err = cw.w.Write(p[first:])
   185  		r += nw
   186  	}
   188  	return r, err
   189  }
   191  func (cw *tagColorWriter) changeColor() {
   192  	strParam := cw.paramBuf.String()
   193  	if len(strParam) <= 0 {
   194  		strParam = "0"
   195  	}
   196  	csiParam := strings.Split(strParam, string(separatorChar))
   197  	for _, p := range csiParam {
   198  		c, ok := colorMap[p]
   199  		switch {
   200  		case !ok:
   201  			switch p {
   202  			case ansiReset:
   203  				fmt.Fprint(cw.w, "</"+cw.tag+">")
   204  				cw.tag = ""
   205  			case ansiIntensityOn:
   206  				cw.tag = "bold-" + cw.tag
   207  			case ansiIntensityOff:
   208  			case ansiUnderlineOn:
   209  			case ansiUnderlineOff:
   210  			case ansiBlinkOn:
   211  			case ansiBlinkOff:
   212  			default:
   213  				// unknown code
   214  			}
   215  		default:
   216  			cw.tag += c
   217  			fmt.Fprint(cw.w, "<"+cw.tag+">")
   218  		}
   219  	}
   220  }
   222  func TestTagColorWriter(t *testing.T) {
   223  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   224  	w := &tagColorWriter{w: &buf}
   226  	s := fmt.Sprintf("text %s then %s", colors.Red("in red"), colors.Yellow("yel"))
   227  	fmt.Fprint(w, s)
   229  	expected := "text <red>in red</red> then <yellow>yel</yellow>"
   230  	if buf.String() != expected {
   231  		t.Fatalf("expected `%s` but got `%s`", expected, buf.String())
   232  	}
   233  }
   235  func TestTagBoldColorWriter(t *testing.T) {
   236  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   237  	w := &tagColorWriter{w: &buf}
   239  	s := fmt.Sprintf(
   240  		"text %s then %s",
   241  		colors.Bold(colors.Red)("in red"),
   242  		colors.Bold(colors.Yellow)("yel"),
   243  	)
   244  	fmt.Fprint(w, s)
   246  	expected := "text <bold-red>in red</bold-red> then <bold-yellow>yel</bold-yellow>"
   247  	if buf.String() != expected {
   248  		t.Fatalf("expected `%s` but got `%s`", expected, buf.String())
   249  	}
   250  }